Dear Elon

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Sam Hyde
Why This Video: 01:58 Not About Hate for Indians: 05:48 It's Not About Exceptional Indians: 07:36 Hu...
Video Transcript:
glad I caught you glad I got you there Elon Musk by the way please don't watch this if you're not Elon Musk okay this is a oneoff video that we're doing this is private personal I put this in his email I don't know how you got this unless you're on the asmin gold Discord server in which case you know my every move okay me and asmin gold have been planning this for a while now moist criticals involved and uh yeah I guess if you're on the moist critical Discord server you would have access to this
file so kudos to you hacker I don't think elon's going to watch this and uh listen I know as a comedian first and foremost I don't expect people to take me seriously but it is a fact that [ __ ] posting and public opinion are now intering L permanently and it's not going anywhere and that's just the way it is I get all my news from memes basically that's how I get my news is that how you get your news how would you even get the news if you weren't looking at memes you'd watch a
show that's even more [ __ ] [ __ ] we turn that off it's a smart thermostat so it's going to take 15 minutes to figure out how that [ __ ] thing works it's very intuitive I don't know why the nest ther thermostat is taking you so long to learn and in to it okay a toddler could figure this out a toddler on an iPad could figure out how how to use the nest thermostat that's Chris Lynch by the way Elon do not hire him okay he's leaving this job very soon see he's white
he's too lazy Chris you're so lazy and white well yeah you guys should have studied violin harder as kids I swear to God Vivic would have figured this out by now I want to believe that Elon is one of of the Great Men of our age and that he has what it takes to become a 21st century Andrew carnegi I think it's important to have great men to look up to Trump Joe Rogan oh there it goes Elon Tucker and it's not necessarily important that our great men are perfect but they're symbols of what uh
of what we could be I think if Ron Paul took steroids he would be my number one that would be my number one guy you agree yeah I would like to offer you an escape an exit from this hole you've been digging you are a beloved figure anytime you do anything remotely based people lose it oh my God he's based yo he just said that woke liberals aren't cool he's based what does he say think he post like AI Kitt yeah anytime you post an AI kitten in a Maga hat people lose their he's Bas
he's [ __ ] ped man for the guy who's the Free Speech guy and not only that but the reasoning from first principles guy the logical fallacy guy the Reddit guy good faith argu with everybody you know whatever all that [ __ ] blanket Banning gers taking away blue checks changing the algorithm of the site because 100 people ratioed you because there's [ __ ] 50,000 posts they're all organic by the way this is not some Russian bot Farm it's not some nefarious behind the scenes let's mess with Elon we're g to [ __ ]
with him that's not what it is it's you tapped into a critical moist critical you tapped into a moist critical and we're back to moist critical Mainline concern for the American people and you treated it in a way that was glib and dismissive you just became a republican three months ago and you're talking about removing a big portion of Regular People root and stem no people [ __ ] love you they will forgive you you nobody is is trying to get you to become turbo Bas pilled full Pat Buchanan immigration policy people broadly understand that
you are a San Francisco Tech California International immigrant if you want to be a regular Tech guy that's fine you can do that you can be Larry Ellison you can go play on the boat nobody's going to give a [ __ ] realize what you're fighting for if you're going to be the tech King if you're taking you Ed the Maga base you wanted these people on your side they're ready to be on your side but you have to fight not for Ben Shapiro's idea of the country of America the notion of America as this
collection of ideas that's not what it is it's Americans that's who you have to fight for if you're in America doing business in America you want to be the man in America you have to fight for the American people you're not fighting for a paragraph you're not fighting for a set of ideas man it's the American people who need your help that's fundamentally why I think people are pissed off here and it's an easy fix just don't call them retards do you Elon have you met Chris he's on Asen gold he's streaming all the time
he just check him out he's playing these games and stuff he's amazing what the kid does with video games I can't believe it people didn't suddenly have a flare up of India hate I've been monitoring the Indian hate websites for a while it's actually set to my homepage I've been checking these websites out I watch what these people do there were very few overt Indian haters spewing their nonsensical filth everywhere 72 hours ago what happened okay 72 hours ago most people in the Maga base looked at vivec ramaswami with some notion of admiration or hey
that guy says cool stuff every once in a while hey you know what I think I like that guy now he's got to be deported sucks man and he's not being deported because of the color of his skin he's being deported for the content of his character and I think that truly was a maskoff moment where we saw that vivec ramaswami really is just a [ __ ] nerd who needs to go back I think that what you did is different I think it's everybody Spurs out I SP I'm spurring out right now I'm going
