How To Generate 5-10 Qualified Sales Calls/Day Using A Self-Sustaining Funnel™

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Ravi Abuvala
📞 Let us install the Self-Sustaining Funnel™ in your business for you: https://go.scalingwithsystem...
Video Transcript:
in this video I will reveal the new simple Evergreen automated Marketing System that we're using to generate 20 sales calls a day and this is proof of that it is a screenshot of our calendar software analytics and you can see in the last 365 days we had 71,000 sales calls booked on our calendar and we're doing this through what we call the self- sustaining funnel which I'm going to cover in depth in this video and it's night and day different from common marketing methods you're familiar with because of how it's able to systematically and ethically
manufacture trust with prospects before they book their sales call leading to more bookings higher showup rates higher close rates and less work on the actual sales call and as you'll see it can be managed inhouse by one person in less than an hour a day and this is actually a screenshot from our organizational chart we have a team of about 30 people and you can see our entire marketing department is just one person and that's because they're leveraging the self-sustaining funnel the best part is that you don't have to keep tinkering with or changing the
system as you scale we've used it nonstop to generate over $25 million in high ticket sales for our coaching and done for you offers my name is Ravi abuvala you may recognize the name I'm the guy who builds systems for some of the largest names in our industry people like Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank Jeremy Miner from seventh level Jeff seinger from 0% grego Gallagher from kinobody Richard U from Impact client rosan parv from grow channels Justin Oglesby and Zack Williams from conversion Le John Tess from the John Tess radio show and a thousand more
just like them most of the seven and eight figure agencies you see today were at one point my clients or have attended are 300 plus in-person masterminds in Miami Florida which this is a screenshot of right here I've helped build over 1,290 Marketing Systems in the past four years optimizing hundreds of offers and generating tens of thousands of qualified sales calls for our clients everything I do for myself and my clients centers around efficiency my goal is to generate the most money with the least amount of team members complexity or time required this is reflected
in my own business where we've generated over 25 million doar in high ticket sales with less than 30 employees while I've had the free time to get my pilotes license buy a plane and take over 24 trips a year with my friends and family and this is actually me flying the my plane from San Diego to Miami the day that I bought it and the truth is that we have officially entered a trust recession so interperson trust is at the lowest it has been in the past 40 years in the United States skepticism is at
an all-time high information is abundant and competition is everywhere free consultations hard selling fake scarcity one-way sales funnels webinars cold emailing Facebook groups and DM ads no longer work I know because I've spent millions of dollars trying them all and this is just a few screenshots from our own personal ad accounts and you can see in this one it's a Google ad one we've spent over $2.8 million $468,000 right here in this Facebook one 323,000 in this Facebook one 96,000 in this Facebook one and I cannot stress this this is our ad accounts this is
not our clients ad accounts what we're managing ads for so we've literally spent millions of dollars in ads and these previous methods that I talk about no longer work mainly because they don't build enough trust before the sale sales call this leads to high cost per sales calls High no-show rates low close rates 60 plus minute sales calls extended out sales cycles and tens of thousands of dollars in Lost deal opportunities and you may be experiencing some of that right now this is the old way of client acquisition and this is when the exposure is
at an absolute minimum you're sending cold emails you're cold calling people uh you're running ads to a direct message and trying to get them on a discovery call after two to three messages back and forth or you're running ads directly to a calendar or and a sales page that has you know maybe a 3-minute video on it and you're getting on the phone with people there and all of these people have no trust builts with you and so you have a high no-show rate those that do show up aren't qualified and the majority of them
end up ghosting after that first sales call and trying to build all the TR this trust that you need to make a sale on or after the sales call typically forces a company to rely on a handful of Superstar salespeople maybe even the founders themselves creating a massive bottleneck in the business think back to every high- tiet purchase you've made upwards of $3,000 I can guarantee you decided to purchase that long before you booked the sales call and Google calls this phenomenon the 7114 rule after analyzing billions of data points Google revealed that on average
it takes 7 hours of content across 11 touch points in four different locations to turn a prospect into to a client in short more exposure equals more trust equals more sales and our own tracking systems confirm this for every client we've had with a lifetime value greater than $30,000 they've started their Journey on YouTube where they opted into a lead magnet then they read three to four emails were sent to another YouTube video checked out our trust pilot page clicked on a retargeting ad watched our video sales letter booked a call spoke with the salesperson
and paid in full these seem like a random series of events to the untray eye but it's not we've manufactured this journey after analyzing tens of thousands of sales calls to systematically pack our calendar with pre-qualified prospects who show up and trust us buy and then buy again the solution isn't one single funnel it isn't how you optimize your advertising campaign and it doesn't require hiring more employees spending all day in the DMS or posting more content the solution is the self-sustain dating funnel it's a new kind of Marketing System that thrives in today's trust
recession one that relies more on systems than people and one that can be managed in-house by just one person in less than an hour a day since installing the self-sustaining funnel for our own business I reduced our marketing team from five to one employee increased our profit margins from 34% to 50% and got back a business that serves me and my time instead of consuming it the selfing funnel systematically manufactures that 7114 rule for all of your prospects creating a prospect Journey that leads to more and higher quality sales calls that are ready to buy
and even more importantly can be generated while you sleep let me show you exactly how it works so first let me start with what our old sales process is and this might be similar to a lot of people watching this video here I'm not going to break down this entire section but I'm going to show you that our entire sales process used to require uh a video sales letter that we would send people to from top of funnel cold ads or our short form contents uh and we'd run retargeting ads we'd run DM ads we
had a Facebook group we had a school group uh we would run uh we had appointment Centers inside of here we had middle of funnel DM ads we had all these different mechanisms working almost like in competition with each other um and we also weren't really knowing what was working we had dozens of different lead magnets but they weren't really kind of connected at any point and it was all very disjointed now compare that to the self-sustaining funnel which is what we're using to today and this is something unlike anything else I've seen out there
and it kind of it it leverages that trust recession we're in right now and that 7-Eleven 4 rule to build this trust before people get on the sales call so there's three main areas of any great marketing campaign you have top of funnel middle of funnel and bottom of funnel and before I dive in those areas I first want to start with the most important part of the entire self-sustaining funnel which is what we call foundational copy now this is what you're going to be creating when you are making self-sustaining funnel because without starting at
the foundational copy everything's going to be disjointed you're going to be creating random copy and random messaging and you're going to be creating stuff more because it gets a high click theough rate or because you're getting low cost per leads instead of creating stuff because it's leading to the highest quality sales calls at the lowest cost per acquisition possible so you're going to sit down and you should decide exactly who your avatar is what their primary goals are what their secondary goals are what their primary complaints are what's the biggest problem in the industry what
