Mysterious Person Draws a Line Around Their Farm And if They Cross it, They Die

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A group of neighbors gets trapped in a small area after they learn that crossing a blue line will ki...
Video Transcript:
In the forest, Carmen is covered in blood and  trying to cut the zip tie tying her wrists. Sometimes she dissociates and repeats the words  “murder maker” while a black dog watches from afar. When the zip tie finally breaks, she hears  snarling and runs away.
In a farm nearby, Maggie and her son Arlo capture a wasp in a teacup,  and Maggie says they now have a tempest in a cup. In the kitchen, Maggie’s mother-in-law Ellen  hears the radio make a weird piercing noise for a second before the music comes back to normal.  Then Maggie takes the teacup outside where her husband James mentions that the goats have been  spooked by something.
He also says they should talk about what’s going on between them but Maggie  says she isn’t ready. After releasing the wasp outside Arlo’s window Maggie heads to the stables,  where the horses are all freaking out. Meanwhile Arlo sees a goat escaping into the woods and goes  after it while Carmen watches him from behind the trees.
In the evening Maggie goes looking for Arlo  and can’t find him. Nobody has seen him but they assume he’s hiding, which he does often. At that  moment their neighbor Ruben and his family show up with their horse, who has been freaking out too  and hurt his head in the process.
Since Maggie is a vet, she agrees to take the horse to her clinic  with Ruben while the others stay to look for Arlo. Ellen hears the screeching noise in the radio  again and Ruben’s son Nicholas mentions he also heard it earlier. Arlo’s sister Meryl has noticed  that a goat is missing and Ruben’s wife Valeria shares that another neighbor was missing a dog  too.
At the clinic, Maggie finds a huge splinter in the horse’s body, but thankfully it didn’t  cut through any blood vessels. In the forest, Arlo is still following the goat when suddenly  Carmen appears behind him mumbling weird words in English and Spanish. Soon the families also enter  the woods to search for Arlo.
Meryl and Nicholas hear a noise and notice a shadow among the trees.  Nearby James and Valeria are also searching while discussing their old affair, which Maggie doesn’t  know about. They’re interrupted by the teens, who have found the missing dog and the goat.
There  are more snarling noises coming from the trees and they see some kind of animal run by. Thinking  it’s a coyote, James tells everyone to go back to the house. Somewhere else in the forest,  Arlo is unconscious with strange marks on his body.
When he wakes up, he finds Carmen roaring at  his face. A rainbow light appears on her eyes and Arlo’s eyes copy it. The families return to the  house as Donald and his wife Claire show up to pick up their dog.
Donald explains the animal in  the woods wasn’t a coyote but a big dog, probably rabid. He also takes out his gun, announcing he  wants to hunt the beast down. James disapproves of the idea but their argument is interrupted  when Arlo finally returns.
After mumbling the same nonsense words as Carmen, he collapses. In  the woods, Carmen is now lucid and begging for help. However the beast finds her and kills her. 
In town, a person in a gas mask sprays a line of blue paint on the street. Back to the families,  they notice the lights in the house flickering and the dog won’t stop barking at the woods. They  want to take Arlo to the hospital but none of their cars are working, and their phones have  no signal.
While everyone goes into the house, Donald points out someone hurt Arlo so he’ll  go looking for that person before they escape. In the bathroom, Arlo is feeling better and  talking normally. His wounds are minor and he doesn’t remember what happened.
Suddenly he  says they need to go and starts repeating the weird words including “murder-maker”. Then he  tries to run away and bumps against Nicholas’, causing him to hurt his head. Maggie goes after  Arlo and holds him down until he passes out again.
Meanwhile James and Ruben are getting two horses  ready to go to town for help when they notice a car on the road with the lights on. They run  towards it and meet the masked man, who makes a gesture to make them freeze before pointing  at the blue line on the ground. Then he holds up a board that says “don’t cross the line”.
James  tries to explain the situation and ask for help, only for the man to take out a gun to keep them  at bay. He makes a new drawing on the board that reveals the blue line is a circle surrounding  the area. When James tries approaching him again, the man fires a warning shot.
