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What was the world like before the flood? In Part 5 of the series, Life Changing Truths every man mu...
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We can see how technologically  advanced these people really were. It shocks modern archaeologists  because they don't know how it's done. Hey guys, What was the world like before the flood?
Also known as the antediluvian period. What I'm going to describe to you in this video is going to blow you away. Because it's going to sound like - almost like a fantasy world.
Only that it was real. And so we're going to look at the Bible. Other ancient writings.
And also archaeology. Are you ready for this? Let's start with the people first.
In the time before the flood. [Genesis 5: 3-5] So the first thing we realized  is that people got old. They lived hundreds of years.
It's not like today. Think about what this means. If you lived at that time you could have known your great-great-great-great-great  Granddad so most of the grandchildren at that time probably heard the creation stories  from Adam and Eve, directly firsthand.
Methuselah, who is Noah's grandfather, lived  to be the oldest man that we know about. And he was 969 years old. Now, a lot of people say, well that can't be true.
We can't believe that. The scale was probably different. 100 years for them was probably 10 years.
Well, they don't think further than that. What it actually means, what they are saying because Mahalel and Enoch followed their  first sons, at 65 and at 70 years old. So think about it.
If 100 years represents 10 years, these guys would have been six and  seven years old. Father at six and seven. I don't think so.
Remember, when God created Adam he said that he was good. Perfect. Right?
That was before sin came into the world. Also Eve. They were perfect.
DNA perfect. Perfect human beings. Your great-great-great-great  grandparents were perfect.
And they could have lived in the  Garden of Eden for many years, maybe even 100 years, because remember they  only got Seth when Adam was 130 years old. But when sin came into the  world, everything changed. Imperfections came into the DNA of humankind,  especially if you look at thousands of years.
We die earlier. We're not getting better like evolutionists say. We're getting worse.
We're dying much earlier. Ken Ham explains it very  well in the New Answer book. When the first two people were  created, they were perfect.
Everything God made was very good. [Genesis 1:31] That means their genes were perfect. No mistakes.
But when sin entered the world  because of Adam in Genesis 3:6, God cursed the world so that the perfect  creation then began to degenerate, that is, suffer death and decay. [Romans 8:22] Over a long period of time, this  degeneration would have resulted in all sorts of mistakes occurring in  the genetic material of living things. Now also remember because  the DNA was so good, right?
And because they had to multiply on the earth,  remember it says that Adam and Eve, they had Seth and then many other children, right? So that's where Cain found his wife. At that time brothers and sisters, they  married, because the DNA was perfect.
There's no imperfections. That would only happen 2,500 years later, which is a long time for  imperfections to creep in. And then God gave the command to Moses and said  "For the nation of Israel, brothers and sisters cannot marry each other.
" Now, let's just go back to the time before the flood. The people at this time who were perfect were strong men and women  that lived for many hundreds of years. They lived in a brutal evil world.
There were a lot more animals. Today there are a lot of animals that are extinct. Back then, lions, bears, dragons in the Bible - a world of of wickedness when the Nephilim came.
The Mighty Men of Old. The giants also in certain translations. The Bible says that fallen angels came down.
Demons slept with the woman on earth. And they brought forth the Nephilim. Mixed breeds between humans and fallen angels.
You had to be a strong human being to survive in this world. This was an extremely evil world. Men became more wicked over time as well.
That's why Genesis 6:5 says: [Genesis 6:5] So imagine living in this evil brutal  harsh world, being a Godly man. Wanting to worship God. Living righteously.
You had to probably build safe camps for you  and your family and over time especially if you lived hundreds of years, you would have  probably started your own tribe or clan. And imagine all the knowledge that  you would gain over hundreds of years. I mean, people today, when there are 50-60-70  years old - I like to listen to them because they have a lot of experience and  they gained a lot of knowledge.
Imagine people who are 700-800-900 years old. We see this with Cain, how  he started whole cities. [Genesis 4:16] Wow, he built his own city.
Imagine that. Now, the Bible only describes the lineages, the  family trees, of only the firstborns, right? The males - but it doesn't explain all the  other people that could have lived at that time.
I believe there were a lot more people  than people today think there were. Imagine how many kids you  could have had in 900 years. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the  greatest officially recorded number of children born to one mother is 69, to the wife of  Feodor Vassilyev, between 1707 and 1782.
