I predicted the future completely and utterly accurately my entire life Andrew Tate reveals who controls the world and also the influence I have over the one demographic they're most fearful of the young military-aged males those are the ones you need to be the backbone of the slave force and build the roads for uh a [ __ ] wage if you say the wrong thing or think the wrong thing you're going to be punished for it I was involved in some shady things I've been in rooms with people who sit around and say this guy's a
problem it's just like what might have happened to Diana well we've tried to talk to him he won't talk he's unreasonable okay I challenge him on misogyny and sexism I'm a crazy misogynist when the woman's still sucking dick dinner's on time there's not a girl I look at that I want that I can't have you want a [ __ ] Ferrari you can have it you want that [ __ ] you can have her he opens up on what he believes he will be killed they've already given me quite a few warnings where I actually
truly believe they're going to try and kill me so you've had messages from people trying to control you who you think would kill you and I'll make it very clear here I would never kill myself under any circumstances ever gave me a bunch of mind-altering drugs and then sat me down to repeat all the bad [ __ ] that ever happened to me for hours and hours a day I killed myself it gets to a point where it just ain't [ __ ] worth breathing anymore you're gonna believe in that Flawless if you're depressed I
don't want to think anything like you so take your opinion and get [ __ ] so I've flown all the way from London to Dubai to challenge Andrew take but before we go into this make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn the notification Bell on Andrew who runs the world that's a very good question uh and that's the first question so let me let me answer the best I can I believe that of course the stating the obvious powerful people around the world I believe that powerful people try their very
best to inflict their worldview and their goals and desires on the general populace I think an easy way to think of it is that if you had a company let's say you had a small company with four to five employees you wouldn't hire any employee that didn't agree with you or didn't listen to you or didn't think like you if you said I want you to do this and they said no then you'd fire them right so if you can extrapolate that out and make it much larger and understand that these people have companies with
millions of people or they own countries they want people to comply and uh the reason people have to comply with them is because these people own all the important resources on all the important land they print the money they own the media they own the information and they want to make sure that everybody agrees with them and complies with them so they have tried very hard to damage the human psyche to the point where we are now completely empty and open for all forms of slave programming they tried to convince us to ignore our own
eyes and our own ears they convince you to look at somebody and not be sure what gender they are or to look around you and pretend you're in a pandemic when everything is fine they convince you that your own brain is the enemy and that you must just only consume what you are told because once they do that once they can convince you to do something as crazy as ignore your own eyes then they can simply slot in any USB stick of slave programming at random whatever they want you to currently believe whether it's to
believe this particular war is a good idea or staying in your house and destroying your own business is a good idea or gassing x amount of the population because there are different religion is a good idea that's how it works so the people who are in charge of the world whatever they want to do they want to make sure everybody complies and listens to them which is the which is normal human nature I'm not going to say there that I'm any better than these people I have 100 people who work for me and I want
them all to listen so with what happens when you get that big and yeah they don't want anybody's morals or religion or point of view standing in the way they just want you to comply and who is they well that's a good question even if I knew all their names I wouldn't say it here but uh why wouldn't you say it here I wouldn't say it here because they've already given me quite a few warnings and I'm now at the point where I actually truly believe they're going to try and kill me I I so
you've had messages from people trying to control you who you think would kill you I understand that you get three strikes in this game strike one is they try and shut you up and discredit you which I've just been through strike two is they try and put you in jail for no reason and strike threes they kill you and one of my strikes is now gone and I now firmly believe that they're going to try and kill me because they want me to be quiet I'm not being quiet and I have huge amounts of influence
is which is what they're scared of because influence is what the whole life influences what the world is about right if you send soldiers to a country to die if you have literally a pitched battle on any country on the planet with tanks and planes and people are dying that's only to control the ground so you can influence it like all of that is for influence the media is for influence what they tell people to believe the mindsets they want you to adopt is so they can influence you so when somebody like me comes along
who has a mass amount of influence and it's going in the direction they're contrary to they sit and go wow this is a big problem from one person and people have car accidents people get robbed people get shot and that's the unfortunate reality of human nature when you are a very large problem for very powerful people they look for quick Solutions and the easiest solution is to kill me and I think it's going to get there if I'm not extremely careful so yeah it it they dislike me not just because of what I say because
everybody knows what I say is true but because of the huge amount of influence I have and also the influence I have over the one demographic they're most fearful of which are the young military age males they're the demographic that they need to keep under control the most because those are the ones who lead a revolution those are the ones who are naturally rebellious those are the ones you need to fight in your armies those are the ones you need to be the backbone of the slave force and build the roads for a [ __
] wage those are the ones you need to sit in a sexless marriage and raise kids while they're depressed and turn off and pay their taxes anyway that demographic is the backbone of the economy of the defense of a Nation they're the number one enemy to the state if they decide to get in a big group together like I don't want to be misogynistic I've been accused of it enough but if a hundred thousand women get in one place and complain it's inconvenient if a hundred thousand men get in one place and complain it's a
revolution so they're scared of men free thinking and they're scared of young men free thinking and my fans are young military age males and I teach them to free think so they look at me and they literally see me as a threat to the world and that's why I think they're going to try and kill me so you said you now have to be careful so what are you changing about what you're doing to not get killed I'm as perspicacious as I can be what does that mean so perspicacious is the ability to perceive perspective
yeah how much specifications as I can be but I'm also very understanding that they want me they're going to get me it's an unfortunate reality you you it's it's very easy to kill people especially at their level right if they want me they're going to get me all I'm doing is trying to stay true to my self stay true to God because I truly believe this is a battle of good versus evil and say the things I know need to be said in a way which is respectful enough and important enough um so that the
powers that be decide that it's okay if I if I stay alive but if they decide the opposite then there's very little I can do about it and of course I have a 10-man security team everyone's armed I carry a weapon like etc etc but if they want you they're going to get you that's the game so it's it's kind of people often say to me well then Andrew why do you do this why do you talk and I I really believe we're living in a pivotal point of history as AI gets better as technology
gets better as they get more and more control over the money and the way people think and the way people move I think that absolute slavery and tyranny is coming to the entire world I think our children's children will live as slaves I think the idea of social Mobility will be absolutely not only destroyed you're going to be born into a class and that's where you're going to belong and stay if you say the wrong thing or think the wrong thing you're going to be punished for it and I think this is one of our
last chances to fight and I think it's a battle of good versus evil is genuinely God against the demons and I know that I'm on the side of God and I'm a strictly religious person and I couldn't live with myself if I didn't talk and if God decides that I have to be martyred for that then that's his decision so it's it's unfortunate but that's what happens when you have mass amounts of influence why why and this is a question to you if you had control of the world and you spent huge resource and energy
on media machines to make people think a certain way and somebody like me came along and made everybody not listen would you like that person would you want that person to continue to talk what if that what have you tried to go to him and say listen shut up we've warned you now and he wouldn't shut up what would you do when I'm an entrepreneur so I'd probably try and collaborate with you but they're not entrepreneurial at that level up but even if they try and collaborate with me and that's actually an interesting topic because
I've had strange offers let's put it that way I won't sell my soul a lot of people do right or don't sell you so mean it means that you sign a piece of paper and you shut up for x amount of money yeah or x amount of influence Whatever by collaborate I don't mean pay you and shut you up I mean let's do some business together let's change the world completely but they don't the way they want to change the world is not the way I will ever allow them to try and change the world
I don't agree with what they're doing I think what they're doing is anti-humanist I think what they're doing is truly evil and I won't sell my soul they can't convince me to sit and tell the children what they want the children to believe and normally when you sign a contract and you become a music star or a sports star or whatever you shut up because you have sponsors you have money you can get canceled Etc you have to be quiet and I'm not in that position so they try and get a degree of Leverage over
you I've had very strange offers can you share any of them I had friend I had phone numbers appear from nowhere uh WhatsApp conversations I'd have no idea who this person was or how they got my number inviting me to very private parties and very private places I had my own phone calls played back to me I I've answered the phone before and it's a recording of me on the phone and that's all it is wow um and I probably shouldn't say these things on YouTube but this is the reality of the world I'm not
living in so yeah there's there's things that have happened that have been like Andrew you better shut up but I don't think I'm actually saying anything that's detrimental and if this is watched by anybody influential all I'm trying to do is teach men to be true to themselves and and be true to the power that's inside of them god-given and I think that the world will always be a better place in the end that way and I I'm also very understanding that societies to a degree need to be controlled obviously you can't have every Seeker
out there in the open but I think that the direction that the West is going especially is is truly evil and I think that somebody needs to stand up and talk talk about it I think the things they're trying to convince people to believe and do are not the way that God wanted us I'm a crazy misogynist when the woman's still sucking dick dinner's on time there's not a girl I look at that I want that I can't have you want a [ __ ] Ferrari you can have it you want that [ __ ]
you can have her [Music] and where's this come from this tyranny and this future slavery well I think power is always going to corrupt no matter how good the person I give you a million examples right so I I'm no nice guys and they're genuinely a nice guy and they get a girlfriend who's completely in love with them and the girl will do anything for them no matter how nice that man is they end up just being a bit of a [ __ ] to her because she'll just take it it's just what happens power
corrupts people like we're we're not perfect creatures and I think when you start getting Mass amounts of influence and power it's very normal and natural to get to a point where you just want to be completely and hardly obeyed and also there's a huge ego trip and I when I say ego people think oh that's a bit of a juvenile way to boil down the world but I don't think it is I think that if you're born into a billionaire family and your family's been important since the dawn of human time that you would get
a massive ego trip from people complying and people not complying is a big deal to you right your king look at the olden days if you looked at the king wrong you drop your head off right so if you sit and if you come along and give some ridiculous rule let me make up a fake scenario let me make up something totally ridiculous let's imagine that everyone was suddenly afraid of the common cold and let's imagine we told people to wear a mask when they walk in a restaurant sit down take it off eat put
it back on to stand up and go toilet come back take it off to eat to save lives let's just do some hypothetical right everybody knows there's no medical backing for that everybody knows that's absolutely ridiculous so why would you do that well you do that to force people to comply so you can sit around and go that's it what else is going to make somebody at that level happy besides an ego trip you think money's going to make them happy you can buy a Ferrari and smile these people print money they're above money right
and they believe whoa I won't say quite rightly but I understand why they believe it that they're better than everybody else they believe that they're literally a different species than everybody else we're peasants we're ants we're nothing to these people so if they tell you to do something you better do it so if you stand up and say that's dumb who's the big mouth oh this ain't smart and they'll find a way to check you and uh if you're an aunt that stands up and then a whole bunch of other ants stand up with you
well that's that's where the problems come right that's why they got Socrates you know why Socrates died I'd love to I'd love to hear he he was arrested and he ended up poisoning himself and killing himself because they were going to execute him and he was arrested for corrupting the youth because he was convincing the youth to think about not joining the military because the wars were pointless so corrupting the youth is why Socrates died if you make the youth think you're an animated The Establishment it's always been the same do you not go to
bed at night sometimes and [ __ ] yourself I'm yes but at this point I've now made a decision to stand true to my morals and stand true to God and genuinely be a force of good for the world and genuinely try to make people do good things to other people and if if I'm not going to stop doing that so if I'm going to die I'm going to die it's like being in a plane crash what can you do plane's going down what are you going to do about it you can scream and be
a girl about it but the plane's still going to crash so it's kind of not defeatist it's kind of like you come to terms with the scenario am I going to sell my soul and live longer and have less of an impact on the world and know that I'm aiding the devil in its intentions or am I going to live a shorter amount of time and do my absolute best to be a positive force for the world to be remembered as such and I think that God reward me for that so it's just you come
to terms with the reality that there are enemies too powerful to fight and there's nothing you can do so you said that a lot of influence and power can create ego you can say it can create you I said it I said these people are absolutely and utterly deeply egotistical to a level that an average person can't possibly understand wow okay so has your power created that in you completely and when I met you you were really nice and humble and we were chatting and so would they be right but if I had an employee
and I said do this and they said I'm doing that I'm like well then you're [ __ ] fired oh but I have to pay a mortgage don't care bye I can turn ruthless just like anybody else right well but you don't become powerful if you if you can't be yes yeah this is the unfortunate realities the people who become most powerful in the world of people who have the capability to be ruthless this is what is power is only attractive to people who want to yield it why would you want Power if you're not
going to wield it why would you want a sword if you never take it out right if I give you give a friend you give a guy a gun he's gonna go even he doesn't want to shoot you when you wave it round a bit I'm just gonna put it in the drawer and close it never touch it again right so the people in life who never try to become powerful maybe they're the ones who can sit and say I wouldn't do that well but you're never going to be powerful so who cares the people
who aim for power and and crave power they crave it to use it right and I'm not saying that I'm any better than these people are in charge of the world I'm sitting saying this is human nature to a degree I try my very best to live true to God I know that I try and do good things but the people in charge of the World perhaps believe that their ideas are good they're opposite to mine right so they may have the idea that we should teach children about sex at three years old I believe
we should leave the children alone they believe their ideas good I believe my idea is good and if I was in charge of the world and somebody tried to do the opposite idea teach children about sex at three years old I'd be the one saying absolutely no shut them up I do the same thing do you understand so I'm no better than these people we're all human I just truly believe that my views are better than theirs but they believe the same the opposite way around and that's what's so difficult about it that's what's so
sad about the world if you look at any War it's never good guy versus bad guy everyone has their opinions right but it's always a a gray mess of some guys got a good point the other guy's kind of got a good point everyone's half good half bad and that's the unfortunate reality of Earth so yeah it's it's a difficult it's a strange one but I I absolutely completely will sit here and say yes if I had absolute power then I would I would wield it completely just like they are I I get it I
get it and that's why I know they want me gone because I know how they I know what happens when you're a powerful person and and someone keeps poking you I know what happens and I all I know that not only from this world I know it from the underworld I've had a very long and interesting life pre in a previous Incarnation I was involved in some shady things and are you talking about another life before your own life let's put it that way um so not in the 35 years you've been here another life
for legal reasons I say another life okay and I've been in rooms with people who sit around and say this guy's a problem as in there talking about you or no no I've been in the room and we're talking about somebody else right this guy's a problem in another life In Another Life yeah and and and the problem gets fixed this is not as in the person goes away one way or another are you talking like is this like what might have happened to Diana this kind of thing is this what you're saying I'm talking
about okay let's take a hypothetical again let's say you have five drug dealers in a room and a drug dealer keeps robbing them what they're gonna do they're gonna get robbed forever and say no this is a problem how do we fix this problem well we've tried to talk to him he won't talk he's unreasonable okay get rid of him but that's business that's life right well it's not business it's well it's that business but and I'm saying that even from the bottom levels of the socio-economic scale all the way to the top levels of
the social economic scale it comes up there becomes a point where the only solution to the problem is violence most people don't understand that the entire world we live in is absolutely or not only violent I see violence everywhere if I see a big tree I don't think oh wow that's a big beautiful tree I sit and go that tree destroyed every tree anywhere near it its root system is two miles long it's been kicking trees asses for a hundred years that is a badass tree right it's a violent tree and every single thing about
civilized societies underpinned on violence the idea that violence will eventually appear is the only reason any of this works if I drive through Dubai too fast the camera will go off and I'll get a speeding ticket if I ignore the speeding ticket they'll add money to the speeding ticket if I don't pay that they'll send a bailiff might tell him to get [ __ ] they'll send the police if I tell them to get [ __ ] they'll arrest me if I refuse violence it doesn't matter what law what tax code what any anything you
can think of if you disobey long enough it comes back to the bottom line the bottom line is always violence so if you talk to somebody and they don't listen if you try and reason with somebody they won't listen you try and bribe someone they won't take it it gets to a point where there's one answer left well then teach them a lesson and and most people don't understand us about the world and I was having a conversation with a woman once she said she was a pacifist and I had to correct her and I
said you're absolutely not really not a pacifist you may be incapable of violence because you're a female but you believe in violence because if I were to attack you you'd call the police and you want violence by proxy to protect you you believe in violence because you believe in Law and Order you can't be a pacifist among savagery right you you like the idea of living in society you like the idea of your house being yours why is it yours is yours that is enforced by a legal contract that the government will enforce with a
police force with violence With The Whole World's violent everything's violent so I don't think most people understand and realize that you're saying it's not business when I say the drug dealers are violent I completely disagree it is business if a company sues another company and they owe a bunch of money and they don't pay it we can go down the same route guess what happens in the end they end up taking the CEO's house he doesn't want to give it up they send a police officers around and said you were due to get evicted today
I ain't leaving violence business is violence life is violence it's all violence we put a nice little happy sugar coat on top of it but that's the truth of the world and I'll make it very clear here I would never kill myself under any circumstances ever gave me a bunch of mind-altering drugs and then sat me down to repeat all the bad [ __ ] that ever happened to me for hours and hours a day I'd kill myself it gets to a point where it just ain't [ __ ] worth breathing anymore you're gonna believe
in atholics if you're depressed I don't want to think anything like you so take your opinion and get [ __ ] we've launched some new YouTube channels that I believe you will love we always have a brand new launched more money seek Crooks Channel where you can learn earn and invest and make manage and master money and we have a short version of that channel three new channels you can find the links in the description and remember if you don't miss anything you risk everything how did you learn all this that's a good question I've
had a interesting life and yeah we flew out here for you so we've got all day to listen to yeah I've I've had an interesting life and and I think the only way you learn lessons in life are the hard way or the harder way I think that humans are terrible at learning lessons easily you will see somebody make them the same mistake a hundred times until that one time it really hurts that's just how we are and God's been quite nice to me by teaching me the hard lessons quickly he didn't give me any
chances to learn slowly he came at me hard and fast and instantly so I learned things very quick so I learned the reality of a lot of scenarios and how the world works very very quickly because I never had any of those in-betweens you know have you got a specific hard lesson quick card brutal I have a few yeah uh but but I think everything I say all of my answers are are based on my life I don't want to there's some things I don't want to say on camera but anything I'm saying is based