In the house,  Arlo suddenly grabs some scissors to attack Maggie while repeating the weird words. She runs  to block the door to stop him from leaving again, then she disarms him and holds him until he goes  back to normal. Arlo admits he’s scared so Maggie sings him a comforting song.
As Arlo sings along  he puts a bunch of marbles on the floor and places an inverted teacup on top of them. After pointing  at the word trap on a dictionary, he tells Maggie that the man in his head is telling them to hide  because “it’s coming and it kills everything in its way”. In the woods, Donald keeps on searching  when he suddenly trips on something, which happens to be Carmen’s body.
He drops his gun in the  process and when he turns around to look for it, he finds the big black dog growling at him. Donald  starts walking away slowly, but the dog chases after him anyway. They reach the area where his  friends and the masked man are standing and Donald goes through the fence to escape.
Unfortunately  he falls and the dog jumps on him to attack. A fight ensues and Donald manages to throw the  dog off, making him fall across the line. All the men watch in shock how the dog’s bones start  coming out of his body until he dies.
The masked man puts his board up again, reminding them not  to cross the line. James demands an explanation, but the masked man only writes “don’t trust  anyone” and leaves in his car. At the house, Claire announces she’s going home with her dog  because she has a landline phone that should work.
The men are on their way back and see her  come out so they try to warn her, but it’s too late. As the dog runs away from the line in fear,  Claire crosses it and her bones snap out, killing her in seconds. Donald tries to reach his wife  and his hand starts losing skin, so the other guys have to pull him back.
The next morning Donald is  still sitting outside staring at his wife’s body. Inside, Maggie asks Meryl to look after Arlo while  she discusses the situation with James. He wants to cross the woods to check on their neighbors  the Navarros and Maggie tells him to take Ruben, but James refuses.
This causes Maggie to reveal  she knows about James’ affair with Valeria, which is overheard by Ruben. James admits it’s  true but insists that the affair is over and he loves Maggie. He also apologizes, but it’s not  enough.
Afterward Ruben doesn’t tell anyone that he knows and gives Maggie a gun before joining  James for the trip. They leave on their horses and after just a few minutes of riding, they find  a snake that crossed the line and died a gruesome death. Meanwhile Ellen and Valeria cover Claire’s  body with a blanket while Maggie takes Donald into the house.
She bandages his injury and gives him  a medicine injection that was made for animals. Donald tells her about the body in the woods.  In the rooms upstairs, Meryl and Nicholas find Arlo learning words from a dictionary.
Nicholas  asks Arlo who he is and Arlo replies that he is the harbinger, while the real Arlo is asleep and  resting. The Harbinger says they are trapped and grabs Meryl’s hand, pulling as he insists they  must hide or die. In the struggle, Meryl falls over and knocks a glass of water that spills over  a rainbow drawing.
Seeing the colors spread gives the Harbinger an idea and he says that they aren’t  truly trapped. He tries to take Maryl out with him but she doesn’t let him, so Arlo wakes up to tell  her she must listen to the Harbinger because the Assassin is coming. After lots of begging from  Arlo, Meryl and Nicholas agree to follow him into the woods, but Nicholas brings a knife just  in case.
The boy becomes the Harbinger again and takes them to a spot where the ground looks burnt  up and animals are lying dead. He says “this is mine” and points to the sky, claiming that’s where  he came from. There’s some rainbow-coloured liquid on a rock and the Harbinger collects it in a jar. 
He explains it’s poison, but he still wants them to drink it. If they drink just enough they’ll be  able to walk over the line, if they drink too much they’ll die, and if they don’t drink the Assassin  will kill them. Meryl announces they’re going home and on their way back, Nicholas admits he’s  liked her since second grade.
Feeling awkward, Meryl changes the subject by asking the Harbinger  to bring Arlo out. She then asks her brother about the entity’s motives and he says the Harbinger  is on a secret mission. Before she can ask more, they hear a car and run away.
