Her Sister Is Killed, So She Uses Cursed Items To Find The Killer And Get Revenge

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Her Sister Is Killed, So She Uses Cursed Items To Find The Killer And Get Revenge | Movie Recap | Od...
Video Transcript:
The movie begins with a shot of a big house in an  isolated place, far from the city. We see a woman named Dani is fixing up the place, as it is still in the process of renovation. While she walks away, we notice a camera that is automatically taking pictures.
The scene then cuts to an asylum, where we see an orderly named Ivan, who  seems very strict and mean to the patients. Next, Dani locates a spot in the house  with a slight network signal, and calls her psychiatrist husband, Dr Ted, who works at the same asylum. She tells him that she intends to stay at their new house tonight.
During this, Dani expresses concern for her sister Darcy, who’s dealing with health issues. After hanging up the phone, she tries to contact Darcy to invite her to dinner tomorrow, but the latter doesn't answer. So, Dani leaves a voicemail for  her sister, stating, "We are connected.
" The scene cuts to nighttime, where Dani sets up a  tent inside the house to rest. She then goes out to get her jacket from the car, and hears some strange noises around her. This terrifies her, so she immediately rushes back inside, and locks the door.
Moments later, a strange man named Olin appears outside, and we notice he has a prosthetic  eye. He informs Dani that he saw someone enter the house while she was outside for a brief moment. Olin warns her that she’s not safe, and requests to be let in, but Dani refuses.
She mentions that her husband will return soon, but Olin says the doctor works the night shift. He turns out to be Ted's patient, who has just been discharged, and he claims  that he overheard them through the walls. However, Dani refuses to open the door for a  stranger, and threatens to call the cops if he doesn't leave.
This still doesn’t deter Olin,  and he advises her to do it for her own safety. But she reveals that she’s lost her phone,  and Olin doesn’t have one either. Just then, Dani hears some noises inside the house,  and begins to believe Olin is telling the truth.
And so, she carefully approaches  the door and prepares to unlock it. The scene then shifts to a few days later; we  see Declan Barrett, a patient at the asylum, drawing some sketches in his room. He suddenly hears some strange noises outside his door, which frighten him.
He hides under his bed, and when the noises stop, he cautiously steps outside to investigate. But to his horror, he discovers a dead body in the next room; its head smashed to pieces. He picks up a prosthetic eye, and  realizes the victim is none other than Olin.
The scene then cuts to a year later, where  Ted visits Dani’s twin sister, Darcy, who is blind. She owns a store, where she sells haunted  trinkets, and cursed antiques. Darcy then shows Ted an antique bell that she claims to be haunted.
She explains that there was once a mean bellboy, who used to hate his job. And one day, while helping a drunken guest, he was pushed down the stairs, and passed away. Apparently, the  bellboy's spirit became attached to the bell, and if they ring the bell, the dead bellboy  will come running.
Ted refuses to believe in such supernatural phenomena, and suggests  they ring the bell to see what happens, but Darcy warns him that the last two  people who did so were found dead. Here, we learn that Dani passed away on that  faithful night, and the cops blamed Olin for her murder. Ted then tells Darcy that he  came to see her because a patient named Declan Barrett died last week of a heart attack.
While clearing out his belongings, they shockingly came across Olin's prosthetic eye. He asks Darcy why she wants the eye, so she explains that she wants to know what went  through Olin's mind when he killed her sister. After that, she suggests that they  should meet for dinner next week, which is also Dani’s death anniversary.
Ted agrees, and suddenly reveals that he’s dating someone named Yana. This upsets Darcy, as she  believes he has moved on too quickly. But he explains that Yana is a pharmaceutical rep at his  hospital, and was there for him when Dani died.
After Ted leaves, Darcy returns to her apartment, and listens to the last voicemail left by Dani, which says, "We are connected. " She also mentioned that she had set up a time-lapse camera to detect any paranormal activity, but had not found anything yet. Darcy then touches the prosthetic eye, and is shocked to experience glimpses from Olin's life.
After learning the truth of what happened, she returns  to her store, and retrieves a sacred trunk. A week later, we see Ted in his country  house, where he’s getting ready to leave for work in the evening. An annoyed Yana  complains about him working night shifts, and claims she can't sleep alone in the  house.
She then shows him Dani's camera, which still contains pictures of her and Ted. But she also shows a mysterious image of Dani standing behind a door from a random photo  taken two nights ago. Ted dismisses it as double exposure, but Yana claims to have seen glimpses of Dani around the house.
As a result, she thinks it’s just a lack of sleep, and decides to stay in her city apartment  until Ted starts working regular hours. Next, Yana shows Ted a wooden trunk that has  been sent by Darcy as a gift. Before they can figure out what it is, Darcy unexpectedly arrives at the house.
