🔥 The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Cold-Calling 🔥 (High Ticket Sales Secrets Revealed)

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Sabri Suby
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Video Transcript:
foundation joins me now in the studio i really look at business as an incredible vehicle to really like make good and make change in the world [Music] now the beauty of cold calling is that you do not need to have any resources do other than a couple of dollars to throw up onto a voip account [Music] it is an incredible opportunity that removes any kind of excuses of you going out and really building your business and first of all i do want to state that obviously cold calling and being in the transition is doing the hard yards this is not an easy task however if you want to be successful you have to pay the price and you know the things that i really want to cover with you is really kind of your attitude determines your altitude and really knowing that you need to kind of breed this attitude of success and be really laser focused and be really hungry in order to get the most out of the script and in order to make it work for you so some of the points that i want to cover with you is i really you need to kind of create this belief that you can sell anybody so any call that you can jump on anybody can be sold either they're selling you all the excuses why they don't have the time to speak to you right now or why they don't have the money or you're selling them on all the reasons why this is going to be really beneficial for them and you also need to really have a fundamental belief that the product or service that you're selling is worth 10 times of what you're charging you need to get sold every day on really this problem that you're solving for your clients and knowing and fully believing that you are the best person to go out there and solve this problem for them and for your marketplace and you basically have to be willing to follow up forever right the fortune is in the follow-up in sales you know i've seen a lot of stuff out there where people are saying that you can close people on one call and all this kind of stuff the majority of sales are made between the fifth and the twelfth contact so you really need to have that in your mindset and know from the outset that this is going to require a follow-up process and my rule of thumb is that you want to follow up forever until either they say yes or no right and once they've kind of said a hard note to you then you can move on but up until that case we will not be tolerating any maybes or anything like this this is not a decision that they can just put on the shelf and come back to when they're ready we need a decision and we will follow up until we get that decision now the other thing that i want you to know is that on the call he who is in control is the one that wins you must take control on these calls even by force meaning that you always need to be leading right you're the person that's in charge you are the authority you are the expert and you are the proven master and you need to basically take that prospect by the hand and show them that you're in control the other thing is that you must treat everybody respectfully right so it's a very fine balance of having that respect but also being the authority as well you need to treat people with respect if you want to be respected then you need to respect people however there's some clear do's and don'ts that you don't want to do on the call you do not want to thank people for your time you know you are the authority you that it's almost lucky that they're speaking to you on this subject and that you've called them with this opportunity the other thing is that you never ever want to depend on one call or one deal i see this all the time in sales you know someone will get off a call they'll feel really good about themselves and before the sale is even made they're kind of patting themselves on the back and they're kind of feeling like you know they're almost being rewarded because they've had a really good sales call and then they might kind of anticipate them closing that deal later on in the week and when that falls through you know it's kind of just breaks their whole demeanor and breaks their attitude and breaks any momentum that they've had because in the mind in their mind they've kind of said okay this person's going to buy and then when that deal falls through you know they're losing that momentum so you want to have your your pipeline so full that you know just one deal isn't going to take any steam or any win from your sales you can keep that momentum going because you can rest at night knowing fully well that you have a solid pipeline of deals that you're going to close now the other thing that i want to say is that you must pay the price for success right i'm telling you right now that this process will not be easy however it will be highly rewarding if you think that you can kind of go out there and people are just going to be throwing money at you on these cold calls then you know you've got another thing coming for you so really what i want you to do is really take the mindset that this is going to be a stretch this is going to stretch you as a person but it's also going to be an incredible growing you know exercise for you and you're really going to learn a lot from this process right however you need to understand that and you need to go in there with that mindset and the thing that i keep coming back to is that you know successful people do all the things that unsuccessful people aren't willing to do [Music] you're in a room you've got a headset on you've got your hands free so you can take notes and you are really really focused and the first part of making these calls is essentially you're going to be met by the gatekeeper and that is really kind of the first hurdle that we're going to be is how do we get past that gatekeeper you know the person that's holding us back from pitching the person that we really need to get through so you're going to be calling on businesses and the gatekeeper is 9 out of 10 times going to be the receptionist and in some instances they may have a personal assistant