Capítulo 4 - Independência ou Morte | Brasil - A Última Cruzada

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Today we are launching our last episode of the year: Independence or Death It's a great honour to have come this far with you. Last year there was a dream of taking to millions of Brazilians the information that was constantly withheld from us. And thanks to you, 10 documentaries have been produced totally free, 220 hours of classes involving more than 120 experts 10 million people watched our content. There are hundreds of people and families who every day awaken as Brazilians To each person who becomes a member, a thousand people access our free content is a milestone
in the country's awareness. Brazil Paralelo is a reality and 2018, will be decisive It's time to do something effective for our culture we know that there is still a long way ahead we need you in order to continue impacting Brazilian people And stay tuned, until midnight on this Thursday is the last moment for you to take advantage of our promotional price and become a member after that this condition will no longer be available. Enjoy and become a member of Brasil Paralelo, and I see you soon True happiness is at home among the joys of the
family The young Pedro didn't see that happiness despite being the son of the future king of Portugal, at that time everything seemed distant Hated by his mother, and esteemed by his father but living without the coexistence of both Pedro ended up returning to his younger brother Miguel his parents lived separated in different places, and contact with the family was rare Pedro and his brother lived in a palace with his grandmother who suffered from mental illness With lots of huge rooms, antique furniture, closed windows the loneliness and cries of the grandmother echoed through the corridors of
the mansion The lack of contact with people caused Pedro and Miguel to develop a relationship of love and hatred for each other. They shared the appearance, the features and the impulsive temperament Having only Miguel to relate and amid the loneliness and the grandmother's outbreaks between fights and fun with his brother, the boy grew up. In the palace gardens, Pedro organized small troops composed of his friends facing the enemy troops of his brother, where Pedro was almost always the winner of the game. Little did they know that these make-believe battles it would be a prelude to
a real dispute THE LAST CRUSADE Chapter 4 – Independence or Death Don Pedro I was born in the palace of Queluz, in the room don quixote, on October 12, 1798. He was an abandoned child, he used to live with his grandmother, his grandmother was a madwoman and he lived alone with her. Dona Leopoldina was born in this family, well prepared to govern, a woman ahead of her time but in a moment that Europe was being revolutionized by Napoleon. Vienna, is even taken two times by Napoleon in that period and for in two occasions Leopoldina and
her family had to flee Vienna. Dom Pedro was born from parents that would not stay together for long, he was just beginning to be educated in Portugal, and with this trip from nowhere, like moving the whole court to America, and then this education ends up getting lost Now think about a child who travels to any other country at the age of nine, he will absorb the language, he will speak fluently, he will feel home, okay, and that's what happened to Dom Pedro I The kids from São Cristóvão went to the street playing with him, and
he had a very strong connection with the people in Brazil, with the city of Rio de Janeiro. Leopoldina, even with this mess that was her childhood, the loss of her mother, and then the loss of her stepmother she gets a neat education exactly as expected a Hapsburg would have one of the disciplines that the Hapsburg princes had, was the theatre And why? Because it was the way for you to learn how to deal with the audience, which was her people. And by doing this you were already beginning to know how to behave, how to speak,
and how to be a public figure, in addition to other things like mathematics, geometry, things that at the time were matters only for men. Women didn't learn that, but Hapsburg women did. Everything that others will have to war to conquer, they will conquer by marriage and by love, by Venus, so they start creating the best princesses in the art of governing themselves. Dynastic marriage between two families is a diplomatic treaty, that´s it. Leopoldine is immersed within a society that is experiencing the beginning of romanticism Then comes a jewel for her, which is a diamond necklace
with a medallion where there is the miniature of Dom Pedro, the sphinx of Dom Pedro painted on this medallion. Everyone in the court was overwhelmed by the size of the diamond and she is only fixed on the image of her prince. Then she falls in love with the portrait boy The wedding party that takes place in Vienna was called the Brazilian party, it was not called Portuguese party, because the Austrians were actually marrying Brazil with this hope of that empire in the tropics. John VI sends Portuguese ships to Livorno to get the future queen of
Portugal, as they shouted, and that was so cute to see the meeting of the two of them, as they were two youngsters totally shy and the two looking at each other´s foot, but not looking at the eyes, and then a slight look just to see what the person looks like. and this as soon as they meet on the ship that brought her. Dressed in a white silk robe embroidered in silver and gold, a thin veil fell on her face. On her neck a necklace that despite the grandeur drew attention not by the jewellery, but for
the portrait made in gold with her husband's face. It’s been Months idealizing her life with the man in the portrait who now embraced her. In a short time the first daughter; Maria da Glória was born. It was an occasion for great happiness to the couple. The daughter created a stronger bond of union between them that had fun watching her growth closely Unlike other Dynastic families, the Portuguese crown did not prohibit women to inherit the throne. Maria da Glória was the legitimate aspirant of father and mother. Not everything is as it seems, medicine not yet advanced
at the time caused the princess and Dom Pedro to lose a baby and another one still in gestation. Premature deaths of two children would be the preamble to a troubled year. The old European continent was no longer the same Napoleon´s wars and the ideas of the French revolution left their profound marks not only in geography but also in popular imagination. Although some kings have regained the thrones usurped by napoleon they would never again have the power they once had. A new Political Era was beginning The news that arrived in brazil caused fear in the people
and throughout the crown. The revolution that had taken place in other nations came to the city of Porto This revolution was born and migrates to Lisbon with the following idea: to form a national constituent assembly to write a constitution, compelling the king to sign it and obey it, to bring the king back, and then create a parliamentary monarchy "English style". These courts had enormous power in Portugal. Spain had recently done something like that and Spain had imitated France, so see that the national constituent assembly was one of the first movements of this revolutionary process So
