Stroke Survivor’s Unbelievable Near Death Experience (NDE)

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The Other Side NDE
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Video Transcript:
hi everyone my name is TJ I'm from ockland New Zealand and back in October 2022 it was just an ordinary everyday weekend and I was out with my daughter and we' just been shopping at a mall had lunch everything was normal and I went into a store to get something it was just an errand I was running and I'm walking along and my leg my right sided Le I started tripping over my foot and I just thought this is weird what's going on I must be walking too fast you kind of Justified in your head
as this is starting to happen so I thought okay I just need to slow down so I don't trip over my feet and as I was thinking that and walking along I was then conscious I was having to actually physically sort of tell my leg to lift itself and I could feel this heaviness all coming down the right side as well and as it was happening I was just thinking o this is not good this is not normal and by the time I got to the counter to buy the product my brain was starting to
scramble and I you know went to get my cards out of my phone and my bag and I managed to do all that and then get out of there and I'm walking out to the car where my daughter was just waiting for me and I just thought this is weird something's just happened and it sort of feels like I'm having a stroke but surely not I can't be having a stroke I'm too young you sort of justify it again and I hopped in the car and I just said to my daughter I think you should
drive I'm just feeling a bit weird something's not quite right so I think maybe you should drive so she did and as we were driving home I just thought should I go to hospital that could be a good idea but I don't want to bother them maybe it's not serious and as I was thinking that my husband phoned me and that particular weekend he was actually in another hospital on the other side of town cuz his mom had just had a very serious medical event and she had been admitted on the Saturday so me and
my daughter after lunch Were Meant to go across to the hospital to visit her um in this Hospital on the other side of town so that was the plan and of course with all that what had just happened to me we didn't get there and so he phoned and he said you know where are you and I told him what had happened and he was like just go to hospital just get to hospital so that's what we did so we drove to the closest hospital we get to A&E inside I walk into A&E and by
that time I'm feeling a little bit like a fraud so while my daughter was parking the car I'm talking about what had just happened and they just said okay you straight through now so I got admitted directly through to A&E and my daughter came through and things just started to unfold at that point so the doctors were just checking all the vital signs to see what had happened and I'd lost strength all down my right side and I was starting to seizure as well so that just added another element of drama to the event and
so I'm seizuring and weak on my right side my brain feels weird but I'm still conscious and cognitive and aware of everything so I really felt for my daughter because she saw all of this happening to me and she was just so brave and we then went through and they had to get CAT scans and stuff so I went and got the CAT scan done and by that time my husband was rushing from one side of the city to the other to see what was going on with his wife so you know he had his
mom dying in one hospital and his wife having a stroke in the other the hospital so wasn't one of our best weekends you could say so by the time he had got there they' done the CAT scan and they came through and they said okay we've done the CAT scan we think you've had a TIA which is a mini stroke and we can't see it on the CAT scan yet but we'll need to book you for an MRI and that will show us the extent of things and that particular weekend was a long holiday weekend
in New Zealand called Labor weekend so I was in hospital on Sunday when all that happened Monday was a holiday so they couldn't book me for the MRI that day and so I had to just wait for my turn to have an MRI so in the meantime they gave me some medication the drugs that dissolve clots and get the blood flow going so that stroke damage hopefully is not as bad as what it could be that was the first day and the second day after a very sleepless night you know sleeping an A&E is not
an easy experience lots of disturbance and noise and other people's dramas and traumas going on around you so they admitted me and I ended up through on one of the wards when they came to us with the CAT scan results they said we think you've had a TIA oh and by the way we found a lesion in your brain as well which is you know a lump that's not meant to be there and so when you get that news it kind of triggers a bit of a response in you and I just was thinking well
that's not good okay I'm having a stroke and now you're telling me I've got something in my brain a lesion a bup a tumor of some kind that also needs to be looked at so that wasn't a great train of thought either but I sort of had to park that I just thought okay we'll deal with that later because right now the stroke's happening and we need to get that sorted out and the next day I'm in hospital thinking okay they'll probably discharge me after this MRI it's probably a minor stroke you know I'll go
home and and sort of manage from there and then while I was in the hospital on that second day I had another one this time I felt my right side literally shutting down like you start going into paralysis and they were trying to determine what had caused the stroke so yeah I was admitted to the cardiovascular Ward and at that point they started to do the investigations that they need to do to figure out what had happened and what caused my stroke because I didn't TI any of the boxes in terms of risk factor at
