Exercícios de Java #01 - Curso de Java para Iniciantes

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Video Transcript:
♫ Music ♫ opening You must be wondering I appear again here, different shirt. What is happening in the Video Course? It is a novelty, look.
You may have seen the "Video Course Answers," which is one of our attractions And one of the requests that mo . . .
Man, I get this request almost every day. "Guanabara, for more than one video per week" "It gives more one class a week," right? "It's more .
. . more appears ever there for us" And then I took it to our sponsors java Course And the "Educandus Teaching System", will sponsor another .
. . Man, look It is an attraction that you will have every week during the course of Java What was the idea I had together with the sponsors?
Jeez! The Java course, it is heavier, so the classes are heavy. so what we did, we put separate class exercises then the exercises will come in the same week the lesson for us not inflate classes just to give you an idea, you have class that has passed 40 minutes then not to leave anything to miss you little grasshopper the "Educandus System Teaching" and the Course In Video will bring this new attraction for you every Monday week goes to class on Wednesday leaves the list of solved exercises and while you may have seen there the first class of the course Java we told the story of Java, and I brought a slightly different exercises, let me explain to you how the idea of ​​this unique exercise class so we're here in class exercises Lesson 01 Java Course and I have a question to ask for you, I look a lot in statistics Course in Video and I see that the vast majority of our audience is between 17 and 25 years and this is an extremely important age for you to pursue a career is a time .
. . mainly 16, 17, 18, is when the young're thinking: "Damn what I do with my life," you know, "what am I going to be," "how I work" "I have a computer technician course, what am I going to do with my life" there's one thing I do not know if you know, I personally assume, I did not know in my view, for you to enter the armed forces, eg: Army, Navy, Air Force you had to 18 years the Mandatory Military Service and oh yes you will evolve in there, I thought like that, I do not know if you're thinking: "But are not you?
", No, it is not so you can work with computers in the Navy and the Air Force, within their area of ​​computing so for example, there are specific competitions and you will not get as a soldier depending on the competition you have come as cable or as Sergeant, a patent is slightly above and will work directly with computers, divinha that falls on evidence Algorithm, PHP, Java, all're taking the Course In Video, all you little grasshopper You will be able to solve, so I came to show you the following you can instead make a public tender, turn Cape Navy or Air Force Sergeant and work within the computer area dear young'll explain a little better this so what I brought to show you in this class is the following we have the Air Force and the Navy, the Air Force in a competition called: "Adaptation stage to Sergeant Undergraduate Aeronautics" also known by the acronym EAGS in the Air Force you have a special contest EAGS dealing with Information Systems which is the EAGSsin, then "sin" is Information System that is for computer professionals already in the Navy us another competition called: "Body Navy Squares Assistant" or CAP which also has its specialty for computer technician who is CAP data processing or CAPpd when you pay competition for Navy as you enter Cape now when you watch contest for Aeronautics you enter as Sergeant There is a lot of information more I will not be getting much at the moment . . .
gradually over the years, we have class as hell there I'll explain one more thing every class, even I have a very valuable information that you may like, but that we see in the next weekly videos and you must have realized that first class was rather theoretical this theoretical part does not fall much in the contest, so what I did I'll take a recollected in what was seen in Algorithm Course showing some question fall therein and that you are fully able to solve we will bring some questions every week, then so . . .
these weekly videos, when we have practice session, I'll bring beyond procurement issues I will bring practical exercises, we will add . . .
I will show the running exercise and you'll have to do at home, that scheme you already know, the algorithm and PHP courses but now, I brought some concepts for me to comment here with you some issues that fell in these two competitions I spoke so let the issues that I separated here the first question fell on proof of Aeronautics, is as follows: "Check the alternative that contains the correct description algorithm" so here he is asking is, what it is Algorithm and there has alternatives: Letter A: Algorithm is a collection of books . . .
Algorithm by chance is a collation of books? No Letter B: Algorithm is a mathematical operation . .
. and there you may be in doubt, "I do mathematical operations using algorithm" yes, we will continue reading Letter B below: used, for example, to calculate the sound intensity measured in decibels. It may even be so, but the algorithm is not only a mathematical operation it also has control structures but we will continue this one (B)'re more or less open Letter C: Algorithm is a description of the resolution of a problem steps or the orderly indication of a sequence of well-defined actions.
face, this one (Letter C) is the description of algorithm, but if we continue here Letter D: Algorithm is a formal description of the hierarchy of employees of a company . . .
face, "employees of a company," has nothing to do with algorithm then the right answer, would the letter C He saw how extremely easy, these contests they have some questions . . .
of course, they have well-designed questions, all right but some issues are well Bobinhas and you can easily gives a studied, and you can provide this type of service and become an Official we go to another question, the next I separated here was as follows: "Check the box that does not show . . " watch, "not present", he does not want ".
