Caring For The Gut - Barbara O'Neill

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Living Springs Retreat
Barbara O'Neill Misty Mountain Health Retreat
Video Transcript:
[Music] good evening everyone in this lecture as usual I'm going to be talking about you and I'm going to be talking about a very interesting part of your body called the gastrointestinal tract your gastrointestinal track is about 8 m long it starts at the mouth and it ends up at the other end and we're going to have a look at what happens to the food on the plate to break it down to microscopic little particles that then can get absorbed into the blood and tomorrow morning in the lecture on the liver we're going to have
a look at what happens when it gets into the blood but in this lecture we're going to look at the fascinating process that breaks that food that you're probably dreaming about that you had Sunday lunch to microscopic little partic absorb it into your blood and all the food goes into the mouth so the mouth is the first organ of digestion the mouth is the only area that we have say over when it goes in we have say over what goes in we have say over the environment surrounding when it goes in we also have say
over how long it's actually in the mouth and we also have say over how often it goes in so this is basically the only area that we have total say over the mouth's pH is an alkaline [Applause] pH and there are only two food groups that are broken down in the mouth a lot of people don't even realize that anything starts its breakdown in the mouth the enzyme that's released in the mouth that breaks down starch is called Tylen and tyon is what's often called a salivary amales the salivary amales breaks down starch it doesn't
totally break it down as you'll see as we go down the journey it begins the breakdown when children are born they have no teeth and they have no salivary amales and the first teeth children have when they or develop usually at around the age of Seven 8 9 10 months 11 12 months of age are four top teeth and four bottom teeth and those teeth are called milk teeth do you know why that's all baby should have is milk but it's also taste time that's a good time to let your baby have a stick of
celery to have a little suck on maybe a little bit of Apple in a net flag to have a suck on maybe a little bit of cucumber to suck on maybe a little bit of steamed Bean to suck on it's taste time and when baby is slowly introduced to food like that it gives their gut time to adjust to the two to the new flavorings coming in the next teeth that come through are the mullers now the mullers come through back here mullers grind and when the mullers are fully through then Tylen is released by
The GL stands in the mouth and tyon breaks down starch you see what we grind that is your grains so until the mullers are there baby should not have any grain and what's the first food that mothers are told to give baby as a rule cereal pure starch and when it goes into the baby's mouth it usually comes straight out because until the baby has teeth and even when the baby has teeth cuz my babies were breastfed for several years they suck with their tongue and their top lip that comes down so when this slop
you know the farx goes in Baby automatically goes like that and you know what happens to the farx it pops straight out the mouth again because of that action so the mother Scoops it up and puts it back in again have you ever seen mothers do it scoop it up put it back in sco it defies reason to me it justifies reasons you know children should not be eating till they can sit till they can feed themselves until they've got teeth to chew it with and when children are given slopped you know they can get
to even 3 four five and they won't eat anything unless it's slop but when children are given solid food like what I was saying when they can sit and suck on it they their little teeth at the front make little chews my 10-month-old granddaughter Esther we're all having dinner together it was cold and we're in Tasmania so we put a big sheet on the floor in the landro where the fire was and we ate there and what does our little girl want to do they're very social aren't they but she's only got three teeth she
can sit she can feed herself but she's only got three teeth my daughter said Mom what do we do I said give her a steamed green bean cuz that was part of our meal oh she was so happy she thought she was doing exactly what we were doing and you know in 20 minutes half an hour by the time we'd finished she'd eaten 1 cm and there were little bits of food all around her where she chewed little bits off with her three teeth that's what it should be that's what it should be and it's
not until the mullers are fully through that the glands in the mouth now release Tylen which will break down starch so I didn't give any of my babies any starch until they had a good set of teeth my son James is 39 and he didn't eat any solid food till he was 16 months of age now you never hear of such a thing a lot of parents want to see what'll happen and by the way whatever you give my little granddaughter Esther she will eat so how come babies become fussy do you think Esther would