is your your competitor is looking like in this industry and then you're going to create a campaign argument right so you can actually see me walking through a campaign argument that we have for our clients saying that there's little trust today trust is needed for high ticket sales most companies aren't even aware of how little people trust them the higher the price point the more trust is require most sales company try to build trust on sales call but that leads to high no-show rates low close rates and a process to relying on one or two
people so you can see that there's a common theme inside of here and the reason we always start with this message messaging piece here is because it's a massive leverage point for the rest of our marketing campaign and it also creates uh systemization and consistency through all of our other marketing messages now once we're done with the foundational copy we want to focus on top of funnel traffic and this is where you hear a lot of people talking about running ads and and DM ads and generating clients and what we've discovered personally is that there
are a few different ways to do top of funnel traffic and the best systems best Marketing Systems use a combination of multiple them so first you have collaborations at the top this is when you are featured in other people's audiences joint ventures podcasts etc etc below that you have what are known as Discovery ads on YouTube this is part of the real Secret Sauce around um around what we're creating the selfing funnel here because it uses top of funnel ads and disguises sales letters and ads as if they were educational content really what Facebook ads
was let's say uh 5 to six years ago and then you also have top of funnel short form content so this is your 60c reals shorts Tik toks etc etc and all of these are being sent to your YouTube channel now the YouTube channel becomes really The Core Essence of the self-sustaining funnel and this is opposed to what we used to do and what most people are doing online right now is they either don't have some kind of core lead nurturing mechanism or they're using something like video sales letters which still works today but what
we've learned is that most people are much more guarded they're less likely to give over their contact information and they want to kind of be winded and DED a little bit and it's very expensive to get someone to watch a video sales letter are as I'll cover here in a little bit but if you make your YouTube channel almost like what your video sales letter was there are dozens of benefits I'm going to break down a little bit later and you can actually start creating lead magnets mini video sales letters inside of your playlist and
you can really start racking up that seven plus hours of content that you need to convert total strangers into buyers you can also leverage other pieces of top of funnel assets like Facebook ads or or Google ads or YouTube ads or Tik Tok ads but we're still going to be using this uh YouTube channel as our main lead mechanism and then on top of the YouTube channel we're not just relying on that to get people the book a call to speak with us we also have middle of funnel assets like video sales letters lead magnets
uh search traffic that we're going to be running ads to to send people to our booking page which is really where a lot of this traffic con uh converges on but then we're going to squeeze out even more people that come from lead magnets and these other assets by installing websites appointment sets uh uh uh email automations email newsletters etc etc then from the booking page they fill out a qualification questionnaire where they're going to be answering specific questions that only put you on the calendar with the most qualified people so you can once again
increase your show rate and increase your close rate unqualified people go to um get dis sent to a different page so that they're not going to trigger your pixel fire so that you can make sure that your you're optimizing for the most qualified people possible and then once they book The call there's a very specific nurture sequence we want to send them through sending them specific pieces of content not selling them on why you're the best but selling them on why your unique mechanism is the best method that they can do in order to get
the result that they want then we actually use a manual qualification process through a software that we've created with chat GPT in order to make sure that this person is the right fit we use a scoring calculator to decide is this person someone we should cancel should we mark them as free on the calendar uh should we approve them and have the salesperson uh meet with them should the setter triage them etc etc and then there is a specific like I said nurture sequence we send them the salesperson has a conversation with them before the
call and then if we don't close the deal we send them a follow-up asset from me personally in order to try to get them to close the deal uh we send the proposals to the people that we do close the deals to we create a reoffer sequence uh below that of the people that didn't purchase but maybe we can give them something to Sweet the deal in 30 60 90 days and then of course there's the onboarding page that we send people to in order to start the client success process from here and although this
may seem like a lot of pieces together I'm going to cover more in depth each one here momentarily when you look at this holistically it becomes a true self- sustaining asset where you just push it one time and it's almost like a flywheel and it starts generating these qualified leads sales calls and clients almost on autopilots okay so by now now you should start to understand how this self-sustaining funnel is so effective at systemizing that desperately needed content consumption for your prospects and generating more qualified sales calls that show up in buy especially in today's
economy and that's why today for the first time ever we're offering to install that same self-sustaining funnel every single aspect of this entire process done for you in your business and if you've already heard enough information watching this video right now and you just simply want to take advantage of this unique opportunity I recommend going below this video and booking a call to speak with our team now we're looking for a beta group of coaches Consultants agencies course graders and online service providers who want to work with us one-on-one to build out the self-sustaining funnel
in their business in the next few weeks we are not trying to sell everyone on this call we have already validated this concept the self- sustaining funnel for our companies and generated tens of millions of dollars doing it and on our clients companies and we want to Ted to a larger market so you have no risk of Simply going below this video and booking a call with our team to see about us installing this self-sustaining funnel in your business now for those of you who still need more information let me explain why I believe the
self- suating funnel to be the absolute most effective and streamlined method for client acquisition at scale first and foremost it creates a moat around your business more and more of your competitors are simply copy and pasting what you're doing I can speak that from personal experience offering bigger and Bolder guarantees and creating a race to the bottom in your industry and why shouldn't they if your unique selling proposition I.E your Moes what separates you from other people for your business is how much you care for your clients or your client results or how great your
product is your competitors can make that same claim easily so a lot of people say my stuff is so amazing and that's why you should work with me but every single business owner thinks there stuff is amazing so that's not really a differentiating factor and let's face it while I'm sure what you do is unique it's not Uber unique meaning that it's not totally radically different nobody's ever heard of it especially if you're in the coaching Consulting agency course creator or online service based industry which means that it's very easy for new competitors to enter
the market but if you build a brand which is what the self-sustaining funnel is the best at doing you can create a Moote that nobody can copy allowing you to charge more and create your own category to sell from it's what allowed Kylie Jenner to reach a billion dollars net worth selling mea it is what allowed the rock to reach an $800 million net worth selling tequila it's what allows e andazi to sell smma coaching and make 40 million plus a year it's what allows Wes Watson to sell men's coaching and make $25 million a
