How To ACTUALLY Get World Class Results for Your Clients (Hybrid Delivery Model)

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Tom Youngs
Want to add an extra $20k per month to your creator business in less than 4h per day? Watch this πŸ‘‰ ...
Video Transcript:
right Champs the reason most online experts never grow their business is because they're focused on the wrong thing they think they need more leads when in fact what they really need is the thing that no one ever talks about that is the key to scaling a successful online education business and that thing is how to actually get worldclass results for your clients and that's exactly what we're going to be covering in this video today so welcome to part three and a six-part miniseries where I'm sharing with you the lessons that I've learned from building my
business from zero to over 50k in a month over the past 12 months without funnels without cold Outreach without relying on having to go viral and without stacking my diary with a loads of sales calls now if you haven't seen Parts one and two where we cover our unique simplified scaling model and our offer design process I want to make sure that you've got a crystal clear understanding of how this model works so you can check them out over here in this video I'm going to be covering why low tickets sucks and why High ticket
is the secret to success in 2025 the new way to structure a micro education off if you're an online expert like a coach or a consultant how you can pivot away from low profit done for you Services if you're an agency owner or a freelancer to a highly leveraged and high-profit hybrid delivery model just like I did last year when I left my agency and I'm stoked to introduce for the first time a Brand New Concept that I've been secretly testing over the past few months which I know is going to revolutionize how online education
is delivered because I've seen the evidence with my own clients and fair warning this one's going to get spicy so if you're ready let's dive in so the first thing we're going to talk about is why in my opinion low ticket sucks and the future for you my business your business everyone's business who wants to make a lot of money is high ticket now the truth is I put my neck on the line um about 10 months ago now so when Alex hosi made his announcement of investing in school I actually dropped a video which
ended up getting over 100,000 views questioning the concept that school were pushing to the market at the time which was this idea of low ticket membership subscription kind of offers I kind of went out in that video and said I think that was a disaster waiting to happen because it's really really hard to do I've been building communities online for a few years I had my first kind of paid Community 3 years ago I've built loads of them and they're really hard to get right and so I was like I think this is a nightmare
waiting to happen and that's kind of what happened in the end over this year schools have pivoted back to high ticket which makes toal sense because Alex hosi and Sam ens are like the goats of high ticket so they've started introducing new payment options like annual memberships which ultimately are actually going to help people get better results and I'll explain why that is so if you cast yourselves back to the previous video where we talked about four Ps in a high ticket offer we are solving one problem for one person to get one promise with
one plan really simple and this is why High ticket is better because when people pay more money for things they value Val it more so when things are expensive they just value things more and what happens is they become Allin instead of paying like 10 bucks a month or 20 bucks a month you put a couple of thousand on the line you are going to do the work that you need to do especially when speed bumps arrive which is the key to this so that's why my opinion High ticket is better so let's just talk
about how I do things compared to how things are previously done in the education space space and the online education space so the old way of doing things was this idea of like okay I'm either going to be a coach where I'm helping people in a non-directive way with kind of like looking at goals and thinking about how we're going to get you there thinking about this in a more client centered approach and then holistically developing people and your client base compared to someone who is a consultant who is working in a more directive way
which is essentially helping them with problem solving it's more solution focused and it's more about specialized expertise now in my opinion this is the old way and the way of doing things and instead what I'm excited about is doing things in the new way which I think is way better for people way better for you way better for your clients and it starts with really asking this one question what the do my clients need to get their desired Dream Out outcome and the fun part to this is you get to decide how you help people
and how you work and how you deliver your services and products and that's the best part about this so instead of saying okay hey I'm going to do either problem solving or goal orientated support what we're going to do is you're just going to say what do my clients need to get their desired outcome and their dream outcome and for me it's basically saying well I have a load of tools at my disposal and I'm going to select which tools my clients need at which different points so instead of it being I'm a coach I'm
a consultant I just do whatever it takes in a hybrid model so let me explain how this works it's really it comes down to the idea that we've got three different styles of services in the kind of like high ticket Services world so we've got done for you on one end of the Spectrum which is typically what agency owners and Freelancers will be using we've then got doit yourself which is on the other end of the Spectrum which is you provide resources and you give people a way to do things and that's typically what we
see in coaching and then we've kind of got done with you which is typically in the kind of Consulting space and instead of saying okay I'm a agency owner I'm a freelancer I'm a coach I'm a consultant I'm just going to say hey yo you want to get here let's just figure out how to get there and I will use any tool at my disposal to help you get there now what that means is that it could be I'm going to offer some done for you Services I'm going to do some things with you and
hey you know what here's some stuff that is best done if you do it yourself because you're going to implement things the best for your indep or your individual business so that is what I Define as a micro education business and I'm not the only one doing this so this is one of my clients Austin and he helps large creators creators with large audiences launch communities essentially what I was doing a couple of years ago and Austin uses a hybrid approach of done with you do it yourself and done for you services so he helps
creators with building landing pages building campaign designs launching their communities and it's a mixture of an approach where he just decides what his clients need depending on their situation he think he's passed 30k this month just 6 months after being in a full-time job so this is just evidence that this works so that's kind of how I do things differently now let's talk about the old way of kind of craft ing one of these types of structures so typically the old way and think that things were done you would have different promises and you would
have resources for each one of those promises you'd have services for each one of those promises and it would be a mess so instead of having you know one thing over here two things three things four things where you're doing different styles of services and getting people different results we do things differently which is what we do is we say say what is the most valuable thing that people want and that is access to you they just want proximity and access to you and so what we do is instead of having all of these different
