Best Ways to use NotebookLM (over Perplexity) for Content Research

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Grace Leung
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Video Transcript:
finally Google has made AI useful notbook LM and AI research tool that is on fire right now in this video I will share some really unique features of notbook LM that you won't find on other AIR research tools even like perplexity it's limitation you should be aware of and some of the best ways you should use it over other air tools for your content research let's go so what is notbook LM it's a beta AI product developed by Google for researching and not TI purposes think of it like your own personalized knowledge based Power by
AI it allows you to upload different documents and you can start asking question with the AI that is powered by the latest AI model gini 1.5 Pro it will first official launched around July but why it is suddenly getting so popular now the most impressive unique features I found is the great support of different sources and multi model capability like German it supports lots of file format like Google dog Google Slides PDF files images and now even with YouTube videos audio files which is something you won't easily find on other AI like complexity it supports
up to 50 sources making it super useful for researching purposes and to make sure everything generated is not hallucinated because unlike on perplexity which is based on searching on the open web or you need to specify the link every time you actually first defining the knowledge scope for the AI and so it always refers to the sources you provided that is super smart you can just select the source start asking question and you don't need to add or delete every time and you can just use the building prom to generate FAQ study guide table of
content to organize the database or you can even just click on each source and get inspiration on any subtopics it identifies as a starting point no for now there is no chat history between sections and it would disappear once you start a new session so always save it as a note if you want to keep it also for some websites they may block AI asset or there is Source restriction like from certain Media or publishes you may not be able to inut them also for YouTube videos only public YouTube videos are supported unlisted videos are
not supported and videos that are recently upload less than 72 hours may not be immediately available for import another stand up features is definitely his latest audio overview Generations basically it summarizes all your sources and turns it into a podcast Style discussion between two AI hoes which is super engaging and what makes me so impressed is you will find the voice doesn't sounds like a robot superum natural making so enjoyable to listen if you're a podcast person like me you will love it you just need to try it out yourself but note that I found
this audio generation features unlike the charting function tends to hallucinate information because if you listen to it closely you will find Gemini as a lot of fluff to make it super conversational it may add all the irrelevant information to try to make it engaging so keep this in mind currently there's no way to addit a podcast change voice or edit the transcript but I will show you the work around another thing that I'm super impressed is the citations unlike perplexity or other AI research tools which it just refer to link as the source and you
still need to trace it yourself on a page where it get the information no more line will refer you exactly where it is from Source you will be surprised how useful this feature is and I'm going to show you how you can use it in a minute also I found the summary generated on notbook LM is more in depth than on German even on German advice my guess is because it's still in beta so less regulation less quality checking less filtering so definitely use it to Advantage now here comes the best use cases the first
one is YouTube content research since Noble LM supports YouTube video links import is really useful for YouTube content research and analyze some of the best performing YouTube videos for the video topic that you're planning and I found is even easier than using the YouTube extension on germani as you can just directly enter the YouTube link for example let's say I'm planning a YouTube video topic about quitting 95 so I will go to YouTube Type in the keyword and then copy the top 10 YouTube videos links because usually they are videos either more engaging or have
a high click rate so there is a lot you can learn from from these videos now go to notebook LM and create your first notebook by clicking create and then under the source import click YouTube then paste the 10 YouTube videos links one by one unfortunately now there's no bu import if you want you can double check if the source is successfully import by checking the transcript it will immediately show here which is really cool then I'll say to summarize the key common themes cover across these videos analyze the commonly used host because this is
super useful for successful videos and also do unique angles used for each video that you can learn from and now you can see different Comon themes which are good starting points stress of 95 Financial growth potential and also the hooks and this is super useful because it gives you ideas on how to grab the viewers attention and use it in your videos like sharing personal anals and also do unique angles which you can take reference what are the perspective you can take on the topic I'm not asking you to copy them but actually what are
some frh angle you can take on so you are not just copying what others have been saying I love this method because it always work it will immediately pull the transcript so you can always ensure the quality you don't need to copy and paste the transcript every time on cloud or per plexity save you even more time and if you want to get better at using air tools for work and improve your chat gbt skills whether it's for Content research creation or any other tases I highly suggest you check out this bundle from HubSpot that
contains five essential resources for using chat gbt at work I put it in the description for you to download for free it has a lot of great resources like a decision flowchart content refinement checklist and guidelines on how to use it more effectively for day-to-day work Tes my personal favorite sections are the content style guideline template and the 100 plus chat gbt proms it gives me directions on how to tune the AI generated content Des sound like me and lots of practical use cases of using AI other than and content creation especially if you're just
getting the heck of AI using premake proms helps a lot with learning how to use chat gbt you can download this in the description below for free this bundle was made by hbot which is today's video sponsor a big shout out to them for providing this free resource all right the next one analyze the positioning of your competitors and to improve your own website messaging surprisingly compared to perplexity that also has web access I found the analysis from notbook LM is more detail and it's also super handy to just use the website URL import features
to do a highlevel analysis let's say I'm doing comparative research on the topic P sitting business then import all the competitor URLs and then as it to summarize the main message appear across these websites key service highight de and the potential Target customers tone user in the messaging and then it will give you a detailed summary on the positioning like piece of Mind highlighted surfaces Target audio a they overtone like trustworthiness compassionate and what I really like is you can refer to where exactly the copy it is and so you can always double check and
