Healthiest Foods You Need To Eat To Starve Cancer, Kill Disease & Heal The Brain | Dr. William Li

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Dr. William Li
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Video Transcript:
this is a really provocative study of kiwi fruit two kiwi fruits a day times 4 days and you measure the stool in healthy subjects from every single day and you can see that just having uh two kiwi fruits in the first 24 hours changes the bacteria that you can measure in the stool by improving the good bacteria as quickly as the first day and over four days you can increase another good bacteria as well so these changes can be really quick and harmful foods can actually similarly change the back makeup very quickly we don't measure
this routinely in the clinic but in the future we will there are other foods that actually contain bacteria yogurt is the best example of this but there are other fermented foods whether it's psai kimchi or uh a sauerkraut and these all actually are exposed to the air healthy bacteria grow them we eat them and over the course of hundreds of years cultures have realized that this is actually something that could be beneficial to us and now we're beginning to dive down deeply and understand why here are some foods that are beneficial to the microbiome finally
I want to just close by saying the microbiome is connected to the uh immune system which we know is important because we be now realize that about 70% of our immune systems actually wrap like a jelly roll inside our intestines and the bacteria talks to our immune system former US President Jimmy Carter had melanoma that spread to his liver in his brain and he retired from public life thinking that he was not going to survive he received one of the biggest breakthroughs in medicine today which is an immunotherapy that doesn't kill the cancer directly but
uncloaks the cancer from that's been hiding from the immune system to allow a 90-year-old person's immune system to find the tumor as a health offense and to wipe it out now this is the type of response that he got before treatment and after treatment this is a CT scan of the brain you can see uh tumor versus no tumor and we do see this in melanoma for example but less than 20% of the people actually respond so this is very frustrating the difference between life and death response and no response it's one of the big
Mysteries today and one of the things that's really remarkable is we're beginning to understand that the foods we eat may impact our immune system through the microbiome and this is actually a colleague of mine Lance Zogo at in Paris at The Institute Gustav rusi found that in 200 consecutive patients treated with imum therapy those patients who responded had one bacteria that the ones who didn't respond did not have in their stool and that's a bacteria called acromium ecopa and you can't eat that as a probiotic you can only eat foods that cause your gut to
secrete the mucus that it likes to grow in and this is now changing the way that we think about um how cancer patients are fed because how many cancer patients that that you know might be getting an an antibiotic unknowingly and wiping out this bacteria that could make the difference between whether they respond or don't respond this is also beginning to change this and this is how it works pomegranate it's got a lannin bioactive it causes the gut to secrete the mucus the bacteria acromania grows it lights up the immune system so now you have
a more fortified more active immune system now you hang a bag of immunotherapy and then cancer immunotherapy will then work on and allow the activated immune cells to go find that cancer this is over simplified but this is what we believe works and I it's very personal to me as I figured this out because my mother who was in her 80s was diagnosed with endometrial cancer cancer the lining of the uterus that spread and she was told by her doctors there was no chance to survive and at her age chemotherapy might be worse than the
disease itself and that she should actually just go under undergo paliative care so we actually took the tumor did the Deep dive found the smoking guns for immune therapy we then altered her diet made sure she had the ecomania and after three treatments nine weeks we had a complete response never had chemotherapy she was actually able to be uh completely saved and this is her uh today completely well with no sign of Cancer so again this is not a simple case but a complicated way that we're beginning to think things and then finally let me
just tell you broccoli Sprouts um also boost the immune system and this is this is a study of 29 volunteers who were getting the flu vaccine through a nasal spray and it found that if they gave them two cups of uh broccoli sprout uh uh Shake uh as a smoothie a day combined with the nose spray they had a 22 times increase in their immune response to the flu vaccine compared to people who didn't have it so what I've actually showed you is not just food as medicine but foods and Medicine where what's happening is
that the technology that nature lats in the food is meeting the technology that we have within our body so speaking of the immune system though let's talk a little bit about psoriasis and covid is there a link between the two yeah you know so I'm actually I'm one of these people that um like everyone else in the world when the lockdown happened in 2020 in the spring of 2020 I was staring out the window and I was trying to decide what am I going to like what's happening in the world what am I going to
do should I just not do anything and wait for it to pass or should I lean forward and do something and so my first instinct was to put on a white coat and go downtown into the hospitals and see if I could help bail out people in the emergency room I'm an internal medicine doctor so that'd be quite easy for me to do um but then I I just stopped and I thought you know I'm a researcher and what I do is I tackle these impossible problems like cancer psoriasis all these other things to see
