What was the world like BEFORE THE FLOOD?

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hello everyone Welcome to our latest video today we will explore a fascinating and mysterious topic what was the world like before the great flood occurred this is a question that not only stimulates the Curiosity of history and religion enthusiasts but also has been a subject of debate among biblical Scholars archaeologists and scientists for thousands of years how did human life and the life of other creatures unfold before this great Calamity changed the entire course of human history how were the climate geography culture religion technology morality and spirituality of those living on Earth before God sent
the flood to cleanse the world of sin in this video we will not only rely on the stories in the Bible but also examine other historical and scientific sources to explore the events and Mysteries surrounding the world in the pre flood period make sure you stay tuned until the end as you will be surprised by what we will uncover before we begin if you haven't already please hit the like button subscribe to our Channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our new videos don't forget to share this video with your friends
so they too can learn and explore this fascinating topic and now let's embark on this exciting journey of Discovery miraculous longevity and climate differences one of the first aspects we need to understand about the World Before the Flood is the Stark difference in human longevity the Bible records that people in the pre flood era lived very long lives often spanning hundreds of years even close to a thousand years for example Adam the first man created by God lived to be 930 years old Genesis 5 and his son Seth lived 912 years Genesis 58 methusa Noah's
grandfather was the longest lived person in history reaching 969 years Genesis 5:27 as for Noah famous for the flood story he lived to be 950 years old Genesis 929 why could people live so long this is a question that has puzzled Scholars for centuries one of the most popular hypotheses is that the living environment on Earth at that time was very favorable for Human Health and Longevity according to this Theory the Earth in those days was covered by a thick layer of water vapor creating a mild humid climate that protected the planet from solar radiation
the Bible records that during the flood The Fountains of the great deep burst forth and the windows of the heavens were opened causing water to flood the Earth Genesis 711 this can be understood as the destruction of the protective water vapor layer resulting in a significant change in the global climate After the flood the living environment became harsher and solar radiation began to have a stronger impact on human health leading to a gradual decrease in longevity over Generations in addition to the climate change we also need to consider the role of genetic factors in the
longevity of people before the flood biblical figures such as Adam Noah and methusa all belonged to special lineages blessed by God which may have contributed to their extraordinary longevity for a world where the interaction between Heaven and Earth seemed much closer than it is today it can be argued that Supernatural factors played a role in protecting the health and prolonging the lives of those from the god chosen lineages interaction between God and Humanity a time of Visions the World Before the Flood is also notable for the direct and frequent relationship between God and Humanity the
Bible records that before mankind fell into sin God directly communicated with Adam and Eve not only to guide them on how to live but also to warn them of potential dangers Genesis 2:16-17 after they ate the forbidden fruit and sinned God continued to communicate with them but with a more severe tone punishing and driving them out of the Garden of Eden Genesis 3:9 to 24 one of the other notable figures from this period is Enoch who is described as Walking with God Genesis 5 24 Enoch not only lived a righteous life and remained faithful to
God but he was also known for his prophetic abilities in Jude 1 414 to15 Enoch is described as having predicted God's judgment on the w Wicked who would be destroyed in the future what is particularly interesting here is that Enoch did not experience death like other people instead God took him straight to heaven which only happened to one other figure in the Bible Elijah who was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind 2 Kings 2:11 the direct communication between God and figures such as Adam Eve Cain Abel and Enoch shows that the pre flood period
was a time when humanity and Heaven were much closer than they are now this also indicates that sin and wickedness had to reach an extreme level for God to decide to destroy all of humanity through the flood Nephilim and the corruption of the world one of the most controversial elements of the pre flood world is the appearance of a race of Giants and mighty beings called the Nephilim the Bible records that the sons of God combined with the daughters of men and gave birth to the Nephilim Genesis 6:1-4 but who were the sons of God
