"Hotel" - Episódio 10 - O Segredo Na Floresta RPG

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Cellbit Lives
Os investigadores se preparam com novos equipamentos para uma noite conturbada no Hotel de Santo Ber...
Video Transcript:
GM: Good evening, people on this internet! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to another episode of The Secret in the Forest, a RPG session where me and my friends tell a story together, thank you to everyone who has watched, for the affection, thank you for the memes as always in the hashtag #OSegredoNaFloresta on Twitter. And without further ado, let's talk with our actors. (Calango: The size of his hair...) Guaxi: Look at the size of his big hair. (Gabi: The size of his hair.) GM: What are you talking about my hair, bro? What is this? (Luba:
It's so big. Good evening!) Calango: What a gigantic hair. Everyone's hair is, actually. (Guaxi: Hey, bud!) GM: I know, I know...I thought about putting on a beanie today, but... I'm going to put on the beanie. I look even worse with the beanie on. Look at this. Calango: You look kinda cool, tho. (Guaxi: You look good, my friend.) GM: Oh... I like my hair like that. Good evening, how are you? Everything’s alright? Luba: Good evening, friend. (Gabi: Good evening, doing good.) Calango: Cool, doing great. (Guaxi: Just hanging in there.) GM: Oh, so, we have some announcements
to make, before starting here. First of all, you must have noticed, Thiago/Rakin is not here, huh, for bigger reasons, he is organizing a competition, he has very important commitments, and from the beginning I had already prepared myself in case someone had to leave, he told me in advance, so I managed to fix the story correctly, no problem. So, for this episode today, I will be playing Thiago and his actions. I already spoke to Rakin, I told him some things that will probably happen, and I asked him what he wants Thiago to do in these situations,
so I already have some things ready. And... Second important announcement of the day: Is that I have new dices now. Luba: R$ 2,000. (GM: I spent a lot more money than I should have...) ...And I want to show you, to present them to you, they are the dies that I’ll roll on important moments. These are my new dies, look at that. (Guaxi: They are loaded...) ...That's why it was so expensive. (GM: They are not loaded! They're just very beautiful. GM: Eh, so I present to you your biggest enemies for now. I'll leave them here for
important moments. Other than that, today's session will be normal. Are you guys prepared? I'm very anxious, especially for this session, I think it will be a very fun session. Are you guys ok? Are you prepared? Luba: I'm fine, we're… (Calango: Ready…) Guaxi: I don't know what to expect anymore. (Gabi: I'm worried after that sentence.) Guaxi: I don't want to think. (Calango: If Thiago isn't here, it's because someone is going to die...) ...Let’s accept our fate. (GM: The last time this happened.....It didn't work out very well.) Guaxi: It's true. Let's be careful. (Calango: It wasn't...) Luba:
Look, master, I just wanted to let the chat know that I'm not... Yellow anymore. But my... (GM: You are no longer yellow!) Luba: But my webcam is getting a little bit... It's flashing and I'm trying to fix it. (Guaxi: Blinking.) GM: Yeah, it's kind of flashing some green. Every day a different color, right? Joui is... Luba: I know it's annoying. (GM: Since he took off his red shirt...) ...He hasn't made up his mind yet. [Everyone laughs] He's trying to find his new color. OK. Ah, so let's move on to our opening. and as soon as
we get back, we embark directly on the world of The Secret in the Forest. Let's go. (Luba: Invite us, there isn’t...) The Secret in the Forest. Let's go. (Luba: Invite us, there isn’t...) [TSIF opening] GM: Very well... On... Oops! Hello? Hello? Oops, very well. (Luba: Hey.) Gabi: Hey. (GM: On the last episode...) ...After a long investigation about something called “Holy Cradle”, you followed a map and came across an entire city hidden within the forest. This city was named Holy Cradle. Upon arriving there, you were greeted by a... Friendly gray man with pointed ears, marks on
his face, who was said to be called The Gatekeeper. After that you realized that he was not the only one in the city that was like this. Everyone in Holy Cradle had these marks on their faces, their skin was grayish and their ears were pointed. And they all identified themselves not with normal names, but with the titles of their professions. You were then taken to The Blacksmith, who is the leader of the city. and he took you on a small tour, which made you know... everyone, most of the inhabitants and several of the mysteries of
Holy Cradle. When... One of you... Turned on a lighter in front of the Endless Maze. And when that happened, a heavy fog washed over the entire city, and creatures appeared in the mist, attacking you. After dealing with these apparitions, you went back to the forge, to get new weapons that don’t use fire, for you to tackle these creatures in Holy Cradle. When you came across... The body of The Blacksmith's Helper, a resident of the Holy Cradle, that you had met. Dead on the floor, and with the symbol drawn in blood on his side. Ce: Eh...
Blacksmith? (GM: You see that the Blacksmith came in...) ...He looked to the side and he froze, and he's standing, looking at the body, with a serious look. Gabi: I want to run to the body and stop in front of the symbol. Here, I will not step on it. GM: You come running, and when you get down, you realize that he still has his eyes open, completely black, and all the blood comes from a deep cut on his throat, crossing it. Calango: Is The Blacksmith... I look at Blacksmith, what facial expression does he have on? GM:
He's looking discredited. Ce: Eh, Blacksmith? Blacksmith? GM: The Blacksmith ignores you, and starts taking slow steps forward, walking towards the body. Gabi: Eh, the body is... He has his eyes open, but... He has no sign of life, right? Just died with his eyes open? GM: Uh, do you want to check? Gabi: I want to. (GM: What do you do?) Gabi: I want to check his pulse on... On his wrist, not on his neck. GM: You take his hand, which is put behind his back, you put your fingers, and... roll a First Aid test. Gabi: Eh...
I got... I got good. (GM: You don't feel a pulse.) The Blacksmith arrives, he looks at... At the helper's body, he remains quiet. Bs: It doesn't... It doesn't make sense... Who could have done such a thing? L: Blacksmith, has this happened before? (Bs: Never, never, what...) GM: He looks at the symbol like that, and he starts looking around the smithy to see if... He starts looking around, investigating the forge around him. Gabi: Eh... master, I have a question. (GM: Ask away.) Gabi: The Helper's hands, that are on the floor, do they have blood? GM: Oh...
Okay. (Gabi: At the fingertips.) GM: Roll me a test, now, roll me a Find test, please. Gabi: Uh… Hold on. I got extreme. (GM: Okay.) Then you start doing an investigation on the Helper's body, what are the others going to do? Are you just standing there looking at the body? Luba: I'm... Kneeling on the floor, looking down. Guaxi: So you just left me then, I'm on your lap, I think. Calango: I'm... I'm holding Arthur. (GM: Arthur, he is...) ...He's badly hurt, because of a kick that he took from a mule earlier, so he's, he has
a very strong bruise on the injury, not injury, in the lower... Thoracic region here. (Guaxi: Abdomen.) GM: And, Arthur, you feel now that your adrenaline is gone, that you might have broken some ribs. With that kick. You're really hurt. You have difficulty walking, but you can do it. (Calango: Is he awake now?) GM: Yes, Arthur is awake. (Guaxi: Yes, I had woken up on...) ...Okay, I'm going to sit on the floor. A: Guys... I think I'm not okay, bro. Ce: What is it, what is it? Are you bleeding? (GM: The Blacksmith...) ...He turns towards Arthur
when he says that. He... He goes with a serious expression. Bs: We need to get you to The Doctor quickly. You are very hurt. Ce: Yeah, I agree, bro. A: Okay. J: I can help. GM: You arrive, you, he raises your shirt, to look at how the wound is, he puts it, he puts his big hand on your wound, and he sticks it in a little, it hurts a lot, it looks like he is really... He seems quite insensitive to you, he: Bs: Yeah... He'll be able to fix it quickly. But we better get going.
The night will get even worse. Ce: Will it get worse?! Bs: The way it started... it can get a lot worse. Ce: And how long does it take to end? (GM: Okay, now, while that was happening, Liz...) ...Investigates the body, she got an extreme, let's go. Liz, the first thing you do is... You grab... When you checked his pulse, the dead Helper's wrist with his grayish skin, you checked the pulse and you looked at the fingers that were next to this drawing on the floor, and you see, that there are no blood stains on that
hand that you grabbed. You go and check his other hand for any blood stains as it was in... (Gabi: I want to check the other hand.) GM: ...The pool of blood, yes, it is stained with blood. Oh... It looks like maybe he even put his hand on his neck while he died. But the hand, the whole hand is full of blood. (Gabi: OK, Uh...) ...Does the tips of his fingers seem hurt? GM: No. No. (Gabi: The hand...) The only visible wound you find looking at it superficially, is just that big cut on the throat. Since
you already have a lot of knowledge in... in dealing with... Necro... Necropsies and things like that, you can see that it was made with a medium blade, this one, it was not made with a very small blade, it was with a blade, relatively big, like a big kitchen knife like that. And go... It was a very deep cut, and just a rip [cutting sound] that passed quickly. You realize... Do you turn his body, or do you leave him intact? Gabi: I want to turn around. (GM: Okay, you turn his body around...) ...On his side, you
see that his eyes are... He shows a slightly frightened expression, which he must have done right before he died. And... You notice that on his teeth, you lift his lip, you realize that there is blood on his teeth. The... Analyzing the symbol, which is at his side, you notice that it is made with a very high precision, it does not look like someone who... It seems that who made it, based on the other symbols you’ve found, is very good at drawing, the circle is well done, the symbols are pretty neat, but it was done, it
seems, in a hurry, but even so, it was very well drawn, it's like someone who had... Who had drawn this symbol many times, and is very good at drawing this symbol, they drew it quickly [scribble sound] and next to the symbol written in blood, (Gabi: Ah…) a little more rudimentary like, a little thicker, you see written the word, in Portuguese: "Wellspring" Calango: Where's that written, sorry? (GM: Next to the symbol...) ...Near his body. (Calango: Okay. Okay.) Gabi: Eh... Looking around... Okay. (GM: When you lift...) ...OK. When you lift his lip to see it, you notice
that inside his mouth, it seems to have... Quite inside his mouth, some of those green crystals. Broken. Gabi: Do they have any shine? Are they shining or not? (GM: No...) ...They have a very low glow, they are not that shiny. Gabi: Okay, eh... Taking a quick look... At the crime scene, now that I moved the body and everything, can I see the murder weapon somewhere? GM: You start looking around, Eh... So, as soon as you start, you analyzed the whole body... That you’ve got, these were the most... Relevant evidence that you found. You get up
looking for the weapon, and the Blacksmith looks at you: Bs: I did the same thing. On the counter. There was a knife on the counter. It's not there anymore. L: How was that knife, Blacksmith? Bs: It was a me... It was a medium knife. L: Hm... A normal kitchen knife, like that? Bs: A combat knife. Ce: A dagger. (Bs: Come on, we have to take you.) GM: And he starts, he kind of helps Arthur. (Ce: Yes, Arthur…) GM: He starts to go, he doesn't want to look at the body too much. L: Blacksmith. Bs: What?
(L: Do you mind if...) ...I stay here for a few minutes and analyze the scene? To see if I find something? Bs: OK, we will take him to The Doctor and come back. L: Thank you. (Bs: I still need to hand over the weapons to you, in fact...) ...We better get the weapons now. Before going out again at night. Ce: Okay, right. (Bs: The question I asked you earlier is still valid...) ...What kind of weapons do you want? GM: You see that Thiago is, he's a little scared of the situation, and he: T: Boy, there’s
a lot going on. I said it was better that we left already. Uh... Do you have a bow and arrow there, Blacksmith? Bs: I may have it, but I don't know if you will be able to use it. A bow and arrow is not the same as a firearm. Ce: Yeah, look, I don’t know, people. I don't... You can see by my physical appearance that I... I won't be able to do much, I don't know what I can do, to be honest. (L: Lil' C, you got on well...) ..With the trident. (GM: Look, I'm...) ...I'm
going to say it a little off now, so you can choose your weapons in this scenario, uh, this is going to be the biggest combat adaptation that we will do. You can't transfer, like... You can't transfer your skills from a firearm to a weapon... Uh... Like, a bow and arrow, for example. But a crossbow, it's a little more like a rifle or shotgun than a bow and arrow, so I let you transfer 20% of... Shooting rifles, rifles, etc., for a crossbow. If you want swords, axes, hammers, medieval melee items, I let you transfer 40% of
your normal Fighting for this weapon. Calango: Damn… (Guaxi: Okay, but do we have to discount or just transfer?) GM: No, just transfer, you're kind of like, eh… (Luba: I'll want the sword.) Gabi: And, if it's a small combat weapon, it could be the all of the Fight points, right? (GM: It can be all of the Fight points...) ...If it is still a small weapon. Guaxi: Okay. Luba: I want the sword. Guaxi: Me too. GM: Okay, just going back to the universe now, just... Giving these details to you. Calango: Okay. Ce: Liz, I honestly was very
lucky at that time, I didn't... I’ve never fought in my life, I’ve never... trained anything, I think I was lucky. L: Have you tried to use a crossbow, Lil C? Ce: Crossbow? (L: Those crossbows.) Ce: Oh, yes. (GM: The blacksmith comes in your direction, he goes behind the counter...) ...And starts pulling some things down. You already see these weapons on the counter. Uh... We can apply shields to armor, but you will have a penalty when attacking with it in hand. Calango: Eh, just, sorry, uh... Can't I... Use... Transfer 20% from pistol firearms to rifles, right?
Use... Transfer 20% from pistol firearms to rifles, right? To use the crossbow, It's just rifles and shotguns. (GM: No. It's just rifles and shotguns, yeah...) ...Pistol is a very different thing. (Calango: I don't have any rifles or shotguns either, so...) GM: You can move pistols points to a slingshot. Calango: What is that? (GM: A slingshot.) Luba: Slingshot. Cool , cool. (Gabi: Yeah.) Calango: Slingshot… (Gabi: It's... It's badass.) Calango: OK, that's it. GM: Art... Thiago, he is like: (T: Ah...) ...Here's the thing, I'm going to honor my father. Give me a sword there, give me a...
...Here's the thing, I'm going to honor my father. Give me a sword there, give me a... Do you have a long, thin sword, like a katana? Bs: Uh, I must have something like that. GM: He starts to... Like, he pulls... He, he pulls a long sword, regular... And then when he pulls a sword that looks quite like a katana, does Joui want to speak? Or not? [Gabi laughs] GM: As far as I know... (Luba: I want to get close to Thiago then.) GM: OK… J: Thiago-sensei, this sword reminds me... Of my samurai ancestor... Calango: [laughs]
T: Oh, what is it, Joui? J: This sword reminds me of my ancestor, who was a samurai, can I... (T: Do you want the katana? I can get a sword more like the one my father had then...) J: Yeah, I think it makes more sense… (T: In the last case I used it too, it didn't work very well, but...) Well... J: I will be by your side to help, Thiago-sensei. GM: Well, priority for those in the session. [GM laughs] Everyone: [laughes] (GM: He asked for a katana, but...) ...He said he wanted a sword in general,
and if there was a katana, he would prefer the katana, but I think the katana makes more sense for Joui. So... He pulls a sword with a black hilt like that, bandaged in leather. And then he has this, this... between the sword and the blade, you know? That little part that I don't know, like, the cable, I don't know exactly what is the right term. Luba: That thing? (GM: It's round...) ...And then there's a long, slightly curved and thin blade. He pulls like this and Joui comes close, he: Bs: Uh... Which one of you wants
it? (GM: Thiago says:) T: Ah, well, give it to Joui. Do you have any other long sword like that one? (Bs: Oh, of course I do.) GM: And then he pulls a long sword too, but not with the oriental aspect, but a normal aspect like that, that we have with standard swords. But very similar to the one that Art- Thiago had used in “Paranormal Order”, in the end. A sword with a slightly red hilt like this, a- some... and a few more yellow outlets to the side, and it is a little thicker and a little
wider, but a little shorter than Joui's katana. He puts it on the table like this, the two side by side. Luba: Ah, I reach out, grab the... the katana, and: J: Mr. Blacksmith? I'm really sorry for what happened here. I want to try to do my best to... Bs: We have to take him to the doctor soon. (Luba: Okay.) Bs: Ah, what do you want? GM: And he looks at Arthur. Calango: Wasn't Arthur sitting? Did he get up? Guaxi: Yeah, I got up and came over. Calango: Damn, I was going to ask you what you
wanted, but you already got up, cool. So I go to the counter too. Ce: Arthur, can you stand up there? A: I can, I can for a while. Yeah, this bruise here, I don't know. Is there something... A hammer, something like that? Bs: A hammer? How big do you want it? A: How big is it? GM: He turns around, he opens the door [Nhe] he goes through like this, he puts his hand in and goes through it, because he is very big like this, and he goes through squeezing through the door, you hear some noises
[Tlin trin trin] [plof] [POW] he starts to drag something [ruuch]. [ruuch]. [Guaxi laughs] (Gabi: Wow…) GM: and you see him coming back like that, squeezing, he's bringing... [ruuch] [POW] and he puts on a hammer that is, it has like a meter and a half in size, you- you’re not even sure if you’ll be able to lift this [Guaxi and Calango laugh] GM: It’s too big Bs: This one? A: Yes... A: Don't you have a miniature of that? [Gabi laughs] GM: He... He, he: Bs: Ah, of course. GM: Then he goes down like this, and right
under the counter where he had placed it, he pulls [Tushh] a slightly smaller hammer, but still with a big head, checkered with some details stuck in it that are- that there are some little circles like tree branches, they look like the branches of the Holy Cradle trees that you saw, more like spirals. Oh, and the handle has a little detail, between the head and the... place where you hold it, which has some leather strips, uh, rolled up. He puts it like that, it's also very heavy, [Pow] Bs: Can it be this one? GM: You feel
you can use this one . A: I... Yeah. Guaxi: Then I... A: I can't take it, everything hurts. Can someone take it for me? (Ce: Ah, I take-) Ce: I'll take it for you, Arthur, relax. I take this one, then we go to the... Ce: Doctor, and then you... GM: How much strength do you have, Cesar? Calango: I have 65. GM: Okay, no, so you can do it, you can do it. (Calango: Okay, eh...) GM: You take it like this, it's really heavy, but you can take it, GM: it’s heavier than you thought, and it
looks heavy. Bs: Uh, what about you? Calango: Eh... okay, I take the hammer, I take Arthur's hammer, I take it with one hand. Ce: Eh... do you have a slingshot there? Bs: Uh, a sling, I’ve got one here. GM: He just takes and pulls out, he also pulls out- [flush] you hear, he takes a bag with a lot of, what seems to be stones inside, [trut] he puts it on table and [shh] puts a slingshot that is made of metal, and it has a leather strap wrapped around it, and although it is a sling, it
is very cute, it also has some carvings so it’s not a normal slingshot that you’d... kill, like, kill a bird like a child. Not that I did that, this is a really stupid thing to do. Uh... but it's like, it's something that... can be very dangerous. Calango: Okay, eh, just so I can get a sense, is the slingshot from this modern sling look to pull, or is it those that you have to throw it like that? GM: Uh, to throw is to throw, then it doesn't fit the pistol, so you'll have to pull and let
go. And there are several- (Calango: Ok, ok…) GM: like, the leather strips are divided into 4, and one goes under, another over, so it's kind of a- you feel like you... can pull it and... it goes- you want it, you do this test or you don't even test yet? Calango: Okay, I take it and... (Ce: ...pull it to see where it goes.) GM: Okay, you start to pull, but you feel it goes much further than it looks, and you feel that it will burst your hand if you let go of it wrong. But, but you
can do it, like, it really will do a lot of damage, a lot stronger than you would think by just looking at it like that. Calango: Okay, after I pull like this and I see that it may have a strong impact, I put it back calmly and do not let go. Ce: Yeah, I think I'll keep this one, I think I will not get along with anything else. That will be it. Bs: Well, uh... let's take you to the Doctor then. We don't... GM: He looks at the dead Helper on the floor. Bs: Now is
a bad time, we will not be able to deal with it now. Tomorrow, when the night is over... We will bury him. GM: And he starts, he starts to walk out slowly. A: Blacksmith L: Eh, Blacksmith... L: May I... ...choose a weapon? (A: She has no weapon) GM: He walks by, he walks by Liz, he: Bs: Ah, sorry. What's your weapon? L: Hmm, do you have a light and curved weapon, like a sickle? Bs: Ah, I must, I must have. Do you want a big scythe? L: Uh, no. A small sickle. Like a hand-held sickle,
to use in the garden. Bs: I don't know if that would be a very efficient weapon. L: I want two. Bs: I... Give me a second, I'll see what I can do. GM: He goes back inside the... inside the... The little door, he goes like this, you hear new metal noise [Kling kling kling] he drops some stuff, you hear a box [poof] then he: Bs: Oh GM: You hear: [tin tin] and he comes back through the door carrying two sickles. Bs: I had even forgotten that I made this many years ago. GM: And so he
puts two sickles, very stylish, that form like- form almost an interrogation, only very sharp, and they also have these little spirals decorating them by the blade, and their handles are a little green. L: How beautiful! Bs: Ah, it was the time when I was still a helper, I was... (L: Thank you very much, Blacksmith.) Bs: ...Experimenting, creating some new tools. L: Eh, thank you very much. Gabi: I take it and hang it like this in my... in my holster, I adjust it to put it in the place where the ammo slots were. Bs: Uh... can
we go? We can take him to the Doctor. A: Please. Ouch. Ce: Come on, come on! Can you walk, Arthur? A: Ah... I think so, but it would be good for someone to be by my side a little bit to support me, because it’s like hell when I step with my right foot, everything hurts inside. Ce: Okay, put your arm around me and I'll walk with you. A: Okay. Luba: I help from the other side. GM: Okay, so you start to carry Arthur, he’s able to walk too, because he has broken ribs, but he's not
that fucked up. Uh... the Blacksmith he looks at the Helper one last time before leaving, he looks up and remains serious and leaves the forge. Ce: Okay, eh… Shall we go then? J: Let's go. Ce: Are you staying here, Liz? (GM: Okay, you guys then-) Calango: I turn around and ask her. L: Eh... Ah, let's go. Let's just make sure that we lock this door so that no one comes into contact with the body. (GM: When the Blacksmith leaves-) he actually stops at the door, he looks at the fog outside, he says: Bs: I better
get something... GM: And he goes back inside... Hold on... Let me put him back here. Okay. And he walks by, he gets down in front of the counter like this, [sound of something being pulled] and he pulls a huge sword, the size of his arm, it's very big, thick. It looks like Claude's sword, really big. [pow] Guaxi: Like the one on the table. GM: Yeah, it's like this table is but- it's basically the one on the table but a little bigger, longer. He puts it on the table. [sound of a sword] He takes it off.