if we can actually pull the uh you know take the layers off the onion to understand it better because if we don't understand something that's when we're against the brick wall we don't really know what to do so I decided to put on my research hat and dive into Co to try to do some research on it so lots of research has been done on covid I first of all discovered helped to discover that Co is a vascular disease so affects the blood vessels that androgenesis that actually triggers um the kind of harmful a harmful
form of androgenesis because bu are damaged so okay now we've s and there's a lot of inflammation right um and there's a lot of autoimmunity that uh Co triggers as well that's why people get long haulers which is another area I'm working on now autoimmunity inflammation angiogenesis hey we started talking about this when we started talking about psoriasis so not surprisingly there have been links to psoriasis and covid so uh it's been found that people who do have sor which is this systemic disease inside the body disease with autoimmunity that's now considered a risk factor
for getting covid all right forget about how contagious obron is but just getting covid in general in fact the risk of infection if you of of getting covid if you have psoriasis is increased by 36% okay this is from a studying the British Journal of Dermatology uh just from last year and if you get covid you're risk of dying from covid is increased by 30% all right so this is serious stuff and that's why psoriasis even if it's mild I I would tell anybody who comes to me say I have psoriasis am I at high
risk for covid I would say absolutely this is exactly the reason why you need to protect yourself as much as possible because you're at a higher risk category it's you know consider it the same way as having heart disease or diabetes when it comes to covid psoriasis because of that twitch immune system you want to protect yourself okay now that's one link so having psorasis makes you put you at greater risk however if you get covid CO's also been linked to more severe psoriasis flares if you get covid you get infected the Corona virus gets
in your body and it triggers inflammation it triggers and your Genesis it it it can actually Kickstart a trigger happy immune system so guess what happens if you've got psoriasis that's in remission bam you've put gasoline onto the Embers of a fire and so having covid uh many people also have more psoriasis flares another reason not to actually get covid and to protect yourself as well so look um uh this is uh still an hot area of research psoriasis is not the only uh chronic condition that's linked to covid but I do think it's important
for people who are interested in psorasis since we live in a world that's changed to understand that this is another reason you know get vaccinated get boosted take care to avoid just protect yourself you know in the same way that you would for anything else these are the things that we know how to do and very importantly eat to improve your immune system because the stronger your immunity the more likely you're going to resist everything a cold a flu covid cancer you know those are all good things to actually have good shields on and eating
the right way can decrease and lower inflammation in your body as well as a researcher what do you know about sasis that you think most people don't know or don't realize well first uh that psoriasis is actually a quite a common disease uh and it's a I would say it's a condition rather than a disease and most people see it on their skin as these sort of scaly itchy red patches um but here's what I know as a researcher so first of all I'm a internal medicine doctor but I'm a I'm a vascular biologist a
researcher as well and psoriasis Falls right into to sort of my wheelhouse my area of focus and looking at because this is actually a systemic disease which means that or condition which means that it actually affects the whole body now we don't haven't pinned down exactly what causes psoriasis but we do know that there's an autoimmune component which means that your own immune system rears up above and beyond it goes beyond it Duty uh and it actually can uh attack uh and cause inflammation in your skin so think about other types of uh immune or
autoimmune uh conditions that where the immune system rears up to cause inflammation like lupus for example or rheumatoid arthritis and in fact psoriasis is a condition that is linked to all these people with psoriasis sometimes have arthritis as well so for for those of your um uh uh viewers and listeners who basically are looking at the skin what's important to know is that actually this is a condition that affects the whole body we just see it on the skin so that's the first thing number two is that although it's autoimmune which means the immune system
is reared up uh against your own body to some extent the real problem is inflammation now we hear a lot about inflammation there's a lot of advertisements about inflamation um I would say if you go on the internet you know you hear about anti-inflammatory foods that that's all real except that I think that if you're somebody who suffers from psoriasis you realize that there's no simple fix for it and that's really why researchers like me are diving into understanding what might be causing it so one of the things that we realize is that in addition
to inflammation these red plaques that are on the skin actually and the richy are actually um driven they're growing because are being fed by blood vessels so psoriasis is what we call a vascular Associated disease vascular meaning blood vessels in in fact there's a specific term called angiogenesis which is what I study angiogenesis is how the body grows blood vessels now we need that for wound healing you want to grow blood vessels to heal up the wound we need that actually for reproduction you need good blood vessels to grow in the lining of the uterus
