before we pray let's take a moment to listen to God's word and afterward we'll pray together Psalm 150:6 declares let everything that has breath praise the Lord praise the Lord take a moment to pause and give thanks let your heart be lifted in praise to Jesus Christ for he has been faithful no matter what you have been through no matter how hard the road has been you are still here that alone is a reason to worship Every Breath You Take is proof of his sustaining Grace every heartbeat is a reminder of his Mercy each of
us carries a story a testimony of God's goodness we have all walked through valleys endured seasons of pain and faced trials that tested our faith some of us have known deep loss some have battled sickness others have wrestled with loneliness rejection or financial hardship but through it all there was a moment one undeniable moment when God showed up a moment when despite the storm despite the impossibility of the situation his presence was made known a moment when you knew with absolute certainty that was you Lord and so I encourage you don't hold back your praise
I praise God because when I look back at where I started and compare it to where I am today I see his hand in every step I see the doors he opened that I never could have opened on my own I see the protection he gave when I didn't even know I was in danger I see the grace he poured out when I least deserved it I know without a doubt it was only by his Mercy that I stand here today I praise God because there were people who doubted me there were those who spoke
negatively about me who dismissed me who walked away and left me feeling abandoned but in the Silence of their absence I found the voice of my savior speaking louder than ever before he whispered his promises over me he reminded me that I am never alone that his plans for me are greater than anything man could take away and because of him I am stronger today yes I became stronger not because of my own strength but because I learned that I could only lean on the Lord I realize that people's hurtful words are nothing compared to
the life-giving powerful words of Jesus Christ I am fearfully and wonderfully made I am the head and not the tail I am blessed and highly favored these are the truths that have carried me the promises that have sustained me I praise God because there was a season when I struggled financially I didn't know how I would make it I worried about how I would provide but somehow I survived somehow I always had enough even when I had nothing I never went without what I truly needed now looking back I realize it was God he was
my provider he was my sustainer he was the one who made a way when there was no way I praise God because there was a season when I felt lost when my path was unclear I didn't know which way to turn I cried out for direction for clarity for purpose and he answered he led me step by step I didn't always understand his ways but I learned to trust and now standing on the other side of that season I see that every detour was divine every delay had a purpose every no was leading me to
a better yes so I will praise him not just for what he has done but for who he is he is faithful he is kind he is my refuge in the storm my peace in the chaos each of us has something to be thankful for each of us has a reason to lift our voices in praise to the Lord so today let your praise rise let your heart be filled with Thanksgiving let your Soul magnify the Lord for he alone is worthy now let's take a moment to pray together Lord Jesus I give you all
the praise all the glory and honor Belong to You alone No One Compares To You Lord no one else could love me as you do sustain me as you do or fight for me as you do you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the one who was who is and who is to come you are my rock my shield my strong tower when people fail me you are constant When I grow weary you give me strength when I feel lost you guide me and because of who you are I will
praise you with every breath in my body I praise you because the enemy's attacks have no power over me no weapon formed against me shall prosper the fiery darts of the enemy will not shake me because you Lord are my Defender you surround me with favor as with a shield I Praise You Lord because with you by my side I know that no battle will ever defeat me the storms may rise the winds may blow but I am anchored in you I am safe in your arms I may walk through the fire but I will
not be burned I may pass through the Deep Waters but I will not be overwhelmed because you are with me you hold me up with your righteous right hand and because of you I will stand Victorious father I know that my victories in life are not because of my own strength my talents or my abilities it is your grace and mercy that sustain me the joy I have the peace I carry and the faith that keeps me going it is all because of my relationship with you the world did not give me this peace and
the world cannot take it away the enemy tried to steal my joy but your joy is my strength the enemy tried to shake my faith but you are the foundation on which I stand and for that I praise you forgive me Lord if I have allowed things in my life to pull me away from you if I have clung to things that weaken my faith break those chains Lord free me from anything that tries to silence my praise remove every burden that weighs me down and keeps me from lifting my hands in surrender to you
if I have made an idol out of my own desires my own plans or my own will I lay it all down before you now nothing in this world is worth more than being close to you take away anything that competes for my heart take away anything that distracts me from worshiping you in spirit and in truth I surrender all Jesus I give up my ways my plans my control because I know your ways are higher your plans are greater and your love for me is deeper than I can comprehend you see what I cannot
see you know what I do not know and so I trust you even when I do not understand I trust you even when the road ahead is uncertain I trust you you are my good shepherd and I will follow where you lead I Praise You King Jesus because I don't have to rely on My Own Strength I have a God who has proven himself faithful time and time again when I was weak you made me strong when I was broken you restored me when I had nothing left you filled me up again you have never
failed me and you never will you are my provider my sustainer my healer my deliverer there is no one like you father as long as I have breath in my body I will praise you as long as I am alive I will lift my voice in worship no matter what comes my way whether trials hardships or seasons of uncertainty I will praise you because you are worthy you are worthy on the Mountaintop and you are worthy in the valley you are worthy in seasons of joy and in seasons of Sorrow you are worthy when I
understand and you are worthy when I do not my praise is not dependent on my circumstances It Is Anchored In who you are your word says in John 4 : 24 God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth Teach Me How To Worship you with my whole heart Lord teach me to be a true worshipper one who Ador you not just with my lips but with my life let my actions glorify you Let My Words reflect your love let my life be a testimony of of your goodness let my
heart be a place of worship a place where you are always welcome always exalted always adored Lord you are my God and I will exalt you I will sing of your goodness I will Proclaim your faithfulness because in perfect love you have done wonderful things for me you did not have to choose me but you did did you did not have to rescue me but you did you did not have to love me but you do again and again without conditions Without Limits without hesitation and so I will love you I will serve you and
I will worship you all the days of my life I praise you because you created me in love I'm fear yly and wonderfully made you have called me your own you have forgiven me redeemed me and sustained me through every season even in my failures you have never turned away from me even in my doubts you have remained patient with me even when I have fallen you have picked me up your mercy is new every morning and your grace never runs out great are you Lord and most worthy of Praise Your greatness is beyond human
understanding I will praise you at all times I will honor you with every breath in my body My Worship is not just for today it is for eternity for all of my days in every season in every circumstance my soul will bless your holy name Lord I will continue to praise you not because of what you can do for me but because you alone are worthy you alone deserve My Worship if I had nothing else in this world as long as I have you I have everything I need forever and ever I will exalt your
holy name in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen as a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always