Outside the  house, Ellen and Valeria are chatting and Ellen reveals she knows about the affair, so Valeria  admits she’s unsatisfied by the farmer’s life with Ruben. At that moment, they see a van stop  nearby and Lieutenant Olsen comes out. Ignoring the women’s warnings, he crosses the line and  says this is the easy part, but leaving it’s the problem.
Back to Ruben and James, they reach  the Navarros’ house and split to search the area. Ruben sees the dogs staring at the silo door and  scares them off before going through that door. James finds the neighbors’ dead bodies plus a pool  with water before he enters the house, where he founds another body.
Suddenly he hears something  in the basement and when he steps on the stairs, someone drags him and pulls him down. At the  same time Maggie goes into the forest to look for the body Donald saw and recognizes the woman  as Carmen Navarro. At the house, Olsen tells Ellen and Valeria he knows what’s happening and he’s  here to help.
At that moment Maggie arrives and tells them what she saw, so Olsen explains his  job was to find and isolate Carmen. He asks if anyone has come into contact with Carmen while she  was alive and when he hears about Arlo, he asks to see him. While Maggie takes him upstairs, Olsen  explains he’s a policeman and part of a large task force made up of cops, army, and marines.
All they  know is that some kind of vibration is outside the line, which complex organisms like animals and  humans can’t survive. A suspicious Maggie wonders if Olsen’s task force killed Carmen, but he swears  he just got here. She doesn’t believe him because she saw that Carmen had restraint marks on her  wrists, so Olsen admits he lied and says the only way to survive is taking him to her son.
Since she  refuses, Olsen tries to attack but Maggie quickly knocks him out with her gun. Afterward the women  tie Olsen up in the barn. Maggie checks his things and finds zip tie, so she’s sure he’s lying  about his identity.
While they discuss liars, Valeria realizes Maggie knows about the affair  and swears it’s over. At that moment Olsen wakes up and asks for Arlo, saying they’re running  out of time. After a furious Maggie leaves, Olsen tries to manipulate Valeria into believing  he’s here to help.
They’re interrupted by Ellen, who can’t find the kids. Valeria wants to go  looking for them so she leaves Ellen guarding Olsen with a gun. In the meantime Maggie rushes  to her clinic and has a panic attack, so Donald shares comforting words and helps her calm down. 
In the woods, the kids come across a different masked man holding a sign that tells them not to  cross the line. When he sees the jar, he tells them to hand it over but they kids refuse. The  man then fights Nicholas and after some struggle, Nicholas stabs him while the jar falls and breaks. 
Meryl rushes to cover the guy’s wound and removes his mask, causing him to recognize the Harbinger  as the being that had been in Carmen. The man says his name is McNab and swears he’s here to help  the Harbinger. In the barn, Olsen convinces Ellen to wipe the blood from his eye.
When she comes  closer, he opens his mouth wide and transfers the entity to Ellen. Now possessed, Ellen shoots  Olsen dead. Then he frees him and gets a wound on her forehead to make it look like Olsen attacked  her.
At the Navarros’, the dogs are barking at the silo door again. Inside Ruben has found a tree  covered in rainbow lights. At first the tries to ignore it, but eventually he gives in and  reaches out to touch it.
Before he can do so, a spider lands on his hand and the light immediately  kills it. Outside, the dogs have calmed down. In the basement, James wakes up to find his hands  tied.
Nearby Travis takes off his mask to smoke. He can barely walk because he’s wounded, but  he still grabs his gun and asks James to give him a good reason not to shoot him. James tells  him about Arlo and the line, but Travis explains it’s impossible to tell who is a real human and  who is an alien, so he shares his story.
Travis had been a bartender working at a bar where McNab  was drinking. In his inebriated state, McNab kept talking about some visitors from space and an  invisible death trap. When the other clients laughed, he showed a scar on his arm to prove  his story.
Since McNab was getting aggressive, the boss made Travis drive him home. During the  trip, McNab told Travis that the death trap had an incandescent power source that drew you in.  Eventually Travis dropped McNab home and stayed outside to have a cigarette, noticing some signs  nearby with ominous messages.
