[Music] today you will learn to automate your marketing reports on Google local studio and I will make a whole promise you are going to become an expert on Google local Studio you will see that in a matter of hours you will learn a new skill that will work forever for your career that will increase your Revenue that will increase your company's revenue and will give you a new way of thinking of marketing through data and that will save you a lot of time what this what makes this course special is that you won't only learn
Google looking Studio you will learn to win with your marketing data I am Juan founder of Potter and I happen to be a marketer who also love this stuff about data and Automation and I will tell you some of the benefits of data reporting first the one that you already know which is making data driven decisions you already know this we can go beyond this you will learn to tell stories with your data because remember your presentations your reports your dashboards are a mean to persuade and influence your clients if you're an agency or your
team if you are a company you will enable a culture of transparency because everyone will know what is actually happening in the company because they have the metrics available accountability because you can assign a specific metrics and kpis and no KRS to specific individuals or teams and experimentation because let's face it marketing is hard marketing is mostly smiling while you don't know what you are doing but at least you try but at least you can validate and test because you have your metrics available also the most time consuming task for marketers is copying and pasting
data mobile sheets so they can analyze it and you will automate this task to save time every week also you will learn to play differently because let's face it most marketers won't learn this they will say this is boring this is hard this is for analysts this is for engineers I am a social media guy and I don't need to whatever every marketer should learn data analysis and Reporting in general and you will gain a new competitive Advantage if I ask you what makes you special against large competitors there is only one answer they have
the money they have the talent they have the resources but you can move faster and you can move faster because you have the data to make these decisions also you are more likely to reach your goals if you are constantly tracking them on a dashboard and finally you will learn this because this is super simple to learn as I told you today you will learn to automate your marketing reports on Google local Studio I will see you in the next classes this is how you will learn Google looking Studio first I will show you some
use cases and examples of marketing reports that are built on this tool then I will show you how to connect your data from Facebook Shopify Google analytics or whatever on local Studio then I will show you how to ask the correct questions with metrics and dimensions and with this now you can create your first charts if you can create your first charts know what metrics to choose on how to connect your data now you can create your first Basic Marketing reports but if you want to go beyond basic you want to make your reports interactive
for instance adding buttons filters parameters date ranges and more then I will show you how to calculate your own metrics like compression rates engagement rates cost per acquisition and more and then I will show you how to combine your data sources for instance you want to know what is your total spend from Google ads Facebook ads and Bing ads if anyone uses being nowadays okay with chatipity they do anyways if you want to combine your data or blend your data from multiple data sources you can do it on Luca Studio then I will show you
other types of charts like part charts a pivot tables community visualizations and way more and I will show you how to design and customize your report so they look white label so you can add your logo your colors and so on finally I will show you how to share your reports with your clients or team through links embedding your reports on your website PDF email and so on and finally I will tell a little bit more about parametrics the startup that lets you connect your data to Google local Studio where the fastest way to get
your marketing reports I will help you with personalized free customer support and we have the most complete report templates gallery and tutorials on the internet about Google local studio so with this you will learn Google local Studio welcome again [Music] we will start with one of the most important components of Google local Studio which is connecting your marketing data on your reports and I will show you not only how to connect your data but how to bring multiple data sources in a single view so you can actually centralize all your marketing data in one place
first you want to meet Google looking Studio connectors a connector is the app that brings the data from a source like Google analytics and pulls this data on Google lucrative Studio Google has its own connectors that are free for Google analytics for Google search console for SEO at YouTube Google ads and more you want to know that the free Google analytics for connection has some limitations and that's why users tend to use third-party apps like Potter so their reports don't break and they work faster now there are other third-party connectors we are not the only
ones but for this tutorial I will only mention my company sorry that's it but you can browse other competitors as well but anyways you can use also third-party connectors to bring third-party data from other apps that are not Google related for instance if you want to put your data from Facebook pages Facebook ads Instagram Shopify MailChimp your CRM e-commerce whatever that's why our metrics exist we connect your data to Google looker Studio Google Sheets and we are exploring all our destinations and if you don't have a connector available for instance you want to connect your
own custom CRM or whatever you can still connect any data by bringing your data on a Google sheet and then connecting this Google sheet on Lucas Studio this way you can connect anything or if you are a developer you can use Google bigquery you can bring and centralize your data we will be querying them you can easily visualize it all on local studio so this is another approach if you are a developer Google bigquery is super fast super reliable and if you are not available now I will show you and we will get started so
you will go to Google and you will type Google looker studio and you will go to the first organic organic result you won't click Those ads go to Google looking studio right away then you will create your account I have created my account in advance so I I can see this right away but if you are new we will ask you to see where you come from and Etc once you find once you end your signing up process then you will see this view then I will create a new report by clicking on blank report
and the first thing to create my report is to connect a data source and I will start with the default for every marketer which is Google analytics the free connector by Google so you will click on Google analytics you will log in you will authorize the connection and you will choose your first Google analytics account so I will pick the one count of Google actually you can Google how to get access to an account or if you have your own Google analytics account I recommend it to you I will pick this account then I will
click on Earth I will choose the property property and connect now I have pulled my first data and my first chart on Google local Studio we are almost done you have done the most complicated thing of Google okay Studio that's it so this chart was created automatically and it is pulling data from the Google analytics for data source what I will do is that I will remove it and I will go to insert on insert you will see all the options of charts that you have available on Google local studio and they are not all
here you will choose one of the visualizations and we will put a scorecards which are the most common visualizations and I will pull it pull it right here so here I have a visualization and the metric by default was views but I will change that metric so I will go to metric in the right side and I will type a different metric let's type for instance users and I can pick the metric that says total users and here you have we have created our first scorecard showing the total users of my website chart instead of
creating one from scratch and I will put it in the right side here on the right side I will do a change instead of total users I will pull revenue and I am bullying revenue and I will do it a third time I will create another chart on our scorecard just by copy and pasting and I will change the metric to event counts so I can know the total conversions or events that I am logging on Google local Studio we are almost done as you can see this is super simple it is just copy and
pasting I will again copy and paste and I will show you something else I will make this chart a little bit bigger so instead of a scorecard I can go to a top right corner and I can choose the visualization type and in this visualization type instead of a scorecard I will choose a Time series and you have it there we have created a Time series but it is very small so I will make it a little bit longer a little bit bigger and now we have a Time series showing over time the number of
events that we are logging on our website now I will go to other chart this is another way to do it and I will pick one of the tables whatever of this work so I will display here I have the table right down there and they hurry automatically and now I can change this table I want to visualize here I'm visualizing events by date but I want to do something I want to visualize instead of events I want to visualize the even name so I am visualizing how many events are happening by event type as
you can see the most common event on my website is space views then clicks and so on so as you can see I change the table with the dimensional metrics I wanted but maybe you don't know what an emotional metric is you'll understand this no worries because we will see it in the next class and I will copy and paste the same table but this time I will change the data I want to visualize the source the acquisition source of my traffic and I can see what are the most common or people are coming from
I see that most people come from direct which is nothing and many people come from Google organic other people come from a specific UTM parameter and as you can see we have created our first marketing report congratulations always Google analytics data but I told you that you could connect other data sources in the same chart so I will make this report a little bit smaller and I will centralize it so I choose all the visualization I'll select them and I can make them small all of them all at once now I have centralized my data
I have my report it looks good okay it looks good then I will go to Resource and this is super common most of the time you will do this you will go to Resource and you will click on manage other data sources here is where you will see all the data sources that you have connected to your report as you can see I am connecting Google analytics Port here now I will connect Facebook ads but for instance if you tell me hey Juan I want to have different website connected from Google analytics you can do
the same process you can connect as many data sources as you want on Google lucrative Studio I will add a new data source and you will go to a search bar and you will type polar metrics because this is the company but you can type anything but you will do it with border right because now we like each other you will type order and you will see all our connectors available and in this case I will pick Facebook ads but you can pick anything if you don't have Facebook no worries you can pick any data
source and simply connect it I will pick Facebook ads I will log into my Facebook profile to my personal account and this will pull all the Facebook accounts available to me but I need to set some parameters to bring this data on local Studio first I will choose the Facebook ad account and I will choose Porter I will choose that checkbox I will show you why next then I will choose a compression window if you're not familiar with compression Windows no worries just choose the default option this is for Facebook advertisers and finally I will
choose the compression date also choose the recommended one if you are not familiar with what and this data will match with your ads manager and finally you will use the check boxes you will activate them all of them because eventually if you want to get assistance from powder or from someone else these people can change these parameters without accessing the connection what do I mean I connected my personal Facebook profile if someone wants to change this they cannot because this connection is mine if you allow these checkboxes in the report any user now can change
the Facebook account even though it is mine so it is very good for support or for letting other one or other people edit your reports now this will say Hey you allow parameter sharing which means hey you will allow that other people will change these parameters in the in the report I will say hello and we are done we have connected the data but I don't see any difference I don't see any Facebook report here what I need to do is I will select these three scorecards that have Google analytics for us you can see
the three have Google analytics and I will create a copy and paste it and all of them all at once I can change the data source to Facebook ads as you can see I clicked on data source and now I can change it from Google analytics to Facebook ads these are the two data sources listed that I have connected to my report and once I do it I have connected Facebook ads to these charts and as you can see I am displaying data but this data is not relevant to me it says one and nothing
and so on I need to change the metrics so I will go to a first metric and instead of account users I will choose amount spent to know my total I spent in the second one I will choose another one let's say leads and they have no link for this account so I will choose clicks and then I will choose a different um chart here so I will make it a little bit smaller where I have Google analytics for data I will create a copy and now I will change it for Facebook ads so in
Facebook ads I will use amount to spend and as you can see we have a marketing Report with multiple data sources here but I will repeat the exercise so you can see that it is super simple and it works the same way I will go to Resource I will go to manager data sources search Power metrics now I will choose Instagram pages and on Instagram I will connect my Facebook profile this will bring my Instagram accounts I will pick this one from my friend I will allow the parameters and I will add but what will
happen I see nothing this this is the issue of the Instagram account what I will do refresh Google local Studio this is a good practice you should know that Google Chrome studio is free so it has some glitches it doesn't show so you will refresh Google looker Studio and now you will be able to change the data source and now you will be displaying Instagram um organic Instagram insights now I will do the same exercise instead of this amount spent I want to visualize my profile Impressions from Instagram by date and here we have created
a report and finally for this chart I will use the total reach for instance or total followers here I choose the total followers for that visualization to recap in this report we have Google analytics data Facebook has data and Instagram data in the same view if you have done this you have created your first multi-channel marketing report on Google local Studio let's see how to connect your Google Sheets data on Google Chrome studio and first I suggest you to download our template the CRM template you can only simply access to a link that I will
provide you on the description below and once you have this template you can simply go to file and on file and make a copy and I'll make a copy you can create a copy of this document now you can interact with this document once you have made a copy of this document it is time to create our Google look SEO report and this step is simple you will go to Google studio and you will create a new Google lucra studio report here you will connect Google Sheets and on Google Sheets you can find all the
documents that are associated to your Gmail account in this case I can see the crn template there so you can easily find it here I can see the shared documents with me so you can see the ones that you own and the ones that are shared with you okay let's see these are coming so we will search the CRM template you can see a title of the document and now when you go to Google studio you can find this document the next step is finding the worksheet that specifically is the table that we want to
bring to Google local studio in this case it is called deals and on the others once we find them now we can see some options some options are use the first round of applicators column headers must be unique column with npt Etc I will explain this I will suggest you that the first row of your Google Sheets is always the name of your Dimensions otherwise you will be limited when your data is updated if you want to if you want that your dashboards are automatically changing based on the changes of your Google sheet I recommend