to Spur out later okay on Chris Lynn and also Indians do cool stuff every once in a while they got the chest slapping wrestling you guys watch that action movies he's shooting a bullet out of the air with a gun he's flipping over the tuck tuck Indian clubs shoulder rehab exercise fantastic the hate hate it's irrational hate it's just racism it's just a nonsensical racism the hate and racism and anti-indian sentiment it's there to the extent that Indians are being used to replace white people that's it we have to stop playing pretend we're not talking
about exceptional Indians here and that's why this is sort of spreading like wildfire people sharing these H1B lists of what the jobs are you are not in Kolkata Scouting For the next Indian Einstein you're not we have to make it to outer space and invent new computers let's get to India and get the next Nicola Tesla that's not what's happening we're talking about people at [ __ ] gas stations that you bring them over you put them in a [ __ ] gas station and then we'll go around all the gas stations in the USA
and find the next genius well what if he's not in India what if he's working at a gas station in North Carolina he might be there we don't know why don't we bring everybody here and then we can look for everybody that's actually a [ __ ] genius idea we bring [ __ ] everybody here and then like a needle and a hay stack we find the one man who can invent electrical computer that sounds [ __ ] [ __ ] and it's not true you have to at least say that the H1B program is
being scammed if you don't admit that then as far as like any type of discussion that goes anywhere is concerned it's over it's over this is a direct quote from moist critical himself I'm speaking on his behalf he was too busy streaming Marvel Rivals to talk to you so I'm here on his behalf giving you opinions that he approved okay nobody's expecting you to go full Steve ban in here you're a tech bro we get it immigrant but if you are on Team America and by team America I don't mean Ben Shapiro's collection of ideas
America's not a collection of ideas America is a people Americans if you are Team America then the most prominent talking points need to be the immediate deportation of illegals and the end of the abuse of the American worker by programs like this H1B the gamification of stuff like this that's set up to benefit people who aren't us nobody wants to solve the Japanese birth rate Problem by turning Japan into India that's preposterous that only would work in a computer simulation where you can inter you can just change the code and make a Japanese person try
I've tried it it can't be done in my laboratory okay where asmin gold is right now down in the basement I have tried over 150 times to turn an Indian into a Japanese man and the only thing I was able to accomplish was boiling them all right if you think Elon or asmin gold if you're watching this if you think you can turn an Indian person into a Japanese person by boiling them not going to happen Okay go down to my basement and talk to the 150 Indians that I already tried that on doesn't work
nobody wants to solve the American birth rate problem what's going to happen we're going to run out of people oh the stock prices are going to go down oh that's a problem for the all-in podcast to figure out it's David Sachs Sachs of what Sachs of gold just start calling yourself David Sachs of gold what's the other guy Jason Sachs as gold asmin gold asmin gold David Saxon changed his name to asmin Gold The Branding is already set up for you asmin gold wants to kill himself he'll you can replace his body and become the
top streamer in America I don't shouldn't say asmin gold wants to himself I love asmin gold that guy's classic he ultimate he's the best streamer is he good I think he's good I think he's good I've never watched him I just know his name is asmin gold the only people who want to fix the American birth rate problem by turning America into India are [ __ ] people are not interchangeable economic units if they're not more than that then that's just an extension of anti-natalism that's just nihilism that's just people don't matter Neil degrass Tyson
the universe doesn't care [ __ ] the universe cares that's why we're here it's understandable why a computer guy why an engineer would think that or would want to think that because it would make solving problems so much easier we have hardwired group preferences we have genetic memory we have culture this is not learned stuff it's so deeply embedded in us that it carries on for thousands of years thinking of people as interchangeable units while it would be useful in a simulation or in an economic theorem it strips them of their humanity and by the
way it's one of the first steps towards any authoritarian dictatorship type system it's one of the first steps towards Marxism is thinking of thinking of people as just labor it's a very gross antihuman thing to think just to appeal to the redditor in you that's middleb brain [ __ ] stupid people at the bottom of the spectrum know that everybody is special everybody's special everybody different and had the own thing retards know this Geniuses understand that everybody is a unique product by and for their Zeitgeist or Zeitgeist if you want to go with the moist