At that moment an orange car stopped for a second before speeding  off again. Then he heard some weird noises in the house, so Travis went inside to check. He  found a bunch of masks on the table and McNab sleeping.
Travis opened a drawer and stole a knife  before McNab woke up to point his gun at him. He quickly put it down though, saying he could tell  Travis believed him. From then on Travis started to spend time with McNab to hear more about these  “visitors”, who came to Earth in meteors and took over human bodies.
Some visitors were good, but  others were evil. If a bad one showed up first, then a good one would follow to hunt it down.  Soon Olsen joined them and taught Travis how to shoot a gun.
He used their pictures as targets  so Travis could learn to kill a friend if they became possessed. Olsen confirmed he used to be  a cop, but he dropped out. The men explained that shooting will kill the host, but not the alien. 
They suspected that a woman named Mary had been possessed by a bad visitor. Two friends of theirs  had been following her for two years and they noticed there were no deviations from her routine  until two weeks ago when she became really active. She bought a gun, zip ties, and other gear,  which probably means she’s getting ready for the arrival of a good visitor.
That night Travis as  still a bit unsure about the whole visitor deal, so McNab told him the story of how his daughter  was possessed by a good visitor. A bad visitor took her from him and made her drink the rainbow  liquid to force her to cross the line. When McNab tried following them, he hurt his arm at the line. 
Eventually the trap disappeared and so did the visitors, leaving his daughter’s dead body in a  dumpster. Then McNab gave Travis a sample of the rainbow liquid, which Travis kept on a necklace  around his neck. Sometime later the trio was keeping watch when Travis saw the same orange  car.
However Olsen explained that wasn’t Mary, it was a former team member who Travis was  replacing. After the car left, Mary showed up in her van and released a black dog in the forest.  The guys followed the van to the Navarros' house, where they immediately identified Carmen as a good  visitor.
Mary entered the house with the family, so the men put on the masks to follow them. McNab  put up a sign at the window and told Travis to get the pool ready. Olsen and McNab burst into the  house and Travis could hear a fight going on while he took a kiddie pool from the car and filled it  with water, he also left a note with instructions on how to resuscitate a drowning victim.
At that  moment a man came out of the house with the dogs and Mary shot him. After killing the other Navarro  family members inside the house, Mary went to the empty silo and poured rainbow liquid on the  ground. McNab came out of the house with Carmen, whose wrists had been tied up.
Unfortunately he  lost his grip and Carmen ran into the woods. The liquid in the silo started to grow into a tree  and McNab realized Mary was setting up the trap, so he rushed to his car and left without his  friends. Travis tried calling McNab’s phone, but he could only hear a screeching sound that  hurt his ear.
Mary heard him and came over to transfer the visitor to him. A possessed  Travis grabbed a piece of wood to hit her head and Mary responded by shooting him  twice. After a few seconds she was dead, and Travis was throwing up blood.
At that moment  Olsen came out too and tried to help Travis, only for the visitor to jump into his body. A  terrified Travis ran into the house and stayed in the basement since then. In the present Travis  finishes his story and explains the only person who can stop the trap is the visitor that made it. 
He also says that he doesn’t want to die alone, but James convinces him to release him. After  throwing his knife at James, Travis decides to self delete. In the silo, the tree blocks the door  to stop Ruben from leaving.
James comes looking for him and shoots his gun in the air to scare the  dogs away. Ruben yells back to reveal his location and James opens the silo door, only for the tree  to close it again. A desperate James grabs an axe and makes a hole in the wall to pull his friend  out, only for Ruben to tackle him and punch him a few times for the affair.
James apologizes but  also reminds him they must leave this for later. The duo gets on their horses and enter the forest,  where they find the kids with McNab. Back in the house, Maggie takes care of Ellen’s injury, who  tries to transfer the visitor to her.
However they’re interrupted by Valeria announcing the  return of their families. Meryl helps Maggie treat McNab and Arlo says he’s one of the good ones.  Donald tells James everything about Olsen while looking at the position of the body and since  they know Travis’ story, they realize the bad visitor is now in Ellen.