on a scenario that I've lived through I don't read books I'm not a book reader I don't consume content I don't watch videos I don't watch anybody else's things every single word out in my mouth is just a reality I've lived walking around day to day and I philosophize it in my own mind I absorb it and I come to my conclusions and my conclusions seem to be pretty accurate for two reasons one is maybe the most Googled man on the planet and two how many searches I was trying to find out I was trying
to Google how many Google searches yeah or Andrew at the height of the media attack I was the most Google man on the planet I don't know how many more than Alec Baldwin more than Will Smith more than Donald Trump more than Putin in the middle of this war more than Joe Biden more than the Kardashians more than everyone else Google Now on the planet so that's one reason I know that my conclusions are accurate but the other reason I know my conclusions are accurate is because when you make a conclusion or you come to
build a mental model in your mind the idea of having it is to be able to predict the future there's no point in constructing a mental model that doesn't allow you to predict the future if I pick this bottle up I know if I drop it if I let go it's going to fall because every other time I did that it fell right my mind has told me if you drop things if you let go of them they're going to fall to the ground it allows me to predict the future if I couldn't predict the
future of my mental model my mental model believes something else then I'd make a bunch of mistakes I predicted the future completely and hardly accurately my entire life I know that I'm right because the way I think allows me to be correct in every scenario I've ever been in I know when someone's going to hurt me I know when my time's almost up I know how to make a bunch of money I know when I know all of it I've never been wrong about anything so for someone to come along and try and convince me
that my mental model and my way of viewing the world isn't accurate it's going to be extremely difficult because I'm going to sit and say well my mental model produces X to this accuracy and you're a dumbass so what could you predict my friend and and that's the reality of the world so my stories are being told the lessons of them at least what are the lessons of the Middle East no no the lessons of the stories you asked me a story and I'm sorry I won't tell the story but the lessons the lessons are
being told okay Andrew you misunderstood that's a good question I want to answer that was my original question one by the way I want to answer as a professional yes I am misunderstood I misunderstood because the things I say are a large web of nuanced and they're interlinked and if you take one individual part from the web then completely I understand how some things can be massively misunderstood I also understand that most people have no interest in the truth and no interest in digging deeper and finding out the truth about a person or a scenario
I think that let's let's tie this back to the conversation we just had if you take a small subsect of society let's say Mass murderers you'd assume all of society is bad but when you Interlink it and understand it what societal as a whole the world's not such a bad place I think that's the same for all people I'm certainly one of those people uh and I think that my ideas when they're properly explained and completely digested head to toe very rarely if at all ever get a negative reaction the people who misunderstand me so
further so fever feverishly are people who have never even bothered to genuinely understand me at all I know this because there's actually a very famous Tick Tock account some guy who walks around college campuses in America and he says have you heard of Andrew Tate the girl goes yeah do you like him no I hate him why he's a misogynist what does misogynist mean whatever and they just walk off whatever so and it's different versions of that same conversation what does he said that's misogynistic well he hates women no no what did he say and
this is this is what we're it's amazing how the conversation into laces right what did I say at the beginning the slave programming the empty mind Andrew is misogynistic people who are going to walk through Earth and repeat that they have no evidence they have no proof they can't tell you why when you challenge them on it they get angry because it's been installed in their brain because they're dummies and when a dummy you remove and you empty their brain you install the new programming they instantly get enraged when they realize their brain short circuits
explain why you feel how you feel they can't and then they have a breakdown and this is the true height of the slave mind if you can convince somebody to have a strong emotional reaction about a subject they don't even understand imagine the level of slave these people are imagine every time you saw the color red you just lost your mind you're a slave you're controlled and all the people who dislike me because none of them can even tell you why are slaves to The Matrix they belong to the machines they've had all of their
morality and all of their own thoughts completely and utterly erased they've installed the new program first it was or whatever it was now it's Andrew Slava Ukraine goes on and on whatever the new [ __ ] story is Andrew's the enemy right now and they don't even know why they feel how they feel and there is a large percentage of the population walking through earth now with opinions that they will fight to the death for and they don't even know where it came from and they don't even know why they believe it you know and
it doesn't even benefit them this is the miracle of it if you have one of these opinions that you've really defend but it benefits your life I get it like let's take an extreme opinion let's say you're the Taliban right you have extreme opinions but those opinions allow you to live life in a particular way you'll fight to defend those opinions but if your opinion is I hate Andrew Tate your life is no better you don't gain anything your reality doesn't change but you're still prepared to fight for that opinion you're a slave and most
of the people who dislike me in fact let me correct myself everybody who dislikes me is slave minded and it is still a minority ninety percent of comments on my videos are positive but there's 10 slave Minds who no matter what evidence you show them of me talking good about women or my charitable donations which rack up to the tens of millions of dollars or the foundations I run or the orphanage I built or all the people's lives I've saved when I reply to men who are suicidal and men's mental health which I'm working with
closely no matter what you show them their only reply is but he's bad I'll tell you why and this is just a slave mind you can't reason with the slaves because they've been programmed so you mentioned the underworld and The Matrix what is that have you seen the movie yeah damn straight yeah good movie so in the movie The Matrix your body heat is being salvaged and to keep your mind occupied you're living inside of a false reality computer generated the reason I think we live in a matrix now is because I think the same
thing is happening perhaps it's not our body heat perhaps it's our our work our ideas but they're being salvaged and the reality they've given us to occupy our brains is false we don't live in the real world we are living in a reality where we're told stories and narratives that aren't true where they try very hard to distract us with garbage Rihanna I have nothing against Rihanna like I don't know her but when I see a concert and I see hundreds of thousands of peons standing amongst what are they peons it's the people who go
to these concerts right peon means peasant standing because this is an education in language no but but they are peasants because they're acting in a peasant peasant way they're acting like peasants hundreds of thousands of people in a crowd looking up at somebody like their God jumping up and down for hours on end you're a peasant you're a peasant and your life's [ __ ] and you have no achievements no money you're depressed but you're distracted they've distracted you with this Idol whoever it happens to be put them there and the peasant's like yeah it's
and then they go home and they're told something by the news let's again let's make up a completely false scenario be afraid of the common cold okay and then anyone who comes back and says why are we afraid of the common cold they delete their point of view they shut them up to create a false reality so people are living a life where they're working a job they're being enslaved by the machines for their tasks but their mind is distracted by garbage and only fed a fake story and they're living inside of a computer generated
simulation they're living inside of a world that is not real they don't live in a real world a lot of people live inside of the Matrix completely especially the people who dislike me and how do you get out of this simulation and into whatever the real world is and what is the real world they should do a public post on all their social media I am sorry I believe the lies I'm sorry I helped purport the enslavement of mankind I am sorry I was a tool of the Matrix and an enslavement of man I am
sorry hey on the subject of money and right now with all the craziness in the world you need to be armed so if you'd like to start and scale a business make manage and multiply money build multiple streams of digital income my digital Financial toolkit will be just for you it's free and the link is in the description and money is the key to beginning to escape so we had houses University they attacked it when they attacked the Matrix so now we've started our own Banks we have our own banking license we have our own
Payment Processing we have our own data center deep in a mountain was that because it all got taken off you when you were canceled it's because they were attacking it right so we built all the infrastructure ourselves so you're decentralized completely so it can't be attacked anymore and that's the real world and we can teach people how to make money and the reason I teach people how to make money is because money is stage one to Escaping The Matrix you can't think for yourself and talk the things you believe if you need that wage and
that person tells you to shut up you can't the reason everyone wore the mask is because they had to pay their mortgage oh that wife told him or their wife told them to that's right yeah so if if you need breadcrumbs and you're a starving man you can't really talk to the guy who has all the bread and tell him to get [ __ ] right so the first thing you do when someone says to me I want to escape the matrix I think for myself is okay then you need to be prepared financially you
need money to go to war so the first thing I do is I teach anybody who's a fan of mine to make as much money as possible and I don't do that to make money in fact the school is ridiculously cheap it's it's so cheap it's less than a lunch and you can find out more on covertake.com but the reason I do it was the link again Cobra tate.com right but anybody who is a fan of mine I want those people to be as wealthy as possible because they agree with my mindset and they need
I want to equip my my soldiers I don't want everyone who agrees with me to be an unimportant Brokey I want the people who agree with me to be influential and Rich and I want them to be able to stand up and talk and fight for themselves so this is the reason I teach people how to make money because I know anybody who resonates with my message the wealthier they get the better the war is going to be for me so I wouldn't consider it philanthropic I have an agenda but my agenda is to find
anybody who agrees with me and give them as much money as possible so that's the real world which is launching on covertake.com because that's stage one you're asking how to escape stage one is you must make money I've I've tried very hard to help people with no money but there's just too many blocks in the way you just you can't put that on social media you can't afford a day off work you can't afford your boss to get mad you can't afford to get arrested you can't get a lawyer you can't you can't fight you
can't fight you need bullets and you're gone so stage one is to get rich then you have to get rich while preserving your soul and that's a harder part right because as you get rich as you climb there are many different hands trying to drag you in different directions he says looking at me over his glasses you have women gambling drugs degeneracy Hedonism isn't that why you have the money well this is it and you can dabble but you certainly don't want to lose your soul completely yeah you have large business interests offering more money
more power to believe X to say x I can sit here and say now I have never sold a scam to anybody I don't sell crypto pump and dumps to anybody I don't sell soft drinks full of sugar to anybody I don't convince I don't I've been offered money by gambling companies I said no I only thing I teach is how is teach people how to make money and I know it works because I do it all myself me and my professors teach what we already do to all become multi-millionaires to people and I've told
the reason why they've tried to get me to sell my soul to sell crap to the world endless times and I've never done it so you have these offers right when you're the most Googled man on the planet do you have any idea how much they'll pay you to sell bollocks to people this yeah Andrew hey here this this this energy drink say is what you take to have high energy and sell this [ __ ] full of sugar to children and there's 100 million dollars no we'll do it I don't believe in it I
won't do it so then you have to keep your moral fiber and stay principled which is another battle but if you manage to make money and stay true to your own moral fibers and principles and stay perspicacious word of the day you keep paying attention to the world and actually keep your eyes open and look around then you'll naturally escape the matrix it's natural for the human mind it's natural human evolution for us to spiritually escape the enslavement because the enslavement is for man but our Enlightenment is from God it is natural for us if
you get rich enough to say no to ideas that you understand are innately wrong if you get rich enough to have a different opinion if you pay a lot of attention and you resist all of The Temptations of the devil the only possible end state is to escape the matrix it's an easy trajectory most people fall off because they're too broke to think you're too poor to have an opinion so you're too poor to think the rest fall off because they get a little bit rich and they get snapped up but anybody who doesn't fall
for those two traps ends up where I am and there are a lot of us and where are you I am in a stage of Enlightenment outside of the Matrix I'm like Morpheus I I come in and out I come back into the Matrix I come to YouTube I talk to people whose minds are ready to be freed I convince them to join the real world at carbotake.com and begin their journey and I take the free minds and we escape the matrix together this is why for a long time on Twitter I had an account
called Morpheus I was Morpheus because that's what I kept getting compared to I I come in and out trying to free the mines and I hope I find Neo I hope I find somebody who's even better at attacking the Matrix than I am all I'm trying to do is talk to the people who understand what I'm saying is right when I say these things there are going to be certain amounts of people who listen to this and think I'm crazy he's crazy and there's people who listen to it and go yes finally he's finally I
understand finally I know what to do I've felt this for so long I've looked around me and knew that this shouldn't be my life I knew that they're lying to me I didn't know what to do now he's told me what to do those are the ones I'm interested in and they can join the real world inside of covertake.com I'll see them there anybody who thinks I'm crazy that's fine I'm crazy don't worry about me I'm a crazy misogynist the news has never lied to anybody all every war ever started the reason the news told
you that's why it started it's not like every single one's been a false flag since the beginning every single narrative that they've tried to purport upon you is not to control you it's because they want you to know the truth because you're so important don't worry so the media is lying about me they must be right why would they lie why would they try and convince people that the world's most influential man is somehow bad is it it's not because you know they're worried he has influence and might push the world in a good direction
of course not no it's because he's such a bad guy that's why he has no criminal record no girls come forward saying I've done anything to anybody no victims of any kind somehow I'm evil and the people who believe this garbage are slave minded they're slave minded It's very it's the most common tactic in the world first day insult your character and attack you at stage one of the three stage three stages they attack you your character and cancel you they put you in jail for something you did not do and the last is to
kill you and I'll make it very clear here I would never kill myself under any circumstances ever ever and if I like to think that if anybody sees a mediocre where I've been locked up for whatever it is they're going to look at it and go this is [ __ ] Tate didn't do that with the scrutiny I'm under does anyone think I'm breaking the law I don't know scrutinized man on the planet like if I was breaking laws I'd be in jail trust me I drive at the speed limit my friend that's the level
it's got to like they don't they think I'm out here doing bad things so when they when the article comes out saying Tate did this I I just pray there's enough people who are outside of the Matrix to sit and go this is some [ __ ] and he doesn't deserve this because I don't deserve it because I will be innocent what is enlightenment I think that enlightenment is always being able to use your own emotions to your advantage every single time I've been furiously angry or even in a murderous rage It's been a very
appropriate time to be so and I don't mean appropriate because of the reasoning I'm not saying I had a good reason to be angry I'm saying that it was the best decision at the time every time I've ever been truly sad again it was beneficial for me to feel that way there are times in life where while there are times in life when murderous rage is the best possible option on the table Lifetime well the times in life where if you're genuinely threatened the best possible emotion you could feel is murderous rage right there's times
when it's appropriate there's times when it's good to be sadness times when it's going to be empathetic and there's times when it's good to be ruthlessly psychopathically cold so I think Enlightenment is making sure that your brain and Soul and Spirit are trained in a way that the emotions you feel at any given time are the best possible card in the deck of all the options you have in the Playbook depending on the scenario your own spirit gives you the exact perfect way to feel to handle that scenario in the most effective and compenduous way
possible is that like almost taking a step above those emotions and observing those emotions and using them in in a second that stage awareness that's a good question and and I would say that's semi Enlightenment right there was a point where yes I get furiously angry and I could see myself from the outside and it was conscious but when you actually reach true Enlightenment you don't have to be conscious of it and you don't have to observe yourself from the outside you just feel what you're supposed to feel at the exact right time all of
the time and you're absolutely engrossed by it and completely I've never been murderously angry or that was not the best chance of me handling that scenario to my advantage and I've never been in any other emotional state where it wasn't the best possible move when I think back outside of the emotional experience itself and think could I have felt a different way and would that have allowed me to act in a different way that would have helped me more the answer is always no the way I felt allowed me to do exactly what I had
to do and yes there was a point when that was semi-conscious and now it's not conscious at all if I start to feel angry it's not conscious I am angry completely and gnarly and I trust my body and my spirit that I'm supposed to be angry and I'm supposed to act within that frame and uh that's what true Enlightenment is because thinking outside of it and being conscious of it is good but it takes time often in the most extreme scenarios of Life the one thing you will not have is very much time there has
to be instant and complete decisions and there has to be a final scenarios final what's the word I'm looking for consequences is that something you trained yourself to do I think that life's trained me to be that way this is what happens when you've had a varied enough life I talk often about the importance of of trauma as a man I think that if you were to find the most interesting or most capable men on the planet they've had the most trauma-filled lives I just think that trauma is what teaches you we talked earlier about
how you have to have lessons taught to you the hardest way if I were to if you were to call a Navy SEAL and ask him to protect you going into a building full of assailants you'd like to think that guy's been through some stuff do you'd like to see some scars right you wouldn't want Mr fresh face to turn up this is the reason why we instinctively don't trust youth because you look at a kid if a wealth manager walks in and he's 18 you're like you don't know about life nothing's hurt you yet
it's why we trust AIDS is why they say that wisdom must be you must grow into wisdom you can't just pick it up right trust your elders listen to your elders Etc these are age-old ways of thinking so lessons and Trauma and the more you go through the better of a man you are and if you were to find the best men on the planet I guarantee they've been through a bunch of terrible things and if you listen to podcasts from any of the most interesting people on the planet usually they've been through they've had
hard terrible lives and you can use that trauma to become a better person or you can let that trauma consume you and destroy you but I thank God for all of it because it gave me endless power to become the person I am if you're truly if you're truly angry or truly unhappy then you can't sleep and if you can't sleep then you get twice as many hours as everybody else to become monumentally successful so it's there's advantages there's advantages to difficult things and what is the biggest trauma that's taught you the most it's it's
I I have a you know I've I've thought long and hard about which stories I'm prepared to share on social media which ones I'm not and that Line's getting more and more blurred I'm starting to get more and more away um and there's certain things I don't want to say and I'm certainly not looking for any degree of sympathy because like I said I am glad for everything that happened to me I wouldn't change a thing I thank God for all of it so true truthfully I think I've been I'm lucky I've been blessed the
reason I talk about these things is not to tell people I've had a hard life it's to make it clear to people who are complaining about their own lives that the bad things that are happening to you are what you need to become the man that you want to be I can't talk about women because I'm not one I actually think trauma is terrible for women because it masculinizes them they become cold and that's not attractive right we want feminine pure protected women I don't want a woman to ever go through anything bad in her
life I think a man should go through it for her and protect her because I think that's how she's her best self as a woman but I think to be your best self as a man is the absolute opposite and when someone emails me and says this has happened to me am I good no what do you mean good it's terrible how else are you going to become important how else are you going to find endless fire to get up and struggle in the face of the competition that's out here in the world how else
are you ever you're going to do all that with a nice cushy life if any man's honest with himself think about the biggest transformative stages in your life think about the times you got the most work done it was a bad part of your life you were heartbroken or you know you lost a house or broke or whatever that's when you did [ __ ] when everything was fine when the woman's still sucking dick the the mortgage is paid dinner's on time it's kinda Doo little by little do a little bit of work do a
little bit of relax but the big events come from trauma this is it so it's a cheat code cheat code to climb the mountain so when I get a message from whoever and he goes my wife left me I'm devastated I say I understand I completely understand how hard it can be to lose a woman that you've given your entire life to and you've been done so many nice things and then because of one thing you did her innate and absolutely insane level of ungratefulness has turned her bitter and she Now talks to you like
