Chosen One: If You FAIL This One TEST God Cannot USE You!

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A Word of Wisdom
Chosen One: If You FAIL This One TEST God Cannot USE You! Support Our Channel's Growth🙌 If you en...
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you might be surprised by what I'm about to share but it's crucial to stay silent and focused about what's coming your way you're watching another video exclusively for the chosen ones if you are not a believer of Christ it is likely that you will not watch this video to the end feel free to turn it off as the message may not resonate or vibrate with your soul or Spirit however if you are a True Believer of Christ you will fully understand everything I'm about to explain I stand before you today not just as a messenger
not just as a voice but as a flame a burning unquenchable fire that has been ignited by the very Breath of God I am here to spark a fire inside you to awaken something that has been dormant for too long listen closely chosen ones because I am speaking to you as a fellow soldier in this battle of faith we are not not dealing with ordinary struggles we are dealing with spiritual battles that will determine whether you walk in the fullness of God's promise or if you fall short not because God failed but because you let
doubt steal your breakthrough now hear me and hear me well there is a war being waged over your destiny the enemy has come for you not with swords or spears but with Whispers Whispers of doubt doubt is the enemy's most dangerous weapon because it is subtle it doesn't come at you directly it creeps into your mind in The Quiet Moments during the storms in the delays in the waiting periods doubt is a Silent Assassin but today we expose it for what it truly is a thief a liar a stumbling block that delays your Miracles blocks
your blessings and keeps you from stepping into the promised land but today chosen ones doubt will no longer hold you back today in the name of Jesus I declare that doubt will bow to Faith we are going to rip doubt out by its roots we are going to cast it down and you will walk into your breakthrough with a boldness and a confidence that will make the Gates of Hell tremble welcome to a Word of Wisdom if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe like the video and turn on notifications to keep up to
date with the word of God let's go to the word of God and see how doubt delays Destiny I take you now to Matthew 14: 28-31 a passage you may know well but today we will break it down like never before In this passage we find the disciples on a boat tossed by the waves gripped by fear in the midst of the storm Jesus comes to them walking on water and Peter bold and full of Faith calls out Lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water now let me pause
right here notice what Peter said he didn't say Lord if it is you stop the storm he didn't say Lord calm the winds no he said Lord command me to come to you Peter didn't ask for the storm to cease he asked for the power to walk through it you see when you are truly chosen by God you don't pray for the storm to go away you pray for the strength to walk over it you don't ask for the problems to disappear you ask for the power to stand in the middle of the chaos and
still move forward Peter understood that if Jesus was there he had the power to overcome anything even the laws of nature and what did Jesus say one word come and with that word Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk on water imagine it the waves crashing the wind howling but Peter he was walking in the impossible he was walking on the word of God his faith was his foundation and as long as his faith held the water held him up but then something happened the Bible says Peter saw the wind and when
he saw the wind he began to sink what changed did the word of God lose its power no did Jesus abandon him absolutely not so what happened doubt crept in the moment Peter took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the Storm doubt slipped into his heart that's all it took a flicker of Doubt a moment of hesitation and the impossible suddenly became impossible again chosen ones listen carefully this is a picture of what happens in your life when you allow doubt to enter your heart as long as Peter's Faith was intact he could walk
on water but the moment he allowed his circumstances to speak louder than the word of God he began to sink let me ask you today what have you allowed to speak louder than God's word in your life what storm has caused you to shift your focus from Jesus to the winds is it the doctor's report is it the financial struggle is it the fear of failure or rejection whatever it is know this doubt is a faith killer doubt is a destiny blocker doubt will cause you to sink in places where you were meant to walk
in Victory let's be real for a moment some of you have been waiting on a breakthrough for years you've been praying fasting believing but nothing seems to happen and slowly doubt begins to creep in you start to to wonder is God really going to come through for me will I ever see the miracle I've been praying for I'm here to tell you that doubt is delaying your destiny you see doubt isn't just a feeling doubt is a decision doubt is when you decide to trust what you see more than what God has said doubt is
when you let your circumstances dictate your faith instead of letting your faith dictate your circumstances God has already spoken the word over your life he has already promised you the Breakthrough the healing the victory but doubt is like a wall that blocks you from walking into that promise you've been standing at the edge of your Miracle but doubt has kept you from stepping into it doubt delays Miracles doubt delays provision doubt delays healing let me give you an example from scripture in Matthew 13:58 the Bible says that when Jesus returned to his hometown he could
