okay so water covers much of our planet but some bodies of water are far from ordinary from lakes that change colors to Rivers made of acid join me I'm going to show you 15 of the strangest bodies of water number 15 imagine a peaceful Lake nestled in the hills of Cameroon looking as calm as any other this is Lake nios but locals have long called it the bad Lake Whispering Tales of an evil spirit lurking beneath its surface turns out these spooky stories have a grain of Truth lake naos is no ordinary Lake it's a
Crater Lake formed by a volcanic eruption about 400 years ago beneath it magma bubbles away releasing gases like carbon dioxide into the water usually Lakes let these gases escape bit by bit but not Lake Niles this Lake was like a soda bottle shaken but never opened holding in more and more CO2 over the years it became a massive pressurized trap with over 5 gallons of Co CO2 dissolved in every gallon of water then came August 21st 1986 something maybe a landslide of alanic Hiccup or even a heavy rainstorm set off the lak's big burp suddenly
Lake nyos erupted with a force that shot Water 300 ft into the air and created a mini tsunami on the surface but the real danger was invisible a gigantic cloud of CO2 gas burst out and flowed silently across the land this dense gas cloud move fast and low sweeping through nearby Villages without warning people and animals didn't stand a chance the CO2 pushed out all the oxygen causing instant Suffocation in the village of nios out of 800 people only six survived some managed to hop on motorcycles and race to Higher Grounds fires went out lamps
flickered off and darkness fell as the gas smothered everything in total 1746 lives were lost and entire Villages were left eerily empty like a ghost town after the disaster the once Clear Lake turned a rusty red this change came from the iron rich water churned up from the depths a haunting reminder of the powerful forces hidden beneath the surface so the next time you're gazing at a tranquil Lake remember the story of Lake nios the Serene lake with a deadly secret lurking below number 14 the sultan sea the sultan sea in Southern California might seem
like a typical lake at first glance but it is anything but ordinary its story is one of natural mishaps and human interference bordering Mexico and in a low-lying desert Basin below sea level the sultan sea has experienced some extreme Transformations over the past 3 million years but this sea isn't the product of an ancient Ocean or slow geological shift its current form is the unintended result of a human-made disaster for most lakes and rivers rainfall is only a temporary stop before it heads to the oceans but for some basins including the Sal Salton Sea that's
sit below sea level with no natural Outlets this means that water flows in but doesn't flow out creating a unique mix of environmental challenges although the Basin has held water at various times over millions of years by the early 1900s it was mostly dry then came a project to divert the Colorado River's water to irrigate California's Imperial Valley but the irrigation channels failed and the river swollen with snow melt from the Rockies broke through but unlike most lakes it wasn't replenished by fresh rainfall or streams instead it relied heavily on agricultural runoff from the surrounding
Farmland this constant influx of fertilizers and pesticides began to poison the water over time the lake became saltier than the ocean and fish species started to die off leaving only the Hardy tilapia to survive the impact wasn't just on the fish either the area home to over 400 species of birds became a danger zone for migratory flocks birds were increasingly sickened by body ISM and other lethal bacteria today though what remains of the shoreline is a bizarre Eerie landscape littered with dead fish abandoned boats and traces of old Resorts despite its desolate State the salt
and sea is still important its Shores remain one of North America's most diverted bird refuge and California spent years trying to find a better way to restore it if the sea dries up entirely it could release dangerous dust clouds across the region leading to a public health and environmental crisis number 13 The Devil's Kettle in the rugged terrain of Minnesota's judge CR Magny State Park where the bru River crashes through the forest and Rocky ridges lies a geological mystery the Devil's Kettle at first glance the bru River behaves as any River should flowing towards Lake
Superior in a series of Scenic waterfalls and Rapids but near the edge of a 50-ft cliff the river encounters a rock formation that splits it in two with one side cascading down towards the lake while the other plunges into a deep gaping hole that's known as Devil's Kettle only to seemingly vanish Without a Trace for years this water portal to Nowhere lived up to its devilish name confounding locals visitors and scientists alike despite extensive experiments over the years dropping dye pingpong balls and even logs into the hole no objects or traces ever emerged a hiker
even repelled 26 ft into the kettle but couldn't see the bottom theories abounded some believe the water might be taking an underground tunnel to Lake Superior While others imagine the kettle connecting two vast unexplored Caverns the Devil's Kettle is carved into rolly an ous Rock almost as hard as granite and not prone to forming deep caves or hollow tubes this meant that the typical explanation for underground Rivers water flowing through Limestone caves or lava tubes seemed unlikely then in 2016 scientists from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources conducted a series of new studies to find