she hates you over one thing you've done after thousands of efforts showing how dedicated you are to her and even now that you're prepared to die for her she doesn't give a [ __ ] about you I understand that pain but my answer is good it's still good now take all of that pain instead of emailing me do this and then you're going to become the kind of person that women don't leave and you win Andrew I've got to do my job here sure I don't want to do this because I'm really enjoying this I've
got to do my job I want to push you for one specific example of something that was traumatic to you maybe something in your childhood or something because there's still a wall there where you haven't given us anything that's really hurt you oh completely yeah I haven't answered so I mean I can I have a whole bunch of things but I can give you a simple one that I've talked about already before and this is one that everyone can relate to uh losing my father was was bad me and my father were exceptionally close but
it's natural part of human evolution as you grow you're going to lose your parents this is what happens right uh it's it's it's gonna suck but the only alternative is that you die before them and I think that's worse because it's not it's not natural right and there's an African proverb that says you don't become a man until your father dies and I can confirm that to be true that that is my biggest fear in life well I know it's coming not you know it's coming yeah and it's sudden that it's instant and it's brutal
yeah and uh but all the trauma like all of the the pain associated with that experience it teaches you it taught me at least I all of a sudden almost remembered every conversation I ever had with him like I always I was talking to the guy every day right how old were you when that happened 27 yeah I was talking to the guy all the time but when Once he's gone you remember all the times he was right and you didn't quite understand all the times he was saying things you didn't quite get all the
times you talked back and you were absolutely and utterly incorrect you're like oh [ __ ] I've been wrong this whole time right so it teaches you a whole bunch about yourself and also for me what it did was make it clear to me that I'm no longer a student it's time to become a teacher yeah and also my scenario with my father was very unique because he was the only person on the planet I allowed to check my thinking even at the age of 25 26 I didn't I had asked my dad if I
was right I didn't give a [ __ ] what anybody else said you could get 20 000 people in the room saying Andrea wrong didn't care but if my dad said I was wrong shell I was wrong so once he wasn't around to check my thinking I had to check my own thinking a lot harder a lot more carefully so yeah I mean that was a terrible experience I I miss him like the desert's Mr rain but that's his life right the only alternative is worse I don't think he would have been able to actually
function if he lost me so this is how it goes and and it's coming for all of us what's actually kind of amazing is he is mentioned and talked about now so often on the internet because of my massive Fame so I've kept him Alive by becoming so successful people are interested in my origin which makes people talk about him so it's kind of like if you have a duty to your bloodline and a duty to your ancestors and you truly love your parents how can you still be seeing a home playing video games being
a lazy piece of [ __ ] don't you want people to remember them don't you want people to think wow who's this person who raised this amazing person so that in and of itself it should be endless motivation if anyone's watching this if you love your parents you can't be a loser anymore like otherwise they're going to be forgotten along with you you know so but yeah it's coming but we're all going to be forgotten in the end perhaps but there can be different perhaps this is true but there will be different evolutions of of
fables there are still Stories We Tell from two or three thousand years ago and I tell the story of my father and my son will tell the story of me and his son will tell the story of him and we will all be so influential that the name tape will live forever and this is what gave me Solace but this Solace that you find after your father's passing that Solace for me also gave me a massive sense of responsibility and Duty I can't now not be who I am which is goes back to earlier when
you were saying well they're going to get you how do you sleep at night because I can't not do this because by doing this my father is remembered and I will be remembered and my son will be born and instilled with a sense of Duty which will make him impossible to program by The Matrix so I know my son will be a good person he won't be a piece of [ __ ] like all these other children he will be born with morality and he will understand that his father sacrificed himself for the good of
the world so yes I'm I don't like being alone in a dark car park of course but also what's the alternative to say Dad sorry they offered me some money is that the alternative I don't know but maybe some people can sign up to that but I certainly can't do you have something to prove I think everybody on the planet has something to prove if you walk through life and feel like you have nothing to prove then you're a [ __ ] loser if you wake up each day and go I don't owe anybody anything
I don't have to prove anything to anybody then you are a loser because you are absolutely not the incorrect you must prove yourself to other people you must prove yourself to your bloodline as we just as we just discussed you must prove yourself to God God hates the lazy you can't stand them if he gives you all these genetic dispositions and these natural god-giving gifts if you have two arms and two legs and you can think and you're not trying your absolute best that's the reason you're not lucky he doesn't like you he likes the
people which show him the beauty of his own creation he likes to give somebody building blocks and them to build something amazing it's the best thing about being a man you get to build who you are right you can decide if you want to be a funny comedian or a musician or a kickboxing world champion or fight the Matrix you decide whatever you want to be God loves to see that those people for some reason seem to be enormously lucky right the person who goes I don't have to prove anything to God I don't owe
all of my ancestors any effort you know for 5 000 years people were dodging saber's tooth tigers and catching the plague and running from Genghis Khan just for my stupid ass to be born I don't owe them anything I don't owe them a thing because I want to play video games these people are [ __ ] losers you should walk through Earth with Force inside of you if I walk as I walk into this hotel reception everybody looked not because they know who I am but because as I move even if even if it's behind
their head people feel something and they go it's it's an energy that comes from brutal competence it's almost like an evolutionary thing where a rabbit can just smell a fox it just knows that's what happens when a predator walks in a room even amongst humans you pay attention next time in a restaurant if a man who's truly dangerous walks in nearly every other man kind of looks up at the same time you feel it you need to or you don't survive we've evolved with that to live that's who I am I couldn't imagine not being
that man I've done that because I've been trying to prove myself to my lineage my entire life I wake up every day with something to prove I have hundreds of millions of dollars I wake up and say [ __ ] more I'm in fantastic shape four times world champion fighting The Matrix out here by myself more I will have to be braver I must try harder I all I do is prove myself so when I hear people go I don't have nothing to prove then you're a [ __ ] loser peasants have never felt like
they needed to prove anything but Kings felt like they needed to go and Conquer land isn't that it's coincidental that the king who already had it all felt like he needed to go to some far-flung land and Conquer and take it and prove he's the king but the peasants oh I don't have to prove nothing nobody you're a [ __ ] loser then you're a dummy I absolutely and utterly completely have everything to prove to everybody all of the time that's who I am I will prove anything to anybody if I sit and say x
I will prove it to anyone I can be checked anytime someone would have come up to me in that in that Lobby and argue with my ideas I would have proved that my ideas are sound if they would have attacked me I would have destroyed them completely and absolutely that's who I am so yes I have a lot to prove my friend until the day I die it will remain I feel like that's the last thing they'll take before a full-on [ __ ] War if you don't pay your taxes so you owned your house
if you don't wear a mask when they tell you to and you get a fine for not wearing a mask and you think that's Injustice and you don't pay the fine and they add money to the fine then it goes to court you're supposed to turn off you don't listen to bailiff you tell the bailiff you're [ __ ] they will take your house so if you don't wear a mask they take your house so do you own it if you want to ensure you're decentralized Freedom money is the tool you need so if you'd
like to start and scale an independent business make manage and multiply money build assets that produce recurring income both physical and digital decentralized from the system join rob.t there's no ongoing contract and there's content going back years and the link is in the description you've said a few times a loser what's the definition of a loser I think the universe is absolutely and utterly giving I've never seen anybody dedicate themselves to something completely and fail I've never seen somebody eat right go to the gym every day train really hard and not be in good shape
I've literally never seen it the universe is extremely giving if you actually try and you actually want it and you're actually not making excuses lying talking [ __ ] you're gonna get what you want so when I see people who don't have what they want I consider them losers and this might be elitist I understand that but if I put myself through endless pain to end up where I am it's very hard for me to have sympathy on the man who's afraid of pain you're avoiding pain I've been through endless I now have everything I've
ever desired you have none of the things you desire am I supposed to feel sorry for you because you took the easy way out am I supposed to look at you and go oh poor dude no you were a [ __ ] coward you didn't go through the [ __ ] I went through you didn't put it on the line so you deserve your substandard reality that's what you deserve you're a [ __ ] loser because if you actually wanted it and you actually tried you'd have it you could have anything you want universe is
super giving you want a [ __ ] Ferrari you can have it you want that [ __ ] you can have her you can have anything you want on the planet there's not a girl I look at that I want that I can't have not one that's my reality there's not a car I can't have it's not a house I can't buy if I want to go to a yacht I want to go to Antarctica if I want there's nothing I can't have bam I've decided to become this man it's the same for absolutely in
every single one of you at home if you want it you can have it if you if you're sitting there saying oh but I tried my best and I still didn't get it you're lying you didn't try your best that is a [ __ ] lie the universe gives it to everybody who genuinely tries and I know that to be a fact because this world's competitive we're all competing against each other and the majority of people don't try like I've I've achieved this amazing life and I've tried very very hard but it could have been
harder I mean it's was it that hard about 86 percent hard it wasn't 100 hard why because the competition zero everyone is a [ __ ] loser it's amazing to me everyone's a loser I can say to somebody listen I'll make you a millionaire do this oh yeah but you know the kids are home from school now that's it they're done and then they'll sit and go hard really wish I had some money you are a loser I will sit here on this podcast people will listen to me for hours and I will say listen
I have hundreds of millions of dollars and I will teach you how to make money covertake.com I have a school University design specifically to teach you how to make money I'm clearly know how to make money you clearly like what I say you obviously believe I'm intelligent and integral and I won't lie to you and still a whole bunch of people will sit there and go hmm yeah anyway next video and then they'll say afford a Ferrari and wonder why like they'll be confused in their minds how they didn't end up getting what they want
because you're a [ __ ] loser Lou that's why and the majority of people are losers and this is goes back to why when we were saying earlier how I know the elites view US because I'm from a council estate in Luton a single parent household and I've only been Rich 10 years or so and I despise losers so imagine you're a billionaire born into a family a lineage which is controlled Earth for hundreds of years imagine how much they despise us do you think they give a [ __ ] about putting a bullet in
me you think they're gonna have any sleep at night missed you think they give a solitary [ __ ] about you missing your [ __ ] parents funeral because of the common cold they don't give a solitary [ __ ] why would they because I already know how I feel when I listen to losers complain because this is what happens at a certain level of competence and power you just get to a point where you're like I'm tired of hearing your [ __ ] excuses that's [ __ ] and you become to a degree yeah
cold and Psychopathic it's true that's what happens and I get it all the time I get thousands of emails a day everyone I grew up with people I know I get it all the time they'll message me hey man you know just I'm lucky you are not unlucky you are a lazy [ __ ] loser that's that's you're not unlucky you're breathing you're lucky the Unlucky ones are gone you're alive and you are a lazy loser so a loser is anybody who does not have everything they want at the drop of a hat that's who
I call a loser because I have absolutely everything I could ever possibly desire and if I wanted something that I couldn't have I guarantee you we could speak again in a few months and I [ __ ] have it I guarantee you because if I want something and I can't have it I can't sleep when I was broke I couldn't sleep I don't know how those broke people out here sleeping just fine at night going oh you know inflation's 20 gas prices are six times everything on the news is a lie I never stand a
chance of ever getting rich where's my pillow like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with you people I I go to bed at night as a teenager and think I looked it up on the internet it was a Honda Civic Type R I wanted one it was like 38 000 pounds so I had no money I had less than 50 pounds my bank account couldn't afford it that looked up how much a Ferrari cost 210 000 pounds and I said to Tristan my cup brother I was like there are
people with 210 000 pounds for a car and he was like yes so I'm like no no not so how if I worked my job for six years and saved every penny if I walked to work and didn't eat I couldn't buy this car how are people doing this I couldn't sleep at night when I was broke I knew that everything was a lie I knew the Matrix was lying to me I knew I had to find a way out I was sitting there going I refuse to live my human years and be some second-class
citizen peasant when there's people out here get to do whatever the [ __ ] they want I couldn't tolerate it and I was so uncomfortable that it gave me the motivation I needed to escape but the people who go oh yeah nice Ferrari yeah back to the TV dummies losers and the thing about the world is we need losers I I'm not mad at losers if that's the reality you've chosen to live you get one spin in this version of life and you decide you want to be a loser that's fantastic because I like I
mean my cars need cleaning you know my hotel room needs cleaning I have a party with all these beautiful women that's a bit of a mess please go pick it up somebody needs to do that [ __ ] I ain't gonna [ __ ] do it if I had to walk into a hotel room and clean up after some other man's party I guarantee you I do whatever I [ __ ] took to become rich so I didn't have to do that [ __ ] anymore but you want to do that for 20 years thanks
friend someone's gonna flip the [ __ ] Burgers someone has to make the fries I want a Happy Meal now and again but I don't feel sorry for you people because you [ __ ] deserve it because it's a decision you made you made that decision if you're sitting at home and you say I don't want to be a loser you know what to do I told you I'd escape the matrix Cobra tape.com you can join I'll teach you but if you're gonna sit there and go nah maybe this guy with hundreds of millions of
dollars is trying to scam me out at 25 pounds all right smart ass have fun at McDonald's get [ __ ] I have no sympathy for these people zero do you have a little bit of a system you can share on how to make money I know we've got covertake.com we'll keep shouting it out but any tips for someone who's ready yep but they don't yet know the how completely so we teach it inside of the real world of course I keep mentioning it because it's so important but there are three keys I believe to
making money the word of the day first one is perspicacity most people go through life and they do not pay attention I've said this before and I want to stick by it because it's so important you need to pay attention to every single time you spend money because you cannot make money you're not the Federal Reserve you're not a government governments make money all of us take money from somebody else or business or government we take money from other things so the easiest way to learn how to get good at taking money is to pay
attention to every time someone takes money from you so next time you buy coffee don't just buy the coffee and drink it and think nothing of it like every Brokey don't do that say okay I why am I buying this coffee okay I want a coffee all right why am I why am I buying here well this is on my way to work is there any competition around do I also want breakfast do they sell breakfast no they don't sell breakfast they could probably make some more money they're selling breakfast anyway I walk in there's
a long line why is there one member of Staff I'm low on time I'm about to leave and not buy the coffee they're about to lose money because it's taking too long most of people in this line are businessmen why isn't all a cute girl behind the camera I bet if they paid a cute girl a little bit more they'd still make a bunch more money because people come in here to talk to her think and then what you'll do is as you go through life every time you spend money is you'll realize the problem
is not how to make money the problem is how much time you have because there's endless business ideas there's endless ideas I walk into a coffee shop and by the time I've walked out I already know exactly how to open up next door and out compete them head to toe I already have worked out how much is the rent where are they [ __ ] up what are they not selling they should be selling what they're doing good what are they doing bad this chair is too hard I'll wreck them and I'll send it and
now my network is so powerful which is the second Point Network I can send a few messages on Whatsapp make a bank transfer two months later there's a brand new coffee shop next door with my name on it put them out put my business so the first thing is you have to pay attention because if you pay attention you'll start to learn that money is everywhere every building is owned these are skyscrapers for a billion billion billion billions every apartment nowadays is a million million million you drive down a street in London you're driving past
trillions of dollars there's money everywhere it's all around us when I was broke I thought that the world was broke I thought that there was no money and then I got rich and realized that I was completely utterly wrong there's so much money it's everywhere if I go to try and buy a plane or a jet they're always sold out my yard is this [ __ ] six year waiting list I want a Bugatti they launch it the email comes to my email address two minutes later gone like there's so much money if I want
a diamond watch or a million dollar watch or a million dollar rocks you can't get this stuff there is so much money out there once you get to a certain Echelon you realize there's money [ __ ] everywhere so there's plenty of money in the world people with no money are just not very good at taking it so you need to start paying attention first thing second thing is Network it's hard to make money if you don't know anybody who has money if you sit in a room full of ice cream experts and all they
talk about is ice cream how to make ice cream the different flavors how to store it how to move it how to sell it even by accident if you hang around these people long enough when someone asks you a question about ice cream that's what you're gonna you're gonna know the answer you're gonna say you know what that's because it's pistachio and that needs to be two degrees higher than chocolate and you look a smart ass so if you sit in a room full of people who are making a bunch of money everyone understands this
your network is your net worth you're the sum of The Five People You spend the most time with everybody understands this and then they still hang around with [ __ ] losers because they're dummies you're right I am the sum of the five people spend the most time with anyway this is my friend Nick he's so funny when we go drinking because he gets really drunk losers I don't talk to anybody who is not winning everybody whose phone every phone call I will answer if I answer a phone call is from a winner I don't
talk to losers everyone I talk to is Rich everyone I talk to is making money everybody if my entire reality is full of multi-millionaires making money how am I not going to make money and this is why network is so important is because it's the same reason that wolves hunt in packs if you're a lone animal you have one set of eyes but if you're a pack you're watching every single angle every single side perhaps I might miss something I'm as perspicacious as possible but one of my friends identifies that the war in Ukraine is
going to change and the Russian Ruble is going to pump you can make a bunch of money on a Forex tree for example I may or not noticed but he'll notice now I've made a bunch of million dollars to get a text message right because I have friends who are paying attention all of us are paying attention so your network is super important that's another thing we'll go into this because I have something called the War Room which is also on corporate.com I'll let people read for themselves but that's my private Network we specifically talk
about money and and a few other things but that's more like a mastermind it's it's the real world's how to make money and the war rooms what to do with money if that makes sense yeah it's all on corporate.com I don't want to get off track but it's there but second is Network and third is to identify the reason why you don't have as much money as you want so far and there's one of three reasons you are either lazy stupid or arrogant there's only three reasons anyone is poor and you have to identify and
choose which one it is the majority of people are not the one they think they are the majority of people are the one I'm about to say at the end so let's start with lazy there are a lot of lazy people the unfortunate reality about money is that you are competing so it's player versus player it's like anything in the world if you want that beautiful girl so does everyone else you have to win the competition you want that car you have to get it first you want that money everyone wants that money you have
to compete it's competitive business is competitive you are competing against people like me you're competing against people like the people in my network you're competing about people who only talk about money who understand money very well who operate in jurisdictions all around the planet who are extremely well connected who know things before you know them who have mass influence and mass power and mass resource you're competing against me this is what you must understand you're not waking up going I want to make some money you're competing against people like me you're competing against billionaires you're
competing against hedge funds how do these hedge funds keep growing where are they getting that money from from the brokies they're robbing you they're robbing all the poor people from the pension fund dummy that's where they get it from this is who you're competing against so the competition is absolutely and utterly fierce understanding that understanding that you're a man with a small pistol up against a mighty Army if you want to add a little bit of laziness on top you're [ __ ] so when I say people are lazy they go I'm not lazy I