the fact that Portugal opened a national constituent assembly let the nobles frightened, and especially Dom João VI. So you first have the situation of lack of functionality of public administration in Portugal then you have the situation of Brazil... as the one that was centralizing international trade, then Portugal impoverishing and you have the situation of Portugal being ruled first; by a king in the Atlantic, where the colony was and at the same time by an English administrator, England getting in the way. The rebels took the courts and demanded that the crown returned and that Brazil retreated
to the colony status Dom João VI, once again faced two bitter and exclusionary options would have to decide to stay in brazil or go back to Portugal And Leopoldina was so desperate about that so much that she thinks about chartering a hidden ship and fleeing to Portugal if Dom Pedro was sent to Portugal Realizing the impasse of the royal family, Portuguese troops which were in Brazil demanded that the king accepted the constitution that would be imposed Dom Pedro, in one of his acts of bravery takes the reins of the situation. He sends soldiers and suppresses
the confusion established by the rebels. Proving himself able to act in situations like this, Pedro gained the trust of his father and ministers, leading Dom João VI to finally make the decision to return alone to Portugal, leaving his son as regent of Brazil Before leaving he had a conversation with his son Pedro alone, and gave him an advice that marked his life forever. Dom João VI said something like the following to Dom Pedro: if it is to lose Brazil, be it for you and not for these adventurers Dom João VI was actually very smart he
also had one dynastic articulation behind it that´s where Dom João VI manages to keep the crown of both Brazil and Portugal within Braganza family. Before the melancholy departure, Dom João VI called elections to elect governmental boards in the major provinces. It was a way to help the kingdom of Brazil to maintain political autonomy in the face of the court revolution. It was by acclamation that a man reached the vice presidency of the government of São Paulo, José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, a Brazilian with a unique academic background, fluent in several languages, and the one
who saw the French revolution happening before his eyes. The one who fought with gun in hand against the French revolutionary army, and was now back in Brazil to change the history of a nation forever. While most newly formed government boards were seduced by the pressure of the Portuguese courts, the government of São Paulo with José Bonifácio was the first to recognize Dom Pedro's authority as prince regent Such a feat caught the prince's attention, who wrote to his father about the man he believed to have ensuring the tranquility of the province of São Paulo. It was
on the first day of 1822, that Dom Pedro received a manifesto written by Bonifácio, and subscribed by the entire São Paulo board. Bonifácio warned in the letter that the portuguese government aimed to impose a system of slavery on Brazil, and completed by saying that the people from São Paulo were ready to pour the last drop of their blood, and sacrifice all their possessions so as not to lose the adored prince. He says: we are seeing that in brazil people are taking in weapons, we are having problems, we already know what happened in the revolution he
brought the full history for them. Look, is from a window, you know what I mean. from a window to the audience gathered down there. Then he tells this story and said: it's not better for São Paulo showing loyalty to our king. We had no problems with them, and we also have to reorganize ourselves, then he gives a speech, and everybody applauds. Dom Pedro found value in the letter, and touched by the plea of a man who he held dear even before he met him personally, had it published in the newspapers. After the letter of Bonifácio,
there was a general mobilization of civil society so that Dom Pedro remained in Brazil. Posters were spread throughout Rio de Janeiro warning of the dangers of revolution in Portugal. Tempers intensified, fights and clashes between Portuguese and Brazilians were frequent. Brazilian people had expressed their will: disobedience to the courts. The courts wanted that there was no longer the centralized state in Brazil that all the Brazilian provinces report directly to Lisbon and that the Brazilian courts were closed. Think about this, you have a case here and then you have to send this process to be analyzed by
a judge in Lisbon who won't have the slightest idea what's going on in that place. And the people wanted to get rid of these guys. Brazilians are no longer supporting the Portuguese at this time, and the Portuguese could no longer stand Brazilians. there was riot on the streets. Then a big conflict pops up between Brazilians and Portuguese. There were lots of requests from all over the place, petitions from different states insisting that the prince regent remained Protected by the political support of Bonifácio, and aligned with the will of Brazilians, only one person's approval was still
missing for Dom Pedro. Leopoldina already had a vision much further ahead as she saw that if she fulfilled what the courts wanted, for them taking the next ship and go back to Portugal, things here in brazil would be a mess in such a way that it probably would have turned into the same thing that the Spanish colonies in America became. The colonies would each have made their own independence and becoming countries completely dependent of the armies, totally militarized, and one fighting with the other all the time. So, all of this was no longer for Brazil
that was already feeling this taste of being one state Administratively independent since the time of Dom João. And by seeing this she already starts this coordination so as not to leave here. Both José Bonifácio and Leopoldina wanted Pedro to remain in Brazil Both believed that in the case the prince returned to Lisbon the country would not be able to resist the revolutionary furor. The extensive territory would not support the central government vacancy in 1822. Brazil was still susceptible to independentist rebel movements. That would plunge a kingdom into political and social chaos as it happened in
the territories neighbours of Spanish America If there is a revolution Brazil the country would fall apart. It was just like the neighbours, the Hispanic countries. Which one will be, in the mind of Bonifácio, and then we can understand what he thought of the French revolution and he thought: if they let the river of blood happens, his thoughts would be like; would come some freaks to rule, the river of blood would increase and get even more fiery, and everything would go wrong, and brazil would split into small republics that they could hardly rule themselves, and you
can tell that by Bonifácio´s writings. we need to prevent Brazil from taking the course of Spanish America and the French revolution Is simply clear what he thinks. That´s it. What does he think of the French revolution? Some carbonarian mad anarchists, bloodthirsty. What does he think of the Spanish America revolution? Misplaced revolutions that caused a large territory, a powerful territory, to break into small republics. Threats to Dom Pedro from the courts were frequent and the prince wavered between the choices. The issues became hopeless when the courts dissolves the government and order once again the regent's return.
