Prophetic Warning For America | Jonathan Cahn

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1 Chronicles 12:32 the sons of isachar understood the times and they knew what Israel should do what are the signs of the times and how does God reveal to us to know the times and what we should do this is not a message I've given anywhere I've asked to do this so I'm going to share some things not only some prophetic Revelation but also I want to take you behind the scenes to share some some of what happened behind how it came that I don't share now how do we know the signs of the times
sons of isachar children of isachar first of all things first is the word of God because we can only know the times we're in if we know the time to begin with the Lord says we are to watch and pray and be ready and be V Vigilant to discern the signs of the times among the most important signs of the times right now in the end time number one that tells you where you are is The Rebirth of the nation of Israel the regathering of his people from the ends of the Earth the restoration to
Jerusalem and the other is the great apostasy the great falling away that we are watching in our culture every day in western civilization affecting the world the Bible said both of these would take place both have taken place and are happening we are living in the generation that has witnessed the coming back of the nation of Israel the return of Israel to Jerusalem which has to happen for Messiah Jesus to come again and that is witnessing the great apostasy many Believers ignore the signs of the times what's happening to the younger generation that's crucial it
represents the future we can't ignore it away we have a generation in the west which for the first time in human history 20 to 28% of them that's about 1 in5 to 1 in3 almost identify as something other than heav heterosexual that is unprecedented we have a generation for the first time in human history if it continues as it's going without the without Revival the majority will be identifying as something other than Christian for the first time since the beginning of the church age we've got a culture that puts on television and on the internet
things that would have been Unthinkable just a little while ago what if Americans in the mid 20th century turned on their television set to see what is on now and from the 1950s they saw what is happening now they would think they were watching a nightmare apocalypse and thus we are here where America along with much of the West can less and less be called a Christian civilization more and more a post-christian unchristian and anti-christian we have a culture in which Christians are increasingly viewed as a problem where pastors have been put on trial for
upholding the word of God like in Canada in Europe and we have a generation of young adults that for the first time is not mostly pro-israel but Pro Hamas and believes that what happened on October 7th with that invasion was justified this is unprecedented and it's shocking except we are living by the word of God the Bible says these things will happen and people will be in the last days without natural affection not believing persecuting God's people we are watching it now I want to speak about what I have seen and how the Lord has
spoken and guided me to encourage you to what God will show you with regard to the times and with regard to how the Lord shows us I was standing at the the corner of Ground Zero when I saw an object a tree that had been struck down and the spirit moved me that I had to seek out that there was a mystery here it was the beginning of the revealing of an ancient mystery kept growing bigger and bigger and bigger one piece to the next a tree a a stone a tower the connection of 911
to an ancient scripture warning of coming judgment the the the signs that appeared in the last days of Israel to warn Israel of judgment that are now appearing on American soil some in New York City some in Washington DC some in the form of objects some in the in Touching leaders all warning a nation that knew God to come back to God or judgment comes I can never reproduce how God led me to write the harbinger or any book God just does he one thing after the other sometimes it would come someone would just say
something and it would be the key that I needed for the next opening of God's word sometimes something would just come in my mind and I didn't know whether it was true or not I'd go to the to research it and it was all true at one point Point as I was typing in the scripture that God had led me concerning 911 Isaiah 9:10 that speaks about this this attack on a nation and how the nation responded to God's warning instead of the scripture coming up my computer took me to the annals of the United
States Congress and at that moment it was revealed to me that the day after 911 when America made its response to God the Senate Majority Leader or to the world that he stood up at on Capitol Hill and he he said there's a word from Isaiah and then he pronounced the ancient prophecy of Isaiah 9:10 that the ancient leaders of Israel said when they were attacked and he was pronouncing judgment on America I had no idea of that the Lord already led me there but I had no idea now let me tell you something that
I only saw after I wrote The Harbinger and I had no idea when I wrote it is something called the one-year Bible I'm sure you all know it and that is that every day there's a script scripture that is appointed to be read on that day if you open up the one-year Bible to the harbinger scripture Isaiah 910 which is about that attack when the attack came on Israel the strike the warning and the people responded with arrogance if you open up to that scripture Isaiah 9:10 about the attack if you look on the top