and the Nephilim this is a question that has sparked much debate among biblical Scholars one of the most common interpretations is that the sons of God were fallen angels angels who rebelled against God and left their positions in heaven to come to Earth and marry human women this Union resulted in the birth of the Nephilim beings that were part human part Angel these creatures were not only noted for their strength and height but also for their violent and wicked nature the Nephilim are believed to have caused much violence and Corruption on Earth prompting God to
intervene and decide to destroy all Humanity through the flood the existence of the Nephilim is a sensitive and complex topic as it touches on many aspects of religion the Supernatural and even science fiction some Scholars suggest that the story of the Nephilim could be a way to explain the existence of giant and mysterious structures in history such as the pyramids in Egypt or ancient temples in South America although these structures have been partially explained by modern archaeologists many still believe that a supernatural hand was involved in their construction the origin of fallen angels and spiritual
warfare to better understand the origin of fallen angels and the Nephilim we need to go back in time to before the Earth was created the Bible tells us that before the current world was formed God existed in glor Glory with his son Jesus John 17:5 God also created the Angels holy beings tasked with worshiping and serving him among the Angels one stood out for his Beauty wisdom and power Lucifer which means The Shining Star Ezekiel 28:2 to17 Lucifer was an anointed cherubim tasked with covering God's throne with his wings he was the leader of the
angels and had access to God's presence however not satisfied with his position Lucifer became proud and ambitious Desiring to be like God his envy and ambition led to his Rebellion against God convincing a third of the other angels to join this Rebellion Revelation 124 however god with supreme power and Justice could not let this continue he expelled Lucifer and the rebellious angels from Heaven casting them down to earth Isaiah 1412 to15 from then on Lucifer became known as Satan meaning the adversary and the rebellious Angels became demons evil spirits operating under Satan's command this marks
the origin of the spiritual warfare that has spanned human history the clash between two kingdoms God's kingdom and Satan's kingdom when God created the Earth and placed humans on it he made them in His image Genesis 1:26-27 Satan saw this as an opportunity to take revenge on God and Destroy his creation Satan viewed Earth as his territory and considered Adam and Eve as in Invaders who needed to be destroyed using the serpent one of the craftiest animals God created Satan deceived Eve into doubting God's word Satan told Eve that if she ate the forbidden fruit
she would become like God knowing good and evil Genesis 3:4:5 as a result Eve was tempted ate the forbidden fruit and also gave some to Adam the consequence of this was that they lost their communication with God lost their original innocence and relinquished their authority over Earth giving that power to Satan who became the prince of this world John 12:31 from here we can clearly see that sin not only destroyed the relationship between humans and God but also brought about severe physical and spiritual consequences sin introduced death pain suffering disease violence Injustice and Rebellion against
God Romans 5:12 human history from then on became a history of fall and Redemption of conflict and hope of judgment and Grace the story of Cain and Abel the beginning of human violence one of the first stories illustrating Humanity's fall is the story of Cain and Abel the sons of Adam and Eve Genesis 41-16 this is not just a story of jealousy and violence but also a lesson about choice and the consequences of sin Cain and Abel both offered sacrifices to God but God accepted Abel's offering because he offered it with a sincere heart and
reverence for God whereas Cain offered his sacrifice without faith jealousy flared up in Cain's heart when he saw that God was pleased with Abel and instead of improving himself Cain chose to eliminate the source of his jealousy his brother Abel Cain lured Abel out to the field and killed him marking the first act of violence between humans in the history of mankind God punished Cain by making him a Wanderer and a fugitive on the earth however God still protected Cain by placing a mark on him so that anyone who met him would not harm harm
him this shows that although God is strict in judging sin he still retains mercy and protection for Cain after killing Abel Cain left the presence of God and lived in the Land of Nod East of Eden Cain married and had a son named Enoch after whom he named the first city he built Cain's descendants grew and contributed to human progress in areas such as agriculture Livestock Music and metal working however this lineage also distanced itself from God and lived in violence and immorality lmch and the rise of violence the corruption of humanity the next story
that shows Humanity's corruption Before the Flood is the story of lamech a descendant of Cain lamech was not only the first in history to have multiple wives but he was also a murderer lamech proudly told his wives that he had killed a man for wounding him and a boy for bruising him Genesis 423- 24 this indicates that violence and immorality had spread across the Earth and humans not only committed sin but also took pride in it this corruption was not limited to Cain's lineage but spread to all of humanity the Bible records that the Earth