every month which is then sloughed off during menstration but that's all very controlled when it's out of control and when there's autoimmunity the abnormal androgenesis abnormal blood vessels can actually grow these skin plaques so think about it your skin is normally flat and it's not red but when uh there's inflammation the blood vessels can grow can inflammation can spark these blood vessels from growing to grow and then when the abnormal damage issue parts of the skin get a blood supply they can they're suddenly fed they sort of get like a they get sort of like
a a extra helpings of food from this new blood vessel blood supply and so they start to grow that's why they're raised the inflammation makes them itchy and so uh psoriasis is inflammation autoimmunity and geog Genesis which is what most people won't know about and the treatments that we think about for psoriasis which are on the skin mini topical um uh many of those treatments um uh uh are just to try to quell the inflammation but if you have psoriasis in a serious way your dermatologist your doctor will sometimes give you more serious medications like
steroids or like vitam special form of vitamin D and then if you really need to actually to ramp up your treatment they give you these things called targeted immunomodulators they can be injections they can be pills but they're sort of uh heat seeking missiles to go after that inflammation here's the thing all those treatments the steroids the vitamin D those Target tared heat seeking imuno modulor missiles they actually address inflammation but all of them also address angiogenesis they also quell those extra blood vessels from growing as part of how they work now the the interesting
thing is about our body is that you know that old saying that the you know the the the hip bones connected to the leg bone right so it is true that what's on the skin is connected to the inside and what's on the inside is connected to our gut and so there are also really important connections between psoriasis and the inflammation and the autoimmunity and the androgenesis to what's happening in our gut and what researchers have found now is that many people who suffer psoriasis not all but many also have sensitivity to gluten you don't
actually have to have all out celiac disease but just sensitivity to gluten now we know gluten you know gluten intolerance gluten sensitivity is um basically when you eat bready Foods uh wheat barley Bagels even some regular foods like soy sauce and some salad dressings can actually contain gluten as well um that can trigger inflammation in your gut and at its far extreme you could get celiac disease which is an autoimmune attack against your gut well so not surprisingly this autoimmunity of your gut and inflammation is somehow connected to um our skin as well as the
rest of our body and so for people who have uh psoriasis one thing that would be definitely worthwhile checking is your diet and if you can stay away from gluten cut down on your gluten or when you're going shopping I mean you know these days it is pretty easy to find a gluten-free variation so go to the section of the store that is for people who have gluten intolerances and find the food that you want there that can be really helpful most people don't realize that there's hidden gluten in a lot of different kinds of
foods like ketchup for example or soy sauce they don't look like bready but they've got that stuff in them so again uh you know a lot of people with psoriasis sort of think about it on the skin and they think about it as itchiness and inflammation but it goes much deeper than that yeah I think that's a great first point to bring up and to really underscore is that even though we see psoriasis on the outside it's actually an internal problem so it's the internal inflammation and imbalances that are manifesting externally on the skin so
if we really want to treat the psoriasis it's best to look within first I think then instead of just stopping you know stopping at the topical level so so many questions you dropped so many little bits of wisdom there my first question for you is because you're talking about blood vessels and and the role that they play um in psoriasis is there any connection between heart disease or cardiovascular issues and psoriasis that's a great question and the the challenge that doctors and researchers have having is really figuring out how to tease apart what is chicken
what is egg what is connected with or what is just happening at the same time so because sasis is so common you know uh in in the United States for example it's about 2% of the population that actually is affected but there other countries where it's lower and there's some countries where it could be up to 10% or more people actually have some form of psoriasis and there's probably a lot of under diagnosed sioris as well so the question is uh uh as we get older uh you know we also get cardiovascular disease and autoimmunity
can definitely affect blood vessels which then can actually be linked to cardiovascular disease so this is the whole the whole chicken or the egg thing does psoriasis cause heart disease I don't think think so but does the thing that the issue underlying psoriasis your autoimmune response does that actually have a spillover that can affect blood vessels and therefore uh if not trigger then maybe worsen cardiovascular disease that's uh something that is under research right now there's it goes even further than that because some of the treatments that are actually being given for psoriasis some of