The couple is surprised to see her, and Darcy reveals that Ted had invited her to dinner a week ago. He explains that he’s heading to work, and Yana will be leaving for the city, so they won't be able to have dinner together. But Darcy states that since she’s already here,  she would like to stay even if she’s alone.
Following this, Darcy opens the trunk she sent,  and reveals that it belonged to her mother. Ted doesn’t seem to like the gift, but pretends to  be pleased and thanks her. While she heads to the bathroom, Yana expresses her annoyance at the unexpected arrival of Darcy.
Yana is also upset about the gift, but Ted assures her that they will dispose of it as soon as Darcy leaves. After he departs, Yana closes the trunk, and  Darcy explains that a traditional gift for a couple's fifth wedding anniversary is something  made of wood. She mentions that this gift was given to her parents on their fifth anniversary by a witch.
But Yana rudely responds that she and Ted are not married yet, and urges Darcy to  take back her gift. Elsewhere at the asylum, Ted reviews Declan’s file, and discovers strange  sketches of a wooden mannequin attacking Olin. Returning to the house, Yana is preparing  to leave for the city, but she notices the creepy wooden mannequin has been taken out of the trunk.
Yana asks why she took it out, but Darcy insists that she didn’t. This annoys Yana, and she attempts to leave, but can’t find her car keys anywhere. With no other option, she is forced to stay at the house.
In the next scene, the two sit down at the dinner table, with the creepy wooden mannequin nearby. Darcy inquires as to how  long Yana and Ted have known each other, and the latter replies that it has been two years. She clarifies that they only started dating after his wife passed away.
Yana then inquires about  Darcy's profession, to which she reveals that she runs an antique store, and can do readings as well. She explains that by touching objects that have come into close contact with the skin, she can find out a lot about the person's life. Their conversation then shifts to Dani's  murder, and Yana expresses her fear of being alone at home, worried that another of  Ted's patients will come and kill her.
However, Darcy claims that her sister would not have been so foolish to let a stranger into the house in the middle of the night. She then confidently  asserts that Olin did not murder her sister. Following this, the scene cuts  back to the night of the incident, and it turns out that Dani still refuses to  open the door despite hearing strange noises.
Olin informs her that he will go to the city to call the police, and advises her to stay alert near the door. He urges her to run away from  the house if she hears any suspicious sounds. After he leaves, Dani uses a flashlight to search  for her camera, and hides in the tent.
But to her horror, while going through the photos, she  notices an image of a masked man inside her home. Dani begins to panic, and opens the tent  to see if he’s nearby. And then all of a sudden… The masked man is appears directly in front  of her and immediately kills her with a hammer.
In the present, Yana reveals that Olin was  convicted of beating his mother to death, and was locked up in the psych ward. But Darcy explains that his mother was abusive  towards him, and had already blinded him in one eye. When she tried to take his other eye, he  had to defend himself and ended up killing her.
Darcy adds that she would have done the same  if she were in his situation. Hearing this, a confused Yana asks, If Olin  didn’t kill Dani, then who did? In the asylum, Ivan questions Ted why he  didn't mention that his wife had a blind twin.
The doctor asks how he found out, so Ivan  reveals that he recently went to an antique store, and almost had a heart attack when he saw  someone who looked exactly like Dani there. Just then, Ted receives a call from an  irritated Yana, who says she is stuck in the house with Darcy because she can't find  her keys. She reveals that Darcy told her that the murderer of her sister is actually Ivan from their hospital.
Upon hearing this, Ted can’t believe what he heard,  and thinks Darcy is not well, so he suggests Yana lock herself in the bedroom  and promises to return as soon as possible. After hanging up the phone, Yana is startled  to see the wooden mannequin staring at her, causing her to drop and break her phone. But seconds later, she notices the mannequin in its normal position.
Darcy is still dozing off  at the table, so Yana approaches the mannequin, and finds several holes in its head. Inside these  holes, she discovers various strange objects. First, she finds a childhood photo of Dani and  Darcy, followed by another picture of them as adults.
She then discovers a tooth, and a vial of  blood, which scares her. Suddenly, Darcy stands up angrily orders her to put the objects back inside. A terrified Yana complies, and rushes to her bedroom.
Meanwhile, Darcy sits near the mannequin,  and chants a spell before falling asleep again. In her bedroom, Yana begins watching old videos of  Dani and Ted on the camera. The footage appears to be a normal, but moments later, Yana is horrified  to see Dani’s ghost.
She also notices Dani's ghost in the corner, asking her to run away. Yana then immediately proceeds downstairs, and tries to awaken Darcy, but the latter remains asleep. The  woman soon hears noises coming from the trunk, and when she looks inside, she finally finds her  car keys.