was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence Genesis 611 to 12 human wickedness had grown to the point that God regretted creating Mankind and he decided to destroy all Humanity along with the creatures of the earth Genesis 6:7 the line of Seth and faithfulness to God while Cain's lineage was steeped in violence and immorality the lineage of Seth the third son of Adam and Eve stood out for its faithfulness to God Seth was the father of Enos who the Bible records as the first person to call upon the name of the Lord Genesis
4:26 this indicates that Seth's lineage maintained their relationship with God and honored him the lineage of Seth continued with those who were faithful and feared God such as Enoch who walked with God and was taken up by him without experiencing death Genesis 5:24 this lineage kept faith and loyalty to God even though they lived in a world full of sin and violence Noah a descendant of Seth was the one who found favor in the eyes of the Lord Genesis 6:8 Noah was righteous and blameless among the people of his time and walked with God Genesis
69 God chose Noah to be the protector for a new beginning of humanity and gave him a special task to build a large Ark to save his family and the animals from the upcoming flood Noah's Ark a symbol of faithfulness and salvation the ark that Noah built was not just an ordinary vessel but a magnificent engineering feat designed by God himself it was 300 cubits long about 450 ft 50 cubits wide about 75 ft and 30 cubits High about 45 ft Genesis 6:15 the ark had three decks with numerous compartments inside and a window at
the top a cubit below the roof the ark was made of gopher wood a type of durable waterproof wood covered with pitch inside and out to prevent water from seeping in this was a masterpiece of Maritime engineering and a symbol of God's grace and mercy toward Noah and his family Noah took about 120 years to build the ark according to God's instructions during this time he also preached to his contemporaries warning them of the upcoming flood and calling them to repent but no one listened to Noah 2 Peter 2:5 they continued to live as if
nothing would happen mocking Noah and considering him a Madman they did not believe that God would judge the World by water as there had never been rain on the land before they did not realize that The Fountains of the great deep would burst forth and the windows of the heavens would open pouring water down on the earth and that no one except Noah and his family would survive they did not understand that the only way to be saved was to enter the Ark by faith then the day came when God said to Noah go into
the ark you and all your household for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation Genesis 71 Noah obeyed God and entered the Ark with his family and the animals that God had instructed Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came on the earth on the appointed day by God The Fountains of the great deep burst forth the windows of the heavens were opened and rain fell on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights Genesis 7 11 to12 the waters Rose and spread over the earth and the Ark
floated on the surface of the waters the waters Rose higher and covered all the high mountains under the entire Heavens the waters Rose more than 15 cubits above the mountain tops and all the high mountains were covered every living thing that moved on the Earth perished Birds livestock wild animals all the creatures that swarm over the Earth and all mankind everything on dry land that had the Breath of Life in its nostrils died every living thing on the face of the Earth was wiped out people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground
and the birds were wiped from the earth only Noah and those with him in the ark were left Genesis 7:21-23 Noah and those in the ark were isolated from the world for 150 days while the waters covered the Earth but God remembered Noah and he sent a wind over the earth and the waters receded Genesis 8 was one The Fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed and the rain from the heavens was restrained the waters continued to recede from the earth and at the end of 150 days the waters had
Abad on the 17th day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the Mountains of Ararat the waters continued to recede until the 10th month on the first day of the 10th month the tops of the mountains became visible Genesis 8:3 to5 Noah waited another 40 days and then opened the window of the ark that he had made and sent out a raven and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth then Noah sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface
of the ground but the dove could find nowhere to perch because the there was water over all the surface of the Earth so it returned to Noah in the ark he reached out his hand took the Dove and brought it back to himself in the ark he waited seven more days and again sent out the dove from the ark when the dove returned to him in the evening there in its Beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth he waited seven more days and sent the