work hard every day you work eight hours a day okay if I'm awake I'm working I'll be driving my Bugatti Chiron through Dubai working I'm texting at the same [ __ ] time I don't take a second off I don't take a minute off I don't relax I don't rest I don't stop I don't chill none ever I'm either asleep or at work that's it second I wake up I check my phone I begin working I go to the gym in between sets I am working I'm online working the entire [ __ ] day until
the second I go to sleep I am at work that is all I do and you are at home competing against me and you want to watch a movie tonight and then say you're not lazy you're [ __ ] lazy and you're gonna lose forever that's laziness next is stupid I don't think many people are actually too stupid to be rich you can be below average IQ and still get very rich very a very small percentage of people are too dumb to be rich the slave Minds they'll never be rich because the Matrix tries to
keep you poor because when you're poor you can't think like we talked about earlier so everything the media tells you is designed to make you poor they want you broke and struggling because if you rely on the government for food stamps and you can't argue with the government can you so that's what they want so anyone who believes in The Matrix and believes in medium believes in the lies they're told in order to sit there and goes that's true that it's literally designed to make you broke that's why it's all a scam do gcses do
your A Levels get in debt go to UNI get out get a [ __ ] job get a mortgage don't worry when you've paid that mortgage off when you're 61 then you'll have enough money to go to Spain for holiday then your pension comes oh government doesn't have potential money anymore funny enough hedge fund stole it pay half your money in your life in tax oops and then you wake up one day and go whoa I just got [ __ ] so the whole scam the whole story is a lie because they want you broke
they don't want you rich if you're rich you won't listen to them so all of it's a [ __ ] lie and intrinsically we all know this right if I when I pull up in one of my dirty cars to a gas station and people look at me and they see a Lambo or Ferrari or a Bugatti or kernan's egg whatever I'm driving nobody goes wow he went to school no they think drug dealer gangster they're thinking they're thinking he broke the rules because anyone who follows the rules doesn't get [ __ ] it's all
a scam it's all a [ __ ] lie so the slave minds are [ __ ] but those are the only ones who are too stupid to make money anybody who understands that the Matrix is lying to them is smart enough so very few very small percent are too stupid inside of our school at the height of it before the Matrix attack were relaunching now we had 175 000 students wow we had 175 000 students maybe 2 000 we kicked out for being too stupid it's step by step do this do that do this and
don't be lazy [ __ ] it's not that hard right so stupid is not the problem so we have people who are lazy very few are stupid but the majority the main reason most people are broke is because they are arrogant I will sit here and say all the things I've said I will do this take time out my life for free somebody at home will watch and digest it for free they will agree with the things that are being said or at least be entertained enough to continue to watch and then I'll say I'll
teach you how to make money online covertake.com you can join the real world and they'll sit there and go yeah I'll do it myself they're arrogant they have these egos from [ __ ] knows where because they didn't earn it and they're just too arrogant to listen to anybody I became World Champion by listening to my coach I didn't become a world champion by walking in and saying I'll do it myself I don't know how you get anywhere in life you have to listen if if Mike Tyson were to walk in or if Elon Musk
were to walk in here and talk to me about money I wouldn't be sitting there going I could do that I'd be like Oh Mr Elon richest man in the world hello very nice to meet you please even though I already understand I don't want to launch a car brand or put rockets in space please you must know some things I don't know how do you deal with the currency fluctuations does it does does inflation impact how much it costs for you to send a rocket into space like I'll ask him something that's useful right
but some people some people are so brutally arrogant that they'll sit here and they'll listen to all the things I said and they'll agree that I'm intelligent they'll agree I'm actually successful but they'll sit there and go yeah but you know what I'll do it myself I don't want to join that school because you know I'll just do I'll do it myself they're arrogant everybody's [ __ ] arrogant I sit with people who I used to go to school with from Luton who are still broke and tell them how to make money and you know
what they do they answer back yeah but you know it's not that simple because you know the wife gets the kid you know what and I I don't like to do things that way the way I like to work the way you like to work is while you're [ __ ] broke so what the [ __ ] you talking about and you just sat here and wasted 10 minutes of my time I told you how to take your business of Painting and Decorating or whatever the [ __ ] you're doing I'd make a serious amount
of money and now you're telling me the way you like to work then stay [ __ ] broke the [ __ ] you want me to do what level of arrogance but this is people they'll sit with a multi-millionaire and tell you their view I think that know when you're out qualified and accept it and learn so we all do I'm not going to get I can't play piano for [ __ ] the piano teacher walked in here and said this is what you do and I said well I like to move my hands this
way what kind of dumbass but this is the this is the arrogance people operate under so I'd say 20 of people are lazy 20 to 25 a large portion of the world are not lazy they're actually working exceptionally hard but they're doing the wrong thing five percent of people are too stupid so say 25 5 is 30 but 70 of people are brutally arrogant and this is why they are poor that's the truth and how did you make your first million good question I've talked about this already it was an unorthodox strategy I've talked about
it at length so I won't give the whole story because it's too long but I identified a gap I identified a market I approached the scenario in the situation extremely professionally and I worked exceptionally hard and I remember first million dollars so I what my first Millions came from owning a webcam Studio so I saw a little advertisement in the corner of a web page saying talk to live girls now I've never been a porn guy I'm not interested in that [ __ ] but I was like that's interesting I know some girls who need
some money boom boom boom I put together this apparatus extremely professional no [ __ ] sexual misconduct no Dan Bilzerian no threesomes nothing very professionalism very professional outfit and I used all my business knowledge and all my life knowledge and I applied it I worked 22 hour days I would say I got to the point where I was so tired so tired but I said you know what give me 20 minutes and if the alarm if I could hear the alarm go off I'd get up sometimes I just slept clean through it and I slept
an hour or two for months and months and months and I built an Empire I built an insanely large empire at one point I'm completely out of that business now but how did I go as in did you sell it uh I didn't sell it I just closed it all down I moved on I started making a bunch of money and I found other opportunities but how did I get that opportunity perspicacy first thing I said pay attention I paid attention I looked at the girl I'll give you the coffee shop example this is what
I did I clicked on that advert I saw the girl sitting there miserable waiting for a customer I thought nobody was going to buy from an unhappy [ __ ] you need these men are the men who are paying her are trying to escape an unhappy life or they would be doing this [ __ ] so when I got my girls online smile happy girls get paid that was a token that was a slogan happy girls get rich joking who's he gonna pay you're gonna pay the girls like yeah yeah having a having a blast
so I paid attention to the competition I saw an opportunity just at the coffee shop so all the things they did wrong the room was messy camera quality was [ __ ] there's the basic stuff the way the girl acted and interacted all that stuff and I applied it all by paying attention countless hours watching everybody else finding the way to do it better just like with the coffee shop and I did it better so I was absolutely not really perspicacious and that's that's how you make money and I did it with that but I
could have done it with anything and now I do it with everything the story of me sending a text message via my network and having a coffee shop is a true story I have never I don't think I've even I've been in there maybe twice how can we go and and I have mechanisms in place to make sure I'm not robbed too badly because unfortunately a little bit cash goes missing but everything's in in place and it makes me money I don't think I've even drunk my own coffee I identified I put together a list
it needs to be like this like this like this like this like this I have competent people who work for me which is very hard to find but I do they understand to follow the doctrine to the doctrine and I'm getting money into a bank account that's it and you can do that with literally anything if you have a strong Network and you pay attention you do anything even podcasts we're doing a podcast right now you guys are already big and successful at this I'm telling you can look at the biggest podcast in the world
and still see what they're doing right what they're doing wrong it's just a game that's the game and then you have to outcompete everybody else myself and what's your net worth now you know what's it's kind of funny because there's that PSY that's the shittest question so far no no it's it's uh I don't actually really know because they say if you don't know what you've got they say if you know what you've got you ain't got much and it's so [ __ ] true I don't know how much that coffee shop is worth I
know what it makes me roughly a month I don't know why I could sell it for I can guess now like if I would put a six times multiplier on it you know I could guess but then what am I doing for every property how much are all my properties worth [ __ ] notes different than when I bought them so the price has gone up down I don't even check don't know so how much will the property works I can guess how much the business is worth I could guess how much is my brand
worth if I put my name to something it sells I've been offered 50 60 70 million dollars to sell junk to Children which I wouldn't do because I have too much morals how much is my brand worth I'm the most Googled man on the [ __ ] planet gold knows like I I couldn't guess I would guess that because there's different metrics of measuring the value of say a business sometimes they'll put a three times multiplier on it sometimes about eight times multiplier on it let's put it this way Hustler's University 175 000 students was
doing about 13 million dollars a month profit that's an online educational Company online is the future education is the future it was seamless fantastic out competed Oxford Cambridge everybody it was the best school on the planet not just because we had 175 000 students because we retained 175 000 students that's the key 175 000 people were making more money than they invested each month there's no other platform on the planet that can do that we had no competition there was no other online digital learning platform that was even one percent as close we were the
largest online digital teaching platform on the planet and everybody wants to make money so everybody wants to join male female rich country poor country that's 13 million a month that was doing so what's that 120 130 million dollars a year eight times multiplier is that what what's that worth 800 Million by itself like depending how you want to estimate I can sit here and say I'm worth 200 million dollars or a billion dollars I could be a billionaire with net worth for the things I own things I'm in control of depends on how you want
to analyze it so the reason I side is because I don't have a clue how much money I'm worth I don't know I know that if I want [ __ ] I get it I know that the world is effectively free now I'm at a point of money where I never ever contemplate the price of anything ever the whole world the only way I can explain being ridiculously rich is that everything is completely free so if you want something even one percent even if you time even if you want something a little bit the cost
is zero percent consideration so I have 30 cars I tried to stop at 10. but the car the car owners know I'm going to buy them right so they they decide to launch a new Lambo and they text me and go hey new Lambo I don't even ask to see a picture I'm just like okay because I'm not going to notice the money going missing so why not at least I might I might only glance at it for three seconds I may never even drive it I might just go home yeah it's all right that's
worth the money to me because the money is worth nothing so the whole world the whole world is free if I want coffee it's like I buy I buy and do things like the same way a person not even buys a coffee like a penny sweet it's just like oh [ __ ] it all right it doesn't it doesn't mean anything I can't I can't explain it I don't have a clue how much money I am worth I don't know that's the answer I don't know I just know I can have whatever I want do
you have more cars or more girlfriends I'm a man of God you didn't hear well God God wants us to procreate so I guess we're going to be two separate questions but last time I looked at 29 cars so you've clearly bought one more correct and I saw someone you said you had 20 girlfriends um so more cars on more girlfriends and let's talk cars and girlfriends yeah good question so yeah I have around 30 cars now I I don't sell them because I don't need money so what's the point in selling it do you
buy ones that you think will go up in value or just not care don't give a [ __ ] why would I want whatever yeah what I want I actually buy them because I'm curious so like the new Maserati came out the mc20 I don't think it'll be that good a car the reviews are actually pretty mediocre I've never driven one so I bought one so I drove it 10 minutes so yeah this [ __ ] put on the drive that was it and you'll just keep it yeah well I'm gonna do this I want
my seller for money [ __ ] money I don't the last thing I want I don't give a [ __ ] so I don't need money so I'd never sell it the headache of dealing with someone buying it off me is not worth the 350 Grand like someone going hey can I come check out the car oh [ __ ] off I'm out [ __ ] get [ __ ] like I can't be bothered even telling my assistant to deal with it is too much [ __ ] for 350 G's I don't give a [
__ ] so just stay there forever until it rusts to [ __ ] bids so um yeah that's the main reason I have so many cars and also the reason I have so many cars is because there's really nothing left to buy when I was poor I thought when I get rich I'm gonna buy all this stuff but then you you buy some nice clothes you buy a couple diamond watches or 20 whatever you buy a house what's it about plates cups okay nice computer nice big TV my TV's worth half a million dollars of
a half a million dollar [ __ ] television you buy some cars there's nothing to buy you all you really need is a laptop when you've got a laptop you can do anything you need you got a laptop and a phone and a t-shirt to wear and you're that's your life and your Empire shortage everything else is just dumb [ __ ] right so there's nothing else to buy so I buy cars because there's nothing else to buy ask for girlfriends I'm a man of God I'm a good man and I'm an honest man by
the way there's no judgment coming from this chair on this question I appreciate that I appreciate that I think that uh love is a beautiful thing and I think that men and women are designed to be together and I think that the world is a more interesting place when you see in fact I'll change that answer I think that the happiest man on Earth you can find has a good relationship and the happiest woman on Earth you can find has a good relationship I think we're social animals and I think that a good relationship is
such an integral part to our spiritual well-being and I am very fortunate that I have many concurrent very good relationships with women who are extremely understanding and kind and loving and nice to me and they understand my value and they treat me with utmost respect and it's certainly a fantastic thing because I think that women are in their own way very powerful in the complete different way that men are powerful and this is what when I got attacked for being misogynistic people didn't understand I'm not insulting women I'm saying that we are different and I
may physically and financially and intellectually take control and protect my women but certainly they will spiritually protect me I know that of a woman truly loves you that's a powerful force I've had days where three different girls I woke up to three different girls texting me be careful I had a bad dream last night and something bad happened that day that's happened to me I know that if I get very sick or I'm in hospital I'll want my woman there more than I want you're a woman or you're 20 women well you're what a female
more than you'll want your boys yeah they have a healing energy and there's times where they're absolutely not really extremely powerful forces so yes if you're a man who wants to have a complete life you want to be successful and competent in all Realms you need to also make sure that your relationship takes that box or however many you feel you need to be satisfied so how many girlfriends you go you don't let me get away with the politics I I have a very good life and a very good relationship with with uh many Fantastic
females and also I know some great I I have I have a good life that's the only answer I could say I don't want to give numbers and the reason the reason I won't I'll tell you the reason I won't okay there's large contingents of feral Psychopaths aiming to destroy me so I don't like to give away too much information about certain things that's the only reason why like I could sit here and say one I could say 25 I could say whatever well it's clearly not one because the plurals come out a few times
Perhaps it is one and perhaps that's the big deception this metric [ __ ] isn't working perhaps the feral psychopaths are now confused does he have one wife does he have 35 concubines I can't work it out who do we contact to attempt to attack him because your females are your biggest weakness as a man of genuine competence your biggest weakness is your female I'll tell you right now if I had to get a man if I had to get him and he knew I was after him he'd be a hard target but you know
how I'd get him his woman every [ __ ] time she's the one who'll post the Instagram story she's the one who won't forget to [ __ ] hide her phone she's the one who you can lie to hi this is Officer uh Deputy inspector [ __ ] uh we think you might be in this hotel there's been a problem we've heard this report yeah yeah we are what's the problem yeah we that's how to get you you're a woman she doesn't think fast enough she doesn't understand the true dangers of the world your women
is how they will get you and I'm talking from experience you want someone you look for their chick even the police do it guys want it yeah go to his ex-girlfriend's house nine times out of ten guess where he's [ __ ] hiding some chick's house [ __ ] lately go there so your woman is how they get you so when you're playing chess my father's a chess Grandmaster besides the king the number one piece they can attack that will make you have to react is your queen is a powerful piece so if the government
wants you they can attack your woman if your enemies want you they can use your woman you can sit in a police interview they can arrest you and your wife you and your wife can have the same story then they can sit with your wife and say we went through his phone you know he's [ __ ] this girl and she'll go what she'll change stories your woman's a is your number one weakness that's how they get to you that's how they wreck you so for me to sit here inside this many girls that's just
telling all my enemies how to try and attack me if I any girlfriend who's serious of mine does not have social media she does not exist out in the world for anyone to find or see for a reason because I am a target for for very powerful people some at the absolute highest levels of society and some of the bottom there are groups of men with AK-47 sitting around dingy lit rooms thinking about killing me and I don't want someone to go you know what this [ __ ] always shows what restaurant she's in because
she's a dummy so let's go let's go kidnap her ass and put her screaming down the phone at Tate and demand some money that's how it goes women are a weakness they're absolutely not only a weakness and I am obliged to protect them so for that reason I don't like to answer the question and I respect that thank you I did say you say 20 on a so you say 20 on another video yeah but but but you know it is crazy because what's actually most crazy about women is even the women who know me
intimately and know the dangers of my life still sometimes they'll they oh it's just an Instagram story like how can you pretend it's not a big deal oh but I'm with you exactly you feel like super safe and everything's fine because you're with me but I know that if there's 20 of them with machetes I will lose I'm glad you see me as Superman I appreciate it but I'm the one with the burden of responsibility here and it's it's just incredible how the world that men live in or the world that I live in is
so violent and so so dangerous and so calculated whereas women because we try very hard to protect them as we should I said earlier I like women who have been trauma free I like sweet innocent pure women they just see sunshine and rainbows they think we're just in a beautiful restaurant they think we've just gone to Central London to do some shopping oh life's fine they don't have any contemplation of the realities and if you're trying to explain it to them they kind of sit there and go I get I get it but you know
it was her birthday and then no no it doesn't matter it's her birthday they'll kill me on her birthday they don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] about her birthday and I know the [ __ ] do you think they give a [ __ ] like they don't operate in that Realm in fact there was a rapper who got killed three weeks ago in L.A because the girl put the [ __ ] Instagram story for her likes she wants some likes on her Instagram ooh with the rapper the name
of the restaurant he's blasted so he's dead he's in the ground and who's she [ __ ] now someone else it's a sad reality it's a sad reality so women are your number one weakness as a man if you're going to engage with females which you need to for your spiritual well-being you also have to understand that there are people out there who will use them against you like I said if I had a genuine enemy who I genuinely wanted to hurt if he didn't know it he wouldn't stand a chance but if he knew
it he could do a lot to stop me but I guarantee if you follow the women he's [ __ ] from long enough you'll get him every [ __ ] time wait for her to leave the house at 2 A.M on a Tuesday where's she going booty call cool done every time so something's really strikes me here is you're very articulate and you know your power and influence and you've been accused of being a misogynist and my eight-year-old daughter she's on Tick Tock and you know she'll watch you so are my son and you've said
the word [ __ ] four times correct so I would like you in your own words with no loaded agenda from me to just sort of explain as someone who knows is influencing people so much you know my eight-year-old daughter who might very well he's in Dubai can't wait to see Andrew because they are exciting very valid yeah very valid it's a valid question the reason I will speak certain ways is to be to a degree deliberately provocative also because there's a humeric element I I also called a man a [ __ ] earlier so
it's not gendered yeah I call people names if I believe it has a numerous effect so it's not particularly gendered also I certainly do not talk about women in the way that 95 of mainstream music does for example so I'm certainly not the biggest enemy or evil force on Earth so why do you get so much [ __ ] but it's all right in a rap video correct because of my influence but you made a valid point like I could have sat here and not said that word you're completely right I am but to to
a point I I would hate to sit and say oh the Matrix has attacked me to the point where I'm going to truly censor myself like I said there's a there's a comedic effect to it when I do it uh I'm very respectful of people all the time nobody's ever said I'm anything bad like I said no women have come forward and accused me of anything ever but you made a very valid point it's a valid point I have to accept the point it's very valid I know why I'm doing it it's conscious but there's
