so we clearly see that the devil will be released after the completion of the Thousand Years this is Cornerstone when you understand that then you understand the delusion of the post millennialist and the dispensationalist the devil will be released after the completion of the Thousand Years right Satan will be loosed from his prison it says in 27 right and and which are the four corners of the earth etc etc they marched but then fire came down from heaven and the devil would deceive and thrown into the Lake of Fire Etc we just read that so
he will be released from the after the completion of the thousand years he will act according to his destructive nature for a brief period of time and then he will go to predition eternal hell thus after this brief loosening of the devil we do not have another set of thousand years what is post millennialist is that after this there's another thousand years this is what the sectarians believe Jehovah's Witnesses but unfortunately many Protestants so-called Protestants I don't know what that means anymore anyway that group that is not a part of the people Protestants is not
Orthodox and it's in the west we call these massive different groups Protestants those I guess they're all one identify as protesters against the pope for the Thousand Years definitely ceed the loosening of the devil according to St Andrew of ceria who defines the Millennium as quote the time between the first and second coming of Christ and the appearance of the Antichrist this is St Andrew of kadia that's the thousand years and it precedes the loosening so the idea is clearly rejected St Andrew says after the completion of the 6,000 year this idea this idea I'm
sorry this idea right here you're going to hear is totally rejected he's characterizing it which by the way goes back to his time right there's this idea that maybe these dispensationalist ideas these heretical ideas are um something unique to our time NOP No actually they're not they've been around for a long time yeah so these are various interpretations from his contemporary and one of them is this after the completion of the six not contemporaries people came before him after the completion of the 6,000 years from Adam and Eve the first resurrection is given only to
the Saints so in this Earth where they displayed patient endurance they will now enjoy luxurious living and honor for a thousand years this is the heretical idea that is rejected and St Andrew is characterizing it let me repeat it that the the the the abominable idea that after the completion of 6,000 years from Adam and Eve we're in what are we in we're in the eth Millennium right according to the time given in scripture we're in the 7,500 years from the creation of the world more or less 500 and something I forget so after the
6,000 years is complete we entered the 7,000 area 7,000 something after the 6,000 is complete the first Resurrection is given only to the Saints so in this Earth where they displayed patient endurance they will enjoy luxurious living in honor for a thousand years that's the idea of the the heretical teachers of his day and of course some of it in some way is repeated today you have the same delusion and let's go to the Jehovah's Witness delusion and let's talk about that this is the Jehovah's Witness is the famous watch Tower Journal right and people
going around the country and knocking on your door and you know they're Witnesses of Jehovah and they're going to teach us they're utterly heretical they're Aryans they don't even understand the scriptures they read and they reject the Divinity of Christ and here is some of their ideas after the 6,000 years since Adam uh we're going to talk about their teaching sorry this is not their teaching after the 6,000 years since Adam the devil will be bound according according to them right Christ This is a paraphrase Christ will appear and Reign on the earth for a
thousand years according to them which gives a total of 7,000 years one Millennium per day of creation after the completion of the sixth Millennia only the Saints will resurrect those who suffered and struggled in the present life the martys ET so they can enjoy the good things the Earth okay we're kind of repeating what was just said the same kind of teaching in the day of Saint and the and the years before St Andrew of cidia well the same thing is said and believed by the Je was Witnesses and you can see this in the
various journals that they publish and they fill their pages with this luscious fruit vegetables beautiful gardens friendly happy people animals guitars smiles and much fanfare right this is the this is the delusion of the Jehovah winess this is what's going to happen they're going to come and have this wonderful uh Earthly fleshly you know physical material a thousand years so according to the chiliast the millennialist after the completion of the thousand years the Sinners will resurrect God will ask them if they repent and he will annihilate and turn into dust those who refuse to repent
if there is such a fool who will refuse refuse to repent says Elder like who at that point would say uh no I don't I want to be turned into dust like they will cease to exist according to the millennialist the chilas the Jehovah's Witness So based on this these Jehovah's Witness do not believe in the existence of hell right they cease to exist no that's actually not true they won't cease to exist that's exactly will not happen they will be resurrected under judgment separation they will not cease to exist if they cease to exist
that might be some consolation I suppose uh but in any case they don't cease to exist and this is therefore their denial of Hell the idea that they can cease to exist and it's a great and utter myth according to Elder ethanos so regarding these heretical Millennial interpretations St Andrew says the following it is not necessary to mention that the church accepted none of this right the church has never accepted these ideas from the very beginning so this is a total innovation in the latter days and then he says he gives us some strong arguments
as to why these are heretical teachings he says we therefore having heard from the Lord say to the Sadducees the the righteous will be like the angels of God in heaven the righteous will be God like the angels of God in heaven they won't be like you know cooking you know fruits and vegetables and Gardens and the apostles having said the kingdom of God is not food and drink right so the Thousand-Year reign of Millennium of them on Earth with food and drink is not the Apostle said that's not the kingdom of God so therefore
we accept the Millennium to be the time of the preaching of the Gospel El from the first to the second coming for it was also previously noted there is no need to accept the thousand years as an actual number right so he's saying look folks it's not an actual thousand years this is delusional it's from the first to second coming he goes on after the Millennium the son of predition the man of lawlessness lawlessness will come right so at at the end of the thousand years he does come this is the position of our church