of the page you'll see a date the date in the oneye Bible is September 11th the scripture warning of judgment speaking of the the first strike on the land by an enemy shaking the nation to come back to God is there was already in the one-year Bible on for 9/11 and the and the one-year Bible came into existence in the 1980s so every year across America Believers were opening up the Bible or actually they're opening up the one-year Bible to the scripture of the attack on the land it was happening every year and then it
happened on 911 I had no idea but it's not just the coming of a revelation or God speaking to us also God sends forth the word God wants to warn his people God wants his people to know what is coming so it wasn't just the revealing it was God sending forth now I had never here's the backstory I never written a book in my life and just and I wrote The Harbinger The Harbinger just wrote itself it was like the the book was writing itself the week I finished it I had no publisher no agent
nothing and I had a fly out to Dallas Texas to speak at promisekeepers on the way the plane stops at Charlotte Airport and there on by the gate for the next flight I bow my head and I say God this message the harbinger is your word it's your message it's not mine you don't need you don't need book agents you don't need public you don't need anything to get a word you know how to get words out so you do it by your hand I open up my eyes and there's a man sitting to my
left he turns to me and he says so what's the good word I said what's the good word I said God loves you he said I know that but what's the good word I'm thinking this is kind of weird I start witnessing to him I'm trying to save him and he's witnessing to me to try to save me until we both realize we're saved and then he says Jonathan you've written a book this book is of God and God is going to send the book forth to the nation and the world he said you've been
known but it's nothing compared to what will happen you've done things but it's nothing compared to what you will do then he takes out he starts handing me $100 bills he says God is going to multiply your reach by a 100 times but it didn't begin there it began on the field of the Super Bowl in 2008 now how many people here are into football okay that's good you know see me I'm not so much see most Jewish people aren't into football because to us it's scary a bunch of very big Gentiles running around after
an uncer pig skin it's scary we know Moses had a write had have written something against it condemning it but we can't find it but David Tyrie of the New York Giants was a born- again Christian and he wanted to glorify God and he prayed Lord I want to I want to spread your word before he went into the game a man gave him the word a word and said God is going to do something cause something to happen that's going to cause you to go into the spotlight and you're going to glorify God he
went into the game waiting waiting for it the whole world's watching he's waiting for the prophecy then it happened it was called the helmet catch it's been called the greatest catch in super ofall history he caught the ball on his helmet and he they won the game he was made famous he wrote a book glorifying God and mentioned the man's name who gave him that word that prophecy that when he went into that game now that that's how that happened in 2008 God is in charge of every event the man who gave him that prophetic
word heard at the super for the Super Bowl was the man who was sitting next to me at the airport he wasn't supposed to be on that flight but his flight kept getting cancelled because of the weather until he was forced on my flight and he just happened to sit down right next to me as I happened to pray that prayer God send it forth and he said he was overtaken by the spirit telling him you got to speak to this man but he resisted it he said no Lord I'm not going to do that
you see for some strange reason you won't believe it but he thought I looked Jewish I know and I'm wearing black and he thought I was Orthodox I'm going like this and he said I can't give it to him he's Jewish until he and he says God he said literally had was he was struck by pain all over until he opened his mouth and gave me that word so because David Tyree caught that ball on his helmet and wrote that book it put this with mention the man's name that man was put in touch with
Steve Strang one of the Christian great Christian Publishers it was all a setup from the Super Bowl so the man at the airport sent word to Steve Strang of Charisma and he said you'll never believe what happened at the airport a while later I get a communication from the president of Charisma who says we heard what happened at the airport we heard about this thing called The Harbinger we have no idea what it is but we're interested and that is how the harbinger went forth to the world not by the hand of man but by
the hand of God that's how God works now let me tell you how another mystery came and and and and I wasn't I'm lying on my bed my wife is lying next to me I'm awake she's asleep and three Revelations come into my head I have no idea if they're real or not I get up I go into the other room get out my laptop I look it up it's all real and I'm blown away and that was part of the beginning of a revelation that would become the book The Paradigm now the Paradigm is
a mystery that reveals there is a template in in the Bible that actually the leaders of our time and the events of our time are following I'll give you an example in the Paradigm uh there is well there is a man there is Ahab now the president of the 1980s Bill Clinton doesn't know it but he was following that pattern of Ahab he was on Bill Clinton was on the national stage for 22 years it's written Ahab was King in Samaria for 22 years Ahab was part of a culture War he was a divided man
so was Bill Clinton in the Paradigm I'm just giving you a very very quick thing Barack Obama follows the pattern of King joram who came after Ahab Barack Obama was on the national stage from 20 2004 to 2016 exactly 12 years it's written that King joram reigned in Samaria for exactly 12 years in the Paradigm the queen how should I say this I want to be nice the wife of King Ahab continued after ahab's Reign came to an end she remained on the national stage in the capital city the wife of Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton
continued on after the end of the Clinton presidency in the capital city Hillary Clinton was on the national stage for 22 years with her husband on her own in public life public office of running for president 14 years 22 years with her husband 14 years after the ancient Queen the wife of King Ahab was on the national stage for 22 years with her husband on her own 14 years but then comes another figure his name is juu he will be the mystery of Donald Trump trump will follow the template and mystery of ju without knowing
it J was wild unpredictable you never knew what J was gonna say next I mean I believe there's evidence in the Bible that ju had a Twitter account but we're not going there we're not going there J wasn't political he was a fighter Donald Trump fights with everybody in fact there you know J began a race to the throne Donald Trump began a race to the White House J made an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land Donald Trump made an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land J juu actually invited uh one
of a religious conservative into his Chariot on the race to become his partner who was a religious conservative so has Donald Trump in order to become the leader of the land ju who had had had have come face to face at a showdown against the nation's former first lady in order to become the leader of America Trump had to have a showdown face to face with the nation's former first lady all the poll said Hillary Clinton was going to trounce Donald Trump but the Paradigm in the Bible said the one who walks in the shoes
of J will prevail and so he did now now let me just tell you a little secret there now it's one of the things I got when I was on my bed while I'm lying on my bed concerned King Ahab King Ahab was caught in a scandal he his rign had Scandal well Bill Clinton's Reign also had Scandal ahab's Scandal was exposed in the his 19th year of his Reign the 19th year of Bill Clinton on the national stage was 1998 1998 was when the Scandal was exposed 19th year of his Reign Clinton was sworn
into power in 79 on J as a governor on January 20th 19 years later takes you to January 20th 1998 the Scandal breaks out on that very day now it came to be in bed that in one moment that in one moment Ahab confesses his sin over the Scandal and repents his repentant doesn't last he goes back but he repented well well the thing is Clinton also first he denied it but then he admitted it he confessed it at a at a white house meeting uh uh after months after well with when Ahab does that
he confesses it 3 years later there's a Calamity that comes on the land well if you take the the day that Bill Clinton confessed finally confessed and take three years later it leads you to the day September 11th 2001 in fact it takes you to the morning and the exact hour there are no accidents that was one of the things that came and I had no idea God just just speaks to us now one of the mysteries from the this this revelation of the Paradigm is that it it's an event that came true after the
Paradigm came out it was three years later and so I also wrote in the Josiah Manifesto that it came true and that is that is that this Happ the template foretells in the Bible that the one that juu he calls for a gathering in the capital city now during that Gathering the people of juu surround a great capital building and then they stormm the building in the Bible well that would all manifest on January 6 now the capital police announced they had arrested on site the first arrest was they made an arrest in Washington they
announced and made headlines that we arrested 80 people involved in this in the Bible the account of juu with his he calls for the the he calls for a gathering Capital City it it speak the words in Hebrew appear schim is it speaks of the number of people who went into that great ancient capital building that Temple it translates to 80 people the exact same there are so many Mysteries we don't have time for but I want to say something else this is how another thing came how God speaks to us I was led this
is I was led to go to Canada I was asked to go to Canada in 2017 to speak and I was led to speak about the mystery of the Jubilee of God but it turned out I had no idea but that year was Canada's Jubilee the hotel I'm staying in I look and I see sign I see signs in the hotel it says 50 Years celebration it was the hotel's Jubilee as I'm preaching in a large Church there words on the back of the wall that say 50 years Jubilee it was the church's Jubilee everywhere
I went it was Jubilee I was bombarded by Jubilee God was leading me to the next mystery or signs it would have to do with the Jubilee and an event would happen right after I got that that would touch the world in the Year of Jubilee if you lost your land the year Jubilee you got it back it would be restored and you would return to what you lost there is no people on Earth who have so lost their land as the Jewish people but God promised that in the end times he would bring them
back to the land the amazing thing is he brought them back according to the mystery of the Jubilee the Jubilee is the 50th year the 50th year now I'm just going to give you a quick nutshell but the first restoration of Israel began in 18 the year 1867 when the Sultan of turkey releases the land that it could be redeemed back well that's what it began that was 1867 count 50 years to the next one it takes you to 1917 anything happened 1917 the when when the Jubilee comes those who have your land have to