Hence, José Bonifácio at the time when Dom Pedro had been practically threatened by the courts to return, and he said; I´ll go! José Bonifácio writes a letter, very rude in which he says this; if you have the honour of a man and of a prince you must stay and if not staying you will be responsible for the river of blood that is going to run right over here. At the same, Leopoldina says this: I can't go cause I'm pregnant. and she was pregnant again. Then you see it that way, Bonifácio and Leopoldina connected even before
they met. And at the same time the population. Because Bonifácio send this letter and then he goes personally... with his brother and a delegation from São Paulo to take to Dom Pedro a petition from São Paulo. The "Mineiros" take a petition asking him to stay. The population of Rio de Janeiro was around 60 thousand people and there was a petition of 5.000 people asking Dom Pedro to stay. In other words, you will say that this was built by one or two people? There were the ones from below, the ones in the middle, and those from
above. wanting to break up with Portugal Influenced by his wife and his closest friends noticing the popular clamour for his permanence Dom Pedro now felt confident to make the long awaited decision. On January 9, 1822, Dom Pedro of the Paço Imperial addresses an apprehensive but hopeful public to proclaim his stay in the country. What became known as the “Dia do Fico”. The point about the “Dia do Fico” is that it was really a process, and it was growing... in which he really decided to break up with Portugal and, in a certain way, because the felt
Brazilian. The “Dia do Fico” represented a path of no return Represented that we were no longer members in the Portuguese state, but we were already Brazil. This event however did not mean the official break with Portugal. Bonifácio had not yet in mind a complete disruption with the old world. His idea of a league of Portuguese nations was still maintained. It was envisioned the possibility of a reconciliation between father and son. José Bonifácio at first was trying to maintain the union with Portugal at all costs The idea was to make one united kingdom, meaning Brazil and
Portugal independent with the same hierarchy level one small tax as for a common army, to finance a common army and the traveling court, the court sometimes in Portugal and sometimes in Brazil. But the problem is that the Portuguese courts said; no we want to demote Brazil to its former status in 1808. On the other side of the Atlantic, the Portuguese did not welcome reconciliation. The will of the courts in subjugating Brazil was irrepressible. And then when he realizes that the courts of Lisbon are... untenable, ridiculous, unprepared people trying to create a new country he creates
the idea of establishing an empire in Brazil, it means as if it was a breakup. A few days after the pronouncement of Dom Pedro communicating that he would remain in Brazil Lieutenant General Jorge de Avillez believed in the fragility of the rookie prince and organized his troops to take a coup to take over the Brazilian government The Portuguese general had already tried a coup previously but after a negotiation with Dom Pedro had given a truce for the prince This time Pedro would put aside the conversation and negotiations it was time to act. Rioting on Praia
Grande in Niterói, Avillez and his troops was fortified in a strategic location Realizing the seriousness of the act, Pedro react by sending army troops and armed civilians to fight Avillez. With another victory of the prince the Portuguese general and his men are expelled from Brazil definitely. The conflict strengthens Pedro the idea that he needed allies to maintain political stability. José Bonifácio had already proved to be of great value for having stabilized São Paulo and demonstrating his support to the crown. Don Pedro wastes no time and elects him to the most important ministerial post. Bonifácio would
assume the state of empire and foreign affairs. Becoming the first Brazilian born on our land to hold a ministerial position Why? Because at that time the Portuguese ministers were having a fight with Dom Pedro, and he was threatening to resign, they were fighting, and then he was about to send everyone away then he hires José Bonifácio. Saying: "You are now the Minister" So José Bonifácio right before the independence of Brazil was already the main minister of Dom Pedro and was the first Brazilian to get such a high position. But who would give such news the
old sage would not be the prince. The instability made Leopoldina decide to take refuge in the farm of Santa Cruz She had left because of the danger It was having marches all the time and also street fighting. Although Leopoldina and Bonifácio share the same ideals they still didn’t know each other personally. Do you know how he meets Leopoldina for the first time? He is going to take the signatures of the Paulistas to Dom Pedro and she was installed on a farm, on a farm far from the capital. When she goes to his encounter she greets
him, and at the same time she realizes that José Bonifácio is there as she had already heard of him after all he had sent the letter of the “Dia do Fico” in advance, and then she greets him and they start talking in French. as it appears. But maybe she has started talking to him in French And why? Because she knew that he spent some time in France. And then they switch to German, because probably he changed to German realizing that, it does not have to be French it can be in German. And she would have
been delighted to talk to him in German. When they meet a cultured princess who is realizing what Portugal is doing and welcome them on horseback pregnant and makes a point of telling them: I'm with you, and I believe in what you believe. So they are enchanted with her The princess caused a commotion when reporting what she thought of recent events, and the loving way they spoke. Brought tears to Bonifácio and his entourage. And it was at this meeting that Leopoldina informed that her husband had chosen Bonifácio as his newest minister and would receive the information
as soon as he met Pedro in Rio de Janeiro. He denies at first. He said that don’t want. Its necessary Dom Pedro to bother him and that Leopoldina asks him then he accepts the position. And she only says one thing, which is what was recorded; I never had such a strong impression, so overwhelming when I had to talk to that José Bonifácio. She figures out a giant in front of her. With the apparently calmer situation in Rio de Janeiro, Leopoldina decides to return from the farm to the palace of São Cristóvãoin in Rio de Janeiro,
but the trip would mean another loss to the royal family. Life on the farm was not the same as in the capital of the empire. The poor conditions of the trip, and the scorching heat killed baby Dom João Carlos. In letters sent to her parents Leopoldina and Pedro would blame the Portuguese rebels for the death of the son. Saying that if there weren´t so much turmoil and fights there would be no reason to travel. The news from the empire capital took a long time to go through the vast Brazilian territory Despite the acclaim of the
“Cariocas”, the prince regent did not know if he would receive the support of the rest of the country for his stay in Brazil. Now minister, Bonifácio recommended the prince strengthen ties with the province and seek support for his cause. That is, the project of José Bonifácio of keeping Dom Pedro here in order to keep the empire of Brazil as successor of the Portuguese Empire, is the one that is thriving. Rio de Janeiro had declared faithful to the prince and his decisions. Dom Pedro and his entourage then leave for Minas Gerais. In Minas Gerais was having