be happy with a celery stick if she' take tasted ice cream chocolates huh B sweet biscuits no no no you see parents dictate the tastes of their children sorry but they do CU you look at a little crawling baby they'll they'll eat anything they find if they find a caterpillar they'll eat it huh so where does the fussiness come from so it is starch that begins its breakdown in the mouth as long as you've got all your mind MERS the other food is a saturated fat saturated fat begins its breakdown in the mouth saturated fat
is a combination of short and medium chain fatty acids and underneath the tongue there are sublingual glands and they release lingual lipas and lingual lipase is the enzyme that breaks down the saturated fat so saturated fat is unique in that the breakdown begins in the mouth that's the only digestion that happens in the mouth but something very important also happens in the mouth and that's chewing we've got teeth for a reason we should Chew Chew Chew until our food is almost a liquid and then the food comes down the esophagus through this little Gateway here
called the cardiac sphincter and into the stomach so the the stomach is the next organ of digestion and the stomach is not an alkaline environment it is an acid environment and it's very important that it be an acid environment you see the folds that line the stomach are like this and they aligned with gastric glands and 2/3 of those gastric glands release mucus and what that does is that provides a thick mucosa wool protecting the stomach about what is released in here now what's released here is pepsinogen and the other enzyme that's released there is
hydrochloric acid now in an acid environment pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid unite to release pepsin and pepsin is the enzyme that breaks down protein so the only food that's broken down in the stomach is protein and it's broken down by pepsin Hydrochloric plays a very important role you see hydrochloric acid not only unites with pepsinogen to release pepsin that breaks down the protein but hydrochloric acid is anti fungal antibacterial so if any fungus or Yeast or bacteria happens to be on the food where eating if you've got nice strong hydrochloric acid it basically annihilates it and
you can see why God meant this Union to happen here because if pepsin was here pepsin could start breaking down the lining of the stomach something also is released here and that's the intrinsic factor the intrinsic factor is very important for the absorption of B12 so let me give you the B12 story let's pretend that this is B12 in food B12 is bound up with an R protein and when B12 and the r protein come into the stomach hydrochloric acid um breaks that Union what also is released in the stomach is intrinsic factor now intrinsic
factor and the free B12 travel together all the way down the gut until they get to the last part of the small intestine then intrinsic factor and b12 unite and they're absorbed now into the body so if someone has low B12 it could simply mean they've got low hydrochloric acid or their gut is not making intrinsic factor because once the b12's absorbed there's an enterohepatic Circ circulation that connects this area with the liver and b12 can be constantly circulating so someone can have no B12 in their diet for 30 years before they can show a
B12 deficiency so if someone has a B12 deficieny deficiency the first thing I look at is the function of the stomach and one of the signs that someone has low hydrochloric acid is they've eaten a meal 6 hours later they still feeling full you see if we had nice strong hydrochloric acid it breaks down the food of course with the connection of pepsinogen quite quickly I've never met anyone with too much acid in their stomach if someone says I've got an over acid stomach my question is how do you know oh I can feel it
burning oh the problem's not the acid the problem might be you're dehydrated and you haven't got enough mucus because mucus is 99% water water ah I know it's acid because it keeps coming up here well the problem's not the acid the problem is this little gate here you see that little gate called the cardiac sphincter it should be closed and if it's closed no acid will come up so why would acid come up because that little gate is weak why would it be weak a lot of people today have breakfast like a POA lunch like
a poper and dinner is the king and the queen together and then they lie down at night and gravity presses against that little cardiac sphincter weakening it and that little muscle well that little sphincter is a muscle and when it's relaxed it's closed and when it tightens it opens so stress stress when all the muscles tighten can open it so two things will heal reflex or heartburn one is bre eat breakfast like a king lunch like a queen and dinner like a POA or you say supper and take magnesium three times a day is it