Bs: I haven't used it in a long time. GM: And he starts, and he holds it with only one hand, keeps it straight in his hand. It is a large sword and it's the most beautiful weapon of all, it has several... several small stones, uh, black stones decorating... decorating its handle. It has a red handle, and the- And its cable is really big and- and... and thick. But the handle itself does not have many decorations. Bs: Come on. GM: And then, [sound of footsteps] he passes by. Since he saw the Blacksmith- the Helper dead, you
see that he... has the same serious, angry expression on his face. And he leaves. With the sword in hand. Calango: Ok, I'll go with him. A: Thiago? L: Hey, Big T? T: Huh? L: Can you help me out? T: Speak, Liz. What is it? L: Eh... I- let's take each edge of this rug here and you help me drag it. T: Okay. Gabi: Then I want to drag this rug up to the symbol, (T: But do you think that-) I want to cover the symbol and the helper's body. GM: Ok, you- the mat isn’t so
heavy, you can drag it and Thiago looks at you like this T: Do you think something will happen because of this symbol here? L: I don’t know, but I don’t want any of you to touch it, y’know? I don’t want to risk it. T: Ok, that makes sense GM: You drag the mat and cover the symbol. Thiago starts to exit the place, he’s like, testing his new sword’s weight, and he feels like he’s getting used to it and he- Calango: He’s swinging it in the air like this GM: Yes, he is… He’s just taking a
look. And all of your new weapons, if they’re blades- if they aren’t blades- just Thiago’s is a blade and Joui’s too, he gave you two a sheath to put on your clothes Luba: Mine is on my back. The sword- the backpack… and the sword GM: The sword is on your back? Ok ok Luba: Yes, between the backpack and my back GM: Thiago puts it on his backpack too because there’s no other place on his clothes to put it. And then you leave the forge and leave the Helper’s body behind and go back to the village.
Let me put it here… I think that’s right, please… Ok, nice. Prepared masters. Then you all leave the forge, all of you, and the Blacksmith he’s kinda watchful Bs: We better go fast, the night will get worse soon GM: He starts to come fast towards you, towards this path here Gabi: I want to walk by his side, I want to talk to him GM: Everyone roll a constitution test, please Calango: Everyone? GM: Yeah. Oh, I won’t use my magical die now, a normal die Guaxi: I got 8, extreme GM: Just tell me if it’s extreme,
good, etc. Gabi: Regular, regular (Luba: Regular) GM: Tell me your movement rate Calango: I failed Gabi: I almost failed Luba: Mine was regular, and the movement… Guaxi: My movement rate is 9 Gabi: My movement rate is… 9 (Luba: Sexy...) Luba: 9 GM: Ok, so… Calango: I failed and my movement rate is 8 GM: Considering the- if you got extreme success, add +1 to your movement rate and tell me again Gabi: 9 Guaxi: 10 GM: Ok, so Arthur is the first one, then Liz. Everyone’s got 9? Calango: One of us has 10, right? GM: Arthur has
10 and the rest 9, right? GM: So Arthur... (Calango: Mine is 8) GM: Ok, so Cesar and the Blacksmith are left behind and Arthur goes ahead Guaxi: But I’m shocked, actually GM: But you got a good constitution die. The die- Calango: Oh, so he… Dude, we- Me and Joui were holding him and he… he broke free and started running ahead GM: Thiago stays behind the Blacksmith with Cesar and you’re going fast. And the Blacksmith says: Bs: If you see something, just run, ignore it. At this point we can’t fight anymore GM: You all start to
walk. And you see a lot of those monsters you have seen before coming around you– not just 3 or 4 – Mainly that weird “mist being” that comes towards you. There are a lot of them coming from all places Gabi: Do they seem to be coming from the Maze or they just appear? GM: You don’t know where they are coming from, they’re coming from everywhere. They appear… Actually only those appear, you don’t see any of the other creatures. But they aren’t… they aren’t actual creatures, it’s like if the mist have solidified and started coming towards
you and you run Ce: I'll go to the Blacksmith GM: But since Arthur got a higher value, he can run through all the mist beings GM: 3 of them reach Liz and Joui. You will try to dodge or fight back? Luba: Dodge Gabi: I want to dodge and run (Calango: We on the back?) GM: Ok, so you’re running as fast as possible. And the ones behind will be reached by 5 mist creatures Calango: Aw man Gabi: Holy God GM: So let’s go. Look, one of them go towards Joui and two go towards Liz Gabi: I
have to roll two dodge tests? GM: Yes. I’ll attack you twice. The first one fails, you don’t even have to dodge… Both fail. You keep running and you see that mist [wind sound] trying to hold you, one of them does hold you, but you break free and keep running. And the other one tries to grab Joui, you feel like it just solidifies when it holds you. Joui, do you want to dodge? Luba: I want to dodge… I failed. GM: He grabs Joui. It doesn’t hurt you yet, it’s just holding you. It grabbed you and- and
It’s holding you. Liz, you will keep going ahead or you will help Joui? Gabi: I’ll try to help Joui GM: Ok Gabi: I want to get my sickles (GM: Wait, let me just see what the others will do.) GM: We have these five monsters. Two of them will go towards Thiago… Thiago dodges the two of them. He’s with his new sword, he draws his sword when those things show up but [wind sound] he just quickly dodges them and is able to escape. One will try… the other two will try to grab the Bla- Sorry I
lost myself on the counting. Three will try to attack Thiago and two will try to grab Cesar. None of them tries to grab the Blacksmith. GM: Cesar, dodge Calango: Dodge, dodge, dodge, let’s go, dodge… Wow! The first one was good GM: Ok, you manage to dodge the first one Calango: Oh, the other one was good too GM: You dodge the two of them. Dude what the... No one... (Calango: I got 16 and 13) GM: Ok. Everyone dodges except Joui that’s being held by GM: one of those mist beings. Now you, Cesar, Blacksmith and Thiago reach
Joui that’s being held. Arthur is almost at the Doctor’s house. Gabi: Eh... (Ce: Damn) Gabi: Do I need to spend one entire round to draw my sickles? GM: Yes Gabi: So I want to do it Calango: While I dodge I say: Ce: Hey, Mr. Blacksmith, didn’t you say this was a nice place to live? Calango: And I dodge. Bs: When you don’t use fire. GM: He just keeps running. Bs: You teased the village. GM: He’s like [gasping for air]. You are all running. Just to clarify, you’re not walking, because it doesn’t make sense for you
to walk in a situation like this. Ok. Now, Joui, do a strength test for me, to try to make the mist release you. Calango: Do I reach Joui? Can’t I help? Luba: Extreme GM: Extreme? Luba: No, wait, wait, wait… (Calango: Nice, dude) Luba: 0 0 0 is 100, right? Luba: So… it was a disaster GM: You try to break free but dude you… you try and [low scream] you can barely move, you’re kinda desperate. Liz, you can try to do a strength test to help Joui. Gabi: I will. I want to… Damn I don’t think
I can do it, guys. I failed. GM: Cesar, you see… Just Cesar actually because Thiago isn’t here. You see Liz and Joui and there’s no way this mist will release him, they’re both desperate. Those three mist things come but they can’t reach you, you’re running. So in this round you’ll take three hits from… Those two mist that were here near Liz, one of them will attack… Liz (Calango: Damn but we-) GM: The other one will keep holding… What? Calango: Can’t we do something? Or just dodge? GM: But you- you ran there Calango: Oh, we did
move, right? GM: You can try to act, what will you do? Calango: I want to help Joui too GM: Ok, go Calango: Strength? GM: Yeah J: What the hell… Calango: I failed, I failed, I failed Gabi: Oh, man! Luba: Take it off me GM: Cesar arrives Ce: No, I will help, I will GM: None of you gets to do it. It seems like this mist is too strong, or you’re just too nervous. Cesar actually tries to hit the mist but he doesn’t even know how to do it because he’s behind and only it’s arms are
solid. And now… a mist will try to attack Liz, the other will attack Thiago that showed up here. Two will attack Thiago, the others can’t reach him, and the one holding Joui will attack him with an advantage because it’s holding him Luba: Nice… GM: Let’s go; the first one… hits Liz Gabi: I want to… I want to fight back, can I? GM: No because it got extreme success GM: You lose… 3HP Gabi: Ouch! (Calango: Holy shit) Guaxi: Damn, I would’ve died, dude GM: The mist- (Gabi: Fuck) GM: you see it solidifying like three mist-claws [scratch
sound] and rips a little of your clothes. It hurts a little, bleeds a little. The other one attacks Thiago… who dodges again. And the one who attacks Joui has an advantage… Joui, you’ll dodge or fight back? Luba: I want to try do dodge GM: Ok Luba: Oh my God… Guaxi: “I passed” Luba: Failed Guaxi: Aw man GM: You feel like it is trying to scratch you, but you’re holding… And it doesn’t hurt you, but you still can’t get away from their prison. The guy behind Thiago will attack him too. I didn’t use him… He failed.
Thiago will come running. Ok, Cesar, Liz and Joui trying to take this thing off Joui and Thiago will try too. Calango: Don’t we have an advantage as we are all helping? GM: No, because it’s round-by-round, right? You're trying the same thing over and over. Calango: OK. Gabi: Master just criticized our formation. Luba: The way you're doing it, there's no advantage. GM: He does it! All of you, with... With Joui, Liz and Cesar's strength, that finally finds a spot to hold on, the four of you finally take this mist off of Joui and it dissipates. You
can run again. The Blacksmith is still running. He's walking fast along with Arthur. You can roll Constitution to run again. Ce: Let's fucking run! Run! Gabi: I got good. GM: Okay, you have an... (Calango: I failed again, come on!) GM: Who failed moves normally, who got extreme adds 1. Calango: 8. GM: Tell me your movements again. Calango: 8. Gabi: 9. GM: Cesar will stay with the Blacksmith, and the rest goes ahead. Let me see Thiago's. Guaxi: I got 9 as well. GM: Thiago'll go with you. Guaxi: So I will go back to Carpazinha. GM: At
this point, the mist starts join each other, they're all coming towards you. But you're far enough from them already. There are more around, coming from the sides, I'm just not putting them all. Arthur gets first to the Doctor's door and looks back, he sees you a little behind, but you all get there. [running and breathing heavily] You get to the Doctor's house. The door is closed and the Blacksmith just gets in. [door slamming] He opens it strongly. Bs: Doctor! [door slamming] He opens it strongly. Bs: Doctor! Gabi: I'll get in, won't risk it. A: Excuse
me. Calango: Wait, the Blacksmith got in? GM: He did. Guaxi: Come in. Ce: Come in, guys, come in! A: Excuse me! (Gabi: I'm behind the Blacksmith.) Calango: I’m in too. GM: You get int the Doctor's house. [sighs] The Blacksmith comes and closes the door. [door slamming] There is no mist inside the house. You see yourselves in that room from early. You hear noises coming from inside, somethings falling, and he: Dr: [moaning] Huh… Blacksmith? GM: You hear footsteps, he's getting off of his bed, coming through, he opens the door. Dr: Why are you here at night?
By the way, why did the night start so early? Bs: Doctor, these ignaris started the night earlier. For some reason, they used fire in front of the Maze. One of them is really hurt because of the creatures, Holy Cradle isn’t happy to see them. Dr: Huh? Let me… Come here. Let me see what’s the problem. Which one of them? A: Me. Dr: Oh, you. Let me take a look. (Guaxi: I lift my shirt.) GM: He takes a look, starts to get closer with the… He’s not wearing his hat, but he’s still wearing his black clothes.
He’s kinda sleepy, as if he just woke up. Dr: Huh, okay... Mmm... Can I do something now? GM: He looks at Liz. L: Sure, Doctor. Dr: Come here, come here. This will be easy to deal with, just some broken ribs. And I-don't-know-what. [sighs] Ce: “Just some broken ribs”... Luba: I’ll go with him, Master. GM: He starts to take Arthur. (Gabi: I'll go, too.) GM: The Blacksmith has a serious look in his face. He comes here and sits on the armchair. Bs: I’m… I’m too old for this. Calango: I come here and get this chair. I
sit between the table and the chair the Blacksmith just sat. Kinda resting my back. Ce: Hey, Mr. Blacksmith. Why don’t those creatures enter the houses? Bs: No one knows, they just don’t. The mist doesn’t enter the houses if they’re closed. Ce: Got it. Bs: I guess it’s just the Holy Cradle’s way... to make us respect the night, I don’t know exactly. GM: The Doctor starts to take Arthur. Dr: Sit there on that bed, I’ll take care of you soon. Argh, there’s no Nurse to help me now… GM: He gets a crystal, a big one. He
hits it with the hammer [crystal breaking] and a little piece of it falls. He gets his pliers and this big crystal piece. (Guaxi: I take my shirt off.) GM: And he walks towards Arthur. Dr: Uh... take that off. GM: And he takes off your face's bandages, and uses it on your face. Dr: That’s bad… A: Put it on the actual wounds first please. He's using it and your scars are healing. Your forehead, your nose and the rest, they're all healing. It burns a little, you see this crystal... It burns in the beginning, but then it's
a relief. It doesn't hurt anymore, even when you move. Then he says: Dr: Get up, let me see it. GM: He lifts your shirt and sees a bruise in your chest. He puts his hands on it. Just like the Blacksmith did, but much more gentle. He says: Dr: One… two broken ribs. Let me put this here… You know what? Hold this here for a while. GM: Then he takes your hand and gives you the pliers with the green crystal. He puts it on your chest. Dr: Hold it for about 2 minutes and you'll be okay.
I’ll be right back. Blacksmith, what happened? GM: Then he leaves the room. (Guaxi: I want to lay on the bed.) GM: Do you want to say something? Gabi: I want to go to the stand with the crystals and take a look. GM: You see lots of these green crystals thrown on the table. You see a bottle with some small red crystals, very small, like crumbs. And you see some blue crystals kept on another well-closed bottle. GM: They emanate a weak light... (Gabi: Is there something...) Gabi: Is there something written on them? GM: No. Gabi: I'll
take a look on this stand here. GM: You see some medicine books... Uh, some... Some notes, just like the last time. Roll a Lan- Actually, an Education test please. Gabi: OK. Finally a test I'll do well. Guaxi: "I failed". Gabi: Good. GM: Good? Okay, uh... The first time you saw this language, you looked quickly and you didn’t recognize it. You got good? Gabi: Yep. GM: Okay, you see it's either, uh... Polish or finnish... It's an European language, but you can't tell exactly which. Gabi: Uh, I know Latin... Won't that help me? GM: No, Latin is
for Latin. (Gabi: Maybe comparing?) GM: No, no, no. Latin is literally how much you know Latin. The language. Luba: Master, sorry, can I just… Change to the computer’s Discord? This is bothering me… GM: You can do it during the break, fine by you? Luba: Oh, but it literally takes 2 seconds. GM: Okay, I'll just change it here. Luba: Sorry, sorry. Calango: Dude, I'm chilling in the chair, looking up. GM: Wait, let me see. Is he back already? Calango: He's back, he's back. Guaxi: Wow, literally 2 seconds. GM: Literally. GM: Literally two seconds. Okay, coming back.
You see the Doctor leaving. While Liz does that... (Guaxi: I want to talk to Joui.) GM: Go on. A: Joui. J: How... Yeah? GM: Much better. A: Wasn’t the Helper the Doctor’s son? J: I don't know, was he? A: When we came here, he called him “son”. GM: Your volume is low, Arthur. Guaxi: Sorry. GM: Unable the echo cancellation, might be that. Go on. A: When he arrived, he didn’t say “dad”, he said he was his son… Or I’m getting crazy. J: I don’t know, but I think the Blacksmith should be telling him. We should
respect him. Guaxi: I lay my head and keep looking up. GM: You feel, Arthur, while you hold this green crystal, you feel your bones moving inside of you and going to their places. It's a very weird feeling, but it makes you good. The bones are in place and the bruises are getting smaller while it's on your chest. Uh... You healed 3 HP. J: How do you feel? A: Look, can you see it? GM: Unable major wound. J: Didn’t you break some ribs? A: Yeah, but look, it’s moving. GM: You can see his bones moving from
inside his skin. (J: Ew! Argh!) J: Take that away! A: Sorry. GM: You see the Doctor coming Dr: Blacksmith, what happened? Why were you attacked, why were you out during the night? We had a lot of time to get in, right? I mean, not a lot, but like, 5 minutes. GM: The Blacksmith has a serious look on his face. Bs: Doctor… [sighs] The Helper is dead. Dr: The Hel- What?! What did you just say?! Bs: The Helper is dead. GM: He gets up. GM: He goes towards the Doctor, he stares at him for a while.
Bs: Someone killed him and drew the same symbol as in the Farmer’s cows. It wasn’t the ignari because I was with them. GM: The Doctor is, like, staring at the Blacksmith. Dr: You’re… you’re joking, you’re… Why didn’t you bring him?! Why didn't you... Bs: It was too late. He was definitely dead when we got there. Dr: How could you know?! You aren't a doctor! Why didn't you bring him?! GM: The Blacksmith puts his hand on him. Bs: Doctor... If there was something I could do, I would have. He’s dead… Someone in Holy Cradle killed him.
