ITS PAINFUL Because You're In A Spiritual Battle (God Is Using This Pain To Prepare You For Greater)

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Journey To God
As a believer, you need to know and remain constantly aware that you have an enemy. Not just any kin...
Video Transcript:
as a Believer you need to know and remain constantly aware that you have an enemy not just any kind of enemy but an unrelenting determined foe who will not stop at anything until he brings his prey down however as a child of God you have an advantage God is on your side not just on your side he has won the battle for you you might ask why go through the painful circumstances when God has won the victory it's painful because you are in a spiritual battle and you are not just suffering for suffering sake God
is using this pain to prepare you for greater things any battle he allows you to go through is for a purpose to elevate you to Greater Heights in all ramifications I know this can be so much for you to grasp at once nevertheless I encourage you to stick to the end as you're about to discover some biblical truths that will set you free the Bible says be 832 then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free this means that ignorance can keep you longer in the bondage of the enemy blindly fighting
a battle many Believers don't realize they are in a battle so they keep suffering in ignorance in this video we'll explore six signs to show you are in a spiritual battle the fifth one is the most profound of course it's not enough for you to know that you are in a battle you need to know how to manifest the victory God has for you and overcome the devil you also need to understand why you must go through the battle and what God is set to achieve it your life with those battles you'll get to know
all these as you go along with this video but before we continue if you are yet to subscribe to the Channel please do so what are the signs that you are in a spiritual battle number one persitent frustration one of the things you will notice in your life when the devil launches an attack against you is frustration this frustration comes as a byproduct of all the negative issues going on in and around you when nothing around you seems to work again and you've done everything you know how to do but still there's no improvement and
things keep moving from bad to worse this is where the frustration comes from the frustration of not getting what you want when you know you deserve it is a sign of a spiritual battle going on so when you notice this quickly turn to Christ and take hold of Christ's hands without ever let him go keep your faith in his word that has assured you that everything will turn out out for your good understand that whatever happens God is in control and will make everything turn out for your good number two uncontrollable anger Outburst for no
reason this follow-up characterizes a season of Attack in a person's life you will find out that the mildest of things get you enraged you are on the edge and transferring aggression to everyone for another person it might be the other way around around you are withdrawn and detached from everyone you feel alone and forgotten yet things keep negative happening in your life as you receive news for one negative thing you encounter another with all that going on you find out that you have no peace and constantly feel upset and angry beloved if this is your
current reality it shows you are in a spiritual battle it is not the time to be mad at God but to get closer to God in order to overcome the Enemy Number Three confusion and mind fog another sign that you are in a spiritual battle is the confusion of the Mind knowing what to do AIDS in doing things and getting results in life but the period of attack and the spiritual battle comes with you not knowing what to do it would be like your mind has been wiped off an inability to think straight or make
concrete decisions you pray yet you don't know what to do because the things you see and perceive are unclear number four repeated failure it might not be much of an attack if you fail in one area you may count it as one of life's lessons and be able to pick yourself up from the incident and move on however when you experience failure in every part of your life when Everything You Touch seems bad when failure seems like a cycle that keeps returning in and your life starts looking like you can't do anything right anymore that
is an attack it doesn't call for panic in fact it doesn't call for frustration or anger instead you are to take on your whole armor as a child of God and confront the negative forces fighting against your life number five spiritual struggle when you become weak in the spirit and you can no longer pray or better still you struggle to do your quiet time and are no longer enthusiastic about spiritual activities it's a serious sign you are under spiritual attack when your mind is filled with thoughts contrary to God's word a state where you no
longer seem to have Zeal or passion for Spiritual things everything related to your spiritual life becomes dull you stop spending time with God or even making an effort that is a sign that you are in a spiritual battle and the enemy is contending for your soul number six series of nightmares and strange occurrences you cannot explain when it seems like you cannot go to bed peacefully anymore either fighting someone in your dream or being chased beaten or oppressed this is an attack and it calls for a spiritual emergency you might wonder how constant nightmares and
