God Says ➨ You'll Lose Me Forever If You Skip Me | God Message Today For You |God message |God Tells

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God Tells You
God Says ➨ You'll Lose Me Forever If You Skip Me | God Message Today For You |God message |God Tells...
Video Transcript:
my beloved child I speak to you now with all the love and tenderness of a father who cherishes his creation beyond measure your heart beats in rhythm with my own for I have knitted you together in your mother's womb and breathed my very life into your being today I wish to share with you a message of profound appreciation and encouragement my dear one I truly appreciate all the goodness you have brought into the world each act of kindness every word of comfort comfort and all the moments of selfless love you have shown they do not
go unnoticed I see them all and they bring joy to my heart you are my hands and feet in this world and through you my love continues to touch the lives of those around you in the vastness of creation you might sometimes feel small or insignificant but I assure you that your contributions matter greatly every smile you share every burden you help carry and every prayer you utter in faith ripples through the fabric of existence creating waves of positive change that extend far beyond what your eyes can see I urge you my child to focus
on what is good today in a world that often seems shrouded in darkness you have the power to be a beacon of Light by directing your attention to the beauty and goodness that surrounds you you align yourself more closely with my will and my nature remember I am the source of all that is good and when you recognize and celebrate goodness you are in essence recognizing and celebrating me let this focus on the positive uplift your spirit allow the joy of gratitude to fill your heart and overflow into every aspect of your life when you
choose to see the good you open your eyes to my blessings which are new every morning this perspective will strengthen you renew your hope and deepen your faith as you continue to spread light and Inspire others know that you are fulfilling a sacred purpose you are not just living for yourself but you are part of a greater story my story of redemption and love for all of humanity your words of encouragement your acts of compassion and your unwavering Faith serve as a testimony to my presence in the world remember my child that the good you
do no matter how small it may seem has the power to transform lives a kind word spoken to a stranger a helping hand extended to a neighbor or a silent prayer offered for a friend these are the building blocks of a better world by focusing on and cultivating what is good you become an agent of change a catalyst for Hope in a world that desperately needs it I want you to understand that your Journey of Faith and goodness is not always easy there will be times when darkness seems to prevail when Injustice appears to Triumph
and when your efforts feel feudal in these moments I ask you to Lean on Me draw strength from my promises find comfort in my presence and remember that I am working all things together for good for those who love me and are called according to my purpose your focus on what is good is Not Mere positive thinking it is an act of faith and obedience it is a declaration of trust in my sovereignty and my goodness when you choose to see the best in situations and in people you are reflecting my nature for I am
the god who brings beauty from ashes and Joy from M as you go through your day I invite you to open your eyes to the Myriad ways in which my love is manifested around you see it in the vibrant colors of nature hear it in the laughter of children feel it in the warmth of humankindness let these experiences fill you with gratitude and awe reminding you of my constant presence in care moreover I call you to be intentional in creating and spreading goodness let your words be seasoned with Grace bringing healing and encouragement to those
who hear them let your actions be motivated by love serving others as you would serve me in doing so you become a Living testament to my love drawing others closer to me through your example remember my child that you are not alone in this endeavor feel free to share this video with up to three people if you feel the need for God's presence let others too bask in the Divine Light of our heavenly father I have given you my holy spirit to guide you comfort you and Empower you lean on his wisdom rely on his
strength and be sensitive to his promptings he will help you discern what is truly good and give you the courage to pursue it even when it is challenged in as you focus on what is good you will find that your perspective on life begins to shift challenges that once seemed insurmountable will become opportunities for growth and testimony relationships that were strained may find healing through your patient love your workplace can become a mission field where your integrity and kindness shine as a light in the darkness I want you to know that your efforts to spread
positivity and goodness are not in vain they are seeds planted in faith and in due time they will bear fruit fruit that will last some of this fruit you will see in your lifetime bringing you Joy and encouragement other fruits may only become apparent in eternity where you will fully understand the impact of your faithful obedience my child as you continue to focus on what is good remember that this practice is not about ignoring the reality of evil or suffering in the world rather it is about choosing to respond to these challenges with faith hope
and love it is about trusting that my light is more powerful than any darkness and that my love is stronger than any hate in focusing on the good you also become more attuned to my voice and my leading in your life you will find it easier to recognize the opportunities I plac before you to be a blessing to others your spiritual senses will be sharpened allowing you to perceive my hand at work in even the smallest details of your day I want to remind you that your worth is not determined by your accomplishments or the