that simple it is isn't that good news and if someone takes ant acid to stop the acid going up what's my next question what's going to break the protein down now huh and you know what longterm low um antiac they're finding is producing now colon cancer because the protein's not getting broken down partially digested protein is reaching the large colon and then the and the and the body says what are you doing here quick we have to create a lot of bacteria to deal with that and that excess bacteria can start eating down the colum
wall and if someone says to me I've been on Ant acids for 25 years is it working 25 years what's the definition of insanity to do what you've always done and expect different results so what would cause a weakening in the production of hydrochloric acid drinking with the meals you see digestion is a chemical process and that whole reaction I just showed you only happens in an acid environment if people are drinking with their meals it Waters down acids so you don't get that connection and it's an American habit isn't it certainly an Australian habit
Michael and I go to a restaurant and the waiter what's the first thing he ask what will you drink h no we won't have him to drink oh we'll just bring you water now if we say no thank you every waiter in the restaurant is coming to us you don't have water we let him put the water there okay it just keeps them quiet I think it's because people are so busy they' got no time and they sit to eat oh I haven't drunk and then they drun water and a lot of people think they
just wash the food down wash the food down they basically wash all their digestive enzymes away we should be stopping water ideally half an hour before the meal resume about an hour and a half after the meal that hour and a half allows time for those digestive enzymes to start to start their breakdown if someone is thirsty after a meal by all means have a mouthful but large fluid with the meal will water it down also when people are eating every couple of hours you see we have one stomach and that stomach there's much research
to prove this that one stomach takes 3 to 4 hours to digest and then that stomach loves a 1 hour rest so what's that between meals that's 5 to 6 hours between mhm surely not for children do you know they've got the same digestive tract and you might have noticed I worked out very early CH children say they're hungry when they're bored have you noticed and often when a hunger Pang is experienced between meals it's often dehydration one day my son Peter came to me and said Mom the water's not doing it anymore I looked
at my watch and said great it's lunchtime when the water's not doing it anymore it usually is time is time to eat also what exhausts the the um hydrochloric acid is eating large amounts at the end of the day see when we go to sleep at night our stomach wants to sleep too so if there's a huge meal in there you know everything slows down the stomach this digestion is going to be very slow and when the person wakes up in the morning do they feel like eating no now my son James he's a builder
he works out every day he's very fit he eats four meals a day he has breakfast at 5:30 and his his metabolism is so fast cuz he's working so much that he has another meal at 11 and he has another meal I think about 4: and he goes to the gym at night and works out and has something else to eat about 7:38 and it does him well can you see how you've got to play with what works for you one man said to me I grew up with eight brothers our mother and father said
you're having M meal for breakfast M meal for lunch and that's it he said we're working hard on the farm he said we'd get into our cars and go to town and eat junk at night that mother would be far wiser to see she's got growing boys who are working hard and provide something for them to eat at night so a meal at night that would digest quickly would be fruit or a salad or soup big growing boys can have four bowls of soup or a protein drink a protein drink can digest easily you just
got to work out what works for you and your body will quickly tell you what's working so that is what's broken down in the stomach protein and protein alone all your uh starch digestion is put on hold because we're now in an acid stomach and then we move through and come to the first part of the small intestine which is called the duodenum and the duodenum has two main organs that are emptying into it notice we've got the liver here the gore bladder the gore bladder is a a reservoir for bile and that B duct
comes down connects with the neck of the pancreas and empties into the duodenum it's an alkaline environment in the duodenum and the enzyme that is released from your Gore bladder so I'll just do GB for Gore bladder from the duodenum is bile and bile is an enzyme that breaks down longchain fatty acid so this is your unsaturated fats so a lot of those fats are are vegetable fats you know found in your nuts and your seeds from the duodenum the pancreas also releases some enzymes in there and the pancreas releases pancreatic lipas and pancreatic lipas
