FAITH MOVES MOUNTAINS (God Wants You To Believe) | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Uplift You

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
the Bible says in Hebrews 11:1 now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you see faith is necessary for every believer because it's only when you have faith that you can please God now let me ask you do you really have faith or do you rely on your own judgment your reasoning or what your eyes can see are you living by faith are you walking by faith when you think about some of the Heroes of Faith in the Bible and all of the trials they went through you'll see
that they had one thing in common they kept believing in God they had unwavering trust in the Lord and they were strong in faith and let me tell you something it takes faith to follow Jesus Christ it takes Faith to continue pushing and standing for the gospel by faith the walls of Jericho fell down by faith Paul and Silas were beaten chained up and imprisoned but they still praised God the three Hebrew boys refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar all because they had such strong faith these are all great examples of people who stood
their ground and trusted in the Lord even when all the odds were against them their faith was not shaken their faith was not broken because they knew that the god whom they served is bigger greater and more powerful than anything or anyone else who they could come up against we can learn a lot from the Believers in the Bible and from how they dealt with adversity because even in this present day we often find ourselves in situations where our faith is put to the test and we must decide how we will respond but here's what
the Bible says in 1 Peter 1 verse 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed no matter what your hardship might be be strong in faith don't allow yourself to be moved because as soon as you let go of God's sure promises you are bound to
get swept up into the madness of this world Jesus Christ is is our only sure Foundation he is our steadfast anchor circumstances change people change but the word of God remains true forever in the Book of Matthew Jesus says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away that's why we can stand confidently in him that's why we can cling to him now you may be there and say my faith is not strong enough it's not big enough Lord so what should I do well let me tell you that even the
smallest fragment of faith has power Matthew 17: 20 so Jesus said to them because of your unbelief for assuredly I say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you think about that Faith as a Mustard Seed Faith the size of a seed that's all we need according to the Bible so beloved I want to stand with you today and simply encourage you to keep the faith your situation may be difficult but don't
let that shake your faith you may be experiencing the pain of being abandoned or feeling isolated but friend I encourage you to have faith in the Lord he will be your closest companion wrestling with unbelief and doubt is common to all men we will all have our faith tested by unbelief and doubt but let me tell you how you can overcome these crippling feelings you overcome unbelief and doubt by simply standing and being anchored in the word of God feed on the word of God hold on to the promises of God meditate on God's word
this is how faith is nurtured developed and strengthened and let me give you a scripture that supports this Romans 10: 17 says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God so whenever you find your faith being challenged lean on the word of God even more whenever you find that your faith is being shaken hold on steadfastly to the word of God even more focusing on the word of the Lord will be the best thing for you to do when it comes to strengthening your faith and with this understanding let us
pray do dear Lord help us to have strong faith help us to have tenacious Faith so that in the face of adversity we can still be confident that you are with us give us the kind of faith that doesn't give up the kind of faith that is patient enough to wait on you I pray for faith that cannot be shaken by The Winds of life I pray for the kind of faith that is not broken by the weight of disappointment give us strong faith Lord faith that isn't intimidated by the giant before us faith that
isn't frightened by the mountain before us I pray that you would give us faith that trusts in you completely because you are bigger you are greater and more powerful than anything that could come up against us Mark 11: 22- 24 says have faith in God Jesus answered truly I tell you if anyone says to this mountain go throw yourself into the sea and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen it will be done for them therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have
received it and it will be yours Lord I pray for the person who is wrestling with doubt I pray for anyone wrestling with unbelief May the Holy Spirit strengthen them May the Holy Spirit lift up their Spirits don't let them be defeated by the trials they face don't allow them to be discouraged by the devil let us not be bound by the problems of this life but may we hold on to your promises in your word you have said Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away we put our trust
in your precious promises Lord we believe your word to be true because in your word we are assured of Total Restoration thank you for giving us hope and strength for tomorrow I praise you for promising that you will keep those whose minds are stayed upon you in perfect peace keep our minds in perfect peace Lord as we fight the good fight each and every day May the highest pray pra be given unto you you are a good and faithful God for each and every person listening I pray that you would Shine Your holy presence in
our lives Shine Your Light Upon Us in this world of Darkness help us to be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the Holy Spirit give us hearts and ears that listen 1 John 5:4 says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith father help us to live a life that is pleasing in your sight help us to live life as you intended for us a life where we live by faith and not by sight and Lord should you find my faith to
be weak may you strengthen me if my faith should be shaken may you keep me Steady I pray that you will strengthen my resolve John 7:38 says he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water father May the rivers of living water flow from every part of our Lives May your po Living Waters fill us with Faith Lord I look forward to a future with you I embrace a future that is in your hands one that is filled with love mercy and goodness as I
reach out in faith and prayer I place my hopes my dreams and plans all in your hands for as long as you are for us Lord Jesus nothing can stand against us we will continue to place our faith in you because you are a God who will hold us up when we don't have the strength to stand on our own you are a God who has calmed the storms in our lives and lifted us up high even though we were in a pit of despair you King Jesus are my rock in this world which is
like sinking sand continue to be with us and give us the faith to stand firm day by day amen now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which per ises even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed have faith in God Jesus
answered truly I tell you if anyone says to this mountain go throw yourself into the sea and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen it will be done for them therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water
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