finally cracked the case by comparing the river's water volume above and below Devil's Kettle they discovered that the water volume remained consistent meaning the water wasn't disappearing instead it appeared that the water plunging into the kettle was rejoining the river Downstream in 2017 the researchers confirmed this the water isn't slipping away to some underground lake or Abyss but is instead looping back into the bru River just a short distance away number 12 the sonote and deep within the Mexican jungle near the ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum Cenote Angelita holds one of the most Eerie sites
for divers a river within the depths of an underwater Cavern Angelita meaning little angel in Spanish is part of Mexico's cenot Network a series of natural sink holes formed when porous Limestone Bedrock collapses the cenot plunges about 200 ft into the Earth with a diameter wide enough to create a hauntingly open tranquil surface it has divers descend through the clear greenish Waters they're met with an incredible optical illusion a river seemingly flowing within the water this underwater river is an example of the strange wonders of chemistry and geology about 90 ft below the surface divers
encounter a thick ghostly layer of fog separating the clear fresh water from the denser saltier water below this murky River of sorts is created by a natural process called halican a separation between two layers of water with v vastly different salinity levels in the halican zone hydrogen sulfide gas combines with the water to form a Milky sulfurous Cloud creating the appearance of an underwater river cloaked in Mist this foggy illusion looks both mesmerizing and otherworldly tree branches from the jungle above have settled in this lower layer creating a landscape of submerged Trunks and branches almost
like an Ancient Forest caught in a Timeless State divers experience the contrast between the fresh and salt water and once they cross through it the temperature warms noticeably while visibility is reduced within the cloud this creates an intense almost cinematic experience as though Crossing into another world where the rules of nature are Rewritten number 11 the acid Lake of Kawa Ean in the volcanic terrain of East Java Indonesia the een Crater Lake is one of the most unique Lakes on Earth this half mile wide turquoise Lake sits in the shadow of Gung marapi a Mountain
of Fire amidst a series of Strat volcanoes that dot the Ean region it is the world's largest highly acidic lake with a recorded pH level that plunged to 05 and sometimes lower this extreme acidity results from the volcano's continual activity infusing the lake with minerals and gases that shape its singular color and potent chemical makeup the acidic state is driven by a constant inflow of hydrothermal Waters that seep into the crater through underground vents originating in a magma chamber far below these hydrothermal Waters carry sulfuric gases and other volcanic compounds into the lake when sulfur
Rich gases rise in the lake bed they react with the Lake's water to create sulfuric acid giving the lake its custic nature this combination of acid and minerals gives the water its unique turquoise color making it beautiful but deadly as if the lake weren't extraordinary enough it also serves as the source of the Banu pit River known locally as Bitter Water due to the Lake's acidic runoff the runoff carries with it high levels of dissolved minerals and acid causing a natural pollution that affects the downstream ecosystem as it travels the river's acidic content is diluted
by other freshwater sources but the metal sediments Left Behind degrade the soil and water quality impacting local Agriculture and the viability of the river for drinking or irrigation number 10 Pitch Lake Pitch Lake located in laa in Southwest Trinidad is the largest natural a fa deposit in the world this Lake spanning approximately 100 acres and reaching depths of up to 250 ft is more than a geological Marvel it's a curious shifting expanse of sticky bubbling black pitch the surface of the lake appears dense and solid in some areas while in others it's soft and pliable
resembling slow-moving liquid tar visitors can walk on it with caution feeling a spongy almost rubbery ground underfoot now while fascinating to observe the Lake's unique appearance is far from ordinary as Pitch Lake is essentially a living process continually fed by oil deposits deep below the surface the lake is formed over millions of years as a result of tectonic activity involving the Caribbean plate deep faults beneath the region allow oil from Subterranean deposits to rise to the surface once it reaches the lake the hot tropical climate facilitates the evaporation of lighter elements within the oil leaving
behind the heavier bitamin a natural form of asphalt this process is been underway for eons and while humans M the pitch for commercial use the lake Supply remains relatively endless due to the ongoing geological forces below now while the lake is pretty striking to look at it it poses both benefits and potential hazards for the local ecosystem on the one hand it supports an unusual microbial ecosystem extremophiles including both bacteria and ARA thrive in the pitch where they perform unique processes to break down hydrocarbons and asphalt tees the primary carbon sources in this asphalt Rich
environment now researchers have also identified fungi capable of surviving in the lake further highlighting the resilience of life in extreme conditions in fact Pitch Lake has yielded novel microbial species that are still being studied for their adaptations and potential applications in biotechnology number nine Rio Hamza the discovery of roh Hamza an underground river that flows nearly 13,000 ft beneath the Amazon River adds a new dimension mention to the immense Amazon basin measuring an estimated 3,700 m in length just shy of the Amazon's 3800 Mi it stretches west to east from the Andes and exits into