you to it this way to do it this way it means to have a table that is similar to a template that we are providing to you once we understand these options or once we understand that we can use or not the filters in my case I wouldn't use the filters because anyways I can use filters on Google Sheets on Google studio then I can click on that and we have created our report and we have connect Google Sheets it is time to create our first charts so I will go to insert and then I
will go to table and I will bring a table but I will change the fields that I am seeing so as a metric I want to view value value in our Google Sheets represent the money for every contact in our CRM the money that they are bringing to our business so I will use this metric but I will show you the rule sheets where to find this so on our Google Sheets one column is called contact name as the table that we have on Google look at the studio and we have also a column for
Value so here I can see that the same values or the same dimensions and metrics that I'm seeing here they can exactly explain them is display them on the Google Lucas to your report so on look at a studio I have this table and I am breaking down my sales data by contact now I will go to insert and I will create a Time series chart and I will paste it right here and here I can see over time my sales but look at this the metric that I'm using is value which is sales so
I am seeing myself over time but there is a metric as well that is called record count record count I actually will remove value and I will explain record count record count is the number of routes that your document has so automatically by default Google lucrative studio is counting all the rows and it will create a metric for that and according to is we can have 110 routes or counts and this is a metric for Google looking Studio so I will go to our Google look restore report and I will go to insert and before
this this table or this time series that we're seeing is showing over time how many deals we are having based on the Wall Street Route so once we understand this we will create another chart I will go to insert and on insert I will go to pie chart and I will paste these pie chart here now here I can break down my data by date but instead I would like to choose owner so owner also the column that I can find on the Google Sheets so I will go back and I will paste owner so
now I have a chart I have a dashboard where I can break down my CRM data by owner so I can see what a salesperson is performing the rest I can see my contacts and I also can see what contact is bringing more value or more money to our business and also you can see over time how many deals we have now what else I can do I can change the size of design series because I want to add more charts to this dashboard so I will make it smaller and I will go to insert
I don't insert I will choose column chart or bar chart and I will paste the wire chart right here here I want to change the dimension instead of date I want to do opportunity stage and with opportunity stage I can see in one step of the funnel are all my deals by default the metric is record count but you can use something else like value so we change I have opportunities to share but what I'm doing here is not changing the metrical Dimension I am changing the Sorting of our table so if you go here
you can see that we are on sort and this table is sorting by a record count which means that it will show always the stage that has more deals I I don't want to do this because I want to visualize my funnel so I want to organize by a stage so instead of record count I will choose opportunity stage and now we are sorting our data by a stage but I will make it ascending so I can see this over time and actually it is descending so I have the the fifth stage then the fourth
the three and the third and so on now I am displaying my deals by estate so I can see in what stage most of my deals are now what else is missing here what I will do is I clicked I can click in one or any of these bars and on One of These Bars you can see that all my metrics and all my charts are changing as well so when you create by default a chart on Google look at Studio is also a made uh a filter and it's called cross filtering but we have
another class for that another lesson for that I will remove this filter I want to just to show you this feature and now I will change the order to ascending so I have my stages of my deals correctly set up so I have first leads then qualified then follow-ups proposal and negotiation as you can see I needed to add the numbers to this field so Google Sheets could understand the order of these values of the dimension opportunity stage now I will use the metric again record instead of record count I will use value so I
can see my sales potential per stage from my CRM data now I will go to my table and I want to replicate they will cheat I have because Google is a table I know I have a table as well here so I will choose a table and I will bring other dimensions like the company name the contact name and the phone number now I have a table that displays the data as I am displaying it in a Google sheet as well so you can see all your contacts data in a single table and this table
exactly matches your data from Google Sheets now I will go to other page because I want to show you a different chart so another page I will go to click on other chart and I will choose map and if I paste them up here let's take a look it breaks and it is breaking because Google look at Studio doesn't understand what city is we have I mentioned that it's called City but see it is a text I need to explain Google looker Studio what kind of data we are retrieving from our Google Sheets so I
will fix this I will go to Resource I will go to manage data sources and I will go to edit in this step we will explain Google look restorio our data on Google Sheets for instance this is the default selection from Google looker studio for Google looker Studio value was a number but a more accurate way to tag our our metric is a currency so I can choose the type of field that I am visualizing and instead of number I can choose currency and I can choose US dollar now the field value is a currency
that represents US Dollars now the next field is city city is actually a text but it is more accurate if I make it a city as a value so we use geographical data so I will click on text and I will change the data type as Geographic and as Siri and I will continue I will accept this and now I will see what next what other dimensions I can change company name is a text contact image attacks contact name is a text date created by default Google studio interpreted it correctly and it is added opportunity
last modified is a date as well so everything is going well here and phone number is a number but you will never do any mathematical formal formula with it you won't multiply this so it is actually a text you will take it as a text and now uh here what we did is that we explained local Studio our data on Google Sheets now I will click on done and we will be done and we click on close I will remove this original map and I will create it again so I will click on insert then
I will click on vowel map and on vowel map I will paste my new map here and here now identified Google request to identified the dimension CD correctly as a city it is time to make this vowel or this map more useful so for the size of the vowels I will use breaker count now if you want to go to Evolution compare the data there is a column that represents City and as you can see you can see Denver radio Tokyo and if you have seen money hist you know what I am talking about and
here now I have a map where I can display my data and with this you can see that you can just visualize any data from Google system local Studio but I will add something else what about if we make our report interactive and we have a lesson about filters and controls on Google studio but today I will give you a selection of this so here I will go to other control and on our control go to drop down list and now I can choose a drop down in the report let's see what I can do
with this did I mention that I will use 1bcd but opportunity status so I want to see if my deals are won lost or pending I will choose it I will go to a View mode of my report and now I can filter my data by status for instance I want to see only the one deals I have and now we'll show you this again and now this will break down my data and will always only show my deals that we have won the actual money that we have in our business and in One locations
this value these deals come from and with this you know already how to connect your data to Google looker studio so you can automate your reports for any data and if you want to access this Google sheet template you can go through the store or you can access the link below in the description of this video I will see you in the next lesson this lesson is about creating charts on Google local Studio on how to analyze data with them in this lesson I will show you how to analyze data and how to use a
specific charts and when so I will start I will create a new Google Lookers to your report and I will connect a data source the most common one I will say is Google analytics so I will connect Google analysis data you already know how to connect your data if not you can go to the specific tutorial on connecting your data on Google looker studio so here I will add a new chart and the most common type of chart that we will use is scorecards I will say scorecard is the general the basic one which is
simply displaying a metric so I will paste this protocol here and now I can change the number I want to visualize or the metric so instead of views I will do sessions and now we are done with the scorecards whenever or always that you create a report most of the times you will start with a scorecard because the first thing I want to know is the what and this is the best way to describe to describe what is happening all the other charts like pie charts bar charts time series describe the how or maybe the
why that's why this is the most General one that you will use so here I will have a new one which is a table and I will drop it right here and what makes tables special is that I will say they are the most useful way to visualize your data and the most generic one because you can add as many dimensions as a matrix as you like with time series you can only choose a handful of metrics with tables you can use all your metrics and to me tables are the best way to say multiple
stories it's not the most visual way to do it but I will say it is the most complete that's why many users still use Google Sheets to visualize or to analyze their data because it is simply useful it's simply works so here I have a table now I will do some changes instead of even name I will display for instance the full page URL and now I am breaking down my traffic by Page URL so here I can know what pages are the most important ones or the ones that bring more traffic to my website
I will create a new type of chart so I will go to other chart and now I will do some series What I Love About Time series after scorecards and tables I will say this is the most common one because it is very common that we want to see data over time so I want to see my data and break it down by date or I can change by week or by month or whatever I want so I will click here on Dimension and instead of date I will choose week and now you see that
you can break down your data over time I think that 10 series are very helpful to see the evolution over time to find patterns to find to find Trends especially in marketing if you want to see if you are growing or not if the campaigns that you're doing are working I think that time series are the best way to spot those insights that's why to me in general all the marketing reports can miss anything but scorecard stables and I'm serious to me these are the most important visualizations that you can create now I will go
with bar charts and bar charts are another way to break down your data if you ask me bar charts are like tables but to display less data more visually so for instance I will use bar charts like gender to break down my data and now I can see my traffic by gender but I wouldn't say this is the best use case for bar charts to me bar charts are great when I want to display ordinal data versus Cardinal data oh my God what is that that was so nerdy I don't know actually if that's the
name in English by the way this is the translation in Spanish but is data that has an order for instance the days of the week have an order Monday Tuesday Wednesday and so on but gender doesn't have an order you can display it however you want the source of acquisition of this traffic doesn't have an order Google doesn't come after Facebook for instance but age groups um what say that okay age groups our days of week have an order that's why barters to me are better for data whose values have an order that you can
use to break down your data very similar to our charts is pie charts and to be honest pie charts are one of the worst ways to visualize your data because you will lack a lot of context you won't see for instance if the data is evolving over time even though they look very good I I will accept it you will look very smart if you use them I wouldn't say they are the best one however to me they have the same use case as bar charts but the data might be Cardinal without an order so
in this chart instead of gender I could use source so I can display and can break down my data and I can see what source is bringing more traffic to my website and it looks great so to me these are the most common ones uh let's see other types of charts on Google local studio so I'll go to add a new page I want to add more charts but not in the spatial other page and now I will go to other chart and the next chart is a map I think this is very useful and
of course it is for geographical data I will paste it right here Google look at Studio offers different types of charts one that is a graphical more simple way and also you can embed a Google Maps this is actually a wall maps and as you can see I can only display geographical data so in if your data you have cities regions zip codes with specific locations this will work and you can display geographical data here what data I can visualize the dimensions or every point is a specific value a specific City for instance or a
specific country but you can add multiple metrics in a single map because I can change the size of the vowels and the colors of the vowels so actually you can add multiple metrics and visualize multiple metrics with maps so here this is an example of of a map and you can see for instance that this is actual data from parametrics I can see that we have traffic everywhere in the in the world that's fantastic instead or except for Russia but for all use reasons now I I will use a new type of chart that is
called a double axis chart so I will paste it right here and a double axis chart is very similar to a bar chart but I can combine multiple metrics or Dimension so here I will add the dimension category device category so I want to write down my traffic data by device so I want to see what brings more traffic to my website of course it's desktop so I want to visualize desktop um mobile and if someone ever uses a smart TV to use Google looker Studio that doesn't happen and I can use two metrics that's
why it is called double axis chart because I can find correlations between Matrix so this correlation is obvious the more sessions I have the more conversions I have but I could create some metrics that don't have a relation and that will to be that to me will be insightful for instance hey the more sessions I have on a website on on a specific page or on a specific device the less time perception you have that correlation doesn't exist but this is an example the more something happens the less something happens but in this case with
sessions and comparisons I don't think I will find this this example what is interesting at least I know that my traffic is relevant because the more session I have also the more conversions I have as well maybe there is a no use relation there now I will go to other chart and I will go with an area chart and to me this one is beautiful because this one combines the context of breaking down your data with bar charts or pie charts and also a context of overtime with date so it is the combination of a
Time series and a pie chart and I will show you an example of this of this thing so I will use session source to analyze the data with this chart I can see over time how my traffic is evolving so I know that my traffic is my traffic is steady every week that on weekends we don't have traffic and Google is the most important traffic source for our website but something important is that there is a purple area there and that's LinkedIn so it says that on April we used to have a lot of traffic
on LinkedIn and now we don't have it and this makes sense because in the latest days I haven't published on LinkedIn so this is useful because I can see more context over time over time I'm breaking down my data by a specific Dimension now let's see another example actually I will show you I actually added the analysis here we can see that for instance LinkedIn used to be more representative on April I will go I will create a new page and I will show you one of the least common charts that you will use but
that will make you look very smart which is the scary plot and to me it is actually very very useful not for General dashboards but for data analysis so I will use scarlet and it's current load let us compare and find relations between two or three metrics so here I will drop us and every point will be the value file I mentioned so in this case I will do it with page URL I want to see all the pages of my website in this chart and the Matrix that I will correlate are sessions 1 and