dove out again but this time it did not return to him Genesis 8612 when Noah saw that the surface of the ground was dry he removed the covering from the ark and saw that the surface of the ground was dry by the first day of the first month of Noah's 61st year the water had dried up from the earth Noah and his family had lived in the ARK for over a year but finally God told them to come out of the Ark come out of the Ark you and your wife and your sons and their
wives bring out every kind of living creature that is with you the birds the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it Genesis 8:16 to17 Noah his family and all the animals came out of the Ark and began a new life on a cleansed Earth God's covenant and the rainbow an eternal promise after leaving the ark the first thing Noah did was build an altar to the Lord and offer burnt offering offerings of clean animals and clean Birds
on it the Lord smelled the pleasing Aroma and said in his heart that he would never again curse the ground because of humans even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood Genesis 8:21 God established a covenant with Noah and his descendants that never again would all life be destroyed by flood waters and never again would there be a flood to destroy the Earth as a sign of this Covenant God set his rainbow in the clouds and it would be a sign of the Covenant between him and the Earth God said whenever
I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds I will remember my Covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life Genesis 9 to 15 the rainbow is a symbol of Hope restoration and God's faithfulness it reminds us of God's promise that he will never again destroy the world by water but will protect and sustain life on Earth it is also a sign of Grace that God loves us and sent his son Jesus who has saved us
from sin and brought hope for a new world full of life thus the story of the flood is not only a lesson on God's judgment but also a reminder of his boundless mercy and love for Humanity we hope that through this video you have gained a deeper understanding of the pre- flood world and strengthened your faith in the Bible if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up subscribe to our Channel and share this video with your friends thank you for listening and see you in the next video stay with God and
pray for his peace to come to you hello everyone Welcome to our latest video today we will explore a fascinating and mysterious topic what was the world like before the great flood occurred this is a question that not only stimulates the Curiosity of history and religion enthusiasts but also has been a subject of debate among biblical Scholars archaeologists and scientists for thousands of years how did human life and the life of other creatures unfold before this great Calamity change the entire course of human history how were the climate geography culture religion technology morality and spirituality
of those living on Earth before God sent the flood to cleanse the world of sin in this video we will not only rely on the stories in the Bible but also examine other historical and scientific sources to explore the events and Mysteries surrounding the world in the pre flood period make sure you stay tuned until the end as you will be surprised by what we will uncover before we begin if you haven't already please hit the like button subscribe to our Channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our new videos don't
forget to share this video with your friends so they too can learn and expl explore this fascinating topic and now let's embark on this exciting journey of Discovery miraculous longevity and climate differences one of the first aspects we need to understand about the World Before the Flood is the Stark difference in human longevity the Bible records that people in the pre flood era lived very long lives often spanning hundreds of years even close to a thousand years for example Adam the first man created by God lived to be 930 years old old Genesis 5 and
his son Seth lived 912 years Genesis 58 methusa Noah's grandfather was the longest lived person in history reaching 969 years Genesis 527 as for Noah famous for the flood story he lived to be 950 years old Genesis 929 why could people live so long this is a question that is puzzled Scholars for centuries one of the most popular hypotheses is that the living environment on Earth Earth at that time was very favorable for Human Health and Longevity according to this Theory the Earth in those days was covered by a thick layer of water vapor creating
a mild humid climate that protected the planet from solar radiation the Bible records that during the flood The Fountains of the great deep burst forth and the windows of the heavens were opened causing water to flood the Earth Genesis 711 this can be understood as the destruction of the protective water vapor layer resulting in a significant change in the global climate After the flood the living environment became harsher and solar radiation began to have a stronger impact on human health leading to a gradual decrease in longevity over Generations in addition to the climate change we
