Trading Became Easy After I did These 4 Things

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SMB Capital
SMB Scalping Class: SMB Inside Access: #technicalan...
Video Transcript:
okay our head of Trader development Jeff Holden is obsessed with making trading easier and more profitable for our new hires and you in this video he teaches you four counterintuitive techniques that do just that I'm Mike Bella Fury and we're one of the top proprietary trading firms located in New York City since 2005 and proud to develop numerous seven and even eight figure per year Traders watch take notes and learn from a professional prary Trader on our desk so you can grow your trading account these are four things that are going to be really important
for anybody coming in to really focus on and it really simplifies a lot of what the Journey of developing Traders about the challenge that a lot of Traders come into is you will learn so much about trading as a developing Trader problem really centers around the structure of what you're trying to learn and today we're going to talk about um a really quick structure it's got four components to it but the most important thing is to learn the structure of how you should think about these things and what you can do with that so let's
get into the very first one promise we're not going to take too much time today the first thing the most important thing that you need to start with is you need to learn to read the price action specifically what we mean by that is the way the price moves around in trading so everybody understands what a Candlestick is if not I'm sure there are lovely videos on YouTube that can teach you about candlesticks but the reality is what you're looking at the components of a Candlestick in multiple candlesticks is how the price action's coming together
one key thing that I noticed so many people miss and we hear about on the desk a lot Traders talking about they're starting higher time frame and they're quickly moving down to lower time frames so they're putting the price action together by looking at what's happening the higher time frame usually the daily chart and then the hourly chart and then the 15 minute and then they're getting down to a 5 minute or 2 minute or one minute in our case for a lot of us Traders they're putting those together and they're reading what's happening on
all of those different time frames and they're looking for uniformity they're looking for consistency you're looking for the same story to be told across all those different time frames we really need a very quick process for knowing how to put the piece together so that's why we take that four-step process and all of our screens and I'll send you can see what's on the screen right now but all of our screens have one main thing that's the intraday and then the three other components on it this is super common across the desk so it's a
quick process to visually put together the pieces you can pull up any chart and you can look at the pieces and how they come together why this is so important is price action is actually sort of the language of trading when you heara Traders chatter on the desk what you're hearing and great Traders especially like the Traders we have on the desk the superstars they're not talking about a stock they're talking about a stock in terms that describe the price action really terms that describe the way the price action's moving that will tell us about
the opportunities that we're looking for so a term like wow that stock is Trading really aggressively or that stock is trading really passively or that stock is trading in a sustained trending way or a choppy way or a you know kind of a boring way I was just on the desk and we were talking about what a freaking boring day it was today and then our favorite as Traders is when price action is actually a little bit scary because that usually is meaning there's a really good opportunity setting up these are all different descriptions of
the price action but each of those descriptions give a tremendous amount of Clues to the edges that might be presented to us so let's get into number two you have to understand why your trade has Edge so your trade any trade doesn't have Edge because you think the stock is going up based on some fundamental thesis I may know that I'm going to wake up today and have a great day trading I may know that I'm going to wake up up today the Sun's shining and I'm going to have a great day that might be
my personality when I wake up every day I think I'm going to have a great day today that doesn't tell me anything about the edge that I'll use or the skills that I'll use to make it a good or great day that's just this General belief about what's going to happen to help us understand the opportunities that are going to be presented Catalyst setup and trade we start with the Catalyst and then we take the set up and the setup is what we just talked about that combination of the price action and then we talk
about specific trades that combination of catalyst setup trade helps scope The Edge that we're looking for it Scopes the opportunities that we're looking to trade an aggressive price action with a specific Catalyst setup trade makes a ton of sense aggressive price action with a different Catalyst setup trade maybe doesn't make as much sense one little clue here and maybe a a quick tip that we can give you is we find over and over and over again how many professional Traders have a ratio of four or five to one that four or five is the number
of ideas they've considered to the number of Trades that they they actually put risk on so imagine that that's four or five flushed out ideas that you're ready to put risk on for every one trade that you take we need to know who's on the wrong side of the trade we need to know who money we're taking that tells us how they might act so we basically can avoid the trades when they're not available to us when those participants aren't acting in that specific way we can avoid those trades but that also gives us permission