that you need to get through as well however for this instance we're going to be just talking about the receptionist so you're going to call on them they're going to answer the phone and say you know hello this is xyz company how can i help you so i'm going to break this script into two parts one if you know the decisions name the decision maker's name from creating a list previously and you're calling on people and you have their first name already and then i'm also going to show you how to call on people when you do not know the decision maker's name so if you do basically what you're going to do is you're going to just call up and you're always just going to use their first name if you know this guy's name's john smith you're not going to say hey could i please speak to john smith because that's what a salesperson would do right we're trying to go under the radar here and slip in like we already know this person so we're going to say hi could you please put me on to john just straight through you want to know that person by first name and a pro tip on that is when the receptionist answers the phone really be attentive and listen to their name they'll generally say oh hi it's rebecca from xyz company then you would say hey rebecca it's sudbury could i please speak with john immediately it's like a first by first name basis and thinking okay this guy knows my name he knows john's name he must know them and they'll put you straight through however if they don't and they say who's calling you know say tell him it's sudbury um do you know what he's in right now so right now what am i doing i'm in control i'm not just answering the question that she's asking me but then i'm also hitting her with another question right i'm saying yeah look tell him it's sudbury do you know what he's in right now i'm taking control once again of this call now she says yeah look what what company are you calling from just tell him it's king kong he should be familiar with us i don't mind holding thank you again just i'm making a very brief very kind of brash i just want to get over this and and not be asking you know with an upward inflection at the end of what i'm saying because i'm i'm busy i'm authoritative i just want to get through to the person that i need to speak to and the less that you allude to more details the less they'll feel like they can ask you questions and the higher your chances of just sliding under the radar and getting through to the person that you need to speak to so then if you do not know the decision maker's name let's run through that one if you've just got a list of businesses that you're calling on and you have no idea you know who the person you're calling from and that's how i did it i was just calling businesses that were running google adwords and i was just going in as cold as you can ever go okay so basically for this you just go oh hi it's sudbury here i'm calling about whatever you're calling about now a tip that i found is if you're calling on someone for for google adwords um what you want to do is you don't want to say hey i'm calling about your advertising or your marketing right that's a they get a hundred calls like that a day you want to say hey i'm calling in regards to your google adwords account hi i'm calling in regards to your web hosting account hi i'm calling in regards to your pr account when you put the word account or program or service or something like that at the end of what you're talking about that feels like to that person that you're calling about an existing relationship that is already in place there you're not going i'm just calling about your google advertising okay this is someone that is trying to call us up and sell us advertising i've been taught as a goal as a gatekeeper just to close this call down as quick as possible and stop these nuisance telemarketers right that is what you're heading into and you must differentiate yourself from that and this is the way that you do it you know by putting the a word account in their program or whatnot and then once you've gotten through that component of saying the service plus the account or program or whatever it is that you're calling about you want to end then and just say look and i need to speak with the business owner or person who handles this right you're not going to be speaking with a really upward inflection and say like hey i need to speak with the business owner the person who handles this that sounds too salesy you do not want to sound like a salesperson you want to sound like somebody who is calling up about an existing account like there might be a problem that needs to be solved with this account that's in place that is how you're going to have the greatest cut through so then once you kind of do that depending on how good your delivery is they're generally going to meet you with a question of where are you calling from and then you say your company name so you say hey it's king kong they should be familiar with us i'll hold thank you you're again taking control you know you're not waiting for them to say oh let me just put you on hold and check you're just going straight in look i'll hold thank you it's not even a question here then if they ask you what the call is regarding at this point so i want you to imagine this scenario and imagine the shoes of this gatekeeper right they're on the telephone they've taken a call from somebody that they don't know and the director is in their room or the business owner and they're kind of picking up the call and going hey it's you know sudbury from king kong or your business name and where you're from and that's the dynamic okay what's going on here so you'd say you know just tell him like you'll know either to him or her hopefully at this stage and say look just tell him i'm calling regarding the adwords account or whatever you're calling and you want to keep this very vague right and a number one rule that i have is to never ever ever by under any circumstance pitch the gatekeeper right if she's trying to like find out more never just slip into like pitching oh it's about your google adwords account like no that is not how you do it you will never ever get through that gatekeeper doesn't have the power to make a