GM: The Doctor is, like… Trying to figure what to say, but he can't. Dr: Wh- why him?! What did he do? Wha- Bs: I will... I'll figure this out. I'll find who did this. Calango: OK, I’m waiting for them here. GM: The... You see... Finally, Arthur, you- Let me see. You're completely healed. The crystal is not as bright as it was, but it's still shinning. But you feel completely healed. Maybe the Doctor got a bigger crystal than he needed. Calango: I’ll go to them. Guaxi: I start to touch the scar in my face. GM: You
feel it's healed, just like Joui's. You use the crystal and it's great. It's looking like the original arts. You know, the ones with the scars. Calango: I get closer. Ce: Hey, Arthur, are you feeling better? A: Dude, look at this. Guaxi: I start to slap it. Ce: The fuck! You’re better then, you don’t feel any pain. A: Nothing. Ce: If they were able to heal Thiago's deafness, this is easy peasy. Guys, I heard something... (GM: Thiago goes near you.) After this scene when they were talking. Guys, I heard something... (GM: Thiago goes near you.) After
this scene when they were talking. They keep talking, but lower, you can’t hear it anymore. Calango: I heard their conversation, didn’t I? GM: Yes, you heard it and left right after they started. Ce: Guys, as soon as we got here, I asked the Blacksmith why the creatures didn't go into the houses. He didn't realy know, it's just something... They just don't get in. Having this information and listening to them talking, it seems that somebody from Holy Cradle got in and killed the Helper. They were in the Forge, you know? Gabi: I want to turn to
him, I was looking at these things. GM: Fine. L: Cesar... His throat was cut with a knife. Esoterrorist creatures don't use a knife. Ce: Yeah... L: There is an esoterrorist on the loose. Ce: Probably. Until today, I've never seen a mule with tentacles, you know? I don't know, some shit might exist... It could have sharp claws, I don't know. It's more likely to be what you said. Gabi: Master. GM: Yeah? I want to turn to the table and get a medium size still shinning green crystal and use it on my wound. GM: You get one
that is shinning more than the others, and when you put it... You feel it itching when you got it with your bare hands. You put it on your... [laughs] I forgot the name! Gabi: Shoulder. GM: Shoulder! Yeah! You put it on your shoulder. Guaxi: New Zealand. GM: [laughing] And that deeper scratch starts to close. You feel 4 HP. Gabi: Damn! [mic cutting] GM: Your audio is cutting, Gabi. Gabi: Mine? GM: Is your echo cancellation on? (Gabi: Hello. Don't think so.) Guaxi: It might be far. GM: Yeah, maybe. Gabi: I’ll just put the crystal back on
the table. GM: You feel very relieved and completely fine again. Gabi: I put it back and pretend nothing happened, then I go back to them. J: Everything alright, Liz? L: Uh, yes? Why wouldn't it be? (J: What were you doing?) L: Nothing, I was just analysing the files, you know? J: Oh, got it. This pain in my arm is killing me. L: Joui! J: Hi. L: Enough with those crystals. J: What do you mean? A: Mine is still shining a little. GM: He shows you the pliers. The green crystal seems to be shinning a little,
yeah. It's emanating some light yet. J: Arthur-san, can I use it on my arm? A: Sure. Guaxi: And I put it on his arm. GM: He touches you, and in seconds you feel that pain... Was it a cut or a punch? Luba: A punch. GM: So the bruise gets smaller, your veins go back to normal and the blood is flowing. You heal 2 HP. Guaxi: [laughs] Look at his smile! J: Thanks, Arthur. A: You’re welcome. Somebody else? L: Uh, guys… J: Take it with you, keep it on your pocket. A: The light is fading... (L:
No!) GM: It has a very weak green light. It just shows it was green, but that is it. A: I think I will leave it, it seems like it's done. J: But ask the… GM: You hear the Doctor and the Blacksmith. You hear a door closing. [door slamming] The door on the living room. You hear the Blacksmith coming. [heavy footsteps] Bs: Uh, are you guys done? A: Yes. J: Yes. Bs: Is everyone okay? Guaxi: I get up. (L: We are.) J: Luckily, yes. Bs: I’ll take you to the Hotel, then. It isn’t safe for you
to be here at night. Ce: But is it safe for us to leave? We just ran here and Joui was caught by that weird thing. Bs: We will have to go faster, yes. But you can’t stay here at the Doctor’s house. We don’t know how long the night will last. The best place for you, ignari, to stay is at the Hotel. L: How long does the night usually last? Bs: There's no exact time, it can last hours or days. We never know. A: Blacksmith, can I take this stone with me? GM: Thiago says: T: Guys,
I don’t think we should stay here. I think we should go back to Carpazinha’s hotel. We can go back tomorrow and see that body stuff. I don't know if I wanna be here another day. J: Thiago-sensei, with all due respect, I think we should hear the Blacksmith and you sir should respect his decision. L: Blacksmith... Do you know if outside Holy Cradle, the mist and the creatures still exist? Bs: Holy Cradle and Holy Cradle’s things stay in Holy Cradle. But if you tried... You can leave now. I don't think it's safe, you might not be
able to. Not tonight. I've never seen a more aggressive night. L: So you think we should stay here? Bs: I think it’s safer, at least for tonight. GM: He starts to walk towards the door. Bs; Uh... Normally, Holy Cradle is aggressive to new ignari. It doesn't your true intention, the village doesn't know why you are here. It’s like a self-protection system, we think. GM: All of you are standing, right? Luba: Yup. Calango: Yes. Bs: After a while, when it realizes that the ignarii don't... they don't intend to hurt anyone, it stops trying to attack the
ignarii during the night. And the creatures just... walk, and don't attack anyone. (Ce: Are you in a hurry, Arthur? Wait.) Bs: But you didn't give Holy Cradle a good first impression. J: I'm sorry. Really. GM: Thiago calls Cesar: T: Hey, Lil’ C. (Ce: Hi) T: I don't think it's a good idea for us to stay here, bro. (Ce: Big T, I do agree with you...) T: No...no cause we fought a horse, we fought some fog, fine, monsters we can handle, but these people with black eyes, stains, I don't know, maybe at night they become werewolves
or something. L: Hey, Thiago. Ce: Thiago, I agree with you, man, but... If we go back from the same way we came by, look at the long way we'll to have to go through. there is a lot of smoke out there trying to... eat us, there's no way we can make it. (L: Oh sweetheart...) T: I just want everyone to be safe, I'm just here for safety, I don't know how long... he said we're going to stay here for 2 days? Do you know who's been here for 2 days? Murilo. Look at how that’s been
for him. (L: Hey, sweethearts!) Ce: What? Liz? L: I have a suggestion. What if one of us stays awake and we take turns sleeping through the night? So, there will always be a person awake to... I don't know, keep an eye. And we take turns. T: Are you going to stay up 2 days in a row? L: No! We take turns, I stay awake for 4 or 5 hours and then I change with someone and I sleep. (Just to make it clear...) GM: You are all VERY tired after today, it was a long day, you
spent several hours in Holy Cradle, you are all almost falling asleep. Even Cesar, who is Cesar, who can handle not sleeping, he feels like he won't be able to stay awake for much longer. You all need to rest. Gabi: My relay suggestion is still up. (GM: No, that's fine, I'm just-) GM: I'm just saying how you are feeling. Gabi: Okay. Ce: So... (L: Eh...) J: I agree with Liz, it is not safe to leave now anyway, we have no choice. T: Ah... If y’all say so, I won’t refuse, (Ce: But, Thiago...) but I still think
it is a bad idea. Ce: Me too, but we have no choice. I don’t agree with staying another day after today. We have to get out of here tomorrow. GM: The Blacksmith, he starts... he comes [footstep sound] he takes his sword that was leaning on... on the chair [sword sound] Bs: Come on. L: But, guys... Bs: Hey... L: How will we know when it is today and when it is tomorrow? Uh… What? Bs: We better go before the night gets even worse. Ce: Yeah, let's go, let's go. We’ll know it when this weird mist is
gone, Liz. Guaxi: I put the stone back up here. (L: But if it lasts 2 days...) how will we know that 2 days have gone by? GM: Okay, so you leave the Blacksmith's house, you don't see the Doctor anymore, he went into his room, you didn't see him anymore. You don't know exactly what he and the Blacksmith talked about after you left the room. And you go back to the Holy Cradle. Calango: I want to get my cell phone, just to see if the clock keeps ticking normally. GM: You take out your cell phone, uh,
do a luck test for me. Gabi: Oh no, you’ll use all the battery. (Calango: Please, my cell phone has a battery in-) Calango: I boosted my cell phone battery when I was a teenager. [Everyone laughs] Calango: Ah, I failed. GM: You failed? What number did you get? Calango: 71. GM: 71? Your battery is at 29%. (Gabi: Wow...) GM: Uh... Calango: Okay, and... what time is it now? Is the clock ticking normally? GM: The clock is ticking normally, but you have no signal at all, no service. Calango: Okay, eh… Eh... Okay, but can I see the
time? (GM: Eh, now…) GM: Now your clock strikes... About 10PM Calango: Okay, okay. I put the phone back in my pocket, then. GM: When you arrived at Holy Cradle, it was like 6PM, right? (Calango: I won't recall.) Luba: I don't remember, master. No, it was morning, I think. GM: No, it was right after lunch. You found it... So you arrived near 1PM. Gabi: Yeah, it was right after lunch. (Calango: Yeah, that's it.) GM: So now it's about 9PM Luba: Okay. Calango and Gabi: Okay. GM: Uh, the Blacksmith... eh- I won’t place all of the creatures...
actually I will, because I think they’re cool. [Gabi and Luba laugh] [Guaxi laughs] Calango: Dude, before I put my phone back in my pocket, I'm going to turn it off. GM: Okay, you turn off your cell phone and you.. you go out again, you see that all of those things coming at you again, and we're going to do some more constitution tests, for... The Blacksmith just... he just says: Bs: Uh... let's run, now there is no time to even try to fight. GM: And he, he... comes running like that, and he goes... (Guaxi: I hold
my hammer) he sprints by several creatures and he’s like cutting them... but they are made of fog, but he kind of dispel them for a moment, then you can try to follow the Blacksmith. I will give you an advantage on the constitution for all of you, and you will... The Blacksmith sprints out with the sword cutting through the fog, then you will make a constitution test to see... how much you can run. Calango: With an advantage? GM: Advantage everyone, because the Blacksmith is in front of you, cutting the path, literally. Gabi: Okay. Luba: Constitution, I
failed. Gabi: No, wait, you have an advantage. Luba: Oh, it's true. Guaxi: Ah, it's true. Calango: I got extreme. GM: Extreme, okay. Guaxi: I got the same number twice, c’mon. Luba: Eh, I got an even worse number. (Guaxi: Regular.) Gabi: I got regular. (Luba: I failed.) Guaxi: I got regular GM: Okay, you failed, Joui? So everyone starts running and Joui stays a little behind. The mist-beings... It will be a chase scene now. So the mist-beings are almost reaching Joui, and they are a little behind the rest of you. (Calango: Cesar is ahead...) GM: Consider like
3 blocks, there are the mist-beings behind, Joui in the middle, and you're all ahead. Luba: Okay, can I do the same thing that the Blacksmith did? Draw my sword and dissipate the mist? GM: He's already moving it out of your way, and sort of dissipating, you see that, (Luba: Ok.) GM: Somehow it seems that his sword has more effect than, uh... than you trying to punch it, it seems that his sword is really affecting this fog, and he's just like: [cutting sounds] and he’s running. Oh, I'm going to ask for another constitution test so you
can get here, and see how the situation turned out. Calango: Getting an extreme in this situation changes anything? GM: Ah, you can be ahead of everyone, actually. You can be here. (Calango: Ah, I want to stay behind the Blacksmith!) GM: Ah, but you have 8, so you're 9, with an extreme you get 1 more movement. Calango: Okay, but I want to always stay behind the Blacksmith, Not in front of him. (GM: Okay, so you're with everyone.) GM: And the monsters are coming. Luba: I got regular. GM: Regular? You... Let’s see if the creatures... Guaxi: I
failed. GM: The creatures get to Joui. (Calango: I got regular too.) (Luba: Okay, great.) Gabi: I got regular too. GM: Ah, and you... ok, you are here, and the creatures get to Joui. Joui, you will have to do a dodge test, for one stroke. (Luba: Okay.) Luba: Now? GM: Yeah. Luba: Ah, I got regular. Normal. GM: You can dodge, you can dodge. You see that the monsters are coming closer to you, but it, you see that it tries to grab you, [oop] you jump forward and manage to keep dodging. because of your acrobat history, you
do a... a stylish jump to the side. And another constitution test, to reach the next corner. [Luba laughs] Luba: I got 99 (Gabi: Does he still have an advantage?) GM: How much? Luba: I got 99. GM: You have... Guaxi: I got extreme. GM: Jesus Christ, Luba. (Luba: No, I failed.) Calango: But has an advantage. (Luba: But it has an advantage, doesn't it) Luba: Do I have an advantage? (Gabi: Does he have an advantage?) GM: He does, he does, he does Gabi: Ah, ok. Holy mother… [Luba's dice falls] Luba: It fell on the ground, wait. Guaxi:
I got a good one. Gabi: I got extreme. Luba: I got regular. Calango: Regular too. GM: Ah, ok. Let's go. Gabi: Is my movement rate going to 10? GM: The creatures themselves, at this point, it seems like they all kind of formed one thing, but still it seems like separate things, it doesn't seem like one, but it's kind of a fog storm coming after you. Uh, Joui manages to advance, they seem to have slowed down after they tried to hit Joui. You’re all in this formation here, you’re running here, so fucking fast, you’re all running
too fast, you can go on talking while this is happening, you’re just like [gasping for air] running down the hill, you don’t know exactly where you’re going, you didn’t... come to this... You came to this area only once, when the Gatekeeper brought you here. Eh, and you are going, you look forward, you see that you are going towards this big wooden house, the biggest house that you saw in this place, it has 2 floors, and it has a very nice area in the front, and an entrance by a large wooden double door. You deduce that
this is the hotel. J: What are these things running after us? Bs: It’s the Holy Cradle’s night. J: That explains a lot. A: Running with the hammer is bad. Ce: Fuck, my knee, bro. GM: Okay, ah, one more test. And I have to do it for Thiago too. Calango: With an advantage, right? GM: With an advantage, yes. Calango: Regular. (Guaxi: Wow, I failed both.) (Gabi: Mine was regular.) Luba: I got extreme. [Luba laughs] GM: Okay, Joui catches up with you, Arthur stays behind, and the rest can get to the hotel. Arthur, you're going to have
to dodge. Guaxi: Damn... GM: He's here, you all get to this part of Holy Cradle. And all these mist-beings get to Arthur, and try to grab him. Guaxi: Okay, it was normal. It wasn't even good. (GM: Regular?) GM: They grab you, and you're standing now, you look back and you see Arthur standing there, and it's that same scheme, there's something grabbing you like that, and trying to pull you back, do a strength test now. Guaxi: Okay. Oh god… Calango: Go, Arthur! [Guaxi laughs] Calango: I turn around and say: Ce: Arthur! (Guaxi: Extreme! 004!) GM: Arthur
is running and you see that he was held by something, and he puts his hand forward like that, instinctively, because... he can't go forward anymore, he is being held. Guaxi: I got extreme in strength. (Ce: Arthur?) GM: You got extreme? You can do it, you can see that he [aaargh], and he... [tchum] take out the hand that was holding him, it dissipates like fog, and now, Arthur, you can come running here, and reaches them all, and the Gatekeeper is like... not the Gatekeeper, the Blacksmith he... [PUW] He opens the door, and... you see a great
hall, inside this place there Ce: Let’s go in! Let’s go in! Calango: And I'm already running. Gabi: I'm running right after Lil C. GM: Okay, do you all enter the hotel? Calango: Yes. (Luba: Yes.) GM: Ok. Let me get the hotel for you. You, entering the hotel, you... come across this large and beautiful lounge, with a decorated floor, there’s a... huge carpet, probably the biggest carpet... Is the largest carpet you've ever seen in your lives. It’s a very large carpet, that covers, like, is in front of a whole counter that is on your right. ah,
on the left side, there are tables, with an armchair. There is a table with some armchairs around it. And behind this little table in the armchairs, there are four frames with portraits on them. Like, there is a portrait in each frame, and these pictures are well decorated and very beautiful. Calango: Okay. GM: This one here. You all arrive at the hotel, and... (Luba: Damn, it's beautiful.) and by the side, on the counter, kind of bored, there’s a guy sitting down on a chair, and he wasn’t even... He looks like he was distracted, and when the
Blacksmith [PUW] opens the door, he: ???: Ah! What... Blacksmith? Good night. Good night. GM: You see this guy with long hair, gray skin, with markings going up, like, his stripe starts on his eye and it goes up, and he has one stripe that covers his face. He has a white goatee, and he looks like he’s in his 30s. His ears are pointy, they appear a little from... from... from behind his hair. He has a green outfit on, with some bags, he looked like he was very relaxed, he: ???: Good... good night, whats up? Welcome to
the Holy Cradle, new ignarii! J: Good night! Thank you. (GM: The Blacksmith comes...) GM: The Blacksmith comes to the... he: Bs: Hotelier, uh, these ignarii arrived yesterday, we still don't know exactly how, they followed some kind of map or something, that's irrelevant. The night is more aggressive today, they need a place to stay. It's not safe for them out there. Holy Cradle didn't like them at all. Hotelier: Ah, I got this, Blacksmith. You know that I... bro, you do this every time. It's all right. Eh, did something happen? You look a little... ...off. Bs: Just...
Take care of them. Good night. GM: He turns his back, very serious, he walks by you, and leaves, without saying goodbye. Calango: Ok… When he walks by me I have my hand on my knee. (GM: You see him opening the door) and you see all those mists there) GM: And he closes the door [tuf] and walks. You hear him [steps] going down the steps of the entrance, and [pff] like, stepping on the ground, and, you hear his heavy footsteps walking away. Calango: Okay. You look at me, I’m, I’m leaning on my legs like this, and
I have my hand on my rib like: [gasping for air] [Gabi laughs] Ho: Oh, welcome to Holy Cradle, I am the Hotelier! I take care of the hotel. Ce: What's up, Hotelier, how you doin’? [Cesar still gasping for air] J: Good night, thank you. Ho: You will like it very much here. Ah, I see that you are looking at my photo there. GM: You get close to the pictures to see, Liz, these pictures, you see that there are 4 pictures like that, in a row, there is one, that is a man with a grumpier face,
he has a red shirt, and a beard, all of them have gray skin, although it may not be so grayish here in the miniature. All of them are really...Luzidii, they are people with gray skin, pointy ears, black eyes. This first one, he’s frowning, he looks more serious, with a beard, he's wearing a red suit. The second in the row, he is, he has a very dark gray skin, oh, he is a little bit chubby, he has shaved hair on both sides, and he has a kind smile on his face. You realize that they are not
photographs, they are paintings, someone painted it, and the painting changes the style a little, from one to another, but they are very beautiful and very well done. The third one, eh, you go by and see, the third picture has a very grumpy man, with a thick eyebrow like that. Ah, he's bald, he has a scar on his head, and he's wearing a black outfit. And the last one, the last picture, you recognize as the Hotelier who is at the counter now, only a little bit younger, his hair wasn’t that long, but he already had his
goatee, and he has a very wide smile. L: Eh, they are very beautiful paintings, Mr.Hotelier. Ho: Thank you, they are from all hoteliers who have taken care of the hotel. I'm there oh, right at the end, on my father's side. Luba: I get close and... L: Ah, this... This hotel... (Luba: I'm getting closer to Liz.) L: This hotel is new then? There were only 4 hoteliers. Ho: Eh, but it is... 4... new... What's new, right? It must be about... 200 years old. I don't know how old it is, you know, but it is very old,
it is not new. J: Liz, he's in danger. L: Why? J: Because he is the 4th hotelier, something is wrong. L: Joui... I... Ho: But, Hey! We don't have to shout, you know?! You can come here at the counter to talk. (J: I'm serious.) GM: The hall is quite large. [Gabi laughs] L: Sorry... Ho: For me to get the rooms, I wasn't expecting, I wasn't waiting for you today. I wasn't expecting it. Calango: I approach the counter. (J: We need to take care of him today.) Guaxi: I'll go too Gabi: I say... I say: L:
Joui ... Gabi: Then I touch his back like that. L: It's okay. Gabi: And I go. J: No, it's not. L: Shh... A: Hi, sir. Ho: So... Ce: Actually I'm going to stay here, I'm going to sit here, I'm very breathless, bro, I need to get some air, dude. GM: Okay, Cesar sits on the... (Ce: I ran like hell.) GM: ...On the armchair, it's a very comfortable armchair, it was a little dusty. Calango: Okay, I just throw myself on the chair. GM: You throw yourself and [pluw] a lot of dust comes out. The Hotelier: Ho:
Ah! I forgot to dust, sorry, I have, I have to write it here. GM: In that big notebook that is in front of him like that, he writes it down. Ho: "Clean the armchairs"... Oh, come on. You! (A: A room, please.) GM: And he points to Liz. L: Eh... Ho: Eh... Name? L: Liz. (A: No one is listening to me.) Ho: Liz? Fine. Uuuh... let me see the rooms that...Oh my god, I have a lot of things, why did you… Did you come, didn't you come on pilgrimage? How does that work? I didn't know you
were going to come. Everything is a mess! L: Ah... Don't worry, we don't care about the mess. It's OK. Ho: No, it's fine, but I care, right. It's my job. Uhh... Liz... How many are there? Sorry , how many rooms? 5? Okay, let's go. A: A room, right? Ho: What the... What was it? J: 5 rooms. Ho: Okay, okay. A: Will you want to be apart? Ho: You all want a double bed, right? You don't want a… L: Eh... Hotelier, don't you have those, those shared rooms, where several people stay in the same room? Ho:
So... Ho: Eh... We have a problem. Here's the thing: GM: He prepares himself, he... he pulls out a notebook and he... closes it. Ho: First of all, Welcome to the Holy Cradle’s hotel! You will love the city, we love all the ignarii. When it is night, which in this case is now, I recommend that you do not leave. Let's go. This hotel is a little different from some you may already have... GM: He looks a little anxious. Ho: ...You may have been to, I mean... Stayed, slept in them, right? You sleep in a hotel. Here
we have some rules, and some, ah, some things can happen in this hotel during the night, because it is Holy Cradle, it is a little different. But you will get used to it! (J: I knew it!) Ho: First of all, I don't recommend anyone staying in the same room. L: Ah, why? Ho: Because the rooms, eh... the two bed rooms are all very dirty. L: Ah... No, but, that's not a problem. Can't we... I don't know, Take some mattresses to the room? (H : You don't understand, they are very dirty!) Ho: It is like... Very...
They are unavailable, lady. That's all I can say for you to... have a peaceful night, you will enjoy Holy Cradle. L: Ah... GM: He smiles like this. L: Eh, Mr.Hotelier, since you are a very nice person, may I suggest something? (Ho: Thank you!) Ho: Yes...? L: Eh, could we... Bring 5 mattresses here to the lobby and sleep in the lobby? Ho: No, no, definitely not. L: Ah... Does something happen in the lobby? Ho: I am a very perfectionist, lady. My hotel... I mean… We have very strict rules here, which need to be followed. Eh, believe
me, it's for the good...The infrastructure of the place... It's difficult to explain. I will, I will, I will... If you want to join me. GM: He takes... [sound of keys] and he takes a bunch of keys. Ho: You can follow me, I'll be taking you around the hotel, and talking to you. L: Joui. J: I said, he is the 4th hotelier, something is wrong here. L: I agree now. J: What? L: I agree with you now. J: Just be careful, but at the same time... (GM: Oh my God.) I think we can trust the Blacksmith.