in maybe that one out of those four or five ideas to take that money when it's available to us the third component that feeds into all of this is you have to start with your stop Catalyst setup trade gives us an edge Catalyst setup trade with price action helps us understand whose money we're taking and how they're likely to respond but in order to put on that trade we need to start with a stop so if you start with your trading stop that just gives you a starting point on how to execute on that edge
your stop is really that point from the price action where your Edge started from your stop sets your risk management your stop set G gives you a chance to set up your trade the right way you can't accurately get the right sizing if you don't understand where your stop is so you have to start with your stop you don't accurately understand what's the next couple things that might happen in this trade if you don't look at what happened from where your stop was you can modify your stop in a trade so you could be in
a trade it starts to work and you're like maybe I should move my stop up to break even well that's not the right solution you can modify your stop based on a new Edge being presented a new Edge in that trade you can modify your stop if now you recognize that I should be taking these people's money up here then you can move your stop up you can't set a stop based on your pnl you have to use the price action the final component to this number four stems from a conversation that I was just
having with a Trader and that's why we needed to get in and shoot this video we were just talking about a challenge a challenge for this Trader and it's a challenge for you this Trader understands where their Edge is coming from they're able to call out their Edge they're able to put some risk on but they're not putting on enough risk and we were talking about the reasons why they were struggling with that and he said you know it's like in that moment I know I need to press the button but I think about all
the things that could happen that really would make it difficult for me what if that trade didn't work out what if I did this what if I did that what if I did this what he was talking about basically laid out a mile wide path that was all about frustration and fear and fomo and greed when we are talking more through it all of those things are mile wide or they seem like a mile wide but they're 1 inch deep trading is a game of edge if you have trading Edge how wide is is is
the trading edge of most experienced very successful traders in the grand scope of everything we do it is one in in wide how deep is that trading Edge miles deep so think about what's happening with this Trader he's visualizing all the emotions Associated it with trading poorly with losing with not taking advantage of his Edge and that is a mile wide of frustration fear fomo greed and he's discounting his Edge which is only an inch wide but it's a mile deep if he gets his feet deep in the ground deep in that trading Edge you
can go quickly through that inch deep of everything because your trading Edge is focused it's precise it combines all three of the things that we mentioned above and it magnifies them it gives you the confidence to show up and make the most of the opportunities generated for us by the big players that participate in the market every day gives you the ability to scale your trading which is really the real goal we all have here it's an example of how doing the right game planning and learning to trade edges better that just naturally would create
an improved mindset and improved confidence in your trading there is no better way to grow as a Trader than to look across all the things that you're doing all the things that you're doing in your trading and then find the things to reduce out and these four components are super important things that we see of all successful Traders so you're an active Trader not doing as well as you want not doing as well as you deserve and you just can't figure out why you can't become profitable no matter how hard you try well let me
show you why this is your competition the traders in this room this room right here is full of elite Traders some of whom are making seven and even eight figures a year in fact our top guys have made nearly 20 million each in net trading profits in a single year let's head to my office so I can share more so you're probably used to seeing videos of lavish Trader Lifestyles trading gurus trading off of a laptop for an hour a day heck maybe even 15 minutes a day and then them relaxing on some secluded beach
for the rest of the day well all I can tell you is that our Traders train like pro athletes they live and breathe the markets and are continually working on their trading skills because at our firm that's what we found it really takes to make it in this game I'm Mike bfury co-founder and managing partner of SMB Capital One of the world's top proprietary trading firms located in Midtown Manhattan and we're always looking for trading talent to hire and develop and not just to trade inh house on our desk but also to trade from their
own home home entirely using our firm's capital and we have numerous Traders doing just that allowing them to make upwards of seven figures trading the firm's Capital without risking their own money but to even get a shot at something like that you need to have the right training that's why we're doing a new free online presentation in which we share how you can get an interview with SMB to become an in-house a remote Trader trading firm Capital without risking yours and getting access to all of our firms coaching and resources and the best part you
don't have to be a profitable Trader yet in fact we prefer to mold profitable Traders with our methods and our techniques that's why we have just three simple criteria that can earn anyone an interview we're looking for highly ambitious and determined traders who fit our culture first and foremost so if you believe that could be you sign up for the free 1hour our online presentation by clicking the link that's in your top right corner of your screen now
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