year these are all incredibly saturated Industries makeup tequila smma coaching men's coaching there's nothing insanely unique about their products or Services they didn't invent something new here yet they're able to leverage their brands to create generational wealth in a few short years attention is the new oil and the self-sustaining funnel is your oil rig and there's actually a screenshot here from a quote from Alex rosi he said the longer I do business the longer I believe in a single truth brand is greater than everything and the selfs ating funnel is how you're able to blend
direct response marketing and brand building into one simple funnel the second thing that we like about it is that you're no longer one band account away from losing it all I've experienced this multiple times and it literally used to keep me up at night here's a screenshot from my Facebook ad account which is a lifetime restricted on Facebook I've tried creating new advertising accounts but they would always shut it down eventually so I would spin up a new ad account we'd run it for a few weeks and it' eventually get shut down I then committed
to building a much more sustainable scalable and leverag system to acquire clients which started the journey that 3 years later would become the self-sustaining funnel now I never have to worry about getting shut down on one platform because a self-sustaining funnel makes us so omnipresent three you're much more profitable it's common our industry for your cost per acquisition to take up 50% of the total contract value from your clients and that's because your forcing your sales calls instead of enabling them and you can see above like I talked about on the 7114 rule the self-sustaining
funnel uses a different type of advertising that generates a much higher return on investment if you even use advertising at all so like I showed when I briefly walk through the self- suating funnel you don't even have to use advertising the self- suating funnel that's just how you're going to really speed up the process okay it costs us about 17 cents to get somebody to watch our top of funnel content and 32 cents for them to watch another piece of content within 7 days and here is proof of that inside of our Google ad account
so you can see right here our average cost per view is about 17 cents and then there's a stat on YouTube known as earned views and what this means is how much it cost you for somebody to watch not that first video that you're running traffic to but another video on your channel within 7 days and if you did this math here it's about 32 cents to get them to watch two videos of mine on my YouTube channel and each of my videos is typically 15 to 30 minutes long so you can see how it's
very easy to start stacking up that 7 hours of content and building a brand while converting these people into clients now compare that to the traditional $15 cost per view for someone to watch your video sales letter which is realistically more like a $30 cost per view if you factor in your video's 50% play rate so this is from my personal experience when we run ads to an optin and a video sales letter uh we're typically paying about $15 cost per lead and then we have a 50% play rate on that video sales letter page
which means that only 50% of the people that are making to that page are watching that video which is how you get a $30 cost per video and up here I'm talking about 17 cents cost per video view it also allows for a larger margin of error I've written over 1,000 video sales letters for myself and my clients and each one takes hours of painstaking effort without knowing if it will even convert the self- sustaining funnel relies on foundational copywriting that you can use to create hundreds of many video sales letters so like I said
before we start with that foundational copywriting because then you can create so many different assets and video sales letters all and post them on your long form uh content channels like YouTube and they're all kind of saying a similar message but they could have different hooks uh different bodies etc etc and appeal to different peoples most people come to YouTube for education entertainment so they are more receptive and less guarded to your more salesy content when you someone sees an ad there's so immune to that now that that's why your cosper calls and cosper uh
sales are are creeping up so much where they come to YouTube they're used to being educated entertain and you can use that as a great opportunity to also sell each man video sales letter can speak to a different selling point of your product or service and can compound each other to ensure 7 plus hours of content consumption before your prospect books their sales call and an example of this is we have a free course on our YouTube channel that's a playlist and as you can see here we're getting thousands of views of people watching these
and each one of these is 32 minutes 23 minutes 22 minutes 24 minutes and they each also uh touch on a different points of what we offer our clients so how we optimize our client's offers how we set up the advertising and marketing strategy how we optimize the sales process how we optimize a client success process and so we're talking about different angles of what our offer covers all in the different mini vsls which are all going to appeal to different people so every second of this video sales letter doesn't have to be perfect that
you're creating this allows you to create uh have faster testing and iterations and prevent you from wasting tens of thousands of dollars in ads in the testing phase because you can very easily throw up the YouTube video and test that first and then even eventually turn that YouTube video into a video sales letter you can create multiple lead magnets from assets you already own we generate roughly 7 75 leads a day name email phone number from one off lead magnets that we created and attached to our YouTube videos so this is just organically we get
75 leads a day without any kind of paid advertising most of the time it's just the Google Document I use as the script for the YouTube video so the lead magnet itself is literally just a link to the the Google Document like I'm doing here walking through in the video so I'm already creating it and then I can give it away for somebody's name email or phone number these leads get hit up by our appointment setting team uploaded to the advertising platforms as custom audiences and sent emails from our newsletters with roughly 20% of them
eventually booking a sales call there's no ad spend required for this the next thing that we like about the self-standing funnel is it's self- sustaining we have videos that organically generate thousands of monthly views which I created two plus years ago these views become leads leads then become sales calls and sales calls become clients for about an hour of work one time I have something that grows on its own and generates High ticket clients in perpetuity this is so critical and one of the key differences between the self- sustaining funnel and Facebook ads or Facebook
groups or DM campaigns or even short form contents so for example when I created this document that I'm sharing with you now it was about 2:33 a.m. EST I woke up and I was like I have to put this down on paper and share this with you guys and I took a screenshots of all views in the last 48 hours and you can see that we have 23,000 views in the last 48 hours and this is a screenshot you can see uh this shows yesterday as I put my mouse over this from 10: to 11:
p.m. we had 416 views and if I scroll down a little bit further here you can see that even just in the last 60 Minutes some of the videos that are getting action here were made months if not years ago in the last 60 Minutes this video has 46 views in the last UH 60 Minutes this video has 25 views and the last 16 minutes this video has 30 views this video was made June 25th 2022 uh this one was made November and it has 25 views here so you can see that this is literally
also the last 60 Minutes at 2:33 a.m. estd when I would typically literally be asleep I took a screenshot of this analytics to show you how self-sustaining the self-sustaining funnel actually is and then this is also a screenshot from our Google analytics dashboard here and our top content in this period you can see that this one was created in May of 2023 Jan of 2022 October of 2023 June of 2023 June of 2023 Jan of 2022 March of of 2022 so somewhere between 6 and 12 to 18 months my top contents this month was created
and it's still working in perpetuity without me even having to run ads to most of them the next reason why we like the self-sustaining funnel is because it has retargeting built into it itself sell so thanks to the YouTube algorithm and a few special tricks that we use when we set up the videos uh themselves we can create a binge watching experience for our prospects significantly increasing the likelihood of booking a call and becoming clients so an example of this is if you were to go to one of our videos uh that we have here
