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A Word of Wisdom
THIS IS WHY MANY ARE CALLED, BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN Have you ever wondered why Jesus said, “Many are ca...
Video Transcript:
you might be surprised by what I'm about to share but it's crucial to stay silent and focused about what's coming your way you're watching another video exclusively for the chosen ones if you are not one of the chosen ones it is likely that you will not watch this video to the end feel free to turn it off as the content may not resonate or vibrate with your soul or Spirit however if you are a true chosen one you will fully understand everything I'm about to explain many are called but few are chosen Matthew 22:14 beloved
you are not here by chance you are more than just another face in the crowd you have been called not by accident not by coincidence but by a Divine appointment with your name written on it in the Heavenly books think about that for a moment the creator of the heavens and the Earth the one who set the the stars in the sky and molded you from dust has called you but let me ask you a difficult question have you answered that call many of us deep in our souls feel like something is missing we sense
that we were made for more yet we struggle to break free from the cycle of routine and spiritual stagnation we go through the motions of Life working providing for our families attending church but still feel like we're wandering what happened to the dreams we once had the fire that once burned bright in our hearts beloved it's time to confront a hard but necessary truth many are called but few are chosen Matthew chap 22:14 why is that why is it that so many people hear the call of God but never fully step into their Destiny what
is it that causes us to miss our divine appointment today we're going to dig into these questions we're not here to point fingers or condemn anyone no we are here to heal wounds to speak life into dry bones and to reignite the fire that God placed within you together we will walk this path of Discovery learning not only why so many miss out on their Divine calling but also how to be among the Chosen Few who rise above the challenges and fulfill their God given Destiny I want to encourage you to stay with me until
the very end of this message what you are about to hear could change the course of your life this message carries a powerful word from God one that may unlock the answers you've been seeking renew your hope and reignite your passion for the destiny God has set before you I know there are distractions all around but push through them today let this be the moment you receive the Breakthrough that your soul needs stay engaged because what God has to reveal to you in these next few moments could be the key to stepping into your Divine
appointment welcome to a Word of Wisdom if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe like the video and turn on notifications to keep up to dat with the word of God it's important to understand that receiving a call from God is not the culmination of our spiritual journey it's just the beginning we often think that hearing God's voice or feeling his pull on our hearts is the Pinnacle of our Christian experience but Beloved the call is nothing more than an invitation it is a Divine knock on the door of your life a summons to
step into something greater think back to the moment when you first felt the tug of God on your heart maybe it was in the quiet of a worship service or perhaps it was during a season of of trial when you cried out to him in desperation that moment was no accident it was God extending his hand toward you calling you closer beckoning you toward a destiny that only he could orchestrate yet how many of us mistakenly believe that the call itself is the final destination we sit back and wait thinking that because we felt God's
presence or heard his voice the work is done but let me tell you the call is just the first step when you hear God's voice he is inviting you into a journey a journey that will require your participation your obedience and your unwavering trust the Bible is full of examples of people who were called by God but still had to make the choice to respond take Abram for example in Genesis 12 God called him to leave his home his family and everything familiar to go to a land that God would show him the call was
clear but Abram had to make the decision to leave he had to step out in faith not knowing where the journey would take him and so it is with us God's call is not the final chapter of our story it's the opening line the choice to answer the call and step into our divine appointment is what determines whether we become one of the chosen now let's talk about one of the greatest threats to our calling distra actions oh how easily we are pulled off course If we're honest with ourselves we'll admit that life has a
way of overwhelming us work demands our attention family responsibilities consume Our Time Financial pressures weigh us down and in the midst of it all our focus on God's calling begins to fade I want you to think about the parable of the SE in Matthew 13:22 the seed falling among the Thorns refers to someone who hears the word but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word making it unfruitful you see the word of God the call of God was planted in your heart like a seed but the enemy of your
