Aja com calma - Raul Teixeira

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Você é uma pessoa calma? Costuma pensar antes de agir? Você tem paz? Há um provérbio popular que e...
Video Transcript:
Life and values Act calmly There's a popular saying who says the haste makes waste. Who never heard this? We've always heard that haste harms the work of perfection.
Of course, this saying must mean that, if we do things clumsily, hastily we have all the possibilities to commit errors, to commit mistakes, to forget things, to mismatch. We've all had experiences in our lives. When we leave the house in a hurry we forget something backwards, we leave something open, the lamp on or what we were going to take to do we forget it at home.
It's very common to realize how haste complicates us, stirs us up, excites us. And in this world that we live in, what it have most is excitement, hustle and bustle. We're in a world of stress.
People are always agitated, always late, always delayed for some commitment The more time people are given the less time they have. Humanity received various implements of progress: machines to make our jobs easier, domestic machines, washing machines treadmills dishwasher self-cleaning stoves. All electronic, all electric, all easy.
Refrigerator that defrosts, refrigerator that produces ice, which we take out at the door. All to make our lives easier. And we're always running.
We never have time. Something's wrong. If God does not commit mistakes, those mistakes must be committed by us.
Calm is the big word at this moment. Take it easy is very important in our social, family relationships and in relations with us as well. But being calm is even more important.
Many people say: I lost my temper with so-and-so. How do you lose your temper? How do you lose your patience?
If both calm and patience are virtues enthroned in our being, are virtues already assimilated by being How do we lose it? When we say we lose our temper or that we lose patience we're setting that we we were never calm, we were never patient. Calm and patience were not yet attributes of our personality, we were patients for convenience, when we had interests.
We were calmed for convenience, when any interest affected our desires. Then it's worth to think, when we talk about calm, you shouldn't think about that paralysis, that slowness, that inability that characterizes so many people in the world. When one thinks that they are doing some service they haven't gone yet.
When one imagines they're already coming back with the product of what they've achieved, they haven't gone yet. No, this is not calm. This is slowness, Laziness accommodation or any other related name that we want to give them.
Calm is an active virtue. The person is calm in thought, evaluates what has to be done, what one is going to do, how you want to do it and what is the intensity of your doing. A calm person.
Has everything structured in mind already, but does not overwhelm oneself. Jesus Christ proposed this to us: Do not be troubled by tomorrow. Every day its eagerness is enough.
According to some translations: Every day its evil is enough. This message of Jesus Christ It is for the sake of patience. If we are patient, if we are going to be patient don't mind us tomorrow because we'll be aware that tomorrow it will be nothing but the consequence of our day.
So, it's not worth suffering for tomorrow. if we're not going to live well today. Today, we plasm tomorrow, we plasm the future.
So, the most important is that we learn to be calm. It's a job that takes time, requires our effort for self-knowledge so that we can verify the most sensitive areas of our personality where any jabs, any contact can make us blow up, Torment for lack of calm. You're watching Life and values As long as that we act calmly, in the face of situations, we'll have time to reflect about calm.
Why do one get calm? Calm is a state of self-control that the individual exercises over oneself. Calm is the consequence of a state of confidence.
As long as we have confidence in ourselves, in institutions, in things, we acquire calm, we know that everything will happen at the right time. If we are deists, if we adopt any deist belief, we have a duty to work for calm because it's from this calm that we can reflect better about Cosmos, about life on Earth, About us and what we're doing here, what we have to do here, what's the reason the Creator brought us here. And within this view of things, we will understand God's calm.
Why can we say about God's calm? Our Creator is so sure that sooner or later we all have to achieve happiness, victory over ourselves, that created the temporal dimension for us. Time is the great agent that prodigies us to achieve calm.
It's through time that we check day after day, without fuss, no riot. The days that follow, the nights that follow, the days demonstrating God's patience. We put a seed on the ground and we expect it to germinae, that it grows, flourish that can bear fruit.
Patience work. No farmer would put the seed on the ground and next week would like to reap the fruits of this sowing. One needs to be patient.
then when we think of this patience from God, generating in our lives he possibility of working, in time and in space, we'll start checking the time we wasted with the turmoil, with the excitement. If we had to say anything to someone, let's talk calmly. It doesn't matter if someone says that we are meek and mild.
It's very common calm people being confused to meek and mild people. It is said that someone is meek and mild when this one doesn't react, when the one is that way all the time. But the proposal of the good Spirits it's because of our positive action on the path of calm.
It's so important that when we see that blood boils, get in the room, stay in the room, take a cold shower to relax. It's not worth to give flow to temperament, it's not worth unleashing to the agitations of the inmost. It's really worth, work to maintain our calm.
We Know that for twelve hours the day will be lit up by the star king and in a little while we'll have the night speckled with stars. Throughout the days and the nights the week closes, the month closes, the year closes. As no one of us know, in the meantime, in this interval until when the Creator intends us to stay here, let us exercise our calm while it's today.
When in our house things seem to get serious to us, let's hide in our room, let's call for prayer conscious, contrite, asking our Creator, to the Everlasting the blessings for us let's not lose our way of calm. Not that we're going to lose it, we just shouldn't get lost in excitement, in agitation. When we think of God's calm, we see how long He is waiting for us.
how long He has been waiting for us. . .
Only from Jesus are two millennia that have passed already. And how can I not have patience and calm? face to misconceptions, mistakes, stumbles of my beloved ones, of those around me on the world trajectory.
Always be calm. Act calmly.
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