that time like before i' had the stroke I'd been making all these adjustments with diet and health and exercise and so I was pretty good space and not at risk you would think of something like that so yeah that second one happened and I remember it was on the third night I was in hospital and I went to phone my husband and say this is getting really bad can you get everyone praying because when these things happen initially you know you keep it very close it's just your immediate family members and you know people who
know and you can sort of trust with that information but when that started to happen I just thought we need to call in the troops you know we need to get others who have got faith and who can pray and and hold this place for me because you know here's my body just literally shutting down on one side and I could feel my motor control going and my muscle control going it's like when you take the plug out of a bath and you watch the water go down the sink and then it's all gone it
felt like that was happening in my body on my right side and as I tried to say this sentence to my husband it just came out as this Mumble and this slur and I was just thought oh my gosh I can't speak now this is bad but he managed to pick up the guest of what I was saying and he just got on the job and he sent it out and I think it went viral and there were quite a few hundred maybe a few thousand I don't know people who got on to praying as
this was happening to me so I was just lying there in my hospital bed feeling pretty awful and then I was like I felt fear come into the room and it was like literally like a claw like a the grip of something that wanted to just become a part of this experience that I was going through and you know my spirit that part of me that that was able to function just said no you're not having any part of this whatever happens here it's in the Lord's hands he gets to call the shots on what's
going on in my body so I felt it leave it was this tangible kind of coming for me moment fear and then me rising up and in my spirit just literally pushing it away and I felt it leave and it literally left the room and then from that moment on I just wasn't dealing with a feeling of fear so you know that was a moment and about an hour and a half after that of me lying in my hospital bed just not able to move and feeling everything shutting down I felt strength starting to drain
back onto my right side and I could feel the prayers of people out there who were praying for me it felt like the tide was now Rising again and I was getting strength back into that part of my body and that was very encouraging to know that there were other people out there who were praying for me and standing in that place of faith and believing that you know God was at work in the midst of this situation and then I got transferred across to the stroke Ward because I finally got the MRI done and
when they showed me the picture of that there was clear signs that yes I have had a stroke and there is a part of my brain that is now dead it was a left Corona radiator stroke which is sort of the center middle part of your brain which controls speech swallow and you know right side function so that's what was shutting down and not functioning for me so I got transferred across to the stroke Ward at that point by day six we had the official diagnosis she's had a stroke now we need to work through
rehab and see where we go from there so that day was Halloween and you know when you're in a hospital you're sort of in a bubble and whatever's going on outside you have no idea you know you're not watching the news you're not keeping up with things but I do remember that night there was a big storm and then the storm sort of finished at one point about 3:00 or 4: in the morning I had to get up go to the bathroom sort of stumble my way over there with my little Walker cuz I couldn't
walk properly and I needed assistance but I thought I'll get to the bathroom by myself got there started walking back and I collapsed my strength just kind of went and I fell over my Walker that I was holding on to and I just had to hold it because I thought if I fall and land on the floor you know damage is done worse then so if I can just hold on to this Walker and just stand here like frozen I can't move but I'm here someone will find me eventually and it just so happened that
a nurse did walk past the ward very soon after that and saw me just standing there unable to move and helped me back to my hospital bed and again when I got back to the hospital bed I went into violence seizures like really bad nurses ran off to try and find a doctor and and see what was going on with me and the seizures started to die down while they were off finding help nurses came back and and things had sort of calmed down again and they thought okay we'll just leave her to sleep now
and at that point after all that had happened I was feeling quite emotional and my mother had died just 5 months earlier to this stroke event I'd had and when you're in in low moments sometimes you know grief also comes and you you have those memories and I was just lying there in my hospital bed just thinking I want to see my mom you know just feeling upset and thinking of my mom and just crying out to God I'd love to see my mom could I have a vision or a picture of her in heaven
or something and then at that moment it was like the Lord Jesus just came cuz I had this heightened sense of whatever was happening in the spiritual realm it was like he just was came and he was there and he appeared and I could feel my heart slowing down and I could feel my breathing slowing down and everything kind of went into this state of just stopping and Jesus was there and then he said to me do you want to see your mom or do you want to see me and I went yeah I want