critical pronunciation everybody is uniquely a product of their time and location and has their place in space and time the smart people know this the stupid people know this it's people in the Middle with 110 IQ which is the worst IQ to have who think that people can just be move pushed around and moved around and changed they can't no hate towards Hispanics okay but that's why the room that I'm sitting in is covered in dust is because the general contract I hired used Hispanic labor I didn't know they laid down masonry cement when I
said I wanted polished concrete floors masonry cement you can't polish it they left board marks and Footprints in it and I had to pay another crew of black people okay shout out to Greg to come in here with jackhammers and get this [ __ ] dumpstered out of here I went and hired my own blacks I went in the ghetto and hired them by hand that's how you need to hire blacks for SpaceX and what you get is you get lower Quality Construction you get lower wages for the blue collar workers who are here and
fighting you realize that people are [ __ ] up against the wall fighting to make ends meet do you understand that the American people are on the ropes right now your people and not the world okay it's the American people that's where this [ __ ] is popping off that's where you came to do business the American people are your problem now to the extent that you want people to pay attention to your opinion and by people I mean actual people not Patrick Bet David not Ian miles Chong Scott Adams not these [ __ ]
[ __ ] That'll Walk Around sucking your ass because you have money and because you made an electric car but to the extent that you want that you have to protect the American people you're all about being pro- natalism and increasing the birth rate why is the average dude going to want to have kids when he can barely afford to live by himself and eat Domino knows hey why isn't China importing Infinity Indians right now if it's such a huge economic Advantage why isn't China doing it we need to do a naval blockade of China
to make sure they don't get any of these amazing Indians every Indian that makes his way into China is a threat because China will use their genius to get one over on us that's the biggest threat this country is facing right I think we need to go nuclear I think we need to say if China Imports enough Indians it's like diamonds it's like nanot technology Indians are like nanot technology we have to be willing to use nuclear weapons to keep China from getting these precious Indians that's step one sounds [ __ ] right because it
is it's [ __ ] it's subard ever hear of a subard by the way moist critical coin that term subard competing with China in what sense sense GDP making a number go up having software companies that are valued more highly competing with China in what sense and at what cost if the cost is making America look like Kolkata that's not worth it that's not a price that we're willing to pay people keep posting these aerial drone display videos of drones shaped like a dragon correct me if I'm wrong that something that a Bright high schooler
could do on a smaller scale is it not making drones move around in 3D space how is that an impressive problem to anybody except Bon heads who are mystified by drones in the first place look at this drone this aerial drone display it's a ballet of killer drones how can we compete with that it's what drones do they move around in coordinate space who gives a [ __ ] it's the loow hanging fruit of robotics that mystifies people I mean Maybe I'm Wrong didn't we have more impressive [ __ ] in the 80s isn't this
more impressive hover with no pilot to compromise performance even more unusual craft and propulsion systems have been designed and tested why do we need to compete with them can't we just kick their spies out and tell them the [ __ ] off when do I get some Chinese [ __ ] okay am I not a big enough media figure that the CCP is it's the CCP Chinese Communist Party why aren't they sending these hot spies to [ __ ] with me suck my dick for blackmail when's that going to happen China I'm waiting okay I
have 300,000 YouTube subscribers or 250,000 probably 200,000 how much on hide Wars if you have over 100,000 Twitter followers you should demand that a hot Chinese spy comes and sucks your dick okay you take a video whatever why why is that am I not popular enough to get this [ __ ] mingling to get bing bing over here ah a Tesla Model X and Bing Bing over here sucking me that's my price China send them over do we need to build giant cities that nobody lives in to compete do we need to turn our country
into a surveillance State [ __ ] nightmare to compete do we need to essentially have slave labor to compete what type of competition are you talking about and at what cost competing with China is competing with literal slave labor and that's impossible to compete with it's not worth competing with and nobody who has a real sense of what matters in life thinks anything about competing with China we've been hearing this for 30 [ __ ] years as long as China has been an industrial nation there have been headlines The Economist I remember this in the
in the dentist office when I was a kid China's looming on the horizon we have to accept a lower quality of life immediately to compete with China that's the thrust of every article you the American worker you have to take less pay and accept more [ __ ] because there's a big Boogeyman looming on the horizon it's China for 30 years before that it was Japan it's it's constant it's to keep wages suppressed it's to make you shut up Elon doubles down in this offering a false dichotomy either we have to have more legal immigration