A peasant from Shuya, Russia. In 27 confinements, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of  triplets, and four sets of quadruplets. Now, again imagine how many kids you could get  if you were a perfect female at that time, right?
Because they were not a lot of imperfections  yet and if you live 900 years, oh my goodness, you could have had a lot of kids to start a  whole tribe, clan, this whole city by yourself. That's exactly what Cain did. And we also see that from his other children as well and we can see how  technologically advanced these people really were.
[Genesis 4:17] So this shows us that one man could have had a lot of children because a lot of them  could have had more than one wife. [Genesis 4:20] So they weren't dumb. They didn't live just in  caves and were like ape men.
Not only do evolutionists lie about  this, they've lied about many other things as well but they never come out with  the truth and said, oh, we lied about this. It only happens when they are caught,  like the well-known Piltdown Man. They found the cranium belonged to a  modern human and a jawbone belonging to an orangutan or a chimpanzee.
It was all deceivingly put together to look old and to match. They even filed down the teeth. And then we have the Nebraska man.
It was named in 1922 from a human-like tooth found in Nebraska. They used one tooth to build an entire species of primitive man,  fully complete with even his family. Further excavations revealed that the  tooth actually belonged to a Peccary, which is a type of pig.
No. God says that He created you. If you were an ape man or you come from evolution, then you have no purpose.
You have no meaning and your life means absolutely nothing. You just live like this amount of time here on earth, on this short  temporary world, and you die. And that's it.
[Genesis 1:27] So evolutionists say that you  are here by chance, right? Because a bunch of chemicals mixed  together - basically a piece of dirt and from this piece of dirt - slowly  over millions of years, evolved in an ape. And a better ape man and voila a  human, after millions of years.
But God says I created you in My image. He loves us. He's got a purpose for us.
We are not just some mistake. You know, when demons see that humans are falling for the lies of evolution,  they probably think, man, this is so funny. We didn't think they would  even fall for their stupid lie.
Wow. Lucifer. You're so great, father of lies.
Wow, it actually worked. You know, Hitler said if you  tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. Alright, well, let me stop just going to this direction and let's move back to Cain's family.
We stopped at Lamech. [Genesis 4:19-20] So they weren't dumb. They didn't struggle to create tools.
They even created tools at the time apart from  just tools for survival, they had the time to create tools for music to enjoy music. Like the lyre and pipe. [Genesis 4:22] Alright, so it's pretty straightforward.
They weren't just cavemen. They weren't just stuck with rocks  and just wood to create their tools. They knew how to forge  instruments with iron and bronze.
I do not believe that we are getting  smarter like the evolutionists say. I think we're getting dumber. We're just building from what the previous generations told us.
I mean Adam walked with God in the garden for a long time. He even named all the animals in one day. How much do you think God could have taught  Adam and Eve all that time that they've spent in the garden?
A lot! And how much do you think that Adam and Eve  could have told their kids, their grandkids, their great-grandchildren . .
. . because think about  this .
. . the flood happened with Noah, right?
But Noah's father was still  alive when Adam was still alive. He was 65 years old - excuse me,  no, no, not 65, 56 years old. So Noah could have learned  that from his people there.
His parents, his grandparents, his aunts. I mean, from everyone and then after the flood  he taught the same things to his children. [Genesis 9: 28] So, if we look at the population  of the world at that time, you have Cain who went east, right?
And he started a whole city. And his children - they started whole clans and  a lot of the people probably spread in that area. And I believe a lot of them were probably evil.
Lamech probably the worst of them all. [Genesis 4:23] So, not only did he try to say that he was worse  than Cain who killed his brother, he wanted to boast about the man that he's killing. I mean, it's just, oh man, it's just evil.
But when we look at the other side, when we look  at Adam and Eve's other children after Seth, we say that a lot of them chose to worship  God, especially in the time of Enosh. [Genesis 4:25] So here you have different groups of people. You have a lot of people who choose to live in sin, like Lamech.
Some of Cain's descendants. And then you have people who  truly wanted to worship God. Some of Seth's descendants.
So you have all these people, and they spread throughout the world over time. Started clans, cities. And so you have this whole  population over the world.
And we see evidence of it even today. This is what Josephus wrote. Cain only cared about gaining material  things and pleasing his flesh.
His wife is called Tenoch. Cain was 15 years old when he killed Abel. And began to build cities.
He created seven cities in total. The name of the first city according  to the name of his son Enoch. The name of the second city Mauli, then Leeth,  Teze, Iesca, Celeth, and the seventh Iebbath.