attacks in your dream translate to something positive that God can use to help you it is to build your faith in him and make you spiritually strong this way even while sleeping your spirit man is so strong and alert that he can resist anything trying to suppress it you might not be motivated to build capacity in the spirit but when you begin to experience those things you have no choice but to start praying and take your walk with God more seriously now now with all these signs you might wonder I'm going through all these but
it is not fair why do I have to endure all these why are all these things happening to me the simple answer to that sincere question is that God loves you well it might not look like the answer you expected but that's the reason the devil is furious because God loves you has great plans for you and has made you in His image as a way to express his Fury launches attacks but then God doesn't just sit back and watch him attack his children God the Lord of all uses every attack of the devil to
push his children to higher level just as there is no promotion without an examination you prepare for the next phase God is taking you through the Temptations you overcome Additionally the adversities make you stronger to Bear a greater and higher assignment God has for you the goal the devil seeks to achieve from those attacks is to discourage your faith in God and make you start looking to negative Alternatives as the way out he wants to distract you with worldly things so that you can stop following your god-ordained destiny when the devil sees that he can't
discourage you he keeps you busy doing things that don't add value to your spiritual life because of that distraction he weakens your faith another thing the devil seeks to achieve when he launches an attack on Believers is to bring discontentment your way you are no longer satisfied with everything God has done for you the devil keeps your eyes on your many prayer requests that have not been answered and gratitude becomes a thing of the past in your life the scheme is to get you so resentful that you start perceiving God as Unfaithful because your life
does not reflect everything he has promised in his word then you start pursuing those worldly things thinking that you can get them yourself if you devote your life to seeking after them The Devil Makes you forget that the Bible says you should seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and it is then that all other things would be added unto you the final thing the devil seeks to aeve achieve is bringing Discord between you and the Brethren the devil knows that Unity is power and he is aware that a three-fold cord cannot be
easily broken so to defeat a Believer he causes hatred between them and the Brethren and this resentment leads to separation in the spirit that makes each of them stand alone instead of standing together through this Discord he can launch his attack on each of them and if if care is not taken he gets many Believers trapped the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 211 in order that Satan might not outwit us for we are not unaware of his schemes for Satan not to overpower you you need to be aware of his schemes all these are not
meant to make you afraid at all on the contrary they should make you rejoice because you are on the Lord's Side and that's why the devil perceives you as an enemy not only that but your Victory is assured already so when you see all those signs that indicate you are in a spiritual battle what you need to do to ensure you manifest the victory of Christ is prayer 2 Corinthians 104 the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world on the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds prayer is your way
of handing the battle over to God telling him that you cannot defeat the enemy alone and asking that the Lord take over them battle when You Face life's battles without prayer especially the prayer of faith it's as if you are saying you can handle things on your own and God should not bother helping you although many people may not understand that this is the implication of prayerlessness they are prayerless nonetheless the world is a Battleground and as a Believer you know that the fact that you have what the devil lost makes him mad at you
continually and he will do anything to make you lose it as well that is why you can't just live shabbily as a Christian without prayer even when you pray you just Mumble words together without understanding the spiritual dynamics of your actions Jesus had the lifestyle of Prayer the Bible records that he rose early Before Dawn and went to a solitary place to pray if Jesus God in human flesh survived through prayer what makes you think you can overcome the devil with all his schemes without prayer feeding on the word and studying the word of God
is another Pathway to Victory you know the sword of the spirit is the word of God can you imagine a soldier going into battle without a sword you already know how drastic that would be that is how bare believers who don't study the scriptures know and realize what God has for them when you look at the victory strategy of Jesus in his temptation you will notice a pattern he used which is it is written he is the word personified but that didn't stop him from studying remember when he was just a boy and would go
to the temple to study with the wise men and doctor of the law yes the place of studying and feeding on the word cannot be left out if you want to be victorious the word renews your mind you already know that the mind is the battlefield that is where the devil launches his attack to bring Believers down once he overcomes the Mind such a Believer can start taking actions that will bring forth his tactics to pass in their lives so when you feed on gods word your mind becomes fortified and transformed from the old worldly