or you the person disagreeing with it you want America to fail for your own personal G what personal gain are you talking about you want America to fail for your own personal gain what are you what what is Elon what are you talking about how does anybody personally gain from this the only gain happening is in stock prices of tech companies that's the gain that's where the gain is kib Bono that's who stands the Ben benefit from this Arrangement this tweet it's not first principles thinking it's not in good faith dialogue this this is a
dishonest mischaracterization nobody's calling you a liar people say things in the Heat of the Moment that are dishonest though this is a dishonest mischaracterization of the tens of thousands of people who are blowing up your website this is not an own on Elon this is not dunking on Elon I know that you can bring the banhammer down and I know that you are going to be tempted to do so that you already have with the gers which by the way you have to undo that man you blanket banned people not for saying not for posting
swastikas but for stating their opinion on this H1B issue that is a complete violation of the trust that the people you wanted to like you placed in you when you said that you're for free speech it's straight George W bush you're either with us or with the terrorists that's what this is you're either agreeing with me or you're [ __ ] an enemy you're an enemy it's not an argument it's not a well-reasoned position it's just my way or the highway is that what free speech is is that who you are you can just be
a celebrity you can be like Ellen degenerous you can be like the Rock and you can get OIC you can get breast implants start going on The View whatever you want for popularity you can do that of course but to the extent that you have popularity if you keep digging this hole it will be misplaced and it'll be there cuz you're rich what does winning actually mean healthy functioning societies they need more than gadgets they need more than Marvel more than [ __ ] slop they need a shared ideology Heritage History beliefs and values religion
or they collapse and they crumble that's Babel that's Rome that's every Empire that's been crushed rushed because there wasn't social cohesion basic [ __ ] libertarian principles aren't enough maybe they're enough to get VC funding maybe they're enough to create an interesting exercise of some sort but they're not enough to hold people together and again we're back to the idea of people as a collection of economic units that's what at the foundation of Marxism that reality is just math and thus the justification for a lot of Marxism is also what leads Silicon Valley libertarian type
people to attempt to quantify the unquantifiable Mount Rushmore the space program the interstate system Motion Pictures electricity these are all things that are not quantifiable they're quantifiable in the sense that you can look back and you can say that they cost x amount of dollars or that a certain amount of concrete and steel was used in their construction but these dream projects are unquantifiable things there's no slider in the program where you can crank up the number of Indians to 200 million and bring the American dream to fruition faster okay there's no data entry point
where you can bump up the Indians and get Chrysler buildings popping up everywhere more Art Deco Construction we do not need more bloated code bases more tech gadgets more poorly run hotels more work ethic okay what we need is we need leaders willing to fight for the American people not for corporations not for the idea of America but for the American people that is the only thing that we need on the brink of collapse on the eve of our crumbling it needs to be something higher a higher ideal than tech company market caps if it's
just that then it's just noise it's just not reality reality is the hundreds of thousands of kids who are graduating with massive college debt hundreds of job applications they're being looked over for people who are not us that's not a meritocracy that's not some idealistic high-minded thing it's just money Apple and Google might win but America will be worse the soil that all this winning flourishes out of is salted and that means that the next apple the next Google will be Chinese potentially the next SpaceX will be Chinese wouldn't that be strange wouldn't that be
interesting if China makes it to Mars first it would be great for Humanity why don't we do it let's do it China makes it to Mars before America does that sound like fun it's just humans they're just interchangeable economic units why wouldn't we want that I think we do do it it sounds good to me how do we Define winning I just won I that was asmin gold that I Spit on I killed him I'm not dissing asmin gold I'm just playing around I Spit on moist critical I'll spit on his face [ __ ]
guy now we love moist we we're in a we have a deal with moist right now it's for nicotine pouches these are moist nicotine pouches I call them moisty do you know moist is a yish word I didn't know moist critical is actually Jewish did you know that I crazy fact winning winning winning is winning making it so that tech companies have even higher valuations is that winning it's the valuation of Netflix I figured it out that's why we're not winning is cuz Netflix stock isn't high enough that's the only way to win I want
to kill my neighbors and burn them alive and blow up my car but it's okay because Netflix is worth $3 trillion I want to cut my [ __ ] off and scramble my brain with [ __ ] fluoride I'm going to win because Netflix is worth $3 trillion I can't believe the dollars are this High I can't believe we're winning this much the dollars are this High we have such good drones and spying technology we're winning that's the most [ __ ] thing I've ever heard at least leoy medicine vaccine brain bleep that out please