flee well 1917 the Turks flee the land of Israel after hundreds of years the British come in World War I and they issue the Bal for declaration which promises the land of Israel to the original ancestral owner of the Jewish people Year of Jubilee but they never got Jerusalem count 50 years and where does it take you takes you to 1967 anything happened 1967 The Six Day War breaks out the soldiers of Israel enter the gates of their holy city after 2,000 years and Jerusalem God gives Jerusalem back to Israel that has to happen if
that didn't happen Jesus can't come back cuz he's coming back to Jerusalem with the Jewish people so God does it again Year of Jubilee but when you get when you in the Year of Jubilee you don't just get your land you get the legal right they you are recognized but the world refused to recognize Jerusalem refused even even America never did but count 50 years to the next Jubilee and where does it take you it takes you to the year 2017 did anything happened in 2017 the United States President Donald Trump issues the Jerusalem declaration
that for the first time since ancient times recognizes Jerusalem as the legal possession of the nation of Israel Eternal Capital Jubilee now I'm sure Donald Trump was not studying the original Hebrew he probably just woke up and said you know what I feel like doing it today you know but God is in charge of all things God is in charge of all things now I told you that when I in Canada when I got this it was 2017 it was it was in November and it turns out the very next month was going to be
that event that Jerusalem Proclamation God knows the future we don't but God does know and if we're open if you're open to God he's going to lead you even when you don't know what you're doing you don't have to know what you're doing you just have to know the one who does who that's it and follow him and say Lord where is it be open when Israel turned away from God it turned to other gods there's a Biblical warning from Messiah that applies not only to to the people but and and of and back then
but to Nations he spoke the parable he spoke he says a man who's delivered of a demon he says he said basically if the man stays empty of God though the the spirit's going to come back into him it's going to bring seven other Spirits now we think okay that's about a person well yeah you know it's dangerous you don't turn away from God but it's not just that he said so it is so it will be with this generation it's not just a person but an entire gener ation can turn away from God entire
culture and if it turns away from God the spirits that were cast out of it will come back into it that is a warning to America and to the world you see any Nation any civilization that has known God has been delivered of paganism turns away from God those ancient Spirits are coming back into it and you want to understand what's happening to America and much of the world it's this we turned from God and the spirits came back and so we are watching a repossession or a Reagan isation that's why it's so crazy why
are they getting into this why they it's all part it's going back to paganism and see that's what we did and the thing is when I looked at ancient Israel and the Lord led me said this has to be the next thing you got to get this word out when I when it turned away from God there were three major gods or spirits that came into the culture as I looked I saw the same three principalities happening in our world that have come back I call it in the this this led to the return of
the Gods and I open up the mystery of what I call the dark Trinity the three the first one is called the possessor that's what his name means the second one is the or the other one is the destroyer and another is a goddess the enchantress the enchantress is the god the ancient goddess of sexual immorality she seduces now coming back she will seduce a judeo-christian civilization to turn it P in the realm of sexuality she was known as the goddess who listen who bends and Alters gender in her ancient inscription she says I am
a woman I am a man she says in her the ancient Babylonian and Assyrian script says that she turned this one this Spirit turns a man into a woman and a woman into a man that is what we are dealing with right now this is the the spirit that is changing gender destroying marriage destroying children we removed God from our schools you know okay not a big deal no a real big deal CU that was the future we remove when you take God out of the schools something else is coming into the schools if you
take God from the children something else will come into the children you know the goddess this ancient goddess this Spirit especially possessed the culture in one month and you know what the month was the month of June with parades that celebrated the altering of gender one of the signs of this goddess listen was the rainbow why is the rainbow taking over all this stuff why is the rainbow replacing the cross you know well I I have to say something though the rainbow does not belong to a goddess or to man The Rainbow belongs to God
period it is his sign but you know this when I looked at the ancient this ancient Spirit it actually the goddess Tak things that belongs to other gods and and uses turns it around twist it well that's exactly what's happening and you know there were three Supreme Court decisions that altered sexuality and marriage they all took place in June it was over 12E period but each one was handed down on the exact same day a day that is linked to the mystery of this goddess and I looked I looked up you know the night remember
when marriage was altered after after thousands of years and and the president lit up the White House in the colors of the rainbow to celebrate it the altering that a man could marry a man well I looked in the ancient right the ancient the ancient writings of the Middle East it turns out on the Babylonian calendar that happened that was the the White House was lit up on the 10th day of tamuz it's also the biblical calendar 10th day of tamuz well I looked up that and it turns out it says in the ancient those