such as we book 16,000 sales calls using this lead generation system in the top right you can see right here there is another video by me how I created a hybrid offer to make more sales and like I talked about earlier when I showed those analytics we're paying for someone to watch this video but then we get someone to watch this video for free after that and this video is 27 minutes and that video is 16 minutes and they're all mini video sales letter on top of that we've also found that setting up the self-
sustaining funnel the way that we set it up significantly increases the return on our ad spend from other channels so we run a lot of Facebook ads and ads on different channels and I wanted to show you an example here from our uh tracking software this is a client a prospect that eventually became a client of ours I just took a screenshot you can see this is them opting in to Facebook so we have an opt-in page here that says optin dmeta and this is them seeing an ad on Facebook and they're opting it I'm
sorry let me rephrase that they're seeing an ad on Facebook and they're not even opting in they're clicking on the link for the ad but they're not opting in they're not giving us our name email phone number and traditionally what would happen is they would look us up online we would have no other assets elsewhere we weren't following the 7-Eleven 4 rule like most of you watching this video are and so they don't see anything or they see assets from different websites that you don't own or control or maybe your competitors and you lose that
lead or you lose that sale but instead for us what this person did was they clicked on our uh our ad did an optin went to Google and then typed from Google went to our website scaling with and on scaling we embed all of our YouTube videoos so then that person I'm not going to walk through the whole journey went to our blog watched those videos then they went through case studies went through each case study after another eventually booked a call and became one of our clients another reason why we love this
self self- sustaining funnel is because you will be ahead of the curve okay this is why you need to take advantage of this right now for better or worse more and more people are giving it away online every day a new Guru pops up and makes it their mission to destroy all other gurus they're uploading entire courses online for free essentially cutting the kn from under their competition if it hasn't happened to you yet it will information is democratized it can be shared by everyone and everyone can access it so instead of being upset and
trying to guard your secrets Leverage The self- Standing funnel to generate as much of reach as possible while it's still a blue ocean before everybody else figures this out and starts doing this you want to actually give away all of your best content for free but you don't just want to give it away haphazardly you want to do it in in a systematic and methodical manner that leads to more leads calls and clients because just posting your best stuff online I guarantee you is not going to lead you to more leads calls and clients and
now you could even be giving away your IP without anything in return give away the information sell the implementation okay another reason why we love the self-standing funnel it leverages your best salesperson at your company which is always going to be you let's be honest we have no desire to sit on8 plus sales calls every day no matter how much money we make from it but nobody will be able to sell as well as you nobody cares as much or has as much expertise which is why the self-sustaining funnel is so powerful it turns you
into the number one salesperson for the company but in an infinitely leveraged way your sales people become more like order takers as you publish sales assets that educate your prospects handle objections nurture and sell them this allows you to hire fewer salespeople and increase your average revenue per employee we also if you saw inside of the selfs suating funnel use stuff like transfer of trust videos to transfer all that Equity that we have created in our prospects as the face of the brand and as the person behind all the videos to our sales scene before
the sales call and this is an example of this right here this is part of that very specific nurture process we have after somebody books a call where I actually have a zoom video introducing my salesperson where the person's used to watching hundreds of hours of content of me and I'm now transferring that trust over to the salesperson they're going to be speaking to now like I said before if you are ready to be the first person in your industry or one of the first people to to jump on this one-of aind opportunity do not
hesitate make your move and book a call to speak with our team immediately we are searching for a beta group of coaches Consultants course graders advertising agencies and online service providers who want us to install the self-sustaining funnel in their business in the coming weeks we're not hard selling anyone we only want want people who see the value in this new Marketing System and want to be one of the first people to leverage it for their industry be sure to book a time with our team now there's absolutely no risk in simply setting up a
call to talk about how we can tailor this self-sustaining funnel for your business now for those of you who are interested in the self-sustaining funnel but still have some questions let me address some of the concerns you may have about leveraging the self-sustaining funnel in your business first isn't organic very slow to scale isn't that what this is just like posting organic content online well the traditional way of posting organic content is slow to scale but this is not that we doubled our reach last year by leveraging the self-sustaining funnel and here is a screenshot
from our YouTube platform this is not including all the other platforms that we more than doubled our reach on but I'm just talking about YouTube here you can see that our views in the last 365 days is 95% more than the previous 365 days okay and remember more views is more exposure and more exposure is more trust and more trust is more sales calls and more sales calls is more sales so you can safely say that if we doubled the amount of views that we had it had a significant increase in our top and bottom
line revenue we leverage hyp specific targeted audiences a very specific type of advertising campaign on YouTube and a specific structure to our videos and their Cadence to systematically manufacture those 7 hours of content for pennies on the dollar once again a screenshot showing that we're literally getting people to consume our content that have never heard of us before for 17 cents of view and then we're getting them to watch multiple pieces of content that binge watching experience for around 33 cents a view we're also leveraging middle of funnel assets like paid retargeting ads to squeeze
the most out of every viewer and be able to generate that consistent 20 Sal sales calls a day average so this isn't just organic content where you're posting it online you're giving away everything for free and you're hoping that you're generating sales calls from it this is a very systematic and methodical way to post amazing content online bring new eyeballs fuel that growth of that contents uh through paid advertising and then squeeze out every single lead sales call and client from that content through middle of funnel assets like retargeting ads and middle of funnel assets
when you do it correctly you can get Pennies on the dollar for lead sales calls and clients so here's an example these are some middle of funnel campaigns that we're running for our company we're getting website schedules for $78 a website schedule which if you're in the B2B High ticket world is incredible these are qualified sales calls and then also this is on Google you can see our cost per conversion is $38 per sales call here as well so a fraction of what it would be if you tried to force people to book a call
from top of funnel but if you do it this way it lowers the cost significantly in addition we leverage other channels and platforms like short form content Facebook ads etc etc to fuel this organic growth so when people see you on other platforms the self- sustaining funnel encompasses that in it it allows for video sales letters uh short form content assets and different channels but remember we're making uh systematically our YouTube becoming our core asset of the self-sustaining funnel and so when we increase our let's say followers on Instagram we're we're systematically sending them up
to YouTube which fuels that organic growth so really it is the best of both worlds it has all of the content consumption and trust that comes from organic if you've built an organic brand brand online everybody knows that people that come from your organic brand that come from YouTube they are the most amazing clients the best sales calls they've been following you for a while you could be selling them Absolute crap and they would still buy it I'm not saying do that I'm saying that that is how amazing organic content is but the problem with