I said people at least people whose blood has been replaced with vaccines and are so far on the left they salute Mickey Mouse they think that they're helping people if winning is just drones doing an aerial display while a robot jerks me off to sample my DNA then everything is lost i k a homeless person today Chris did you know that it was free speech I said You [ __ ] dirty ass bum ruining my street I'll kill you and then I used a speech gun to shoot a speech bullet into his speech head IED
an NFL cheerleader team the guys too I used free speech on them do they have male cheerleaders in the NFL now national flag League look it up please does the NFL have M male cheerleaders that is awesome if that's true almost a third of the league a third of the league is male cheerleaders America is the greatest country on Earth here's your male cheerleaders is everybody on fenel everybody working at D'Angelos everybody working at the mall they're all retards everybody who's had their lives destroyed by big Pharma by the Grist Mill of inflation and Taxation
everybody that's been betrayed by their leadership in this country are they all retards is everybody who's got and this is a lot of people who has $400 in their bank account and is getting hit with overdraft fees and has the landlord from hell are they all [ __ ] c s you work at a sub sandwich shop you couldn't invent PayPal if you really believe that these people are all retards then you have no place in the discourse going on about the future of this country you are just a computer guy and I don't think
you really believe that I hope to God that you don't but if that's really what you believe then you're not a leader I could say [ __ ] you I could say take a step back and [ __ ] your own face but I'll say this if you really believe that the American people are retards which they are we got male cheer leaders in the NFL but if you really do not have in your heart Grace and respect for the Homer Simpson vinyl sighing economy shitbox driving retards who make your dream possible if you have
a heart if you are a human being then that will sting harder than telling you to go [ __ ] yourself you can do the go [ __ ] yourself all I tell myself to go [ __ ] myself you can say that all day [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I say that in the mirror when I make wake up and when I makeup when I put makeup on who gives a [ __ ] if you believe these people are retards and you don't have any good will towards them then you're not
a leader you're just a nerd and there's plenty of those there's plenty of nerds who got lucky I bought Bitcoin Magic the Gathering online exch change I got lucky there's no shortage of nerds who got lucky there's this disturbing idea from the Boomer con right that America is just a collection of ideas and you bring everybody in the world the teaming masses who are desperate for a half gallon of milk you bring them here and all of a sudden they're hit like lightning with this idea that makes them able to make this country stronger this
country has never been weaker and it's never been more open to foreigners who aren't us these two things they're not unrelated they're directly related would Ben Shapiro say the same thing about Israel is is Israel is just a collection of ideas would vivec say the same thing about India India is just a collection of ideas really good ideas that's why they're doing so good grope women on the train that's not a glib remark by the way I make a lot of jokes about Indians in my standup act I had an Indian woman come up to
me after show I thought she was going to chew me out and beat my ass ear beating Indian style for the jokes that I made she said to me thank you for saying that I went there with my 13-year-old sister and they pulled her pants down on the train is that an Indian idea when we bring them over does that idea suddenly vanish and they get the neural net download of American ideas is that how it works the people who are mad at you right now don't view America as a collection of ideas it's not
an economic zone I hate how this how there's this argument against Americans asking them what they built if you're so great what did you build what did you build nothing significant that gets built gets built on on an individualistic scale the greatest things that humans have built Cathedrals which uh if if you disagree with this it's just you're wrong I mean computers are pretty up there but Cathedrals are a good example of this Cathedrals are built over hundreds of years they're built not just by the army of stone masons who build them but by the
towns who pay for it they are the cream sitting on top of the cake the cake is the soil the cake is the vinyl siding dumb asses who are your customers who are the people who pay for this [ __ ] by putting their retirement accounts in uh Vanguard mutual funds they're the people who you owe a debt to a debt for being able to do the stuff that you do these H1B Tech workers that are coming in so many of them are just managing apps that other people built they're maintaining code bases for stuff
that was built years ago what are they making social media apps that collect all your data they're making to-do apps dating apps who [ __ ] cares man what did they build mobile phone games it's just stuff that feeds more into consumerism it's not actually making life better for anybody but the sentiment that americ Amer an aren't good enough that's one of the darker things that um has happened here I know that vivec ramaswami does believe it to be the case and for him this Twitter Bomb was a it was a maskoff moment in a
