3 Creepy True Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
Story 1 : Kathryn Weinstein Story 3 : "BluHippo" Insta: https://www.instagram.com/realmrnightmare/...
Video Transcript:
[Music] I was house-sitting for my grandma one weekend while she went to Florida with some of her church friends I was sleeping in the guest bedroom next to her room the guest bedroom always had two twin beds inside of it that my brother and I would sleep in when we had sleepovers on her house I took the bed next to the window but before getting into bed I checked all the doors making sure they were locked when I did get into bed it was early and I didn't actually go to sleep for a while there
wasn't much to do at my grandma's house I was just on my phone for an hour to watching videos texting people whatever that's when I thought I could start hearing someone's voice outside it sounded like a woman's voice saying hello I left the bedroom and inched my way closer to the front door moving slow because I was trying to listen it was a woman's voice just going hello like every ten seconds as I got closer to the front door I realized that's where it seemed to be coming from my grandma's door doesn't have the people
but the windows in her dining room gave a clear view of the front porch so I went over to that window to attempt to get a view of who was out there I tried peeking my head in between the plastic blinds without making it obvious but I guess I didn't do a good job of that because when I looked I did see a woman on my grandma's stoop and she was looking right at me as if she knew I was going to be looking through those blinds once again she said hello with some freakish smile
on her face this woman was older but don't picture her as some innocent looking small old lady she looked like she was maybe late 50s early 60s and something about her face just skeeved me out I moved away from the window and thought maybe it was one of my grandma's friends it was midnight though why would anyone come to the door thusly why wouldn't she knock or ring the bell why was she just standing out there going hello over and over I was genuinely unsettled I just went back to the guest bedroom and shut the
door now with the door shut as opposed to before and I couldn't hear that woman anymore maybe who was that and where she just decided to leave I started texting everyone about it my sister's my friends telling them how bizarre it was but a good amount of time passed and silence and I was starting to calm down my sisters were telling me to call grandma but there was a 0% chance she was awake and she barely ever even checked her cell phone anyway just like that something broke the silence a banging at the window not
a knocking or tabbing and banging I felt that fierce pain in my chest area as my body entered that fight-or-flight mode shortly after the banging stops I heard that familiar voice say hello with that boost of adrenaline I guess I had the extra confidence to grab the blinds and push it up there I was face to face with his horrifying older lady with only a thin layer of glass between us I screamed at her smiling gross face I'm calling the cops I pulled the blind back down and ran back outside to the living room I
looked around the house then ran upstairs to box myself into the upstairs guest bedroom I didn't want to actually call the cops I don't know why I wanted to just wait it out I crawled into the bed and the upstairs guest bedroom and tucked myself under the covers a couple hours later I was still awake and I finally only then went back downstairs to look outside each window that freaky old lady seemed to be gone the next morning I called my grandma and told her what happened she started yelling into the phone clearly panicking and
distressed she told me how a few days earlier she was being watched in the grocery store by some woman about 10 years younger than her who just kept smiling at her for no reason I told her to calm down I didn't entirely know whether to correlate the two or not but when we eventually got off the phone with each other I did have to give it a second thought my grandma is 75 she has lost a bit of her wits so I do have to take some of the things she says with a grain of
salt but the way she yelled into the phone about the woman in the store really gave me the chills I still wonder if it could have been the same person my name is Nicolas currently a freshman at Syracuse University which doesn't exactly sit in the safest area they just went through a breakup with my first girlfriend so I started getting back into the online dating scene I was using that hinge when I found some blonde girl named Stephanie who I really connected with she also went to Syracuse we both like to read to go to
the movies we even had the same sense of humor I suggested we go on a movie date and she said she loved to she told me to meet her at some specific point near campus and she'd picked me up so around 9 o'clock I waited on some corner of a normal neighborhood block waiting for Stephanie she asked me to share my location with her and so I did a few minutes later I saw a car turn down the street and start approaching me then it stopped in front of me and the driver rolled down the
window it wasn't Stephanie though but some old random guy yes what I was doing alone out here which was insanely weird first of all that I said I was waiting for someone he asked if I was waiting for Stephanie and I said yeah how'd you know he said he was Stephanie's father and told me to hop in so he could give me a ride to her I took a good look at him and he looked a little old to be her father to be honest I'm no idiot when it comes to sketchy situations so I
said in a firm voice why didn't you tell me you'd be picking me up he claimed he didn't trust a random guy meeting up with his daughter and wanted to meet me first I took another good look at the man and didn't say anything I simply started walking away in the opposite direction from where his car was facing he started yelling hey hey sounding surprised that I was just walking away like that but I've heard way too many kidnapping stories to know where this could potentially go I heard the guys car moving and I turned