a there's a humeric element and I don't want to sit and say you know what oh The Matrix attacked me so I better just for you know just not be that person I'm gonna call a guy [ __ ] yeah in my story I might say this [ __ ] who might get me killed because because that's how I feel if a girl is going to do an Instagram story that threatens my life I'm not going to call her an Angel that's that's the story that's what it is when we were talking before we went
live um you said you knew it was coming and by the way I said we're going to do six rounds with Andrew and we've sort of done most of rounds one and two yeah bro I can talk I know yeah and I'm really enjoying this so thank you um so when and how did you know that they who control the world were coming for you and that your influence had grown too powerful I knew because of the orchestration of the attacks the attacks were exceptionally well orchestrated and there's no such thing as coincidence in my
world like I said my mental model allows me to predict the future and if I believed in coincidence then I would have been surprised when I was canceled I don't believe in coincidence because I've learned that is never true so every single day I get report from my staff that analyzes all social medias and news outlets because it's our job as in your social media or the social media in the world yeah where I am what's being said about me how many comments are positive how many comments are negative percentages Etc I get a report
daily yeah I uh got that report looked pretty good look pretty easy went to sleep woke up the next day 150 different news Publications wow with the same version of a story I'm misogynistic with basically the same words slightly Rewritten in absolute sync is that coincidence I can't well you don't believe in them so it can't possibly be how can 150 from New Zealand and Australia to Norway to America all decide the same day to write the same version of the same story then three days later 35 prominent LGBT influencers did an Instagram post with
the same picture and the same wording saying I'm dangerous to the world perfect sync within the same six minutes post post post algorithms hyping it up getting it millions and millions of likes and Views and comments this is this was an orchestrated attack so once I understood the attack was orchestrated by someone powerful enough to affect the world's news I understood the chance of me not being deleted is now zero it's a matter of time so I wrote a comment I wrote a post saying that there's a lot of attention on me right now as
God Soldier I'm going to turn negativity into positivity every like this post gets I'm going to donate money to Cherry that's my post I put that up news articles all around the world completely ignored it even though I pledged three million dollars to chair in front of everybody completely ignored all of it no only negative news about Andrew right now and there was orchestrating attacks one after another boom boom boom boom to the day I was first removed from Facebook and Instagram was the initial ban and from there it was Domino's effect but do you
know people now get their post shutdown if they share a photo of you with them yep what of course you do yeah if you take a selfie with me and put on Instagram they'll delete it they're trying to they'll warn you they'll try I've seen the warnings yeah they'll try to unperson me they want me to disappear from public Consciousness and this is my exact point I am the first person they've attempted to do this to where they have genuinely failed I'm more famous now than I was before the band they have failed what happens
is if you shoot somebody with your weapon and he doesn't die you find a new weapon this goal goes back to what I was saying earlier I know what they're thinking so this is what I wanted to talk about this because I don't know that cancer culture exists because well it doesn't for you and it doesn't for Joe Rogan because try and counsel someone and actually they just get more [ __ ] famous well Rogan wasn't Castle because he stayed on Spotify he was never truly deleted no but cancer culture certainly does exist it happens
every single day to people who are just not as big as me every single day people are being annihilated in real time if you want to see Council culture I recommend you look at the last three years of this pandemic and ask about anybody who stood up and said this is bollocks ask them about their social media accounts yeah because they [ __ ] got any small people get wiped out daily by the thousands but can't they just keep talking and to who more famous to who well how your your accounts have been shut down
you're bigger than ever completely because I'm an exceptionally difficult Target that's why I'm going to end up dead most people when they lose their social medias and their Banks they're done they can't talk I can sit and I have a network of thousands of people around the world I I like I said earlier I have a very competent Network inside the War Room I'm massively influential I can sit and talk on other people's podcasts I can fly around the world to end up at the right place at the right time I have them all of
the youth's energy behind me if you're a normal person saying they're making me take an injection I don't want to take this is [ __ ] and they delete your Facebook who the [ __ ] you gonna talk to we're gonna go stand on the corner and yell at passerbys people have tried that too that doesn't work once they silence you you're done thousands of people are being silenced every day because what did I say earlier about the Matrix they want to tell one side of the story and they have to delete the opposite side
to create a false version of reality that's how the Matrix works so Council culture is super real you just don't hear about the people who are canceled it's survivorship biased this is the reason why you don't believe in Council ship cold I'm not saying I didn't I just went to fight it's survivorship bias so I'll give you an example in World War II the planes that were coming back with bullet holes from the AAA the RAF said we need to put more armor where the planes are getting hit most often where the most bullet holes
are we need more armor makes sense right and then some very smart person said no the places that are getting hit so often and the plane's still getting home are the places it's okay to get hit places where we never see a plane get hit and still make it home where there's no bullet holes is where we need the armor because every time a plane gets hit there they never make it back survivorship bias so so why we don't know what we don't know we don't see what we don't see correct we don't know about
the people who are canceled because that's the point of cancellation yeah we don't know how many thousands of people are being rejected from speaking and how many Democratic voices are silenced in real time that's the whole point of it you know about me but you don't know about the 10 000 already happened to by 8 pm today it happens every single day and that's how they keep a control in the narrative that's what's scary about it is that's happening to everyone yeah I'm just a unique individual because I have a very powerful Network and I've
managed to circumvent it but most people don't have my resources in individ and and capability and like I said that's put me in a very precarious position do you think this raises the question that it's very important to be as decentralized as possible yeah but why would the people in charge of the world allow that if you're in charge of the world you're a basic your only concern you don't care about food you're not worried about a house like what's your only concern stay in charge you're in charge of the world you have one concern
in your life staying in charge are you going to decentralize information in power are you gonna allow that to happen doesn't mean you can't create it for yourself as best you can well I'm sure there's people out there who could try very hard and some people are doing it I've moved to rumble off of YouTube I've moved to rumble.com which is a YouTube alternative and he's an absolute hero and he's fighting for free speech and he doesn't censor me in any way he's a complete hero absolutely and people are fighting and standing up but I'm
saying that you are fighting against a very powerful competition exceptionally powerful competition and it's dangerous to do and it's very difficult to do it's hard but yeah I love the idea of a decentralized fair world I'd love the idea of utopian scenarios I'd love to live in a Utopia who wouldn't I just don't think it's human nature I think as long as humans exist it's not going to be that way and I actually think we're at the Tipping Point where it's gonna get really out of control because once AI takes control which is coming then
we're really [ __ ] because the current limit on the Tyranny they can enact on the populace is how far the police force can be brainwashed right if they tell kill everyone who's got blonde hair if the police force are brainwashed enough they'll do it but if they're not then the elites can't enact that law because the police will say no but once the police once the police sing is either robotic or AI then you're [ __ ] because there's no longer any human element and that's where it's coming and you don't have to think
about RoboCop you have to think about AI as a whole you have to think about your life being controlled to the point where your bank and your money and your social media and your passport number and everything is linked together to the point where the second you say something wrong on Facebook there's a repercussion so whether your passport can be used whether your Bank is open so you mean Central digital currencies are all linked to this cbdc's exactly [ __ ] scare me though yeah they do yeah that's right cbdc's is perfect once they have
absolute control the money and they can decide how and when and where you can spend it and track it and track it then you're [ __ ] yeah you're [ __ ] so look what just happened to me I said things they didn't like and I suffered from travel bans my money was taken but but with right now we're doing it a slow old-fashioned way right you have to do the media you have to convince the world that this person's bad with the media then you have to cancel them and you have to keep using
the media to lie about them keep the narrative up then you have to go and use terms and conditions to get you can't do that to everyone but once it's all automated an AI you can certainly do it to everyone once you you like the wrong post oh no oh your bank doesn't work today you go hungry today you can eat tomorrow but I don't like that post again you like food don't you you like to eat that's where we're getting anyone who sits there and think that's not going to come is a [ __
] dummy that is the end result because people in charge of the world want to stay in charge of the world I don't blame them I want to stay in charge of my Empire like I said these I'm not saying these people are bad don't kill me yet gentlemen talking to you I'm not saying you're necessarily any worse than anyone else I want to stay in charge of my Empire and they want to stay in charge of theirs who the [ __ ] wouldn't I get it I'm just telling you how they're going to do
it that's absolutely ugly that's where it's coming but you've you have if I understand rightly I was talking before off camera move towards some decentralization where you've taken control of your online payment systems make your own bank completely talk about that a bit completely yeah you have to decentralize you have to try and control things the best you possibly can so yeah I've decentralized the real world is an evolution of hostels University because we control absolutely everything from head to toe it means that we cannot be censored or controlled or attacked in any way but
as much as you want to decentralize the bottom line of Seattle of reality and civilization Remains the Same I've decentralized all of my my I'm even a decentralized brand bro I'm all over the internet I don't have an account thousands of accounts that's that's powerful that's right yeah I've decentralized as much as a person can possibly decentralized but I still bleed and that's the bottom line of reality so I understand that no matter how much I decentralize yeah the bottom Line's the same but you're not going to give up the fight just because you can't
have a guaranteed win are you I can't give up the fights my name's Tate was it a plan to get so many people on social media posting on your behalf if I told the secret of how I hacked every single algorithm on the planet it'd be worth trillions of dollars but what I will say is that I sat with the War Room which is my network which there's more information on coverticket.com I sat with extremely competent and capable people we were very perspicacious we analyzed the algorithms I I tell everyone exactly how I do it
I say this to people you know what and this goes back to my original point about how arrogant people are I'm going to sit here and tell people how I became the most Googled man on the planet and nobody's gonna even [ __ ] drive or even pay attention because they're [ __ ] arrogant I pay attention to the algorithms I analyze the algorithms analyze what worked and what didn't I sat with my network we've tried to find out a way we can hack it or exploit it we made a six-month plan and in six
months I became the most Googled around the planet that's what I did that's it I paid attention went to my network worked hard the end that's all I did and I'll say this people go yeah anyway back to TV dummies hmm that's how I did it yeah there's nothing else I mean yeah I can't tell you what I learned in my findings because that's worth trillions of dollars I can't tell you what I found out I can't tell you exactly how my network exploited what we found out I'm not going to tell you that because
that's literally worth trillions of dollars and I'm still using parts of it not all of it because we've ramped down specifically and purposely we're now operating at about 15 to 20 Effectiveness if I wanted to be the only face on Tick Tock and the only face on Instagram reels on a platform I'm banned on I could do it in a week I could still do it so why don't you do it the time is coming my friend patience you know it's like you have a girlfriend sometimes you do it right sometimes you just want to
go to sleep not tonight baby you do all the time it loses its magic so the time is coming um but I can't tell people how I do it but I will tell people that I paid attention and I worked with very competent people people who are inside of my organization and we're the hardest working people on the planet they're all like me they're awake they work this is who we are this is what we do so round three is a bit more light-hearted it's um would you fight would I fight you yeah well that's
what's coming before I've got five people I want to ask you about before we do what do you think of the um plethora the growth of all these YouTubers who are now getting into celebrity fighting KSI Jake Paul Logan Paul what do you think of this movement I think it's a really good thing I think it's the old-fashioned way a straightener you know instead of making stupid YouTube videos at each other all day long insulting each other back and forth like like girls they're saying meet me on this day and time and fight I respect
that that's how I was raised that was my career anyone I had a problem with I fought and the better man walked out as a winner I think it's the best thing that could possibly happen for society good hope it keeps happening hope every time YouTubers disagree they fight good good it's better than making YouTube videos at each other back and forth like [ __ ] girls and anyone who's made a YouTube video about me like true Geordie is one he's a fat [ __ ] I need to get destroyed by me but he's scared
there's some guy called Hassan which is some he's a strange guy wears dresses I'm not sure why he decides to dress he dresses like a girl all the time and his long hair he's weird I'd love to whoop his ass but these people are afraid to see me in a cage right because they know I'd absolutely destroy so you would go and have a fight with them completely because I know I'd win and you deserve it but that's why they'll never do it right they'll just do YouTube videos about about me but they'll never actually
meet me in Fair competition which which invalidates their entire opinion yeah right so if someone goes I disagree with Andrew but I'm scared to ever see Andrew well then who gives a [ __ ] what you think you're all [ __ ] so they're all cowards all of my enemies are cowards so yeah but I think it's a great thing if if people who disagree with me had to meet me in the cage there'd be a lot less stupid videos on the internet but can't we disagree without fighting what's the bottom line of society but
it doesn't always get to the bottom line but it doesn't because of the threat of the bottom line if I just if I had a fight every time I disagreed with someone [ __ ] can I be fighting all day every day no but I'm saying the reason that you the reason that there isn't a fight every time and I'm not saying we should live in a complete savagery but I'm saying it is the bottom line of differing opinions right the reason War eventually happens is two governments disagree to the point where discourse breaks down
we tried this course of course we do but the only reason discourse is even respected in the first place the only reason you'll even have uh delegation from another country and entertain them is because you understand that that country as an army if that country had no Army at all when their delegation came you'd say get [ __ ] and just ignore them completely it is the bottom line is the underpinning of possible violence that makes you try and avoid the violence it's the underpinning of society so if I've had cordial conversations with idiot idiots
on the internet which are so stupid and dense that they cannot possibly understand how inferior they are to me and we've now reached the bottom line what's the bottom line so how come you've never had any of these fights because they won't fight me because they are cowards I that's that's it so it's my point so I agree with you you've had discussions that didn't end violence as have I of course but whether you realized it or not those underpinnings have always been there and people and humans intrinsically know this and I'll tell you why
because men if you disagree normal men day to day you will have an argument differently with a seven foot tall man than you would a five foot tall man whether you notice it whether it's subconscious or not you will talk to him differently you will explain your opinions differently and your body language will be different because you understand if you disagree too much what's going to happen that's the reality I've seen it myself I know how people argue with me because they know I'm so capable very no one shouts in my face funny that I
wonder why that's how the world works so these YouTubers um do you think they've really disrupted how fights are promoted and boxing and UFC do you think they've been good or bad because boxing and UFC is sort of not really embraced them fully good question I don't think they can affect the UFC I think the UFC is the Premier fighting organization on the planet I think Dana White is a genius I think that they are completely and hardly insulated from any of this garbage especially the fact that the YouTubers are boxing and not necessarily fighting
in the cage I think that it's been very good for boxing because I think boxing was dead boxing was a corpse but it was like an alive corpse it was like Broadway no one really cares but it's kind of there but you kind of want it to stay but no one really cares yeah it was kind of how it was there's a few big Superstar names but in general nobody gives a [ __ ] about boxing anymore everyone cares about MMA all the children are going to MMA everyone's moving over UFC now owns the fight
World um and boxing needs interest and I think that the YouTubers are bringing interest to the sport so I think it's a fantastic thing so would you fight Jake Paul good question that was in conversations at some point I think Jake Paul is a man who is very dedicated to his craft he's not just a YouTuber Jake Paul is a boxer he spends his life training he has a lot of money a lot of time a lot of resource the idea that he's just a YouTuber is foolish KSI is just a YouTuber Jake Paul is
a boxer and he is certainly the best of all the influencers who are currently fighting today hands down would I fight him well there's not a man on earth I wouldn't fight it just depends on the scenario depends on the situation for me to fight Jake Paul it wouldn't be for money because I don't need money it wouldn't be for influence because I'm more famous than him it would be either a personal beef or me deciding that it was good for me and my brand it would be a decision I would make very consciously but
I couldn't be bought into it I couldn't be I couldn't say hey you'll be famous I'm not famous on the planet I don't care right but certainly he'd be the only challenge of any of them he wouldn't be easy to be I would knock him asleep of course but it would take more than one round but the rest of them are all just just clowns but Jake Paul is a different needs a different lead to the rest so would you fight KSI then if the rest are clowns absolutely I I guess I said my name
at the end of his last fight I said yes then he came out and said I'm too big all of a sudden [ __ ] himself so he's a clown and if Jake were to fight any of them clowns Jake would destroy all of them Jake is a box of arrester clowns sure I'd fight KSI but like I said I need a genuine reason to do so I don't need money I'm I'm so much I am so many times richer than these people like the infinitesimally these guys are are they're still performing they're still performing
in a circus for for pennies whether it's boxing or anything else and I did it myself but you get to a certain level of wealth where you realize I'm beyond it I'm above it and Beyond it but if I if JSI genuinely upset me then sure I have a straightener with his ass why not would you fight Floyd Mayweather no and I got offered that fight huh got offered that fight and he's one of my heroes so I couldn't bring myself to do it even though he's small and it's I mean he's good my name
is James Floyd Mayweather he's retired and he's small and I'm a lot bigger than him and I'd be fine I wouldn't get knocked out it'd be totally fine he's one of my heroes yeah I think he's the best boxer of all time and I couldn't bring myself he's been on the show twice is he yeah oh he absolutely he's a hero of mine I love I love his story I love his confidence I love how he self-hypnotizes every single word out of his mouth is self-hypnosis I love how he hypnotizes his opponents I love his
style everyone says he's boring he is not boring he is if you appreciate defense he's the best he's ever been I absolutely not really love Floyd Mayweather so I couldn't bring myself to ever throw a punch I have very few heroes in the world and he's one of them would you fight Mike Tyson again no because he's now old and I I would be an absolutely tragic shame to knock out an old version of his Prime Self that doesn't feel fair you know Prime Tyson would have ripped me apart in a boxing match I'm not
a boxer right yeah perhaps if I was a boxer and I was heavier maybe I can make a bunch of Stories the truth is I'm a kickboxer and it's his rule set and he was Mike Tyson he would have beaten me so to beat him when he's past his prime just feels dishonorable and I'd feel dirty for doing that so there's no amount of money on the planet that could convince me to fight Mike Tyson would you fight Conor McGregor that's an interesting one I guess I mean he's still in his prime I'm a lot
bigger than him he's very good he's very capable we'd certainly have a lot of good Trash Talk he'd make a lot of money but again I would need a personal problem with him to fight him the people I want to fight are true Geordie who I don't even know who that is yeah yeah so he is the story between behind me and true Jordan is very simple he found out I ran a webcam company when I was given my insights on male female Dynamics saying that I know these things because I have 75 women who
work for me and I also have 75 women who work for me who are being paid by men so I see the interaction between the man and the webcam girl I get to hear about the react interaction between the man and his wife who he doesn't [ __ ] and then there's interaction between me and my webcam girls so it's like a hierarchy of every single level so I understand all of it so when I was saying this he did a takedown video on me saying that I'm I only know [ __ ] and every
girl who works for me is a [ __ ] and that uh I'm I'm uh pimp and all this crazy [ __ ] and I and I did a reply video saying listen some of the girls who work for me are happily married I think it's very unfair to judge 75 people you've never met and call them all [ __ ] and Slots especially to sit there he's a bit fat to sit there like aggressively screaming at camera these girls are [ __ ] you don't even know them he seemed very angry and my brother
said he's way too angry at these girls why does he hate these webcam girls so bad turns out a few months later some messages leaked between him and a webcam girl that's where his hatred came from and the messages are him begging to be dominated he wanted to dildo up his ass he want her to cheat on him he wanted to worship her all these crazy [ __ ] and it's all there with his name on it so then I did another video saying awesome it's obviously clear why you had a problem with the girls