sessions per user so here I have this is a misconception of scarlet plots people think that they are only for finding correlations and I don't think there is any correlation between sessions per user and sessions the more sessions I have the less sessions producer I have it doesn't make sense the other use case for me is finding patterns and finding clusters finding where most of the pages are and where they are outliers this is an example for instance I can quickly notice that most of our website Pages have less than a thousand visits and most
of our website Pages have on average one visit per session but we have some outliers for instance this page is the most popular one it has a lot of traffic but only one visit per session and it is our app our home page of the app it makes sense and also I have this outlier that is very valuable because this page has a lot of traffic and people on average visited twice per session so this page is very important with this I can find instance to find my my most valuable pages on the website by
traffic and also by engagement now this is an example for instance this is also one of the pages of our app so I can see that our users are more intensively using this page and if I want to do some change maybe I should start here or if I want to add a pop-up to be more visual maybe I need to have something here because people stay longer or they visit more this page and many visits come to a special well this is a very good Insight actually we have another tutorial on how to analyze
your social media performance and we use color plots to find our best performing posts by comparing engagements and Impressions because sometimes social media posts have a lot of engagements but not that many Impressions or they have a lot of visibility but people don't engage with these posts so if I compare both I can see what are the best performing posts and the best performing posts are the ones that are better than the average on both Impressions or visibility and engagement this was an earth example by the way now I will show you a final type
of visualization so I will go to page I will go to add a new page I will go to other chart and now I will create a tree map and three maps to me are very useful because they allow us as well to break down our data but into levels or three levels or more and I will explain that concept better so here I will break down my data by medium so mediums are the way to categorize where our traffic comes from so traffic comes from social media or Google or PPC so that's the general
Dimension but there is also source and source is including medium for instance medium is social media but source is Facebook Tick Tock LinkedIn Twitter there are values within or inside the medium social media or for instance the medium is PPC okay the sources or the values of the source for PPC could be Facebook ads Google ads and so on so the good thing about tree Maps is that I can include multiple dimensions in Cascade that are grouping one dimensions in another dimension another example is hey I want to break down my data by device and
within device I want to break down my data by brand so I can break down by mobile and desktop and I can break down on mobile by brand so I have Samsung and I have apple for instance that's why three maps are very useful I can't break down my data in multiple levels with multiple dimensions and with this class I hope that you you have understood how a little bit more about how to create charts on Google looker Studio on how to analyze data with them let's see how to create scorecards with the sparklines on
Google Luca studio so you can add more context to your metrics that you are visualizing I will start from a scratch by creating a Google Lucas to your report so we click here on blank report in this case I will choose the Google analytics connector by Google and I will connect our website data our property as and we are almost done now I will click on insert because I will add a new chart and insert I will choose a scorecard I will paste it right here in the corner and I will choose a different metric
instead of views I will do it with sessions and I will add the sparkline and sparkling I will show you what it is like a Time series or a compliment to add context to a chart so in a spiral line I will choose by default date and as you can see the available Dimensions that I have I related with time so I am supposed to see this data over time like a Time series but smaller that's why it is called this program so here I have date and now I am visualizing my same sessions data
by date but this is not my only option because I can also break down my data by week so here I am visualizing my week but I can change the comparison or the context instead of comparing my data with dates or with weeks I can compare it against a progress against a fixed value again something else I will show you what I am talking about so here in other comparison options I can choose value and I can manually put an input like 200 000 so here I can use this to set an objective for instance
I have an objective for this this month to 200k visits and or 100K visits and I can put it here and instead of a Time series I could use a show as progress now I can have more context to my data because to me 57 000 sessions say nothing now 57 000 sessions is 57 percent less than my objective so I am falling behind for my objective with Google local studio and for traffic so here besides manual input I can do it more dynamically I can add a metric and I can compare to a metric
this is particularly useful if you have metrics so you can record goals for instance this is the case for Facebook ads you can have a budget Target and you can have the actual Aspen so you can monitor your actual ad spend with Facebook ads so I will click on other metric and in this case I will do it with even count for instance just as an example and I can compare my sessions against even counts on I can see that my progress is low but this is just an example so here I will keep with
periods and I will show it not as a progress but as a Time series and I will go to a style because I can customize this a little bit more the first thing is that for this power line I can change the color so I will make it this green and I can fill this so it looks better I really like it more and I can make it smooth a smooth is that I can remove the borders of this thing and with this now you know how to create a scorecards with a spark lines on
Google looker studio so your data has more context see you in the next tutorial [Music] hey there let's see how to create heat maps on Google lucrative studio so you can see when your customers are interacting with your clients and I will show you what I am talking about so I will start this tutorial the first thing is that you will create a Google lucrative steel report and you will go to insert and on insert you will go with pivot table pivot table is the chart that we will use to create our heat map so
I will click on pivot table the next step is that heat maps are generally big because we need to break down our data by days of week and hours of day so make sure that you expand your chart then the Rouse that you will use for your data are the hours of day so here I will choose hour of day in this case I am connecting Facebook as data you can use any connector most connectors have hourly breakdowns for Facebook ads it is called hourly stats aggregated by Advertiser and the column Dimensions that you will
use to break down your data is day of week so here I will choose day of week and the metric can be anything that you want to see to visualize concentration so you can use engagements clicks conversions whatever so here I will be using clicks for Facebook ads so I want to see at what time people are interacting most the most with my ads if I were using Google analytics for then sessions will be a better way to do it here I will expand this a chart a little bit more and now I have my
kid map but it still misses the hit so I will show you how to do it first we need to sort the data for the router hours I need to make them descending so I start from 1am to am 3 AM they have an order and also fourth day of week so I will do that the Sorting instead of the metric I will do it with the hour of day and I will make it ascending so we start from early to night and also for columns day of week it will be ascending to start from
Sunday to to a Thursday Friday and so on so here I have this I will click on chart and I will make a change I will make this change the style of this thing so here instead of just pivot table there is an option to add a pivot table but as a heat map and here you will be able to see a heat map where we will see concentration in this exercise what we are doing is that we can see exactly at what hour of day and what day of week we are having more interactions
with our data so in this case for instance we see that on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4 PM to 7 PM let's say to 10 pm people are interacting the most what you can do with this data actually this is something I have done at Potter when I want to launch webinars or emails and so on I take in consideration peak hour so I send content on this time because I know that people are more active during these hours the other thing is I can reschedule my support team if I know that my supporting my
clients are interacting more with me and they are reaching out to support uh more often at this time then I will have more people for support available at this time and maybe for overtime I I don't need them I don't need to count on them so these are the kind of ideas that you can do with heat maps on Google looker Studio [Music] here is how to make your Google Lookers do your reports interactive and the first way I will show you to do it is by changing the dates of your report so you can
go to any lucrative report in this case I am using one with Google analytics data and you will see that there is nothing so I don't know what date I am seeing by default as far as I know Google looker Studio displays the last 28 days but I will change this so I will go to a menu and I will click on an option that says or that is called add a control and there is an option that is called date range control I will click there and I will paste this new widget wherever I
want I will paste it right here in the top right corner of my report so by default I am seeing the last 28 days but I will change it so I will click on the widget and the new data will choose is from October 1st to October 19 of 2022 and I will click on apply and as you can see I am changing the date of my report but there is a problem with static dates whenever someone opens this report whatever the date it is it won't change it is fixed it is static so I
will change that I will make this date Dynamic depending on the current date I will explain I will go again to a widget and you will see a word that says fixed you will click there you will see it in the top right corner of this window and now you will see options to make your day Dynamic so you can display the last seven days the last 14 days Etc you can display this month today this year this year to date whatever for this exercise I will do it with this month to date I will
choose this option and also I can choose if I want to exclude today's data or I can include it here in this option but I will leave it as it is and I will click on apply and here I have a report that will change my data accordingly so if I am in November this month is November then it will display November's data the is how it works but this date range is changing the entire dashboard what about changing the dates for a particular chart so I will go to a specific chart and it will
show you how to do this exercise how to change different dates per chart so on my report I will go to this scorecard and in the right side of the panel where you can choose where you can choose matrix dimensions and so on you will see an option that is called default date range by default it displays automatic automatic means that it will use the date range of your widget but I will go with custom and on custom instead of this month to date I will choose this year to date so this date will respect
or will apply only for this chart for the rest of the chart for the rest of the dashboard we will use the one that we are choosing on the widget and this is how you can change the rates of your Google Lookers to your reports foreign so your dashboards are interactive in the past I showed you how to update this time I will show you how to add controls or buttons to filter your data and I will tell you what I mean with this this is a Google ads dashboard that is displaying the overall performance
of all my campaigns I can see Impressions clicks conversions but I want to see a performance of a specific campaign or a specific ad group or device Etc so here I will click on campaign and I will choose only one of the campaigns and now my data is filtered by this campaign this is the data only and particularly for that campaign this way I can add context to the data and see only the things I want to to visualize how to do this I will create a drop down and you will see it is super
simple so here I have a Google request to a dashboard that you can take you can take any dashboard and you will go to other control and another control you will choose the option drop down anyways you can explore all the optional lists but I will use the drop down because I think it is the most common one I will use drop down I will put it here and I am breaking down my data by date but I don't want date instead I want to visualize by Source because I want to filter where my traffic
comes from and the second thing is I want to see hey my traffic comes from Google from direct from Bing and so on but I want to sort this data better so in metric I can use a metric to sort the data for instance I want to see what source is bringing the most conversions so I will use this metric for conversions and now I have sorted the values of this Dimension by conversions what does this mean it means that the dimension is Source the values of the dimension is okay the sources are direct organic
email social and I want to display the order by most conversions that's the query I just created and I have a button that I can use to change so with this button what I can do what a user can do is hey I want to filter my data only by organic traffic and boom alternator of this report is only filtering organic traffic and this is how you can break down your data with filters and controls see you in the next in the next lesson about filters and controls [Music] in this lesson I will show you
how to add sliders to your Google look SEO report so we can see additional way to use filters and controls to make your reports interactive and for sliders I will do an exercise I have this Google Lookers to your report where I have already added a drop down to display the sources and to filter them and also a search bar it is time for me to add this slider so I will create a new page I will go in the top left Page in the top left section of Google studio and I will see an
option that says page one of two I will click there and an option to display a new page a new land page will show up and I will go to app I will go to other page and now I have a blank page it is time to connect data so I will go to resource manager edit and sources you know this already and here I will add a new data source so in this new data source I will type for instance Facebook ads I will choose order metrics of course I will connect my Facebook ads
account remember this is something that we saw in our lesson on how to connect your data to Google looker Studio I will choose my Facebook account and now I have a table you can use whatever connector the idea is that you have a table with a metric so you can create a slider and you understand how it works so here I have a table where I display my CTR broken down by date I want to see the CTR that I have every day so here now to add the slider I will go to other control
and on another control I will go to a slider and I will put it right here it is not working why because the values that I need to use for this are metrics no dimensions and this one this hour is is a dimension so instead of our I will use CTR now I can display the CTR the next step is going to style because I want to change the range I want to visualize so I want to change the range from 0 to 1 for instance and I will click on view now viewers can interact
with users later for instance I want to only see the dates whose CTR belong to a range that I Define so here I will change the CTR I only want to display from a 0.28 to 0.64 percent and now I am filtering the data and now I am only visualizing the rates that respect this data range and this is how you can use a sliders on your Google Lookers to your reports to filter not your Dimensions but your metrics [Music] here's how to add search bars on Google Lookers to your reports you can go to
any Google report in this case I am using one with Google analytics data and on the menu you will find an option that is called add a control in the third option you will see one that is called input box that's the same thing as a search bar so I will use that widget and I will paste it whatever I want in this report by default it is using date for the filter but this is not what I want so I will click on this new widget and for the control field instead of date I
will search for page title now my filter works with page title so let's do an example I will type something like Google and I will enter and it removed all the data so what is happening here this is saying if the page title is equal to Google then show me later but there is no page that is exactly called like Google so I will make this rule less restrictive I will go to style and I will change the condition instead of equals I will do it with contains you can do it also with the Stars