ancient writings the 10th day of tamuz is ordained to cast spelled to cause a man to love a man that is the day that marriage was altered now there is so much more I'm just giving you taste but also how God reveals these things and we don't have time I wanted to speak more about the tode manifesto but there's so much but I will just say this it began with a actually that this began with a vision that one of my pastors one of my associate had a vision and and he he told me I
was in the vision had to do with altars and gods and he didn't know nobody knew I was writing the of the Gods but it actually had a word that when I finished writing it something would happen the day that I finished writing the return of the Gods about the gods and the altars you know the great biggest altar in America was Rover versus weight on which we alter we offered up millions of children the day I finished writing the return of the gods that altar was cracked open and so this m this mystery I
can't really go into it now but it also involved things like I was I was invited by Fidel Castro to come into the presidential Palace of Cuba and I was led to go there with three objects to give him one was a b you know he B he banned the Bible so I gave him a Bible with his name inscribed on it but the other two objects actually were given foretold when his Reign would end how much time was left when God would remove him down to the the year the month the week the day
and the hour and it actually involved a mystery that links up with America and even even a mystery that even gives the exact gave the exact day that covid this plague would would arrive on our soil to the exact day and exactly how many Americans would be struck down and a prophetic event that I saw with my own eyes that involved president Trump actually should I share that I don't have it in my notes I'm not I didn't plan it I'm not say I have a video but I don't have the video here cuz I
didn't plan it all right I'm just going to say this when all these things were happening uh when covid came and the summer of rage and we were all locked down everything's going crazy the Lord had led me and another man of God to call for a National Day of Prayer and repentance it was called the return and we met we gathered thousands tens of thousands of Christians gathered on the National Mall and there were Millions watching we're praying repentance repent we're praying for America and I was really LED that we had to pray against
the killing of babies and we know we know that this issue is not over but we know God did something gigantic but it was then it was 2020 and we're praying that I was even led to take a a vessel of Jer like Jeremiah had that vessel the Lord led me go down to Washington get a vessel and smash it when you talk about this when you talk about the children and when you talk about America as he did and so what I said at the very end I was led that at 5:00 we had
to seal all the prayers we had a with a sounding of God's power the sounding of the chofar so so at that moment at around 5:00 I said come on up I said whoever's got chaar six men came up and they had Talis and they they're getting ready to sound and I said to everybody as soon as he hear the sound of the chaar shout the shout of Jericho and so I said now let the power of God go forth we seal all the prayers let the power of go God go forth in the name
of Jesus Yeshua go I said they sound the trumpet sound and the people shout now at on that day at that on the White House lawn is standing president Trump and at his side is Amy Cony Barrett Donald Trump had chosen that day by God he didn't know that day to set in motion that was going to be the vote the deciding vote that was going to overturn Rover versus wave he set it in motion on that day that day that turned out to be the return which also turned out to be a Hebrew day
we didn't even know it the Biblical Hebrew day which is called the day of return and repentance when a nation's to turn away from Evil Donald Trump chose that same day to turn away from the evil of abortion and he sets it in motion but the thing was you know not just that it wasn't just that day Donald Trump decided to set in a motion at 5:00 which is when we were going to do that prayer and we sounded the trumpet now the thing is it wasn't just that we looked at the looked at the
videotape and when I said go the I said sound the trumpet sound they sounded it was 5:00 4 minutes and 33 seconds Donald Trump opened his mouth and began the overturning of R versus Wade at 5:00 4 minutes and 33 seconds the exact same second God is amazing he's in charge of everything the same God of the Bible of Jericho you know Rover's was overturned with the sound of Jericho at that moment and I say God you're amazing I mean he knows that but God you're amazing I said but when I L I said you
know you could have done one thing better see it's always good to correct God if he doesn't do something the way you think he should I said everything was perfect except one thing you know there were six trumpets there should have been seven you know Jericho seven revelation seven trumpets why six and then it hit me so wait a minute what is the name of your president Trump the Trump he was the seven trumpet Trump was the seven trumpet I said let the trumpet sound and the Trump sounded at that moment God is amazing God
is amazing okay that's what I was not going to share with you I that's some of it but that's some of it linked to that's what what opened up the that's what began the disci Manifesto now now I'm going to share one more how God reveals and how things happen it was a Friday night it was I was at Beth Israel that's the congregation I lead in New Jersey uh in Wayne and that night I was led to share about a mystery from Leviticus and it it was it was a mi that mystery that I