them are super powerful you know these are these monoclonal antibodies or they they their designer treatments the heat seeking missiles I was talking about those actually are so powerful that we don't know yet fully what the long-term consequences might be which is why you know I think if you are uh uh suffering tremendously start with the easy things start with your diet start with your lifestyle before you kind of step it up and go straight for the drug you know you can always modify your lifestyle but the drugs have effects hopefully good effects but many
of them also have side effects and those are the ones that you sort of want to dodge recognizing that indeed food is our medicine but it's not about salesmanship it's not about snake oil it's about the real Bonafide science of understanding how foods contain substances that when place in our body help our body to respond including through our immune system in meaningful ways so where are some of the future of food transformation I'm going to give you a couple of of of ideas I think where we're going to go I think that in the future
we're going to be talking about the functionality of foods um what can the food do alone and in combinations how do they synergize and combine with each other so that one plus one is equal to three or five um we're going to be looking at dosing of foods if food is medicine and medicines have doses how much do we need to eat and how often that is a simple question that still has a lot of research to be done but what an amazing thing to know exactly how many apples a day you need to eat
to keep a doctor away um every individual is different so personalized and very precise nutrition tailored to an individual at a particular time in their lives um uh is is incredibly important to get away from generalizations that are out there prescription diets uh I foresee a future in which medical doctors Physicians will become much more educated in the kind of material I shared just shared with you and they may in fact in the future be writing prescriptions a few doctors are doing that in the United States already for their patients with diabetes and heart disease
and other conditions to try to help them improve their overall lives and they take literally the prescription to the grocery store as a shopping list and in some cases in in the United States some insurance companies are actually paying for um uh the the foods or underwriting some of the foods that are actually purchased um uh Fresh Foods we know are good good a real opportunity for Innovation is to say you know can we process the foods in a way that can be scaled fresh is difficult to scale but is there a way of preserving
the goodness um we know that dried is okay we know that um long storage of some foods like purple potatoes can actually enhance the polyphenols but are there ways that we can actually develop uh food Technologies to preserve the benefits of food whether it's drying whether it's powderize a number of different ways um right now ultr processed foods are really regarded as villains and and perhaps for justifiable reasons but that doesn't mean that the future has to be that way we could actually work together uh someone like me taking life science with food scientists with
food Technologies with innovators and Business Leaders and put together a plan a roadmap to be able to really create scalable food um uh that actually contains the goodness of Mother Nature and then finally I shared with you an example of food plus medicine not food versus medicine I'm a doctor who believes profoundly in the importance of the right medicine for the right person at the right time but food is the missing tool in the toolbox that might make our medicines better they might also uh help us avoid the need for medicines but if we did
need medicine what should we we be eating and in what we're facing today uh with the pandemic um as we are thinking about vaccines one of the really big questions is could our diet actually influence the activity the benefits of the vaccine itself we can get the data on it we can study it in people we can actually try to figure out what you can actually do using this so I'm going to show you some foods this is soy soybeans put into the same system look at what happens soybean shuts down androgenesis tumor androgenesis like
like nobody's business what's in soy we actually have also figured that out there's gentin it's a phytoestrogen wait a minute aren't so isn't soy dangerous for women with breast cancer totally an urban legend in fact soy uh does have plant-based estrogens that look nothing like human estrogen and in fact the soy estrogen blocks human estrogen it's Mother Nature's tamoxifen so I just showed you this this is in a lab does it work in people right so this is a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in which they studied soy and breast
cancer in the women who are at highest risk for breast cancer meaning women who already had breast cancer did eating soy make them die more no when the study of soy in 5,000 women who already had breast cancer was looked at the more soy women ate the lower their mortality in fact almost 30% lower risk of death the more soy they ate if they ate the more soy and if they had surgery and they had chemor radiation and they were actually without evidence of cancer the more soy they ate decreased the risk of the cancer
coming back by 30% all right that is actually quite remarkable in a real world population question how much soy did you actually need to have well the dose was actually studied about 10 gram of soy protein there's an equivalent to the protein with the phytoestrogen the genestin the anti-angiogenic substance that's found in soy there's other things that are found in soy as well and that's 10 grams that's the amount you would get in one glass of soy milk a day that's the dose for this okay for soy milk amazing okay what about tomatoes another urban