not do many miracles there because of their unbelief did you catch that their doubt prevented them from receiving the Miracles that were already available to them Jesus was ready to heal ready to deliver ready to set people free but their doubt shut the door to the miraculous chosen ones how many miracles are waiting on the other side of your faith how many blessings have been held up because because doubt has kept you from receiving them today I declare in the name of Jesus that doubt will no longer delay your destiny you were not called to
live in the shadows of what if you were not called to wonder whether God's promises will come to pass you are chosen and God's word over your life is yes and amen 2 Corinthians 1: 20 it is done but you must believe let me expose the enemy's strategy for a moment moment the devil knows he cannot stop God's plan for your life he knows that once God speaks his word will accomplish what it was sent to do Isaiah 55:1 the enemy knows that you are chosen that you are destined for greatness that your life has
the power to shake the kingdom of darkness to its core so what does he do he plants seeds of Doubt look at what happened in the Garden of Eden the serpent did didn't attack Adam and Eve with Force he didn't come at them with violence no he came with a question did God really say Genesis 3:1 that one question just a seed of Doubt was enough to cause them to fall they doubted God's word and as a result they lost the blessing of the garden the enemy is doing the same thing to you today he's
whispering in your ear did God really say your he healed did God really say you're chosen did God really say your breakthrough is coming did God really say he'll make a way let me tell you something chosen ones the enemy is a liar the Bible calls him the father of Lies John 8:44 every word that comes from his mouth is meant to steal kill and destroy but today we reject the lies of the enemy we reject the seeds of doubt we reject every whisper that contradicts the word of God over your life I want you
to declare this right now I believe what God said about me I believe his promises I believe his word I will not be shaken by doubt I will not be moved by fear I am standing on the word of God and I will walk in my breakthrough chosen ones I cannot stress this enough faith is the key to unlocking your breakthrough through faith is not just a nice idea it is not just a feeling faith is the very thing that moves mountains Matthew 17:2 faith is the currency of Heaven it is the substance of things
hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen Hebrews 11:1 let me tell you something Faith doesn't make sense Faith doesn't conform to logic faith is what makes a man like Peter walk on water faith is what made Joshua March around the walls of Jericho until they fell without lifting a single weapon faith is what enabled David to stand before Goliath with nothing but a slingshot and declare this day the Lord will deliver you into my hand 1 Samuel 17:46 and let me tell you this faith is what will unlock the doors of Heaven in your
life Faith is what will relase relas the provision the healing the Breakthrough that you have been waiting for but here's the thing faith and doubt cannot coexist you cannot walk in faith and entertain doubt at the same time you must make a choice will you believe what God has said or will you let doubt steal your destiny Mark 9:23 says everything is possible for one who believes everything not something things not just a few things but everything is possible for the one who believes chosen ones I am calling you today to a radical faith not
a weak wavering timid Faith No I am calling you to an unshakable mountain-moving water walking Faith a faith that does not Bend in the face of adversity a faith that does not break under the weight of delay a faith that stands firm on the Promises of God no matter what what the Bible says in Romans 4: 20-21 that Abraham when faced with an impossible promise did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what
he had promised fully persuaded that is the kind of faith God is calling you to have fully persuaded that God will do what he said he will do fully persuaded that even if the storm is Raging you will not sink fully persuaded that the promise is on its way even if it hasn't arrived yet this is the kind of faith that moves Heaven this is the kind of faith that releases Miracles this is the kind of faith that defeats doubt and ushers you into your breakthrough now you might be asking how do I strengthen my
faith how do I overcome doubt when it seems to surround me on all sides let me give you three powerful keys to overcoming doubt and walking in unshakable faith one stay rooted in the word of God Romans 10:17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God if you want to grow in faith you must feed on the word of God you must meditate on his promises day and night the more you immerse yourself in the word the less room doubt has to take root two fix your eyes on Jesus just like
Peter as long as Your Eyes Are Fixed On Jesus you will walk on water but the moment you start looking at the winds and the waves doubt will creep in keep your focus on Jesus the author and finisher of your faith Hebrews 12:2 no matter what happens around you keep your eyes on him and you will not fall three surround yourself with Faith Builders be mindful of the voices you allow in your life surround yourself with people who speak life who encourage you who remind you of God's promises avoid those who sow seeds of doubt