nail your own copy and now import your own website URL let's say I'm the owner for this site Pet Pros Canada and also to identify three positioning gaps and suggest three opportunities for this website to stand out make sure you stay clearly your website y out in the prom so it can refer back then you will see is summarize some of the gaps it identifies like lack of mentioning of St expertise or qualification and propose suggestions like emphasizing the trust Factor through the copy I would say this is much more detailed than what you would
get on perplexity or even on German advice an important note is never copy your positioning from a competitors always identify if any gaps to differentiate yourself and also make sure you always save any response as a not so you can take reference in the future the next one is to analyze top random results for Content optimization again using it website capture functions we can use it to analyze the top Rand Pages for Target keyword on topic and the best thing about it is that you don't even need to copy and pay a Tex you just
import and do it super handy for example I'm planning an article about how to encourage toddlers to talk and then search on Google then use this Chrome extension to enable to NS scroll and to grab all the URLs for the top Rand results their free plugins I'll include that in the description then on notbook LM paste link one by one I would say try to analyze at least 20 articles to get a more accurate results but also considering results rented between position 11 to 20 and like I said sometimes not every web URLs can be
import so either you copy and paste the tax here or you just abandon this Source like in this case we'll just remove that and add another one and till we get 20 once you import always double check if they successfully import and now a they to analyze these top results and summarize the main topics cover which we can also use in the blog also suggest a list of sematic keywords to increase the content relevance around the primary target keyword and then you will have really detailed main topic ideas that Inspire your content planning for article
and what I really like is that you can clict the citation and immediately refer back to where exactly this point is made super useful features that you won't find on perplexity what I always suggest is don't just copy these ideas never just copy but how you can expand on these points or ask AI to give you some other talking points that aren't covered yet so making the content more unique and then for sematic keywords such as speech delay language enrichment activities these keywords will be super useful to increase content relevance and when you want to
work your website on AI power search if you want you can even ask it to give it more keywords to further expand the pool the next one turning a Blog article into a podcast the audio overview generation features is great but how could you really use it in your own podcast because obviously you won't use the same audio overview in your podcast with the two AI HS Ray and so I'm going to show you the rec around let's say I have this article about free keyword research tools and I want to turn it into a
podcast format then on notbook LM add it as a website Source then click generate under audio overview for the sake of demo I'm not going to play it download the audio file and we're going to reupload it again as another source the goal here is to get the transcript so you can just click it and you will see the transcript is loaded copy it and we're going to edit it on clock now on clock or any AI tools that you like perhaps chat gbt also say to turn the scrip using a first person point of
view as if I am the host Grace and we minded to keep the original version as much as possible this is super important because we want to keep the conversational Style just like in the original version so you can see this is great I love the intro and some of the sections really good actually although I can see some editing is still needed is already a good starting point I always suggest find tunate third ey using CLA until you're satisfied so once you have the final script you can then record it yourself or if you
want you can even use some text to speech AI tools like speechify descript to Chrome your own voice and turn it into speech instantly though I always suggest to use your own voice whenever possible so that at least to keep some human elements to make it authentic to achieve the best results always use your original content and I don't suggest you generate the podcast script using any purely AI generated content because it is super important for building a real audience and not just an audio file so you are only using notbook LM to summarize the
original content insights and fast trck the script generation process the next one analyze LinkedIn comments for audience research you know often times for the content research process the goal is usually hidden in the comments perplexity may be able to analyze the post but not comments so this is a big plus when using Noble LM first of all identify the top LinkedIn influencers in your Niche because usually they have a big following which may be your target audience and so you can learn a lot from the post comments let's say I'm doing content research in leadership
and for sure Simon syic is one of the LinkedIn top voice in this Niche then analyze what are the POS that are obviously doing better than others like this one having over 10,000 engagements and then you can copy the link for this post and paste it back on Notebook LM not that unlike other pay scripting tools that script all the comments this method is only able to analyze the comments that are visible on the site and so that's n comments proposed and that's a limitation so for the same LinkedIn profile I recommend analyzing at least
10 poses or more and now we have all the 10 posst links then as it to analyze the comments and to identify the main points that resonate the most with the audience highlights if any disagreement their desires and to suggest five more LinkedIn post content ideas based on these analysis all right I think this is really detailed it even points out who make this comment and you can click and check it this is really helpful and they are all good insights like vulnerability authenticity over Perfection and the audience wants more practical guidiance on how to
be vulnerable as a leader then finally come up the ideas this is already perfect again the goal is not to analyze the LinkedIn post itself but through the comments we understand more what the target audence once so think about any well-known thought leaders in your Niche and apply this for your content research process to achieve the best results I recommend finding at least three top voices and for each of them analyze at least 10 posts so you can make sure you get more data for more accurate results and you can apply the same to analyze
rdit comments just find some top Reddit posst around your topic and do the same analysis on notbook Alm all right don't just take my word for it definitely try all these use cases yourself and before you go if you constantly need to do content research also watch this video about using perlex AI so you can better combine both of them to level up your whole research process I'll see you next time [Music]
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