also need to consider the role of genetic factors in the longevity of people before the flood biblical figures such as Adam Noah and methusa all belonged to special lineages blessed by God which may have contributed to their extraordinary longevity for a world where the interaction between Heaven and Earth seemed much closer than it is today it can be argued that Supernatural factors played a role in protecting the health and prolonging the lives of those from the god chosen lineages interaction between God and Humanity a time of Visions the World Before the Flood is also notable
for the direct and frequent relationship between God and Humanity ity the Bible records that before mankind fell into sin God directly communicated with Adam and Eve not only to guide them on how to live but also to warn them of potential dangers Genesis 2:16-17 after they ate the forbidden fruit and sinned God continued to communicate with them but with a more severe tone punishing and driving them out of the Garden of Eden Genesis 39-24 one of the other notable figures from this period is Enoch who is described as Walking with God Genesis 54 Enoch not
only lived a righteous life and remained faithful to God but he was also known for his prophetic abilities in Jude 1 1414 to15 Enoch is described as having predicted God's judgment on the wicked who would be destroyed in the future what is particularly interesting here is that Enoch did not experience death like other people instead God took him straight to heaven which only happened to one other figure in the Bible Elijah who was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind 2 Kings 2:11 the direct communication between God and figures such as Adam Eve Cain Abel
and Enoch shows that the pre flood period was a time when humanity and Heaven were much closer than they are now this also indicates that sin and wickedness had to reach an extreme level for God to decide to destroy all of humanity through the flood Nephilim and the corruption of the the world one of the most controversial elements of the pre flood world is the appearance of a race of Giants and mighty beings called the Nephilim the Bible records that the sons of God combined with the daughters of men and gave birth to the Nephilim
Genesis 6 verse 1 to4 but who were the sons of God and the Nephilim this is a question that has sparked much debate among biblical Scholars one of the most common interpretations is that the sons of God were Fallen Angels Angels who rebelled against God and left their positions in heaven to come to Earth and marry human women this Union resulted in the birth of the Nephilim beings that were part human part Angel these creatures were not only noted for their strength and height but also for their violent and wicked nature the Nephilim are believed
to have caused much violence and Corruption on Earth prompting God to intervene and decide to destroy all Humanity through the flood the existence of the Nephilim is a sensitive and complex topic as it touches on many aspects of religion the Supernatural and even science fiction some Scholars suggest that the story of the Nephilim could be a way to explain the existence of giant and mysterious structures in history such as the pyramids in Egypt or ancient temples in South America although these structures have been partially explained by modern archaeologists many still believe that a supernatural hand
was involved in their Construction C the origin of fallen angels and spiritual warfare to better understand the origin of fallen angels and the Nephilim we need to go back in time to before the Earth was created the Bible tells us that before the current world was formed God existed in glory with his son Jesus John 17:5 God also created the Angels holy beings tasked with worshiping and serving him among the Angels one stood out for his Beauty wisdom and power Lucifer which means The Shining Star Ezekiel 28:12 to17 Lucifer was an anointed cherubim tasked with
covering God's throne with his wings he was the leader of the angels and had access to God's presence however not satisfied with his position Lucifer became proud and ambitious Desiring to be like God his envy and ambition led to his Rebellion against God convincing a third of the other angels to join this Rebellion Revelation 12 before however God with supreme power and Justice could not let this continue he expelled Lucifer and the rebellious angels from Heaven casting them down to earth Isaiah 1412 to15 from then on Lucifer became known as Satan meaning the adversary and
the rebellious Angels became demons evil spirits operating under Satan's command this marks the origin of the spiritual warfare that has spanned human history the clash between two kingdoms God's kingdom and Satan's kingdom when God created the Earth and placed humans on it he made them in His image Genesis 1:26-27 Satan saw this as an opportunity to take revenge on God and Destroy his creation Satan viewed Earth as his territory and considered Adam and Eve as Invaders who needed to be destroyed using the serpent one of the craftiest animals God created Satan deceived Eve into doubting
God's word Satan told Eve that if she ate the forbidden fruit she would become like God knowing in Good and Evil Genesis 3:4:5 as a result Eve was tempted ate the forbidden fruit and also gave some to Adam the consequence of this was that they lost their communication with God lost their original innocence and relinquished their authority over Earth giving that power to Satan who became the prince of this world John 12:31 from here we can clearly see that sin not only destroyed the relationship between humans and God but also brought about severe physical and