the Atlantic Ocean now despite the impressive length this river is hidden entirely underground making it one of the most Elusive and mysterious natural formations on the planet it is astonishingly wide ranging from 125 to 250 Mi across dwarfing the Amazon surface with a width of .6 to 60 Mi now Rio Hamza flows underground due to a unique combination of factors subsurface sedimentary rock layers porous and permeable allow water to infiltrate deep east to west faults in the Earth's crust combined with the west to east sloping topography guide this underground flow maintaining a path parallel to
the Amazon but far below its visible channels scientists believe the river is fed by groundwater that trickles down from higher elevations where it's trapped beneath layers of impermeable Rock now while the Amazon rushes towards the Atlantic at speeds of up to 390 ft per hour Rio Hamza trickles forward at less than an inch per hour this is due to the immense pressure and density differences caused by the layers of rock and compacted sediment around the water flow as a result its currents are estimated to travel anywhere from 33 to 330 ft per year that's a
snails pace compared to the Amazon but despite its massive scale RI Hamza remains challenging to explore unlike surface level rivers that can be studied visually and sampled easily measuring this underground flow requires Advanced thermal mapping yet this research is only beginning with more studies underway to confirm Rio hamza's length width and flow rate these findings will not only reshape our understanding of the Amazon basin but highlight the complexity of subterranean Water Systems worldwide hinting that there may be even more hidden Rivers under the Earth's surface than we ever imagined number eight managan Reservoir the managan
reservoir located in central Quebec and Canada is an anur Lake that stands out as one of the most peculiar bodies of water approximately 750 square miles this unique formation isn't just any Lake it features a distinct circular shape that resembles an eye when viewed from above formed by a meteorite impact around 214 million years ago the reservoir is a prominent example of Nature's extraordinary ability to create these features the reservoir is part of an ancient impact structure resulting from the Collision of a 3M wide asteroid with Earth this impact excavated a crater that was originally
about 62 Mi wide but erosion and sediment deposition have since reduced its visible diameter to around 45 Mi the reservoir itself occupies the inner ring of the crater which is about 40 mi in diameter the raised center of the crater forms an island which not only houses Mount Babel but also includes the Louis Babel ecological preserve it is not only a natural wonder but it's also a critical component of hydroelectric power systems that provide energy to many nearby communities experiencing the managan reservoir is a visual treat especially for those fortunate enough to view it from
above its eye likee appearance evokes a sense of mystery prompting observers to ponder the ancient cataclysm that created it the reservoir also presents an interesting ecological aspect rivers and streams originate from the edges of the lake forming a network of channels that stretch into the surrounding Countryside this overflow effect adds to the visual appeal and further emphasizes the Lake's vastness moving on to number seven Lake Ria Lake Ria or Reni is an artificial Lake located in the South tyru near Northern Italy nestled amidst the picturesque snowcapped Alps it spans an area of about 2 and2
square miles and reaches the depth of up to 72 ft now while at first glance it may appear just as another stunning Alpine Lake upon closer inspection it reveals a haunting secret beneath the water the remnants of the submerged villain of kuron a once- thriving community that was intentionally flooded in the mid 20th century the lake is most famously marked by the 14th century Bell Tower Of The Village's Church which eily protrudes from the lake symbolizing the town's submerged history but the history of Lake Ria dates back to the early 20th century with initial plans
for a smaller artificial Lake proposed in 1920 however the project took shape in the late 1930s when the matatini company devised a plan to create a larger Lake that would unify two smaller ones with aeni and M this ambitious project was intended to facilitate the construction of a hydroelectric plant by 1950 following delays caused by World War II had local resistance the construction was completed and the village of kuron along with parts of Ren were submerged approximately a thousand residents were displaced many of whom were German speakers struggling to comprehend the Italian language plans that
led to their relocation despite protests and pleas for alternative Solutions the flooding went ahead and nearly half of kon's population was forced to immigrate in total 163 homes and over 1290 Acres of cultivated land vanished beneath the water number six Lake Bal Lake Bal located in Siberia in Russia is a striking natural feature that stands out not just for its size but also its unique characteristics located between the butat Republic and kutsko blast this lake is the largest freshwater lake in the world by volume containing about 22% of the Earth's total unfrozen surface freshwater it
is often referred to as the galapagus: 30 million years old this body of water has a maximum depth of about 5,300 F feet and covers an area of over 12,000 square miles making it not only deep but expansive as well during winter you can see through the water up to 131 ft while in summer visibility can reach around 26 ft this remarkable transparency is a result of the Lake's low nutrient levels which limit the growth of phytoplankton thus maintaining the purity of the water the surface of the lake freezes from January to June creating a