I'm not saying 100 percent that  these other writings are accurate. But it is interesting. And they are very old.
So a lot of it could have  been true, especially this. Now, let's take a look at archaeology. Just a little bit to make things interesting.
Archaeology that we found today from  the pre-flood world, it's a lot of people that are trying to hide this. Number one, the Black Sea Settlement, 12 miles off the coast of Turkey. Dr Robert D Ballard, the same person who discovered the Titanic, found this  civilization 300 feet under the surface.
He found artifacts, stone implements  and carved beams and so forth. I mean, there's a lot. I don't have a lot of time to go into this in detail.
Let's move on to the second. Gobekli Tepe. One of the oldest and most mysterious cities dating back to pre-flood times.
This is a massive piece of architecture. Older than any other man-made  structure found anywhere. Some even said it's the Garden of Eden,  built of 43, maybe more, different megaliths.
Huge pillars over 16 feet. That's around 5 meters tall. You know, some of these ancient structures  - we, even with our best technology today, can't replicate it because it  was built with such precision.
I believe most of these big monoliths you  know these big boulders and stuff were moved around by the Nephilim. The Giants of Old. Let me just share a little bit more on this.
Gobekli Tepe was found in modern day Turkey. They found these massive circular  structures with these huge pillars. These pillars weighed 7 to 10 tons.
And are around 18 feet high. That is around five meters,  some stacked one on another. So just think a little bit for yourself.
How in the world did they create these pillars? How did I move them all the way here? And how did they build it?
I mean, it's just insane. Carbon dating says that it's it's older than 12,000 years. I believe more than six.
And here's a very interesting thing. They also found drawings on it of animals carved in the stone and in 3D. This all in a period where evolution tells us there might have only been cave paintings. 
That's the most advanced it was supposed to be . This art has been done in extreme detail  with images of human beings and probably even Nephilim faces on top of pillars. Let me ask you - where else have you seen this type of art?
3D art faces on top of bodies? Think about Egypt. The Sphinx.
A lot of people including myself believe that it  was built before the time period of the flood. We cannot sensibly accept the insistence of  egyptologists that the Sphinx is just four and a half thousand years old. In the 90s the  rebuttal to any evidence suggesting otherwise was always if it was built by a civilization  or a culture that much earlier.
Where is the other evidence of this culture shown that many  archaeological site that dates to this period. Well that got blown out of the water completely  by the discovery of Gobekli Tepe located in Turkey. Gobekli Tepe was discovered by  accident when a Shepherd stumbled over a bunch of these old looking stones sticking out  of the ground of this hillside for many years.
It was assumed to be nothing more than  a medieval cemetery and it wasn't until 1994 when German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt  began studying the site that a lot of other scientists started to take it more seriously. Because once they started excavating the site, it was found to contain large circular structures  supported by massive stone pillars each weighing 7 to 10 tons, standing 18 feet high with many  of these stones stacked on top of each other. And most mysteriously of all, it seems to have all  been deliberately buried in the ground all at once as if to preserve it or hide it altogether.
And due to carbon dating of materials at the site, modern scientists have irrefutably  dated it back to around 12,000 years ago, meaning this site predates ancient Sumeria, the  invention of writing, and Stonehenge by more than 6,000 years. To put that into perspective, there  was about as much time between the construction of Gobekli Tepe and the construction of Stonehenge as  there was between the construction of Stonehenge. And today, making Gobekli Tepe the oldest  known megalithic site in the world.
An eerie fact when you consider where else you've seen  the dichotomy of an animal body with a human head eleven thousand six hundred years old.  A giant megalithic site. My goodness, if you can make Gobekli Tepe you can make the Sphinx.
Now remember, I've just read to you how Cain went and created his own city named after his  own son. A lot of the people created whole towns and cities. If you can make a beautiful amazing  place like Gobekli Tepe before the time period of the flood, you can create a lot of others  as well.
The time period here all lines up. This site has become the smoking gun evidence  that the Sphinx likely is much older than we've been led to believe in that the dates  when both of these sites were likely created lines up perfectly with the end of the last  ice age. That is the date where it starts at Gobekli Tepe and precisely today Plato  gives for the destruction of Atlantis so if Plato made it up it's really weird that he  picked a day that precisely coincides with the latest geological evidence on cataclysmic  sea level rise at the end of the Ice Age.