does the final breakdown of the unsaturated fats they're the longchain fatty acids so bile starts it pancreatic lipase finalizes it the pancreas also releases pancreatic amas and remember Tylen is a salivary Amala so the Amala salivary salivary amas tyus starts the digestion put on hold in the stomach comes to the dur gen and pancreatic amas finalizes the starch digestion what's also released in the pancreas is Tron and Tron is the enzyme that finalizes protein digestion so protein digestion is begun in the stomach and finalized in the duodenum under Trion and choton so these are two
enzymes that break down protein I've got some good news it's going to get easier now they're all the big words from this students what's the main organ of digestion it's the pancreas mhm most people think that all of their digestion happens in the stomach but it is not true now one of the great things about saturated fat it does not need bile it does not need pancreatic lipase because the breakdown began in the mouth so people with liver gallbladder problems pancreatic problems what's the best fat for them coconut yeah coconuts very easy to digest but
you can see if stomach is not acid enough and pepsin can't break down protein then protein comes into the duodenum and tripson and Chima tripson they just start the breakdown and they should be finalizing the breakdown at every stage every organ role is very important and if the person ate too fast and didn't give time for the tilon to starch to begin starch digestion an undigested starch gets to the pancreas pancreatic limpas starts sorry pancreatic Amala starts the breakdown whereas it should be finishing it most of your nutrients are absorbed before you get halfway through
the small intestine so from the last part of the small intestine it's really just roughage and when the when the contents of the small intestine gets into the large colon It's usually mostly liquid but let's go back to where the foods absorbed which I call the grand finale of digestion the small intestine is lined with Villi that look like this and as I showed this morning that Villi should have a thick Turf wall and that thick Turf wall around it is made out of mostly lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus bacterium there are trillions of microbes in
there but they're the two main ones and from them most of them are made and these bacteria is respons responsible for the final breakdown the final touches of digestion they're particularly important for the release of the B vitamins that bacteria is also important for the absorption of your nutrients across and into the blood and of course this Villi has capillary networks all through it that thick Turf wall those microbes are responsible for protecting the blood wrong color protecting the blood against harmful pathogens that might be in the gut and those microbes are responsible for nourishing
the cells that line the gastrointestinal track no wonder I call it the grand finale of digestion how do you know if the guts working right let me give you a story of a man that came to our health retreat with his wife he was 68 his wife was 67 I said what is your reason for coming to our Retreat he said I'm here to accompany my wife I said right um I said how many bell movements do you average a day because I did a health assessment on him he said six I said oh that's
a lot he said yes I've got irritable bow I said ah are you on medication yes and he listed the anti-inflammatories and the cortisones he said yes recently the doctor said I can do no more for you I said ah and then I looked at what he ate he loved bread he loved meat he loved de Dairy and he loved sugar and he loved a couple of scotches every night you see when you're healing an irritated gut this this is what you got to do number one stop all the irritants what are the irritants wheat
dairy in fact all the things he was having refined sugar alcohol all of these foods are like kerosene to a fire to an irritated gut and he was having lots of them number two probiotic probiotic is for life and that cortisone that he was on it's it can break down that gut Flora the very everything he was taking to supposedly heal him it wasn't at all all it does is stop the gut being inflamed and on all that medication he's going six times a day and number three there is a herb called slippery elm and
slippery elm coats soothes and heals the lining of the gut Psalm 104:14 the Bible says God gave herbs for the service of man slipp is a remarkable herb it not only gives form to the stool It Coats soothes and lines the gut and it contains a growth stimulant so it can stimulate rapid healing in the lining of the gut I said can I try some things on you he said certainly now we don't serve any wheat or dairy or refined sugar or alcohol at our health Retreat you've probably noticed I gave him Slippery Home four
times a day Morning Noon 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at night and I gave him a double dose of probiotic you see he told me he walks by the beach every morning and where he walks there are four restrooms on his walk he's got to because he's got to keep going in so in his 1 hour walk every morning he's got to do four stops first two days of the program he's on juices so I'm watching him closely I said how many times he going he said five that's one less on juices you see the