Organic is that it's very slow to scale but the self- sating funnel creates rapid scale of your organic content through paid advertising second issue or question that we always get is isn't this very messy and complex and the answer is yes and no it's not messy okay um if you were trying to do this on your own and you didn't use a self- suating funnel and you randomly just posted content and gave away your best stuff online uh then yeah probably it would be very messy you wouldn't have consistency you wouldn't have your foundational copy
uh you wouldn't have that consistent messaging after they the call and that specific nurture sequence but the self- sustaining funnel was created with efficiency in mind like I said at the very beginning of this video every single thing is connected to another and it has a place every piece of content we create and asset we build follows a specific message derived from the foundational aspects of the offer the Avatar the pain points the unique selling proposition their primary goals or secondary goals what other people are claiming in the marketplace what are their objections etc etc
and like I said before this is a screenshot from our foundational copy we call it the sales copy blueprint in our company and it literally walks through every it's about 10 times as long as what the screenshot is here but it walks through all of this which allows myself our marketing person our media team anybody else to be able to take this and create content without me being involved and it be consistent with the rest of the messaging on the platform it's really like an orchestra right so each piece of the self-sustaining funnel plays perfectly
with the other to create something beautiful now although it's not messy it can be complex I will one of our values is radical transparency I'm very honest with you it can be complex I'm not going to lie and say that the self- stating funnel is easy to set it up if you try to just take a screenshot here and go out and build it on your own it would take hundreds and hundreds of hours uh for you to set up and you wouldn't even know if you're doing it correctly but it is easy to manage
once you have it set up but setting it up does require a science and a system okay but you don't want it to be easy to to set up I can't stress this enough okay everybody that wants it just be like oh let me just create this one thing and it's just this one ad or this one type of campaign you don't want that okay if it were easy everybody else would be doing it and it wouldn't be valuable for example any schmuck today can create a Facebook ad and make a guarantee and that's why
you see so many of them today when I go on my Instagram and Facebook and I'm scrolling I see literally so many people making the exact same guarantees with with the exact same ads and the exact same funnels because the barrier to entry is so low I mean for literally $5 you could do that on Facebook so you don't want it to be so simple that everybody can do it because then this is no longer valuable the self- sustaining funnel does require an upfront investment but once it's set up it's very easy to manage by
one person less than an hour a day and it pays dividends for years another reason that I hear a lot of people hesitant when I talk about the self- sitting funnel is they ask isn't it difficult to create content right don't I have to hire this entire media team and invest tens of thousands of dollars in media equipment and spend all my time shooting videos look I've been in this game for four plus years if you go to my YouTube channel you can click on oldest and you can see some of the incredibly embarrassing videos
that I made back when I had an advertising agency over four years ago and in my experience content creation has followed a bell curve in the beginning you could get away with just a webcam video and a crappy mic which is what a lot of these videos here are then as more people entered the scene the production value went way up now people are somewhat desensitized to high production quality content a lot of them equate high quality content with ads now and they want their content creators to feel more relatable and this is actually a
little asset I created to show you when we first started YouTube the content quality didn't have to be great CU there wasn't a lot of people on the platform when people were figuring it out over time it became very very saturated and the people that were making something unique and different they were creating spending so much money with all this high quality camera equipment and videos etc etc and uh and the production quality went way up but now people are actually going back down on the other end of that curve because they're they're that's not
really unique anymore that's not novel having nice uh camera and actually it's even more novel if you look at some of the top uh YouTubers or content creators you know when it's much more personal when it feels like you're letting them into their personal life without any editing with just maybe no thumbnail um and those are getting the best views and converting the best I'm going to show you that here in a moment for example my number one performing piece of content is a loom video of how to use LinkedIn sales Navigator so here's an
example uh this is over three years ago I filmed this 293,000 views when I watch this video now I literally cringe I don't even have my face on it it's just that little thing in the bottom left that's my avatar which is a photo of me looks like when I was in high school and and it's me walking through how to use LinkedIn sales Navigator right nothing special fancy about it uh the I didn't have any audio equipment you could hear the audio bouncing around in the rooms yet it has generated hundreds of thousands of
views and hundreds of thousands of dollars for our company another example not that has nothing to do with me of another low production content that generated over 600 sales calls in 3 days is this one here by a gentleman named William Brown so uh I saw this video and in just a few days uh he created he created this video there's no thumbnail there's no editing on it it's if you watch the video it's like Blurry in the background and it it focuses blurry in the background focuses like everything is wrong about this video when
it comes to editing but uh that video he made another video a few days later and said wow I can't believe it but that one video generated over 600 sales calls in three days okay imagine that I mean it took this guy 22 minutes with no editing shoot this and he created 600 sales calls in 3 days and another example here uh of one that generated 86,000 views in a few days with only 40,000 Subs this is another gentleman named Charlie Morgan and this is literally him sitting almost exactly Sam oven style a minute long
or an hour long video him drawing he looks like he has about the same handwriting style as I do on a whiteboard and uh he's literally drawing this out there's no editing no thumbnail no nothing and it brought him 86,000 views I don't know how many sales calls this brought him but I almost guarantee you it brought him quite a bit of sales calls so these videos have no editing and no thumbnails and we personally at our company get an insane amount of Engagement when we post similar casual style videos so here's an example of
one that we posted about a week ago and you can see all of these comments right here says more videos like this this is great content rev your content inspiring and actionable bro this is one of the best videos uh this guyy is the man best program I've invested in more videos great content uh glad I I found you my friend great content so this was totally different than all the other videos that I'm posting this was not high production quality like sure I am sitting with a nice camera in front of a background but
that's it there is no thumbnail there's no uh editing there's no special Graphics it's literally me sitting there talking for 21 minutes okay so you don't need to invest tens of thousands of dollars into equipment or a media and editing team although eventually you will want to right because uh it is nice if you want to build a a bigger and better brand but you don't need that to start what's more important at first is the messaging and scripts of the content or asset that you're creating how and when you distribute them which is all
what is uh covered inside the self- sitting funnel right and we're also not trying to be famous we're trying to be wealthy so we don't need our videos to be like Mr Beast whose target audience has an attention span of 2 seconds and requires hundreds of hours of editing per video as you do scale multiple pieces of content a week you will want to create some kind of media system like the one that we have that allows me to take about 6 hours of filming a month and publish over 300 plus pieces of content without