Meanwhile Nicholas tells  his parents everything and Ruben asks to be taken to McNab’s car. While the family walks through the  woods, Ruben confesses he knows about the affair. Valeria cries as she apologizes, swearing that  it’s over.
Their fight is interrupted by Nicholas, who has found the broken jar with rainbow liquid  in it. Ruben gets bewitched by it and doesn’t snap out of it until a wolf appears to growl at them.  The family steps back and the wolf goes to the jar to drink all the liquid so Nicholas fires  a warning shot to scare it away.
The wolf runs off and crosses the line without getting hurt.  Nearby Nicholas finds McNab’s diary. In the house, Arlo tells Maggie and Meryl that the Harbinger’s  mission is to find a machine without waking up more Assassins, who are the bad visitors hiding  inside many people.
Once he finds it, he can turn it on to "get ready". At that moment McNab wakes  up and says the visitors are getting ready for an invasion, so he pulls out his gun. This is seen  by Donald, who runs to warn James.
McNab says he can’t trust anyone and wants to take Arlo away  to safety. James comes in and starts arguing with McNab, who loses control and opens fire right  as Donald enters the room too. Donald is shot down and James tackles McNab, who easily throws  him off and runs away.
James tries to follow him but he’s already gone. Maggie checks on Donald,  who is fine because he’s wearing a bulletproof jacket under his jacket. Afterward everyone looks  for Ellen but they can’t find her.
By nighttime, James tells his family to stay in the house while  he and Donald continue the search in the forest. At that moment Ruben’s family comes back and James  tells them everything. Nicholas is sent inside too while Ruben and Valeria join the search.
In  the house, Maggie hears some noises and goes downstairs to check but doesn’t find anything.  Meanwhile Ruben searches the garage while Valeria waits outside, unaware someone is walking  behind her. James looks through Maggie’s clinic and also hears some noises, but when he opens the  door he’s simply startled by Donald’s dog.
In the stables Donald hears the horses freaking out and  searches every corner until he finds a confused Ellen. Then everyone gathers in the living room  and Ellen says she thinks the visitor has left her, which means it’s inside somebody else now. An  argument ensues about how to proceed and Nicholas shares what he found on McNab’s diary.
An assassin  can be removed from the host if the human drowns. In the morning, McNab is ready to cross the line  but remembers James mentioned Travis. He runs to the Navarros' house and takes the necklace with  the liquid from Travis’ body.
Back to Maggie, she reads Travis’ instruction sheet, which James  brought from the Navarros’ house. She leaves her room and discovers Valeria leaving breakfast for  the kids, who are being protected by Nicholas. Outside the tension is high among the men, who get  a fire going, hoping the smoke will call for help.
Ruben is tired of waiting and walks off, so Donald  follows him. Then Maggie comes to see James with the instructions and says she can’t bring herself  to drown anybody. James points out it’s their only solution and they have another argument. 
In the kitchen, Valeria tries to make a map and a list of people who were alone with  Ellen and starts getting ideas. Upstairs Nicholas keeps reading McNab’s diary with  Meryl and learns that there's an underground resistance fighting the visitors. While reading  about the visitor jumping from mouth to mouth, Nicholas and Meryl kiss.
Meanwhile Donald follows  Ruben to the Navarros’ house, where he’s throwing fuel at the silo to light it on fire. The flames  devour the building incredibly quickly, but after the fire is out and only some wall wood is left,  the tree is still standing there. Suddenly McNab arrives to tell them they can try something else  and shows them Travis’ necklace.
In the house, Meryl checks on Arlo and finds him drawing a  zig-zag line over and over again. She concludes that Harbinger is trying to draw a map. After  checking dozens of maps in a book, Meryl finally discovers that Arlo’s drawing matches the Belknap  Mountain.
Meanwhile Valeria pulls Nicholas out of the house while claiming that she knows who the  assassin is. She takes him to the edge of the blue line and gives him the sedative and the knife  she found in Ellen’s room. Then Valeria opens her mouth and transfers the visitor into Nicholas, who  pushes her mother across the line and watches her die.