thick ice cover that can reach more than 4 and 1/2 ft in thickness the surface begins to break in May or June leading to gradual warming of water the upper layers can warm to around 39° while in some shallow Bays temperatures can Peak around 75 during summer months one of the most fascinating aspects of this lake is the unique Wildlife particularly the Bal seal also known as the nerpa unlike most seals that thrive in saltwater Bal seals are among the few species that inhabit fresh water measuring about 4 ft in length and weighing around 150
lb these seals have adapted to the Lakes frigid Waters and rely on its diverse ecosystem for sustenance during the harsh Siberian Winters when the lake is with ice the seals employ a unique survival strategy they dig breathing holes in the ice using their sharp claws allowing them to come up for air even in deep winter pregnant females often stay on the ice nurturing their pups who were born in the spring despite historical threats from poaching though conservation efforts have stabilized the population to around 80,000 individuals these seals are an integral part of Lake bal's ecosystem
and they serve as an important indicator of the Lake's Health number five KOC cristales one of the strangest bodies of water also happens to be one of the most beautiful Cano cristales often referred to as the river of five colors is a stunning natural wonder located in Colombia Sania De La Marina National Park specifically in the province of meta this River has captured the imagination of Travelers and nature enthusiasts earning nicknames such as the river that ran away from Paradise and the most beautiful river in the world it is celebrated not only for the vibrant
Hues but also for its unique environment for most of the Year Cano cristales appears as a typical River with a rocky bed covered in dull green moss however between the wet and dry seasons the river undergoes a transformation during this brief period usually from September to November the waters become a kaleidoscope of colors showcasing brilliant Reds yellows greens and blues when the conditions are just right when the water level is moderate and the sunlight can reach the riverbed marar Cera flourishes turning bright red and contrasting against the river's clear water now the river flows for
about 62 miles winding through a region characterized by high biodiversity where the Andes Lanos and Amazon rainforests converge visiting here is in adventure of itself the remote location means that access can be pretty challenging typically requiring a flight to the nearby town of lakaren and then a Trek on Horseback or by foot to the river swimming in it though is permitted only in designated areas to protect the fragile ecosystem and visitors are advised against using sunscreen or other chemicals that might harm the delicate Aquatic Life The Spectacular colors here are not just a visual Feast
they're also a product of Nature's delicate balance the annual cycle of flooding and drought is crucial for the health of this unique ecosystem which highlights the intricate relationships between species and their environment number four Jellyfish lake Jellyfish lake located on the uninhabited Rock Island of ilal in palao is a remarkable and unique ecosystem comprising one of the 70 saltwater lakes in the region about 12,000 years ago rise in sea levels following the last ice age led to the isolation of the lake from the ocean creating an environment conducive to a jellyfish population explosion today the
lake is known for its population of golden jellyfish and moon jellyfish drawing both scientists and tourists now the jellyfish here that inhabit the lake are particularly fascinating due to their adaptations to the isolated environment the golden jellyfish are closely related to the spotted jellyfish found in nearby lagoons but they exhibit unique morphological and behavioral traits the absence of any natural predators in the lake has allowed their population to thrive with estimates suggesting there are millions of these jellies present the moon jellyfish initially identified in the lake have also undergone genetic testing revealing the existence of
several cryptic species some of which are unique to palao while the golden one ones migrate horizontally throughout the lake following the sun to optimize feeding and their symbiotic algae moon jellyfish exhibit a more erratic vertical migration pattern Jellyfish lake is stratified into two layers the upper layer is oxygen rich and less saline supporting the jellyfish and other organisms while the lower layer contains hydrogen sulfide creating a dangerous environment for most life forms the golden jellyfish display a unique migration pattern moving from the West to the east side of the lake during the day swimming in
Jellyfish lake does offer a rare opportunity to interact with these mesmerizing creatures despite their Stingers though the jellyfish here are harmless to humans allowing visitors to float among them safely however scuba diving is prohibited to protect the delicate system in the late 1990s a significant die- off of the golden jellyfish population was observed attributed to an El Nino event that raised water temperatures and adversely affected their symbiotic algae however the jellyfish returned to their pred inclined Levels by 2012 showcasing the resilience of that isolated ecosystem and those amazing creatures number three shanet Tim pishka the