L: We will share the same room. After he leaves... GM: I'm back. L: Wait, I'll say it later. GM: Say, no, what did you say? [Gabi laughs] Guaxi: Nothing. Gabi: No, I... GM: It's because my headphone stopped working for a while, I need to know what you said. Gabi: Shh GM: Ok. Calango: Don't tell him... I'm kidding. [Guaxi, Gabi and Luba laugh] Luba: It's just that she plans to... share a room. Gabi: Yes. Luba: After he leaves. GM: Okay, okay, fine. Gabi: But I didn't finish the sentence because I thought the Hotelier might be listening,
and then I said that I'll say it later. (GM: The Hotelier went around the counter) GM: He took a bunch of keys, he takes one like that in his pocket like this, he looks at you and: Ho: Ok, if you want to accompany me, we have to do a little... like a tour through the hotel so that I can explain some rules, ah, because the hotel’s staff... is a little strange and doesn't like to be… Come with me! GM: And he comes, he's a little nervous. J: Liz, I'll go ahead, cover me. GM: You then
see this long corridor (Gabi: I'm going...) (Gabi: Right behind Joui.) GM: with numbered doors, there are 101, 102 next to you. And in front there are two more doors. One that goes to the left, and another one that ends at the end of the corridor. And then the corridor turns right. You see then, he enters... He arrives. He arrives at that little door. Does Cesar get up or is he back there? Thiago is coming along. Calango: I just... While they were talking there. Does this table have anything on it? Or is it just a little
light? GM: Eh... It's a little light with some red crystals, and that's it, there's nothing else in it. Calango: Okay, so I'm going too. GM: He turns: (Ho: Okay... This is the Holy Cradle’s hotel...) ...Eh... GM: He turns: Ho: These are the rooms that you will be staying in. GM: He goes by, then, the room on the right, which is 101. It has, Its door has a crack, it opens a little, [door cracking] and he [PLUW] closes the door violently. Ho: So, you will stay in this hotel, in very comfortable rooms, which I take care
of with all the affection, it is my life's work. You will like it very much. But we have some rules that you should not forget. First of all: if you hear at night, when you are sleeping, a song, better not go after it, the song won't even be so cool, and it is not worth the stress that it will bring you later. GM: He looks, he gives a... He checks the door, he puts the key in (J: Music?) [tch] unlocks it, locks it again. Ho: If you hear me at night... GM: He talks, while he
talks, he walks the corridors. Ho: Hear me vacuuming in the halls, ignore it and go to sleep, uh... Holy Cradle doesn't have a vacuum cleaner, also, it won't be me. J: What exactly would it be, Mr. Hotelier? (GM: He stops at the...) GM: ...Side door, the top one. He [knocking at the door] and he continues. Ho: Moving on, a very important thing to remember is that in Holy Cradle nobody dreams, so you are going to have a whole night with no dreams, just a detail, because sometimes people wonder about that. You won't dream. GM: He
goes up. He goes upstairs [steps] You hear the stairs creaking, [stairs creaking] and then you go to the second floor. Up here, here on the right. He will... (Luba: Oh, it's on the other side.) Ho: The hotel as you can see is always very clean and beautiful. GM: And you see that these wooden walls, they have all these little lamps, all with that little red crystal lighting up the corridors. The corridors are very long, so... Two people can fit, like, side by side. It goes on. He... Goes through these two... These two rooms kinda fast.
And he gets to the one at the end, he opens the door to see, and you see... Inside this room, a room with a beautiful carpet, some shelves, some cabinets like that, all empty, a little trunk on the side of the bed, he looks: Ho: Okay. GM: He closes the door. [puff] And keeps coming here. Ho: And... eh, if during the night, you hear... A little child knocking at the door, asking if... You are their mommy, you are not their mommy, Don't open the door. GM: And he gets to the balcony... When he gets to
the balcony you see a glass door, he opens it, you see Holy Cradle through this fog, the fog is lower than you guys, it doesn’t really reach the hotel. Ho: And here it's... Uh, it’s Holy Cradle, but you can’t see it, because of the mist... The fog... The night. But here, during the day, I guarantee you that there’s a beautiful view of the town. Well, uh... Welcome then. (GM: And he starts handing...) ...The keys one by one to you, he gives a key to Joui, and you are in that order, right? (J: Thank you.) Calango:
Yes. (GM: He hands a key to Joui, he hands a key to Liz...) GM: ...He hands a key to Arthur, to Cesar and to Thiago in the end. (J: Ah, what is...) J: ...My room number? GM: Ah, let me see... Your room number? 102. Luba: Ah, ok. (Gabi: Mine?) GM: 106. Thiago has 104, let me just write this down. Joui: 102, Thiago: 104, Liz... 106, Uh, Cesar is 203, and Arthur: 204. J: Thiago? Ask to change rooms. (T: What is it, Joui?) J: You're at 104, ask to change rooms. [Gabi laughs] T: Again with that
4 stuff, Joui? There is no problem. J: There is a problem. Everything he said will appear just outside your room, I'm sure. [Guaxi and Calango giggle] T: Joui, rest. We are very tired, we better sleep tonight. If anything happens, our rooms are close, you and me. Anything, if there is a problem, we... Find each other. You scream and we show up right away. (J: If anything happens, just scream.) GM: He taps [knock, knock, knock] on the wood, and you see that the wood is relatively thin on the walls. T: Oh, you can hear everything, anything
you shout, we hear it. Or if I scream, you will hear it. Do not worry. (J: I don't know, I have a bad feeling. He's the 4th hotelier...) J: ...I don't like it. A: He gave us a room. J: I'm going to sleep in the lobby. (Ho: Hi...) Ho: ...Do you have any questions? Breakfast... Is in the tavern, we don't serve it here, but... If you need to, if the night is too long, we never know... GM: He leaves, he enters a little and closes the door. Ho: We never know how long the night lasts,
but if the night lasts a long time, then we have some food here. Don't worry, there is room service, I'm always going through the corridors, taking care, eh, I will always be around. You can call me, The Hotelier. Ce: I have a question, Hotelier. A: Ah, I wanted to give you a hi-five, because you had your hand raised. Ho: Ah, may I help? [Gabi laughs] Ce: If supposedly, not saying that... I'm going to do that, obviously, but if, for example, I open the door for the little girl saying that she is my daughter, looking for
mommy, I mean, what would happen? I mean… (Ho: Ah, but you will not, no problem, no worries...) Ho: ...Holy Cradle, sometimes... (Ce: Yeah, but...) Ho: Holy Cradle has some surprises for us. I think you must have, you know, from what I understood from The Blacksmith, you must have already found some strange things here. L: Yeah. (Ce: Yes. I won't do that, but what if I did?) A: It can happen, right. (Ho: It's just that you won't do it...) Ho: ...There is no reason for you to do that. (Ce: No, I won't...) Ce: ...But what if
I did? I'm kidding, I'm kidding, okay, I'm not going to do it. I will not do it. I won't do it, right, guys? (Ho: Okay...) Ho: ...I will always be walking through the halls, or... (J: No.) I will probably be at the counter, or I will be in my tiny room, behind the counter, you can knock on my door, if anything happens, I will try to solve it, to help you. J : Thank you, Hotelier. (L: Eh, but how do we go to your tiny room...) L: ...Behind the counter if we can't leave our room
if we have a problem? (Ho: You can leave your room, I’m just saying that if it happens...) Ho: ...If you hear anything strange, but you’re free to walk through the hotel, it’s a hotel. L: Ah, yeah... Thanks. Ho: You're welcome. Oh, feel comfortable in your rooms, and I'll see you in the morning, if everything goes well and if the night is short. Or overnight if you need to. GM: And he goes down again. Ho: Ah... This room here is cool. GM: He points at Cesar. Ho: I like him. (Calango: And what room is this? The
number on the door.) GM: The one you're in front? That one is 205. (Calango: Yeah...) ...And why is this cool, Mr. Hotelier? (GM: Sorry, this one that is open is 203, 205 is the one on the side...) GM: Which is closed. (Ce: Why is this room cool, Mr. Hotelier?...) Ce: ...Are the rooms different from each other? Ho: No, it's just that I slept in it a few times, I like it. Ce: Ah ok, I understand. (Ho: Good night!...) Ho: ...Welcome to Holy Cradle (Ce: Thanks, Good night.) GM: He, he goes downstairs. (J: Thank you!) J:
Guys, there's room service. You can order buttery butter. What? (L: Joui!) L: Come here! (Gabi: I'm by Thiago's side.) GM: Okay. L: Hey, what if we get together in the rooms since Arthur and Cesar are so… Gabi: The 200 are upstairs, right? And the 100 below? (GM: Yes.) L: Since Cesar and Arthur are up here, they can stay in the same room, and the three of us share a room downstairs. J: Ah... To be honest, Liz-senpai, I'm very sleepy, I... I want to sleep. I think we have already caused... Enough trouble and I wanted to
trust The Blacksmith's word this time. Gabi: I keep staring at Thiago waiting for what he will say. GM: Thiago looks very tired. T: Liz... I'm with Joui, I'm also very tired. If we decide to sleep here, we better rest to be able to deal with problems tomorrow. J: I don't 100% agree with Thiago-sensei, because he's staying in room 104, he could ask for a room on the second floor. (T: Joui!) Gabi: I angrily snort, walk by them and go downstairs. J: It's just a suggestion, Thiago-sensei. T: Joui, I will be on your side. Which room
is yours? J: 102. (T: 104 and 102...) ...It's two rooms to the side, Joui, for God's sake. Let's go, let's go down. I’m exhausted. (J: It's one room to the side, but...) GM: He goes, and starts walking. (A: Liz!...) A: ...Liz! (Gabi: I left already.) A: Liz! Guaxi: I run after her. Luba: I want to go to my room then. Which one is 102, master? Oops. (GM: Eh...) GM; ...Okay, you go down then, you go down the corridor, you see, when you go down, The Hotelier turning the corner and coming here. Your room is this
one, it 's 102. The first one on the left. (Luba: OK...) ...Okay, I just want to, before entering, I want to take a look to see what he was going to do. GM: Ah, The Hotelier comes to the counter, he sits where he was before. He starts to, he kind of writes a few things, (Luba: Doing nothing?) he crosses out a few things in his notebook, and sits. With a sleepy face. (Luba: Okay...) ...Okay, I'll go to my room then. (GM: Okay...) GM: ...You take the key, the key has a tag written “102”, you put
it in [click] open the door, and it opens [door creaking] you see a room very similar to the other that was there, but it has a messy bed. When The Hotelier sees you entering, he: (Ho: Ah...) Ho: ...Maybe I forgot to make this bed, sorry. J: No problem, I can clean it. Thank you. Ho: Good night! J: Good night! GM: OK. Do you lock the room? (Luba: I’ll take a look inside it...) Luba: ...I want to close the door and start searching the room. (GM: Okay. You lock the room...) GM: ...And you start to… Roll
a Finding test. Luba: For God’s sake… I got, wait, I don’t remember. I got good. Good, good. (GM: You search, you look inside all chests...) GM: ...Cabinets, shelfs and you don’t find anything, it’s empty as a hotel room should be. Luba: Okay. (GM: There are some towels, cloths but nothing special...) ...You open the cabinet and you see a mirror inside, for you to check yourself, but nothing more. Luba: Okay, so I just put down the backpack, the sword, my stuff and I put them put them near my bed and just make the bed so I
can get ready to sleep. GM: Okay. You start to make your bed. The rest, let’s go. Thiago goes to his room, the 104th… This one. Thiago gets in, it’s pretty much the same as Joui’s. He takes a look at it, he looks through the window and closes the curtains... The shutters, wooden shutters. He throws his stuff on a corner and starts to get ready to sleep. Guaxinim: Okay. I ran after Liz. A: Liz, I agree with the idea of us sleeping on the same room, but just for our safety, not because I’m scared as hell.
L: Eh… Gabi: I stare at him. L: OK, but… Here or on the first floor? A: Whatever, I don’t know. Where's Cesar? I think he’s up here too, I think we shouldn’t leave him alone. (Calango: I’m on the second floor...) Calango: ...Is this an external area? (GM: Your room is at the right, 204, no...) ...No, your room is this one. The top one, Cesar, the one that was already open. Calango: Yeah, I know, but is this an external area? I just wanna know. GM: It’s a balcony. There’s a mist, you can only see the dense
mist on the outside. Calango: If I come here the monsters get wary? GM: You can’t see the monsters, only the mist. Calango: Okay, so I’ll stay here, (Players: [laughs]) I was just thinking… I’ll just stay here. GM: OK, OK. A: I think it’s better for us to stay in the room upstairs, since Cesar is here and Joui and Thiago are downstairs. L: OK, just let me search the room downstairs, then I’ll come back to meet you, okay? (A: Okay, I’ll go stay with Cesar.) Gabi: I go downstairs. (GM: Ok, you go...) ...You get to the
previous floor... You know, the first... Your room is… Do you remember what is it? Gabi: The 106th. (GM: The 106th is this one…) ...No. Wait, is it? Wait… Yeah, yeah, it’s right. GM: I got confused for a while, but that's it, it’s the 106th. (Gabi: Master…) Gabi: OK, I want to get in. The first thing I do is take a look under the bed. GM: Do a Sanity test, please... Just kidding, don’t. You look under the bed and there's nothing. Gabi: Jesus Christ! GM: You slowly look under the bed and it’s just a normal bed.
Gabi: Uh, I push the mat with my foot to see if there's something under it. (GM: You start to search. Roll a Finding test.) Gabi: I got regular. GM: You start to search the room and… You’re a little more rigorous because Liz is paranoid, so you start to look… You pull the mat, you look inside the pillows, open the cabinet and tries to see if there's something behind it, and it seems to be a very clean hotel room, your room is even cleaner than the others, it’s very organized. Gabi: I do this and… I go
back upstairs GM: Ok, meanwhile, Arthur and Cesar. Calango: Dude, I’m just leaning on the parapet and looking at the mist. I don’t know, I guess I can’t see much, right? GM: You can’t see anything, just grey. A: Hey, Cesar. Ce: Hi, Arthur. A: Look at my hammer Guaxinim: Then I show him my hammer. Ce: Cool. A: Where’s yours? (Ce: Arthur, dude...) ...I don’t know if it’s a good idea for us to sleep in the same bedroom. A: Why not? Ce: The people from Holy Cradle have been telling us what to do and… Apparently they have
nothing to do with the symbol, and when… When we acted against their rules, you saw what happened, right? Thiago lit up that fire and looked at what happened. I think they’re helping us the way they can, y’know? I think they’re suspicious, but at the same time I don’t, I think they’re giving us the right guidelines. A: But he didn’t say we couldn’t sleep in the same bedroom, did he? He just said he doesn’t think we should. Ce: Yeah, he said we shouldn’t. (A: He told us not to open the door…) Ce: He told us not
to open the door to that kid, he told us not to see him with the vacuum cleaner A: I won’t open the door, it’s okay. Ce: I think we should follow these instructions to protect ourselves. I don’t know who I should believe in, actually. A: But I’m scared, dude. He told us about that child and that stuff and I saw a movie some time ago, I can’t. Ce: I’m scared too... But I think I’m just gonna stay in my bedroom alone. If anything happens, we’ll help each other, if we hear something, some scream, we run
to help them. A: OK. Probably me and Liz will sleep on the same bedroom, so I think our rooms are near... (Ce: Are you really doing this?) A: Yeah, I’ll talk to her after what you told me, she must be back in a few minutes, but… I don’t know. Ce: I honestly don’t know what to think, we should talk to Liz about it too. I’m willing to follow the Hotelier’s rules, to be honest. GM: You now see Liz coming towards you two. Gabi: I have my backpack on my back, I’m looking sideways while I walk,
looking at the walls, touching it to see if I feel something. GM: It’s all wooden. It doesn’t seem like well built, but it looks like a steady hotel, well maintained, but kinda old A: Liz. L: Uh? A: Cesar is saying we shouldn’t sleep on the same room. L: Hmm... Ce: I was thinking, I was talking to Arthur here, Liz, about when we ignored their advice to not use fire and we fucked things up. I don’t know who to trust, but I’m willing to follow the Hotelier’s rules. I don’t know if I want to... Open the
door, I don’t know if I want to sleep in the same room as anyone else. I’m willing to follow his rules just to… I don’t know, to see if everything turns out good. They don’t seem to be our enemies. L: Okay, Cesar, but what if one of us disappears? No one will witness, no one will see, I don’t want to risk, but if you want to… I can sleep alone in my room. Ce: No, I’m speaking for me, if you want to sleep together… I just think... It’s better for us to follow the rules, I
don't know. L: Are you sure you want to be alone? Don’t you wanna sleep with us? Ce: No, I think I will sleep alone, Liz. L: Okay, but can I give you some advice? Ce: Yeah. L: Do a barricade in front of your door with some cabinet or something, I don’t know, just for your safety. Ce: OK, I’ll do it, but what if one of you needs to get in? L: Hm... A: Why would we? (GM: You see... You hear steps...) ...Coming from the corridor. A: Someone’s coming. L: Someone? But aren’t we alone? (GM: On
the corner, you see The Hotelier.) Ho: Hey! Did everything work out? Did you find your rooms? GM: He walks. L: Hi, yes. (Ce: Yes, we found it...) ...I’m just looking at the… Landscape. (Ho: I don’t recommend you staying here at night, y’know? Specially being ignarii...) ...And the Blacksmith told me the city didn’t like you so much. A: Just getting some air. (Ce: No problem, I was just looking at...) ...The view. Calango: Then I point and there’s just a grey mist. Ce: Enjoying the view. (Ho: By day it’s better...) ...I swear. By daytime, when you wake
up and come here, you can even clap [clapping] It's beautiful! I spend a lot of time here watching people walk, while I drink a little. Ce: Cool, hopefully I’ll wake up tomorrow to see it. Ho: What do you mean? Don’t worry, I’ll be here, don’t worry. (A: He’s a deep sleeper.) Ce: Sometimes I just sleep too much. Calango: Okay, I’ll go to my room. GM: OK. Your room is... on the second floor, right? Yeah. (Calango: You said It’s the one that is open.) Calango: I’ll go there then. L: Arthur, let’s go to your room. A:
Okay. Ho: It’s this one, isn’t it? GM: The Hotelier points. Ho: 204, this one. A: We’re here. Gabi: Wait, I’m thinking. I thought about something, but It went to shit! (GM: We're here!) Wait. L: Okay, Arthur. A: Huh? L: I’ll go to my room, but if something happens tonight, hit your wall four times Ho: What is… Don’t worry, I’m here. I know the rules might seem a little bit scary but if you follow them everything will be fine, you have no reason to be worried. I live here, I sleep here everyday, I know what I’m
talking about (Ho: Are you guys dating?) L: Sorry, Mr. Hotelier, it’s just cop’s paranoia L: No… A: No Ho: Oh Gabi: Liz bows her head, really embarrassed, and leaves. She bows her head and leaves Ho: Ok… A: Good night Ho: Good night, good night GM: He leaves, kinda confused… Damn dude I was going to sneeze but it didn’t come, what the fuck Guaxi: I thought it was the Hotelier Calango: The Hotelier was like this GM: The Hotelier passes by Cesar Ce: I got in the room GM: Ok, he passes by like, you left the door
ajar and he passes by and says: Ho: Oh, did you like your room? Ce: It’s good, Mr. Hotelier. If I get attacked during the night I can call you and you will come to save me Ho: Yeah, I’ll hear you, the Hotel’s walls are thin, look GM: He closes the door and you hear some steps, you hear a muffled sound of steps Ho: See? You can even talk to people through it, if you need to Ce: Nice, dude, it’s ok. Thanks Ho: If you need anything you can call me (Ce: Ok) A: Mr. Hotelier GM:
He… he starts to turn back A: Where’s the bathroom? Ho: Oh, the bathroom? Downstairs, in front of the Hotel there’s that bathroom outside A: But outside, are you crazy? Ho: Yeah Ho: Do you really need it? I can go with you if you do. (A: It’s okay) But it’s really close to the Hotel, the Night won’t get you if you go fast. A: Ok, let’s go Ho: Do you want me to go with you? Let’s go A: I do GM: So you go downstairs. He gets to the Hotel door and opens it a little Ho:
Can you see it? Even with the dense mist you can see it, it’s right there… 5 meters, you’ll run back A: Ok. Can I go? Ho: Yes, yes. Go, go, go, go Guaxi: Ok. Do I have to roll something, Master? GM: No, no. You run [footstep sound] and you get there, [POW] and close the door. It’s one of those bathrooms that only has a hole on the floor, it stinks and you see… Inside it there’s no mist Guaxi: Ok, I will just pee A: Damn GM: Ok. You do it A: I haven’t seen any of
my new friends pee yet, how weird (A: I think I’m wrong) Calango: You did see me, you did GM: You saw a lot, actually Guaxi: Ok, I finish and I go back GM: Ok. The Hotelier is waiting for you Ho: Come, come, come GM: And when you get in he [Pah] closes the door Ho: See? Everything is fine. The Night doesn’t even notice when you go out if you go fast, the bathroom is almost an extension of the Hotel A: Ok then, now I’m going to sleep (A: Good night) Ho: Good night, good night Ho:
I’ll be here downstairs and I will walk through the corridors sometimes, if you hear my footsteps you can call me A: Ok GM: He sits on the other side of the balcony Guaxi: Can I knock at Joui’s door? GM: Sure. Joui, you’re on your room and you hear [knocking] J: Hi? A: Hi, Joui, it’s me J: Arthur? Are you okay? What happened? A: Oh, good night J: Oh, ok, good night. Get some rest and don’t forget to do some stretching before you sleep, it’s good for- A: Ok, bye. Guaxi: Ok, I say good night to
all of them GM: When you go to Thiago’s room he’s only wearing a shirt, he’s almost ready to sleep and he T: ‘Sup, Artie? A: Good night Thiago T: Good night, good night. Anything happens, just scream (A: I don’t wanna scream) T: You look scared, are you okay? A: Yes… Good night (Guaxi: Then I leave) T: Everything’s fine, good night GM: He closes the door A: Liz (A: [Knocking] Liz!) Gabi: You just said it, you didn’t knock at the door Gabi: How many times have you knocked? Guaxi: 4 Gabi: I open the door a little
L: What? A: Good night L: Oh… good night Gabi: She closes the door, very embarrassed A: If I don’t wake up tomorrow- Gabi: She just closed it Calango: Talk through the wall A: Liz… ok, good night Guaxi: And I go away. Now I want to talk to Cesar A: Cesar Ce: What A: Good night dude Calango: I open the door Ce: Thanks, Arthur, good night. Anything happens, scream, we are on the same floor A: Stop! Why does everyone keep saying this? I don’t want to scream Guaxi: I just run away and enter my room GM:
So you turn your key... (A: Why don’t they just say “good night”?) GM: and you find this room with… it’s a little messy Calango: I want to search my room GM: Roll a finding test Calango: Good GM: You take a look, open the things and you see… you open the chest and there’s an old sock thrown in it, probably forgotten by someone. The rest is the same as the others, the cabinet has a mirror Calango: Ok Guaxi: I want to do it too GM: Roll a finding test please Guaxi: Damn, I’m sure I failed… wow,
I really failed. GM: You search but not so good. (Guaxi: I want to take a look because I’m scared) You’re really tired, you’re just kinda scared, but tired. You look and everything is empty and you don’t find anything special. You open the chest, look under the desk, under the bed, look at the pillow… but you don’t find anything A: I’m searching to put away the bad spirits GM: You say that to yourself? Guaxi: Yeah A: I’m going crazy already Calango: How heavy is this chest? GM: It’s very heavy Calango: Ok. I want to do a
finding test to see if there’s something like… That will make a loud noise if it falls down? GM: The only thing that can fall is the candlestick… that has the crystals, it’s made of metal Calango: Ok, can I do a wisdom test to see if I can do something to… that if someone opens the door the candlestick will fall and make a loud noise? GM: You don’t need to do a wisdom test, you can just… the door opens inside, you can just put the candlestick in front of the door Calango: Ah, I don’t know if
the sound of it falling like this will be enough GM: You don’t know but at least it’s something… You can try to put something of yours under the candlestick Calango: I take the candlestick, put it on the floor and I slap it to see how loud is the noise it makes to see if I would wake up hearing it GM: [bling bling bling] it does exactly the sound you expected it to, it’s not a deafening noise, but it’s loud Calango: Ok, so I’ll put that chest upright GM: Too heavy, you can’t drag it Calango: Son
of a bitch… What about this desk? GM: It’s lighter, I’ll let you do it if you got extreme success on a strength test Calango: Not even if I drag it? GM: You can drag it if you get regular success Calango: Okay, so I’ll try to drag it. Regular. GM: You did it. Let me just see if… Ok, you drag it [sound of the desk being dragged] it made a loud noise. You hear from downstairs: T: Lil’ C? Are you okay? Ce: I’m fine, just dragging the furniture T: Ok… Good night Ce: Good night, Big T
Calango: I put the desk near the door, not in front of it, but I put the candlestick near the edge, in a way that if someone opened the door it would fall GM: Ok. You did it Calango: So that’s what I did. Then I’ll get ready to sleep GM: Ok, so has everyone done what they needed to? Guaxi: I can lock the door right? (Gabi: I haven’t) Calango: I’ll look at some photos as usual… Guaxi: Can I lock the door, Master? GM: You can, of course, you have the key Guaxi: So I’ll lock it and
put my hammer like… In front of the door so it will fall if someone tries to open it. Then I lie in bed Luba: Joui… He sits on the floor first, he meditates and… he stays awake for a while, as long as he can because since he arrived- he feels like since he has arrived at Holy Cradle he felt weirdly welcome by the people. Even though they were all strangers, even though they were running an investigation, he felt really welcome by the people and it was really weird for him. He feels bad for what happened
to the Helper, which is like… it feels like it was our fault. He understands that it wasn’t any of the creatures but he still thinks we brought something bad again, so he’s thinking about it GM: Ok, perfect. Do a sanity test for me Luba: I have to get more or less ? GM: Less, to pass (GM: You don’t restore any sanity points) Luba: 12, I got less Luba: No, but I got less, is this right? GM: Yes, if you failed you would restore Luba: Oh, I needed to fail, I got it. When I need to
fail I don’t… GM: Yeah Luba: Always GM: Ok, so you start to meditate, until the time you start to get sleepy, like, you’re almost sleeping, then you decide to go to your bed and sleep. All of you roll a- Gabi: Wait GM: Oops Gabi: Liz gave Cesar the suggestion to do a barricade in front of the door so she starts to analyze her room GM: Ok Gabi: She takes the mat, she wraps it, she does like a roll with it and puts it in front of the door. She goes near the desk, takes a book
and puts on the top of the roll and upon the book she puts the candlelight Calango: Aw man she used my invention and upgraded it Gabi: She didn’t even hear your invention, she only heard something being dragged Gabi: Then she puts the candlelight and… I want to make clear that before it I tried to move the chest but I’m weak and I wasn’t able to do that so I used the mat and… is there a window in the room? GM: No, not in yours Gabi: Ok, so Liz just sits on the bed, opens her bag
and throws all the case files on the bed and organizes them while she thinks about everything because it kinda reminds her of home, and her former job at the police and organizing evidences, and it distracts her a little before she sleeps GM: The same thing that happened to Joui happens to you, you stay awake until you can’t stand it anymore because you’re very tired. At some point you just can’t stand it anymore and you feel like you need to rest. Then you lie and sleep. And who needs, roll a d3 to restore HP. Calango: And
my sanity because of the photo (GM: The beds are very comfortable…) Ce: I miss my dad… Calango: I looked at the photo, won’t I restore sanity? Luba: You’re full Calango: Oh yeah, I’m full, nevermind GM: I’ll let you roll a sanity test to restore 1d2 (Calango: 1d2? What’s a d2?) GM: because you looked at your Cris’ photo (Gabi: It’s a d4) GM: One d4 divided by 2. Calango: Ok GM: If you fail you restore Calango: Ok… So I have to do a sanity test (GM: Right) Calango: and if I fail I restore Luba: I got
4 on the die, ok? Calango: I failed, 37 Luba: My life is full GM: Ok Calango: 1 GM: You restore 1 sanity point because you looked at Cris’ photo Calango: Yay GM: Ok. Then you all sleep and rest (Calango: 1d3 for HP?) GM: And now we will use… GM: a system a little bit different than usual Calango: Wait, 1d3 for HP? GM: What? Sorry Gabi: 1d4 for HP GM: But you restore, you only need 1 point. We will now use a different system: From now on, I will mute you instead of asking you to mute.
I will do it manually, so you just have to pay attention to when you hear my voice, because you will need to act. So, everyone but Joui press “B”. (Guaxi: Aw man…) Calango: Ok, I’ll look for my die meanwhile. Anything happens I’ll be- Luba: I’m excited Guaxi: I’m going to pee, ok? GM: You can go, you can go Calango: I need to mute the mic? Sorry GM: No. Calango: If you said that before and I didn’t hear it, but i think it was a no. GM: Ok, I will… Joui Gabi: Damn, this will go so
wrong (GM: Wait, I’ll have to mute… ok.) Gabi: this will go so wrong... this will- GM:I have to mute Guaxi too, I didn’t know I muted both of them. Let’s go… Joui (Luba: Yes?) GM: During the night... GM: You’re sleeping and then suddenly you wake up, and the first thing you see when you look up is the Hotelier, holding a knife (Luba: What the fuck?) GM: With a red band over his eyes. GM: He’s holding the knife above you and he- [blade sound] attacks you with the knife. Do a dodge test Luba: Wtf, wtf, wtf-
I got extreme, dude GM: You got extreme? Luba: I got extreme GM: You dodge. You see him and- J: Wow GM: You scream and- Oh, do a sanity test to because of the scare Luba: I have to fail or pass this time? GM: Pass Luba: I have to get more or less? GM: You have to get… Luba: I got 25, which is more, I got more than I have GM: You got more than you have? So you’re… You lose 1 sanity point because of the scare. You get so scared, a man just tried to kill
you. You jump, you scream, you roll aside and you push him, and he [blade sound] stabs your bed. You see him with that knife and he just turns to you quickly and you jumped out of the bed Luba: Ok J: Hotelier? Mr. Hotelier? (GM: Ok, now…) Luba: I want to try to talk to him GM: Dude, no one came back, they shouldn’t have left, why did they leave? Luba: Cesar is back GM: Ok, now… wait, press B Luba: Ok GM: We have to wait for the players to come back now, they shouldn’t have left, I
have no choice. I didn’t think they would take so long to come back. Finally! Gabi Gabi: Hi GM: Wait, don’t press B yet Gabi: Ok GM: You wake up because of a scream coming from somewhere inside the Hotel. Press B Gabi: A loud scream: How strident? How? GM: It’s a scream, you hear “aaaaah” coming from somewhere inside the Hotel, you don’t know where Gabi: I go near the corridor’s wall and I hit it 4 times with my palm GM: When you get closer to the corridor you hear steps in front of your room’s door, and
you hear the door in front of yours opening Gabi: I hit the wall 4 times (GM: You don’t hear anything) Gabi: and wait L: Who’s there? GM: No answer Gabi: Hmm… There’s no window in the room, right? GM: No Gabi: Ok, I… I want to put my ear on the wall to see if I hear something GM: You hear… roll a listen test Gabi: Listen… I passed, regular GM: You hear some steps apparently coming from the room in front of yours. Gabi: Ok… I don’t want to take out the things I put in front of
the door, I will… I will get my two sickles, which I left on the desk GM: Ok Gabi: I’ll get the sickles, I’ll hold one in each hand and sit on my bed GM: You’ll stay in your room? Gabi: I’ll remain sitting down with one sickle in each hand looking at the door GM: Ok, so you’ll stay still, doing nothing? Gabi: Yes GM: Ok. Let me mute you. Cesar Calango: Hi GM: Wait, wait, wait… Gabi, press B GM: You can see again, you can press B (Calango: I lost my die, dude) GM: you can press
B Calango: Ok GM: you can press B Calango: Ok GM: You wake up with a scream coming from somewhere inside the Hotel Calango: Do I recognize the scream? GM: No. You know it came from somewhere in the Hotel, you just wake up because of this loud scream Calango: Damn dude, don’t I know more or less… Ah, it doesn’t matter actually… I will wake up and wait, awake GM: You… ok, wait, you woke up and heard the scream, then you don’t hear anything else. You hear some footsteps in front of your room, and some door opens
ahead… Let me just… (GM: Arthur) Calango: I’ll stay alert dude, I won’t leave my room Guaxi: Hi GM: You wake up with a scream, you can take the B off- you wake up with a scream, somewhere in the hotel. Calango: Should I mute? GM: No. Guaxi: Okay, I'm stay here, on the bed. GM: You heard a scream in the hotel and you are staying? You listen, in front of your room, footsteps. And a door opening. [door creaking and closing] It closes. A: Hello? GM: Cesar, you hear Arthur screaming. (A: Hello!) Ce: Arthur?! A: What, what
was that noise? Was that you? Ce: I don't know! No! A: Wait, are you still in your room? Ce: Yes. A: So am I! Ce: Okay. A: What the- Are you not listening to this? Ce: Yes, I heard! But it's also listening, we are screaming, right. A: Uh… Shh! Uh, are the others okay? Ce: I don't know, let's go back to sleep. A: I'll try, right? GM: Arthur, roll Listen test. [dice rolling] Guaxi: Mmm... I got regular. GM: You hear two people talking in the room in front of yours. It's very muffled, but you hear
two voices. Kind of deep voices. Guaxi: Okay, I'm not going to do anything, I'm just going to be fine in bed. GM: Are you going to stay in your room? Guaxi: Yes. GM: Okay. Cesar? Calango: I will stay in my room as well. GM: Fine. Liz. Gabi: Yes? GM: You hear footsteps running from upstairs. You hear Cesar and Arthur saying something while you wait. You don't know what they are saying, it's very muffled. And you hear some pounding coming from the room in front of yours. Gabi: But do I...? GM: It seems there's a fight
in the room in front of yours. Gabi: I listen to Cesar and Arthur and it's clear it's their voices? GM: Yes, you hear their voices. Gabi: Okay, can I press B? GM: Uh, wait, wait. I need them to press B. Guaxi, press B. GM: Hi. GM: Calango, press B. Done. Gabi: Okay. Uh, I'll remove the carpet quickly when I open the book. Now that I heard their voices, I'm sure they're talking. And I know something has happened. I unblock the door and open it a bit to see the hall. GM: When you look through the
crack, the door in front of you is ajar, but you know it wasn't. You can see some light and hear a fight coming from there. Gabi: I have my two sickles in hand. GM: Okay. Gabi: I push the door a little. (GM: You left the room?) Gabi: I'll open it slowly, because I want to be silent. GM: You open it, and the hall seems to be empty. The only one that's kinda open is the one in front of you. Gabi: I'll walk to it and follow the wall. Do I hear it better? GM: You can
only hear banging. You don't know what's happening. Gabi: Can't I see inside? (GM: It's on the other side.) You can't see anything. Gabi: Okay. I'm going to kick the door and get inside. GM: When you get in front of this door, you get ready to kick, and somehow, you know that the crack was open inward, the door is kicked in from the inside out on your face. [door banging] You are thrown back, hitting your also closed door. When you look up, you see... on the bedroom door, in front of you, you see a familiar face.
You see a yellow sweatshirt, black pants and a tall black guy wearing glasses. He is looking angry at you. [suspenseful song playing] Alex: Hi, Liz. GM: Liz is muted, and we're going to take a break now. (Gabi: No!) Gabi: No! GM: And we'll be back as soon as the break is over. It's a 5 minutes break. (Gabi: No!) We will be back in a few minutes. Let me unmute the guys. Hi, we are going to have a break for 5 minutes. Don't remove B yet. Guaxi: Dude, what's Luis doing here?! Calango: What is Luis doing
here, bro? Gabi: Shh! No, no, no, no. (GM: Exactly.) GM: We'll be back in 5 minutes. (Calango: You piece of shit.) GM: We'll be back soon. (Calango: My father!) Luis: I'm back, bitches! [Guaxi laughs and break song starts] GM: And that's it. We're back. Thanks to everyone who is following. Thanks to everyone who’s a part of these amazing RPG streams. And, without further ado... Hello, we're back. (Gabi: Imagine if he comes back right now.) GM: Hi, I actually did come back now. [Gabi laughing] I don't know what you're talking about, but please stop! I'll ask
to everyone that's not seeing to press B. Oh, okay. Guaxi: Done. GM: If you haven't done that already, close my stream. You, who are obviously playing. Don't read the chat, because you might get some spoilers. GM: Okay, coming back then. I'm going to mute everyone who isn't Liz, hold on. Luba: See ya, Liz. (GM: No, actually no.) I'm going to mute everyone. You and you. Calango: I'm listening, hello? GM: Yes, you, you will stay. You leave. And you, Luis, too. I can let Luis listen. Guaxi: Woohoo! Hi, Luis. GM: So, you hear these noises. Hold
on. Calango: Can I press B? GM: You then start to hear more noi- You can press B. You start to hear more noises coming from downstairs. You hear a loud banging from downstairs while you still hear something going on in the room in front of Arthur’s. Calango: Okay, now we hear it from downstairs and in front of Arthur's? GM: Exactly. Calango: Uh… Dude, it's very complicated, bro. What are the noises? Has anything changed in the noises? (A: Cesar?) GM: From downstairs, you hear a muffled talk and definitely Liz's voice. And a loud banging from downstairs
as well. You can't hear from the front. Calango: Okay. Ce: Arthur, stay in the room! (A: Ce-) A: I wasn't thinking about leaving. Ce: Don't come out! Calango: I'm going out. GM: You leave. When you go to the hall... Calango: Slowly! GM: Yeah. You open it slowly. The door at the end of the hall is cracked. There's some light coming from inside. Calango: This one? Wait. GM: The one in front of Arthur's room, yeah. Calango: I leave and look around. Can I hear something from this room? GM: Roll a Listen test. Calango: I lost one
of my die, so I'll roll one twice. Uh... [die rolling]. Oh! I got regular- Good, actually. GM: You focus to listen and then realize they're not coming from this room The talking is coming from the next room. The opened one. Calango: Uh... I try to open this room here. GM: Locked . Calango: I want to come over here and put my ear against the wall to hear them. GM: Uh, you can't understand. Calango: Is it in another language? GM: No, you just hear [muffled voices]. GM: You hear banging coming from inside that room too. Calango:
Like punching? GM: You hear, like, [TUM]. Calango: I'm gonna take a look out of the corner of my eye. GM: You look through the crack, and I'm going to ask you to roll a sanity test. You look inside the room and you see two people, facing each other, arm wrestling. Calango: Oh, bro... Ooh! 20 and… GM: You instantly recognize them. (Calango: I fa- I passed, I think.) It's Cristopher and Brúlio laughing. Br: [laughing] You lose even dead! Cr: You're too good! You got better! Br: Ah! No way. When you died, I said I let you
win, but you can't even dead! Cr: Man, you, ah...! [chuckles] Br: Hey, look over there at the door! C: Boy! (Ce: What's going on here?) Ce: What's going on? GM: When you open- Did you open the door? Calango: No, it's still half open and I'm looking. I'm outside looking. GM: Okay, Arthur, you hear your father's voice. It's coming from the room. Now I'll mute you both. Luis: They still need to press B. GM: Ah... Bro, they have to press it, hold on... Press B, press B, press B, press B, press B, press B... Luba: Me?