who worked for me because you're begging them to dildo you and they're saying you know it costs this much and I guess you want it for free I don't know he had a deep hatred for women and I identified that um he obviously shut up after that a little bit he went away he came back then he said my name a few times and I said listen my friend we've had our conversations you've insulted all the girls who worked for me who were very nice girls he made some full-grown women cry I had to Recon
I had to Recon I'd console them and say listen don't listen to this guy like he made full grown women break down and cry he's a bad person he turns out to be a sexual deviant who was mocked on the internet for a very long time and some people may have forgotten but I certainly haven't our conversations are pretty much over what's the bottom line so the only way he can restore honor after begging for a dildo up his ass is to meet me in the cage and beat me because then he gets to sad
beat up entertain and he can stop being a dildo lover but if he refuses to do that then he can stay a dildo lover for the rest of his [ __ ] human years and just hide from me but if he wants to fight me I will meet him in the cage any day of the [ __ ] week bare knuckle twice on a Sunday and then he can go from Adela lover to a dildo lover with a broken face because I will [ __ ] annihilate him and he knows it which is why he
won't do it along with my other detractors along with the other weirdos because everyone who dislikes me seems to be weird really strange everyone who's ever made a takedown video of me on a long enough time frame ends up being a sexual deviant a pedophile they're all weirdos nobody who supports me has ever come out with some weird [ __ ] everybody who hates me sooner or later there's something weird about them because I think they hate themselves and they see me as someone they wish they were as they're idle but they can't admit that
so their idolization gets warped into a strange form of hate and that's what happens the other one's Hassan he's some guy who lives in California he's really strange he has this obsession with female drivers and how they're so good at driving it's weird guy to talk to all he talks about is how girls drive better than him it's weird where's dresses drinks loads of Mountain Dew really weird guy like the girls he was dating they were telling me hey George Mountain Dew all the time he's very unhealthy strange dude and me and him have had
our conversations and he's scared to debate with me we debated once and he lost and he's scared to debate with me so our conversation is basically over I said look I'll be shy but he's scared so I win by default it's kind of cool to win by default it's kind of like you turn up to the match and like you or flip a coin halfway up in the air they're like oh you already win the people are these people are cowards so I went by default because no one respects a coward so all their points
of view are invalid because of cowards so yeah bottom line of society my friend so the only people I would fight are people who deserve to be annihilated because I'm an extremely capable person I'm a feared opponent in all Realms of human endeavor and being in a cage with me locked inside when I have a personal offender against you is probably one of the worst human experiences a man can go through I will hurt these people and they know it so yes those are the two I would fight anyone else would have to come up
with a good reason I have nothing against Connor kind of like the guy so I it'd have to be a good reason let's put it that way well that was a fun round we've never done a round like that before have we oh no we did it with Jake Paul yeah we did a would you fight around with Jake Paul didn't mean that was fun um right um let's move into round six but I'm going to move up to round four cool just throw [ __ ] up quick fire around cool so 15 seconds announcer
perfect is happiness the purpose of life no absolutely not really not the purpose of life is to be competent successful if you try and base your life and your mentality purely around how happy you are you'll end up hedonistic and destroyed our entrepreneurs narcissists I think you need to be narcissistic to a degree to believe in yourself I've never seen somebody who gets the top of the world or the universe in any field who did not have absolutely an utter belief in themselves what's the most expensive item you've ever bought besides property I bought a
lot of very very expensive property planes boats but besides those things it will probably be my Bugatti Chiron for 5.2 million dollars and I also have a very expensive watch which is close what do you know that most people don't I know the secrets of the universe and how to escape the matrix and I'm trying to make sure that most people know those things that's why I teach at corporate.com because the more people that escape the more enemies the more soldiers I have on my side against the enemy you're good at this round what big
thing have you been wrong about in the last 12 months that's a very good question and I'm very self-critical and self-analytical I actually want to give a longer answer for this one do it good I'm never wrong ever because all the times I was wrong I have punished myself severely most humans don't do that so I can't think of anything I've been wrong about in the last 12 months it's been years and years and years since I got a call wrong like I said my mental model is designed at predicting the future flawlessly most people
are happy to be wrong and they don't even apologize to the world or up or punish themselves for it perfect example and the reason I keep using this example is because it's so recent there are people out there who are shouting at other people in the supermarket to wear a mask shouting at other humans you better wear one now they I must have realized by now that you're still here nobody needs a mask everything's fine and you were psyopped and tricked by the media they as an honorable adult should stand up and say I am
sorry they should do a public post on all their social media I am sorry I believe the lies I am sorry I helped purport the enslavement of mankind I'm sorry I shouted at fellow members of the human race I am sorry I was a tool of the Matrix and its enslavement of man I am sorry they don't you know what's funny it doesn't even cross their minds they're not only they're not sorry they don't even think about it I was so wrong to the point that I'm running my mouth screaming at people and now I
realized I'm wrong but oops oh well Slava Ukraine dummies the reason I'm never wrong is because I punish myself for being wrong reason people are wrong all the times because they don't even know when they're wrong and once they get told they're wrong they're like oh only human I'm allowed to make mistakes and yell at people in the supermarket like a [ __ ] dumb ass for no reason that's the that's the that's the majority of the human race I haven't seen any apologies on Facebook from all these people who were pro-fucking Pro mask have
you obviously the single [ __ ] sorry for many of the people who were totally wrong none no wonder they're all [ __ ] dummies dumb [ __ ] sorry I shouldn't use that word dumb [ __ ] all of them and and that's why they're going to continue to be wrong to attorney because they don't punish themselves I punish myself have I ever got anything wrong I would punish myself if I was wrong about covet on the scale that most of these people were wrong I'd be too ashamed to show my face to the
rest of the human time if I was sitting on podcasts purporting the enslavement of man to the level these people have been doing it I would be too ashamed to walk Earth ever again I would be apologizing profusely for all of my waking years I would never shut up about how sorry I was for being [ __ ] psyomed these people do not feel an ounce of guilt not a single ounce of guilt because they are Godless they believed in God they'd understand what they have done wrong and they would feel true moral guilt because
God put morality inside of all of us they're Godless creatures they don't feel a [ __ ] ounce of Shame none of them and that's why they're always wrong if I forget my keys if I lose my phone somewhere around the house and I can't find it instantly I'll say to Tristan two minutes okay if I don't find it in two minutes I punish myself I'm not allowed to not know where things are my phone is here because when I put it down I literally think you've put your phone on the windows that's how I
operate I put my phone in the windowsill I know where my car key is exactly I know where my mic is parked I know the way out of the building if I go on a ferry or a boat and I go up or down a level I know how I will get out if the boat tips because you think you oh it's only two levels wait till it's upside down full of water that's how you [ __ ] drown you don't know I do I pay attention because I'm perspicacious most people misplace their phone look
for it for half an hour find it and carry on with their life and they wonder why they misplace it again if I misplace my phone I'll donate a hundred thousand dollars to Cherry or I'll fast for a day and a half I won't eat or I'll make sure I only have two hours sleep that night I will punish myself so that next time I put my phone down I Don't Wanna Lose It that's why everyone's [ __ ] wrong all the time because they're dumb [ __ ] and dumb [ __ ] are happy
to just go through life being wrong oops and they'll never feel an ounce of Shame they'll never punish themselves for it they'll never learn and grow they'll never turn from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly no they'll continue to sit there after eating up the entire psyop being agent of the Matrix attacking their fellow man attacking their fellow peasants that's the worst thing about it they're not even attacking the elites the elites are in a hot air balloon and if Earth was about to explode the elites would just float away and leave everyone to die
The Peasants who were on their side and the peasants who aren't on their side The Peasants who were on their side are attacking their fellow man you have more in common with the man you're attacking the supermarket for not wearing a mask then you do the person who told you you needed a mask in the first place I guarantee you that my friend nope they just participated in the entire psyop were agents of The Matrix and they feel no shame and guess what they're going to do when the next style comes I'll bet you a
hundred million dollars what they're going to do because they won't ever [ __ ] learn because they don't self-analyze so that's why I can sit here and say I haven't been wrong about anything the last 12 months because I am never [ __ ] wrong because I've trained myself to not be wrong I am also living a reality where I'm not allowed to be wrong if I made mistakes I would be dead that's why I don't I am one of my sporting Heroes I like Cricket one of my sporting Heroes is one of the best
cricketers has ever lived Kevin Peterson he's been on my show and he said every time he got um out for a low score even if it was a peach of a ball he'd go and punish himself for a few hours the only way to do it yeah only way to do it there's only way to live life and then you can just stop making mistakes it's pretty easy to only win if you never lose it's it's a win by default it's a certified way to only win it's just to never lose yeah if you never
make mistakes and you never lose guess what happens oops billionaire that was hard just didn't just don't misplace your keys easy back to the 15 second rule sure what's the best advice you ever remember receiving that's hard because there's so many answers about 17 answers just went through my head I can't possibly choose one one from your dad allow manipulation to find out where your enemy wants you to go then use your mind to break the Trap and punish the perpetrators and I have to I have to elaborate so I know it's fine but the
reason that's so important is because if you don't know where your enemy wants you to go you might end up there on accident if you don't allow your enemy to tell you what they're trying to do to you you might accidentally end up where they want you to be so you sit there and you listen to their [ __ ] head to toe and you say why you don't even ask why listen to their [ __ ] head to toe and say okay I agree what do you want me to do and when they tell
you what they want you to do you use your mind to break the Trap and you punish the perpetrators because once they've told you what they want you to do you can make sure you never [ __ ] do it if you never get them to tell you that they might get you there another way you might take the B Road right they might say we want them to we want to get them to do this this way he doesn't believe it well then let's tell this lie ah now he's doing it so you allow
manipulation to find out where your enemy wants you to go and use your mind to break the Trap and punish the perpetrators what's the worst advice you ever remember this evening Follow Your Passion ball looks biggest croc of [ __ ] if you're only going to do things you're passionate about and do things you want to do instead of getting up and struggling doing things you're supposed to do because you have a duty to Garden to yourself you are going to be a loser forever would you rather have 5 million new followers or 50 million
dollars in the hand neither doesn't mean anything to me good question but I would say 5 million new followers because we now live in an attention economy and if you manage to use those followers in the right way you can monetize it far more than 50 million but it also depends who you are if you can monetize an audience if you have anything of value if you're a dummy bear taking money would you rather be this the richest man in the world or the best fighter in the world so best fire and skin richest man
in a not good fight I was gonna say [ __ ] but I don't use that kind of language yeah me neither my daughter's watching me neither I never swear um good question I would choose the richest man in the world because uh physical power is fleeting unfortunately and the richest man in the world will allow you to have a longer period of enjoyment it would just last longer what's your biggest failure I failed to yet free everybody I don't but you know what I don't think I want to free everybody because if everybody's free
the world be pretty chaotic I don't know what my biggest failure is I don't I've never really actually thought about that question I I I don't think in the Paradigm of failure every day for me is a winning day it's just how much I've won perhaps I haven't won 100 perhaps I've won 62 but every day I win I don't fail ever so it's hard for me to even answer that question to even contemplate the idea of failing for me is very difficult I it just doesn't happen what's your biggest regret again these are paradigms
and ideas that don't exist in it's like another language to me I can't think of regret I don't operate in the realm of regret I operate and cause and effect operating the harsh realities binary decisions I don't operate in react and regret I don't operate in failure I can't imagine myself regretting something I can't imagine myself failing I can't right penultimate round the what do you think of around great what do you think of the cancellation attempt of Joe Rogan yeah that was ridiculous but Joe Rogan is obviously too large to cancel you get to
a certain level of status it's called Saint status Patrick Davis that to me and it's perfect when you have large organizations that support you and UFC was behind Joe Rogan spot fights stayed beside him but they were thinking about de-platforming him but he couldn't have been de-platformed anyway he did UFC behind him when you get to a certain point of money and status you can't be the platform which is why they came for me before I got there once you get to a certain level you can't beat the platform but yeah they attacked him for
telling the truth in fact correction they didn't even attack him tell the truth they attacked him for asking a question and they asked a question to somebody who then told the truth and they thought that that means he needs to be deleted and everybody knows of anyone who's ever read a history book that the people who do not like the truth being told or the people who try and censor arguments are always the bad guys they are the tyrants so everybody who came for Joe Rogan is a is a bad person they're genuinely a bad
person in their hearts they work for the devil what do you think of Kanye West buying parlor interesting I think that the more people who escape the matrix or understand the information they obtain from Matrix control platforms is controlled the better there are a lot of Twitter Alternatives now I'm on getter possibly uh personally I'm on getter g-e-t-tr but there's getter there's parlor there's true social there's a lot of Twitter Alternatives popping up I think overall it's a good thing for people to understand they must get the truth and more information outside of the Matrix
Hill platforms but I do like would like the idea of us all to centralize on one it's starting to get a bit split out spread out the Twitter Alternatives the great thing about Rumble where I am is that the only serious YouTube alternative so if you want video like YouTube without censorship you go to rumble it's the only place to go which just makes them very powerful and the more powerful they are the harder they are to attack if they're all spread out with lots of different platforms they're gonna get wrecked because the large company
is going to come for them financially legally they're going to find ways to destroy them right you need to get together strengthen numbers yeah what do you think of Elon Musk buying not buying buying not buying buying not buying Twitter good question I'm a massive Elon fan I was so happy when I was going to buy it when he said he wasn't I was genuinely disappointed because it's more important than money free speech is more important than money so he was saying it's not worth it because the Bots was like bro I don't care about
money you there's no way you can care about money like come on my friend this is more important than that this is about the freedom of Earth but perhaps it was all part of a plan he's obviously a very intelligent man I don't want to be arrogant he must know some things I perhaps don't know but but you wouldn't want to overpay for something would you I would for Twitter would you I'd give up every single penny I have for Twitter even if it wasn't worth it all of it right 100 all of it yeah
because then you get to control information and you get to reopen the world to free speech that's more important than money I'd overpay for Twitter all day long but perhaps he's less ideological than me but maybe maybe he knows things I don't know but it looks like he's buying it in the end now which I think is good for the world because we need free speech free speech allows different new ideas and I'm not I'm not going to sit here and say that you know everything I say is is is all the people on my
side are completely right all the people on the other side completely right the truth is usually somewhere in the middle but if you delete one side of the argument you never get the truth yeah that's why it's so important what do you think of all the lawsuits against Alex Jones of info was and you know all the families of the um deceased children so again yeah I understand he may have said some things he shouldn't have said however do I think he was a billion dollars for that absolutely not what did I say was stage
three of three stages stage one is they silence you I think he's been deleted from everything stage two is they used a lot to try and [ __ ] you so I think that Alex is on stage two unfortunately am I saying he's right in what he said no I don't know the details of what you said I don't know the details of the event however he does live in a country with first amendment protection he should have free speech and the fact they're charging my billion dollars for saying a few things it's kind of
crazy also nobody's right all the time right he's a conspiracy theorist but he's right 99 of the time and they find the one time he may have been a bit wrong and [ __ ] wreck him they're not doing that because they care about Justice or doing this because he's on stage two of the three stages use the legal system to absolutely not only decimate an individual who they do not like that's what it is so it's certainly personal which makes it unfair by definition if it's a personal attack then it can't be a fair
attack can it we're all supposed to be the same out of the law so I think it's unfair what do you think of the woke left versus Jordan Peterson the welcome after hateful people Jordan Peterson is extremely intelligent the woke left are full of hate they weaponize virtue to pretend they care about others because they're such hateful nasty people that they need to hide behind something they did the same to me there's not a single woke leftist who attacked me for being misogynist which donates to women's Charities like I do not a single one who's
built an orphanage like I have a single one who takes stray dogs from the streets in Romania like I have not single one is prevented anyone from suicide nothing they just took fake virtue weaponized it pumped it full of their own hate because they're hate-filled and attacked me with it the woke left of the most hateful divisive intolerant people on the planet there's no point in calling for tolerance for different skin colors if you do not tolerate tolerance of ideas what's the point in that to say that we love diversity but only if everybody looks
different but thinks exactly the same is that diversity no sir is not diversity is not only that we look different that we think different that we act slightly differently that's truly diversity these people are not for diversity or inclusion or tolerance they are hate-filled feral Psychopaths they attacked me and they attack anybody who has any influence over the world which does not absolutely and utterly go lock step in line with their insane dogma and Doctrine and that ends the penultimate round onto the final round so this is called challenging Andrew Tate where at times you've
been challenged sure and so I wanted to get your side of it and there's one from me I'd like to challenge you on just one can't wait so um was Piers Morgan the worst interviewer you've ever experienced I knew what he was going to do I don't think I lost in fact when my team sent me the report that you know three days later 99.4 of all comments on the YouTube video are positive for me so certainly a PR win wouldn't you say you knew what it was going to do was it disgust or you
just know what his angle is I know what his angle is and also before the interview he's quite clever before the interview he goes listen I've got a point of view where I'm going to challenge you but we need to make sure that we don't talk over each other let me get shout and Mattress bad for the viewer so my talk let me talk and that's him saying I'll talk over you correct let's forget you so um clever right filthy bastard clever I think the only loser was besides him he lost the viewer and the
viewer because I never got to explain anything so it was kind of just like frustrating to watch yeah so I won from a PR perspective by all observable metrics it was a good interview for me so to say he's the worst interviewer well the idea of doing an interview is that you come off good I came off fantastically in fact it was one of my best performances and I barely [ __ ] spoke so sorry it could be the best it could be the best so it depends how you measure it because as I said
my team analyzed it in real time all the comments are on my side so perhaps he is the best but the viewers certainly lost yeah I'm gonna just say it it really pissed me off because like I'm not as big as an interviewer as him but then I've got other business interests this is my hobby sure but I thought that was one of the worst interview performances I've seen because he didn't let you speak he put words into your mouth he set you up he linked some really [ __ ] nefarious things and tried to
link you to them probably to grow his own channel which is fledgling yep I thought it was terrible yeah it wasn't it was an attempted hit job was an attempted assassination that failed and backfired he assassinated his own character another time I mean he's already put a bunch of Nails in his own coffin he just put another one in uh if if the social media comments were 50 50 I'd be very frustrated and angry because it was so unfair yeah but because it came out so fantastic in my favor all I can do is be
all as well all's well that ends well yeah so when I got the report from my team and they said 99.4 I was like well then he [ __ ] up didn't he yeah like in my mind as we were planning to come here it's like if you're going to interview Andrew Tate the biggest [ __ ] mistake you could make is not let him speak what you don't interview Andrew Tate to [ __ ] speak the whole time is that not just yeah 101 it's true especially as I speak so much and I speak