decision so don't pitch her it's just a waste of your time or him right so the way that you do that is you just say look i'm calling about the google adwords account keep it nice and vague are they in i don't mind holding thanks okay so it's really important at this stage that you're not alluding to too much details oh what's wrong with the adwords account look it's best that i speak to him i don't mind holding thanks nice and brief not giving out too much information or when they ask kind of what calling what company are you calling from um look she should know why i'm calling um you can tell her that it's sudbury from king kong i can hold a moment while you transfer me yeah again i'm in control i'm letting know that i'm the person that is going to basically be leading this conversation one thing that can happen is they've got the decision maker on the line and they're like oh he says he doesn't know he's not familiar with you he doesn't know why you're calling really tell him about it's about the email that i sent him last tuesday so you need to make sure that generally that you have kind of sent them some kind of email collateral um so you can use that as a reference point and that's something that you can always just lay back on yeah tell him that i sent him an email last tuesday and now at this stage you will get through nine out of ten times he's not going to have the chance to go through and look at his inbox and find out the email that he received last tuesday he'll just like look just put him through the more back and forth that there are between you and that gatekeeper and the director it kind of creates this little tension where she's been told not to keep people on hold for very long and just to kind of put that call through and you've already in this kind of hand-to-hand combat have gone back and forth a few times and you are still in control and at this point is generally where the gatekeeper will cave and then let you through to the decision maker what happens once you get through past the gatekeeper okay so we've crossed that first hurdle now we're into the money zone we're speaking to the decision maker and this is really where we have the opportunity to deliver this killer pitch so now you're on the phone with the decision maker so here's some effective openness that i've really tried and tested and perfected and i found to be the most efficient over the years from literally making over a million cold calls this goes back to being respectful you don't just want to just jump in and railroad this person into a pitch immediately if they don't have the per if they don't have the time to speak to you because you need to know that all cold calls are an interruption and we have disrupted his day we don't know what they were doing we just kind of jumped in on them right so you do need to be polite in asking them if they do have a minute now even though you simply want to state right okay no problems when can i get your full attention for about 18 minutes to demonstrate how we can deliver big promise of what they want to do for your company i assure you this won't be a waste of your time right nice short punchy you're bringing it back to the end desired benefit they want you're letting them know a specific time you're not saying when can i speak to you and they have no understanding of what a time commitment they're making just 18 minutes of your time and i guarantee you this will be a good use of your time so you're kind of finishing with a strong point as well then if they say yes straight out the gate then what you want to do is you want to say no problems fantastic how are you currently using google adwords to get more clients how are you currently using doing applying x to get the desired outcome that you're after so you can basically cut and paste whatever it is your service is and whatever that big pain point for your market is at that point now this is kind of a great way to get them speaking and get them talking a little bit and depending on how much they give out to you at this stage is essentially how receptive that they are to receiving this phone call in the first place so you wait until you get their response okay so then you basically always want to be in agreeance with the person whatever they say you want to say okay fantastic okay great whatever that transition word is for you that you're really comfortable with okay so would you be open to learning some ways that you could achieve the desired outcome and solve the biggest pain point without the biggest frustration that they currently have so it might be without spending more money on advertising or without you know hiring more people to do this or whatever the thing is so again i'll just go over that one more time okay so would you be open to learning about ways that you could achieve the desired outcome and solve your biggest pain point without their biggest frustration and if they say that they're busy at this stage that's when you want to come back and say no problems i can call you back in 30 minutes if that would suit okay so you're also giving them the option to set up another time later with you because the last thing that you want to be doing is pitching someone when you don't have their full attention you will never ever move the ball further up the field if someone's got a million and one things going on right now in their day and they're kind of just half listening to you you need to assure that you have their full attention so it is good to basically give them this door as an entry point for themselves can i give you a call back in 30 minutes if it doesn't work for them and they will say yes and if they don't then you can always tee up another time later on in the week that would be better for them so then once you've kind of you've got their undivided attention on these calls then what you want to say is like you've gone through the pitch with them and and they're kind of receptive to what you're talking about at this point and then you would say look great look it sounds like you're a perfect fit for us at this stage they've already told you how they're using this or how they're kind of using this service or program to solve their biggest problem so you've listened and