slippy realm gives form and coats and sooths the second day he was very happy he said I and had to stop three times on my morning walk this morning and he's going four times times he's dropping one movement a day fantastic and it's becoming formed Wednesday eating food was much better I said to him I believe you can stop your anti-inflammatories and Harve your cortisone he was not interested in doing that on day one but because of the results he was getting he became interested by Friday he's going three times a day that's exciting and
formed the bleeding from the bow had stopped the cramping had stopped did you this is on medication all that was happening on Sunday morning he came running up to me very excited he said I just went on my morning walk and didn't go oh how exciting when he came to our health Retreat who was he here for and he sat in the consultation like this because of the result results he was getting he was very interested because what do his doctor just told him I can do no more for you in fact I know what's
next they start cutting out the colon mhm and you want to keep away from the knife if at all possible and you see it's our responsibility to prove to our doctor that we can do it h and isn't it wonderful when you surprise them we live in an amazing body this man's been dealing with this for 30 years how long was he at our health Retreat one week he's not healed but he's getting a long way towards it mhm you see cortisone is one drug you have to ease off you have to ease off slowly
I haven't heard anymore but it was pretty exciting what we saw there do you know as the stools become more formed and less frequent he can start easing off the slippery elm but before he eases off the slippery elm my suggestion to him was get off the cortisone totally and when everything settles down start easing off the slippery armm when he first came to our health Retreat he was not interested in stopping wheat Dairy sugar and alcohol but he's interested now that's one of the beauties of coming to a health Retreat is you you can
try things at the health Retreat and see what works for you that will work for gastritis ulcerative gastritis irritable Bale syndrome Crohn's disease colitis it will heal them all how long will it take how long's a piece of strength depends how willing the person is to adhere to what you've got to do and it also depends on how much medication they're on and how long it's been like this but I can't think of a case more serious than this man's 30 years going six times a day blood cramping almost liquid what about the other way
around which is when we come to the large colon not going enough but before we go there let's have a look at the appendix the appendix isn't a mistake did you know that the appendix is a very important organ it has a nickname it's called the colons oil can because what the appendix does it lubricates the contents that come out so they can pass with ease through the colon the appendix also releases antibacterial fluid so if what's coming out of the small intestine is toxic it can release fluid there to calm it down why would
it come out of here toxic definitely it's always toxic on a meat diet you see dogs dogs digestive tract is about about 1 and 1/2 M long and their meat is it's in and out quickly whereas human beings it's about 8 and a half M long so by the time it's getting down here it's putrifying this is a warm environment you just put meat in a warm environment overnight what's happening to it it's going bad yes there are enzymes in there that are breaking it down yes that is happening because lots of people eat meat
and they're not dead so if someone does want to eat meat they really have to pack it out with a lot of vegetables to get it through without it poisoning them another problem with meat is there's no fiber and so it easily can get caught in these little pockets another reason why if someone chooses to eat meat it must be with a lot of vegetables to move it through now if a person's eating meat that food's putrifying and if they have a steak say and ice cream for dessert that Sugar feeds that putrification process so
what's coming out here is pretty bad now if what's coming out here is constantly bad that appendix starts to overwork and it starts to swell you've heard of people getting appendicitis it's usually just poor old appendic is is just overworked so what this colon needs and we looked at that a little bit today it needs fiber your vegetables are your highest fiber food vegetables are high in fiber high in minerals low in sugars whereas fruit is high in fiber but it's high in sugars and low in minerals so your healing foods are more your vegetable
Foods one of the main functions of the colon is to take water out so stools are formed so it's very important to drink adequate water so your colon doesn't have to take too much water out to form the stools so what happens if a person is only going once a day how can they encourage their colon to go more choose a high fiber diet make sure they're well hydrated make sure they're exercising what if they're doing all of that and they're still only going once a week and I've met some people that are or usually