with a regular expression but I will do it with contains I think it is the most common one so with contains now I can try it again I will type oogle and now it will filter my traffic only with the pages whose page title contains the word Google and here is how you can create a search bar on Google local Studio now we will learn how to use optional metrics optional metrics are another way to make your Google Lookers to your reports interactive and you will love it I will tell you why it is very
common that you want to visualize multiple metrics in a single dashboard and this is an example of my Google analytics data I want to visualize views sessions conversions and so on but I have the same chart type for for different metrics what about if I have a single chart for these four metrics I will tell you what I am talking about so I will add a new page and I will go to insert or to other charts and I will add a Time series here in the 10 series I already have a term series that
I am breaking down my data my date uh and Views so I am visualizing my My Views but I want to visualize my conversions remember so I will turn on the option that says optional metrics that is underneath my Matrix and here in optional Matrix I will add the other metrics so I will add sessions total users and evens I will go to a View mode and I will show you how this works here nothing is happening nothing is special but if I hover over this chart an icon will show up in the top right
corner of this chart and if I click there you see that I can choose the Matrix that I want to display so instead of views I want to visualize sessions I will remove views and I will keep sessions and as you can see I can visualize multiple metrics in a single chart so your charts or your dashboards are not that cluttered now there is something it is not obvious for users to hover on the charts so I will show you how to change and to solve that I will go back to edit I will go
back to his chart and I will go back to style and on a style I will go to an option that says chart Header by default your headers are hidden they only show when you hover over the specific chart so I will change it and I will put always show and without we show your users always we will see this icon where they can change their metric and with this you can add optional metrics so you have a single chart for multiple metrics and to make your reports interactive on Google looking Studio I will see
you in the next lesson [Music] another option to make your Google Lookers to your reports interactive is with drill downs and they are very similar to optional metrics I will tell you why we have this chart that already has optional metrics and if you haven't seen that Legend I encourage you to do it it is part of our Google local Studio tutorial but what I want to do is this thing let's say I want to add up date range and I want to visualize my traffic data over a period of a year so I will
change this year to date I will put this year to date up and boom I am seeing my traffic over the entire year date by date the problem is that using dates sometimes is very hard to tonalize so I want to break down my data by week by month by year and so on but I don't want to create different dimensions or different charts for this so I will click on this chart and I will select and turn on the option that says drill down it's worth the same as optional metrics and we drill down
automatically it will allow you to select or year or month or date in the same chart and actually if you want to choose week or day of week you can do it as well so here I will add a new field and I will display day of week for instance now I will go to view to show you how this works here I added week and now I have two options because I added an optional metric in the past I see the icon but also I am seeing arrows so I can change the date a
type for instance if I click here I am seeing date but if I click again and there I will see that I am breaking down my data by day of week and I can see that most of my traffic comes on Mondays I also can see that my traffic has been increasing and I haven't noticed that with my date but when I see this by month I see that I had a spike in October and also I want to break down this thing by date or or by week for instance in SEO you want to
visualize your data by date because SEO is a more long-term thing so I encourage you to visualize your SEO data for instance per week so you can see a Trends and changes on on searches I will show you another useful way to create filters on your Google Lookers to your reports and I will do it with this chart it turns out that I want to convert that pie chart into a filter so I will go to edit I will click on that pie chart and if I scroll down to a bottom of the panel where
I can change the dimensions and metrics and so on you will see an option that says cross filtering and I will enable it once I enable it I will go to a View mode and I will click on the pie chart particularly on the mobile section and here as you can see I am filtering my data to only show mobile this is the same as a drop down but what I am doing is that I can convert every visualization every chart that you have in my report as a button as a filter I will do
it with another example I will go back so here as you as you can see if I hover on the table on the chart you will see an arrow so I can move back or I can reset this filter and this is back to normal now what I am doing is I will click on the table only on the pricing page and now this is filtering my traffic only for the pricing page and as you can see I found an Insight I see that the traffic of my pricing page is dropping steadily even going down
to zero I don't think it is a problem of sales it is a problem of measurement but thanks to its filter thanks to his cross filtering in my charts I call this spot this thing I will show you one of the most underrated features on Google look at the studio which is parameters and parameters allow you to put your own data on your Google Lookers to your reports and I will show you one of the use cases for instance if you are an international marketer and you have different Facebook ads or Google ads accounts with
different currencies you will have this issue some of your ad accounts are in dollars in euros in Colombia pesos and so on I will show you how you can normalize it how you can use the same accuracy comparison just by changing uh the currency so I have this report where I am showing I'll spend in Colombian pesos just as an example and in the left table I want to turn that as I spent into US dollars how I will do it I could do it with a formula but if I want to do it massively
in a vault for all my charts then it is not working the same I will show you what I will do I will go to this chart and I will see that it has amount to spend and I will change the name of this field from a mountain spent two Colombian pesos so I want to see dollars in one end and Colombian pesos in the other end then I will go to Resource and I will go to manage other data sources I will click there and I will go to edit my data source because I
can edit data source for instance here I can create my own fields and once I create them here they will show always in the reports you'll need to create every Formula One By One anyways here I will go to add a parameter you will see how we will use this option and the new parameter name is a new field it's a new dimension or metric that I will create with this data source and the parameter I will call it a currency conversion and the type of um the type of field is a number so it
will be a whole number and finally the default value of this currency will be 5 000. I will say that a single US dollar is five thousand pesos or Colombian pesos thanks to FF and Colombian government now I will click on done and I will have created my own parameter what I will do here I will show you so I will click here the US chart on the USS pen chart and I will do a change I will create a field and this field will be called US Dollars and what is the formula they are
spending pesos divided by the currency conversion that by default is five thousand so I will do this change and now I am seeing my yellow spend in dollars but what about if one day I want to make that the currency conversion is not five thousand but four thousand I will show you what I will do I will go to other control I will go to input box and the field that I will use as input is the parameter as you see there is a purple New Field that I am creating so I will put conversion
and by default is showing 5000 so you can simulate different scenarios with parameters I can input the data so my chart change what allows if I change to 4 500 pesos now the value will change as you can see and as you can see if I change to three thousand now the value is changing as well so if you want to lose to have different conversion scenarios you can do this change you can actually in your data to change all dimensions and what other use cases I have for this for instance if I want to
calculate the ROI of a campaign or the actual CPA or the agency commission imagine I can create a parameter that says expected margin and I can input a different value and I can model different scenarios of return investment or the actual cost per acquisition or if I am an agency I can show the other spend I can have a parameter that is called margin and if I put 10 then it will increase automatically the 10 percent of the commission something like that this is how you can create or you can put your own data on
your Google studio reports with parameters [Music] here is how to create internal filters on Google local studio and it is super simple I will show you three types of filters chart level page level and Report level they work the same but I will show you how to display them first I will create a report on Google Chrome Studio from scratch so go to Google lucra studio click on blank report and choose any data source for this exercise I will use my Google analytics data so I will choose Google analytics as the connector then I will
choose my website polar Matrix account my property add and I will connect my website data to Google local Studio I have a table that is breaking down My Views by even name I don't care about this one I will change the query so I'll go to Dimension and I will use page URL I want to display my URLs data and the metric on reviews it will be sessions now I have a table where I am breaking down my traffic's data by page so I can see what pages are bringing more traffic and I will make
this stable a little bit bigger now I also want to display my traffic data with a scorecard so I will go to insert and on insert I will go to scorecard and I have my sessions in general we have had 55 000 visits in the latest days on foreign metrics but there is something we do Marketing in English and in Spanish especially in English so of course you can tell that my native language is not English is Spanish but I want to do a report only for showing my results in English I only want to
show data for my English pages I will create a filter for that so I will go to this scorecard I will go to sessions a scorecard filter and I will go to add a filter and this filter will be called only English pages and the filter will be like this only include URLs data from URLs that contains I can use different conditions like equals or regular Expressions I will do it with contains contains en so the URLs of our website the subfolders are divided by en English pages and S for Spanish so for English we
have this rule if the URL contains this it means that the space is in English so I'll click on Save and now I am filtering my data but here is something important if I am filtering my data I am supposed to see less data not more I used to have 50 000 sessions and now I have 77 000 sessions it doesn't make sense you want to see about this and you want to check this or verify this with your Google analytics data because it turns out that for sessions events and and users Google analytics can
become a little bit crazy I will explain this in another tutorial about Google analytics for but for this exercise just stay with this the filter is working correctly I am displaying data only for sessions that are happening in pages in English now this specific filter is only working for this chart I want to make it work for the entire page so I will go to page level filters and on page level filters I will go to page in the menu and in the first option you will see current page settings I can change the settings
of this page so go to page settings go to filter and now I can add this filter to this this page to the entire page so the table and the scorecard will have this filter but what about if I want a filter for the entire report I can do that as well go to report level filters go to file I don't file go to report settings and on settings you can scroll down and you will see the option report filter and it will do the same it won't only apply the filter for this chart or
for the page but for the entire reports for the entire charts in this report and this is how you can filter your data on Google local Studios is how to create your own formulas and metrics on Google local studio and you will see that it is as simple as doing it on Google Sheets and I will start with some examples for marketers maybe you want to calculate your own conversion rates because per acquisition or engagement rates even though connectors already bring by this fault these important metrics maybe you want to change them maybe for you
they have a different definition and I will show you an example of that if I ask you how do you calculate your conversion rate for your business what will you say conversions divided by users or conversions divided by sessions here's my take on this users are people are Unique Individuals conversions are events and sessions are events so if I compare apples to apples I will do conversions divided by sessions but there is an exception for this if I were doing analysis for B2B businesses maybe I will calculate at the conversion rate by users but if
I did an analysis for e-commerce maybe I would use sessions why because in v2b for instance importer metrics we are a provider for Google Lookers to your connectors you can automate your marketing reports yes this is advertising uh people can only become customers once they don't have different products they only have one subscription they can use so they can only convert once to customers even though if they leave or whatever they can only convert once so people in this case I will do it with users because a user has only the potential to convert once
on my website in e-commerce it is different if you go to Amazon today you can buy a book if you go tomorrow you can buy another book and you can buy clothes or an iPhone in e-commerce every session has the potential to drive a conversion in V to V it is not the case you only convert once that's why I will say that for v2e I will calculate the conversion rate with users and for b2c or e-commerce I will calculate the conversion rate with sessions but here's how to do it I will go to a
Google request to your report and I will click on add a chart and another chart I will choose a scorecard with a scorecard I will have a by default new users but this is not the metric I want instead I want to use users also I want to bring sessions and goal completions this is Google analytics Universal data but you can do it with any connector I will bring the three metrics users sessions and number of conversions here I have this metrics and I will do a calculation I will drop these sessions down below and
now I will create a field this is how you can create Fields instead of choosing a metric in the list you will go to the option that says create field and on create field I can name my new field conversion rate and the formula will be the conversions in this case is gold completions divided by users and I will click on apply and the result of this formula will be something like 16 but I will start it is giving me 0.17 but it is not a percentage I will need to change the type of this
metric So Below in this table in this window you will see that the type is number so instead of number I will click on percentage and I will click on apply now this is showing me that the conversion rate with users is 16 now we will I will do it with session so I will go again to this metric I will just copy and paste it and now the formula instead of users will be with sessions and the result of this formula won't be something like 16 I think it will be 10 this is a
different conversion rate because I am using sessions for this one and this is how you can create your formulas on Google local Studio but let's continue with this exercise another simple exercise for custom formulas on Google Lucario Studio which is comparing a gold versus a result so in this case I will create a report with Facebook ads and I will create a new chart with a scorecard and this scorecard will have the amount spent or the added spend for Facebook ads and I will create another scorecard with my target at a spend let's say I
have a budget to spend on my ads and then we go to create a new field and new this new field will be called Target and the target will be simply the ad spend the total and spend versus or divided by my total ad spend budget so I am saying that my total RS 10 budget is 3 million dollars we have that much money and I will click on apply and I will divide it with the total actual address spend so here I can see that I have spent around 2 million dollars which is around
