The Fastest Way to Get Lean (FROM ANY BODY FAT LEVEL!)

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If you want to know the fastest way to get lean and aren't quite sure where to start, you're going t...
Video Transcript:
what's up guys shift Cavalier can I ask you a question an honest question would you rather lose weight and be leaning fast or forever and what if the forever way actually allowed you to be just a little bit slower than the fast you're thinking of right now if you watch this video I can show you a way to get from any of these bodies that you might be in right now to something up here on the top or even if you're already up on the top row how to get to someone even further down
in terms of body fat level the fact is guys when you follow the right methods this becomes a lot easier than it has to be as a matter of fact if you failed at some point along the way you're not going to fail anymore let me show you the right way to do this so that you never have to do this again so let's start at the top shall we we're going to start with someone in their high 30s in terms of their body fat percentage now if you allow me to speaking some generalities here
because I don't know exactly who this person is I know a lot about what they're doing and it's actually a whole lot of nothing you see because this person is likely very inactive They Don't Really exercise that much and if they do it's not often enough or really at any appreciable level of intensity that would actually deliver some kind of result what they are doing a lot of is eating in sort of doing and eating whatever the hell they want whenever they want now look if this is you it's okay because I'm going to help
you to get to that extreme level of body fat if that's what you desire but we have to make one big change and that is don't focus on the extreme just yet because if this is your goal that should not be your immediate goal that's going to set you up for failure you see your real goal should be this guy right here I know it's not necessarily the most desirable physique but it's better than this and it is the one that is sustainable and actually achievable for now because nobody got from this guy here to
this guy here without first going through all of these body types and that's why we have to focus on the one that we actually could do something about so how do we do this with a series of followable actionable steps that you can do especially if you look like this right now and the first thing you're going to have to do is increase that activity level and not a lot not a huge demand here because I understand that getting around at this weight is probably going to be a little bit challenging but I'm looking for
three 30 minute walks each week we're talking about zone two cardio meaning you can still carry on a conversation but you're a little bit out of breath exercise at that intensity level for three times a week and you're going to be off and running now the next thing you're going to have to do is check yourself what I mean by that is a lot of times people that are in this body type right now are there because they don't just eat a lot but they also drink maybe quite a bit you're going to have to
cut that back because number one not only is alcohol very easily ingested and calorie counts can kind of get out of control pretty quickly but when you're at this size it often takes a lot more alcohol to get the effects of the alcohol in other words you can drink a lot more and along with the extra drinking you're getting a lot more calories which is going to what put on more weight as you put on more weight you're able to tolerate more alcohol and the Vicious Cycle begins so what I'm recommending is that you cut
back in half what you're doing right now so that means if each time you go out and drink you're having four or six drinks cut that back to two or three and if you go out let's say four times a week to drink cut that back to two let's just start making an initial effort to cut back the amount of drinking that you're doing the third thing you want to do is address the whenever part of eating whatever and whenever because I want to put you on something called prescriptive eating I'm not going to look
to change whatever you're eating right now because I know sometimes that could be unsuccessful all I'm looking to do is just change when you're eating it so we have a clock that we're going to eat around and I have an entire video that I'll link for you here at the end of this video that you can check out on how to specifically do this but you're going to start eating six times a day every 2 and a half to 3 hours now that might mean that you have to start shrinking down some of the meals
that you're eating in order to be hungry each time those meal times come around but that's a good thing because we're going to start to have an impact on portion control which is often times one of the biggest reasons why people find themselves at this size if you do those things guys you're well off and running on your way to dropping down to that achievable goal of the low 30s but then where we go from there well you guessed it because there's no way to get down to the sub 10% body fat levels if you're
in the low 30s without first going through the high 20s and that means we have the establishment of a new body goal now keep in mind if you're trying to figure out where you're going to start and what you're going to do specifically you don't just want to watch the one that pertains to your specific goal of where you're at right now to the next one in line but also make sure you watch the one before this so you can see what type of habits you have to have to prevent going up any higher than
where you are right now now specifically here the next action steps increase that activity level further so you don't have to increase the frequency I'm still okay with the three times a week of Zone 2 cardio but now increase the length of that let's say 45 to 60 minutes per session that increase is going to effectively double the amount that you're doing which is going to have an additional caloric burn which will help in the long run the second thing now is we do start to focus on some of those specific foods that you're eating
and we got to make that first pass through right the obvious one get rid of the [ __ ] right take out some of those fried foods take out the candies the sweets the cakes or at least cut them significantly back because there's no way that you're even in this body type without indulging more than you should so if we start to make some of those cuts I also want you to focus once again on that alcohol we made an initial half cut can we make another half cut in other words bring it down to