and all of interpretations suggesting that the Thousand Years will commence after the Antichrist are condemned and rejected even in their most spiritual forms it cannot be church has rejected all Notions about a material or spiritual Millennium commencing when after the condemnation of the Antichrist after the condemnation of the Antichrist there's nothing except the Judgment immediately after the reign of the Antichrist we will have the final judgment and he quotes St Andrew again in order to judge all those who did not believe the way of the truth but favored the ways of unrighteousness that's what comes
immediately after the Antichrist now let's look particularly at the dispensationalist and the post millennialist right postmillennialism is as old as the new as the old as the New Testament sorry it's as old as New Testament by the way the image here is of the major proponents of dispensationalism and one the one on the right is the author of the famous uh scoffield Bible I'm not sure but the person on the left who that is but these are some of the names of dispensationalism Moody chaffer Lindsay Darby scoffield and others the first post millennialist was serinus
or serenos a Jewish contemporary of St John the Theologian right interesting that it comes from the judaizers or those Jews who were rejected the gospel I'm not sure if it's somebody who considered himself a Christian I think it is so in judaizer in the temp time of St John the Theologian who conveniently provided his own arbitrary interpretation of the Revelation so judaizer aiming to give a Christian veneer to the existing material Messianic perception of the Jews all right so he has a material Messianic perception of Jews exactly what they wanted they wanted a a worldly
ruler they still want a worldly ruler they still see everything in this life that this is what it's all about this is going to be exactly what the Antichrist will give them and give the whole world and therefore they're preparing themselves for receiving the Antichrist and back then these uh Messianic material Messianic ideas of the Jews was given this Christian veneer oh it's not just back then it's now too of the same problem and it was by this santhus all right so he's kind of the father of the dispensationalist today the Jehovah's Witnesses but not
only them he focuses on them because they're the most destructive in Greece in terms of sectarian missionaries today these dispensationalist post millennialist being I'm sorry in particular he's talking about the Jehovah's Witness right here being of a Zionist background so Jehovah's Witness has a Zionist background why because Charles taaz Russell the founder of the Jehovah's Witness was of Jewish origin so he says there's a Zionist backdrop makes sense because dispensationalism leads scof bble leads to what we see today you know very very zealous unbelievably politically motivated and minded Evangelical leaders pushing for World War I
pushing to to bomb Iran pushing to support by all means the Jewish State even though it's persecuting Christians I mean you see this it's all got its roots in these heretical ideas who said that the heretical ideas and the the the heterodox and their ideas about Christ does have direct political worldly impact in our world right here it's the most obvious most egregious case that we have a Zionist backdrop is very instructive isn't it so today's jov's witness being of a Zionist background use synthesis interpretation to accommodate their Zionist materialistic Messianic Dimension they have it
like him they're following him these aing people always unwilling to be corrected are the Contemporary followers of zinas or cinas SAS the following first followers of SST were the adonit and the nazarin all right I have to say I'm not super up on these early sectarian groups I should be because I pretty sure that they're covered in one of our Publications which so this is a good thing for me to get get uh read up this first interpretation of the Apocalypse was disputed by the church fathers but also by origin who was not a Church
Father St unus of Alexandria St basil the great St Gregory the Theologian in the east St Jerome and St Augustine in the west the third ecumenical council in Ephesus decisively and finally condemned this heretical interpretation all right so it's an old story for us Orthodox if people knew their stuff they wouldn't fa pray like all these Protestants if they actually knew anything about church history and the and the fathers and they read the writings of the fathers and they Comm counsels they wouldn't have fallen into this terrible delusion scripturally this misinterpretation is Contra contradictory to
the Lord's Parable we read in Matthew 13 once again the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net when it was full men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into the vessels but threw away the bad so it will be at the close of the age the angels will come out and separate all the evil from the righteous consequently the separation of the wicked from the just will be at the end of the age at the end of history and not some mythical pre-tribulation Rapture again the separation of the wicked from the
just will not be in any kind of so-called Rapture not before the end of the age the end of History so there's not going to be a thousand years after that that's not going to happen it's going to be the end of the age that's what it happens it says right there in the parable of Our Lord right so will it be at the close of the age not at a time the Thousand before the thousand years before the close of the age the post-millennial claim that Christ will co- with the righteous visibly for a
thousand years before the final judgment contradicts the Apostle Peter who in his Pentecostal sermon said the following Jesus Christ whom Heaven Must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his prophets from of old let me read that again Jesus Christ whom Heaven Must receive when until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from old so all Prophecies of the prophets and of Christ must be fulfilled which certainly includes the resurrection of the Dead with their bodies that was prophesied and the
final judgment spoken of by Christ right that's got to happen so therefore we cannot possibly have a visible appearance of Christ on Earth for a thousand years as crudely interpreted by today's deluded millennialist right it's not going to happen because all these prophecies including the resurrection of the Dead will be fulfilled until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets right he will be received until when second coming in other words will come when until all the prophets are filled so the SEC at the end of the prophet
propes being fulfilled including the resurrection of dead that will be the second coming it will not be a time where the Lord will then come for a thousand years and Reign on Earth so the Apostle Peter here is showing us the way [Music] oh