to see you I want to see you you know what that that that kind of moment and I could feel that sense your spirit separates from your body there was this kind of lifting away feeling and I ended up in this place that was blue it was the color of sort of Sky cornflower blue beautiful blue and I got the sense that it wasn't water and it wasn't liquid but it had the sort of translucent quality of water and there was me and Jesus together in the circular space of blue you I didn't have a
feeling of rushing through a tunnel or anything like that but it was just entering into this place of perfect Stillness and perfect peace in the presence of Jesus and people think how did you not with him I don't know you just know I mean I have a relationship I'm a believer I'm very aware of the Lord operates through the word and Bible and in our lives and experiences and there he was and then he said do you want to go and at that point I knew what he was saying I knew that he was saying
you know do you want to go do you want to come to Heaven do you want to leave this earth and leave what's behind here you know my body recovering from a stroke possibly disabled possibly having to go through the rehab that follows all of that or do you want to come into eternity with me and it was very tempting very very tempting at that point because you don't know what you're going to be left with here on Earth you know in terms of your physical body and the thing that stopped me going was the
thought of my daughter so my Brave daughter who had been there when i' had the first stroke she saw me go through the second stroke and I just thought I can't leave my daughter without me being here for her and then my husband of course I thought of him as well and then it was enough for me to not sort of step into that next realm the thing that blew my mind was that he gave me a choice and I guess for some people maybe there isn't a choice I don't know you know if you're
taken suddenly in a car accident or something I don't know how other people's experiences play out but for me when I got to that point he gave me a choice and that to me was very powerful because what I know of my relationship with the lord it's about choice and Free Will and I felt that you know that was just a moment that that I will treasure and there I was still with Jesus in this other kind of altered space aware that I'm still lying in a hospital bed but sort of not really aware that
much of it because what then starts to unfold becomes the reality that I'm in it's like being in communion you're as one with the Lord you know you're having conversations I'm asking him the mysteries of the universe he's answering me you know I'm asking him questions about my family and things that have happened in my past or relationships with my children all of those things and he's just talking conversationally and I'm understanding the bigger picture stuff you know the priorities of Life the things that are more important to us in this earth loving people our
relationships and our connections so as that was happening I started to hear the sound of Rushing Water yes my body is still lying in a hospital bed but I'm having this experience that the Lord is showing me of this other realm and there's the sound of Rushing Water and I just thought what is that and I thought initially there's someone having a shower at 3:00 in the morning is there water running down the pipes in the hospital somewhere but I was aware the sound was right around me like I'm in my hospital bed and it
sounded like I was in the middle of a Rushing River and I was thinking surely other people can hear this and then I noticed and I was aware that all the sound of all the co Bells had just stopped and there was just silence I was in this quiet little space but whatever was happening with me was perhaps affecting the atmosphere around and all that crazy activity that had been happening where people were distressed and cor Bells were going off and nurses were rushing everywhere it had all stopped and the hospital felt really peaceful and
there was the Rushing Water Sound and I was thinking how can no one else hear this but you know it was like all the other ladies on my ward were sleep all the nurses had disappeared it was just me and Jesus in this Rushing Water kind of experience and at the time I just said what is going on Lord what does all this mean and why am I hearing this water and he said to me you're in the river and I'm healing you I'm bringing healing back to your body and I could just feel that
sensation happening through me and at the time you know that was happening it was pretty amazing cuz I do know the word and in the Bible I remember thinking there's something in Revelation that relates to this and so I realize that there's a verse in the Bible which speaks about what I'd actually been experiencing it's in revelation 22 the angel showed me the river of the Water of Life is clear as Crystal flowing from the Throne of God and the Lamb on each side of the river stood the Tree of Life bearing 12 props of
fruit yielding its fruit every month and the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the Nations and at the time that verse wasn't dictating what was happening I'm in the river Jesus is healing me and I'm aware that there's trees on both sides of the the river and that this river is flowing back through and I can remember it was on the East it was on my right side it was flowing East there was a distinct feeling of the water that was coming from that East the city of God the Throne of God