in such long form but yeah I think he knew what he was doing and he was trying to link me to a little girl who committed suicide that's just disgusting yeah or trying to link me to Alex Jones's point of view yeah specifically like I said and I said to him I don't know the point of view of you all of your points of view I don't know all the points of view of anybody I've ever done a podcast with what's the point you're trying to make peers so Pierce I don't know all of your
points of view aren't you the piece of [ __ ] who was hacking people's phones for the Daily Mail aren't you the piece of [ __ ] who was telling everyone on Twitter they don't better get 17 injections or they're a terrible person aren't you the guy who's completely wrong about the thing we just discussed who's never apologized for it and forcing people to take experimental drugs you piece of [ __ ] peers so I don't agree with most of the [ __ ] you say so I don't know what kind of trap you're trying
to lay here you old man but uh you got wrecked and the social media sure he got wrecked maybe he's an alright person off camera don't know didn't speak to him much but me and Peters actually I don't know if he knew this I don't know if he recognized me if me and him have been disagreeing on things for a very long time we used to be arguing on Twitter way back before I got banned like five years ago so me and Pierce never really got along I think Piers is a flip-flopper i think he
flip-flops on issues a lot but he also did say I don't deserve to be banned on another interview separate to me even though on my one he said I deserve to be bad maybe it's just his style but you know he has also got a platform somehow so he must be doing something right now all right what can I say but I certainly won by the observable metrics and smrs is only fans a good way to make a living I can't sit here and promote women doing only fans I don't think there's anything actually intrinsically
wrong with it I think it's supply and demand I think that if you have a product that men want let them buy it I think that the world is changing more digitized anyway everything's digital your friends are digital your business is digital so you may as well have your girlfriend digital that's how life is for a lot of men but to sit here and encourage women to do it would be semi-degenerate but I don't think in and of itself is bad if it's approached purely from a financial perspective with the right checks and balances in
place if you're a girl you have a man you're in love with that man you're loyal to that man there's men who buy pictures of you who never see you who don't know your real name who live far away and now you and your man get to be financially secure build a home have a nice family I can't say it's a bad thing do you actually like property I'm confused here because I've seen a lot of content where you talk about not owning your own home um but you talk about having property so do you
like property or not I've also seen you talk about seizure of property rights so do you like property or not well firstly the reason I say rent your own home is because it allows you to be flexible I think that the most adaptables of the species survive and rent is very flexible it's flexible because one you can move easily maybe you get a Dropout opportunity in Japan you have to bounce or maybe your country is about to lock down because of the common cold and you don't want to be stuck in your house rent is
flexible or you can move out and rent it out completely well that that's well that's if you own it right we go into that but then you have to find a tenant that's easy well perhaps that is I've got 1250 okay perfect then then let me change it then perhaps you don't want to have anything to do that country anymore you have to sell it and that's not quick right another flexibility you have with rent is not paying it you know that you've got a tendency don't do that you know better than me the law
on the west well yeah you have to pay price Pro tenant yeah so you can just not pay it yeah so maybe you're in a situation where you can also vent a tenant vet attendant properly and then correct but what I'm saying is we're talking about flexibility Darwin said the most adaptable of the species survives this remains true if you own a home you are obliged to do extinct you cannot pay the mortgage you lose a home if you own the home you have to upkeep it Etc I'm saying if you rent a house you
can move if you get a better opportunity you can move if the government becomes tyrannical or if crime gets out of control or something happens in your area which you're never going to know and thirdly the a serious option is not paying it and I don't want people I don't want people to misunderstand me here I'm not saying don't pay your rent I'm saying if you have some information let's say let's the bull run that just happened all that crap's over but people were making money from the thin for the thin air for crypto let's
say you had some reliable information from people you trusted let's say those people have been right 100 of the time and they said if you bought a particular coin it was on a thousand X you could have missed rent for a month you could have made it later that's flexibility right so flexibility is also super important so I always say the average person should rent where they live I know that's strange because not everyone can rent someone has to own it the people who own houses need to own them the way you own if you
own 1250 you're doing very well the way I own a house it's not a mortgage it's just give me this be put on the card Bank dot I own it done I don't live there there's no work for me if I had to sell it I'd never need to sell it quick I never need the money fast it's something it's just an asset but that's why I say most people should rent until they're wealthy enough to buy it in cash if you can't buy a house outright in cash you shouldn't buy and even then if
you buy it you need to be very careful you need to make sure that that government is never going to turn on you that area is never going to become downtrodden and also understand that owning a house isn't free there's property taxes there's maintenance there's upkeep a lot of the time I'm about to repay all that [ __ ] it's not far off rent why would you not turn the bank system on themselves and get a mortgage on the property and leverage the bank's money and then have a better opportunity cost of capital rather than
buying houses for cash absolutely sure that is the way you could do things but now you're indebted to a bank and it's fine if you have money from the sky you can make money anywhere that's fine right but if you are working a job let's say in central London and you owe money to this bank now because you've done it this way that bank has a degree of control over you you can't just quit your job you can't just move things become very complicated it just destroys your flexibility I I'm not I'm to answer your
question earlier I don't own any property I don't own anything I don't own I own this suit and that's it I don't own any property some friends of some trusts with some companies which are registered from Singapore May own some property right so yeah I have the keys too but I don't own anything so you have some assets under your control that a property if you don't own them I don't have any The Matrix hates me I don't have anything but I have some keys to some houses but and yeah of course they appreciate of
course you can rent them I completely get it but the truth is this property like many other things is very successful for some but for most I think it wrecks them it's player versus player like I said and everything it doesn't matter if it's a cryptocurrency which you buy a dollar and sell it ten dollars if you sold a ten dollar someone bought at ten dollars someone gets wrecked it's the same with property you've done fantastically well from it congratulations my property has never lost me a penny sorry if I own property it would have
never lost me a penny congratulations to me but there's a whole bunch of people who get up finish University get a mortgage they can barely afford work their ass off pay huge interest rates sit in there paying payment and either financial crisis comes and wrecks them or they lose the home in the end because they couldn't get mow the payments or they finally get it paid off and they're so old that their life's [ __ ] [ __ ] anyway so property is not to be all an adult to anything and in fact I would
recommend to most people and if you look at most people's finances out here on the street if you take a thousand people who are watching this right now and look at their finances 950 of them would be stupid to buy a house there's 50 it's a good idea but for the majority it's not could you say that about any it's sorry to interrupt you I think it's the first time in three hours so um couldn't you say that about a thousand set of case studies of any human being yes thousands of them shouldn't go to
your martial arts class because only 50 of them will survive yes you could but the difference is the Matrix tries very hard to push the idea of property some of the other things but you can play The Matrix at its own game completely 50 of them can 950 can and this is my point my point is that the Matrix says do property do property do property that is only applicable to a very small percentage it's not applicable to everybody the Matrix doesn't say do other things that are applicable to everybody it tells everybody the same
blueprint and that blueprint used to be applicable to a lot more people I don't think this was actually as deliberate as people understand 50 60 years ago property was fantastic for almost everybody one year's wage you get a house that house costs 75 grand now it's 450 Grand fantastic you did good absolutely it's different now that the horse the house is 450 Grand you're earning 40 Grand a year now it's a very different scenario so when your parents or older people say yeah do property it was great back then now I don't think it's nearly
as competitive as it was I think that the Richer getting richer and the poor getting poorer I think the poor getting out priced of most assets I think that's some of the biggest mistakes poor people can make or middle-income people can make is Chase assets they can't simply can't [ __ ] forward and the only way they can do it is to indent themselves to a bank with interest and enslave themselves for x amount of years destroy their flexibility to try and purl off owning one property and owning one ain't gonna make you rich anyway
you're gonna own as many as you do and what I'm saying is there's a small percentage of people who benefit from property just like there's a small percentage of people benefit from crypto yeah or stocks how many people lose in the stock market most the exactly how many people losing Forex nearly all correct so this is the same with every investment the reason I'm only attacking properties because property is the one everyone says is safe for houses good for everybody no it is not depends on your circumstance that's my problem with property in my scenario
your scenario how can we lose if I buy a house for 5 million and I'm never ever ever going to need that money I can wait until the day I die to sell it then I'm always going to make money all the property prices have crashed to 3 million that I don't sell it yeah who cares it doesn't matter to me if I had a mortgage on it admire it was my only appropriate matter if inflation is 20 my wages are going up one percent a year all this [ __ ] matters not to me
not to you we're the 50. but 950 people here need to join the real world learn how to make money a different way because we teach you how to make money with nothing if you make money with nothing you can't lose that's the beauty of it you can lose if you invest in a house you can't lose if you don't spend any money but if you raise money from other people because money is infinite and everywhere and partner up with someone and put that into property yeah that's money out thinner and then you buy whole
die you can't lose to a degree and inflation one thing we haven't talked about yet you have more good debt mortgages yeah inflation's paying 20 that down a year absolutely absolutely not really true and I'm not going to sit here and say that everybody who's ever bought a house is lost I only talk about this because the majority of my audience are 18 to 25 26 they're being told by people much older than them that they they buy a house they'll be financially secure and I'm telling them that that's simply not the case and also
there's a bunch of intangible disadvantages like the absolute inflexibility of the house I don't know in your experiences but people I know have spent two three years trying to sell a house two years is eternity eternity two years ago we were locked in our houses two years ago is forever so if you're going to accept that degree of inflexibility if you're going to accept that degree of obligation I think for many people that is a mistake I think there's better ways to make money and I think that renting is a lot safer for people especially
now we're living in a world where a lot money is made online I have some people who can make money online if you're making money online even living in a western country stupid go to Thailand live for a fraction be safer not get stabbed like they even live in the west the general is dumb if you're making money online and more and more people are so my oh my my point is nuanced there's absolutely exceptions to the rule there's absolutely scenarios in which I'm totally wrong it's a nuanced point I'm trying to condense and I'm
saying that property used to be the cure-all for everybody get a normal job work in a factory pay off your house be good it's not like that anymore not pay pension money is not going to be yours is it yeah exactly it's not like that anymore and also what did we say earlier about competitiveness we said that there are people out there in the world competing with me and there's people out there in the world competing with you you're a property shark you just said it you're an animal they're competing with you like you can
pay more for it and overpay for it because you know you're gonna have whatever you can you can uh buy the houses next door and put [ __ ] tenants in them like if you want to [ __ ] somebody you could so they're also competing with sharks and this is the point I'm making the reason I am anti-properties because often it's a 24 year old guy who just got his first good job at Uni he might be able to if he doesn't if he eats ramen noodles for the next 15 years pay off this
[ __ ] Council terrorist house in Liverpool under my bro that is not going to save your life you're going to be 50 in a [ __ ] house that's a stop so are you saying to earn your money from a standing start putting money into property is probably not good but when you've got wealth parking it into property is good correct I think that if you have a lot of wealth parking your money into Assets in general is good I think that property is a pretty safe asset overall globally it does go through some
ups and downs but property performed you know it's certainly a fantastic place I think as a way to generate wealth are there some people who say it can be done that's fine but I think it's very inflexible I've always preferred flexibility I think we now live in a world where a lot of money can be made online a lot of money can be made from a phone a lot of money made from a computer and also this all ties back into the very beginning where I said the ultimate bottom line of the world is violence
property seizure is a perfect example you mentioned property but surely that's the lot that's something I wanted to ask you I feel like that's the last thing they'll take before a full-on [ __ ] War like they'll take everything else first they'll they'll call in the gold they'll you know debase money that that'll all happen before your [ __ ] house well well if they're going to do it to the whole population I agree but if they're going to do it and if they're going to do it to an individual I disagree yeah if you
don't pay your parking ticket they'll take your house sooner or later might take may take a year may take two years they will take your house so my question is do you own it this is my problem with property I own my house do you if they can take it off you anytime you annoy them no if you don't pay your mortgage for three months you'll see your own job yes that's right if you don't pay your taxes so you owned your house if you don't wear a mask when they tell you to and you
get a fine for not wearing a mask and you think that's Injustice and you don't pay the fine and they add money to the fine then it goes to court you're supposed to turn up you don't they send a bailiff you tell the bailiff to get [ __ ] they will take your house so if you don't wear a mask they hit your house so do you own it this is a philosophical question and you can answer do you feel like you own your property because I would argue that you don't own [ __ ]
um philosophically I don't think I own anything well I I would actually disagree with that again I think that there are things you can own in this world well philosophically though you said philosophically okay I'm dead I'll own nothing well that's true okay then it was a hypothetical argument it's a hypothetical point I'm making when people say I own property no I agree with you because I answered your question philosophically I don't think I own anything you don't own your own property either as a a structure that's what we'll say no I don't think I
own my property I think I own the income it creates correct and the capital appreciation I get I would say you're on the income at creates when it's not in a bank when it's in your hand for a while you own it yeah but yeah well I always take it from I always take the income you know the income comes to me now obviously if what happened to you happened to me then you were known it then I could be [ __ ] yeah you wouldn't on the property if you got canceled to the level
I got canceled you would own none of that property and you were not on the income either because your bank would be frozen you might be okay but this is my point my point is for someone but you're a shark who can afford complicated legal structures Joe schmoe is getting a mortgage in his name I teach Joe shows to become sharks don't you that's what you do that's the goal yeah but this is what when when I say I'm anti-properties because of the exact scenario I described earlier 24 year old buying a house get mortgage
in his name he owns it and I say listen my friend one the [ __ ] make you rich two you don't even own it but I mean owning it though like what's that all about why does it matter if you own it I I like you have a lot of cars I don't have 30 but I think I have six or seven I don't own a lot of them I don't know my event at all yeah I don't own it I don't want to own it completely I understand and that there's a financial benefit
to doing that I get it but property is something different because your cars are a toy and property is supposed to be an investment and the point is is that the whole idea of home ownership is a false Paradigm they're they're I think we're now moving towards saying the same thing because I agree I think selling you of getting into debt the average American pays six hundred thousand pounds in a lifetime and interest the the house that they've got you in debt in is a trap and then you pay half of your money in tax
and then you pay 600 000 in your life in interest I think Liberation is when you turn property into an investment I agree with you and for me it's just a philosophical thing where I think that anything that can be taken off of you you don't own so for me once again you're in a unique scenario as am I but if you're Joe Schmo owning it is never going to make you rich in any considerable serious amount of time 20 years from now you might get by a bus that's forever I don't think that long
term all of my plans are three to four months maximum and the benefit of renting it versus ownership well you can get kicked out either way and you lose all your flexibility what's the point now once you have once you're sitting there going I have seven million dollars in the bank I don't know what to do with it sure it's appropriate of course put together a complicated legal structure and notice property absolutely but I don't think that applies to most people who come to me and say my mom said I should buy a house well
you're a dummy your mom did something that doesn't work anymore and you're still a dummy thing is sometimes your parents love you so much they give you bad advice well they give you the advice that worked for them yeah like and I don't blame them this worked for them so absolutely why would they believe it doesn't work anymore they were putting money in a savings account and getting interest on the money like four or five percent interest on the money and then buying a house for one year's salary that went up 10x I'm sure sounds
like a great idea imagine it was still that way right now I'd tell everyone to buy a [ __ ] house but it but it isn't and then you add into the fact that the government's getting more and more tyrannical you add into the fact that violence is the bottom line you add to the fact they will take your [ __ ] house off you what they do in Canada to the truckers when the Canadian truckers got tired they went and they protested and they lost their houses and lost their cars and lost their [
__ ] pets they euthanized their dogs you know that I didn't know that I euthanized our dogs I knew that they um clawed money out of bank accounts they euthanized their dogs who stole their money from the bank account so a man who worked his entire life driving across Canada in a truck who was a proud home owner found out very [ __ ] quickly that you don't own anything it's a scam so for me especially as somebody in my situation my precarious situation would be described at length somebody who was an enemy of the
Matrix considering that property is the most controlled Matrix asset that exists considering that if they could take it off me they [ __ ] would I need to find assets which are very very difficult to seize decentralized hard assets you mean just there are a whole bunch of things in the world which are actually very difficult to take like and proper is not one of them yeah there's other things like one is people not knowing your own things yeah protecting the fact you even own it which is true people like me up asking about it
on podcast well exactly that's that's the first that that's the answer right if one is protecting the fact that you own it I mean I don't know about your particular scenario but in Florida uh during not Florida sorry in America during California and in Canada they were piercing LLCs they're piercing LLCs to own CEO on TLC to seize the property so once again the law says if it's owned by a company that they can't take it or they can't see who owns the property in the company yes they [ __ ] can't piss them off
yeah if you piss them off they'll throw all the rules out the window same reason they're gonna kill me the rule murder is bad but they throw the rules out the window when you annoy them so this is my exact point so I just personally could never sleep at night knowing oh I got 100 million in property I'm good because I'd be like I don't have anything I am I have to be quiet and I have to be careful and if they don't like me they'll get me that to me doesn't feel like ownership ownership
is they can't take that off of me that's true ownership so you don't own property it's a scam it's a lie I enjoyed that discussion and I'm not saying you can't make a bunch of money from it I'm not even saying that I'm just it's just it's just talking about people who don't have a lot of disposable tying a noose around their head of owning their own home correct and then being in a position where they might lose it anyway if they don't completely live their life as a slave and pay every [ __ ]
parking ticket yeah it's ridiculous I mean because how do they really enforce parking tickets I'll give you let me give you a quick story I bought an Aston Martin DBS three months ago I pulled up outside the hotel I bought it in London I pulled up at the hotel I parked in the double yellow I left it there traffic Warden is right there so I'm going to give you a ticket I said bro have you ever seen James Bond look for parking give me a [ __ ] ticket don't care put ticket on it went
in the hotel stayed in the hotel stay in there come on I'm busy stayed in the hotel for four days ticket ticket ticket ticket it came out to a win it was on my Instagram for the deleted it windows now how do they enforce those tickets well we said they'll take your home off you right I don't own anything I don't even own that car and the car is not the country anymore sick in my house in Bulgaria so now what the [ __ ] are you gonna do so I got thousands of thousands of
pounds of parking tickets and guess what happened nothing zero because I don't play by the stupid rules the Matrix tells me to play by if I was Joe schmoe and I ignored them I would lose my home but me I could turn up come to get [ __ ] and do whatever I want and what you'll actually learn is that much like parking tickets pretty much all laws on Earth and all rules on earth have an economic there's an economic level to which you must adhere and there's an economic level to which you don't have