amount of good you do your value comes from who you are my beloved child created in my image Redeemed by my son the good you do flows from this identity not to earn my love but as a response to the love I have lavished upon you as you concentrate on the good you will find that your Faith grows stronger you will become more resilient in the face of adversity knowing that I am always working for your good and for my glory your trust in my promises will deepen and you will experience a peace that surpasses
all understanding even in the midst of Life Storms remember my child that focusing on the good is not a one-time decision but a daily Choice each morning when you wake I in invite you to commit your day to me asking for eyes to see the good and a heart ready to respond to it as you do this consistently it will become a habit transforming not only your life but also the lives of those around you in your journey of focusing on the good do not be discouraged by setbacks or moments of weakness I understand your
human Frailty and my grace is sufficient for you when you stumble simply return to me seek my forgiveness and allow me to renew your spirit each new day is an opportunity to begin again to refocus on my goodness and to reflect it to the world as you continue to spread light and Inspire others know that you are participating in my grand Plan of Redemption every act of kindness every word of Truth spoken in love every moment of sacrificial service is a brushstroke in the Masterpiece I am creating you may not always see the full picture
but I assure you that your faithfulness is making a difference I want you to understand that focusing on the good doesn't mean you will be exempt from trials or suffering in fact as you align yourself more closely with my will you may face opposition from a world that often rejects what is good and true in these moments remember the words of my son Jesus in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world World let this truth bolster your courage and strengthen your resolve if you want God's grace always upon
you then please consider to support our ministry by clicking thanks button my child as you go about your day focusing on what is good I want you to know that I Delight in you your efforts to bring my kingdom to Earth to be a vessel of my love and grace bring joy to my heart even when you feel inadequate or unsure know that that I am working through you and that I Rejoice over you with singing Let the awareness of my love and approval free you from the need for human validation or worldly success as
you concentrate on the good you are storing up Treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal your Eternal reward is secure in me I encourage you to share this focus on goodness with your brothers and sisters in Christ encourage one another build each other up and spur one another on toward love and Good Deeds together you form my body on Earth and as you unite in spreading light and positivity your impact will be multiplied remember also to extend this focus on good to those who
do not yet know me let your life be a testimony to my goodness drawing others to the light of my love your consistent kindness integrity and joy can open doors for sharing the good news of Salvation through Jesus Christ as you continue on this path of focusing on the good uh I want you to know that I am always with you I go before you preparing the way I walk beside you offering my strength and comfort and I come behind you protecting you and ensuring that nothing can snatch you from my hand my beloved child
as you concentrate on the good you are becoming more like my son Jesus he is the perfect example of goodness incarnate and as you fix your eyes on him you are being transformed into his likeness from glory to glory this is my will for you that you would grow in Christ likeness reflecting his character to a world in need in your pursuit of goodness remember to stay rooted in my word let the scriptures be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path meditate on what is true [Music] Noble right pure lovely and
admirable as you fill your mind with these things you will find it easier to recognize and appreciate the good around you I want to remind you that your ability to focus on the good and spread positivity is not dependent on your circumstances even in the darkest valleys you can choose to see my light even in times of loss or hardship you can cling to my promises and find reasons for gratitude this steadfast faith in my goodness especially in difficult times is a powerful witness to the world as you continue to bring goodness into the world
remember that you are part of a long line of Faithful Servants who have gone before you from Abraham to David from the prophets to the apostles and countless unnamed Believers throughout history all have played their part in advancing my kingdom of light and love you now carry this torch Illuminating the path for those who will come after you my child I want you to know that your focus on what is good today has Eternal significance every choice you make to spread light to offer hope to extend grace these are not just temporal actions but they
are weaving the fabric of Eternity In My Kingdom nothing done in faith and love is ever wasted as you go through your day be attentive to the small moments where you can make a difference a smile to a stranger a word of encouragement to a co-worker a patient response to a difficult person these seemingly insignificant acts can be the very means by which I bring transformation to someone's life remember that focusing on the good doesn't mean ignoring Injustice or turning a blind eye to the needs around you rather it means approaching these challenges with hope
no knowing that I am a God of Justice and that I care deeply for the oppressed and marginalized let your focus on good motivate you to be an agent of the positive change in your community and Beyond type Amen in the comments and don't forget to share this message with up to three people so that God can help you I want to encourage you to cultivate gratitude as you focus on what is good take time each day to thank me for my blessings both big and small this practice of Thanksgiving will train your heart to