my involvement and this is a screenshot of this this uh system that we have inside of our uh pipeline or inside of our our business and what we help install for our clients as well and you can see these are some of the videos that you will likely see on my YouTube in the coming days another kind of objection or concern I hear is shouldn't I be creating short form contents like reals shorts and Tik toks isn't that what all the the channels are are promoting right now isn't this what is the kind of the
hot thing creating all these short form pieces of content well personally this was a huge mistake after I started to see success on my YouTube channel so when I built the self- sustaining funnel and we really started getting traction and we were taking home hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in just pure profit without any paid ads for my self- stating funnel um everyone was telling me wow that's all really great but you really need to start creating short form content because the platforms are really promoting the short form content and end your XYZ
person here who's making money doing short form content and I don't have unlimited time in my day so when I decided to prioritize short form content I stopped posting so much on YouTube I went from posting two videos a week on YouTube to two videos in 3 months and here's a screenshot of that kind of weird gap for me so you can see this is six videos in what is essentially um three months that we posted uh content on YouTube so I went from two a week to three in um or I'm sorry to two
in three months okay and honestly we did see a dip in our Revenue I'll be very honest with you we saw a dip in on Revenue when I focused my attention only on short form contest and I stopped following ing the foundational messaging of our offer so the Avatar the pain points the desires ET ET from that foundational copy sheet and I instead we just started posting whatever would get us more views right it was this kind of bad cycle where we started seeing a dip in our Revenue we thought we needed to get more
views because that's what we used to do on YouTube more views equal more money so then we would uh start to create uh content that wasn't about our Avatar but would maybe get us more views which just led to more views but not more uh clients and it just kind of self perpetuated over and over and over and over again our best video that we have of short form content today is me talking about where I went to the bathroom in my plane so this is on Tik Tok over a million views 39,000 likes on
it and it's literally me sitting in my plane talking about where I go to the bathroom which if you want you can go look up that video if you want to know where how many qualified leads for my high ticket B2B business do you think talking about the bathroom of my airplane got me right I'll just let you take a guess it rhymes with hero okay short form content is also terrible for conversions remember what I talked about multiple times here exposure equals trust trust equals calls calls equals sales and there isn't a lot of
exposure in 60c videos when I finally was able to start to speak to some of the Masters of the short form content world the people that either are the huge brands that you know in the short form world or the people behind those Brands they explain that short form wasn't the right move for me unless I had a very wide low ticket business to Consumer audience they suggested that I use my short form content to drive to my long form content which is what the self-sustaining funnel does but that still doesn't make sense for most
people let me explain why our average short costs us about $60 and gets us around 3,000 views if you imagine that 1% of those short views click the link in our bio to go to our long form content such as YouTube in the self-standing funnel we're paying $2 for every view of our long form content right for based on these numbers here and that's really not bad $2 for a long form content view but if you add in the fact that a lot of the short form videos aren't targeted to our our our Target Avatar
and they're not hyp specific targeted because you're not uh doing a specific campaign online like you do with lookalike audiences or YouTube and Google targeting it requires management of multiple editors so we have over four editors on our team and it's 13 times the cost per view as what we're getting directly from YouTube it starts to make less sense I'm not saying that you don't do short form content we've had many clients see success taking their short form content and plugging it into the self- sustaining funnel I'm telling you that we're personally obsessed with efficiency
and for most people creating short form content to generate High ticket clients is not efficient you do see short form content in the self-sustaining funnel but that's only after we've built out the entire conversion mechanis M that is our long form content everything once we've built everything else out then short form just becomes another form of traffic okay and here's a screenshot of what I showed in the self-standing funnel where we do have top of funnel short form content because it is a great way to get attention but just short form content without the rest
of it uh put put together will end you up with a lot of views maybe you'll be famous but you're not going to be making a lot of money the next objection I get is like can I just keep doing what I'm doing what I'm doing is working I'm I'm running ads to a Facebook group low ticket funnel uh you know webinars cold emailing whatever else it is and look if what you're doing is working by all means please please please keep doing it never stop something that is working but that is the beauty of
the self-sustaining funnel it works in conjunction with your other client acquisition methods whether that's DM ads video sales letters Facebook groups cold emails Instagram shoutouts lead magnets the self- sustaining funnel will actually increase the effectiveness of these channels but take it from someone who has made and spent millions of dollars trying all of the methods that you can think about in our industry you also want to start building a brand through the self-sustaining funnel the brand is the only thing that will last it is the only thing in our industry that gives our companies real
Enterprise Value like I said before you're not really inventing anything brand new that nobody's ever heard of before so you want to build a brand because that becomes the value in of of itself for the business someday your Facebook ad account will get shut down you'll have appointments that quit your Facebook group will go dead and you'll be happy that you spent the extra time and money building a brand through the self-sustaining funnel because remember the self-sustaining funnel requires one person to manage and run and that could be you or it could be somebody else
so even if you lost everything and everything went kaput you can still manage and run the self-sustaining funnel in just an hour a day by one person and as I said earlier the self- stating funnel doesn't require you to get up cash now for cash later which a lot of people uh do when they're building a brand so a lot of people when they're building a brand they invest a lot of money up front and they wait for the brand to be massive and then they start kind of taking Equity from it and that's a
a great play the biggest companies in the world do that I'm not I'm saying that's not a bad play but most people in our industry got in this industry for the cash play of it as well because uh the self- suing funnel is really the best of those Both Worlds it builds the brand for the long-term play but it also allows you to liquidate the attention and the cash for the short-term play so what the subing funnel really does is you put out more value than you take from the marketplace which is really what brand
building is about while still taking a lot okay and the next question I always get is isn't it difficult to monetize content right maybe you've created a bunch of content before you consider yourself a content creator you're watching this video like isn't it hard aren't there's people uploading billions of videos uh to YouTube every single day well if you relied on AdSense sponsor ships low ticket products it is very hard to monetize content if you're a coach consultant agency owner course grader or online service provider with a price point of $22,000 plus it's almost too
easy to make money okay I'm going to explain that in a second so for us we've learned that about 2% of our views become leads for our business so if we post a video and it gets 1,000 views which is pretty bad for our Channel but let's just say it gets 1,000 views you'd get around 20 leads or we'd get around 20 leads for that if you set up the self-sustaining funnel correctly about 20% of those leads will eventually become sales calls through all those middle of funnel assets the lead magnets the retargeting ads the