some problems because there were the faithful to Lisbon But he went there, conquered the people, as he used to do everything. He spoke in secret societies, drank with the people, visited some women, took the women of the noble, anyway... he corrupted the Portuguese structure that already existed and put everyone on his side. It was a great success, he was acclaimed, thrown up, he was a big kid, 24-year-old, the prince, he did everything. Before they travel, Dom Pedro should appoint a substitute to occupy the regency So decreed that his wife, Princess Leopoldina would rule in his
place It was the first time in history that a woman would run the country. Strictly, you know, the first head of state of Brazil was Leopoldina, his wife. Is something worth remembering also because is in the box of the forgotten things. In mid-August 1822, went to São Paulo where part of the government board decided to support the decisions that would come from the Portuguese courts In São Paulo they had a problem and then they kick José Bonifácio´s brother out of the provisional government. Because he had taken over the government of the province. José Bonifácio´s brother
was an executioner in public accounts and he found some deviations from public funds and he denounced and told the guys to be chased and then they made a whole move against him and removed him from office. But at last he was the brother of the minister of the kingdom and the foreigner. The minister linked to Dom Pedro, and you know what happens? Dom Pedro dismisses everyone of the province of São Paulo and at the same time calls José Bonifácio´s brother to integrate the central government, then José Bonifácio´s brother becomes a kind of finance minister of
that time. So you have two of the Andradas taking part in the government. It was necessary to do the same that had been done in the Mineira province to guarantee the peace and sovereignty of the Brazil. Dom Pedro gained the support of the rural population and farmers welcomed the prince and his entourage wherever they passed by. In the same month arrived in Brazil the newest claims from Lisbon courts They demoted the prince Dom Pedro to a mere temporary delegate. The new representatives of the Brazilian government would be elected in Lisbon which would not accept the
laws defined by the Brazilian government, and would punish everyone who disobey their orders. And when this news arrives, what does Leopoldina do? She calls for a session of the state council where all these people get together and then it is decided that it is better to advise the prince for the separation from brazil. She is ahead of everything. And if she hadn’t already aligned politically with Dom Pedro she would never preside over a council of state directed to this way if she hadn’t aligned with Dom Pedro And she knew how to articulate between the State
Council and her husband Dom Pedro I She was a very shrewd woman and she saw that the best for that context was in fact independence for brazil She had been married to this intent for a long time whereas Dom Pedro I, maybe wasn´t. he was probably dosing in some decisions. José Bonifácio concluded at the meeting of council that had exhausted the possibilities of conciliation with Portugal. Brazil had done their best to get around the situation. But the relations had reached an irremediable point. The fate of Brazil cried out for a breakup with the Portuguese crown.
Then sent a messenger to deliver to Pedro the letter that informed about the decision made by Bonifácio and Leopoldina on the board. Who signed the minutes of the council meeting that instituted independence was Dona Leopoldina. And Dom Pedro only ratified his wife's act. And then he receives some letters, the letters of Dona Leopoldina and José Bonifácio explaining to him what had happened. Then Dona Leopoldina says to him: look, it seems to me that it's the moment, they're not here for conversation, a lot of men are coming, and they want to take you by force, and
so on. It's time. Bonifácio´s emblematic letter would also get to Dom Pedro on the fateful day. Sir, the courts ordered my arrest out of obedience to your highness. And in their immense hatred of persecution they also reached the one who values to serve... with loyalty and the dedication of the most loyal subject friend. The present moment can't stand any more delays or indulgence. The revolution is already prepared for the day of your departure. If he leaves we have the revolution in Brazil against Portugal, and Portugal currentlydo not have the resources to subdue an uprising, which
is prepared hiddenly, not to say; almost visibly If he stands, his highness has against himself the people of Portugal the revenge of the courts and I will say, even the disinheritance, which they say; already be arranged. Faithful minister, I have risked everything for my homeland and for my prince. Most obedient servant of the Lord Dom João VI which the courts have in their hateful coercion may I, as minister, I advise your highness to stay and make Brazil a happy kingdom separated from Portugal who is now slave to the despotic courts. My lord, no one more
than your wife wishes your happiness and she said in a letter that with this one will be delivered... that your highness must stay and make the happiness of the Brazilian people who want you as their sovereign without any connections of obedience to the Despotic Portuguese courts that want Brazil's slavery and the humiliation of its beloved prince regent. Stay! Is what everyone asks for the magnanimous prince who is your highness, for the pride, and happiness of Brazil. And if he doesn't stay, rivers of blood will flow through this great noble land so dear to his royal
father who no longer governs in Portugal due to the oppression of the courts. In this land that your highness cherishes so much and whom you so highly esteem. By pulling off the blue and white armband that symbolized Portugal, Pedro shot to the floor saying: "Take off your armbands soldiers, hail to independence, freedom and the separation from Brazil" The prince raised his sword which was followed by the military the countryman took off their hats and Don Pedro said: "For my blood, for my honour, for my God, I swear to make the freedom of Brazil. Brazilians, our
motto from now on will be: Independence or Death." September 7, 1822 And instead of letting Brazil become dismantled as some small provinces led by caudilhos Dom Pedro I, manages from his symbolic strength, and anchored by great politicians maintaining Brazil with its continentality. I see it as a correct measure from Dom Pedro, as a success not only his but for men like for example Bonifácio, and of women as for example, such as Leopoldina. The independence of the Brazil is more similar to the independence of the United States of America and not as the independence or the
pro-independence movements in Africa in the 60´s. That is, it was not the invader who invaded and conquered the Brazilians and then they revolted against the invader. It was the Portuguese who conquered, and came here, and then some of them revolted against the motherland. Then there was a split and that´s exactly what happened in the United States. This is explicitly called secession. Our independence was much more an emancipation of a child who had become greater moreover much greater than the father than fratricidal wars as it as they were with our Hispanic American neighbours. It became very