soul is constantly working to choke that seed to prevent it from bearing fruit the thorns in this Parable represent the distractions and worries of this world how often have you found yourself so consumed with the cares of life that you forgot about the calling God placed on your heart maybe it was that new job you took that requires all of your energy or perhaps it's the NeverEnding list of responsibilities that keeps you running from morning to night little by little the fire of your calling begins to dim but let me tell you Beloved the distractions
of this world are temporary the worries that consume you today will not matter in eternity what will matter is whether or not you fulfilled the purpose God had for your life what will matter is whether you allowed the Thorns of life to choke out your calling or whether you Rose above the distractions to pursue Your Divine appointment so today I challenge you to take inventory of your life what are the distractions that have been keeping you from fully stepping into your calling identify them and then begin the process of removing them it won't be easy
distractions have a way of entangling us in their grasp but with God's help you can break free now let's move on to another critical reason why so many miss their Divine appointment Temptation and spiritual laziness the Bible is clear that temptation is a part of life even Jesus our perfect example was tempted in the wilderness by Satan himself but the difference between those who are called and those who are chosen often comes down to how we respond to Temptation in Matthew 4 we see Jesus being tempted after fasting for 40 days and nights he was
hungry weak and vulnerable yet he did not give in why because he was armed with the word of God when Satan tempted him to turn stones into bread Jesus responded it is written man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God Matthew 4:4 Beloved the enemy will come at you when you are at your weakest he will offer you shortcuts easy ways out and temporary Comforts that appeal to your flesh but if you give in you risk missing out on your Divine appointment you risk trading your
Eternal calling for a momentary pleasure but temptation is not the only challenge we Face spiritual laziness can be just as dangerous it creeps in slowly causing us to neglect our prayer life to skip time in the word and to grow complacent in our faith before we know it our spiritual senses have dulled and we are no longer sensitive to the voice of God this is why Ephesians 6: 10-1 urges us to put on the full armor of God finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God
so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes when we are spiritually lazy we leave ourselves vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy but when we are clothed in the armor of God armed with his word protected by his righteousness and empowered by his Spirit we can stand firm against any Temptation that comes our way so beloved ask yourself today are you spiritually prepared for the battle are you actively resisting temptation and arming yourself with the word of God if not now is the time to wake up to put on the armor of
God and to fight for your calling let look at another critical reason why so many people miss out of their Divine calling fear and doubt these are the silent killers of our calling they creep into our minds Whispering lies that make us question whether we are worthy whether we have what it takes whether God could really use someone like us how many of you are struggling with fear right now how many of you have doubted your worth your abilities or your purpose if that's you I want to remind you of second Timothy 1: 7 for
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind fear is not from God doubt is not from God these are weapons of the enemy designed to paralyze you to keep you from stepping into your calling but you have been given a spirit of power love and a sound mind you have been equipped with everything you need to fulfill Your Divine appointment think about Gideon in the Bible when God called called him to save Israel from the midianites Gideon was full of doubt he questioned whether
he was strong enough whether he was the right person for the job but God saw something in Gideon that Gideon didn't see in himself God called him a mighty warrior even when Gideon felt weak and insignificant and God is saying the same thing to you today you may feel weak but God calls you strong you may feel unqualified but God calls you chosen you may be filled with fear but God has given you a spirit of power not fear it is time to break free from the shackles of fear and doubt that have held you
back for so long look at Moses another man who doubted his own abilities when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt moses' first reaction was to focus on his shortcomings he said to God who am I that I should go to pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt Exodus 3:1 but God didn't entertain moses' doubts instead he simply said I will be with you and that is the message for you today God is with you you may have doubts but he doesn't you may see your flaws but he sees your potential
you may feel inadequate but he has already equipped you for the task the question is will you trust him enough to step out in faith you see being chosen is not about being perfect it's about being willing willing to move forward despite your fears willing to trust God even when the path is unclear willing to believe that his power working through you is greater than any limitation you see in yourself now let's explore what it means to embrace the life of the chosen to be chosen is to live a life of purpose vigilance and Readiness