way that I hope it wasn't for you but that sentiment and the Twitter deboosting algorithm change blanket ban all that stuff those are the darker things in the sense of um not good for Humanity not good for the future running Twitter the same way your enem did before you bought it from them is that what you wanted when you bought this thing is that the let it sink in moment is that what you envisioned for the the global meeting grounds and we're not talking about just making the 10% of people on the left and the
10% of people on the right mad the middle is the Overton window you're just talking about satisfying the Overton window this is censorship you're engaging in censorship pretty much right off the rip here you just bought Twitter you just got in with Trump you just became a republican you just cted the Maga base that's a pretty big betrayal of the the role that you have stepped in to fill whether or not it's even true okay I couldn't work at SpaceX I don't have a delusion about that doesn't matter because you are in charge of American
companies you are an American leader so what matters is that that's the sentiment people are walking away with after your Tweet storm it's not helped by these Patrick Bet David wolf and sheep's clothing [ __ ] podcaster guys who are just up your ass cuz they have money the extent to which you deserve to be a king more importantly or equally importantly how posterity will look upon your works is directly related to your attitude your benevolence towards the American people the Cyber truck's cool but if America crumbles because we've taken on too many Outsiders who
don't give a [ __ ] about the country then the Cyber truck will be a footnote in a Wikipedia it'll be the DeLorean it'll be something interesting people look back oh that was kind of cool you know why they won't be driving it because they'll be driving a Neo and China will be the first to Mars this isn't fixed by moving the goalposts of what an American is it would be a lot easier if an American was just an Indian with an Ivy League degree it would make this whole problem go away instantly if that
worked if you could just wave your hand and say that an American is a Guatemalan who was born here that's an American we wouldn't have to have this painful conversation it would be so easy if you could do that if it were a computer simulation that's Marvel movie [ __ ] an American is whoever Doctor Strange brings through the portal to beat Thanos the new Spider-Man is an American it's a lesbian from Sri Lanka who just came here to start up a cupcake business business but she listens to coldwave and she just came here to
start up her hair dye business she's an American she's here for the American dream that's not reality that's math that's Marxism that's computer programmer simulation [ __ ] we all know what an American is and all these paragraph long definitions and high-minded ideas it's just propaganda we know what an American is and if you're not here to help the American people then your usefulness to us is over with the right-wing Republicans conservatives Etc they are trolls and memers and [ __ ] posters and they have a serbic ideas and they're also the most forgiving people
they are the most forgiving people anytime anybody does anything remotely based they are absorbed by the right an a kasparian talking about not feeling safe in her neighborhood that's big was man Anna kasparian was red pilled this whole time I can't believe it damn people broadly speaking do not expect you to be full-on 1950s racist Hank Hill get him out guy get him out of here that's not what they're looking for okay they're fine with the Silicon Valley Tech version of the occasionally based occasionally Neil degrass Tyson soy face they love that Elon it's this
idea that Americans aren't good enough this misunderstanding of what America is you're just as bad as the people you bought the website from if this continues to be the case are you able to listen to valid criticism it's not from Russian Bots it's not a coordinated attack on you it's tens of thousands of people pissed off because they think you betrayed them I hope to God you're a leader on the rest of you can keep watching this right now check it out asang what's the guy's name Mo moist critical that's the website asman
SL moist critical you can now if you're if you're not Elon you can jump over to the regular video and start watching um what I actually believe I think that the US economy is grinding to a halt and that the tech Bros and investors it's like a someone tweeted about this the the Japan the bubble in the Japanese economy where Japan was faced with with the decision to either start importing people or get ready for a Long Winter I saw that tweet and that immediately uh rang true I think that these investor Bros are counting
on AI to offset the loss and productivity of this dying Empire it's slowly being realized that AI is for all intents and purposes a glorified spell checker I use AI all the time I'm a pro subscriber to chat GPT and uh perplexity doai I have perplexity AI as my default search engine and it's about as good as searching Forum posts was 20 years ago it's not some revolutionary thing it's extradimensional autocomplete the words have waiting and tone and various other dimensions that are vectors and what you get at the end of it is a an