a quarter of what you were taking in before if you do you'll be rewarded the third thing I want you to do is start to implement some weight training cuz this is critical this is sort of the decision point for you do you want to just lose weight and become sort of a skinnier version but no less developed than you are right now that's okay but it's not the best route because what I want you to do is start ingraining the habit of strength training start lifting weights two times per week in a total body
fashion and you can find a great example of how to do this specifically with our ab workouts that appear in our perfect beginner workout if you haven't already checked it out I will also show you what it looks like here and Link it in the description below when this video is over make sure that you start to incorporate the strength training with the conditioning work to get that Amplified effect and then finally in terms of the diet you have to do two things for me increase the amount of fiber that you're eating right now which
would come most easily through vegetables and also make sure that you have protein at every single meal protein is not as easy as you might think it is to come by especially not in lowfat versions I'm talking about making some smart choices this is where protein pows and supplementation might start to become very helpful for you especially as you're trying to meet that 5 to six times a day eating frequency speaking of protein if you're looking for the highest quality protein I recommend none other than Pro 30g because it's the one I put my name
on an industry leading 30 gram of protein per serving with 28 servings per bag bringing it to a costeffective 6 and2 cents per gram guys we know we have to support our body transformation efforts with high quality nutrition for me there's none higher than Pro 30g the combination of the protein and the fiber together is going to also act as a satiety Aid in other words furthering that first step that we already took with portion control via the prescriptive eating well this is going to help to actually make you feel more full at every meal
further decreasing the likelihood that you're going to overeat and remember again it's Little Steps at a time because the Little Steps feel doable and not overwhelming it will lead to your success long term and now is where the real fun begins because it's at this point when we go from the high 20s to the low 20s that the changes become very noticeable and they become sort of self-motivating cuz you can start to see some things happen happening here and the first thing we're going to have to do to make this transition is you're going to
have to increase the amount of weight training that you're doing because again we want to not just get thinner and lose weight but we want to start to sculpt that out and build more muscle so it starts to take on a different look and that means we're going to go to three times a week of strength training and working out with weights and again you could follow that perfect beginner workout as written now because that third additional workout is already scripted in for you to follow step by step the next thing we're going to do
though is make a compensation in terms of the amount of conditioning that we're doing because I don't want to start to just pile on demands and make you work out six and seven days a week we can just cut back one of those days of the longdistance conditioning work that zone 2 cardio but we're going to require that you at least have the 60-minute session now as far as how you eat the first thing I want you to do now is make some additional refinements and the good thing is the refinements will come as I
said before almost in a self motivating way because as you start to make additional small changes you start to see the results and become inspired by them so it's a lot easier to continue to make them and I'm talking about again sort of little things like the choice of condiments that you put on your food right whether it's barbecue sauce which is loaded in sugar and calories or wishare sauce for example which has a lot fewer calories you got to make the right choices when it come to salads what type of dressing you putting on
there can you make wiser choices there how are you cooking or preparing your foods for example if you've been eating chicken maybe you've already made the move away from frying your chicken to grilling your chicken or maybe now is the perfect time to finally make the break from chicken parmesan to a cake cajan chicken just be conscious of how you're preparing your Foods because that small change is going to add up to big amounts of calories which will further your deficit and get you down on this path now the last thing I would tell you
here is we introduced the plate division method really effectively at this point and this is a point where a lot of guys hang out this high 20s area is a very popular body fat unfortunately for most men so what's the plate division method it's just a requirement of how you split up your plate requiring that you start with onethird of that plate being filled with a lean protein and then from here now you take 2/3 of the remainder of that plate and you put fibrous carbohydrates the ones we already talked about and then you can
have those starchy carbohydrates because those are the ones that will help you to keep your sanity they're also the ones that often times taste the best but you can sort of minimize their contribution there because they're also the types of foods that you most easily overeat on so if we can start to control the portions additionally through the division of how you put your food on your plate that will have a big impact on making this a lot easier transition to get to down here once again I made a whole video on how to do
this plate division method specifically and I'll link that for you in the description as well so you can make sure that you get it right with no guess work and the next step on the journey is where a lot of guys will find themselves right now and that is in those low 20s trying to get into those teens in other words they want to lose the two and finally get into those teen percentages of body fat well it could be done but your commitment is going to have to increase here specifically your commitment to weight
training you're going to have to increase this to five times a week and again it's because I I know that long term the key to the effectiveness of your pursuit of lower body fat levels is going to be the additional muscle mass that you're building through your efforts in the gym and not only will they help you metabolically to continue your Pursuit down to lower levels of body fat but they're going to make you look a hell a lot better too cuz it's not the skinny fat body type that I'm looking to help you achieve
here not just about losing weight but actually sculpting a more muscular physique so with those four to five days a week you're going to have a lot more choices and that is you can follow a lot of different training splits I'll put another video for you down in the description that will help you to decide which split will work best for you as I lay out the comparisons between them but really what's most important is that you choose one and you follow it to a te continuing to exert the high levels of effort and intensity