the 78 percent of my actual Arsen budget but I don't want to see this number I want to see it as a percentage so in the type of number in the type of metric I will choose instead of number percent and that will be it I will click on apply and now I can visualize my ideal or expected or total Aspen budget as for now we have spent the 77 percent of our total I spent and here is another example of custom formulas on Google local Studio foreign studio and for this exercise I will be
using the Facebook ads connector and I will be creating a table that breaks down my data by date and the method will be amount spent or the other spend and a custom comparison our connector brings custom conversions and for this table I will add a new route that is called the show summary row so it will summarize the total of every field so here I have the total I spent and the total conversions now what I will do is that I will go to other metric and instead of choosing a default metric I will click
on create a field and here I will call this field CPA and CPA the cost per Position will be the division of amount spent divided by the custom conversion I will click on apply and here you have the cost per acquisition of Facebook ads but there is another way to calculate this because sometimes this metric doesn't work and I will explain why here I will create a new field and for this field I will go I will go to create field instead of choosing a default metric and I will be more creative and I will
call this field CPA too I am that creative and the formula will be slightly different I will do it with the formula sumatory I don't know if if I am pronouncing it well in English by the way but it is some or whatever some of amount spent divided by sum of custom conversion and now it is giving me this time the same data but sometimes it doesn't I will explain why sometimes every day my CPA is one dollar let's say sometimes what Google looker Studio does is okay one dollar this day one dollar this other
day and I have 30 rounds so the total CPA is 30 and it doesn't make sense it is not aggregating the data correctly so a way to fix this is using the formula or the aggregation Symmetry and this is how you and calculate the cost per acquisition on Google local Studio here is how to calculate the rows or return and spend on Google Lucario studio and for this exercise I will be using the Google Latch connector by Google I have a table here where I break down my dataway campaign and the metrics that I am
using are the ones that I will be using for calculating the return I spent one is all conversion value that represent the money I am making with my ads and also the cost that represents the other spend but I have a problem with this metrics because remember the return I spent is the division of the total amount of money that you are making divided by your other spend as it represents how many dollars are you making for your business for every dollar that you spend or not that's the definition of return I spent now here
I have all conversion value but there is a problem there is also a metric that is called total conversions value so which one is the correct one total conversions value or all conversions value because as you can see they are very different values okay I will be I will be ringing both a formulas for the Ross So Google Lens doesn't bring the formula row as it is not named like that there is an actual division so they have the formula total conversion value divided by cost and oil conversions value divided by cost which one is
the correct one as you can see for the first campaign there was that one gives me is 119. so for every dollar I spent on ads I make 119 dollars that's that's too much I mean no no business is like this and the other one is two dollars this this makes more sense for every other I spend or not I am making two dollars so I have a potential winner here and many marketers like me can confuse these values and calculate the processing correctly so I will create my own formula to make sure I am
doing it correctly here I will go to allow metric and instead of using one of the formulas the Google looker Studio or Google lets us I will create a new field and this new field will be the sumatory of my total conversions value divided by the total Aspen I encourage you to calculate your own so you can prevent these errors and I will click on apply and my neuros with the name I wanted is actually proving that it is the convert the total conversion value the one that I need to use for calculating my conversions
so here is how you calculate the return I spent on Google local Studio I will show you another example of calculating your own formulas and metrics on Google lucrative studio and for this I will answer this question how often do we publish content on social media and this is important because if you want to measure your success on social media you want to use this funnel by the way if you want to learn how to measure your social media success we have a specific tutorial for this but I will give you a snapshot for this
exercise for measuring your social media success you want to be more visible which means having more rich and Impressions you want more engagement which means you have more likes shares and comments on your content and you want more conversions from your social media efforts but there is a fourth element that is not displayed in the funnel which is productivity the more you publish on social media the more likely you are to get more results if you don't believe me go to LinkedIn and publish every day and you will see results and if you go to
tick tock publish twice a day and you will see results the more often you publish it matters quantity matters as much as quality but this is a personal opinion on this anyways I will show you how to count if you are productive on social media so I will go to my Google Lookers to your report I will go to resource manager data sources and I will add a data source and I will add my Instagram page but you can do it with whatever with Facebook Tick Tock or whatever you want I will go with Instagram
insights and I will add my Instagram account this account and I will click on that this is something you already know you already know how to connect your data if not you can go back to our lesson on connecting data to our local studio for this exercise I won't use the dimension account name I will use as I mentioned that is called post date and this post date shows me the date when I posted a specific post on social media that's redundant sorry for that and for metric I don't have a metric that is called
post count and not always maybe our connectors have it because we created it but not always you will have a metric that shows the post counter number of posts that you have done so I will need to create it if I make my Dimension post caption and post caption is the copy of my post and I make it a metric by dropping it as a metric there by default Google looker studio will create a function that is called count this thing and I will show you that but first I will transform this table into a
Time series because I want to see over time how many times I am publishing on social media now I see different post captions every day I have a post caption on October 7 a post caption of October 18 and so on this is showing me different post captions because every copy is unique so here I am seeing every time I am publishing on social media and if I click on edit the metric on that pencil in the blue icon you will see that the aggregation of Dimension is that I can count the values of my
Dimensions I can count or count distinct so Google local Studio by default is counting the distinct captions or copies I have for my posts what I what I'm saying is I am counting my posts on social media so over time I am seeing how many posts I am doing and now I will duplicate this chart and instead of a Time series I will do it with a scorecard and now I can see that during this period I have posted five times on Instagram and this is how you can calculate how often you are publishing content
on social media with Google local Studio let's see how to clean your Google analytics for acquisition reports by using regular Expressions on Google local studio and this one of those tutorials that you didn't know you needed and I will show you what I'm talking about this is an actual acquisition Report with one analytics data where I am breaking down my sessions data by session source so here it says that some of my sessions of the sessions of my website come from facebook.com which is Facebook but also I have traffic coming from m.facebook.com which is also
Facebook so they are representing something different even though they are the same site and another one is FV which is also Facebook but with a UTM parameter so there is something I am missing some insights because this is showing me separate data sources that in practice they are the same this is not the only example with Facebook this is another example with YouTube I get traffic from youtube.com but I also get traffic from YouTube and they are the same thing they are YouTube and for third-party apps it works the same we get traffic from calendly
and we also get traffic from canonly.com and finally we have traffic from Google local Studio or data Studio that is our Google product and we also get traffic from Accounts at google.com which is also a Google product it is the same thing and I would like to clean this data I would like to group these sources correctly or filter them as well so I will go to create a new dimension and besides session source and I will create a new field and here this new field will be a regular expression so I will explain the
structure of regular Expressions regular expressions are like metrics or formulas okay I will explain it like this way formulas are to operate numbers and regular expressions are to operate text that's a very good explanation I love it now regular Expressions start with conditionals and with conditionals we will follow rules and these rules will help us tag values I will explain in detail so I will start with a case function a case represents or a case indicates Google local Studio hey I will start with a conditional and the conditional starts with when and then I will
use regular expression which is simply putting regular expression or regex and I have three functions regex match replace and contains to be honest 99 of the times you will be using request match so I won't explain the other two when you become expressing this you will understand when you need the other ones now here the rule indicates when if the regular expression applies when the session Source text contains Facebook then tag it as Facebook and this is what I have and I will copy and paste this conditional because the structure is the same and I
will change the rule to another one now I will change if it contains calendly then tag it as calendly and that's how I can do it actually you need to learn regular Expressions you can simply copy and paste this formula and it will work with many cases because with this formula you can group your content you can tag it you can filter it you can you can do anything and you may be wondering why the rule is Allen Lee and not currently because calendly has a capital c there is a regular expression to avoid problems
with a capital letters but I don't want to add complexity to the first exercise of data lending so I will start so I have a rule for calendly and if if they Source the session Source contains calendly or allently then tagitas calendly and just copy and paste this formula and do the same with YouTube If the source value contains here to then tag it as YouTube so here I have another one I will do it with LinkedIn so if it contains LinkedIn tag it as LinkedIn if it contains Facebook I am replacing that one if
it contains Google take it as Google and now I will end the conditional else else is like if not if nothing of this happens then do this if not continue with the same value that session source is giving and we will end the conditional with end so to explain in natural language if the session Source contains Facebook Target as Facebook if contains Google as Google if contains currently tag it as currently so all the variations of this will be grouped as one the data will be clean and if nothing of this happens just keep the
same values and end the conditional it is super simple and you can request our support team with to help you with this if you have any questions for free so here we created a new column with this new dimension because as I told you a regular expression is as as formulas are for Matrix regular expressions are for text and we created a new dimension with this and we will see if this works so the first column Google then it is stacked as Google direct I have no condition for them so it Remains the Same not
set not set it is reminiscent because no conditional is this and now datastudio.com is called Google product because that's the name of the takayales if I go again to calendly you will see that can only stack correctly if I go to facebook.com it is tagged just as Facebook so my new data is clean what I will do is that I will remove the original session Source Dimension and now my data will be cleaned and my acquisition report will be clean now I am breaking down my data by Clean um sources now I can see only
Facebook only LinkedIn only YouTube and they are not repeating their values and you will see that we will find some insights for instance I can see that Google products are more representative than I thought because if I combine all the variations of Google products then they represent a lot of lot of traffic from my website and also for calendly on Facebook I noticed that Facebook and currently are way more representative than I thought but it was for me it was very hard to visualize it because many values split the data and they in the end
represent the same thing so with this this is an explanation on how to clean your Google analytic reports your acquisition reports with regular Expressions I hope that you like this tutorial and if you have any question reach out to us reach out to me and I can help you personally for free to create and build your marketing reports on Google looker Studio let's see how to tack group or categorize your social media content by topic so you can see what topic recently is the most and for this we'll be using Google local Studio regular expressions
and parent metrics and here I have a table where I break down HubSpot social media posts on Instagram I am seeing their captions their images and their performance metrics and you may be wondering why do I have access to their data and the answer is I don't have it I am using one of our connectors that is called Instagram public data that lets you retrieve data from any Instagram or Facebook page so here I have this these pages and I see that one of their posts is talking about CRM so I know that one of
their topics is HubSpot CRM and actually they have a hashtag for it also they are publishing about AI of course at the PPT and all these stuff so this is another content category that they are using and if I scroll down I will see other posts for instance this is a pattern here they are talking as well about CRM so I can guarantee that this is an actual topic here I will create a categorization so I will create a new dimension with regular expression so click on add new dimension and create a new field and
this new field will be called topic and we'll create a formula like this I will explain it but we will say hey if the caption of the post contains the word CRM or the hashtag CRM then tag it as CRM if it contains AI Target as AI if not tag it as something else this is what we will be doing so here I have the formula when I create a conditional or a regular expression in Google studio I will always start with a case statement then I will create the condition and the condition is start
with when so when the regular expression matches that the media caption contains somewhere the word CRM then tag it as CRM if not tag it as other if you want to add other rules like to create other categories you can simply copy and paste that conditional form and simply change the rules in this case I will only create one rule other and CRM and I will end the conditional and I will click on apply and here you can see that we are breaking our data or we are seeing our data by topic and now this
posts are categorized so the first post contains CRM the other one doesn't contain it the third post contains CRM and now I will remove the original Dimensions which are media caption and media image media picture here and now I am breaking down my social media data by topic I can see the performance of CRM and I can see a performance of the other categories now I can spot what topic is more relevant for my my audience and this is how you can tag group and categorize your social media content by topic on Google local Studio
[Music] let's see how to create crucial reports on Google local studio and for this exercise we'll be using regular expressions and data lending this is an actual exercise from a client and I really wanted to share with you I really loved it so I created a Google Crystal report and I connected the data that I wanted to blend I want to connect Facebook ads Google ads and Google analytics compression data this first table is connecting Facebook ads and we are breaking down our metrics let's say I spend or Impressions or clicks by campaign name but
something special about this campaign names is that they have a convention or a taxonomy they have a standard the structure of the campaign names are pro objective and year you need to follow the same structure but you need to follow a structure for these things I am repeating the same exercise with Google ads I am breaking down my matrix by campaign by the way in Spanish campaigns companion and we are following the same exercise and also the same structure so we have the same structure of for the campaign names for both Google ads and Facebook