legends don't eat tomatoes they have lectins uh totally urban legend don't listen to the influencers out there that are not using science that are not not using data look at the people who are the serious people who have credibility who are doing the actual research in citing the data that's what I'm going to show you tomatoes have something called lycopene lopine is a coronoid you when you eat it uh it actually gets into your bloodstream it's actually fat soluble so it actually accumulates in your body fat and lopine when you put it into that ring
system guess what shuts down the tumor blood vessels like nobody's business all right this is actually how you're able to do this to be able look at so are tomatoes anti-androgenic could they have an effect to lower the risk of cancer and the answer is yes this is from the health professionals follow-up study of 46,000 men and what this followed over over 25 years and they find that those men who had two to three servings of cooked Tomatoes a week had a 30% decrease in the risk of developing prostate cancer they're having lycopene it's anti-androgenic
and when they actually looked at the men who actually had uh uh prostate who did develop prostate cancer they found at at the microscopic level that those men who ate more servings of cooked Tomatoes had less tumor angiogenesis less blood vessels feeding them correl directly with the amount of tomatoes that they actually ate so again this is I'm showing you real food is medicine research the kind of data that is actually being accumulated this is not the stuff you see in Instagram this is the kind of stuff that gets published in medical journals so I
always ask tell me the best tomato I want the most potent tomato with the highest amount of lopine and for those of you who are interested in this if you if you took a picture of this slide San Marzano tomatoes from Italy volcanic soil oh I can't get San Marzano Tomatoes very easily in where I live that's okay canned San Marzano Tomatoes which you can order on Amazon or you can order online have the same amount of potent lycopene cherry tomatoes are these little lycopene bombs they're small but they're powerful really potent full of lopine
black Tomatoes also have a lot of lopine we see these in the markets now Tangerine Tomatoes as well and of course tomato paste if you buy a can or tube of double concentrate triple concentrate tomato paste I like to cook so I like to talk on these terms it's good and good for you hey there I've got an exciting resource just for you and it's all about the five brain boosting habits for longevity these simple but powerful habits are all based on science that can help elevate your brain's cognitive ability and support your overall brain
health if you're ready to unlock the secrets to a sharper mind and a healthier future then click the link below the video to access this valuable information or you can take out your smartphone and scan the QR code on the screen right now now let's get back to the video and so we can actually discern what we want to choose this is the other aspect of food is medicine is what foods are are useful and what types of the food are most useful and how do we use it in cooking right so you can imagine
how this could turn into a cooking lecture as well all right so this is just a list a partial list of foods that stop harmful blood vessels I just want to I'm not going to go through every single one but every single one has the kind of data that I actually just showed you so it's really amazing how the things that we would find in the Mediterranean Market or the Farmers Market here okay or in the grocery store that we can actually make deliberate choices not only of eating green salads this is not about the
salad bar this is about actually um engaging in Foods in meaningful ways that many of which have actually been cooked cooked and prepared with recipes for for for Generations that are actually really delicious okay uh what if I showed you what happens if you actually have too many blood vessels what if you don't have enough you want to grow more blood vessels for your heart that can be done too barley actually has betao glue can like mushrooms have as well and you can actually uh study this the black bars actually show that feeding barley in
the lab to animals with blockages in their heart will grow more blood vessels to create natural bypass so this is actually you can study at the cellular level you can label the markers from new blood vessels you can count them you can study this and this is now in clinical studies as well looking at beta glucan and cardiovascular health this is an interesting one fruit peel has something called orsolic acid orsolic acid actually uh uh creates more nitric oxide in your body which is really important for vascular Health as well and in fact this has
been studied in the lab a system where you actually cutting off the blood flow on the leg of an animal so there's a human condition Peripheral arterial disease where you're actually lacking circulation you have leg pain eventually could lead to wounds and all an amputation and you can see that if you actually feed an animal or solic acid that came from fruit peel all right you can over the course of 3 weeks you can actually get coax the blood vessels to go back grow back and revascularize a system that had no blood vessels to begin
with with so again orsolic acid is also being studied in clinical trial in humans by the way fruit peels no big deal but this is actually why you U might want to actually buy organic because it's impossible to wipe wash away all the pesticide that might actually accumulate on fruit peel like think about strawberries you'll never wash a strawberry you can't peel a strawberry uh as well but an apple it Studies have shown that about 20% of the pesticides will penetrate into the skin of an apple about 20 % and you'll never be able to