opened and I'm not saying I know all these things God though does that mystery would ordain that there would be an attack on Israel it would be an invasion of Israel that would take Israel by surprise the mystery ordained that the attack would happen in the year 2023 that it would happen in the Autumn of that year specifically in the month of October the mystery ordained it would take place on a Saturday the Sabbath day it would happen on a Hebrew holy day linked to Leviticus it would take place on the first Saturday of October
of 2023 when Hamas invaded the land of Israel it took Israel by surprise it happened in the year 2023 it happened in the month of October they attacked on a Saturday the Sabbath day it all happened on a Hebrew holiday holy day from Leviticus Hamas invaded on the first Saturday of October of 2023 now when I shared this mystery it was Friday the next morning it happened and people who were at the service said you just spoke about that and that be that's what opened up and began the the what I just what just God
just gave me which was the dragon's prophecy and this one mystery that that I put in there that actually began the book may even enable us to know future events what is going to come and exactly when it's going to come after I finished writing the manuscript three other events happened according to the same exact mystery now there's one mystery in the dragon's prophecy that actually begins in the 20th century is a prophetic countdown of thousands of days and when you take the countdown thousands of days it pinpoints lands on the morning of October 7th
Saturday with the invasion that's how precise God is we are to know the signs of the times and when and and we have to be open to God interrupting us too you know if you want to be led by God you got to be interruptible I wasn't planning on writing this book the last book I didn't plan on it I was planning on writing the sequel to The Return of the Gods which I will write but God interrupted me totally what number one he interrupted me with that mystery when it all happened and what happened
in Israel and then when I'm seeking his will Lord what do you want me to write this other book that I didn't plan on writing I saw an image of a dragon a red dragon I knew this was from Revelation 12 that's what began the dragon's prophecy now speaking of the signs of the times you know as I start writing the book in the beginning of this year 2024 I had no idea you know what it turns out that 2024 is called The Year of the Dragon so here I'm writing about the dragon there's a
comet that comes by the Earth every about every 70 years and the year it came by this this year 2024 it's come by the Earth the dragon the the combet is called the mother of dragon's Comet that same year this spring all over New York City images of appear start appearing I don't know if you saw it image start appearing of dragons all over the city and one of the ways we know you know we know this began this we know the signs of the times because we have to know the word of God there
is a word of God from the prophet Ezekiel destined for the end times in which he says Israel has to come back from the Nations will come back to the land and when they do that after that in that time in those days there will be an in Invasion there'll be an alliance of Nations that will come against Israel he names the Nations we can identify a number of them the amazing thing is every one of the Nations that are prophesied or that we can identify that are prophesied to take part in an invasion of
Israel which will happen in the future for the first time in history actually took part in the invasion of Israel on October 7th they all had a part in What Hamas did we crossed a prophetic line for the first time one of the Nations that Ezekiel mentions is Iran it is for told that Iran will attack Israel but Iran has never directly attacked Israel until now it was this very spring when it's launched hundreds of missiles against the holy land first time in history this is another prophetic line the man who presided over Iran when
this happened was named president Abrahim REI Abrahim he's named after Abraham the father of the Jewish people from Abraham comes that name comes the abrahamic Covenant and the Covenant says if you bless Israel you'll be blessed if you curse Israel you'll be cursed whatever you do to Israel it's going to come back at you Abraham race he sought to bring destruction on Israel he touched the apple of God's eye one month later he was struck down dead his helicopter mysteriously comes down down and in those days he had also threatened that he was going to
annihilate bring Israel to there'll be nothing left of Israel he's going to that's blasphemy because Israel is the nation God put into existence and it's not going to be annihilated the day before he was struck down there was a scripture appointed to be read on that day from ages past on that day all the synagogues of the world are opening the Scrolls and Israel they're opening the Scrolls and they're reading that scripture that scripture ends with the last words are the one who spoke the blasphemy shall be struck down in the prophecy of Ezekiel God
says to the enemies of his Nation I will bring you against the mountains you will fall upon the mountains the Iranian president is the first leader of a a nation mentioned by Ezekiel to actually strike Israel where was he brought down against the mountains he fell upon the mountains you know what we're seeing in the world God is behind it I mean what I'm saying is this what we're seeing in the world you can only understand when you know God and when you remove the veil it's the spiritual let me give you an example speaking
of Iran in the Bible it speaks about an entity called the Saras this is an ancient entity entity that is that it is its Mission it's a is to war against Israel and stop God's purposes on Israel particularly in the last days the SAR Paras well what does that mean SAR means ruler leader General and Paras means the nation of Iran so the Bible is saying there is a spirit behind the nation of Iran and this you want to understand Iran why is Iran so obsessed with destroying Israel because it is being moved by a