things set out in kind of their own silos what we do is we have an access stack where as people pay you more money they get you guessed it more access to you it's really that simple so let me give you some examples of this and I'll show you how I do it so this is how my access stack is really simple so I have a free school Community which is actually only a lead magnet for people to come onto my email list which is what I actually consider my community now that gets them access
to a bunch of resources that's going to help them on their way to get the one promise that I make which is to get you to your next 20K monthly Milestone now that's the free kind of resources but if people want more support and help with implementation they've got two ways of working with me one is joining my growth accelerator program which is scale 20 and then the other is to have one more one-on-one support in my inner circle and it's quite simple the more access that they get the more money it costs for them
so it's really that simple so that's what I call the access stack now let me give you some examples of some of my clients who do this so like I said I've got Austin who's similar to me he's got a free school Community he's then got paid resources for clients and then he's got private resources for the people that he works with in Partnerships and we've got a similar for Tim over here so Tim has his community on school called Beast code where he's got kind of paid resources and then he's got his private community
in slack which is what I do and I'd like to explain to you my preferences for the platforms that I use so I've used all of the platforms out there in my time so I've used telegram WhatsApp slack Discord for Community I've used School Circle kajabi Mighty networks and Facebook groups for resource hubs so I split these two things out because in my opinion these types of kind of what would be considered Community type of platforms actually suck for Community uh in my opinion the best types of communities are ones which are chat-based which are
these ones and so I prefer to have my resources split to my community and so my stack is a two-step stack of slack and school and I'm going to explain to you why my opinion right now these are my preferences for how I do my communities so the question you've got to ask yourself is what is the biggest reason people don't get the results that they want now if you've been a coach or a consultant and you've helped a lot of clients you'll know what I'm talking about here the one thing that stops people from
progressing is this feeling of overwhelm because what happens is they go into a spiral where overwhelm leads to confusion confusion then leads to overthinking overthinking then leads to lack of clarity and then lack of clarity leads to lack of confidence and then lack of confidence leads to no action and that's why people stop getting results and they stop making progress is because they feel overwhelmed so the question is how do we get rid of overwhelm I'm very excited to explain to you A New Concept that I've been testing over the last couple of months now
which is what I call gamified education and this comes from this book I've stolen an idea from both the airline industry and the medical industry which I used to be a part of which is this idea of guaranteeing Success Through checklists The Reason Why Planes don't fall out of the sky even though there are thousands of them flying every single day is because they use checklists to make sure they stay in the air and I for the longest time never understood why in education programs or mentorship programs it wasn't as simple as here's the checklist
go implement the checklist because that's what I was used to when I was a dentist we used to have checklists for surgeries and it would be like have you done this step have you done this step have you done this step have you got all of the instruments have you got all of this the stuff that you need and then wrapping things up at the end as a checklist being like have you done all of these things I never understood why that wasn't a thing in the online education space so I've created it and credit
where credits due I've only been able to do this because of school's ability to lock different parts of their classrooms so you can prevent people from getting overwhelmed so that's what I've done so instead of having a course where I've just got aund videos which is what most people do and then what happens is and I know this because this is how I've acted before in programs is I would get access to this course I would then like a shiny object I would go around and I start picking and choosing what I want to look
at I would miss all of these crucial steps and then I'd wonder why am I not moving at the speed that I want to move at and the reason was because I was missing stuff so what I've done is instead of that I've built things into levels where my clients quite literally cannot proceed to the next step of their checklist until they've completed a proof of skill implementation what I call a posy to move to the next level so what they get is they get the things to implement our systems of a certain part of
their business into their business they've got to them prove that they've implemented those systems before moving on to the next set of systems and this has being an absolute Game Changer and I know that because not only has it rapidly increased the speed of results but we've also gamified the experience of building your business so it's a fun and I know this is game changer because we've had some crazy results recently and you know this is just from Nick who's he's at 40K per month and he was saying how this is by far one of
the most effective systems to actually scaling a coaching and agency business I have invested roughly 100K in coaches and mentals in the last year this has all of it in one location and I spoke to him about this and you know he's worked with some of the biggest most notable you know high-profile people in the online education space people you would know very well and this is the game changer that he was looking for to help put our systems into his business and for him to help his clients so this has been a game Cher
If you are on school I would highly recommend implementing this type of uh gamified education and implementation into your systems okay if you found any of this valuable please make sure you've hit the like button and subscribed for the next one but I've actually got a gift for you for staying to the end so I've got a free school Community called scale High ticket we've got I think over 1,800 creators in there now so if you join and you send me you DM me the secret passcode Pac colada when you're inside I'm going to unlock
for you our entire one simple offer blueprint mini course it's usually $295 and I'm going to give it to you for free you'll find the link down in the description below and in the next one it's time to have some fun so I'm going to be sharing with you our simple blueprint that used to Triple my audience size on Instagram in the past just 60 days how I've used dumbass simple ads that just take 30 seconds and three clicks to set up to turn $1 into over $10 in just the past 12 months and how
I've automated lead generation with a secret new many chat automation that's helped me get over 10,000 new leads in just the last 7 weeks at the same time as driving thousands of extra views on my YouTube videos click the video somewhere up here and go watch it once it's out and make sure you've subbed and turned on the notifications because you do not want to miss the next one right that was sick I'll see you in the next one
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