wash that residue out all right okay foods that grow useful vessels this is another list that exist I wrote a book called e to be disease um uh I have lists and lists for of you know I I did the heavy lifting to figure out which foods actually can help to grow blood vessels now what about regeneration when I went to medical school nobody thought that humans could regenerate but obviously we regenerated our hair grows back uh our skin grows back our gut grows back and of course we know if you cut off a tip
of the liver or a tip of the lung hey those organs will also regenerate as well now we actually know that stem cells play a role these are not the things that you go to the strip mall to get injected into your knee uh or your shoulder these are stem cells that were born with in fact by the time we're born and your doctor Snips the cord we wind up retaining about 70 million stem cells that get stored in our bone marrow and our body fat um uh in our skin in other places and they
called out like bees out of a hive to repair us throughout our lives so our stem cells our natural stem cells are very important to help us regenerate now we can't grow a new arm like a starfish but we can actually uh support tissue and repair ourselves from the inside out you don't see this kind of wound healing and it could be tiny amounts of wounds that need to be healed like if your blood vessels are are damaged wouldn't you want to actually heal them back up and that's what that body does they use stem
cells to heal everything from liver to lung to your uh to your blood vessels and in fact we have measured we can measure that our in the bloodstream that our body calls out blood vessels if you have injury on the vertical axis are the number of stem cells over a period of days from uh patients the blood of patients who are admitted to the ER following a burn they get burned for whatever reason and they come in you can track that their stum cells are going up up up up up for almost 2 weeks now
repair is happening mostly you know the other things are happening for repair but stem cells are contributing as well and then after there's enough repair they kind of come back down we don't need quite as many of them right so this actually follows a normal pattern for wound healing and what's really interesting is that the worst the injury the more stem cells are coming out so we've actually measured this as well okay the vertical axis the amount of body surface that's burnt all right and then the stem cell levels and you can kind of see
that uh at at one time at any one time you can see the more the burn the more stem cells are pouring out to do this repair now there's a huge Enterprise trying to figure out how to use stem cells to heal tissues from the heart in the brain spinal cord it's really exciting stuff not ready for prime time it's still like like I've been involved with some of the stuff it's very Hardo all right it may be decades before we actually make a drug out of a stum cell but in the meantime what is
really cool is we're beginning to take a look at food as medicine because we know that as we age our stem cells kind of wne there's fewer of them they're a little bit less active so what can we do to pump them back up what can we do to reactivate or have more stem cells drawn out and foods can actually do this the choices of foods we e not only good for circulation stem cells uh microbiome gut health and our immune system but also good for our metabolism by fighting harmful body fat as well again
these are thermogenically food bioactives we're discovering what the specific element in the food is and we're beginning to see that these elements are found in fruits and vegetables and herbs and spices that you can find in the grocery store this is not about Weight Watchers this is not about getting an injection of a uh glp1 Agonist this is about leveraging your body and using what what we can find in the grocery store to be able to activate those systems you know the medical industrial uh complex the medical establishment was almost entirely galvanized by Pharmaceuticals perhaps
that was the appropriate thing in the 20th century but now we're deep deeper in the 21st century at a time where we realize very starkly that biotech and Pharma can't rescue us uh at every turn and so now here's a whole opportunity and food companies are responding to Consumers that are demanding better Foods as well and so when the consumer demands then the industry responds I also think that investors and innovators and policy makers can work together to uh pave the way um towards um uh a easier path to create um uh foods that are
better for us uh as I said I fresh is always something that's delightful and is never going to go away that's a culture that's part of our heritage uh I think as humans is always eating and cooking and looking at what's around us and locally um uh the the univers the ubiquity of many foods at all times throughout the year is um it's an artifact of our globalization which has many benefits but it's caused us to lose touch with our immediacy but we're not going to go backwards into the Stone Age we're going to go
forward into the future and this is why I really believe that there is um what's what's the right word there is lightning in the bottle you can try to capture what mother nature and actually has delivered in Fresh Foods and if we could find a way to harness that and deliver it at scale using the present day into the future then we have an opportunity to be able to frankly turn junk food into health food and then to message appropriately and get everybody to make it second nature to um find choices that are affordable accessible
and that also tastes great because that's the other thing that we cannot forget is that when it comes to food it has to be appealing hi there if you enjoyed watching this video I know you'll love the next one stay here and check it out and I'll see you there
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