ads but they are not the same they are not the same names so no Facebook ad campaign name matches or is the same as any of this Google ads campaign names this is important now the next exercise is that I blended this data and I will show you what makes this join special if I see a stable I see campaign data I see campaign name which corresponds to Google ads the campaign name that has a column with zero that's Facebook has so this means that this campaign exists on Google ads but not on Facebook ads
and that's why I have other spend on Google ads and not on Facebook ads but the opposite is the same I have campaign names for Facebook ads but they are not they don't exist on Google ads that's why I have I spend on Google ads so I see that I have campaigns from both platforms but none of the uh words of the names of the campaigns are matching exactly this is another example campaign name so you have Facebook as data no other spend on Google reported but on Facebook I have reported data and again I
have some campaigns with Google ads but no data for Facebook ads I will show you how this join was built and I will try to explain myself the best I can so here I will click on edit to see the data source I will expand this model so I can see entire join and I will click on the condition for the join in the Venn diagram and I want to see what I did here we built a full outer join a fuller join combines all the data from the platforms without restrictions and I will show
you what is the difference generally when we do data lending we do left outer join and here we say is our data table our Blended data table will only include campaigns from Facebook and will merge with the ones that Google ads has in common so if Facebook has has them we will show them if Google ads has them but Facebook ads doesn't have them we won't show them data should match Facebook at so the table shows data specific data if you're not familiar with this I recommend you our other lessons on um data lending but
this is super simple actually so a full order combines everything all the campaigns regardless if they are the same or not imagine if you are a visual learner imagine that we put a table on top of the other and that's the data lending and that's why the table looks like I just showed you so I will click on cancel because I don't need to do anything here click on close and let's see what is next next is the Christian report that is beautiful because we are having a table that combines Google ads Facebook ads and
Google analytics data where I can see a total Aspen from from both app platforms and the conversion from Google analytics this is beautiful and interestingly the data is broken down by campaign but these campaigns are also run on Facebook as a Google ads so we are combining the data from both Google and Facebook and we are breaking down data by General campaigns this is common in companies so this customer specifically they were breaking down by campaign but you could break down your efforts by product by owner by country by location across all your marketing channels
that's why I find this very beautiful I will show you how this join was made but but also something interesting is besides combining Facebook ads and Google ads we are also combining the Google analytics for metrics and conversion data because what we are doing here is that we use conversion data from Google analytics but they have a spend from Google ads on Facebook ads that will make our measurement of conversions more accurate so how this was built I will go to edit and I will see the join this join I will expand this again this
Zone works like this so for Google ads on Facebook us as I showed you I used a full loader joint this is something that you already know and the full loader is combining the campaign names campaign or companion from Google ads a campaign name for Facebook ads and we are also bringing dates they ordea by Google ads and date for Facebook ads we are using both so we can actually display our data over time and we can create as well time series so I could actually have to join keys now I will go back and
here I am explaining all of this using dates as joints as well we'll enable to create and series and charts and visualize data over time I will click on cancel because I wanted just to show you how it's done and now I will show you the join we created for Google Analytics so for Google analytics it is a bit different because we actually did a left outer join the Google analytics data will only show if the campaign exists on Facebook ads or on Google ads so what this means this means that we will only report
in this Blended data table conversions from Google analytics as soon as the campaign on the source belongs to Google on Facebook if not it means that the conversions are organic or our social media or our email and that's why we can exclude them from this join that's why the left outer joint here works works better and by the way to make this work perfectly that to make Google analytics match with Facebook ads and Google ads we should make sure that the UTM parameters are working correctly so that's another requirement to make description reports work that
your utms and your campaign names are structured correctly so here I will close I wanted to show you this Blended date I hope that this will give you a lot of ideas to be cross-channel reports and I will continue so the next thing is breaking down our data by a custom Dimension that I am coming up with like I want to break down my data by final stage or by product or by campaign or by location or by owner or by agency name whatever I can do anything so I will show you the formula so
this client is breaking down their data by campaign and the rule works like this I will explain it remember if you are not familiar with regular Expressions I recommend you the other classes but these regular Expressions go like like this I will create a single formula watching or a specific conditional for every campaign that I'm running so for every campaign there is a specific conditional now this first conditional says if the Facebook campaign name contains this worth let's say X or so I have two conditioners in a single one or Google ads campaign contains X
as well then tag these values as X and I will show you another example actually it took a screenshot of the rule so you could understand it better so the exponential of the regex is like this if the campaign name of Facebook contains X or the Google ads campaign contains X in the campaign name then tag them as X the rule if the campaign name of Facebook contains why and the Google ads or the Google ads contains y tag them as y so we are combining different data sources different tables but they have something in
common that's why the standard names are important and now I can grow my data even though they are in different tables so with this I am showing you that I can create a regular expression to break down my data as I want even though I'm combining multiple sources and this is how you can create a question report on Google local studio and using Google analytics conversions using Facebook ads using Google ads but you could explore this exercise with social media and more as soon as you have UTM parameters so you have shared data across your
data sources this will be working and this will be beautiful I hope that you like this lesson this is an advanced thing on Google studio and I hope that you use it happy reporting or happy Christian reporting [Music] Studio but first for this lesson I will tell you why and I will show you some marketing use cases of why marketers need data lending one common example I will say the most popular one is combining your ads data from Google and Facebook ads because you want to know your total conversions or your total Aspen your total
click CTR CPM and so on another example is doing the same but with social media you want to know for your different organic channels your total followers your total reach your total Impressions and engagements across Instagram Facebook Tick Tock and whatever the other more advanced example and I will ask you this is calculating your cost per acquisition because even though this metric is super common and everyone talks about it it is very hard to calculate and why it is hard to calculate because if you go to HubSpot to Google analytics and to Facebook the conversion
data never matches it is always different so you need a source of Truth a single data source that you will trust as your reference for your conversion so what some marketers do is okay I want to know my cost per acquisition by knowing my other spend on Facebook but combining it with the conversions registers on Google analytics for that's another important use case for data lending on Google looking Studio another example of data learning and I will say it is the most important one is asking you this what is the difference between cross Channel and
multi-channel marketing I will explain it multi-channel marketing this is Google by the way multi-channel marketing is doing marketing in different channels like multi-channel right super common so I do marketing on tick tock on Google on YouTube on chat DPT on with PR but those efforts are separate but cross channel is doing multiple channels but with similar efforts messages and campaigns so I will show you some examples of cross Channel because cross Channel as you can see is more complex is more unified and Reporting cross channel is more complicated for instance there is a multi-channel marketing
report because I am reporting multiple channels but with separate data and separate efforts I have a Facebook ad campaign I think the campaign a Google ads campaign but there are separate efforts this is another example of separate efforts with social media so I want to reach on LinkedIn I Want To Know Rich on Facebook and then Rich on Instagram they are different they are different channels but with separate efforts they are not cohesively United in a single campaign now I will tell you some examples of cruise Channel reports that may apply to your business for
instance your company has multiple Brands so you want to know how your brand is doing across all the platform channel so you want to know for this specific brand what is your reach on Facebook Google Tick Tock Twitter if you still use Twitter by the way and so on what is your total ad spend your total clicks your total conversions for this brand for this brand B and this brand C another example for cross channel is if you want to visualize your funnel because some marketers break down their campaigns by funnel stage I want to
know how I'm performing my awareness campaigns my consideration compression campaigns but it is common that marketers don't do this only on Facebook they use Facebook they use Amazon and they use Google so these are another example where you want a single table where you can visualize every step of the funnel but combining the data of all of all these data sources another example of professional reports is you have multiple products and this is very common so you want to know how all your products are doing across all your channels and if you have a physical
you have physical stores or retail stores you want to know how your marketing is doing across all your stores but combining all the data of your data sources and with these examples by understanding the use cases of data lending for marketing understanding course Channel reporting understanding conversion data from Google analytics to have a unique source of Truth this is the starting point for data lending on Google local Studio welcome to this lesson let's see how to blend your Facebook ads and Google let's date on Google look restorio so you can create cross-channel PPC reports and
the first thing I will do is that I will go to Google lucrative Studio I will create a new report and I will connect the data I want to land so for this Google Crystal report I want to bring Google ads and Facebook ads but I could also bring Bing Tick Tock and so on the next thing is that the tables should have date in common that I can combine for metrics I want to use similar metrics like clicks I'll spend CTR and so on these are familiar and they are shared across every PPC platform
and also I want to ring by dates because dates are Universal so that's our recommendation to lend your date in general always use dates to blend your data now I will select these two tables and I will click on the option that says blend data and by default this will generate a new table with Blended data but this date is not correct I will drag and drop this new table underneath the original ones because it is overlapping my visualizations here I will edit this Blended data source so I will go to a pencil icon I
will click on it and I will do some changes first I will expand this model and I will go to cross join I want to change the join type of my data Blended so I will always or most of the times I will recommend you to use left outer join instead of cross join and other types of joints so I will go to Left outer join and I will choose a date for Google ads and a late dimension for Facebook so for Google ads it is called day or in Spanish is Dia and for Facebook
I will choose date now I am matching dates across Google and Facebook ads and I will click on Save and now I will bring metrics but first I will change the names of The Matrix because I can get confused when creating formulas because clicks represents Google and the same name applies for Facebook so for Google I will call it Google ads clicks and for Facebook I will call it a Facebook ads clicks but I will bring other metrics to this combination so besides clicks I want to bring Impressions and I also want to bring a
spent so as you can see I am changing the names of all these metrics so their convention works and they are more they are easier to understand so I have for Google ads clicks Impressions analysis pen and I will bring the equivalent metrics for Facebook so I will bring Facebook clicks Facebook Impressions and I will bring amount spend that represents the Facebook ad as spent so here I have my data and I will click on Save I'll I will have I'll link the data source that combines Google ads and Facebook ads that joins the data
by dates and I will bring from both platforms clicks Impressions announcements so click on close and now we have this table that of course is breaking I will change the dimension to a valid one and the valid one is called day or there and I will sort my data not by clicks but by dates because I want to compare my new table with the original tables I want to see that the data is matching correctly and I think it will so I will expand this table I will change the dates I want to visualize and
I want to visualize for instance May to June and I will click on apply and for all the tables I am displaying a similar date now I have something here I see that some of my data shows or displays null for Facebook clicks I will change that so I will explain you why this is happening it turns out that Facebook sometimes doesn't run out so for Google ads on January 1st I had ads but for Facebook for that same date I didn't run any ads if on January 5 or 5th I ran out from Google
but not on Facebook of course my data will report zero but zero is not the same as no data at all so there is something I need to check day or DM represents Google dates and not Facebook dates that's why it is displaying null for some dates in some dates where I run ads on Google I didn't run ads on Facebook so I will bring as well the Google analytics or the Google ads clicks as well so I would drag and drop and now I have my data for Google ads and as you can see
in this table by date I have actual data from Google ads so here I have data from Google ads I have data for Facebook ads and now I will bring additional Fields let's bring Impressions or I spent so I will click on other metric I will choose Google Assistant now I can customize the size of these columns because I will be bringing more metrics and I will bring as well the Facebook has spent so I have this table where I have Google ads clicks and Impressions Google let's clicks and Alice pen and Facebook ads clicks
analystment what is the next step once I organize these these columns the next step is that I will create a field that combines this data from Google and Facebook so I will click on add a field and I will combine the other spend from Google and Facebook so I will create a formula but I need something I need to add a function that is called if null I will explain why if you want to operate five plus null the answer is null it is not 5 because null is not the same as zero so to
make your data accurate you need to transform your null values into zero and that's how that's why we will use the if null function so how it works I will create a function that says if no if the value is known for Facebook has spent comma then turn the new value into a zero that's the function that's how it works it is super simple now I will click on apply and now I have my I'll explain the Facebook represented not as known but a zero and I will do the same with another metric so I
will create a field and I will do the same if no Facebook clicks I will turn it into zero so if node values are here then I will switch him to zero and apply now my data doesn't have no value so I can operate the data and I can blend my data across these data sources now I will create a new field and this field will be called total span for instance and the total last spent is the sumatory of Google ad salespent plus the summatory of Facebook ads I'll spend I always recommend you to