And so, she runs outside, and again sees Dani’s ghost at the door. Panicking, Yana  eventually drives away from the haunted house. After some time, Ted returns to the  house, and discovers Darcy alone in a dark corner.
He asks her where Yana  is, and she cryptically responds that Dani scared her off. Ted then inquires  about her claims regarding Dani’s murder, and Darcy continues to insist that Ivan is  the culprit. She confesses that she initially believed Olin was the murderer and took his life, so now she must pay for killing an innocent man.
Upon hearing this, Ted says that Darcy  might be hallucinating. He wonders how Ivan could have killed Dani when they  never even met. But Darcy shockingly claims that he did so on Ted’s orders.
She says that Ted should have told Dani he no longer loved her and wanted a divorce, instead of taking her life. In a flashback, we see Ted plotting his  wife’s murder with Ivan in his office. Ivan questions why he can't just divorce her, to which Ted explains that Dani loves him too much and will never be able to move on.
Furthermore, if she learns about Yana, he will lose the house where he has invested all of his life savings. Ivan suggests waiting until the house is furnished, so that the murder can be staged as a robbery, but Ted refuses to wait. Meanwhile, Olin overhears the conversation while eavesdropping on a vent in his cell.
Realizing what the two are planning,  he tries to get ahead of them and warn Dani. In the present, Darcy tells Ted that  she originally planned to kill him, but now believes it would be worse to expose  him. She’s going to see him losing everything, including his job, home, and girlfriend.
But Ted vehemently denies her accusations, and asks if she trusts Detective Peter, who was  in charge of Dani’s case. Darcy says she does, so Ted suggests she call Peter, and explain everything she has just said. He claims that Peter will show her the evidence that proves Olin is the murderer.
However, Ted claims that he doesn't have his phone number, so he will go  to Peter's office and ask him to contact her. He places his phone on the table in front of her, and  asks her to pick it up when the detective calls. Following this, Ted exits the house  while Darcy breaks down in tears, mourning her sister.
But instead of meeting Detective Peter, he heads straight to his office, and calls Darcy at home. We see the  trap door in front of her is opened, and a flashback shows Ted opening the trap door  earlier, knowing she is blind and will fall to her death. Unfortunately, Darcy rushes  to answer the phone and falls downstairs.
Ted, who still doesn't believe in supernatural  phenomena, asks Ivan if he told Darcy anything, but the latter claims that he didn’t speak with her at all. Ted then reveals that she has somehow found out, so he instructs  Ivan to go to his house and finish her off. As soon as Ivan arrives at the house, he looks  at the wooden mannequin, and then finds Darcy lying on the floor; turns out she is still alive.
Ivan updates Ted on the situation, informing him that she won’t survive much longer. He then tells  the dying Darcy not to worry, as it’s nearly over. At this point, Darcy suddenly raises her hand  in the air and utters, “We are connected.
” Meanwhile, Ivan is about to leave when he hears  some strange noises from downstairs, while Darcy is seen chanting some spells. Ivan decides to  leave, but comes across the wooden mannequin… The mannequin has suddenly come to life. Ivan runs back upstairs, and he tries  to flee, and jumps from the first floor, but injures his leg in the process.
The mannequin soon approaches him, and grabs his head, intending to crush his skull. But at this moment, Darcy sees her sister watching her from the trap door and smiling. She then ends up passing away,  which causes the wooden man to become motionless.
In the next scene, we see Ivan, who has managed  to survive, strapped to a bed at the asylum. Ted greets him and explains that due to  his prior convictions, they can't allow him to be free. He then inquires about what  happened at the house, and Ivan describes how the wooden mannequin pursued and attacked him.
However, the doctor who’ll never believe this, claims that if it were true, he wouldn't have been  able to drag the mannequin outside and burn it. Ivan then requests to see a priest, so that he can  confess all of his horrible crimes. He promises that he won’t speak about Ted, but the latter points out that doing so would raise questions about him.
It turns out that Ivan was once a  patient, but he got better, and Ted employed him. The doctor fears that his reputation will be lost if people find out that he befriended a psychopath. After saying this, Ted exits the  room, and releases a dangerous cannibal patient.
This guy doesn’t waste any time in attacking  Ivan, and ends up devouring his smelly leg. Later, we see Ted returning to the  house while listening to Yana’s voicemail. She has decided  to end their relationship.
She also wonders how he can still live in the  same house where two people died mysteriously. Upon his arrival, Ted finds a package sent  from Darcy’s store. Inside, he finds the bell that Darcy had claimed was haunted by the bellboy.
Ted places it on the table, and boldly presses the button, believing that the story is just a myth. Initially, nothing happens, and he begins laughing at  the bell.
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