you can probe a little bit at that point in the call and really find out what those pain points are so we're not trying to close a deal on this call we're trying to set up another call to really go through our offer in greater detail where we can set some time aside with that prospect so this call is basically okay cool you've done some initial probing it sounds like you'd be a perfect fit what i want to go do now is do this audit for you or give you all this free value i'll give you a roadmap give you this cheat sheet and just tee up a time with you that i can walk you through that later in the week okay so that's essentially what you want to get through we want to take this person through those gradual steps that it takes in order to turn that person into a paying client and then you would basically give them the option and say hey okay cool so are you available this week on next for a meeting and then they'll say they say yes you can say all right excellent and you want to basically schedule that meeting now when it comes to schedule a meeting you'd never want to ask you know when works for you next week you are simply asking for something then from that person you're asking them to pull up their calendar look for an available time slot and you're asking that person to work for you to work for you and basically do a task that you've asked them to do and that is the wrong way to approach it you want to make this very simple and very easy right you basically want to give people options so you would say okay look um you know when works best for you this week or next right this week or next that's an option and then saying okay does tuesday or thursday work and then they'll say tuesday works awesome morning or afternoon and then they'll say afternoon terrific 2 p. m or 4 p. m it's just constantly giving them options so it's like they're just selecting and it keeps that momentum and makes this a very easy decision for them so that's the process of what you want to do in terms of scheduling this meeting with them making it as easy as possible letting you know that you will be delivering some value on that call and you're going to go away and put something to work and come back to them with something of value [Music] basically at this stage either like oh look no i'm fine we've got it all under control i don't need you to look at it or you can still hear in the way that they're talking and from their tone that they're still unsure about something what you would say to that is well look in our experience there's only six different mistakes that can prevent people or businesses or whoever you're calling on from receiving huge benefit number one and then huge benefit number two i would simply like to give you insert the godfather offer at that stage a complimentary audit to remove the biggest pain point that they're currently experiencing in their marketplace and achieve the desired outcome that they're looking for do you think a no obligation strategic meeting like this could help you understand your business slash problem better and achieve the huge desired benefit that they're looking to achieve in that marketplace so it's a it's a nice way to pre-frame it where it's very hard to say no to that we want to make them know that this is there's no obligation attached to it and they're not going to be jumping onto a super high pressure sales call now at this stage you know they might say to you they're really receptive and things are going really great in the call okay cool what type of services does your company offer subreddit and then that stage you basically want to just do an ex briefly explain it no more than 60 seconds in kind of the rundown of what you guys do i.
e look we do seo facebook ads and email marketing to generate hundreds of leads each week for our clients but we need to conduct this free audit or analysis to better really understand and analyze your exact situation and your business to determine how that you're going to achieve the desired outcome for their specific business ie who to target you know audience or your dream buyer and where we can find them for the lowest cost possible online and really let them know that while you're going to be telling about the services you don't really want to get into the pitch at this stage you simply want to go away and do this audit so when you come back to them it's all customized and tailored to exactly the business that they're in and the problems that they're experiencing in their marketplace moving forward at this stage you might also get hit with you know another objection which is we're already working with xyz company or how do you compare to xyz company at this stage would say awesome look that's great that you've already working with a company that looks after insert what you're calling about you obviously see the value in delegating that to a professional what i'd simply like to do is schedule a free audit with you to determine what you're doing well now and what you need to do in order to achieve the desired outcome that they're in it for and this is the fastest way possible to do that if anything it's simply a second pair of eyes and perspective on it which can only do good right so again no pressure just saying look it's just going to be another pair of eyes i'd be happy to look and prepare this report with you because until we get that second call we're not going to even be in the vicinity of getting a client so we really need to kind of just keep that open and let them let us unearth some really really good valuable insights for them regardless of whether or not they choose to buy from us now it's also important at this stage in the call that they might just be asking okay what do you guys charge what's the price like do you what are your packages is there a gold silver and platinum plan and you start to kind of reach these things and you don't want to give out price at this stage okay so what you want to do is say look it all depends on the level of support and what we do for you whether we're doing service 1 that you offer or service 2 that you offer i. e you know driving traffic or developing sales funnels we create custom plans for every single client there is no cookie cutter approach this