. . One programming language for example" the first option is Delphi, and you should finding is weird "Delphi" I always said Delphi Here in Brazil we always accustomed to talking about "Delphi" and the name of the language official In fact the name of the language is neither Delphi the name of the language is Object Pascal but Delphi is the most common environment so eventually became synonymous with language but be careful with this because we have Lazarus, for example, which is the other environment It is another IDE, which also Object Pascal program but we saw not be right .
. . getting much these details not and we will consider Delphi as a programming language going to the letter B the Letter B: Machine.
and yes, there is a machine language, machine language are the micro-instructions that a machine can understand so when I say that thing of "zero and one" that the computer accepts instructions on zero and one is just that, the machine language instructions are in binary that computers understand and perform their tasks then and letter B is also correct the letter C is: Assembly. and here comes the following, beware the difference between Assembly and Assembler Assembly is a language, Assembler is an assembler is a software framework which translates the Assembly to machine language the letter D is Windows XP. I need to comment on something Windows XP is not programming language, Windows XP is an operating system then you have the software differences, and letter D is that there is not a programming language It gives a look at the last only for the sake of conscience the last (letter E) is: Visual Basic.
Visual Basic is a programming language developed by Microsoft then the letter E is also correct, and our answer to question is the letter D: Windows XP go to another one, the next question is, also fell in the Navy "What is the utility responsible for generating, from a program written in a language high level, a non-executable machine language called module-object program. " then look, it will transform high-level language and machine language It is basically the following we will make a program where we write for example C language, turns it into executable language it gives me the options: A - Interpreter, B - Debugger, C - Loader, D - Linker and Compiler E- basically there is the following, when I write a program, I'm writing a source code and I want to turn this into an executable code right ? , between the source code and executable code I have code-obijeto this whole process is called "compilation", but the following when I get the source code and turn it into object code I am using a compiler when I get a code object and turn it into executable I am using a Linker which is one of the options there, only that there is also a process that plays direct from the source code to the executable code that is the interpreter, in my case here what he is asking It is to generate high-level language, which is the source code, a program in machine language unenforceable, that is, a object code module called object who converts the source code for the object code is the compiler that is the letter and that my question it was clear, then you will see more details about the differences between compilation and interpretation why should you're thinking, "damn, if the interpretation goes straight it is much better" calm, there are minor drawbacks, for now you get only the information you can even search on Google there, but further ahead we play a little bit more on this subject the next question I was separated one algorithms review which is as follows: "The Z = X% Y expression," I do not know if you remember we have the operator% (percentage) The operator% (percentage), contrary to what people may think does not calculate the percentage, it calculates the "rest of the division" for example here, I'll do the following if I do: 5 divided by 2 5 divided by 2 gives 2, 2 times 2 gives 4 to 5 left one, is not it, let's do another here 8 divided by 2, 8 divided by 2 gives 4 times 2 4 8 gives the rest is zero.
then I do here for example, 5% 2 5% 2 is equal to 1 which is the rest of the division between 5:02 if I do similarly 8% 2 that is equal to zero that is the rest of the division between 8:02 became clear, remains the division we have seen in Algorithm course, I just to remembering so the question is:  "The expression Z = X% Y is equal Z" Letter A: X% of the value of Y not, the letter A is wrong Letter B: the rest of the Y division by X. neither the rest of the division is between X and Y careful with that Letter C: the rest of the X Division by Y. this is the right answer letter D: the quotient of the division X by Y.
no, not the quotient. last letter E: quotient of Y division by X. It is not then our right answer would be and letter C and you're thinking, "gee, I do not believe so easy issues fall the Navy and the Air Force, "yes, fall little grasshopper It is you are studying hard and ya know it all, then my dear beat hands-on and starts and prepare for these competitions another issue here that I separated It is as follows "Flowchart is a type of" and this may be a different name for you is the following flowchart I'll explain showing in practice, pay attention to the algorithm I did for you the algorithm it will start with the Top, the flowchart it also begins with Incio but is a graphical representation, and has a down arrow imagine that our first command is: Read n1 and n2 Leia will be represented in this way get the idea about what is flow chart, it shows the flow command execution, and you should be asking: "But how do I know the symbol Read?