clear to this intellectual, economic and political Brazilian that the return of Dom João VI would be a return to that previous stage I believe that this has ignited, even in Don Pedro I himself, who felt Brazilian, this need for Brazil to become an independent country. While Dom Pedro and his entourage returned from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro the organization of the newest empire in the Americas began by the hands of the minister Bonifácio and the now Empress Leopoldina. Leopoldina along with Bonifácio and the French artist Jean-Baptiste Debret idealized and designed what would be the
flag of the Empire of Brazil. The flag would unite the green of the Bragança family and the yellow of the Habsburg family And in the heart of the flag was the cross of the Order of Christ. Symbol of the beginning of the trajectory of fearless men who once crossed the Atlantic and found a tropical paradise. Those who first arrived here could not imagine the fate that the cross brought by them would have ...and now there it was. After centuries of battle stories, present in the flag raised by a finally independent people. Scholar and music lover,
Pedro would leave one more of his marks on history. By making an arrangement for lyrics of a prestigious poetry by the court he composes the anthem of the Empire of Brazil. The day Dom Pedro turned 24 years old the people took to the streets of Rio de Janeiro to acclaim their emperor. A lush march followed by a big party broke out in the city. A few months later the coronation ceremony would take place in the imperial chapel. Dressed in shades of green and yellow the emperor received his crown. By the grace of god and unanimous
acclaim of peoples, his imperial majesty Dom Pedro I, constitutional emperor and perpetual defender of Brazil. Why they have decided to acclaim Dom Pedro I? That's the question! And that's where I'm going to rescue a principle of political science that we disobey systematically as a country. It’s called legitimacy. He wanted independence. Independence was made by him. He was the legitimate power only he had the legitimacy of being the emperor. Everyone could see that without him, what would happen is that... Portugal would immediately reconquer Brazil. Note the importance of hailing a king at that moment. The risk
was the independence itself. For all those who acclaimed Dom Pedro I, they understood the political dynamics of that. Although relatively peaceful compared to other emancipatory processes, Brazil´s Independence was by no means a painless process. There were revolts organized by dissatisfied with the decision of Dom Pedro I to declare independence. There were independence battles. There was battles to secure the national territory and there are Portuguese spread throughout the national territory. And many of these rebelled immediately against the intent of independence. So there was a lot of anger, a lot of conflict with it. There was a
tremendous war in Bahia. You know that even heroism was there, as Maria Quitéria was a heroic woman, priests taking up arms and fighting for that. Dom Pedro and José Bonifácio quickly had to buy armaments and organize national troops. The Brazilian navy at the time of independence had few ships, much of it coming from the arrival of the royal family in 1808 in a terrible state of conservation. The sailors available mostly were Portuguese, it would be necessary to hire mercenaries foreigners. It was essential for the independence that the Brazilian navy was able to ward off the
Portuguese fleet that blocked the ports of the north of the country, and prevented communication between the provinces. Then José Bonifácio organizes himself. He takes a former general from Napoleon, Pedro Labatut and places him to command the troops by land, and he also calls a great sea fighter, a pirate, which is Thomas Cochrane, the one he appoints to head the fights by the sea and he set priority to the fights over the sea because he said if we win the sea fights and prevent the soldiers from reaching us, we do not let the city being devastated
and the population suffering from the war. So it was very smart. Then he said; prioritize the war by the sea and that´s why he is considered a man so much important to the Brazilian navy. The founders of the Brazilian navy. So, then he heavily equips the navy as they were the priority. But they win the battles on land too. So it was mainly in Bahia, in today's region where we have Piauí, Maranhão it was the majority fights taking place. The battles of Jenipapo, Pirajá, Itaparica and the siege of Montevideo are some of the several bloody
clashes between patriots and Portuguese that should never be forgotten. It´s because Brazil only ended the process in 1825 with General Madeira, in Bahia, and that few people know that almost 5.000 people died there. Considering that Brazil at that time had 4 million people, just under four million people, is a very expressive number, is quite a lot of people. Brazilian independence was forged with the blood of these warriors. The dream of José Bonifácio seemed to be finally achieved. The preservation of the unity of the national territory was guaranteed. The problems would now occur internally. Government organization
would not be an easy task. Suspicious interests would call he shots at this moment and they would eventually turn José Bonifácio and Dom Pedro against each other. Dom Pedro meets Marquise of Santos on August 1922 in São Paulo. At the end of 1922, she'll send a letter to him saying she's pregnant, then he calls her to the court. She will arrive at the beginning 1923, first semester of 1923. In the beginning everything is hidden. But from 1924 onwards things start to get clear. So from the moment it was hidden, she didn´t have the political burden
that she would later come to have. And by the letters you saw a great tenderness between them. It turns out that Dom Pedro in fact had this habit of, let´s say; "fooling around". But when it comes to Domitila it was not just a simple betrayal seems like at that moment he gets attached to her. She was already married, okay. Then in order to calm down her husband he starts giving him titles. And when he establishes a lover in this mold in Brazil he ends up giving a great political burden to this lover. Then ends up
having two courts, one as the official, and a parallel one. where businesses were done in both. Bonifácio as a father figure of Dom Pedro watches closely the bad influence that Domitila's mother had on the emperor. Tried to advise him several times to give up the relationship, but Dom Pedro... blinded by a scathing passion, turned against those who helped him to conquer the battle-hardened independence. The personal life of Dom Pedro began to interfere in the stability of the empire. He scheduled meetings and meetings, and then Dom Pedro disappeared... and then he was I don't know where,
he was sleeping, he didn't show up, then he started to get nervous and then started to fight with Dom Pedro who started to be against him and saying; "you want to take my place"... that was actually the idea Domitila was putting in his head. Then he said: what you talking about? Resignation, he resigns and leaves. Dom Pedro was so cheek to send a letter to José Bonifácio saying: Who should I appoint for a position I don´t know? Do you believe it? Then Bonifácio says; "look, can be this one, and that one, this and that don´t."