principality that is obsessed with destroying Israel the Bible says it and so that's why Iran is behind every you know behind Hezbollah today right it's Iran behind Hamas you know October 7th Gaza behind Gaza was Hamas behind Hamas is Iran behind Iran is the SAR Paras behind the Saras is the dragon the devil but you know what the B so that's why Iran is obsessed with destroying it that's why it's the Archen enemy the Bible explains it but you know what else the Bible says that there's another entity called the SAR Israel or the leader
ruler or Pro or general of Israel that protects his Isel and now you know what this entity it has a name the name of this entity means in Hebrew who is like God in Hebrew the way you say that is Mel or we call him Michael if you're real spiritual you call him Mike but that's we're not going there the Bible actually says that Mikel Michael is actually right now protecting Israel in the end times it says he'll fight for your people in the end times well it's amazing because Iran so you got you got
the SAR Paras this entity on one side you got the SAR Israel on the other side they are Waring in the Heavenly and that's why Israel and Iran are Waring on Earth everything on Earth links to the heavenlies and you know when Israel sent in I mean when when Iran sent all those missiles hundreds of missiles into Israel you know virtually none of them struck they were struck down now they said well you know you have the missile defens ISM well there's a there's a a person who's who studied statistics he said there's no way
that system could have gotten all that in that time there had to be something else well there was something else there is a principality the SAR Israel from God you know I said you know behind this well with Israel behind the defense of Israel you have the Israeli Defense Force behind the IDF is the SAR Israel Michael behind Michael is Messiah and Messiah is God so they're they're gonna they're going to win there's another scripture that bears witness to the signs of the times Revelation yes to happen on one side but Revelation 12 speaks about
the dragon the enemy and he's Waring against a woman who's got 12 stars on her head and she gives birth to Messiah this is Israel only Israel gave birth to Messiah has the 12 Stars so the enemy hates Israel that's why the world hates the Jewish people because the enemy knows he if he destroys Israel he can stop the purpos of God but he can't do that but he's trying all the time you know it says that in Revelation he SP spewed forth a flood to flood away wipe away the woman a flood of water
well you know October 7th you know Hamas doesn't call it October 7th you know what they call they have a code name you know what they call it the name is operation tuon in Arabic you know what tufon means the flood as in the flood of the Dragon there's something else you know when God speaks of the the the enemies of Israel that are going to come down in Ezekiel they're going to come down on Israel it says you'll come like a storm on the land well you know the word tuon means flood from Revelation
but it also means Storm from Ezekiel it's a shadow of what will be happening something else happened which was a shadow signs of the times in the wake of October 7 something strange happened all over the world a rage hatred Fury not against Hamas but against Israel it was as if it was like a blood Feeding Frenzy in the spir in the Demonic realm because you'd expect the world when when an enemy attacks and kills fathers and children and mothers you'd expect there to be sympathy but they actually raged against Israel and you can see
and not just in the Middle East but in Europe and America in Harvard University and they chanted from The River To The Sea Palestine shall be free they were chanting for the destruction of Israel you see but but the enemy's fingerprints were all over it because you know where that comes from the the enemy is the one who takes things of God and he twists them around you know where it comes from it comes from the Bible when God comes from the promise that God gave to Israel giving the land to them he says again
and again from the river to the sea from The River To The Sea I have given you this land so the enemy is all over this it's written in the Book of Revelation that the dragon out of his mouth comes these spirits that go out into the world they go out into the world and they gather the whole world together against Israel at Armageddon well you know people say well how can that be how can the Nations come again all the nations against this little tiny land of Israel well you've already seen the the shadow
of it it all H you already saw it when the world erupted that was the most widespread hatred of Israel in world history and you know what most Young Americans are for Hamas I said that and they are also you know this this you want to see the future without unless there's Revival now I'm going to share one more one more thing here and then I'm going to bring this home to what do we do one more thing one more mystery I mentioned in the dragon's prophecy you know in the Bible there is something called
there there is the colors of the apocalypse and you see it when you look at the Four Horsemen the first horse white for Conquest the second red for war the third black for famine and the last one green we call it the Pale Horse green for death well you know what when all these these erupts rage against Israel which comes from the drag it's the dragon rage all over the world the colors of the Apocalypse started manifesting how they gathered together around a banner the banner was the flag of Palestine the flag of Palestine are