video sales letters the appointment centers the email campaigns etc etc the automation about 20% of those people will eventually become sales calls and because of the method uh in which the trust was manufactured before the sales call which is what the self- stating funnel is all about building an unbelievable amount of trust before the sales call closing rates using the self-sustaining funnel what we've seen for ourselves and for our clients are around 35% that means that for every video that gets 1,000 views you can earn around $7,000 so 1,000 views times a 2% conversion rate
times a 20% booking rate times a 35% closing rate and then times let's say a $5,000 price point is $7,000 for every 1,000 views that you get but what's special about the self- sighting funnel is what if you get 1,000 views for $170 right imagine the return on investment if you were getting those thousand views that made you $7,000 for $170 and that's exactly what we're doing inside the self- sustaining funnel and sometimes it's even cheaper than that if you set it up correctly now these numbers can vary greatly depending on your offer your price
points how you structure your videos the middle of funnel and bottom of funnel asset your sales process etc etc but still hopefully you're seeing that you don't need to become Kylie Jenner to turn this into a real wealth creation and brand building machine so with all that being said I would now like to formally invite you to book a call with our team to learn about how we can install the self- sustaining funnel in your business today we're only looking to work with a handful of coaches Consultants agencies course graders and online service providers who
have a price point of $22,000 or greater and who understand how powerful the self- sustaining funnel can be for predictably generating qualified sales calls that show up by and buy again I'll spend the rest of my time here explaining how the process works how quickly you can start seeing results and what you'll get when you decide to work with us so first of all I cannot stress this enough there is not just one thing that makes a self-sustaining funnel work okay it's not just about posting more content on YouTube running YouTube ads creating a video
sales later launching retargeting ads creating a lead magnet etc etc etc it is a system okay all of the pieces work together harmoniously like an airplane engine and even just one missing piece could lead to disaster it could easily take over a 100 plus hours remember this is taking me 4 years to perfect this if you tried to piece together this entire system on your own not to mention you've never even built it before so you don't even know what success looks like this is really my life's work this is what I've dedicated the past
four years of my life to doing which is almost the entire time I've been in business and after testing dozens of different types of marketing campaigns spending m millions of dollars on ads and working with a thousand plus clients we've boiled this process down to an exact science second thing that you need to know is that this is not a course okay we will be licensing to you A system that has generated us over $25 million in high tiet sales and helping you install this system in your business we're going to be inside a private
slack Channel with you and your team answering questions delivering assets and optimizing campaigns our team of experts does most of the heavy lifting for you we're going to build structure and connect the self-standing funnel we're writing the video sales letters that's going to convert more of those viewers into uh leads calls and clients we're going to help you structure your advertising copy go over the foundational assets so you have that sales copy blueprint that I talked about earlier set up that specific type of advertising campaign with that very specific type of uh of targeting to
make sure you're getting the best views possible for the cheapest costs piecing it all together and then making sure we test it before we go live Plus for an additional monthly retainer we can actually edit those videos that you're going to be publishing like on YouTube we can create your thumbnails and we can even run the ads for you but that's totally not required we just know a lot of people want this to be an entire hands-off process this means that you'll spend less time watching course modules or sitting through two hour group coaching calls
and more time getting stuff done which ultimately means that you'll make fewer mistakes and get your self- sending funnel launched faster with our average client having their entire self- understanding funnel launched in 23 days which for some people may feel like an eternity and to other people who understand how complex this is and how much it takes to build a brand and build a machine that builds a brand 23 days is absolutely nothing especially for how long we work together here's exactly how our process works first thing we're going to do is we're going to
optimize your offer using what we call our golden Gap formula making it irresistible to your market and this is just an illustration that shows this most people when they come to us have an offer that's worth 2x of what they're charging for it we're going to put some specific things in place that we've learned after working with over 1300 offers on how to make it 8X as valuable and that's the first thing that we do because you'll be able to charge higher prices close more sales calls and collect more cash up front all the while
making your services simpler and cheaper to fulfill which ultimately means that you'll take on more money with less work and start to separate yourself from your competition we do this first because it lays the foundation for every other step and allows us to scale to a much larger much colder Market Market the second thing we're going to do is help you create your sales copy Blueprints and this is that thing that I was telling you earlier that's going to be a snapshot of your entire marketing message for your entire company the entire campaign argument the
thesis of why you even exist and why people should work with you is going to be in one simple easy to consume document and ours is about like I said 10 times as long as this and we're going to help you build you yours this is a one pager that we can pull from to enter the conversation in your prospect's mind and create persuasive messaging that slices through the noise in your Marketplace and creates consistency across all of your channels which ultimately means that you'll increase the efficiency of your top of funnel middle of funnel
and bottom of funnel messaging that'll lead to more clicks leads calls and sales with less investment and efforts the sales copy blueprint getting this thing right is so slept on in our industry everyone just wants to throw up an ad and run it to a sales page and they're wondering why it's so expensive but this is that one small leverage point where you put a little bit of work up front and it can pay you dividends it can go take a campaign from a 2X return on investment to a 20 or a 30X return on
investment by getting this right and the best part of the sales copy blueprint is that it's easily the most valuable asset in your business right the self-sustaining funnel is going to be very valuable when we put in your business but the sales copy blueprint I would argue is even more valuable you can hand it over to any future hires or advertising agencies you work with and they'll be able to create hyp specific messaging in minut minutes so when you're able to Lally just say hey I want to hire you as an ad agency or as
a copywriter or as my marketing manager here's everything about our Avatar what we sell what their payment points are etc etc you've now cut the learning phase of their ramp up period by like 99% okay and we're actually going to show you how we use that uh document that sales copy blueprint with chat GPT to create an unlimited supply of new advertising copy social media content email campaigns and marketing assets so every time I use chap GPT I start the message with here's everything you know about our company and I copy and paste it in
and then I say now I need you to do X Y and Z and so it gives it all the content it needs in order to create everything that I need from it and we're going to show you exactly how to do that the next thing we'll do is build and install the self- sustaining funnel for you this custom automated endtoend Marketing System so everything from a total stranger to a paying client is meticulously crafted to create a prospect Journey that manufactur trusts and turns total strangers into qualified ready to buy a appointments on your
