it's good guys today I'm going to spend three important tips for you to get yours Tartar people I'm making this video for those who have bad breath for us try serum don't skip this video he it's so short if you jump you go lose life at the end for those who have bad breath the first one is there with oil tea tree a drop of oil tea tree in 50 ml of water tea tree I already have several videos published by her helps kill plaque too tartar bacteria EA bacteria cariogenic needs a pinch of salt
also in the composition for the oil of tea tree dissolve in water dropped one pinch of salt or without mixing with water can't ingest people now let's go for the second tip is with vinegar apple many people know the properties It is also a great tartar reducer he really removes it ok I person stays worried is just two tablespoons of vinegar and in 150 ml of water so it's very concentrated on the contrary because finally concentrated but it's enough for you remove your late there as evil power and now the third tip that i know
that a lot of people don't know is a little bit of water only 50 ml of water for two percent phlorecidin is a solution China aqueous chloride is not possible ingested you will also put it there little bit, there's a spoon of chlorhexidine in this solution I will show for you how does this one work super tips people like every patient who has a bad breath card stays until the end of this video I have a very special tip to solve your bad breath but it doesn't jump ok I will give you this tip at
the end there the thread dental and fold it in two and then you first you try with a hint then you can follow up with the second tip with the third tip Ok, no need to do it all tips at once and sometimes the person already has it at home, ok, here it is representation has a tartar as well Evidently you're going to floss who is already indebted with the solution of his choice in this case this first one is tea tree and now the apple cider vinegar if you see that you remove with more
ease it's rubbing it's going through the portions on guys now the last tip is with a 2 percent chlorhexidine dissolved in water it has a slightly strong flavor in the Glue house but then her science is too much big and you should do it alone As long as it's late after you take the Catra no longer use chlorhexidine that tool of your teeth is good this situation to remove the whole guy that it can occur in a session or you may have to repeat this for 10 15 days but it is very clean, very neat
you You know you don't have a license when I don't got more bleed even for you than has tartar probably must have bad breath there I have a special tip there for bad breath is a product that I I found it and I'm fine supporting the cause is one 100 percent natural product that has finished there with bad breath is called there others have in the description here for whom buy a discount and have it in my store virtual also uses check and leave at comment that you think is good Big hugs to you and
see you next time