article that can almost fool a computer into thinking it was written by a human I think there's a game of musical chairs going on with with money and people are desperate for a way to keep that game of musical chairs going even if it means [ __ ] us over the uh idea that these these Tech guys want to bring in exceptional people is just not true they're looking to hire basically slaves who can't leave their company without leaving the country who will work for 50% that's the other thing they keep saying they'll work 80
hours a week which is [ __ ] nobody works 80 hours a week they work 20 hours a week of actual work and the rest of the time is spent [ __ ] around on the phone and um showing the boss that they're working 80 hours a week sitting in the office they're not actually working 80 hours a week and furthermore why should an American why should anybody have to work 80 hours a week why is this a race to create slaves why is is that a good thing why is that a Humane thing why
is that good for Humanity how is it possible if you're a democrat or a republican if you're left or right why is it a good thing to want slaves they'll work a 100 hours a week they'll work in their sleep they'll work 200 hours a week they'll work Infinity they'll have no lives that's not a good thing if you want more hours out of somebody you have to pay them more it's just money they'll do it for 20,000 that's what they're saying they're pretending like they're complimenting their diligence and their work ethic what they're really
saying is we can hire them for cheaper that's what that means 80 hours a week or pay them 100,000 more a year it's the same thing they're just saying you can pay these people 150,000 instead of 400,000 or 880,000 instead of 250,000 it's just money any system that gets set up is going to be gamed this one is gamed by Indians who are Master Gamers pull up the cognizant article this is a company that was found guilty of setting a pattern in practice of discrimination against non-south Asian and non-indian workers that's not the intention of
the program the intention of the program is to create a meritocracy but like Thomas Soul said you have to judge things on their outcomes not their intentions you could make a law called the everybody good free money everything good law but if the end result is that quality of life goes to [ __ ] that's what you have to judge it on and so this H1B stuff you can't judge it on the floral high-minded beautiful humanistic language that's used to sell it that's just propaganda you have to judge it on the end result here's another
one hire workers at a fraction of a c a fraction of the cost of American workers force them to work longer hours because they won't leave their job because if they quit they're gone from America this is not helped by a government oversight committee or anything like that it's just the case that when you set up a system that can be gamed it gets gamed that's people work they're looking for the path of least resistance they're looking to maximize their benefit from the system that's just human nature massive payouts over claims they discriminated against American
workers in favor of foreign workers Apple paid 25 million to the de which is like 25 bucks to a regular person Apple engaged in a pattern of citizenship status discrimination in recruitment positions the claim that we can't find talented people here is nonsense that's dishonest the claim should be that we can't afford to pay talented people enough or we don't want to sorry for getting overly serious here with you at the end of the day I think you should buy Bitcoin there's this this tendency to to want powerful people or or people in a leadership
position you get uh emotional when they when their every worldview doesn't line up with yours you know Trump's not based enough or Joe Rogan's to whatever but these are these are these are the men who Define our times and I think it's important you you allow them to be flawed people to some extent but also to push back when they go uh go nuts but in this case I think that I mean it's critically important it's moist critically important it's moist critical this is the whole thing that moist critical says every time we talk to
him he put it all on the line to become the Free Speech guy and to turn Twitter into the global discussion space of the world and uh you don't accidentally become adored by people he can't he can't just say oh I was just building a business and then I was saying stuff online and then I guess people looked up to me n m there are plenty of quiet billionaires there are plenty of quiet money makers inventors there are plenty of quiet Engineers there are plenty of people who aren't going to the Met Gala in the
Satan C costume okay there are plenty of people like that you don't accidentally become the hope of a Nation you don't accidentally become uh the hope of a of a generation you don't so if he wants that I think he can have it and I think he deserves a shot at course correction he's been under attack by everybody for his entire career so I think he deserves that shot if he fumbles this then that's his legacy I don't have any sort of committed opinion as to what's going to happen from here I'm mostly concerned with
asmin gold as we said moist critical what games are they playing tall guy what was that game we played tall man run tall man run that's what I'll be doing tonight uh a little bit of uh raid Shadow Legends is at the game uh last war Survivor last war Survivor big into that these days I'm most doing that I'm elon's number one ranked Diablo 4 huge achievement I'm number one ranked raid Shadow Legends raid what last Survivor last survivor I'm number one on that last survivor check me out on the boards there guys all right
boom peace
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