And gives some hints as well. Then Leopoldina said: "you are crazy Pedro, call this guy back here." Dom Pedro gets there on his knees. Begging please, I don't know what to do, I need you. Then he comes back, so now it will be my way? He said; it will. Brazil became independent and did not have a legal order, and of course that... ...the emperor thought the first thing we need is a constitution. So you have at this point in the first empire some challenges and the first challenge was setting up the government. And when the
government is established José Bonifácio, from 1822 to 1823 he writes at least 200 official documents. Dom Pedro is signing while José Bonifácio writes. Because it is one thing making independence, the other was organized empire. They are demands that have arisen and within those demands we will find the unique value of a man like, for example, Bonifácio. Let’s remember, this is 1824. The United States was formed in 1787. What happens in this period is a lot of knowledge flowing and José Bonifácio then has the benefit of having had the american experience as well as the french
one then he already had the benefit of both experiences, like what works and what doesn´t. So the debates flowed, and we are talking about a long time. He was a very scholarly person. Then arises a discussion about the constituent assembly and the same fear appears José Bonifácio and Leopoldina don´t want to open the constituent assembly because they think that a revolutionary momentum will emerge again and she said; Dom Pedro is very stimulated, excited about the new ideas and the new ideas are not so good and they may even wipe us out. Fact is that he
opens the national constituent assembly and it doesn't go so wrong but he makes a very big mistake that José Bonifácio gets absurdly upset. A mason group give him blank sheets for him to sign... "We’re going to write the constitution here." So he signed José Bonifácio is disgusted. Tell him to take it back and tear up that crap. So after that we have in the constituent assembly, a traumatic event which was as follows: Dom Pedro fight again with José Bonifácio because of that excess of dissatisfaction that Bonifácio had with Dom Pedro's behaviour and the excessive distrust
that Dom Pedro had about Bonifácio also thinking, they set this up in his head, those Bonifácio and Andradas want to take power and take their place, they want to make a fool out of you. And he realized that the constitution project that was being designed within Bonifácio´s secret society and had four powers... The empire standing above. And then there were the three traditional powers. Which was called; judiciary, executive and legislative. The empire was simply the empire. stands there still and doesn´t have any influence. Dom Pedro does what? Sets the army up, shuts the constituent,
and exiles the Andradas. That’s it. Now he's not going to have that anymore. Set up a council, calls whoever he wants and say: "now write the constitution." Picks up the draft that those guys made and says; "fix this then I can have the power." When the emperor receives the draft constitution of the empire from the hands of Deputy Antonio Carlos, he notices that, from his point of view about Brazil, and the needs of Brazil was not satisfactory. Then a council of state is set up, and this council of state then writes the constitution of the
empire. And then there's a breakup where the Andradas resign from the government. Even the chambermaid of Leopoldina was an Andrada and gets fired. The whole family resigns. But it doesn't seem to me that the personal fight was sufficiently capable of... bringing about this absolute breakthrough. For sure was a breakthrough also due to the vision of empire. The vision of empire of Dom Pedro I, it will coincide with the vision of empire of Bonifácio But diverged in other aspects. Then they are inspired by Benjamin Constant who is a French theorist who creates the figure of moderating
power. And, yes, the moderating power has its influence. Of course that Dom Pedro I, promoted a hypertrophy of the moderating power Let's also remember within the context, there is no such thing politically correct at that time. When something was to be named dictatorial, it was said: that´s dictatorial. So the moderating power is not dictatorial, it is moderator. In the end, what this power did... was to moderate, denying actions from the other powers. Limiting the other powers. We managed to form in 1824, the first written constitution in the world with four powers. We had during the
19th century, a constitution, from the point of view of the organization of the institutions, far superior to that constitution that we have today. Now it handed over the powers to the two other powers: the power of democracy and the power of the aristocracy. This constitution of 1824, had liberal precepts despite having been awarded in a somewhat violent way by the emperor. But the spirit that governed the emperor's idea was a spirit of liberality. Note that there is a progression to an intellectual and constitutional journey on how to organize this independence. The first thing is the
“Dia do Fico” and then independence, then the constitution And then moderating power. Not satisfied to have won the constitutional war against Bonifácio's group Dom Pedro would take one further attitude. He would despise the friendship he nurtured with the independence patriarch. Once great companions so esteemed for each other now behaved like enemies. It’s interesting that in the meantime he names Domitila as the Marquise of Santos. José Bonifácio says: "This bastard gave her Marquise of Santos as her title to humiliate us" then she takes the homeland of the Andradas, which they called Santos and gives the title
to that... is better not saying, for he uses a horrible word. And he even suggests: what her coat of arms is going to be? In Santos there is a place that had a mountain with that weird shape, that was called “big stick”, then he says her coat has to be “big stick”. José Bonifácio says this, he makes it clear that he has no respect for Domitila. But she is named Marquise of Santos almost as a provocation, as she was not from Santos. The loss of Bonifácio's friendship would not be the only loss for Dom Pedro.