and unbelief iron sharpens iron Proverbs 27:17 so make sure you are walking with those who sharpen your faith not Dull it chosen ones today is the day this is the moment you cast off doubt and step into your breakthrough the enemy has no more power over you doubt has no place in your heart you are chosen you are anointed and you are walking in the fullness of God's promises today you will walk on water today you will see the walls of Jericho fall in your life today you will declare I am fully persuaded that my
God will do what he has promised no more delay no more hesitation the word has been spoken over your life now it's time to believe rise up chosen ones walk in faith walk in power walk in your breakthrough as you take in this message don't let it simply stir your heart and Fade Away Let It move you to action share this message with others who need to hear it there are countless Souls who are struggling under the weight of their calling who are battling in silence and wondering if their faith is worth it be the
voice that reminds them that God sees them that he honors their faith and that the reward is on its way if this message has touched your heart take a moment to comment amen affirming that you stand in agreement with God's word let this be your Declaration of Faith a bold step forward in embracing the cost and trusting God for the reward every amen is not just a comment it is a statement of belief a proclamation that you are chosen by God and ready to walk in the fullness of your faith and for those who feel
led subscribe and continue this journey with us God is speaking powerfully in this season and you don't want to miss the words that he is releasing to strengthen encourage and uplift his chosen ones when you subscribe you are stepping into a community of believers who are committed to walking out their faith together supporting one another through the trials and celebrating the victories that God brings finally I encourage you to share this message don't keep the fire to yourself spread it so that others may be ignited with the truth of God's word there are many who
need this encouragement who need to be reminded that their small faith can move mountains together we can light a fire in the hearts of the chosen preparing them for the Glorious future that God has promised let's walk this journey together trusting in God's faithfulness every step of the way go forth today with the knowledge that you are chosen you are called and your faith no matter how small is more powerful than you realize stay connect connected to God trust him in all things and let your faith grow into something unshakable you are about to see
the mighty hand of God move in your life in ways you never thought possible your Mustard Seed Faith will grow and nothing absolutely nothing will be impossible for you let's close our eyes and pray this prayer together as one family Heavenly Father we come before you today with hearts burning for more more of your presence more of your power and more of your promises we acknowledge that you alone are the author and finisher of our faith and in you there is no failure Lord you are the god of Miracles the god of breakthroughs the God
who speaks and mountains move right now in the name of Jesus I pray for every single Chosen One listening to this message Lord I ask that you set their hearts Ablaze with a fire that cannot be quenched let every seed of Doubt every Whisper of fear and every lie of the enemy be burned away in the mighty name of Jesus I declare that doubt will no longer have any hold over their lives doubt will no longer delay their breakthroughs right now father I speak a fresh wind of Faith over your people a faith that defies
the impossible a faith that walks on water a faith that breaks chains and moves Mountain mountains Lord I Thank you that your promises are yes and amen I thank you that every word you have spoken over their lives will come to pass I thank you that you are the god of impossible situations and that nothing is too hard for you father where there has been delay I declare acceleration in the name of Jesus where there has been doubt I declare unwavering Faith where there has been lack I declare overflow for the those standing on the
edge of their breakthrough father I pray that they will no longer be held back by fear or uncertainty I declare in the name of Jesus that they are stepping into their breakthrough right now their healing is on the way their provision is on the way their Deliverance is on the way I declare that faith is rising in them like never before and they will walk boldly into the promises you have for them and Lord I pray for everyone who shares this message for those who like subscribe and comment Amen in faith father I ask that
you pour out a special blessing on them let their faith be stirred as they engage with this message let them experience the power of your word in ways they've never known before bless their lives bless their families bless their homes and open doors of opportunity and breakthrough that no man can shut as they sew into this message by sharing and engaging I declare that they will reap a harvest of blessings and favor father we stand on your word today we stand on the truth that you are faithful to do what you have promised we believe
it we declare it and we receive it in the mighty name of Jesus now Lord let your fire fall on every heart let your word be like a hammer that breaks the rock of Doubt into pieces let your power be released in the lives of every listener and let their faith rise like never before we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise because you are worthy in the mighty name of Jesus we pray amen and amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of
spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below no gift is too small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important work [Music]
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