The evolutionists just believed that  it was a time period of the Ice Age. Well, we know that the sea level rose  at that time, not because of an ice age, but because of the flood. Now also, if you look at the body of these things, the weather damage  is not signs of wind and sand but of water.
So there's a lot of questions. I mean, if you go into this rabbit hole you will never stop. Because you would think, okay, but how in the world did water get  there all the way in the desert?
Well, because there was a flood. And before the flood, that area was totally different. The world changed after the flood.
Anyway, we need to move on. The Hindus they began building settlements in present-day India and Pakistan as early as  8,000 years ago, according to archaeologists, making them one of the earliest civilizations. In North America, the Chatata Wall on the Huber farm in Cleveland: The  farmer found a pre-flood thick wall three times longer than a football field.
They found indecipherable inscriptions on it but no one knows what it says. They don't know because that language does not exist anymore. It's from the pre-flood period.
South America Tiwanaku: Many people  say this was the spiritual center of the Andes and the old structures still  remain. Lake Titicaca, also close by. The Puma Punku ruins is built impressively with  perfect stone fitting so that even paper can't fit through.
It shocks modern archaeologists  because they don't know how it's done. Then there's also the Gateway of the Sun. The Indian legend says the god Viracocha rose from the Lake Titicaca after a flood  to help civilization on its feet again.
Japan: The Yonaguni Monument found underwater  by a scuba diver and it's over 180 by 150 feet. No one knows who built it and the government of  Japan is unfortunately not even looking into it. China: Rock paintings found on the Ginger  River.
This is in China's Yunnan province in the southwest and dated to more than  13,000 years ago according to them. More than 70 rock paintings  were discovered in this area. Northwest Arabia cattle cults: According to  Armstrong institute.
org, they found monumental rectangular stone structures or mustatils -  Arabic for rectangles - scattered throughout Northwest Arabia as part of a prehistoric cattle  cult. According to them, the stone structures all of which were dated to the sixth millennium  BCE were characterized as the first large-scale monumental ritual landscape anywhere in the world. And the earliest evidence for cattle cult in the Arabian Peninsula along with cattle related  remains and rock art.
Evidence showed that the mustatils were more than merely cattle pens  - they were also used in ritualistic activity. Now this sounds familiar, doesn't it? We've just read it a while ago.
[Genesis 4:19] He was the father of those who  dwell in tents and have livestock. Now I'm not saying that this is exactly  Jabal's cattle cult that they found. I'm just saying that they found evidence of it.
The time period matches up and  the Bible also talks about it, so it confirms what the Bible says. That there were people who had cattle. Now let's focus a little bit  in on the world at that time.
The world power, in a sense. The world government, if I can call it that, government, was  probably handed down from Adam to Seth. And they ruled part of their area  of the world according to Josephus.
Now of course we don't know if this  is really true but it could have been. The Bible doesn't write anything  about this but Josephus does. Of course, Adam had many children.
They respected him. They knew he's our great-great-great grandfather. Everybody knew he was the first human being and he probably taught them a lot of things  including that they should worship God.
But as time went on, people became more evil. I mean, at the end that's why God destroyed the world in the time of the flood because  people only thought evil all the time. So imagine some of Adam's descendants  there living, trying to keep the peace.
Trying to be righteous men and women of God. And the world is becoming evil. So they could have probably be  some of the peacekeepers trying to keep the peace and just stand for  truth especially in their territory.
While you look at all these other territories  - these people becoming more evil and evil, half-breeds coming in. I mean, demons are just evil. So now they come down, they sleep with the women  of earth, and then you have these half breeds that we know from other ancient  writings that were very evil.
And the people becoming more  evil as well, just like Lamech. So people started to rebel against God. Some of them also even worshiped these demons and these Nephilim as gods and  it became so evil that this happened.
[Genesis 6:9] Now, is evolution right? That all the animals just get here on earth because they evolved over time? And we as well?
Or is it because the ark - is it because  of Noah - that he was obedient to God? And that we all can call him  great- great-great-granddad. The animals that live here today - is that  from the ark or is that from evolution?
If it's from the ark is it possible to  bring all those animals on the ark and what about the dinosaurs? I mean there's a lot of questions you guys probably have. And I will answer it in the next video.
Make sure you don't miss it. And if you haven't subscribed make sure you do so now. Thank you for the support guys.
I will see in the next video. And always remember, life is short. So don't waste yours.
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