Forced to live with the husband's mistress at her own home, Leopoldina suffered quietly in exchange for stability in the empire. Remembering everything she learned from his family she kept aware of her responsibilities as an Empress. Leopoldina decides to close off and embitter herself in silence her husband's contempt. The result would be a deep depression and weakening of her health. She starts to feel sick at the beginning of November, 1826. Then a doctor was called who will monitor her all the time. So she writes to her father asking him for praying for her and the child
she´s expecting Is having a war in Cisplatina, now Uruguay, they want independence and Dom Pedro is with troops and a police station to take reinforcements to Cisplatina. He will delay that departure till the 23rd, when she gets better. When they said goodbye, Dom Pedro and Leopoldina, she would have given a ring for him which was two rings that came together and then one was written Leopoldina and the other one Pedro, and she said that the two who had fell apart during life could come together in eternity, something like that. And she knew that when he
came back she would no longer be alive. On the 29th, in the afternoon she gets worse and then she doesn't get out of bed anymore. The doctors until then were thinking that the problem was with pregnancy. And she has an abortion on the 2nd, and when she has this abortion they get apprehensive because the child has been there for almost four months, and was the whole fetus was intact. It was her body because of the disease was expelling the child. It was a process of death already. And then she dies on December 11, 1826 at
10:30 a.m., she dies. So you have an idea every cathedral in the country had a monument to her as if she had been buried in each of them. She was a person, as a human being, formidable. She was extremely charitable to everyone. She was the first woman to assume supreme power in this country. She was the first person before Dom Pedro himself to realize that Brazil would have to be a free country. Leopoldina will have managed to be friend of Dom Pedro I. Certificate of greatness, virtue. In other words, she will have overcome certain things.
And certain things are heavy as well drastic. Events such as the forced coexistence with the Marquise of Santos. I could see that they were much more than simple and iconographies of museums, books. They were human beings like us; they had a life like we have ours today. D. Leopoldina - The first ruler of Brazil. 1797 – 1826 Dom Pedro's popularity was deteriorating. The political conflicts he was involved in and his extramarital affair with Domitila made the formerly well-liked emperor by the Brazilian population had his reputation tarnished. Much of this is due to the way he
conducted not only his marriage but his public life. From the moment he gets involved with the Marquise, from the moment his wife dies, from the moment that all this matters of power between the assembly and him, that political arm wrestling and the newspapers, the press in a general way... starts to deconstruct the image of Dom Pedro and the population begins to hate him. The loss of the Cisplatina province was an additional reason for the growth of the popular dissatisfaction. The war was loathed by the Brazilian people since the beginning, due to the sacrifice of lives
for a lost cause. It ends up that nobody wins, there are death everywhere, the war is horrible and you know that Brazil wins everything at sea, Argentina wins everything on land and can´t get any results and then the intervention comes, as they say it was the English intervention but what we know is different. In fact the two countries wanted a truce, because the danger to Brazil was that Argentina invaded Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso. And the danger to Argentina was that Brazil took all the way from the sea. So it wasn't interesting for
either. So the idea is that they made a truce and then invented, so it's not even Brazil nor Argentina, but Uruguay. Cause you have that river there, Uruguay and that´s it. The boy who grew up alone in the Palace of Queluz was once again in the same situation. After his wife's death, Pedro realized how much he had treated her inhumanely. Leopoldina was loved by the people and her popularity extended across all classes. She loved her husband unconditionally despite all the disappointments she experienced. The longing for his wife was a cause of great distress for Dom
Pedro. His lover could not make him overcome the feelings that he had. One day, Domiltila found Pedro embraced in a portrait of his late wife. Crying, Pedro said that he had seen the unfortunate spirit of Leopoldina, and cried out: "let go of me." I know that I lead a life unworthy of a sovereign. The thought of the empress does not leave me. After many insistences by Pedro, Domitila then leaves the palace permanently. Realizing all his mistakes, and how he had become a man who hated, Pedro decided to become independent of his old attitudes. Starting with
a new marriage. His love deviations reverberated in Europe. By sending an emissary to the old continent to find a new wife, Pedro was frustrated when he received news refusing his request due to his bad reputation. On October 15, 1829, the frigate in which the new Brazilian Empress was arrived in Rio de Janeiro. Amélia de Leuchtenberg Born in Milan impressed her husband for her beauty and care for the children she now took care of. A young man, and matured with the decisions he made in his life, Dom Pedro had changed his behaviour. Once promiscuous now fidelity
towards the new wife was resilient. Bringing normality back to the emperor's personal life. Brazil was independent and Dom João VI could no longer count on his son as successor to the Portuguese throne. Dom João dies of mysterious causes. It was left to Pedro abdicating from the throne in favour of his eldest daughter. Who was on her way to Portugal. But Pedro’s brother, Miguel had different plans for the Portuguese government. It turned out that none of this worked out, Dom Miguel gave the coup d'état in Portugal. That daughter who was going to Portugal... ends up being
diverted to England and from England back to Brazil. When she came back to Brazil she saw a lot of Portuguese together. All exiled due to the coup d'état of Dom Miguel. And then begins having two courts in Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian court and the Queen's court, Maria II, with the Portuguese around. The people of Rio de Janeiro start believing that it will again become a colony of Portugal. With the court installed in Brazil after the coup d'état by Miguel, the animosity between Portuguese and Brazilians once again resulted in violent conflicts. In Rio de Janeiro
they held festivities to honour Dom Pedro. When Brazilians attacked the Portuguese by breaking windows and fixtures. The Portuguese reacted by throwing stones and bottles, the conflict lasted three days, and became known as: the night of the bottles. The assembly decides to act in the face of the chaos and demands Dom Pedro to take action in relation to the attacks on Brazilians. Dom Pedro ignores the request... The revolution was ready In April 1831, he is forced to resign. Because he no longer counted on the support of the army. it was having a riot in Rio de