GM: Calango and Guaxi, press B. Calango: Done. Luba: I'm listening, master. GM: Yeah, yeah. You are- just a second... You will see it now. (Luba: Joui.) Luba: May I press B? GM: Ah, just a second. Where are you? Right here. You can, you can press B. You dodge the attack the Gatekeeper just dealt. You see that he stuck the knife in the bed. But, instantly, you see something weird. There's something where you were laying. There's a weird black silhouette. Luba: Inside the bed? GM: Under where you were. And it starts to languish, like [plrrgh]. It
goes inside the bed, and the Gatekeeper stabbed that. He turns to you. Gk: Are you okay? GM: But he has the blindfold on. J: Mr. Hotelier, what's going on? Luba: I want to get my sword, that was next to the… GM: Okay. Do you want to reach for your sword? (Luba: Yeah.) GM: He turns to you. Ho: Sorry for scaring you! [panting] You shouldn't have screamed, everything will go wrong! We have a very big problem on our hands! J: What- What happened? Ho: I don't know what you did, but the Holy Cradle isn't happy. It's
never been this aggressive before. GM: He jumps under the bed. He has the blindfold on and lowers the it. Ho: This one, I had never met one of these. I just heard stories from my father. I This is a dream parasite. It's the first time I have to deal with one of these. And it’s not just on you. I was able to get rid of yours. But probably all of your friends have one too. Actually, it's the same for everyone. J: [stammers] We need to help them, and why, why - Ho: Wait, wait! GM: He
gets his book and... Ho: We have to follow lots of rules. It isn't easy to deal with those, they're very powerful. The thing is, this creature, it feeds on. It feeds on the guilt of people inside their dreams. Someone can go completely crazy if we don't stop it. J: What should we do? What are the rules? (Ho: Exactly what I did to you.) We have to get to your friends without waking them up, and kill this creature while they are asleep. Because if they wake up... With this creature, we'll have a big problem. J: But
then we have a problem, because you almost killed me! Ho: No! I wasn't going to hit you! [stammering] J: You were blindfolded! (Ho: You weren't supposed to scream!) J: I don't- I was definitely going to scream! You were on top of me with a knife! And blindfolded, how come you were aiming? Ho: Here's the thing ... Oh, my God… I'm sorry! I wasn't… I wasn't prepared for this today. I didn't even know you were coming! Here's the thing, if they don't realize they're dreaming, they aren't in danger. Everything will be happening inside their heads, that's
why I'm blindfolded. We will not be able to see what they are seeing. They will be talking with some representation of their guilt. Maybe some puppy that they left to die, maybe a person that they did something terrible to. J: But will this materialize physically? (Ho: That's our problem!) They can't realize it. If they think they aren't dreaming or it's just something from Holy Cradle... They need to believe it's true. We can't let them know that it's a hallucination, that it doesn't really exist. Because if they notice, that's when the problem gets bigger. The parasite
feeds on guilt, but the source of it, according to my father... it's from dreams. It’s like when you’re dreaming and you realize that you’re dreaming. You get superpowers. That's the feeling. If its host realizes that they’re dreaming, it's able to materialize in reality like what was being projected. And then, we will have to deal with the real projections. J: Okay, understood. Let's go. (Ho: Take this!) GM: And he gives you a blindfold. Ho: We won't see what they're seeing, we need an excuse. We need to not know where things are. Can you think of any
lie they would believe of why we are blindfolded? J: I don't understand, why not just tell them the truth? Ho: They'll know they're dreaming it'll all be true! J: [sigh] Ho: If they don't think they're dreaming... It'll all be in their head, so it won't be true. J: Our goal is to make them believe they're dreaming, right? Ho: Yes. That's only way we'll defeat them, they're are very strong. The only way to deal with them is if they somehow... Make peace with themselves. Because this will terminate the source of the guilt. It will no longer
have the strength, the guilt energy. And then it'll get extremely weak. Until then it will be extremely strong. (J: But, sir!) Ho: We need to deceive them and make them believe we are fighting these creatures too. J: I'm not very good with these things, but what if we pretend we're part of their dream? Ho: They can't know they are dreaming! J: But... Ho: They need to believe it's all true! J: Okay, so we pretend it's true. Ho: That's exactly what we are going to do! J: OK! Let's go, then. We’ll find out there. Let's just
go, my friends are in danger. Ho: Yes. Okay. Take this blindfold. GM: He gives you the blindfold. Do you put the red blindfold on? Luba: I do, but ... GM: Okay, uh... GM: Let me get it. OK. So you put the red blindfold on. Uh... From now on, uh... You'll have to act like you don't know where things are on the map, Luba. You'll have to... You won't be able to go straight to something they're seeing. Luba: Okay, can I just press B then, for the roleplay? (GM: Got it?) GM: But you have to- Fine,
you can. I'd to move you miniature. Luba: Okay, okay, okay. GM: He says: Ho: Get ready. If everything goes according to the plan, they won't even know they were dreaming. And then they'll wake up and everything will be fine. J: Okay. Ho: But we need to let them deal with it, we can't say that they are dreaming. If we do, it'll be so much worse. J: OK. GM: Okay, let me go back. Then, you start to leave the room. Uh... I'll let you unmute. You'll listen because you left the room. Uh... Just to make it
clear. When you get close and listen to two people talking, these two people are... If Liz is with someone, it's Liz making two voices, but it's still her. So, if there are two people talking, Liz will be Liz [raspily speaking] and I'll be the other voice Liz's making. She'll be talking to herself. It's only her speaking. Luba: Got it. They're dreaming but they can't know they are? GM: Yes. J: OK. GM: Liz. Gabi: Hi. GM: Press B. Gabi: Wait, I was on another tab... Just a second... There we go. GM: Okay, continuing where we left
off, then. The door opens, kicked from the inside. [banging the wall] You fall and take... Let me see. 1 damage. When you are kicked away by the door. And Alex is in front of you. Gabi: So I'm sitting in the floor? GM: Yeah, you are leaning on the wall with your sickles in hand. He is looking contemptuously at you. L: Alex? Gabi: While I say this, I try to reach my doorknob. GM: Okay, uh... L: Alex? GM: You reach it and try opening. You room is locked. Gabi: I slowly lower my hand. L: Alex? Alex:
Hi, Liz. L: Hi. Alex: How are you? (L: How are you here?) L: How did you end up here? Why do hear Power Rangers if there's no TV? (Alex: Answer me.) Answer me. [firmly] How are you? L: Not good. As always. Gabi: And I crawl to the side, trying to stand up. L: Alex... Alex: Pathetic. You're ridiculous. GM: Your audio is cutting bit, Luis. Check your mic or the echo cancellation. Luis: Just a second, sorry. Luba: It might be the condenser, I think. Luis: Done. Is it better now? GM: Much better. Alex: You are pathetic,
Liz. Gabi: I'm getting up in the meantime. I stand up. Alex: Why did you do this to me? L: I didn't do anything to you. Alex: Why did you do all of that to me? (GM: You see blood coming down...) ...the back of his neck. You notice a bullet hole and a little bit of blood drips and he steps forward. Alex: Why did you do this to me, Liz?! Answer me! (L: It's not real. It is not real...) ...It is not real. Gabi: I close my eyes. (L: It's not real...) ...It is not real, it
is not real. It's not real. It is not real. (GM: You say that...) ...OK. Uh, you see... You hear, coming around the corner, Joui and The Gatekeeper, not The Gatekeeper, sorry, The Hotelier. They come running [tututu] and for some reason they both have red blindfolds on, you don't know exactly why. Gabi: I don't know if I saw this, because I had my eyes closed saying: "It is not real, it is not real..." GM: No, you just heard those... ...steps coming around the corner and running towards you (Gabi: Okay, alright.) Luba: Did I hear her say,
"it's not real"? GM: Not yet, not yet. Gabi: I... Alex: How come I am not real?! (Luis: I want to grab her shoulders and...) ...Push her, against the door. Hit her head. (GM: Okay. Do you want to attack?) Luis: I want to. Do I roll… Fight? (GM: Yes...) ...Do you want to dodge or fight back, Liz, or nothing? Gabi: Yeah... I have my eyes closed, so I'm not going to do anything. Luis: Master, I'm sorry , but on Alex's sheet… There is no Fight here. (GM: Don't you? Uh… Your Fight is…) ...There is, I put
Fight there, didn't I? Down there. (Luis: No, no...) ...It's zero here. (GM: See Punch.) Luis: Oh, there’s Punch! (GM: That's it.) Luis: Oh, so I got extreme. GM: Did you get an extreme? Luis: I got extreme, I rolled a 6. (GM: Alex...) ...He goes towards Liz. What did you say? Luis: I want to grab her shoulders and hit her. against the door. (GM: But do you want to deal those 7 damage?) Luis: What? (GM: Do you want to deal those 7 damage now?) Luis: I just want to... Actually, I just wanted to wake her up.
GM: Okay, so it's not an attack, you just pushed her? Luis: Yeah, basically that. (GM: Okay, so you didn't attack, okay...) ...This extreme was not an attack, it was like a [POW] on the wall. Liz, you lost 1 HP, you hit and you feel like he pushed you to the wall with all his strength. Alex: How come I'm not real, Liz? Open your eyes and look at me. Look what you did to me. (Gabi: I had the sickles, because I left with the sickles...) ...I’m holding the two sickles, I raise my hand, so with the
two sickles... Their tip is turned upwards and I want to push forward to stick the sickle into him. (GM: This is Initiative, this is Initiative.) Gabi: Okay. (GM: See if you can do this.) GM: Alex, can you roll your initiative, which is a test of Dexterity. Luba: Am I not seeing anything? Oh, I don’t see it, obviously. (GM: No, you can't see...) GM: You're running up and you hear something hitting the door. (Luis: I got…) Luis: I got good. (Gabi: Do I have to roll a Dexterity test too?) GM: Yes, Initiative. Gabi: Uh… I got
good too. GM: Who’s got more points? (Luis: I have 75.) Gabi: I have 75 too! (GM: Roll one more.) Luba: Can I not intervene, master? (GM: Uh, no, because...) ...An action has just started. (Gabi: I got 0 0 5! I got extreme!) Luis: Nice. I got regular. (GM: Okay, uh...) Starting this battle then, I'm going to mute Gabi and unmute… Gabi, press B. (Gabi: Uh-huh, done.) GM: Okay. Going back, Calango and Guaxi. Guaxi: Hi. (GM: You then see...) ...Cristopher and Brúlio. And they were arm wrestling (Calango: Sup, is it already us?) and the two get
up. Br: Look who's here, gringo. Cr: It's my son! (A: Dad?!) Ce: Dude, what's going on, bro? Cr: Apparently your boy is also here. Br: Is it? Ugh, it's normal for him to disappear, he always runs away. (A: Hello?) Ce: Arthur... Don't leave the room, don't leave the room. (A: Cesar!...) ...Did you leave the room?! (Ce: I left, but don't leave!) ...You're listening to Brúlio's voice, aren't you? (A: I am.) Ce: It's not him, do not come out! (Br: Are you hiding again, son?!...) ...Just like you’ve always done. Calango: I close the door. GM: You
try to close the door and it is much heavier than normal, and you see Brúlio walking and [pow] he holds the door and [pow] pulls it back. Calango: I run bro, I run back to my room. (Br: What did you say?) Calango: I'm going to run away. (GM: You run out and you see that...) ...The door to your room, which was open, is now closed. Calango: Okay, I'll run over there and try to open. Br: [laughs] It looks like your son is a coward just like mine! (Guaxi: I want to come to the corridor.) Cr:
[laughter] Boy! Ce: What's going on, dude? What is going on? Cr: Are you leaving? Aren't you going to talk to your dad again? (Calango: Can I open the door?) GM: You arrive at the door, you turn the handle [tudutudu] It's locked, you can't get in and the key is inside. Calango: I'm going to run downstairs, then. GM: Okay, you start to run. Arthur, you hear Brúlio... you hear someone turning the handle. [tchtudutudu]. A: Cesar?! Ce: Arthur, don't leave the room!! (Br: Arthur.) Ce: Don't leave the room! It's not Brúlio! (Br: So...) ...Are you going to
run away like you did when Amanda died? When Henrique died? Will you abandon me again? That's all you do, isn't it? Just abandoning me, Arthur. Guaxi: I turn around and stay away from the door, looking at it. GM: The door [POW] opens wide and roll a Sanity test. You see your father with black eyes and a bullet hole, dripping blood, where he had shot. (Luis: Master, sorry, I forgot to say it, but...) ...Cris goes after Cesar. (GM: Okay.) Guaxi: I failed the test. (Calango: Wait, was... Sorry, was Joui supposed to hear us?...) ...Just to... (GM:
You lose…) Calango: It was? Okay. (GM: 1 Sanity point...) ...You see your father alive, in front of you. Calango: Me? (GM: Both...) ...Whoever failed loses 1 Sanity point. (Calango: Ah, I didn't even roll...) ...Oh no, I had rolled before, when I saw them... (GM: You passed, right?) Calango: Yes. (GM: Ah, so you don't lose any, only Arthur.) Calango: OK. GM: He starts to move towards you. (A: What is this?!) Guaxi: Okay, I want to hold the hammer. GM: Okay, you hold the hammer. Uh... Let me unmute Gabi now. Okay, you may take the B off,
Gabi. Gabi: Uh-huh. (GM: You hear...) ...People running above you [tututu] footsteps passing by. And Joui and The Hotelier come running and you can also hear, inside Thiago's room, fighting noises. [Muffled] [pow] “Uh! Stop” Gabi: Okay, I have both sickles in my hands and that part without a blade, that curved part, I lean them against Alex, who is in front of me and I start trying to push him back using the blades. GM: Okay, is it an attack or do you just want to push, do a maneuver? Gabi: No, I'm pushing him. (GM: So it's Strength,
do a Strength test against him.) Calango: I want to keep running when it’s my turn, okay? GM: Yes, it's your turn, you're going to go downstairs. Gabi: I failed. Luis: I failed too. (GM: Uh, you’re unable to push...) ...You're shivering, you just put the sickles against him, but he's on top of you, holding your shoulders, so you can’t really use your strength to push him. Uh, let's roll some Initiatives for everyone now, to define the order. Okay, let's go. First it was, currently, Liz rolled good, right? GM: Then it's Alex, The Hotelier is after you.
Gabi: No, I got extreme that time against Alex. (GM: OK.) GM: So Liz first, did someone get extreme? Luba: I got extreme too, now. (GM: Uh, you have more points than Liz, right, Joui?) Luba: I have... Dexterity 59, I have less. (GM: No, you have less...) Gabi: I’ve got 75. (GM: Okay, so you're after Liz...) ...And Alex. Joui, Hotelier and... Cesar and Arthur? Calango: I rolled good. (Guaxi: I failed.) GM: Okay, so it's Cesar and then Arthur. I'll make them all play together, so I don't get confused. Guaxi: Okay. (GM: OK...) ...Uh, now then, being
Liz's turn, it's Alex. Luis: I want to try to take the sickles out of her hands. Grab her hand and take them. (GM: Do a Strength test.) Luis: I… failed. GM: You hold her hands that have the sickles, but you can't pull them out, she's holding them really tightly. Gabi: Can I fight back, like, try to free his hand from mine? (GM: No, it's a maneuver.) GM: Maneuver has no fight back. Uh… Joui, it's your turn. J: Liz?! (GM: Joui.) GM: It’s your turn, go. J: Liz...? Liz-senpai? (Alex: Am I seeing him?) Gabi: I’ll not
respond. (GM:Yes.) Gabi: …I don’t think any of this is real. (J: Liz…) GM: Oh, wait, I will… Mute everyone now, quickly. Gabi: Okay. GM: Except Luba… Okay. Luba, you’re hearing a different voice, not Liz’s, as The Hotelier said you would. GM: Then the Hotelier says… (Luba: OK.) Ho: I can't believe this! J: Mr. Hotelier, whose voice is this? I don’t recognize it. Ho: It’s no use… GM: He takes off his blindfold. Ho: You can take it off. Luba: I take mine off too. (Ho: Your friends are too smart!) J: How? (GM: You see this man
wearing a yellow hoodie...) ...A tall man, black, thin, and he has a a bullet hole on his forehead. And he wears tiny glasses. J: Mr. Hotelier, is this man alive?! Ho: I told you… They realizad that they were dreaming, now it’s too late! (Alex: I am alive!) J: Is he a physical manifestation? Ho: They transformed, she noticed. J: So.. what we do? Do we fight with him? Ho: We will… We’ll do what I told you. (Alex: Will you abandon him just like you abandoned me, Liz?) Gabi: I’m standing still holding my sickles, taking deep breaths.
J: Liz… Luba: Oh, wait… GM: Now you hear Cesar coming from upstairs, running. (J: Mr. Hotelier, I’m a little…) [Footsteps sound] Calango: Can I… Go down? GM: You can. Luis: Master, sorry, where's Cris' and Brulio's turn? (GM: Oh, yes, yes...) ...You can talk as Cris. (Gabi: What?) Luis: Don’t we need to roll the Initiative? GM: Oh. Cris and Alex play in the same round, I’ll let you… Okay, so you can play as Cris. Luis: Can I go now as Cris? (GM: Yes, yes.) Luis: I’ll just follow Cesar. Mestre: OK, so you follow him. Cesar goes
downstairs and you start to chase him. Calango: Can I go downstairs now? GM: Yup. Calango: Okay, I go downstairs. When I arrive… Do I see them? GM: You see a man you don’t know… In front of Liz, holding her, and you see The Hotelier and Joui taking off blindfolds for some reason you don't know. Calango: OK. I’m crying a little. I turn to them quickly… Ce: Guys, what is happening here?! Calango: And I keep running. (Alex: You’ll abandon him too, Liz?) Ce: Liz! Liz! (J: Liz…) J: Liz. (Calango: I stop running...) ...I look back to
see if I can still see Cristopher. J: Liz, It’s real. (GM: You see Cris chasing you.) Gabi: Liz is hearing a lot of voices, she has her eyes closed holding her sickles and she thinks she’s going crazy! J: Liz… Liz-senpai, it’s me, it’s Joui. Trust me. It wasn’t real, but it is now. We need to take care of him. Ce: Wait, guys, what is happening? Who… what’s happening? Why is my dad here?! J: Your dad is here!? (GM: Now it’s…) GM: Now it’s Brulio’s turn... Upstairs. Brulio starts to walk towards Arthur [footsteps sound] Guaxi: I’ll
just step back… (Br: What’s up, Arthur?...) ...Won’t you hug your big ol' dad? Arthur: How…? What... Br: Let me do the honors. (GM: And he punches you...) ...Do you want to dodge or fight back? Guaxi: I want to dodge. (GM: OK.) Guaxi: Regular. GM: He hits you. Guaxi: Oh, man… (Br: Let me do the honors.) [POW] GM: He hits you and… Guaxinim: Oh, 8HP. GM: You lose 3HP. Guaxi: Oh, man… That was half my HP. GM: He hits you… [POW] GM: You feel like you almost broke your chin and you fall back. Your father still
has those black eyes. Calango: Oh, their eyes are black? GM: No, just Brulio’s. Calango: Okay. Guaxi: Okay, I want to run. GM: It’s your turn… Ok, you can try. You can… Actually, you can just run. You don’t need to… Roll anything, you can just run and you get here. When you pass by Brulio… Br: Argh…You’d always run, coward! GM: And he turns to you and starts walking… [footstep sound] Towards you. Now it’s… Liz Gabi: Ok, I’ll... I'll raise my head, open my eyes, I look at Alex still holding my sickles... (GM: Did you do a
Sanity test when you saw him?) Gabi: No. (GM: Do it now.) Luis: I think she did, Master, when she opened the door. (GM: No, no...) ...That one was because of the scare. (Gabi: No, no… I didn’t...) ...And… I got less than my current sanity. GM: So you passed. You lose... 1 Sanity point for seeing Alex, who’s dead. Gabi: I open my eyes and look at him. L: The Alex I knew would never say that to me, he was kind. He would never blame me for what happened, even though I do. Alex: The Alex you knew
is dead. The Alex you knew, you treated him like trash. You trapped the Alex you knew in a cage, like a fucking dog! L: If you’re not the Alex I knew then which Alex are you? (Alex: That’s it.) Gabi: And I want to push him, with the sickles. GM: Strength test against Alex’s. You both roll. Gabi: I got good. Luis: I got… I didn’t… I failed. (Gabi: I got good.) GM: Okay, you push him, he falls back and hits the door. Alex: You’re doing this to me again, right, Liz? You want to hurt me again…
You destroyed a life, Liz. You ruined my life. (L: You’re not the Alex I knew, you...) ...You’re not! The Alex I knew was kind, and he would never ever say that to me. Gabi: And I want... (Alex: I told you...) Gabi: I want to… Can I still walk in this round? (GM: Wait, he’s awnsering.) Gabi: And I want... (Alex: I told you...) Gabi: I want to… Can I still walk in this round? (GM: Wait, he’s awnsering.) Gabi: Oh,sorry. (Alex: I told you, the Alex you knew...) ...Is dead, because of you! He never even existed, he
always acted like that because he was scared, he was afraid of you people, he was afraid of you. Gabi: Can I walk? GM: Uh… No because you used your… You were crouching and you got up, that was your move. Gabi: No, I was already standing. GM: No, you were down, he hit you, you were sit. You pushed him with the sickles and now you can get up, getting up is a move action Gabi: Oh, okay, it’s okay, so… I get up and that’s it. GM: OK. Now it’s Alex. Alex: But now, Liz... I’m not afraid
of you anymore… I’m just angry. Luis: And I want to punch her in the face. GM: You can roll the die. Dodge or fight back, Liz? Gabi: Dodge. GM: Okay. Gabi: Hm… (Luis: Seven. Extreme.) Gabi: I got regular. GM: Liz, checkmark “major wound”. Alex, while you’re getting up, he closes his hand with all his strength and… [POW] He breaks your nose. You lose 7HP. J: Liz! GM: Your nose is now broken, do a Constitution test to see if you don’t collapse because of the punch. Gabi: I failed. (GM: You [puff] you faint and fall down...)