shanet Tim pishka often referred to as labomba is an extraordinary river located deep within the Amazon recognized as the only boiling river in the world this geothermal phenomenon is a tributary of the Amazon the name shenet pishka is derived from the native language translating to boiled by the heat of the Sun this name is somewhat misleading as the true source of the river's extreme temperature is geothermal rather than solar the river's Waters can reach temperatures from 113° fah to an astonishing 212 it's situated in an area known for its biodiversity and cultural significance the river
is revered by the ashena community who have lived in proximity to it for centuries they regard the hot Waters as sacred believing them to possess healing powers that shamans have incorporated into traditional medicine the Shen pka's unique characteristics not only Captivate scientists but they also hold profound cultural importance blending nature and spirituality spanning about four miles it's characterized by its striking turquoise water that flows through an enchanting landscape surrounded by Lush vegetation the riverbed is made up of smooth Ivory colored stones and in some areas the water reaches depths of up to 16 ft the
superheated water resurfaces through cracks and faults resulting in the unique boiling characteristic of the river the closest active volcano is over 400 mil away which adds further Intrigue local Legends also enrich the river's mystery particularly in the belief of yakumama a giant serpent Spirit known as the mother of the waters according to this tradition the spirit gave birth to both hot and cold Waters IM viewing the river with a sense of life and reverence among the ashena number two lake burin scya lake Berlin scya in the alai region of Russia presents a striking natural phenomenon
known for its vibrant pink Hue during the summer months at first glance the lake appears unremarkable displaying the usual Steely gray or blue color characteristic of many bodies of water however beneath the mundane surface lies one of the largest single salt deposits in Western Siberia rich in both geological and historical significance the lake has served as a crucial source of table salt since the mid 18th century and it's steeped in stories of Russian royalty including Katherine the Great who favored its salt at her dinner table the defining feature of the lake is the high salinity
which provides the ideal habitat for Arta Salen a species of microscopic brine shrimp that thrives in these environments these three-eyed 22- legged organisms play a pivotal role in transforming the lake into a vivid flamingo pink each August as their populations explode due to the warming weather but in addition to the unique coloration the lake is known for its daily freight train often referred to as the salt shaker this train crosses over the lake on Rails laid during the Soviet era serving a function in the salt extraction process equipped with specialized tools the train scrapes the
lake bed harvesting the valuable salt sediment that accumulates in these Briny Waters annually it collects about 65,000 tons of salt showing the lake status as a prime location for salt harvesting notably the Lake's unique Hue is not solely attributed to the shrimp various other microorganisms also contribute another Algae produces a red carotenoid pigment beta carotene responsible for that brilliant pink color too Berlin sky is also part of a larger network of colorful Lakes found across the world similar pink hued Lakes can be discovered in other regions from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico to Western Australia's
Pink Lake however each Lake's color arises from different biological and chemical processes number one the hot tub of Despair that's a hell of a name the hot tub of Despair it is a fascinating yet lethal underwater br pool situated in the Gulf of Mexico about a day's boat ride from the coast of New Orleans this formation stands in contrast to the soothing and relaxing imagery typically associated with a jacuzzi rather than being a Serene spot for unwinding this so-called jacuzzi is a deadly concoction of super salty seawater and methane creating a habitat that no living
creature can endure discovered by the research vessel eeve Nautilus the hot tub of Despair serves as a reminder of the ocean's hidden perils and the complexity of marine ecosystems that thrive in these extreme conditions measuring about 100 ft in circumference and reaching a depth about 12 ft the hot tub of Despair lies nearly 3,300 ft beneath the ocean in this environment the water salinity is astonishing five times saltier than the surrounding sea water this High concentration of salt leads to Unique phenomenon where the brine doesn't mix with the adjacent water creating a stratified layer that
resembles a pool sitting at top the ocean floor The lethality of the hot tub of Despair is twofold first the chemicals present in the brine are instantly harmful causing rapid fatality among marine life that Ventures Too Close fish and other sea creatures that enter this toxic cauldron quickly succumb to the effects the salt concentration here inhibits a Decay process allowing unfortunate victims to remain remarkably intact creating a disturbing Tableau of pickled organisms at the bottom of the ocean crabs and amphipods have been observed in various States of preservation showing the pool's chilling effect scientists including
Marine chemist Scott wankle have documented the Eerie sight of preserved crabs and fish trapped in this salty Abyss he notes that these larger organisms often don't survive long in the toxic fluid yet their preserved forms linger biologist Eric Cordes who studied similar underwater Lakes expressed that while scientists have known about brine pools for decades the hot tub of Despair stands out as one of the most remarkable discoveries in recent Marine research thanks for watching Everybody I'll see you next time thank you to our channel members