in your training to build the muscle that we're trying to build the second thing you're going to do though is start to make a transition in the types of conditioning that you're doing so not always the low intensity steady state cardio that we've kind of advocated to this point but starting to opt for the high-intensity interval training the zone cardio that stresses you at a much higher level that you can only really do for a maximum of about 20 minutes in a session but that will pay off because it's muscle preserving and it's also in
some ways muscle building especially if you start to introduce sprinting type activities into what you're doing the key is that you actually introduce the hit training and you only have to do it about two times per week choose any two of the five workouts and do it at the end of that session so you're not having to add in additional days as far as that low intensity steady state you can still continue that once a week making sure that the duration is that hourong length now as far as the nutrition at this point again you're
going to have to make some additional refinements but I find that they are very easy to start doing because you're so encouraged by what you see making additional changes is something you know you can do you've done it before you've seen the results why can't you keep refining and that's the point where I'm talking about when you make that protein selection in terms of your plate division you're making smarter leaner choices when you're looking for your starchy carbohydrates you're making good whole food choices like for me would be sweet potatoes and when you're making those
fibrous carbohydrate selections it's not something you're just forcing yourself to do you're actually developing a taste for those and enjoy them being on the plate in such abundance and as has been the case the whole time here guys the steps I'm laying out for you are designed to be doable and followable they're not overreaching and setting you up for failure and by doing so we actually have the ability to take this journey even further not just from the high to the mid teens but even further from the teens to the low double and this is
how we do it you see no High teen to low teen transition is ever going to occur without an increased focus on nutrition at this point in other words you could become stuck here if you don't really really focus on what you're eating now of course your training is going to continue and at this point you might even decide to change the workout split you're doing to keep your excitement levels up for the workouts you're doing the fact is the real changes are going to have to occur in the kitchen and what I'm talking about
is more refinement of how you're eating your dialogue might even change the word cheat meal will will start to introduce itself because it's a diversion from how you're eating regularly now and as a matter of fact cheap meals are going to probably change from here to here to become cheap Foods in other words the entirety of the whole meal may not be a cheap meal just portions of it and those should be limited really to about three to four times per week if you want to start getting into these low-level teen body fat levels supplementally
you're going to start to probably introduce some other options here again to support your hard training you might become interested in workouts or you might have all importantly Muscle Recovery as part of the equation but protein powder by this point is really not an option it's really a part of what most people do in terms of supplementing the hard efforts in the gym and for you making sure you meet the requirements that you're going to need to support your new muscle growth nutrition is the key to breaking through that mid- team barrier to finally get
you into these lower levels of body fat that may have been sort of a block for you up to this point and so now if you find yourself on the doorstep of single-digit body fat and your wondering exactly what to do to get there well I'm going to make it really easy for you because the difference between this guy and this guy is always going to be once again about one thing and that is not what he does in the one hour he's in the gym but what he does in the other 23 hours away
from the gym how you eat determines whether you look like this or you don't and I can speak from personal experience it's not even the amount of conditioning that you do is how you eat 24/7 and consistency becomes the key determining factor between this guy and this guy because some people can sort of eat their way this way for a very short period of time but very few can keep themselves that way unless they've done this the right way and that is step by step as I showed you so far because the differences between what
they eat and he eats is not all that different it's just the fact that he can do it a lot more consistently you guys know all about my lack of cheap meals or even cheap Foods in my diet I don't do that because I'm depriving myself or it's because it's painful for me to do it's actually second nature and very easy because I've made this transition over many many many many years you can do the same thing at a setup rate here but you have to take it step by step by step because if we
look at this journey again in order to get here this guy's probably having one to two cheap Foods a week at Max maybe not even that many depends on how low the body fat levels get sub 10 but you can do it guys you just have to focus on taking this journey and being okay with that cuz you can't jump from here here all the way to there if you do you set yourself up for failure you may identify this is the goal but if you think you're going to get there with this as your
starting point you're going to get there any time fast you're setting yourself up for disaster guys I plead for you to follow these steps and not to overreach in terms of what you're trying to achieve you will get there I promise every single time if you set realistic attainable physique goals I just mapped out a way for you to do that now the power's in your hands if you're looking for a complete way to do this guys that's what athletex is all about I've laid out step-by-step workout and meal plans that take you on this
journey and a really practical easy to follow away not to mention we do it safely and also if you're looking for supplementation high quality protein pre-workouts Muscle Recovery we have it all over at guys I wish you luck on your journey here I know you can achieve this now you just got to go do the work all right guys we be back here again in just a few days with another video see you soon
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