...Because of the punch. Now it’s Joui. Luba: I’m holding my sword and I want to try to cut off his head. (GM: You can attack...) ...Against Alex’s dodge. (Luba: It’s 40, right, Master?...) ...The points you gave to the sword. Taken out of the fighting skills (GM: It’s 40, yes.) Luis: I’ll dodge. GM: Okay… If he gets an extreme he can dodge Luis: I… I failed. GM: Okay, you… Oh, ok. When he punches Liz, you attack him with full force… [cutting sound] GM: And you cut off… The arm he used to punch her. He loses an
arm, and he… [screams] GM: You cut it, you cut off his arm but… He didn’t die. You just hurt him really bad. Alex: Another friend of Liz trying to hurt me? That’s all you do, isn’t it? GM: Besides being unconscious... (J: I’m her friend…) GM: You’re conscious for some reason. Gabi: I’m hearing it? (GM: You’re hearing it, yes...) You’re like… You didn't black out, you’re still. Like when you get punched, you black out but you come back, you know? It’s like this. You fell but came back, you're hearing it. (Gabi: Do I check “unconscious” in
the sheet?) GM: No. You just blacked out and lost your round. Alex: You all just hurt people… Alex: That's all… (GM: You got extreme success, right?) Luba: I did. (GM: Okay, your sword’s damage is 1d8 + 1.) …Sorry, just 1d8. So you took 8HP from him. (Luba: D8?) Luba: Oh, okay. Luba: I point my sword... (GM: Now it’s The Hotelier.) Luba: I just point my sword at him and say that he couldn’t have done this to Liz. GM: Oh… since you’re in front of Alex… (Luba: And that now he made me very angry.) the Hotelier
can’t reach can't attack him, because you are in the only two places he could attack. So he just… So he just… he turns to you… Ho: I told you, we can’t do much, but we have to defeat this J: Ok, my friend back in this room... (GM: And he gets...) GM: And he gets a little crossbow, he has a little crossbow. It looks like a little pistol but it’s a crossbow that throws darts. Now it’s Cesar Calango: Ok Ce: Hotelier, what the fuck is happening, dude?! Hotelier!? GM: Oh- Sorry, I didn’t realize you were talking
to me Ho: You… you’re hosting a parasite, I can’t say too much, you have to deal with your own problems. You have to defeat him Ce: How?? What?! J: Cesar, these things come from our guilt. You have to deal with him anyway Cr: Boy, always wanting an explanation, always wanting everything on the easy way (GM: It’s you, Cristopher) J: That’s not your father… it’s not your father, that’s not Mr. Cristopher Cr: How am I not Cristopher, Joui? J: Trust me, Cesar-kun, he’s not real, it’s not your dad. I know you want to believe... (GM: The
Hotelier puts his hand on your shoulder…) Ho: We’ll not defeat them like this. J: What do we do then? Ho: We have to wait! J: Ok… Calango: Do I hear all this? GM: A little, yes… Yes, you do Calango: Ok, I… Cr: Cesar, son… Calango: I turn to my dad Cr: You know… all this is your fault, right? Ce: Why? Cr: If you had heard me boy, we wouldn’t be here. But no… I asked you, “don’t come”, you came. Calango: I… I look down and wait GM: It’s Cris’ turn (Cr: It’s your fault, boy.) Calango:
Ok Cr: It’s your fault! You’re to blame for everything! All this... you’re to blame… for this thing in my face! You’re to blame for your mother… Everything that happened in our life is your fault. And you know that. I tried… I tried so many times… I got hurt for you. I did everything for you, boy. And what do you do? This? You never liked me, never loved me the way I loved you… It always hurt so bad, it always hurt so bad, boy… Luis: I want to bow my head and cry GM: Brulio starts to
chase Arthur. Arthur, it’s your turn GM: He’s running too. Guaxi: Yeah, I'm also running (Guaxi: I’ll keep running. ) GM: You get here and Brulio is running after you Brulio: You’ll run forever? Your whole life running away, Arthur, you could never face your problems… Guaxi: Ok, I want to… I want to turn to him and… prepare to hit him with the hammer GM: Ok. You stop? On your turn? GM: He’s still after you. (Guaxi: Yes, I turn-) Ok, you turn to him, you want to attack or wait? Guaxi: I want… I want to hit him
with the hammer GM: Ok Guaxi: In any… on his knee, I don’t know GM: He comes running to attack you Guaxi: Ok… thirty… It’s 40, right? That I have for the hammer? GM: Yep Guaxi: Ok. So I rolled regular Oh no. Oh no. GM: Uh… I got 1. He has 1d4 + 1d6. You lose 10HP. He… he comes running towards you… you prepare to hit him, he holds your head just like he held the Ghoul’s and he starts to punch you [Punch sounds] Brulio: Always. Running. Away. Always. Leaving. Me. Behind. [Punch sounds] GM: Your eye
falls down, your skull starts to break, your jaw opens… Brulio: Always. Alone. Always… alone. GM: He releases you… You fall down, completely still on the ground. Dead. It’s… Liz’s turn. Gabi: Uh… Damn, wait, uh... I’m on the ground with my nose broken and the blood in my face… amid the blood there are tears running through my face, and when I look up, besides all the tears falling, my expression is angry, very angry. I lean in the sickles and I start to get up… GM: You were already up. Gabi: I was? Oh, Ok. so I lean
on the wall, I fix my posture, I get both sickles and I stick them into Alex’s chest Gabi: I want to stick them and pull them sidewards GM: Attack. Alex, you want to… (Luis: Master...) GM: dodge or fight back? Luis: Can I throw myself in this attack? Luis: …With Cris? (GM: Yes, you have to fight back) GM: Oh, with Cris? Not in this round, because he’s far away Luis: Ok Gabi: Ok Luis: I’ll just dodge Gabi: Wait… it’s fighting, right? GM: Yes Gabi: Fighting… I got 11. I got extreme GM: How many fighting points do
you have? (Luis: I got regular) Gabi: What? GM: How many points do you have? Gabi: I have 65 GM: Ok. Oh, you got regular? Luis: Yep GM: Ah… the sickles damage is 1d8. You stick them into Alex’s chest and rip it. You rip his hoodie, you see his open chest, very skinny, like when he took off his clothes the last time you saw him. Before he killed himself in that bunker. And the blood started to flow down. And he looks at you with an angry look in his eyes, crying Alex: That’s your apology, Liz? Alex:
That’s your apology? Killing me again?! L: You’re not the Alex I knew, you’ll never be! You’re just a reflection of what remained of him in me and all this guilt I carry. But you? You’re not Alex. If I feel guilty, that’s on me, but I know Alex would never, he would never do this to me, he would never say that to me. Gabi: And I want to push his body back with my foot, can I? GM: No, because you already attacked him Gabi: Ok Alex: That’s what you think, you think he would never do that,
but you never knew me for real, you don’t know who I am for real. You killed me, you took me to that place you knew I was going to die, I wasn’t prepared for that. I just want an apology, that’s all I want L: I’m sorry for the Alex that died in the mission, but I’m not sorry... for you, you’re just a reflection of my guilt. That Alex, I feel sorry for him. (GM: Alex, it’s your turn) L: He was one of the purest people I’ve ever known Alex: I feel for that Alex too. And
I hope someday your friends will feel for you too Luis: And I want to punch her head with my remaining arm GM: Attack Luis: I got… “Very good” GM: Ok. Liz… fight back or dodge? L: I want to fight back GM: Ok Gabi: I got extreme again GM: How much? Gabi: I rolled 5 GM: Ok… uh… You… He attacks you. He attacks you, you take advantage that you grabbed your sickles and you stick one of them into his shoulder, where the arm... where the arm was cut, and you take off his arm for real. Now
he only has one arm and he’s very hurt and bleeding a lot L: I’m sorry, Alex, I didn’t want things to get to this point. Alex: Say you’re sorry… Gabi: I’m sorry, Alex! Alex: You mother abandoned you because of this, because of the way you are… because of the way you act… GM: Now it’s… Joui J: Liz… it isn’t- Gabi: You see that her expression changed completely when he talked about her mom, ok? GM: Oh, you see… (J: Liz-senpai…) Joui, you notice... You all notice that... that he now seems to be suffering a lot more
with the attacks than before. Oh, sorry, now it’s Cris, it’s not Joui, it’s Cris Luis: I’m looking down and Cesar is too, I want to grab him by the collar and throw him at Liz GM: Ok... Uh...Strength test. Luis: I got a regular. Calango: I made an attack because he only have one arm GM: No... (Calango: Oh) Luis: No, I’m playing Cristopher. GM: It’s you. Calango: Oh, wait, he’ll throw me at Liz? GM: Yes. Calango: Can I… dodge? GM: You can try, yes. It’s a maneuver, You have to use strength. or dodge, you can try
to dodge. Calango: I’ll dodge then. Luis: But he was looking down, master. Luis: Doesn’t he have a penalty for this? (GM: Oh! Yeah...) GM: You weren’t looking directly at him. But still, I’ll let him try to dodge Calango: Oh, I got regular GM: You don’t manage to dodge. He got good Calango: I don’t? Luis: No, I got regular, Master. GM: Oh, so you can jump back, you and Cristopher get near here. Cr: Why do you hate me?! Calango: Me? Cr: I just wanted you to love me! GM: Cristopher is talking to you Calango: I don’t
answer, not yet GM: Ok. Now it’s… Joui’s turn. Luba: Oh, Cesar was thrown at Liz? GM: No, he wasn’t GM: He was thrown but he didn’t hit her (Luba: He wasn’t?) J: Liz-senpai, listen to me, those are manifestations of your own fears, you don’t have to apologize to him, you have to forgive yourself. That’s what is making him visible, to defeat him you have to forgive yourself. I don’t know who this person is, but it’s not them, It’s your guilt, you have to forgive yourself. Luba: I won’t attack GM: Ok, huh… Arthur… Liz? Gabi: Uh…
Ok, uh… It’s hard, wait. Liz has a lot of tears in her eyes, can see lots of tears running through her face. Falling in her clothes, and on the floor, along with the blood in her nose L: I’m so sorry, Alex. I did everything I could, but my mom? She did everything she could for me too Gabi: I want to take a step ahead and hug Alex. GM: Ok, you go towards Alex. Alex, it’s your turn. Meanwhile, while you said that, you hear Thiago’s door, [door slam] it opens and you see Thiago holding a man
with a black leather jacket. Thiago is holding him and… [Punch sound] T: It’s not my fault, Gonzales! GM: And you see a black haired guy under him, this way. and you hear him… Gonzales: My dog… T: It’s not my fault [Punch sound] GM: He punches him. Now it’s Alex Luis: When she comes to hug me… I just say… I step back a little and say… Alex: I will take off something you will never ever need…. Luis: And I want to punch the left side of her chest, right at her heart GM: Ok Luis: I got
extreme GM: Uh… Liz? Liz...you have a major wound, right? Gabi: Yes GM: How many constitution points do you have? Gabi: 73… Oh no he got the metal dice… Gm: Liz… You open your arms to hug Alex, and with his remaining arm, which is falling apart, bleeding, he somehow, with some kind of superhuman strength, he slips his hand into your chest. [Flesh being perforated] GM: …Into your heart, and he squeezes it. [Heart being squeezed] GM: You feel an indescribable pain, you feel all your body, all your veins screaming in pain. And with Alex dying in front
of you, your vision starts to fade out too… and you fall. GM: And with that, you all see Alex starting to get completely dark just like that sludge and disintegrating with it. Turning into some sort of weird silhouette that falls. [Body falling] GM: In front of Liz, and her corpse also falls [More bodies falling] GM: Spreading out that sludge… (GM: Sidewards. Uh…) Luba: No! Luba: No, no, no! GM: Now it’s Cristopher. The Hotelier GM: He looks at the situation, (Calango: I don’t get to play?) GM: looks at Joui… Ho: We need to do something GM:
It’s Cristopher’s turn Ho: You need to do something, I don’t know what to do, Luis: I’ll do the same action (Ho: this never happened before) Luis: I’ll grab Cesar by the collar, but now I’ll throw him at Joui GM: Strength test Luis: I got… I passed, regular Calango: I got two. GM: You… (Calango: I got two. Strength, right?) GM: You... Cristopher puts his hands on your collar, you hold his hands and you look him in the eye and he can’t raise you. Cr: Boy, why didn’t you love me? Ce: You’re pathetic. You’re pathetic! The dad
I know would never say that to me, you asshole! Piece of shit! Cr: You, boy… you ruined everything, everything I ever loved, including yourself! You’re not yourself anymore, you’re someone else, boy… You’re not the Cesar I raised. I hate you. Don’t you hate me? Well, I hate you too. You’re disgusting, Calango: I want to punch him in the face, can I? GM: You can attack Luis: I want to fight back GM: Ok Calango: Wait, hold on... Luis: I got regular Calango: I failed GM: Deal the damage Luis: Uh… wait, Master... GM: Cristopher has 1d4 +
1d6 Luis: Ok, ok. 1d4 plus 1d6… 7HP. GM: Major wound and a constitution dice to see if you’re still awake, Cesar. You lose your round actually Calango: I failed GM: You take it, then. You lose 7HP. How do you want to attack him, Cristopher? Luis: I just want to- to punch him, on this side. GM: You get punched by Cristohpher, [puw] you blackout for a moment, you fall on the ground, and come back, with a... You feel like a bit of your cheekbone has been fractured, your skull is broken around here. Ah, now... It’s... Joui.
Sanity test because of Liz (Luba: I say-) Luba: What? GM: Roll a sanity test, because of Liz. You were facing her when... You were like, literally in front of her when she died. Luba: I failed. I got more than I have. GM: You lose… 4 sanity points. And it’s your turn. Ah, actually, you’re in shock, you’re like [Gasping] you saw Liz, who was like your rock, your senpai, she just got... she just got dilacerated right before your eyes. And you feel like, if you had attacked, if you had done something, you could have stopped that.
Luba: Mr.Hotelier, look for that parasite in my friend’s bed, he was in that room... Ho: What are you... Ho: What? J: The parasite! Isn’t this how we defeat it? Ho: You... were supposed to accept it... I don’t... I don’t know how to do it, how to deal with this! Ho: Why... why didn’t you do something? (J: Help-) Ho: You were in front of him, You could’ve stopped it! Why didn’t you do anything? (J: Help- Help my-) J: Help my friend, back there! Ho: Help with what? Help with what? Why don’t you do something? Why are
you just standing there? It isn’t my fault, it’s yours! (Luba: I told-) Luba: I told him to help and I go running towards Cris, with my sword. GM: Ok. You can attack. You walk over Liz’s corpse... Luis: I let him attack me. GM: Ok. Luba: He lets me? So, what does that mean? GM: He’s not going to do anything, you can just attack. Luba: Ok, I want to cut off his head. GM: Alright. Luba: But the head this time, not the arm. GM: Ok. It depends on your attack. Luba: I got regular. GM: Ah, you
can deal the damage. It’s a d8. Luba: I got 8. 8. GM: Ok, you... (Luba: I swear.) GM: You stab... you try to cut his neck, your sword [crrt] stops at the neck, gets a little bit in and comes back, you feel like it barely had an effect on him. For some reason, this, this... Cristopher seems to be way stronger than Alex was regarding your attacks. Now it’s Cesar’s turn, who wakes up on the floor. Calango: I wake up? I failed the constitution. GM: Yes, but you only blacked out and came back, you lost the
round but... you lost your action but you can speak. Calango: I grab my gun. GM: Which one? J: No! Cesar, no! GM: Which gun? (Calango: My gun) Calango: My firearm (J: Cesar, no!) GM: It wasn’t with you. Did you sleep with it in your pocket? (Calango: It’s not with me?) You didn’t say you got it, it isn’t with you, it’s in your room Calango: Ok, ok, alright, alright Calango: Ah, I... he’s still holding me, right? GM: No, you fell and you’re looking up, GM: And he’s in front of you Calango: Dude… Cr: So this is
it, boy? You’re going to let everyone… attack me? Everyone hit me? Just like you always did! Calango: Dude, I’m going to turn around and try to get out of here, dude. GM: You gotta get up first. You just get up. You’re facing Cristopher, and you start to get up, and now it’s Cris’ turn. Luis: I want to get the sword from Joui’s hand. GM: Ok, strength test. Luis: I… I got good. Was it good? It was good. (GM: Joui?) Luba: I want to dodge, I want to… do something, (GM: Dodge, ok.) counter-attack... (You can only
dodge) J: Can I counter-attack with the sword? (GM: Yes) (GM: No!) J: So I want to counter-attack. GM: Ah, no! Then it’s only strength test, you can only get... You can counter-attack, I’ll let you do so. Luba: With strength or the sword? GM: With the sword. Luba: It was good too, it wasn’t... No, it was good, it was good. I thought that it had been regular. GM: Ok. GM: Alright, ok. Ah, you can counter-attack. He tries to grab your sword, you... [shh, pch] and try to cut him. Luba: His hand? GM: Yeah. Luba: 7. GM:
Ok, you deal... (Luba: I got 8.) You are not able to cut his hand off, but it goes in [chr] it goes in really deep and comes back. He seems to be made of some material other than human flesh, he’s way more resistant than Alex was. (J: Cesar-kun, run away!) There’s something different between them. GM: There's something very different between them. J: Run away! GM: What? Luba: I just told Cesar to run. GM: Ah, ok. Now it’s… Cris just went, now it’s Joui. No, it’s Cesar. It was Cesar, now it’s the Hotelier. The Hotelier comes
forward a bit... No! Now it’s actually Thiago and Gonzales. You look, you weren’t paying a lot of attention, but you see that Thiago was crying and had stopped hitting Gonzales. And Gonzales is just like, looking up, at him. Thiago is saying something to Gonzales, and he is crying, while Gonzalez isn’t doing anything. Now it’s Joui. Luba: I want to… There wasn’t anybody here in this room, right Master? GM: Here? No. Luba: I want to… I want to walk by Cris, I want to... Actually... I want to check if I can see the parasite on Cesar?
GM: Ah… Luba: That figure? GM: No, you don’t see anything. You see Cesar, and this... And Cris in front of him. Luba: I… I don’t know what to… I want to go into Cesar’s room. I want to see if that parasite is there. GM: You... you are in despair, with the sword, you don’t know to which side you should turn to. The Hotelier is like, looking at you. Ho: Aren’t you going to do something? You’re just going to watch as all of your friends die?! You just did... J: I don’t know what to do! Sir,
you told me to... Ho: You apparently never know what to do, right? If it wasn't for your scream, no one here would’ve died! It’s all your fault! J: I'm doing what you told me that I was supposed to do! Ho: No! If you had stayed quiet, they wouldn’t have woken up! This wouldn’t be happening! J: And what should we do now? Ho: Wait for them to work this out! We gotta wait… J: I don’t know what to do. Ho: You never know what to do, do you, Joui? J: What? Ho: You never know what to
do. Luba: Who’s telling me that? Ho: All of your friends, killed, in front of you. It’s always this, you never do shit. You just depend on others. (J: That’s not true.) Ho: It’s always other people’s job to save your friends, isn’t it? J: That’s not true. GM: The Hotelier starts to walk towards you. Ho: That’s what you are. You are useless. All of your friends died in front of you, and all you do is panic, cry for mommy and daddy. It’s a shame that none of them love you, isn’t it? J: That’s not true. I
help my friends. It's not true. [The Hotelier laughs] Ho: Clearly. I can see it. Right in front of you, all your friends that were helped. J: That’s not true. They’re proud of me. [The Hotelier laughs again] Ho: The blame of all of their deaths is on you, just like the last time. All of your friends died, and that’s on you too. The blame is always yours, Joui. (J: It wasn’t mine. That’s not true.) (J: That’s not true.) Ho: You never follow what they say. You always… Do what you think is more… (J: That’s not true,
I do follow) Ho: Cool, aahn. You’re worthless. It’s all your fault. (J: That’s not true.) J: That’s not true! GM: When you say that… (Luba: I point my sword towards him.) Ho: Well... Now it is. GM: And everyone around you turns into goo [Melting sound] and disappears. (Luba: Dude, Cell...) Luba: Dude, Cellbit, I hate you. [Calango punches his chair] [Gabi and Guaxi laugh] [Guaxi coughs] Guaxi: I almost threw up. [He coughs again] Gabi: I swear that I came here to the camera’s side because I was silently crying. Go fuck off! GM: He pulls... he points
that crossbow at you and shoots. He... ah... The shot hits you, and you take... You can’t dodge because it’s ranged. You take… 5 damage. Luba: Ah… GM: It hits your... [trr] hits your shoulder, and starts bleeding. And the... and the Hotelier has a smirk on his face. Ho: I’m way too strong now. You don’t have any chances. It was so easy to trick you. J: Why exactly are you so strong? Ho: I’ve never seen someone feel so guilty for what happened around them. GM: It’s your turn. J: I feel… I feel guilty. GM: Ah, everyone
who has died, you can reset your HP and sanity to how it was before. Ah… Calango: Holy shit, fuck you, dude. Guaxi: I can’t believe it, man. The beginning of a dream... it all fucking worked out! GM: Literally, the beginning of a dream (Gabi: [Unclear]) Guaxi: Yeah. [He laughs] Ah, no! I’m so mad! I was so sad! (GM: It’s your turn, Joui.) Luba: I’m with the... I’m still pointing the sword towards him. J: I know that I’ve done a lot of things that I regret and would’ve done them differently. But, my friends are still on
my side. And they’re proud of me. I’ll make ‘em proud too. Ho: You think that I would teach you, how to defeat me, inside your dream? Mouth-breather. GM: He’ll attack you again, or do you attack him before? Did you just point the sword? Luba: I just pointed it GM: Ok. He reloads the crossbow and points it towards you. Now it’s your turn. Luba: I want to try to attack him then. With my sword. GM: Ok. Luba: Bloody hell! [Gabi laughs] Get bent! I got extreme! That’s impossible! (GM: Extreme?) I got extreme! I got 02. GM:
You... How do you want to kill him? Luba: I want to chop his head off. GM: [Unclear] [Guaxi laughs] Luba: What? GM: You can narrate it. Luba: I’m slowly… Slowly pointing the sword at him and walking towards him. And I say: J: If your objective was to frighten me, you haven’t succeeded. Luba: And I chop his head off. GM: How? Luba: Just... [tsiu] GM: You angrily raise your sword, the look in your face... How’s your look? Luba: Serene. GM: You, with precision, you grab your katana, and horizontally [shriu] you do a clean cut, his head
stays in place, like this, and starts to slide to the side [crrr] and he starts to turn into that black goo [goo sound] and and the smile remains in his face as it falls. And when the head finally reaches the floor, [pluff] you [gasping] Wakes up... And you see, that parasite goo, that you saw in your dream. (Luis: Noooooo!) Luba: Damn, I fucking hate you. [Gabi and Calango laugh] Luba: I hate you so fucking much, I fucking hate you… GM: Dripping down, off of you, and getting in the bed. You’re in your bed, and everyone
else wakes up too, together, with this scare. You remember, but you think that it was just a nightmare. And all of the character development, everything that you went through, the emotions stayed, so let’s go... Luba: Ok, did I really lose the HP? It was a dream. GM: No, you heal your HP, but your sanity... You lose 2, 3 more points, because that’s the amount of HP that you lost, ah... Luba: But I faced it! GM: Yes, but you lost a lot of sanity in that dream. All of the others too, c’mon. Arthur, you lost 10
sanity points, because you got wrecked in that dream. Cesar, you lost… you lost… Sev... You lost 7HP, in the dream, right? So, you lose 7 sanity points. (Calango: I lost 7.) GM: And Liz, you lost 12 sanity points. Gabi: I don’t remember how much I lost in the dream. GM: 14, sorry. 14. Because you had lost 7 and then 7 more. You lose 14. Gabi: Ok, so I lose 7 more than I had before? GM: Yes. GM: You all wake up... You just woke up from this dream, you woke up from this nightmare. Ah, none
of you see that goo, only Joui could see that goo on him. Ah, but you are... it’s already daytime, it’s already pretty clear. You can see coming through the... through the blinds, a light way stronger than when there was the mist, it’s probably day. And... You’re all... Calm and rescued. Calango: Calm… GM: Yeah, relaxed and rested. And you notice that... (Gabi: Relaxed? I wake up like this!) GM: ...By your beds, there’s a little package. All of you have a package. Calango and Guaxi: Brulio? GM: No, a package. Not Brulio, [All the players laugh] a little
leather package. Guaxi: There’s a little Brulio. Luba: The clothes! Calango: Eh, ok, I’ll... I wake up, I remember the whole dream, right? This happened in (GM: You can vaguely recall it,) ...my head too? (GM: just like recalling a dream.) GM: You can remember most of it, more than you’d remember a normal dream. Calango: So I can recall everything, even after I turned into goo? GM: Yes. Calango: Even Joui beating the Hotelier up? I do remember. GM: Yes. Calango: Ok. GM: Yes, you remember all of that Gabi: Do we remember the sensation of turning into goo?