when they start that they'll start going at least three times a week the cells in our body develop habits and often the colon has developed a habit so it's actually even though you're doing everything right it's in the habit of not going so there are herbs that'll revive colon function and the herb tea mix that we are serving you we call it colon tea because these herbs specifically directly affect the function of the colon and this is the recipe one part cascara two part liqu and three part Buckthorn Lish is a root and Buckthorn and
cascara are bks so they all need a gentle simmer so of that mix you mix it together in a jar and the recipe is one teaspoon of these herbs to one cup of water and then there is a gentle simmer and you would simmer them for say 10 minutes and the dose is most people one cup at night will do if a person's a bit more frequent half a cup at night only in about three cases of I ever met people that would need three cups a day but not forever these herbs if continually taking
it gets to the point where you have to take less and less and less your body's guide basically is your body's response or your guide is your body's response this is the only uh tea that I know that acts like a laxative but it's not addictive because eventually you'll go so much you won't need to take it again at the same time you got to eat the fiber be well hydrated have most of your food at breakfast and lunch eat lightly at night on Wednesday night we're going to be looking at a pus lecture where
and you can put castal compressors on the abdomen and that penetrates deep and can help to break up any lumps in there also at our health retreat in Australia we have a colonic irrigation system and that's very good at starting to clean out the cold and get it moving a little bit better all that is is warm water going in and coming out again so it basically just softens old buildup now as I mentioned to you this morning another important point is the proper position when you sit on the throne to evacuate to allow this
red muscle this red muscles called pubo rectus and pubo rectus is there to prevent us uh being in continent with our colon and I'll recap what I went through this morning for the sake of the film and also repetition deepens the impression so when a person is sitting on the throne like this puber rectus remains firm so it's holding still up the colon but if someone has a little stool or maybe they've paid the money from Bed Bath and Beyond and got a Squatty Potty so now they they are mimicking the squatting position and when
the Le knees are up like this mimicking the squatting position that causes pubo re tilus to relax and when pubo recc tilus relaxes then the colon opens and the contents is able to be released with ease it takes a lot of pressure off the the anus which means it can prevent hemorrhoids and it can even contribute to the healing of hemorrhoids in many countries today people still squat I met a young man only 25 years of age and he had a fisha what's a fisha you've got one opening in the anus but another opening here
and he was so embarrassed as you can imagine for years he's had this swelling and he used to tell his friends that he had this discomfort and they used to say don't worry about it's just hemorrhoids finally he married and his wife was a nurse and for the first time someone looked at it and she saw a swelling there and it and it burst one day and a lot of blood and pus came out but because he continued to eat a bad diet refined food lots of wheat lots of meat the pressure remained to the
point where he now had a fish which means a hole came right through there and back through to his anus which is very uncomfortable so the doctor did a colonoscopy on him and found a whole heap of polyps in here and took the polyps at 25 years of age I talk to his mother he had had all the symptoms of a wheat and a dairy intolerance from a very young age but he continued to eat it not knowing what it was doing to him so there's two things that had to happen here one thing is
the wheat Dairy refined sugar had to stop slippery arm started to be taken to heal the colon and I said to him you need to get a little stool to take all the pressure on this area down here he said it's interesting you say that to me because he said 6 months ago my mates and I were camping out in the bush so we had to dig a hole and squat and he said it was so comfortable for me because it didn't have pressure there now I told him that one thing that will speed up
that healing is to get two tubs and he was a fairly slim young man so he could easily get tubs that he sits in so two tubs this is a hydrotherapy treatment and it's called sits baths so he sits in the tub of hot water that's how he's got to sit and the water's like this so he has a hot tub and he does that for 3 minutes then he does a coal tub ideally with ice cubes in it and he does that for 30 seconds and these sits bars he does three times on Thursday