calendar and every self-sustaining funnel is different so the what I showed you earlier that charts that is what generally a self-sustaining funnel looks like but our team of experts is going to look at what traffic channels you're already using what's converting assets you already have in place and then we're going to use that combined with the systems that we've made in the self- sustaining funnel to create a custom tailored marketing system that uses a high degree of efficiency and leverage and because the self-standing funnel centers around Google 7114 rule will be able to drastically increase
your volume of qualified booked calls while Building A system that relies Less on you or your team and the best part is that you'll no longer have to sell on your sales calls it'll become more of an order-taking process all of our sales people always say that this is the best offer they've ever worked because it's so easy to sell because people come in already so nurtured so if you're the kind of person that really doesn't like to Hard Sell on sales calls and don't really find themselves as a great salesperson the self- sustaining funnel
takes care of all of that for you because like I showed you before even the most decent offer and even the most okay salesperson can Thrive with a self sustaining funnel because of all of that trust that's built up beforehand and this isn't like a coaching program or course okay we're not just going to overwhelm you with information and leave you to figure it out on your own our highly trained team of experts who have worked with thousands of Marketing Systems does most of the heavy lifting for you and this is as much for your
benefit as is for ours after building thousands of marketing campaigns we are way better at this than any of our clients we are able to virtually guarantee success because we do all of the most impactful and difficult work for you we'll also license and help install our content creation systems so that you can generate hundreds of pieces of content from just a few hours of work so that's what I showed you earlier that media pipeline that system that we have literally put tens of thousands of pieces of content from our uh media systems through and
optimized it we're going to help you license it and put it inside of your business in addition once we have the self- sustaining funnel up and running we'll continue to work with you one-on-one to refine the system optimizing it when with you weekly to get a higher and higher return on your investment we'll listen to your sales calls and give you feedback review your campaign's performance and make suggestions and even show you how to delegate the management of it to somebody else so you can remove yourself entirely like I am in our business this means
that you'll never be alone in this entire process no more relying on naive team members or 70 plus hour work weeks to run your business we are just one slack message away from solving any bonck or problems that you may be experiencing but that is not all once we solve your client acquisition problem you'll very likely run into a service delivery problem and this is why we work with you to install our client conveyor Service delivery system the client conveyor is a system that we created that takes newly closed deals and turns them into raving
satisfied referral giving clients in the most streamlined manner possible remember we're all about efficiency we'll help you create a service road map optimize Service delivery find team members to replace you and launch backend offers this means that you'll be able to productize your offers and minimize custom work allowing you to retain higher profit margins as you scale seriously and this is just an example an illustration that most people in our industry they're just selling their own experience whether you're running an advertising agency an SEO company or a coach a consultant a course creator it's typically
just your experience that you're selling but in order to scale you need to package that experience into a oneoff product that you can sell with a specific transformation and that's exactly what will help you do on top of that after we've worked with you to solve your client acquisition and client fulfillments your final bottom neck will be in operations I know this from firsthand experience because it wasn't too long ago that I had to actually shut down the entire self-sustaining funnel because we didn't have the capacity to take on new clients this cost me hundreds
of thousands of dollars as I scrambled to figure out how building uh how to build hiring systems manage employees and create attractive compensation packages but you won't have to experience any of that we're going to show you how we structure our project management software meetings organizational charts and kpis for the highest dollar per employee possible with the least amount of headache or complexity finally although we can get a lot done from at home in our pajamas there is just something about getting in a room full of highlevel entrepreneurs that can unlock Lo levels of growth
that you didn't even know existed depending on which package you choose you'll get access to a one-of-a-kind Mastermind in places like medine Veil and Cabo with less learning and more networking with activities like ATVs snowmobiles and whitewater rafting and this is actually a screenshot from one of the most recent ones we had in Vil Colorado and we all went snowboarding for the day right we spent a few days together Mastermind Network learned I had my family office and financial advisers come out there and teach and then we spent the entire Saturday going out there and
shredding the mountains and it was snowing it was such an incredible and amazing day and this means that you'll finally be a part of a mash mine where you can not only learn and grow but also have fun and build relationships that last a lifetime and we're really barely even scratching the surface of what we can do for you we don't see this as a one andone thing we follow a framework that we call partnership without percentages which is where we treat your business as if it we're our own if an emergency arises or you
have pressing questions that require immediate answers we've got your back you'll have access to a private slack Channel where our entire client success team is dedicated to seeing you succeed your goals become their goals your challenges become their challenges and their job is to solve those challenges using our battle tested proven systems imagine the scenario your marketing campaign isn't delivering the results you expected typically if you were doing this alone you'd be stuck trying to guess your way to success but not with us you can simply ping our team of experts in your private slack
Channel if we haven't caught the problem first and we'll make adjustments on it based on what we believe to be the problem and our client success team isn't just a former a bunch of former clients who regurgitate what I say which is what a lot of people do they just hire one of their previous clients to be their client test manager uh which seems like a great idea except for those people are only limited once again by the founders knowledge or expertise but that's not the case in our team each of our client test managers
has scaled their own business to either multiple six or seven figures and goes through a rigorous training and feedback process to ensure our clients get the best help possible the best part is that there is no additional cost for this level of support there's no equity to give up and there's no nagging monthly retainer the only catch is that due to the beta method of how we're launching the self-sustaining funnel the done for you nature of the work that we do and the intimate one-on-one support we provide we can only work with a certain number
of clients a month and we only work with coaches Consultants agencies course graders and online service providers with a price Point greater than $2,000 who are generating at least $5,000 a month so if that is you I invite you to go below this video now and book a call to learn about how we can install the self-sustaining funnel in your business today while booking the call you'll answer a few questions that allow us to do some research in your business and come to our call prepared to show you the next steps for implementing our proven
system after you book your call we'll also send you a link to our website that has over 1,000 case studies client wins and video testimonials proving that the self- suating funnel works so if you're tired of your business not generating the freedom and revenue you know it's capable of go below this video and book a call to speak with our team we can only work with a limited number of clients on a month-to-month basis so do not wait book a call so we can go more in depth on what the self-sustaining funnel would look like
in your business today
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