GM: No. You remember, like... (Calango: Everybody wakes up jumping, then?) you saw this whole dream as if it was in the 3rd person. GM: You remember it in 3rd person, not in the 1st. Gabi: Ok Luba: Master, I wanted to run to Liz’s room. To see if she’s ok. GM: Ok, let me… (GM: Reset something here) Luba: After I saw the package, ok? No problem. [Gabi laughs] I just want to do this action. (GM: Wait, wait, ok.) GM: You.. you get up, you’re kind of waking up, you’re not in despair, you’re just like... you woke
up from a nightmare and you see the clothes, you open it, and you can see that there really are the clothes. You guys see your... clothes, each with your respective color. Do you want to leave before changing? Or do you want to change and then leave? Calango: Ok, just one more... Luba: No, I want to leave first, I want to leave first. Ok. GM: Uh, you left your room running, right? Luba: Yeah GM: Ok. I’ll ask you to... Calango: Just one more question... GM: Ok. Calango: The dream was shared and everything, but no one saw
Arthur dying upstairs, do we know that that happened? GM: You know that he died, yes. You... it’s kind of like... Calango: Ah, ok. GM: As if you guys had watched this session. Calango: Alright. Ok. GM: Ok, so you go running to Liz’s room, eh… Luba: I knock twice GM: You arrive at her doorstep and you knock on the door [tu, tu, tu] J: Liz? Gabi: I... I don’t answer him. I’m sitting down on the corner of my bed, right on the tip of the bed, breathing really... short and heavy breaths, with my hand on my
chest, and… (GM: Let me put it here) Luba: I open the door, Luba: I notice that she didn’t answer and I open it. J: Liz, it’s Joui, please, open. Gabi: I’m on the tip of the bed, over here. I stay on the bed. Luba: I'm gonna kick the door down. I'm gonna kick the door down. GM: Ok, you can kick it, roll a strenght test. Luba: Is it strength? GM: Yes. Guaxi: Sheesh... Careful Calango: Careful, huh… [Gabi laughs] Luba: I got reg... good. GM: Good? You kick it, the door loosens a bit, but it doesn’t
open. Liz, you hear [PUW] hitting the door. J: Liz! Gabi: I slowly get up, I don’t say anything, I just very slowly get up and walk to the door and I carefully take off the rug with the candlestick and the book GM: Ok. Gabi: I put it to the side. And I unlock the door and open a bit. J: Liz? Luba: I get on my knees in front of the door. L: You’re fine! (GM: Liz...) Gabi: And I fully open the door. GM: Uh, I’m gonna ask… everyone to mute. Actually, no. I’ll deafen you guys,
it’s okay. Gabi: Ok. GM: ...And Calango. Liz. Joui... when you open the door and look at Joui... there’s something weird. You look at his face... and his eyes are completely black. and there’s two markings, two stripes going down on his face. L: Joui? Are... are you okay? Luba: I kneel in front of her, I look down and… I apologize and... [Gabi’s dog barking] Luba: I tell her I'll... take care of that dog that was barking at her window, and she couldn’t sleep. No, I say... (Gabi: Sorry.) Luba: I say that... J: Liz-senpai... I will make
you proud. I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry (L: Joui...) Gabi: I want to kneel in front of Joui, and I want to... hug him, fuck it. I don't... I... I look at his eyes and face and I just see that he’s... he’s still him and I give him a really tight hug. GM: Ok, wait, real quick. Let me just mute you, Gabi. Joui. You, now that you are no longer in despair, you hugged her, you noticed that your skin was a bit grayish, and you noticed that there’s something that you’re able to
do now. You can choose between two different shapes and you go like... it’s kind of like defocus your vision, y’know when you defocus your vision? You feel like you can do that and you try it out [shht] your skin goes back to normal. One sec... Ok. Liz, you hug Joui and when you go back, you notice that he’s normal. You don’t know why you saw him with black eyes and the markings. Gabi: I’m... I’m crying. I started crying as I hugged him. When I pull away, I’m clearly crying a lot. J: Why are you crying,
Liz? L: You know why. Don’t you? J: I… don’t know. I just had the worst nightmare of my lifetime, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to us. L: Joui... Wait… what the hell? You’re normal now? J: What do you mean, normal? L: I don't know. The time we're spending here isn't doing us any good. J: Did you notice anything different in me? L: I swear that when I opened the door and looked at you… Gabi: And while I say that I want to run my hands through his face. GM: You see the normal
Joui. L: I looked at you and I… Your eyes were black and… I don’t know, you seemed... from here, you know? J: Liz... L: But now you… you’re normal. J: That’s… that’s weird… Luba: And as she says that, Master, I think about it and I shift into it. GM: You see Joui shifting. His eyes are black... How do you want your stripes to be, Joui? Luba: I want two stripes coming from here. Like, both coming from my eyes. But the down one opens a bit more and goes like this. It'll come here. GM: OK. Perfect.
You see this happening in front of you. You see him shifting out of nowhere. Gabi: Does his skin gets gray? (GM: Yes.) L: Joui? GM: And his ears get pointy. L: You did that? J: I think so, wait. Let me try shifting back. Luba: And I shift back. (GM: He does that.) Luba: [laughing] L: Dude! Joui! J: Liz, look at what I can do! L: How?! J: I don’t know! L: I… I- But I’m normal, why are you the only one…? GM: Let me just unmute the others that woke up too… You hear a lot
of fuss. Joui and Liz are talking very loud. You don’t know exactly about what, but you can hear them. You're getting ready and you can hear them downstairs. L: Joui! (J: Did my ears get pointy too?!) L: Joui, come here! Gabi: I grab his hand. I run to Thiago’s room. GM: Thiago… You run to his room and it’s locked. You get there, knock and it's locked. T: Huh? What is it? Did something happen? L: Hey, big bro! [knocking] L: Open up! T: Ah, wait, let me get dressed. What is this? There are some clothes here…
L: Big T, open up… I’m serious! Open it, open it! T: Hold on, let me get dressed! L: Open up, Thiago! (T: Liz! Later, dude!) J: Liz... There's a... (T: Just let me get dressed.) GM: And your clothes are very dirty because of yesterday. J: There’s something about boys called “morning wood”… Maybe he’s ashamed… L: Joui… You… Mmm. [clicks tongue] I’ll get dressed, then you can show him later. Gabi: She leaves completely embarrased and... GM: OK. (J: Okay.) GM: You go to your room. Uh… Cesar and Arthur. (L: Later...) GM: Wait, can you listen me?
Calango: Yes. GM: You see this little leather package with clothes inside. Cesar's is very big, it seems to have a lot of clothes. Calango: Oh, yeah. That's right! [laughs] GM: And Arthur’s seems to be thin and small. Will you go change? Calango: Uh... Guaxi: Yeah, I wake up… (Luba: Yes.) Calango: I didn't leave my room yet. (GM: Yeah, everybody is inside.) You are in your rooms. Luba: I go back and open the... Calango: I will open mine, I want to see it first. GM: You- I will… OK, let’s go. I've prepared something. You all open
the closet and look in the mirror. Joui looks at himself for a little longer and… [shape-shifting] GM: You wear your clothes. (Luba: I keep changing…) GM: You just to try them on. Cesar, you notice that lots of layers. There’s a lot of fur, a strong fuzz, it’s very warm. Liz, you see a greenish outfit. It's very resistant, made of leather and gloves. It’s very beautiful. Joui, you see a kind of eastern clothing. It has some part of armors and it's pink. Arthur, you find an outfit that... Seems to have suspenders that go to an open
chest and there’s a green hood on the top. You all wear your clothes and leave your rooms to meet. I’ll ask you all to open my stream now… Guaxi: [screams] GM: We have a cutscene here. Guaxi: It feels like Christmas! Calango: It's Christmas! Gabi: Dude, we got gifts! GM: You all wear your new clothes, you look in the mirror... You feel good. They're very comfortable. Uh... And you finally see… You go to the lobby to meet and you see yourselves. Everyone wearing the new outfits. [medieval song playing] Luba: Woohoo! Calango: [chuckles] Gabi: Damn... Guaxi: Oh,
damn! Luba: So cool! [medieval song still playing] GM: Let me put you here… You all meet at the hotel lobby wearing the new clothes. And let's do our magic! Done! You all have your medieval skins. (Gabi: It really is Christmas!) Calango: It’s Christmas! I’m John Snow now! [laughs] GM: You see each other wearing new clothes. Calango: [chuckles] Guaxi: Dude…! Luba: Wow... A: Good morning, guys… J: G-Good morning... Arthur, you look so cool! A: You too! J: Thanks! GM: And now you all have +2 armor. Calango: Yes! Guaxi: Woohoo! God is good. Luba: How do we
add it? GM: Thiago seems to be a bit uncomfortable. He's trying it on. T: I kinda liked this outfit, huh? A: You look great, Big T. T: What did you want earlier, Liz and Joui? J: Oh! L: Big T. come here! Gabi: I grab his arm and I bring him here near Joui. T: What… what happened? (J: Guys...) Check that out! L: Look at Joui! Ce: What about him? (Luba: And I turn gray.) And I shift. J: See?! GM: You see Joui's eyes turning black out of the blue. There are two stripes coming out of
his eyes as well. His skin is grayish and his ears are pointy. Ce: What?! (L: Thiago, look!) Look at our boy, look at him! T: Guys, I don’t know if I like this. Ce: Me neither, Big T. Luba: I shift back. (A: I think it's kinda weird.) Luba: I shift back to human and say: J: It’s okay, I can be like this too… Or like this [shifting] Luba: Then I keep shifting back on. T: How did this happen?! (Ce: I don't like this, dude...) I don't like this, Joui. GM: The Hotelier opens the door behind
the desk. Ho: Oh, good morning, did you sleep well? Ce: No! A: Worst night of my life. (Ce: I don’t like this, Joui.) J: It’s okay, Cesar, maybe someday you’ll be able to do it too. Ce: I don’t want to! J: But it’s cool! Ce: No, it isn't! J: Look at my ears! [shifting back and forth] Ce: My God. Ce: Damn, dude. Gabi: [chuckles] Luba: That’s exactly the sound effect, okay, Master? Don’t know if you thought about it. (GM: There's no sound effect.) Luba: That's exactly it. GM: You see Joui doing a sound with his
mouth. [ZIUM] Gabi: [laughs] Ho: Oh, sorry.. I don’t know if… The night was actually shorter, it lasted about six or eight hours. Did you sleep well? Did something happen? Ce: All right. J: I had a dream. Ho: I had a weird dream too. GM: Than he looks at the pictures. You see the penultimate painting, the one with the bald guy. There's a hole in it. As if someone punched it. (Luba: No picture and a hole?) Ho: I had a weird dream too… (Calango: Seems like a punch?) Ho: Oh, but sometimes… Anyway. Calango: Who said that?
The Hotelier or Thiago? Guaxi: Hotelier. GM: There's a book with ripped of pages on the desk. He looks weirdly at the book. Ce: I had another nightmare, actually. But what Joui showed us is way worse. J: But look… [shifting and then shifting back] Ce: Stop! A: Stop it! L: Ah, Lil’ C, you’re overreacting. Ce: I’m not! L: He can do it by himself! Ce: It’s not cool! L: Say it’s cool. [grittin teeth] J: Envy is not a beautiful thing, Cesar-kun. Ho: Oh, I noticed… You can already shift. How early! J: Early? Does it mean I
passed the test? Something like this? Ho: It happens to everyone. In a few days all of you will be able too, don’t worry. You must be excited for the new look. It's really cool. Check me out! [shifting] And his skin isn't gray anymore. His eyes start to look more like human as well. Ho: I can’t stay like this for too long, I feel weird. I grew up as a luzidius, right? But I do have an ignarus version. GM: He feels kinda weird and goes back to gray. Now he has stripes and black eyes. Guaxi: I
want to go near Joui and touch his ears. Gabi: [laughs] Luba: Then I shift really fast. [zium, zium] Ce: Stop, wait, was I the only one- A: How do you do that? Do you have to force it? Ce: Was I the only one- (J: It's really easy.) Ce: Was I the only one who had no contact to Holy Cradle? Can you do that too? Calango: And I point at Arthur, Thiago and Liz. A: I’m trying. L: I can't. I don't know, just... Ce: I don't like this, dude... Thiago, anything? T: Likewise, Lil C'. I don’t
like this either. A: [trying hard to shift] L: Arthur… Gabi: I put my hand on his shoulder. A: I did it? GM: This outfit he’s wearing shows a lot of his chest. It’s very exposed, very. He's comfortable. A: I’m great, look, my new outfit... Ce: Cool, huh. Guaxi: I let my suspenders loose. GM: You can see his tattoo while he's wearing it. Ce: I’m not happy, I’m not pleased, I don’t like this. I didn’t like anything that happened in the past few days. Calango: I say that and walk towards the hole. GM: You go there
and you see… The Hotelier says: Ho: Oh, uh… It was a problem from last night. Just ignore it. Ce: A problem? GM: And you see something inside the painting. It’s a secret compartment. It had room for something, but there’s nothing there. Ce: You did this, Mr. Hotelier? Ho: Yes... Ce: Why? You can’t punch stuff in a temper tantrum. Ho: I… That’s my dad. Was my dad. Ce: Sorry… this Mr. Bald? Ho: Yeah… I really respected him. He taught me so much! He was the Hotelier before me. But I dreamed some things and… It made me
find something in there. (Ce: You said...) Ho: Something I would never believe it's true. A: What was it? Ho: Honestly, I have no reason to hide it from you… Apparently, my dad... He was a monster. He created... He was a monster but not like those who live in the Holy Cradle. He was a monster that... created other monsters. He tortured and made experiments with Holy Cradle creatures. He tried making new monsters. Apparently, he made one that... It feeds from the guilt in your dreams. And that's the exact creature that led me to these notes. Ce:
Wait, but… GM: And he shows this diary. It has some ripped of pages on the desk. Ce: I had this dream as well! J: Me too. Ho: What dream? L: Me too... A: I had a dream too. Ce: There was… I don’t know! I remember seeing a black monster, and then sludge, and Arthur died, and then my father was there! L: Yeah, Arthur died in the dream! And so did I. Ho: I have… Ce: Yes! Ho: I think this can explain it. GM: And he points at the diary that is on the desk. You see
four ripped pages and an open diary. Ce: Hold on, Ms. Hotelier! Something isn't adding up. Calango: Sorry to interrupt. I walk to the desk. Gabi: I'll go as well. Ce: When we got here you said we weren't going to dream. Well, I dreamed as fuck! J: And we remembered it. Ho: You have to understand, it’s the Holy Cradle’s rules. I had never seen a dream parasite before. Ho: Apparently, two- (L: Uh, sir...) Ho: I don’t know what dream you’re talking about, I didn’t dream the same. My dream took me to my dad. L: Uh… sorry,
Mr. Hotelier... What was your dad’s name? (Ho: Hotelier.) L: Like, before Holy Cradle and all. Do you know it? Ho: My dad was the Hotelier, I am the Hotelier, I was the Hotelier’s son and I became the Hotelier. Ce: Has your dad always been the Hotelier? Since he came here. Ho: As far as I know. Ho: I know he was an outsider before, but I never asked. Never asked about his life before. No one really cares about it, actually. But, apparently... Anyway, you can read this. GM: And he points to the diary. It seems to
have a lot of things written. Calango: OK. I will… (L: Mmm, Ms. Hotelier.) Since you shared something about you with us, I wanted to share something about us with you. Ho: Sure, sure. No one lies or hides anything in Holy Cradle. L: Uh, we... We know about some outsiders that might have created the creatures. The ones that attack Holy Cradle during night. Or something like that. And we’re trying to figure out how that happened. So, if you have any information other than this diary or know someone that could help, we would be very happy to
talk to this person. Ho: I... Uh... Honestly, I haven't been the Hotelier for long, I haven't seen much luzidii. I saw the Nurse, the Collector… Actually, they were the only ones. My father took care of that, but he killed himself. (A: Luzidii?) L: Like, we want to help you, really. I think we can. But if you know anyone else who- (Ho: Help on what?!) We’re happy in the Holy Cradle, there are no problems here. L: With the creatures. Ce: We just had a problem at night… (L: We can-) Ho: Because you are ignarii! The Blacksmith
said you pissed the village. Holy Cradle doesn't attack who lives here. A: That was him. Guaxi: I point at Thiago. T: Aw, I just wanted to smoke... (L: Sorry, just another question.) These creatures always come with new ignarii or... Did it start not long ago? Ho: Uh... Actually... From what you're telling me, I believe that dream parasite was the one my father... The one he created. But I never had to deal with it. They only were way simpler creatures, that we could ignore and they'd leave. I never had to deal with these. Calango: I get
the diary. L: Those creatures from outside, they were always here? Ho: No, there hardly are creatures at night! They just come with new ignari or near the village. But we just stay at home, it's not dangerous. L: But these stories have been told since when you were a kid, right? The creatures at night. Ho: They aren’t stories, they really exist! L: I know! But you have heard it since you were a child, right? They have been around for a long time, right? Ho: They are Holy Cradle creatures. Yes, of course. L: OK. Just needed to
check. (A: Sir, let me ask you something.) You said your dad killed himself, right…? Ho: Yes... A: But why? Isn’t it perfect here? Ho: He has the answer on his hands. GM: Cesar has the diary. He looks and move his head towards him. And that's where we'll today's session! Calango: Aww, let me read it a bit, please! Guaxi: [laughs] GM: You start to read it, but… (Calango: Just the first line!) Gabi: The first line! [laughs] Luba: I was personally attacked for been guilty. Everyone was dying and I couldn't do anything. Guaxi: What abou me? I
didn’t do anything, I died far from everyone. GM: Thanks for such another great session. You confronted the dream very early. I thought it'd remain an illusion for a bit more. The first thing- Like, I thought you could realize right away. But I also thought that you could presume they were coming back. Luba: No, I thought that… I thought that the others were dreaming when you told me. But what made me defeat it? GM: You kicked its ass! Gabi: You got an extreme in the dice! (Luba: Oh, was that it?!) And that guy was saying "We
won't defeat it like that" GM: Because there was only one parasite. You were attacking the wrong ones. (Luba: I feel personally attacked by the master!) GM: There was just one parasite among them. Attacking the other wouldn't do anything. You had to go for the right one. Guaxi: Damn, I got very sad, really. GM: Me too, I was really nervous. Even though I knew it was a lie, I got very nervous killing you. L: Dude, you hit Liz where it hurts for the whole episode! GM: You know, the characters must develop. You character’s development stays. (Guaxi:
It was great.) Calango: Dude, I'll write a song... (GM: Liz won't such a dick and all.) That's why you'll keep for the characters. Luba: I’m officially changing my color to pink. GM: Yeah, we’ll change your color to pink. Calango: I’ll write a song about how Cellbit is an asshole! [laughs] GM: Thanks for another session. Next saturday, 6PM, we continue with The Secret in the Forest. Sleep tight and we'll see you there. Luba: See ya! Gabi: Bye! Calango: Fuck off! [ending song starts] [TSIF OUTRO] Translated, Transcribed and Subtitled by Equipe T (@Equipe__T on twitter)
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