will all be tailored specifically to your business so you just want to let them know that like you don't have any set plans you know before you even talk about price we need to figure out if this person's a good fit and we need to go away and do our audit okay now you might be thinking you know what are these guys just wants to buy straight up now what i found is that you know from selling for many many years over a decade doing this stuff is you know the clients that you can get on a one call close aren't the clients that you want right you know it's essentially you want to basically they you want them to be informed and you want them to know someone that can make a decision so quickly and so brashly are generally the kind of people that can turn on you very quickly and also get cold feet and change their mind so we want to get solid clients we want to build a really stable consulting business and this is the proven method of exactly how i've achieved that so then moving forward you know some people you know skepticism is rampant online right everybody is skeptical so you need to address that and people are going to be skeptical and they're going to be wondering in the back of the mind okay what's the catch like what's the catch about this and rather than try to mask this and put any smoking mirrors about it you know my whole approach is let's just be radically transparent with this person and that really creates a lot of good will with them if you're just shooting them straight you're just being honest so the answer that i have and the one that i found that works the best for this is just say look basically there is no catch but i'll shoot you straight and be super transparent with you this is how we get clients so however let me be clear right this is not a high pressure sales pitch we believe in delivering value in advance and if you see the value in working with us then you might want to become a client if not that is completely fine you walk away with this free insert godfather offer audit you know checklist roadmap whatever it might be making it really easy letting them know like cool look this is the way that we get clients like i'm just shooting you straight most people are so impressed by this whole process and they get so much value at the end they actually ask to become a client but if that's not you that's all completely fine as well i'm not going to pressure you into something that you don't want to do or that's not a good fit for you and worst case scenario you walk away with this free order and a second pair of eyes on this big problem that you're trying to solve right now cool cool and then you move on from there now at this stage they may be saying oh look yeah look i'm just going to leave it you know i mean i i'm fine i'm really busy i'm just going to kind of leave it where it sits but thank you you know thanks for thanks for giving me a call look this is how you answer that look i recommend you schedule this free 23-point checklist action audit or action plan or road map on your google adwords account there's no obligation i can go over with you later in the week from the hundreds of people and businesses that i've spoken to we've found that the most popular people in this situation normally are not fully utilizing insert the thing that you're calling about whether it's adwords or facebook's or you know weight loss or whatever it might be your google adwords account and can benefit greatly from this audit with the thing that you're calling about so you're just basically saying i speak with hundreds of businesses all the time and we've found that you know even whether or not you don't choose to go ahead as being a client you're going to greatly benefit just by going through this process so my recommendation is look let's just pencil that time in next week and let's just get this looked at for you right very easy i'm just pushing for that second call i'm letting know i'm keeping it like i'm dangling that piece of cheese there for them in terms of that order and that free thing that they're going to be getting for doing nothing and then i'm also letting them know that i'm not going to pressure them and i'm not going to be that guy you know what i mean like they're just trying to close them super super hard then we have the alternative choice close which is essentially comes down to you know i can call you on monday or on thursday so it's not like would you like to take the call or wouldn't you like to call we're going to go in with the presumptive clothes and just say awesome well look it sounds like you're going to benefit from this when would suit best for me to go over that order with you monday or tuesday always give people options never make them work for you so then once they have agreed to take the call you just want to end it in a really positive way say excellent okay john no problems i'll speak to you at 10 a. m on tuesday i look forward to chatting to you and going through with the audit have a great day you know i'll have a chat to you then and before you let them go it's really important that you lock down this appointment this should not be something that they're just kind of trying to brush you off the call and they're just agreeing with it just to get you off the call okay you really need to give them the option at this stage to cancel that meeting so you need to say okay awesome so i'm going to call you at 10 a.
m on tuesday john is there any reason that you wouldn't be able to make that call oh yeah actually i got to pick up my son from little league or you know i'm picking up my daughter from ballet classes or gymnastics or whatever it might be okay cool no problems let's scrap tuesday then how does a thursday work and as silly as it might sound because you've been in control this whole time you know sometimes they just go with what you're saying and you need to give them the opportunity to kind of take a bit of a breather and get them to look at their calendar and see if that time is going to work or if there's a conflicting agreement or a commitment that they already have on their calendar and this gives them the opportunity to do that okay no i can i can make that 10 a.
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