and I was aware that there was this city and a wall and you know like turret like a city that kind of looks like something from a fairy tale I guess glowing and golden and beautiful in the distance and from it flowed this River and I was now in this River the Lord was there and these trees that have the leaves for the healing of the nations were right around me and so that was quite a powerful experience and it was like through all of that it was like he then kind of brought me back
to myself that part of my spirit that had kind of entered into that realm kind of came back and then I felt like okay I am back in my hospital bed and wow that was amazing and Lord you know thank you for showing me that and that experience and the rest of the night I was just pondering all of this and for the next few days I was still in hospital I then had to go to stroke rehab learning how to walk properly learning how to hold a knife and fork and be able to eat
and all of those things were happening in the next few days after that and 3 4 months later I'm still slowly recovering and I'm now back at work I'm able to drive and I'm starting to function and everything's kind of coming online and I was reading the Bible at some point and I just stumbled upon a verse and when I did I just thought oh my gosh that is what he showed me when I was in the river by the trees near the city you know the city of God the river that flows from the
East side the trees to me it wasn't like some crazy Supernatural scene I was in you know the trees looked like trees they were green they were beautiful they were perfect the grass was green and perfect so that happened and then I read months later there's a verse in Ezekiel which is Ezekiel 43 and it said then the man brought me to the gate Facing East and I saw the glory of the god of Israel coming from the East his voice was like the Roar of Rushing Waters and the land was radiant with his glory
and that was what I experienced you know when he first came to me it was in that way where your spirits talking to his spirit and you're having a sort of a personto person experience and then when I went into that River and the sound of the the actual audible sound of that water rushing around the hospital bed I'm sitting in was that sound and when I read that in Ezekiel it was just like wow God you know you really you know have laid things out there for us to understand and relate to so you
know I was able to just kind of put some things in the context I guess of my faith and what I know of my relationship with God I believe that the Lord has such a Grace and a love for us he gives us those moments right up and until you know those 11th hour and even Beyond you know into that next realm of where you're in that place between life and death and that's a place where the realm of the spirit operates in the context of what I know in my faith you know that God's
love was around me as I was having that stroke after I had that experience this Jesus experience I went into this kind of Rapid accelerated healing process and the doctors were like looking at me like we don't see this this isn't nor normal stroke recovery you know we don't see people get out of here in 10 days and I was in Award with woman that had been there for weeks and months and they were still not able to feed themselves not able to toilet not able to get up and function or they couldn't walk you
know they were completely disabled and there was I up and starting to walk shuffling around on my Walker and then they discharged me on day 10 and when they handed me my discharge notes it was at that point I thought I need to find out what's happened with the brain tumor where's that at so so I asked them cuz it wasn't on my discharge notes and they hadn't said anything about it so on the last day when the doctor came to me and gave me those notes I asked her I said so what's happened with
what they found with the Cat Scan they said that there was a brain lesion it was about 10 mm and it was in a completely different part of my brain from where the stroke occurred so the stroke occurred sort of left Center here and the Brain lesion was up here right front so there were two complet separate events so I remembered to ask about that and the doctor looked at me a little bit like I'm not sure how to answer that and she said well it doesn't appear to be there they couldn't find it it
was not there and I absolutely put that down to the power of people praying the love of God and him bestowing on me a miracle of healing through the speed of how I recovered from the stroke and a brain lesion that was there there on a CAT scan and then 6 days later not there on an MRI I don't know how medically they explain that but that's what happened and so I'm very thankful and very grateful and feel very blessed that I was able to have that experience awful as it was you know the beauty
of meeting Jesus you kind of can't top that there's not a lot that kind of goes beyond that and still come back and to be able to tell the tale as well so yeah I hope this can encourage someone out there you know um in their Journey that there is hope and that there is healing that there is this other Realm of the spirit that the Lord operates in and the enemy is real and you know we have the Angelic the Demonic we have a God who loves us I just hope that in being able
to share this story it does give someone some hope whether it be stroke or some other major medical event and to have that experience where I heart stopped breathing went to this other place met Jesus saw things that feel more real than what this life is you know what we experience in this life is what it is you know our real life so you know embrace it and make the most of it and be thankful that we you know wake up every day and get to live another day and you know be a part of
other people's Journeys so I think is my story and I hope in some way you're blessed by it [Music] We All Fall in when the in our staring lost at the Skylight we all falling when the in our [Music]
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