night Vanessa is going to be talking to you about hydrotherapy you see what's next medically they start cutting he's 25 his wife's pregnant with their first child and that's why he agreed to see me so I said to him if you implement stopping the wheat Dairy refined sugar you start the slippery arm to heal that you start doing the sits bars I said do them every night how long will that take 10 minutes I said you just got to have the tubs you just got to make an appointment I said that will bring a lot
of relief this the doctor had just put a rubber Loop between the fisha and the anus and the poor man you know he could hardly walk he could hardly sit 25 that's the first of a series of operation they planned to do I said if I was you I'd put all that on hold and try this you see the body's designed to heal itself and it will heal itself if you give it the right conditions you see what may happen another operation and then then another operation and oops it's not working and so now there
is too many PPS and some of the PPS are cancer so they they start they now start taking part of the large colon away and then he has to have a colostomy which is a hole here with a bag who it's not looking good not looking good I said to him it is not by accident that I'm here to speak to you I believe this was a Divine appointment he said thank you so much many people are sick through ignorance so before we close let me just go back to the stomach I looked at what
causes a reduction in your hydrochloric acid how can you increase it stop drinking with the meal start having breakfast like a king lunch like a queen tea like a paa and have the juice of a lemon with a tiny bit of boiling water in it just before the meal because a your lemon is acid and it's a great digestive Aid the other thing you can do is put a quarter of a teaspoon of cane pepper in a little water and have that just before the meal won't it burn it actually never Burns it just feels
like it it tingles a little bit but it will also wake up the gastric gland and it is in that way that you can increase your body's ability to digest same pineapple pineapple enzymes pineapple enzymes that's a good question let me show you that now notice notice that um the stomach releases pepsin and it releases and the jodine via the pancreas Tron and chimon those three are proteolytic enzymes proteolytic and proteolytic enzymes break down protein and there are two plants that have proteolytic enzyme one is the pineapple and the pineapple Apple has Broman in it
and that is a protolytic enzyme and the papaya has papane in it so proteolytic enzymes break down protein so your proteolytic enzyme is Tron and troton and pepsin and these also are proteolytic enzymes the good news is you can buy brolene and papane in a tablet form a concentrated form and I personally would prefer someone use the lemon juice or the can pepper because it boosts your stomach to make its own but if someone has pancreatic problems pancreatitis pancrea pancreas um that is cancerous they need the protic enzymes many people with pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer
die of malnutrition can you see why because the pancreas is the main organ of digestion so if anyone has pancreatic problems the proteolytic enzymes propane and bromine are vital for them some products have something called porine in it and that's an enzyme extracted from the stomach of the pig I'm not interested in that so be mindful when you read your labels and there are some herbs that are very bitter and they stimulate the release of digestive enzymes liver enzymes and pancreatic and that is gensin and dandelion and St Mary's thistle or sometimes it's called milk
thistle so the beauty of these three herbs is they will increase digestion in the stomach they will increase the livers ability to release its spile and also pancreas so those three herbs do those three so they stimulate it to do it where the brolene and the papine they basically can even take the place of those other protolytic enzymes and there ends our journey through the gastrointestinal tract and tomorrow we're going to look at at the liver and I'm going to show you what happens to these tiny little microscopic particles that have been broken down from
these foods and come into the blood we will continue our journey so tomorrow we look at what happens once those microscopic particles are in the blood and how the liver deals with them so thank you for your attention [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a
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8 Things to Help Heal Diverticulitis | Dr....
Dr. Janine Bowring, ND
26.02.2016 - Barbara O'neill - The Acid/Alkaline Balance
26.02.2016 - Barbara O'neill - The Acid/Al...
Royal Oak Seventh-day Adventist Church
"Personal Testimony" by Barbara O'Neill (10/10)
"Personal Testimony" by Barbara O'Neill (1...
We Are Living in Unprecedented Times
We Are Living in Unprecedented Times
Bernie Sanders
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