see good more readily and will deepen your joy and contentment in all circumstances as you spread light and Inspire others be prepared for the fact that not everyone will understand or appreciate your positive outlook some may criticize or mock your faith in my goodness in these moments respond with Grace and continue to love unconditionally just as I have loved you your consistent witness may be the very thing that eventually softens their hearts my child I want you to know that your focus on good is not just for your own benefit but it has a ripple
effect that extends far beyond what you can see your positive influence can Inspire others to look for the good creating a community of Hope and encouragement that reflects my kingdom values remember that focusing on the good doesn't mean you won't face doubts or questions it's natural to wonder why I allow certain things to happen or why evil seems to prosper at times in these moments of uncertainty I invite you to bring your questions to me pour out your heart wrestle with these deep issues and trust that even when you don't have all the answers I
am still good and I am still in control as you continue to concentrate on what is good I want you to remain humble remember that every good gift comes from me and any positive impact you have is ultimately a result of my grace working through you let this knowledge keep you dependent on me and quick to give me the glory for any good that comes through your life my beloved as you focus on spreading light and inspiring others don't neglect your own spiritual growth take time to be still in my presence to listen for my
voice and to be filled aresh with my spirit it's from this place of intimate communion with me that you will find the strength and wisdom to consistently choose and spread goodness I want to remind you that your focus on good is not just about personal actions but also about the environment you create around you your home your workplace your church let these be places where goodness thrives where people feel valued and loved where my presence is tangible you have the power to influence the atmosphere wherever you go as you go through life focusing on what
is good be prepared for seasons of pruning there may be times when I remove things from your life that are hindering your growth or distracting you from what truly matters trust me in these Seasons knowing that I am working to make you even more fruitful in spreading goodness and light my child I want you to know that your efforts to focus on good and spread positivity are part of a larger spiritual battle the enemy seeks to discourage you to make you doubt my goodness and your ability to make a difference stand firm against these lies
clothed in the full armor I have provided you your consistent focus on good is a powerful weapon against the forces of Darkness remember that as you concentrate on what is good you are participating in the renewal of all things every act of kindness every choice to forgive every moment of Selfless Love is a foretaste of the perfect goodness that will be fully realized when my son returns let this eternal perspective inspire you to persevere in doing good even when you don't see immediate results I want to encourage you to be creative in how you spread
goodness and light use the unique gifts and talents I've given you whether in art music writing teaching or any other area to Showcase my beauty and Inspire others to look for the good in life and in one another as you focus on what is good today remember that this includes seeing the potential for good in others even when it's not readily apparent look Beyond outward appearance es or past mistakes and see people as I see them beings created in my image with inherent worth and the capacity for Change and growth if you believe that God
will help you please subscribe to the channel my beloved child know that your journey of focusing on good and spreading light is a lifelong process there will be days when it comes easily and others when it feels like an uphill battle in All Seasons lean on my strength trust in my faith faithfulness and remember that I am working in and through you to accomplish my good purposes I want you to understand that as you consistently choose to focus on good you are developing spiritual resilience this strength of character will serve you well in times of
trial enabling you to stand firm in faith and to be a source of Hope and encouragement to others who may be struggling remember my child that focusing on good doesn't mean you won't experience negative emotions it's okay to feel sad angry or frustrated at times bring these emotions to me let me comfort you and then allow me to guide you back to a perspective of hope and trust in my goodness as you spread light and Inspire others be open to working alongside those who may be different from you unity and diversity is a beautiful reflection
of my kingdom and when my children come together across denominational cultural or racial lines to spread goodness it's a powerful testimony to the world I want to remind you that your focus on good should extend to how you treat yourself be kind to yourself celebrate your progress and don't be too hard on yourself when you fall short remember that I love you unconditionally and my grace is always available to help you get back up and continue spreading light my dear one as you concentrate on what is good don't be afraid to dream big I am
able to do immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine let your vision for spreading goodness and positivity expand trusting that with me all things are possible remember that focusing on good and spreading light often involves sacrifice there may be times when choosing what is right and good comes at a personal cost in these moments recall the example of my son who gave his life out of love for you let his sacri rice Inspire and strengthen you to persevere in doing good no matter the cost I want you to know that as you focus on
spreading goodness and light you are leaving a legacy that will outlive you the positive impact you have on others will continue to Ripple outward touching lives and shaping Futures in ways you may never fully realize this side of Eternity amen
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