use aggregation sumatory to make your data always match you will see why while you don't use it when you don't use it you will see that your data won't match so my recommendation my recommendation is to use stories so here the combination is sumatory of Google ads plus some material Facebook ads now I can click on apply on apply I can close this window and now I have a data that a column that is displaying the total combination of my ads but there is a problem some of my values still return zero or I still
return no so my date is not correct what I need to do is that I need to also ring the if null function to this formula so I will go back to the formula and in the Symmetry within the Symmetry I will apply the if null formula and that's it and with this now we have calculated the total I spent from Google and Facebook for a specific date automatically let's do something else what about if we calculate the CPC or CPM or something else let's do something so I will go and I will create a
new field and this new field I will call it total clicks and the total clicks the formula works the same it is just the Soma theory of Google ads clicks plus the summatory of Facebook ads clicks and apply and again I need to change or fix the null value so I will go back to the formula and I will do a if not function for Facebook to replace the null with zero values so here I have apply and we are almost done while this meeting what about if I calculate my CPC so create a new
field total CPC and the formula is different because I need to divide I'll spend by clicks but I need to combine Google and Facebook ad spend divided by Google and Facebook clicks so the formula is so much Glory of Google ads platformatory of the null values turn to zero Facebook divided by the respective clicks click on apply and now we have calculated the total cost per click for Google ads and Facebook ads and this is how you can plan your data on Google local Studio to create PPC cross Channel reports let's see you in a
new tutorial let's see how to blend your Facebook and Instagram social media data on Google look at the studio so you can create cross-channel social media reports so I will start with this tutorial and the first thing is that you will connect your social media data on a Google request your report in this case I'm connecting Instagram and Facebook data but you can also bring Twitter Tick Tock and so on the next thing that you want to make sure is to use the correct metrics you want to display metrics that are shared across the social
media tools like shares engagements followers and Impressions these metrics are shared on Instagram Facebook Tick Tock and every social media platform and also as we are combining metrics we will combine dimensions and the recommendation for you is using date because dates are Universal dates work on Instagram Facebook Twitter Google analytics and so on with this and clear now the next step is combining my data so I will select the tables I want to combine and I will do a right click next I will go to blend data and then with this Blended data table I
will drag and drop it down underneath the original ones because this data is overlapping the original tables now I see my data Blended in this table but there is a problem this shows that I have a million impressions for Facebook and for Instagram so it doesn't make sense I will change this data source by clicking on the pencil icon to edit this Blended data source here on my blender data source I want to expand this model to very visualize my join and by default Google Lookers to use using a cross join to combine my data
I will change that so I will go to Chrome join and instead of cross join I will choose a left outer join I will choose left outer and now I am required to use join keys I need to bring the dates from Instagram and Facebook so we can match this data first I will start with Instagram so I will choose provide date and profile date represents Instagram dates and in the field that shows missing now I need to add Facebook so here for Facebook they mentioned that represents the date for Facebook is called date and
now click on Save and again click on Save and click on close so our table is already working correctly and now I have Blended my data but I will pull or I will bring more metrics so I will go and I will click on add a metric and on our metric I will choose page total Impressions that represent Facebook impressions here I will change the Sorting of my table because I want to display my data by date not by Impressions and this will help me because I can visually identify if my original data from my
original tables is working as well on the landed data table so instead of Impressions I will choose profile date and I will do something else I know because I know these data sources that profile date belong to Instagram but most people don't so I will change the name of these fields of this metrics so again I will go to edit this Blended data source and I will change the name of the Instagram metric to Instagram Impressions and for Facebook I will change it to Facebook Impressions and I will click on Save now my table is
this is your treat now I have a column for Instagram Impressions a column for Facebook Impressions now I will create a column that combines Impressions from both platforms so I will go to click on a metric then I will click on create a field and now I will create this formula so I will create a formula that combines the total impressions for Facebook and Instagram to do this I will aggregate my data by using this some function remember always when your data is not matching I recommend you to use this formula so I will do
the summatory of Instagram plus the summatory of Facebook and I will click on apply and now we will have a table that will combine a impression from both tools but first I will expand this table to visualize all the metrics here I already have a table that is blending this data that is combining and it is doing everything fine but I will do something else the next thing I will do is that I will create a scorecard so what I will do or what I did here is that I will drag and drop the field
that I created on the canvas of Google okay studio and it will create a scorecard by default and I will create a comparison date range so instead of none I will choose previous period And I will go to apply and now I'm comparing with my data games as periods and I can see that in total for Facebook and Instagram I have 11 more Impressions I I am more visible now I will copy and paste this scorecard and I will create a Time series so this time series you only need to go to the top right
corner of Google local studio and I will choose the chart a type and the chart type will be times serious chart here for 10 series I will hide this chart type selector and now I can change the dimension that says invalid I will change it for profile date which is the date that we are using in common for for this combination now I have a Time series but I will make it bigger I have a Time series that is showing me over time impressions for Facebook and Instagram I will remove first the comparison from previous
periods To None because for time series we are not as useful and I will click on apply and now I have a Time series with the total impressions of both platforms what I will do for the same time series I want to display separately Facebook and Instagram so I will go with Instagram Impressions and instead of total Impressions I will do Facebook impressions and that's it we have a table that is combining my Instagram and Facebook Impressions a Time series that is separating them and a scorecard that is showing the total visibility of my social
media efforts this is how you can blend your social media data on Google local Studio let's see how to blend your Facebook ads and GA for date on Google lucrative studio so you can actually track your real course per acquisition and why you can do this because it happens that Facebook doesn't show the actual conversions they always show different conversion data from Google analytics so what some marketers do especially when they know Google look at a studio and the Italian thing is that they create charts that combine the other spend from Facebook but with the
conversion data from Google and they can combine these metrics to have an action and more accurate cost per acquisition metric so I will show you how to the first thing is that as always you will create a Google Lookers to your report and you will connect the data sources that you want to bring to your Stables generally I will recommend for this exercise as platforms like Facebook ads Google ads Tick Tock ads LinkedIn ads and so on so here I am connecting only Facebook and I am breaking down my data by campaign and I am
bringing any metric I can bring Aspen and clicks impression and so on but for this exercise I will think that the most important important metric is I'll spend also for Google analytics I am bringing the data from Google ads because if you have connected Google for the course data is already reported here the utms are already reported the campaigns and so on so that's why I'm not bringing the original data source of Google ads here also remember campaign is I mentioned that ga4 has and campaign automatically reports your UTM parameters so if you set up
your routine parameters correctly Facebook campaigns should match the medium source and terms and on the UTM parameters as and show the same on ga4 so it is important that you are using UTM parameters correctly so the data from Facebook matches with the data on Google analytics now here I will select both tables if you are familiar with Google local Studio data lending you will find this process familiar so I will select both tables I will do a right click and I will click on blend data and on blend data we generate a data Blended data
table and I will drop it down because it is overlapping my current data here what I will do is I will bring the metric conversions from ga4 and here I will have that the data is not matching with original data sources what does this mean the new table that I created is over reporting data from the original table so I know that I need to fix these these joints these Blended data so I will go to edit the data source and I will see how to do the things correctly as you may know by default
Google looking Studio makes a cross join and most of the times I will recommend you to use a different joint especially a left join a left outer joint so here I will chase I will change the join type and I will choose instead of cross join I will do it with inner join why I'm doing this in this case what I want to do is hey I only want to have a table where the campaigns that are showing up are on Facebook and on Google Analytics when I use left outer join is okay I have
it on Google analytics and if I have them on Facebook also show them but I will show everything on Google analytics in this case this one is more restrictive I will only show values I will show only campaigns that are in both and not only in one of the data sources so that's why I am using an inner join and still I need a joint key I need I mentioned that I need to match between these data sources so for Facebook ads I need to bring campaign name and for Google ads for Google analytics sorry
I will use campaign in this case I change the name of this Dimension to ga4 campaign so you can differentiate for the tutorial yeah this is the explanation of these types of joints so this one is a more restrictive and the The Columns or the campaigns that I will display here they will display because they they happen to show in both of the tables now here I will click on Save and I will click on save as well and close now the data is correctly Blended I am bringing only campaigns that both Facebook and ga4
are reporting and now I have my Alice band and my conversions from ga4 I spent from Facebook and conversions from j4 now what I will do is I will create a formula and this formula will be the following one will be CPA and the CPA will be the sumatory of the RS band divided by the symmetry of conversions and here you can see that if I add a summary row we'll have our actual cost per acquisition on Facebook ads by using the conversion data reported on ga4 I hope that you like this exercise and you
will find it very useful and that finally you can have a very calculated cost per acquisition for your marketing reports foreign [Music] so they look white labeled with your brand your colors your logo and so on so I will start and I will go to Google looker studio and I will create a new report I will go to blend report and I will choose any data source in this case I will be using Google analytics because it is the most common one and here I will choose my account I will connect my account and I'll
click on that and we have created a report now it is time to add some charts so here I will go to insert I don't insert I will say that the most common way to visualize your latest scorecard so I will go with the scorecards and with the scorecards I will paste it right here I will change the metric from views I will do it with sessions and I will add a sparkline we have remember we have a lesson on how to create the scorecards and how to use aspired links for scorecards on Google look
at the studio here I will do it I will use date so I can visualize this in metric as a number and as a Time series and I will change a little bit the style so I can go go to style remember for every chart you can customize the style here in this section with the style you can customize if you want conditional formatting we actually have a tutorial for that and how to customize the logos the colors the size and so on so here I will go to style and for this power line I
will change the color to something green and I will fill the sparkline and I will make it smooth remember we have already tutorials dedicated to this but I will go faster for this design because there are many things to to show you scorecard and I will add a border shadow that you can find in a style section so our visualizations have a chart and also for this Shadow I will add a border and the word that I can make it rounded because I can have a radius for my for my charts on here I will
click on 10 generally I use 10 because I I like it the more I I go to set up and I will also have a date range comparison so here instead of none I will go with previous period we'll click on apply and boom now we have a chart with comparisons with a sparkline with colors and with a shadow that you will see after I deselect this thing and it took like 30 seconds I explained two files right but but generally this is super simple and remember you can what we can go through this demo
on the description in the video so here I will copy and I will paste this scorecard and I will paste it right here I will change the metric instead of sessions I want Total users and now I will insert a new chart generally I create scorecards along with time series charts so I will here will drop a Time series chart and I will go to style and I will do some changes for instance for time series I could change lines for bars and for bars I can change the colors of the wires and I can
make it green and now I have three charts so I can select them to change the size of them in a walk so here I can change the size of them and now all my charts um have a similar size and they are centered in my report now here what I can do is once I remove the selection now you can see that I have shadows in my charts so I can differentiate them from the canvas from the background now I will add a header to this to each report so I will go again I
will show you I will go to the section that shows shapes and on shapes I will add a rectangle and the rectangle I will drop it right here and I will expand it to make it a header of my report I don't like gray so instead I will use this yellow color and I will also add a border Shadow now I have a shadow for this hair and now my report has a header what about if I add a logo to my report so I go two images I will add an image from my computer
and I will add the logo of Google analytics and I will paste it in the top left corner of my Google Lookers to your report I also want a title so besides shape you can go with text and I can paste the text here and I will add Google analytic report and I can customize a text so instead of a size of 14 I can make it 24 now it is bigger and instead of Roboto as well I can change it to to something else I can change it to Monster Rod for instance I I
just change the size of the phone by the way here and I bought this the text um here now I have my report with a header with a logo with text I customize the colors of my charts as you can see this is super simple but let's do something else I will go to other control and on the header I will add a drop down because I want I want to let people customize and filter this data so I will use as I mentioned and I mentioned instead of date it will be a page URL
so here with this report now people can change the url of the entire data of this Google analytics report and now with these filters users can interact with this dashboard the next thing I will do is that for the header I will remove the shadow of this element so they seem that they belong to a header and I will add a new control and the most common control that I would recommend is to add a date range control now our header is more complete because now people can change the rates change the pages and have
a logo and the text for our report now our report looks more white label but I can choose I can change more other things so I will customize and I will show you a trick to make your designs faster I will go to this scorecard and I will customize it so I will click here I will go to style and I will change the color from green to purple now you may be wondering what about if I if I have 10 charts I need to this change manually for every chart yes unless you is change