spirit spiritual consequences sin introduced death pain suffering disease violence Injustice and Rebellion against God Romans 5:12 human history from then on became a history of fall and Redemption of conflict and hope of judgment and Grace the story of Cain and Abel the beginning of human violence one of the first stories illustrating Humanity's fall is the story of Cain and Abel the sons of Adam and Eve Genesis 41-16 this is not just a story of jealousy and violence but also a lesson about choice and the consequences of sin cainan Abel both offered sacrifices to God but
God accepted Abel's offering because he offered it with a sincere heart and reverence for God whereas Cain offered his sacrifice without faith jealousy flared up in Cain's heart when he saw that God was pleased with Abel and instead of improving himself Cain chose to eliminate the source of his jealousy his brother Abel Cain lured Abel out to the field and killed him marking the first act of violence between humans in the history of mankind God punished Cain by making him a Wanderer and a fugitive on the earth however God still protected Cain by placing a
mark on him so that anyone who met him would not harm him this shows that although God is strict in judging sin he still retains mercy and protection for Cain after killing Abel Cain left the presence of God and lived in the Land of Nod East of Eden Cain married and had a son named Enoch after whom he named the first city he built Cain's descendants grew and contributed to human progress in areas such as agriculture Livestock Music and metal working however this lineage also distanced itself from God and lived in violence and immorality lmch
and the rise of violence the corruption of humanity the next story that shows Humanity's corruption Before the Flood is the story of lamech a descendant of Cain lamech was not only the first in history to have multiple wives but he was also a murderer lamech proudly told his wives that he had killed a man for wounding him and a boy for bruising him Genesis 423- 24 this indicates that violence and immorality had spread across the Earth and humans not only committed sin but also took pride in it this corruption was not limited to Cain's lineage
but spread to all of humanity the Bible records that the Earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence Genesis 61 to12 human wickedness had grown to the point that God regretted creating Mankind and he decided to destroy all Humanity along with the creatures of the earth Genesis 6:7 the line of Seth and faithfulness to God while Cain's lineage was steeped in violence and immorality the lineage of Seth the third son of Adam and Eve stood out for its faithfulness to God Seth was the father of Enos who the Bible records as the
first person to call upon the name of the Lord Genesis 4:26 this indicates that Seth's lineage maintained their relationship with God and honored him the lineage of Seth continued with those who were faithful and feared God such as Enoch who walked with God and was taken up by him without experiencing death Genesis 5:24 this lineage kept faith and loyalty to God even though they lived in a world full of sin and violence Noah a descendant of Seth was the one who found favor in the eyes of the Lord Genesis 6:8 Noah was righteous and blameless
among the people of his time and walked with God Genesis 69 God chose Noah to be the protector for a new beginning of humanity and gave him a special task to build a large Ark to save his family and the animals from the upcoming flood Noah's Ark a symbol of faithfulness and salvation the ark that Noah built was not just an AR vessel but a magnificent engineering feat designed by God himself it was 300 cubits long about 450 ft 50 cubits wide about 75 ft and 30 cubits High about 45 ft Genesis 6:15 the ark
had three decks with numerous compartments inside and a window at the top a cubit below the roof the ark was made of gopher wood a type of durable waterproof wood covered with pitch inside and out to prevent water from seeping in this was a masterpiece of Maritime engineering and a symbol of God's grace and mercy toward Noah and his family Noah took about 120 years to build the ark according to God's instructions during this time he also preached to his contemporaries warning them of the upcoming flood and calling them to repent but no one listened
to Noah second Peter 2:5 they continued to live as if nothing would happen mocking Noah and considering him a Madman they did not believe that God would judge the World by water as there had never been rain on the land before they did not realize that The Fountains of the great deep would burst forth and the windows of the heavens would open pouring water down on the earth and that no one except Noah and his family would survive they did not understand that the only way to be saved was to enter the Ark by faith