At the Navarros’ home, Ruben drinks the  rainbow liquid from Travis’ necklace. Now he can approach the tree without getting bewitched.  He’s wearing gloves but grabbing a branch still burns him rather painfully.
Ruben doesn’t give up  and breaks the branch, then he runs back to his friends to put it in a jar where it immediately  becomes liquid. At the same time Maggie and James discuss the drowning issue again, wondering how  to resuscitate a person via CPR if the visitor travels through the mouth. Then James talks about  Travis and how guilty he feels about not saving him.
He and Maggie end up bonding over their  fears and hold hands, hoping they can repair their relationship In Arlo’s room, he and Meryl discuss  how to find the assassin and Arlo gets an idea by putting the teacup over only one marble. At that  moment something hits the window and Meryl looks out to discover Nicholas telling her to come out.  Meryl runs to him and Nicholas says his mom was the assassin, presenting the knife and sedative as  proof.
He pretends Valeria failed the transfer and when Meryl lowers her guard, Nicholas transfers  the assassin to her. Then Mery knocks Nicholas out with a rock and goes back inside. All this  is seen by Arlo at the window, who runs to warn his parents.
When Meryl enters the house, Maggie  points a gun at her. The girl is under the control of the assassin, who threatens to kill the host’s  body until Maggie puts down her weapon. She then tries to leave, only to be jumped on and captured  by a masked James.
While Maggie also puts her mask on and prepares the tub, Meryl fights her father  to try to unmask him but she’s not successful. Then the couple grabs her together and submerges  her in the filled tub. They do their best to keep her underwater but Meryl never stops fighting and  even removes James’ mask.
Eventually Meryl drowns and her parents immediately take her out. Maggie  starts using CPR and cries when nothing happens, thinking she lost her daughter. However after  a few minutes, Meryl wakes up and confirms she isn’t possessed anymore.
Unfortunately James is  struggling to keep control of himself and tells Meryl and Maggie to run. Outside, the men come  back and hide with the others in the stables. Arlo sees the jar with the liquid and says they  need to leave, so Ruben tells everyone to go while he stays to wait for James and his family. 
As the group heads out, they see Valeria’s body and Nicholas has a breakdown. At that moment  Arlo hears a weird sound and runs away from the group. Once the assassin has taken over James,  he comes out to look for victims.
Ruben tackles him to start a fight, but James easily overpowers  him and starts smashing his head on the ground. He’s interrupted by Maggie shooting a warning shot  right before Arlo calls for him. James follows the boy’s voice and Maggie gets ready to shoot him,  but she can’t bring herself to do it.
Then James enters the stables and goes upstairs where Arlo  keeps him distracted while Maggie injects James with the sedative. Next she drags Arlo downstairs  to escape until Arlo reminds her of the wasp in the teacup. Soon James comes downstairs too and  tries to transfer the visitor to Maggie, who stabs him in the leg to make him back off.
James  easily recovers and attacks again, but Maggie is waiting and moves fast to push him inside a large  freezer. He tries to keep her from closing the lid and Maggie is losing strength, however Ruben  arrives and starts putting heavy things on top of the freezer to keep it closed. Meryl hears  her father’s screams and wants to free him, so Maggie has to pull her away.
Eventually the  screaming ends, indicating James is dead and the alien is now trapped. Afterward everybody drinks  a bit of the rainbow liquid and walk over the blue line without getting hurt. However Ellen decides  to stay to tend to the animals, hoping Maggie and the others will be back with a solution.
After  an emotional goodbye, the group leaves in Olsen’s van. Moments later they find the road blocked  by two friendly people who McNab recognizes as part of the resistance group. Suddenly an  orange car appears and runs over the duo, quickly killing them both.
The driver is McNab’s  previous partner who Travis replaced. There’s a woman with him who explains the duo they just  killed had been controlled by bad visitors and the driver proves it by opening their bags, revealing  zip ties, sedatives, and a jar of rainbow liquid. The woman then tells them that the visitors are  waking up all over the world and asks them to join the fight.
Maggie says they aren’t going  anywhere until they explain what’s happening.
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