I will copy this chart and I will do right click and with right click there is an option that says paste the spatial and paste style only and boom this way you can paste the style in all the elements of your reports and this will be this will make faster the design of your dashboards now what is next I will go to change the total layout of our report so in the top right corner of Google local Studio you will see an option that says theme and layout I will change many things here so I
will click here and the first thing is that I can change the general colors of my report so by default I am seeing this background but I can change it to this one or I can change it to this one or this one or this one you get the point right I made many slides with these examples here we go through this and now I can show you how to customize particularly every every element of this report so I will go to customize then I will go to change the background and for examples I will
make it gray this is just an example for the overall report I could change also the phone so instead of Roboto I will use Monster Rod and now it looks better and I can change the colors too instead I will use I will keep still using black now I can make that all the charts have a border Shadow so this makes things easier and I will remove this thing now let's change the layout of my report and I will show you what I mean with layout I can change actually the size of this canvas so
I will go to layout and the first thing is the header when you are in The View mode you can display the Shader of Google looking Studio but if you don't understand what I am saying I will show you with a demo so I can by default I will always show the hair of Google local Studio but I also can hide it so people don't know actually that it is Google look at Studio but because you can see a URL so I will go to view and this is the header if I show if I
always show the header but if I go back and I hide the header instead of always show I will do initially hidden I will go to view and now people can only see it if I hover over this header otherwise they will see something like this now this report looks more white label more years it is not built by a Google product now I will go back to edit I go to semen layout and as you can see I will do most of the things right here so I will go back to layout and I
will add more pages to this report because I want to show you how navigation works so I will add a new page and I will add a new page as well here so I have three pages it is super simple to add a page and here there is something I want to show you what about if I want a header for all the pages then you need to create it or you need to paste them or you can do something smarter I can select all the elements that I want to keep the same in all
the pages and here I will do a right click and you can make report level so all the elements that are report level will show up in the same position exactly the same for all the pages of my report so I will go back to the first page and I will show you more tricks I will go to Simpson layout again I will go to layout and now I will change the navigation because people can navigate through my pages by default we have the navigation in the left but I can show also different things and
I will show you these customizations if you are wondering how to make your reports mobile friendly if you can visualize them on mobile actually you can do it and you can do it with this option so first I will remove this option of respect report theme I will change the displayed mode from fit to with the actual size is the current size but I will make it fit too if it to it is regard regardless it doesn't matter what device you are using the report will always match the size of that of that screen and
I will remove the margin so I don't have any empty spaces on my reports now with these customizations that took me like 10 seconds I will go to view and with view now you can see that our report occupies all the space on the screen and if you open this on mobile you will see the same report thick fitting on your mobile screen this is very interesting to make your reports mobile friendly on Google local studio now I will go back to edit and let's see what I am doing here I will go to semen
layout layout and now I want to show you this if you want to change the size of your reports if you want to make them longer so you can display more charts if you want to make it wider or you actually want to make it smaller so you actually build slides and this is an idea most people think that Google studio is a tool to creating dashboards but you can also create slides like Google Slides your PowerPoint you only need to change the display a text another chart and now you have something that is better
and easier than Google slides to create and show your data but this is just an idea maybe in a different tutorial or if you go to our report templates Gallery you will find report templates that look like as lights now here I will change the size for this thing and now my pages are wider and bigger now we have more spaces for our charts but I will go back to view and as you can see this is the current result our of our current report in about 5 minutes 11 minutes actually that I am taking
I am showing you how to change the colors of the charts how to change massively all the elements how to change the size the background the colors the logos and so on as you can see this is super simple but I will continue with other tricks so here I will go to theme layout again we go to layout and I will show you how to change the navigation style instead of left I will make it tough and I will go back to view and this is also how you can see your pages personally I will
always prefer the left navigation this one is also useful if you prefer it anyways I will show you other tips for design so I will customize the menu the navigation so I will go to page one of three and the first thing I can do for my pages is changing the names of the pages so instead of Untitled I can change this one to overview this one to ga4 and this one to social media or I can create sections to add more pages per section so I have a section for social media a section for
PPC a section for SEO and so on this is actually things that our customers do and that we have as well in our templates that are free now I will go with section and I will call this section social media and on this section now I will change the the other page instead of social media I will call it Facebook and I will drop down or drag and drop my social media Pages within this section so here I will duplicate instead of Facebook I will call it LinkedIn instead of I will duplicate this one instead
of LinkedIn I will call it Twitter and now I will drag and drop these Pages Facebook LinkedIn and Twitter on my social media sections so here I am dragging on drop down and I will click again on the icon and now I will show you a visual thing a visual effect if you click on your icons on your sections or your pages now you can select icons to display on your report so people can easily understand what these pages are about so for this section for social media I will use a heart icon and I
apply now I have a visual display of a heart for my social media icon for the Google analytics 4 I also will add a section that will be a home and apply and now I will view now you can see that we have a navigation with sections and with icons so people can easily navigate and they can understand better the pages that they are seeing on your reports I will show you one other trick let's say that your reports are not complete let's say that you want to hide some of the pages of your reports
for viewers but you can you want to keep them as an editor so I will go back to edit I will go to my pages I will go to a Twitter page which is the one that I want to edit and I can hide it in The View mode if I go to view now my Twitter page still exists but viewers cannot see it this way I can edit these Pages without them noticing that I am changing this this pages on Google looking Studio now what else I will go to edit and I will show
you how to make changes of the layouts and theme but for specific pages and not the entire report let's say that you have a report and for Google analytics and this page should be very long but the social media page can be very short how you can customize particularly a specific cage you will go to the menu of Google studio and you will go to page and on page you will go to current page settings to change the settings of the current page that's obvious now here on a style I can change the size of
this particular page and as you can see only this page has a different size and for this page as well I will also change the background to White I will go to view and now you can see that this page is smaller is White and the other Pages have the default layout on the default theme now I will see Google analytics 4 and now you can see that people can navigate through our reports I mean a matter of 15 minutes I'll show you how to assign your Google Lookers to your reports with very good detail
I will see you in a next lesson on Google looker Studio [Music] let's see how to share your Google Lookers to your reports with anyone and you can do it with email PDF by embedding your reports on a website or whatever so I will show you how this works the first thing I will do is I will open any Google report and I want to share and in the top right corner of all your reports that you have access to as an editor you will see the option share and you will see as drop down
so you will click on that drop down and we will see all our options so I have invite people skill delivery get report link download report whatever here you will see most of the options because they are not the only ones I will start by inviting people so I will click on invite people then I can add a specific Gmail or Google accounts to have access as editors or viewers to these reports this is a Google product so you can expect that the emails that you share here are from Google now what I can do
here I will add supportmetrics.com I can add it to a workplace and I can add them as viewers so they can only see the report or I can add them as editor so they can actually edit their reports I will leave them as editors and then we click on send and now this is how you can share this is the most common way to share your reports on Google look at the studio now I will click on settings and I will show you what other options we have on settings I have two things one is
that you can prevent users to give access to their users to a report especially for teams or clients you can give access to specific clients to watch reports and to LED reports but they are not allowed to add other users to his reports and the second option or the second setting is that you can prevent people to make a copy of your reports this is common when you have an agency and you want a clients to have your reports and they cannot create a copy so they migrate to another agency or you are selling Google
Lookers to your report templates and you want to bring people to make a copy before they make a purchase so this is an interesting option no here I have different sharing options even though I can share manual leave to a specific emails I can also have more general rules for instance unlisted is that this is not displayed in Google I guess I forgot this like any permission management from Google products but I will see the options that I have to to share with when I share through a link so restricted is that only specific people
from the list of emails that you have can access the report that's the most restrictive one the other one is depending on of the domain of your Gmail account this is for Google a work accounts so we are parametrics and with this option I can share the report only from people from my organization based on their domain on them on their Gmail on their email now the other option is public which means that anyone can access to a report as a viewer or as an editor and I can change editor review permission here and here
you will see to copy a link so you can share this link to to give access to users through the ways and rules that I am showing it to you now I will click on save this is the most common way to share your reports on Google lucrative Studio by Links and by permissions for emails with specific restrictions for sharing permissions or for sharing templates now I will show other options so I will go again to the option of sharing and this time I will go to schedule delivery which I find delightful this feature is
delightful especially for agencies and teams that are regularly presenting reports to a team or to a client so here you can add your clients or your viewer email and you can customize your email subject and message and here I can add a message and the subject so for instance I want to send a weekly Instagram report and the copy will be hey this is your weekly report and I can choose the specific pages I can share all the pages on this email on I can or I can choose specific pages to share on this email
reports what other options I have here here I can choose the specific date I want to start sending this reports frequently and the specific time so a common use case is hey I want to share these reports every morning at 8am to my boss or for Border we share our growth dashboards for all the team every 9am every day at 9am so these are examples or a scheduling of scheduling your reports here I am setting the specific dates and I can set the currency hey I want to send this daily or weekly or monthly or
whatever and I also can choose filters I think this is new and I can filter the data that this is that is displayed on them on the report that I am delivering through email so here for instance I am filter I created an Instagram report for the most popular football players in the world and here I am exploring Leo Messi so I will be showing a report only with mbappe and Cristiano Ronaldo data this is an example of filtering the data that you are showing in the image that you are sharing with people and click
on schedule and this will be done so every often you will get an email with a PDF with the link and with a snapshot of the reports every every day on your on your email now there is another option besides sharing through email the other option is with report link so if I go here this is the most basic one you will get a link that's as simple as that but this is an interesting option if you enable that checkbox it will allow to open when someone clicks on the link it will open the exact
page you are currently at so you want to start from page one it will start from the current page that you are for instance the page number six something like that now I will copy link and I will show you another example of sharing your report so so far we have seen giving access to specific emails sharing for people and sending invitations sharing through emails uh and scheduling and also through links the next example is via PDF which is super standard and super popular so you can click on download report and you can choose the
specific pages that you want to download or you can get all the pages right away and if you click in download you will simply see or you will simply wait for some seconds and it will generate a PDF on your computer and it will download it so this is the other option to do it I will show the PDF but that's something that I encourage you to try now what else I have I will go to edit and I will show you more advanced options and a go to file and on file there is an
option that is called embed report and if I click here I can enable embedding and I can copy this embed codes on my web website on my app on whatever this is common especially for agencies that have an internet or a specific workplace for their clients and their clients need to log in with an account and then they can display this data this is something I have seen or other software companies that embed Lookers to your reports in their apps so that's that's something that you can explore actually or people that build websites with embedding
so this is interesting in general so I have this embed code and you can copy this code you can actually change the size of the embed and report and now you can click to clipboard you can copy to clipboard and this is an example of our website where I can add to my website an HTML and in this HTML I can add an embed of of this thing and the final example of sharing your Google Lookers to your reports is I will go back to file and on file I will go to publishing settings and
on publishing settings this is a final option you can you can decide if you want to show life changes if you are currently changing the report on someone else is viewing the report by default they will see the changes in real time but you can disallow that you can say hey I want to do some changes but I want the current viewers can only see the past version of my report this is a special when you share your report and you did something wrong and you don't want people to see that you are fixing things
in real time because you didn't work on time and this will help you to not let don't let know that people are are knowing that you are working on your report and I will click on share and this is everything so here is how you can share your reports on Google studio so we see we saw like five things inviting people through emails email delivery PDFs links and banking reports and allowing or disallowing seeing life changes of your reports and with this you know how to share your reports on Google local Studio