to make sure he wasn't doing a u-turn to follow me I breathed a sigh of relief when he drove straight and turned left out of sight I continued walking down the block towards campus I got to the corner of the block I was just about to make a turn when I noticed what I was pretty sure to be the same car the man was driving just parked on the side of the road with the lights shut off I briefly tried looking into the window as I passed but the glass was tinted I tried not making
it obvious that I was suspicious and continued walking I got a text from the so called Stephanie person saying why didn't you get in the car with my dad I ignored the text and continued walking I kept looking back to see if the car would move when he got to an intersection in the road I turned right and then full unbooked it in the direction of campus surprisingly I wasn't followed I made it back to campus out of breath started walking to my dorm building I felt like I heard footsteps following you though I thought
maybe I was being paranoid when I heard a piece of broken glass being kicked by someone's shoe I knew I was being tailed I made a point of ducking down behind a van and stopping to give me time to listen for where the footsteps were coming they were a few cars away from me and I remembered I never stop sharing my location with Stephanie or should I say that man I saw him he was that old man he was approaching from between two cars across from me he yelled something that I didn't fully understand but
it sounded like he said come back and I'll take you to her he had to be like 60 something there's no way he would catch me if I sprinted I lost him easily when I ran and made it back to my dorm room my roommate wasn't there so I had no one to talk to about it but when I laid my bed I got another text from that man and it was shocking it said you're a little piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you're lucky you got away I would have strangled your ugly
ass I still have the screenshot I replied saying thanks for the threat it's going straight to the police and I blocked his number I still have the conversation saved as evidence and I plan on going to the police with it eventually hopefully they are able to do something about it when I was 18 I had a side job as a part-time janitor at my high school over the summer I would work sometimes days and sometimes nights anywhere from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. depending on how much money I needed oftentimes I would be left to
lock up the building when the older janitors have left this was a time before the high school had cameras installed in every single hallway so one night one of my superiors Tom had to leave early meaning I'd be finishing up the rest of my shift alone and I'd be locking up for the night he told me text him if I need anything as he always did and then he left I loved it when I was left alone because usually I just do half an hour of work and then just hang around on my phone or
leave early and still get paid for the whole shift I definitely pushed it with the things I get away with at that place one of the things Tom asked me to do before leaving was bring all the extra seats in the gymnasium from the assembly down to the basement storage room so I figured I'd do that then just go home I grabbed a stack of six chairs and started carrying it down to the basement the lights in the storage room were very dim they kind of suck whole basement of that school wasn't exactly pretty it
felt more like a basement to a warehouse anyway there were what appeared to be a bunch of art mannequins covered by paint cloths you know those big things that look like blankets it seemed all the schools art supplies were stored down here I dropped the stack of chairs down where the rest of the chairs were stored and went back up to the gym to get more when I came back down with more chairs I noticed one of the mannequins was exposed now the blanket was removed from on top of it I know for sure it
was covered minutes earlier because it was one of the front ones I texted Tom saying I think someone's down in the basement he said back what do you mean and I said one of the art cloths were moved he took a minute to respond saying no one else should be there and I noticed something the art cloth tucked in the corner of the storage room sitting outside of the light that was produced at the center of the room it was covering something surely I started to tiptoe over to it when I was a few feet
away from it I realized whatever was under that cloth it was moving just ever so slightly there was undoubtedly someone hiding under there and ran back upstairs and lock the basement door a text the top saying someone is hiding under a cloth in the basement he said call the cops but I insisted he just come back since he only just left like 10 minutes ago he didn't want to come back though he told me to be a man and confront whoever was down there so it sounds with a basement again however the cloth was now
strewn flat on the floor and whoever was hiding under there was gone but possibly the scariest thing was yet to happen as I stood in the storage room there were loud metallic thumps coming from above my head I looked up and saw indents slowly forming in the large air vents above me someone was crawling through the main-deck then just stopped literally above me and that bangs bangs like whoever was in there was trying to break open the floor of the air vents and he know what was happening but I was officially done with this I
ran up the stairs locked up the school and went home I told Tom the partial truth the next day but I thought I saw someone in the corner and it was gone when I went back and I claimed there was nothing else I could say they got it was my last week there so it wasn't my concern anymore [Music] [Music]
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