then the day came when God said to Noah go into the ark you and all your household for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation Genesis 71 Noah obeyed God and entered the Ark with his family and the animals that God had instructed Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came on the earth on the appointed Day by God The Fountains of the great deep burst forth the windows of the heavens were opened and rain fell on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights Genesis 7 11-12 the
waters Rose and spread over the earth and the Ark floated on the surface of the waters the waters Rose higher and covered all the high mountains under the entire Heavens the waters Rose more than 15 cubits above the mountaintops and all the high mountains were covered every living thing that moved on the earth perished Birds livestock wild animals all the creatures that swarm over the Earth and all mankind everything on dry land that had the Breath of Life in its nostrils died every living thing on the face of the Earth was wiped out people and
animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth only Noah and those with him in the ark were left Genesis 7:21-23 Noah and those in the ark were isolated from the world for 150 days while the waters covered the Earth but God remembered Noah and he sent a wind over the earth and the waters receded Genesis 8 was one The Fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed and the rain from the heavens was restrained the waters continued to recede from the earth and
at the end of 150 days the waters had Abad on the 17th day of the 7th month the ark came to rest on the Mountains of Ararat the waters continued to recede until the 10th month on the first day of the 10th month the tops of the mountains became visible Genesis 8:3 to5 Noah waited another 40 days and then open open the window of the ark that he had made and sent out a raven and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth then Noah sent out a dove
to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground but the dove could find nowhere to perch because there was water over all the surface of the Earth so it returned to Noah in the ark he reached out his hand took the Dove and brought it back to himself in the ark he waited seven more days and again again sent out the dove from the ark when the dove returned to him in the evening there in its Beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf then Noah knew that the water had receded from
the earth he waited seven more days and sent the dove out again but this time it did not returned to him Genesis 86:12 when Noah saw that the surface of the ground was dry he removed the covering from the ark and saw that the surface of the ground was dry by the first day of the first month of Noah 61st year the water had dried up from the earth Noah and his family had lived in the ARK for over a year but finally God told them to come out of the Ark come out of the
Ark you and your wife and your sons and their wives bring out every kind of living creature that is with you the birds the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it Genesis 8:16 to 17 Noah his family and all the animals came out of the Ark and began a new life on a cleansed Earth God's covenant in the rainbow an eternal promise after leaving the ark the first thing Noah did was build an altar to the Lord
and offer burnt offerings of clean animals and clean Birds on it the Lord smelled the pleasing Aroma and said in his heart that he would never again curse the ground because of humans even though every inclination of the human heart is is evil from childhood Genesis 8:21 God established a covenant with Noah and his descendants that never again would all life be destroyed by flood waters and never again would there be a flood to destroy the Earth as a sign of this Covenant God set his rainbow in the clouds and it would be a sign
of the Covenant between him and the Earth God said whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds I will remember my Covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life Genesis 9 to 15 the rainbow is a symbol of Hope restoration and God's faithfulness it reminds us of God's promise that he will never again destroy the world by water but will protect and sustain life on Earth it is also a sign of Grace that God
loves us and sent his son Jesus who has saved us from sin and brought hope hope for a new world full of life thus the story of the flood is not only a lesson on God's judgment but also a reminder of his boundless mercy and love for Humanity we hope that through this video you have gained a deeper understanding of the pre flood world and strengthened your faith in the Bible if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up subscribe to our Channel and share this video with your friends thank you for
listening and see you in the next video stay with God and pray for his peace to come to you
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Beyond The Verses
The True Identity of Mary Magdalene: The Mystery and Her Important Role in the Life of Jesus
The True Identity of Mary Magdalene: The M...
Bible Chronicles
10 Incredible Things That Happen When the Holy Spirit Enters a Believer
10 Incredible Things That Happen When the ...
Biblical Emotions Narrated
School For Prophets
How The Nephilim's ACTUALLY Died |The book of Giants
How The Nephilim's ACTUALLY Died |The book...
Stoic Path
Beyond The Verses
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