" the symbol of read and easy to remember, gives a peek here you must have seen a keyboard that angle does not perish? then n1 and n2 is to be read by the keyboard, the next command I will put n1 n2 receives more divided Pro 2 I'll put it inside a rectangle that is the instruction execution operation then I'll do: If the average is greater than or equal to 7, then to do this in the flowchart I will put a diamond and then I have two options, you know, yes or no so it's basically this diamond representation as if it were a plate dual operation, so I'll create two options, or if yes greater than or equal to 7 it will write "Approved", so I'll write Okay, okay there this symbol're weird for you, remember those old monitors that have that format is exactly this format, is a picture tube, seen as the flow chart it is visually components, and h is not greater than or equal to 7? so I have the "Snag" Otherwise the part is not the diamond, but I'll write "Fail", then write "Disapproved" will be the end of "If" the order if it is actually a ball, is the closing of the flow and finally I end the program with "End" which has the same symbology it was clear, this is a flow chart in Java course we will work some flowchart concepts by Course relation account in Video and Educandus which is preparatory to the Navy and Air Force so let's questions, Letter A: The flowchart is a graphical representation of algorithms.
yes my dear, Letter B "is information about data types. " No way Letter C "is a systems analysis book. " neither Letter D: "it is systems analysis.
" not, then the right answer and the Letter A It has a few more questions here about flowchart Check the alternative that contains the symbol used in flowcharts of processing systems data printed output to indicate, for example, the issue of one or various reports When I speak printed, I'm talking about paper Which of the drawings there seems more a role? Take a look. .
. What's up? Which one looks like a paper?
I would vote this out! And this is exactly my answer. But look, this first here are recorded data operations So whenever I have a recorded data, I can represent well This one is a page terminator For example, if your flow chart becomes too large and need to occupy more than one page You will call this stream to a component of that and will put in here, a letter or a number To represent the connection and then will use another page.
The latter here we have seen. It is to perform arithmetic operations or any other statements that do not have representation in the right flowchart It was clear? Simple like that!
Let the last question on flowchart separated for you. The last issue of this video is: Let's make a correlation of all these components The number 1 is the Terminal. That little guy that looks like a biscuit cornflour The second is data flow arrow, which is an arrow.
The third and processing, which is a rectangle. So is the 3. Four.
Data entry or manual operation. data entry or manual operation can be given by this symbol here it seems a keyboard being seen from above. Input and output data.
The entrance and exit, which is number 5, can be given by this rectangle who took a punch side. Number 6. Data output video.
We have seen that video data output is this side of monitor The number 7, printer Data output Printer output data, we saw that last question is this piece of paper And 8 is Decision, that would be my diamond. So the option that has: 3 -1 - 6-4 - 7-5 - 8-2 is the letter A. You see how easy it is?
Flowchart is a simple concept And we'll work a little harder in more classes now on Java course, you can rest assured I just wanted to show you that it is extremely easy. And then you may be wondering, "Oh, Guanabara, I can study at home and go to these contests? " To get, but if you have an institution, if you have a well-designed course to help you to it, it would be much better, is not it !
? And has! It has Educandos!
The Teaching Educandos system specializes in training people for these competitions Just to give you an idea, in recent years the first places of the Navy and Air Force They are always the Educandos. This is really cool. This shows how much the institution is powerful within these contests, because everything is done hard generates positive results.
You can be sure that, little grasshopper. And then you may be wondering: "Guanabara, how do I talk to the guys from Educandos? " Is easy.
To speak to the crowd of Educandos is the easiest thing to have. In addition to looking for them on the internet, search the site, searching the internet for Educandos and you will see what they have prepared for you. But there is a way to communicate directly with them.
Send an email to fale@sistemaeducandus. com. br Comes into contact there, boot your doubts that they will respond with all the love and with all patience.
And guys, as I said before, I have a surprise for you to tell But it will be for a next class. You'll have to go little by little learning to see how the Educandos Because the Video Course is so. The Video Course is not to arrive, watch a video and go It is to come, watch a video and learn from other videos go until you become what?
An experienced grasshopper! I hope that our new sponsor has come to stay because he has a very good product. Here at Video Course, we never offered crap.
Only offers quality company It has a lot of business that comes in contact with us to sponsor and, simply, I do not accept. First, it has nothing to do with the model Video Course, right ! ?
Or, simply, it is not a company that I believe I will only put here, companies that I believe! So that's my baby! Practice a lot, look for the previous evidence Asks there for them the previous evidence.
Contacts and asks Or contact and talk like, "Wow, thank you for you have sponsored Thanks for another video. per week Gratitude is valuable. Send an email to the guys, thanks, hit a chat with them they are there to meet you Especially if you are between 18 and 25 If you have more than that, no problem.
Demand because they have other contests To speaking only of computer courses, but the Educating has a number of courses for who is the Administration, Nursing and all Air Forces, Post Office, Police They specialize in preparatory Comes in contact with the guys that they are prepared to answer you So my dear, here I bid you farewell. A strong hugs to you Good studies, practice a lot, and until next time!
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