Janeiro because they thought he would end the constitution, it was crazy, but something fostered by the press that ended up taking the population to the street and putting pressure on him to resign. The first reign ends precisely because Don Pedro is exhausted. He no longer had any leadership on his side. He already had against him all possible groups even the farmers. He broke the economy too, anyway. So he decides to abdicate. In the same dawn and with civilian clothes accompanied by his wife Pedro leaves to Europe. Handing over his letter of adjudication so that it
can be read to Brazilians. It was the last time he stepped on the land that had become independent by his hands few years earlier. When he left the palace the children were sleeping. Pedro visited his children's rooms and kissed each one silently. Barely holding back tears. He realized he was in no condition to develop from scratch, a legacy. While he realized that in Portugal it was possible to maintain an existing legacy. The soldier king would face his last war. The make-believe battles they once he had with his brother, would now become reality. Leading the longest
and bloodiest civil war in the history of Portugal the Portuguese who wanted a constitution and freedom saw hopes in Dom Pedro, against Miguel the absolutist brother. He goes first to England and from England settling in France, and in France he starts to plot a plan to invade Portugal and dethrone his brother putting his daughter, which would be the legitimate heir, to the Portuguese throne, and return to the constitution, because Dom Miguel represents all the backwardness of absolutism. Came to England and recruited an army of 7.500 mercenaries plus a few hundred Portuguese volunteers who also entered
The young man who admired the military deeds of great generals, and who never had the character to study had a brave personality. Pedro assisted the wounded, built trenches, had his meals among soldiers and fought under heavy fire. While men beside him were shot and torn apart. He is with his army reduced and ends up being surrounded in the city of Porto The proportion was like, one to a thousand, his army to Dom Miguel´s army. He faces a siege in Porto for months Don Miguel thought he was Stalin, ordered to kill everyone he thought was liberal
and such... ...just like Hitler when he invaded Russia. As the best generals were killed by Stalin something similar to that happened in Portugal in consideration to Dom Miguel Dom Miguel didn't have many good military men by his side, not even a diplomat. because they were all on Dom Pedro's side. Then Dom Pedro, quite flexible, and with certain strategy he achieves small victories and ends up taking over Lisbon. He conquered the country after a civil war that lasted 2 years. And when he won he exiled his brother. He defeated Don Miguel, he organized an army and
fought. In the same year he signed his brother's surrender, the war would take its toll. Years of tireless battles, little rest, scarce food, and culminating with the tuberculosis that infested his body, would mark the end of a man´s trajectory who made Brazil independent. Dom Pedro returned to the place he was born, the Palace of Queluz. All the fun with his brother and the cries of his grandmother, now they gave way to the agonizing deathbed. He held small meetings where he made his last decisions. He gave advice and paid tribute to everyone he deemed to be
worthy. Then he decreed along with deputies the adulthood of his daughter Dona Maria II. Making her the Queen of Portugal. Finally he asked her to be buried without refinement, in a wooden coffin as a simple soldier. Before that there was one more important act which would complete his redemption Dom Pedro I, is a unique figure. Not only for the history of Brazil but also for the history of the world. And since within our peculiarity, or our historical peculiarities, who proclaims our independence is the same heir to the colony. As far as Dom Pedro I, will
have grown up from his first marriage to his second marriage. Few people know but he will have an early death, an early childhood, an adolescence and an adult phase absolutely early. So much so that in a short time he will have gone through a widowhood, he will have two marriages, he will have proclaimed the independence of a country, he will have been a man who will have wandered through different conflicts In short, he is a character who lived a turbulent life to start with the simple fact that he comes out child from one country and
comes to another. Bonifácio is exiled and was living in isolation in France in very precarious conditions. For the little aid that the government had promised him, was not always honoured. The last thing he had left was the company of his dear wife Narcisa Emília. Who accompanied her husband for almost 40 years in his troubled and memorable political life. In 1829, the couple was allowed to leave exile and return to Brazil. It was the hope for a new phase in their lives. Unexpectedly and with only two remaining days to arrive in Rio de Janeiro, Narcisa died
suddenly on the ship. Times were hard for Bonifácio. Loneliness and sadness ravaged the end of his life. For those who lived an intense life his, marked by great sacrifices and victories This was not the premeditated ending. Pedro then knew the difficulty of being emperor. And believed that his son would need to be imbued with values that would be the foundations for governing. Honour, patriotism, and knowing. It was necessary that the ancient prophecy in which the son transcends the father was realized and there was only one man Dom Pedro could trust his son That man was
the one who was his mentor, his antagonist, and his great friend. The only one capable of assuming such responsibility. Dom Pedro then writes a letter that looks like a, somewhat moving letter, a restoration of friendship. Where he says he knows no more honourable citizen, no more patriot, nor wiser than José Bonifácio. And that he would never find peace and tranquility of soul if José Bonifácio denied the last request he had for an old friend. That he was the tutor of Pedro, Dom Pedro II. My Lord, your majesty's letter came to serve as a small relief
to my afflicted heart. For I see, that in spite of everything your majesty still trusts in my honour and small talents to take care of the mentoring and education of your Augustus son, My Lord Dom Pedro II. Trust me, I've never cheated on anyone and never knew how to stop loving whom I once loved The same vows of happiness, I send my sincere heart to yours for the sovereign of my choice and for my friend I kiss your majesty's hands. José bonifácio de Andrada e Silva D. Pedro I The Liberator of Brazil – 1798 to
1834 “Dom Pedro didn't die, only ordinary men die, not heroes.” José Bonifácio To be continued
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