the colors are white for the White Horse red for the red horse black for the Black Horse and green for the green horse and every nation that has those colors it marks them as an enemy of Israel we must know and not miss the signs of the times what does all this tell you I just gave you a taste I wanted to do the best I could to give you a taste of some of these things and also how God reveals them what does it tell you it tells you that our God is real our
God is mighty and our times are in his hands when he gives a word he's going going to keep it when he gives a promise his promise is true it tells you that our God is on the throne over everything he's on the throne and he's got no intention of getting off of that Throne what does it tell you he's got the whole world in his hands He's Got The Whole Wide World in His Hands he's got you and me baby in his hands He's Got The Whole World in His Hands the children of issachar
knew the times and what Israel should do if we know the times then we must know what to do the last part that God led me in the in this Mo in the newest the dragon's prophecy is revealing the war that is against all of us it's not just Israel the dragon is against all of us because it says he went out to make war against the rest of her children who is the children who are the rest of the children of Israel it's you if you're born again you're a child of Israel you are
a child you're a spiritual Israelite and so in the last days he's going to war again he's going to come against Israel even more so to destroy them and he will come against the people of God the enemy hates you and in fact in fact not only that if you're in the image of God which most of you are he's been Waring against you since you were conceived he wants to oppress you he wants to wants to addict you wants to defile you wants to turn you from God wants to discourage you wants to paralyze
you he wants to do that but you know this is why it's real important you know we got to remember what side we're on see if you're in a if you're in a fight and you don't know you're in a fight you're not going to win but if you're in a fight and you don't know the power you have and who's with you also if the world is growing increasingly dark With the Enemy then we the lights of God have to grow increasingly bright for God if the world is going from bad to worse it's
time for us the people of God to go from good to Great and the Book of Revelation is not just a dragon it's something else the lamb the lamb is a dragon and a lamb you see evil always comes like a dragon tries to overwhelm you intimidate you terrorize you and good comes like a lamb it often seems the odds are against it it seems like the underdog is not going to win it seems like if you're being overwhelmed how am I going to do this and if you see but you see a fight of
a dragon and a lamb most people would put their bets on the dragon but in the Bible it's the lamb who wins against the Dragon for in the end it is the Lamb who is Victorious it is the Lamb who Reigns The Lamb is Messiah Jesus Yeshua the King of Kings you know dragons are reptilian they're coldblooded you know reptiles can can go crazy but they can't last they have no endurance evil cannot will not win because it cannot win evil is cold blooded it can't go on but the lamb is warm blooded the good
cannot lose it cannot cease it goes on forever his love endures forever it does not fail in the end evil will perish in the end good shall Prevail and so in the same drag the same vision of the Dragon Revelation 12 it says but he wared against the rest of her children but it says but remember this they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb the word of the testimony loveing not their lives the word overcome there is the Greek word NAA say it NAA n was an amazing thing because it's it means totally
conquered but it's of the future but it's written in the past tense in other words your Victory is as good as done you just have to fight the victory is as good as done you got to remember no matter what's happening in the world no matter what they tells you you still are on the winning side and you got to claim that you got to you got to you got to Prevail you got to Proclaim that the victory is as good as done but you can't have the victory if you don't fight there's no you
can't have a victory without a fight fight the good fight fight what God Said you do don't give up keep going if you keep going you win for all who keep going win the fight for despite public opinion despite CNN despite Hollywood you are on The Winning Side you fight your good fight and one last sign to tell you to encourage you about the signs of the times not just of these times but of all times on Earth you see for thousands of years the dragon has tried to destroy the woman the people of Israel
and they seemed to be the weakest people they had no defense they had no army they had no they had all hell against them for thousands of years Against All Odds you know the Pharaohs of Egypt tried to destroy them Assyria tried to crush them Babylon tried to wipe them out Rome tried to destroy them Hitler tried to annihilate them the Soviet Union tried to to crush them the ter ter are trying to wipe them out but but the Pharaohs are gone Assyria is no more Babylon has fallen Rome has crumbled Hitler has perished the
Soviet Union has collapsed the terrorist will not be but but but the nation of Israel lives Amel High the nation of Israel lives because the god of Israel lives because the Messiah of Israel lives because Yeshua Jesus of Israel lives because salvation of Israel lives and you who follow him you shall live you shall overcome you shall Prevail you shall be victorious for greater is he in you than he was in the world greater is the lamb in you than the dragon in the world so arise man of God Arise woman of God arise and
shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you in the name above every name the name of Yeshua Jesus the light of the world the glory of Israel and the lion of the tribe of Judah amen amen God bless you God bless you I'll see you
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