way of living with the word of God in your heart you will understand what is going on with you every time and the devil's attack won't catch you unawares with the word of God in your heart you will also be able to know all God's promises for you promises like don't be afraid I am with you I will help you I will fight for you and you will hold your peace there are a lot of promises for you in the scriptures and you can only get to know those promises when you study the scriptures then
you can stand in confidence based on the power of the promises that you already know as you know the devil's schemes you need to guard your heart the Bible advises that you guard your heart because out of it proceede the issues of life if you allow the devil to gain ground in your heart that is a recipe for defeat to remain Victorious over all the adversities of the devil you need to guard your heart be conscious of what you feed on and what you listen to because your ears are gateways to your soul feed on
edifying things that will keep your mind free from the devil's manipulations remain Vigilant and Discerning because the devil thrives when you are ignorant but when you know that this is only the scheme of Satan and it holds no water you will be able to wield your Spiritual armor skillfully so keep your spiritual vigilance cap on and don't allow anything to shut off your mind to anything that gives the devil a hold over your life always resist the devil just as the Bible already says that when you resist the devil he will flee from you Ephesians
611 put on the full Armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes never forget that God will never allow you to go through anything you don't have the power to Bear the fact that he allows you to go through them is a sign for you to know that he has given you the power to overcome them already also your victory over Satan and All the Troubles of this world is in Christ alone so whatever thing that is suggested to you that you can get help somewhere else is part of
the scheme of the devil to oppress you whenever God allows you to go through anything it is to push you to a higher level when God allowed Satan to move men against Jesus and crucified him it was to set him free to live in the heart of every man it was to make him highly exalted give him a name above every other name and give him all power in heaven and on Earth so whatever battle you are going through is to prepare you for something better than you can ever imagine the training process is not
always easy and if you don't endure you won't enjoy the good on the other side so while it might be painful to go through betrayal health challenges and everything the devil is bringing your way remember that it is not the end of your life keep trusting God because the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 4:17 for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all there is no battle you go through and overcome that will leave you the way it met you no the victory will push you higher
that way you experience greater things from God so don't be ignorant of the devil's schemes and never forget that you are in a battle and yes it never end but you are to Rejoice because Jesus has overcome the world already let us pray Eternal Father I come before you with gratitude for your unfailing love and Tender Mercies thank you for the privilege of standing on the Lord's Side equipped as a soldier in the army of the Lord as I put on the whole armor of God I stand courageously ready to face any battle the enemy
throws at me Lord I pray for the grace not to be ignorant of the schemes of the devil sharpen my discernment and heighten my sensitivity in the spirit so that I may recognize when the enemy strikes and Grant me the strength to resist him take away every Miss from my spirit and make me strong enough to stand in the Liberty you have made me free I now know that my mind is the battle ground where the devil attempts to plant thoughts ideas and imaginations to create worry anxiety and weaken my faith I pray for the
renewal of my mind as I devote time to studying your word and in prayer let the power in your word renew my mind and break every stronghold the devil has I declare that I overcome every distraction the enemy has program programmed into my life to divert me from your will keep me focused on you Lord I will fix my Gaze on you not the storms oppositions disappointments or betrayals around me your word assures me that all things work together for good to those who love you and are called according to your purpose turn everything around
for my good amid life's battles pain frustration addiction and hardship help me to know that my victory is certain in you as I walk in the victory you have established I trust that I will experience the good and greater things you have for me these blessings will be seen and will become a reality in every area of my life I pray for believers out there who are going through intense spirit spiritual battles and are on the verge of giving up on their faith father uphold them open their eyes to see that their victories are right
by their side already strengthen them and give them the grace to endure to the end in the face of the fierce trials oppositions and adversaries from the devil let them receive strength through your word take away every stronghold that might want to keep them away from the study of the word help them to keep their relationship with you intact and not give in to the lies of Satan thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayers for I pray in jesus' name amen if this message has impacted you kindly hit the like button don't forget
to subscribe to this channel for more more Spirit-filled messages see you in the next video
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