to adhere anything that's Financial in and of itself is basically saying it's okay for rich people to do anyway let's agree let's say I agreed to pay the fine cool I didn't have to look for parking I paid three grand that's worth five minutes of my time so it's basically saying it's okay for a price so it's okay for rich people it's not okay for poor people whenever there's a fine as a punishment they're basically saying no pores no brokies or rich people can do it look at Banks they make billions of dollars breaking the
rules and pay a million dollar fine it's okay for the rich not allowed to do it before if you do that if you pull off some fraud as a Brokey guess what happens jail time did the bankers go to jail [ __ ] never this is the whole way the whole entire world works so extrapolating that out yes at a certain economic level there are things you can do and Aikido you can pull that make property fantastic but as a Brokey it's [ __ ] that's the point I'm making is the gender pay Gap real
no why not because women choose jobs which are generally lower paying because they choose jobs they're more passionate about and interested in and funnily enough when you're interested in a job it's probably not as hard as a job you're not interested in if you're only going to do things you're interested in they're going to be entertaining and if they're entertaining they're not going to pay you very much I believe that the gender pay Gap was real and the world we currently live in as competitive as it is there would be companies which only hire women
because it would save a whole bunch of money and you don't get that I don't I've seen this argue I've seen this subject argued at length I haven't had a job in so many years I don't know I know that if you ask the average woman they certainly do believe in the gender pay Gap but my views are that one women choose jobs are more passionate about which tend to be lower paying because you only pay somebody a bunch of money because they're doing something they basically don't want to do that's the first thing I
believe that like I said if a company won't be competitive we don't hire women and I also believe that there's a lot of legislation that protects and makes sure that people are treated pretty fairly and I don't think that women give up their whole lives for a job like a lot of men do I think the reason a lot of met our CEOs is one because yes there's an argument that men have an evolutionary instinct to lead and perhaps are better pre uh predisposition to the lead because we're more emotionally stable there is that argument
but truthfully I know men like me who give up our entire lives to work all we do is work if we're awake we work that's all we do I don't know a single woman like that she sees the kids she sees her friends they're more emotionally rounded than us they're more stable than us they're probably a lot [ __ ] happier and they don't want to give up their entire existence to work why should they I don't blame them but that means they're not competitive so if you're a company and you're trying to choose the
best possible worker and you have a man who gives up his entire life to work and you have a woman who's had a few kids wants to see your kids do the school run bake cakes then she can't compete so I don't think it's about gender I think it's just about the amount of time invested in doing the actual job could you argue for example professional football like women and men they might put a similar time in why is there such a disparity there with what they are I can absolutely argue that yeah do you
know why women footballers get paid so little no I'll tell you why well I'm asking you I'm not being interviewed I'll tell you why because women don't [ __ ] support them men male footballers get paid so much because men go and watch the male football women footballers get paid so little because women don't go and watch it so blame the other chicks that is a female problem it's not to do with us the reason that female footballers or female sports stars get paid less than male sports stars is because nobody wants to [ __
] watch because nobody cares now it's not women who are supporting the male sports stars it's men so if your own gender has betrayed you don't turn at us to say weed with the problem don't turn to the patriarchy no it's not the patriarchy it's your fellow females who have zero interest in watching you run around and kick a ball in that that's why nobody pays you anything because nobody wants to [ __ ] see it call supply and demand nobody wants to watch it nobody's gonna [ __ ] pay for it so my argument
there is very very simple no the gender pay Gap could not be applied to sports because females have betrayed their own gender absolutely so to sit there and try and blame men is asinine so are you saying if there was equal support there'd be equal demand and as there would be equal demand there would be equal pay there'd be equal TV rates to be equal Gates gate sales equal sponsorships equal ticket sales equal merchandise equal everything how can it be equal when nobody buys [ __ ] related kind of stupid mindset is that and that's
what I'll say gender pink oh I play football but nobody watches you play football that's like me playing guitar in a room by myself and asking why I'm not paid the same as Bruce Springsteen because nobody comes to my concerts I'm on my own I'm sitting there staring at a wall like a dummy if you're gonna go kick a ball around and nobody wants to see it then don't complain where nobody wants to pay pay you nobody wants to see it no my fault nobody wants to see it I don't want to see it do
you want to see it tell the truth how many football how many female football games have you watched in the last six months tell the truth the um Euro Cup Final that's it okay and England won that so one okay one not bad but yeah well me it's a firm [ __ ] zero and for most it's a firm zero tough luck that's life however let's flip it before I get called the misogynist if you would have a beauty pageant the women get paid more than the men does anyone ever complain about that no but
more men top 10 only fans earners are all women all women so there's a whole bunch of Industries where women can Dominate and there's a huge gender pay Gap nobody complains about that they only complain what's the other way around so they ignore half the argument create a false Paradigm live inside the Matrix slave mind ignore the truth but the truth is there's places where women get paid so much more than men and we don't complain about it because people want to see the women but if people want to see the men that's basic economics
anybody who cannot possibly understand that is a lost soul have you ever taken steroids good question and I want to think this on camera adamantly and I want to say this straight to camera because if anyone ever finds out I'm lying they'll crucify me so that's why I'm going to say it this way I swear on the memory of my father I have never once in my life ever taken a steroid ever not now not ever I'm not on trt I'm not on any kind of pills I do not take creatine I do not even
drink protein shakes I'm on zero steroids perhaps I'm genetically gifted perhaps I'm God's favorite but I'm in fantastic shape I smoke cigars I eat meat I drink a lot of coffee and I do train every day of course as long as I'm supposed to but I have never taken steroids ever ever and even when they were talking about me fighting Logan Paul he's a massive steroid head I have that from inside information people close to him have told me he's on lots of steroids he'd have to piss in a cup before I consider destroying him
because he takes loads of steroids if I took steroids I'd be an animal I'd be huge but I do not take steroids because I don't need them so no the answer is absolutely no however true Jordan you can keep taking a steroids I'll still beat the [ __ ] out of him I'm not going to give him an excuse you don't have to piss in a cup my friend you have to turn up [ __ ] him the time will come God's retribution is Swift and surprising the time will come where he pays the price
foreign so I understand you say that or have said that depression isn't real um why are there then over 700 000 suicides a year because they believe in depression I think that when you believe in things you give them power it's amazing how you can self-hypnotize I'm not saying feeling depressed is not real everyone feels depressed I'm saying the idea of depression as something you cannot control is a dangerous idea and Paradigm the reason so many people are committing suicide is because the Matrix is telling you that if you feel depressed you cannot fix it
they tell you that depression is a disease that you can catch from the sky no matter how fantastic your life is and you have no control over it and I argue that absolutely the reason the Matrix wants you depressed and sad is because when that happens you are selfish if you're depressed and sad you only care about yourself you don't care about your community or your family you don't care about the world you do not stand up for anything you will accept being [ __ ] in the ass like through Jordy you'll accept any amount
of garbage they want to give you any Matrix slave mind programming because you're too busy being sad to resist this is why they tell you that when you are depressed it is a disease it is not a disease you're depressed because your reality is depression depressing the truth is if I lived the reality that most of these depressed people live I'd be depressed your reality is depressing you wake up your wife doesn't love you your kids don't respect you there's no milk in the fridge and you're almost dead course you're depressed you're running out of
time you've never had any fun or Adventure Andrew tapes out here with all these supercars living the life we're here in Dubai doing a podcast you're a Brokey of course you're depressed that's because your reality is depressing you the depression is something deep in your heart and soul telling you that you need to change things that is the unlimited trauma the power I was talking about earlier that you can take take all of that depression and convert it into unlimited energy to fix your life energy cannot be destroyed it can only be converted take the
depression and turn it into motivation and all of a sudden you'll see how fantastic your life is a guy emailed me saying he was depressed he was going to kill himself and I said listen before you do that get a six-pack he said what are you talking about you're fat get a six-pack if you still feel like killing yourself good luck by the time you sent me pictures of a six-pack it was long emails thanking me how I saved his life his his reality was depressing of course you feel depressed if your reality is depressing
if your reality is fantastic you won't feel depressed I guarantee there's a whole bunch of people you can give a million dollars to and the depression would despair the argument against that is why do famous people kill themselves from about to answer in a second and the answer to that is actually going into the broader point that the way the Matrix teaches about depression they're trying to teach you to be helpless they're teaching you that you cannot fight against it unless you take pharmaceutical drugs and I say that it is not real in that Paradigm
and that believing that is the case is going to destroy you having no hope will prevent you from fighting back they're telling you it's hopeless and it is not if you do not believe in depression like I do not believe in depression no matter what bad things happen to me and how bad and depressed I feel I know I can fix it that will make me fight harder than if I believe I cannot fix it the reason that rich people kill themselves is because they buy into this Paradigm completely they go to a therapist and
the therapist says you have depression it's not your fault it's a disease that nobody can fix and I can't help and nobody can help then they give them a bunch of mind-altering drugs then they sit them there in therapy to talk about all the bad thing that's ever happened to them let me tell you something if someone told me that I felt [ __ ] and I couldn't help it no matter what I did about my life gave me a bunch of mind-altering drugs and then sat me down to repeat all the bad [ __
] that ever happened to me for hours and hours a day I'd kill myself it gets to a point where it just ain't [ __ ] worth breathing anymore if you don't believe in that bollocks but if you wake up and go you know what they're saying this is a disease but I don't accept that Paradigm I don't believe in it I believe that I can fix this myself I believe if I change my reality and create an experience of life that I am absolutely not really Satisfied by I will no longer feel depressed you
will cure most of your own problems take two men put them in two individual haunted houses haunted houses one believes in ghosts one doesn't there's a loud noise in the night the one who believes in ghosts wakes up and is paranoid is afraid can't sleep is sitting in the corner of the room shaking the one who doesn't believe in ghosts goes back to sleep it is the belief in the ghost which punishes him not the ghost itself if you do not believe in depression you can never be depressed that's why I don't believe in it
and to go into a broader point about all of that I don't even give a [ __ ] if I'm wrong because I've adopted a mental model that makes me ultimately and utterly competitive in all Realms of human endeavor and if by me not believing in depression I am better at fighting the idea of being depressed if I am better at making myself feel happier if I am better at regulating my emotions by not believing in an idea that I'll continue to stay wrong I do not believe in things that take power away from me
I believe in things that make me more powerful I will not sit here and start believing in ideas that are going to reduce my competence absolutely or not only not so I don't give a [ __ ] what scientist doctor I don't give a [ __ ] who you put in front of me and trying to convince me I am wrong I don't believe in it because I am more competitive in this realm and for the people who believe if you and I go through the same terrible experiences the same level of heartbreaking trauma I
guarantee your belief will destroy you when mine won't and why would you believe in an idea that is against you why would you let your own mind become your enemy don't people understand that the entire world the entire Matrix is against you if you can't control your own mind what chance do you have every single ounce of my body is on my side my mind is my Ally all the way down to my feet my fingers every single part of me is absolutely and not really on the same team we are a united front against
the enemies of Freedom how can I have my own mind betray me and tell me that I can't do something I don't give a [ __ ] if I decide to jump off this building if I decide I'm not going to die I am not going to die my own mind will not betray me perhaps I'm wrong but I believe that I stand a better chance of survival if I believe I will survive as opposed to thinking I will certainly die people underestimate the power of the mind I do not believe in anything that takes
power away from me and another thing I do not do is adopt the thinking of people who are sad when I say this depressed people send me long emails trying to convince me I am wrong why the [ __ ] would I want to think like you when you don't want to live why would I want to think like you when you want to kill yourself and I'm perfectly fine adopting the thinking of somebody who doesn't want to live anymore is probably the most stupid asinine inane childish ridiculous thing of functioning adult can do if
you're depressed I don't want to think anything like you so take your opinion and get [ __ ] say more questions we were talking as we walked in briefly about how the UK is [ __ ] correct so we agree we agree yeah we agree so do you want to just give us a little snapshot of your thought on the state of the UK the politics in the UK that yeah your thoughts sure Empires rise and fall civilizations decline the it's such a shame because the Patriotic Britain me is genuinely appalled to how it was
the largest Empire on Earth The Good Old World War II days stiff upper lip Britain was such a beautiful country the countryside to this day is still beautiful if you can avoid the crime-ridden cities it's truly a shame what's happened to that amazing Nation they have failed because they have abandoned their age-old Traditions they've abandoned their religion Christianity has failed to preserve any morality amongst the populace it's failed to be a fearsome ideology that people do not want to fight against so Christianity as a religion has failed by extension and the UK is now attempting
to use Civility and legality to fight against absolute savagery which is an extremely inefficient way to fight efficiency wins and they will always lose if you have people who can get whatever they want with three inches of sharpened metal and your enemy against this is two-year court cases human rights objections a lawyer a legal team a tag home leave uh cultural differences how could you possibly win they can go to Wilkinson's and spend two pound fifty and get whatever they want you spend millions and millions and millions and you can't even beat the guy it
is an inefficient system and they are going to lose the general populace are afraid to speak they're afraid to stand up and talk about the true issues there are people who are exploiting the UK because of its softness because it is a soft target hard times we know this one and how that all ends and the UK is at the decline of its Empire and there is nowhere for it to go but down there is no way they can possibly fix it because the populace itself are not acknowledging the problem to its true extent because
they're matrix-minded and the news says it's not that bad and they're also not hard-hearted enough to fix it we live in Dubai sorry we're in Dubai now where you have 200 different nationalities and 85 immigrant rate and zero crime do you know why because people fear the law it's kind of like if you walk into someone's house and it's pristinely clean when you finish with your cup you'll take it out but if you walk into someone's house and it's a [ __ ] when you finish with your copy leave it on the table who cares
it's a [ __ ] and that's the problem we have with the UK now when you walk into Dubai everyone behaves you behave when you walk into England nobody behaves so why the [ __ ] would you behave and nobody's scared of the law nobody's scared of their religion nobody's scared at the average English man and it's actually a shame because the British were a warrior Nation perhaps the best in the world at it the average English British man is too busy fighting against his fellow man for some football game as opposed to fighting against
anything important the whole nation head to toe has failed whether it's the way men interact with women the way that children are raised the things they teach in school the family unit marriages the legal system the financial system the judicial system the political system the fact you cannot walk down the street alone at night with a nice watch that you worked your life off your life for without getting stabbed to death by somebody who wasn't even born there proves that it is a failed nation-state and I absolutely not really recommend anybody with any money to
[ __ ] leave this show is called disruptors what does the word disruptive mean to you Andrew I like the idea that disruptive makes people think right everyone's on this train track and it's leading everywhere it's supposed to lead Down The Matrix pre-agreed schedule and all of a sudden there's a tree trunk and it has to stop and you have to think my primary goal when I speak is to make people think this is why I am deliberately provocative sometimes sometimes that's why I swear like we discussed earlier because by saying things that drop people's
brains a little bit they might slow down and think and absorb if I sit and I don't talk as aggressively or quickly or compenduously or concisely or if I don't swear then it's very easy for it to go in one ear and out the other so my talking style is designed to disrupt so it seems like I'm on the exact right show and the place I'm supposed to be amen I'm really grateful you've taken all this time out of your very busy life for us on the show it's been a pleasure thank you thank you
very much I have a question for you before we end yeah sure what's the one thing I've said today that you disagree with most uh property I bet yeah property millionaire disagrees funnily funny enough yeah yeah property I agree that we don't really own everything we think we own yeah but you know I've hundreds of properties in my city um and I've worked hard to build those and I know the amount of money it makes for me and I've seen them go up in value when I started buying 50 Grand sheds wow um you know
and they've all gone up three times in the last 15 years Peterborough not far from where you were born Luton just up the road um I I you've I've always believed in owning your own home because I I think that asset you can leverage because you can use it as collateral and it can get you started but I do see your point and I think Society has changed whereby you're right you only need a laptop now and you can create content and you can be more mobile and I think 10 years ago I'd have been
completely with what you've said I'm a bit older I've got kids having a really nice home that you own you rent somewhere you can't do what you want to you have to shitty carpets you know making a an oasis like this is my castle I [ __ ] own this place and I'm gonna build my Empire from this castle and I've got that at home um but I enjoyed our discussion and I think you probably um swung me a little bit on the freedom part yeah um that would be the only thing though but now
I think that um I've really enjoyed the conversation I think you make a lot of good points I think you're very misunderstood and I wanted to give you three hours to talk without [ __ ] interrupting you because I appreciate that and I also appreciate that we had a conversation we had differing points of view and neither of us are calling for the other one to be censored because we're not feral Psychopaths which is also nice yeah isn't that the Baseline of inter interaction between grown-up adults isn't that the Baseline of humanity in Civilization as
a whole discussions between people and different points of view I love to sit and talk to people I agree with and disagree with it I've never called for any of my enemies to be censored in any regard the people who are trying to send to me are genuinely the enemies of freedom and evil and I appreciate you uh allowing me to speak it means a lot to me and um yeah when I ever come to England again hopefully not for a while but it ever happened we'll have to grab a coffee yeah that would be
great and could I ask you one question sure um because I always want to improve in everything I do sure hardcore sure Never Satisfied the only things about this interview I remember are the mistakes I feel that I made um so um how did you think I was as an interviewer and what could I do to improve I think you did really really well uh I guess for the viewer at home you could maybe ask things you could try and disagree a little bit more I don't think that would make it a better interview I
just think the way the algorithms work now that if you have disagreeable Clips or short clips where we're hard disagreeing it's good for the algo that's the only answer I give as an interviewer nothing but for the video as a whole if you say some things which are semi-controversial you can clip it up but on Tick Tock push more traffic and that that works is you'll need advice that's the only thing I can say but all in all I was very pleasantly surprised to be honest actually it was good you let me give my whole
seven minute answers it was fantastic so uh because I I think lightweight so it's very hard for me to make them sure thank you I suppose I could have challenged a bit more the one reason I didn't is flown all this [ __ ] way I don't want you to stand up next time yeah next time actually that would probably be a good clip yeah yeah we've not got there yet we've done what 1200 episodes we've not got you there yet where someone's walked out and part of me wanted to happen but I didn't want
it to be this way yeah yeah they have digitally digitally yeah so uh yes thanks for let me speak uh anyone who agrees with my ideas there's there's three layers to stay in touch with me because of course I'm deleted from all mainstream social media firstly you can find me on rumble.com tape speech was a YouTube alternative I share all my ideas there completely for free and getter at Cobra Tate which is a Twitter alternative my ideas are there for free I also have free advice and free ideas at cobredate.com on my newsletter you can
go to the website and sign up completely for free every day I send an email with mindset and tips and tricks anybody who's interested in making more money is the real world which can be found on corporate.com and anybody who's interested in finding out the secrets of how money and influence and power can be used there's the War Room which is on purpose thanks a lot Andrew it's been great thank you thank you do not leave this page without leaving your views below now to watch more disruptors interviews you can see them here before you
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