it is a life that actively seeks God's will that prioritizes his calling above the fleeting distractions of this world in Matthew chap 25 we find the parable of the 10 virgins Five Wives and five foolish all 10 were called to meet the bridegroom but only five were prepared the wise virgins brought extra oil for their lamps ensuring that they would be ready when the bridegroom arrived the foolish virgins however were caught off guard and missed their moment because they were not prepared this Parable is a vivid illustration of the difference between being called and being
chosen The Chosen are those who prepare their hearts Who Remain Vigilant and who are ready to step into their Divine appointment when the moment arrives The Chosen understand that their calling is precious and that it requires constant attention devotion and preparation so how do we Embrace The Chosen life first we must develop a daily practice of seeking God's Guidance the chosen life is not one that can be lived passively it requires intentionality daily prayer time in the word and a heart that is open to the leading of the Holy Spirit next we must cultivate a
spirit of perseverance the Journey of the chosen is not an easy easy one it is a path that will be filled with challenges obstacles and trials but as Hebrews 12: 1-2 reminds us let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus the pioner and perfector of Faith to be chosen is to run the race with endurance to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus no matter what comes our way finally embracing The Chosen life means surrendering our own plans and desires to God Proverbs 16:9 says in their hearts humans
plan their course but the Lord establishes their steps when we surrender our plans to God we give him permission to lead us into the fullness of our calling we trust that his plans are better than ours and that his ways are higher than our ways this is not a one-time decision but a daily surrender every day we must choose to lay down our desires our Ambitions and our fears at the feet of Jesus and in doing so we make room for him to establish our steps to guide us into our divine Destiny now let also
look at the cost of being chosen but let's be honest the chosen life comes with a cost Jesus himself said in Luke 14:28 suppose one of you wants to build a tower won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete It The Chosen life requires sacrifice it requires laying down our own desires Ambitions and sometimes even relationships for the sake of fulfilling God's purpose in our lives consider the apostles they were called by Jesus and they responded by leaving everything behind family careers and comfort to follow
him the cost was great but the reward was greater they stepped into a destiny that not only transformed their own lives but also changed the course of history the same is true for us to be chosen means to be set apart to live a life that is radically different from the world around us it may mean giving up certain Comforts or enduring persecution for the sake of the gospel it may mean being misunderstood or even rejected by those closest to us but remember what Jesus said in Matthew 19: 29 and everyone who has left houses
or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life the cost is real but so is the reward The Chosen life is not a life of ease but it is a life of purpose fulfillment and eternal impact and when we stand before God on that final day we will hear the words we all long to hear well done good and faithful servant Matthew 25: 21 Beloved the time has come no more waiting no more hesitating no more
shrinking back in fear it is time to step boldly Into Your Divine appointment the calling has already been issued the door has been opened and now the choice is yours I want you to picture a race you are standing at the starting line and God is the one holding the flag ready to Signal the start of your journey you've prepared for this race you've trained you've studied you've prayed but now is the moment of decision will you run Hebrews 12: 1-2 says therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us
throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer and perfector of Faith the race has been marked out for you God has already gone before you preparing the way equipping you with everything you need to succeed but you must choose to run you must choose to cast off the things that have been holding you back the distractions the fears the doubts The Temptations and run with perseverance toward the prize and what is the prize
it is not worldly success or accolades it is not wealth or recognition the prize is fulfilling the purpose God has for your life the prize is hearing him say well done good and faithful servant the prize is knowing that you made an eternal impact that you stepped into your Divine appointment and Chang the world for the kingdom of God conclusion rise up chosen one I'm speaking to you right now yes you you who have felt like you've missed your moment who feel like life has passed you by it is not too late God's calling is
still there waiting for your response the door is still open and your Divine appointment is still waiting but you must make a decision today will you allow the distractions Temptations and fears of this world to keep you from being chosen or will you rise up answer the call and step boldly Into Your Divine Destiny you are not too old too broken too flawed or too late to be used by God he has been waiting for you all along long patiently calling you back to his purpose the enemy has tried to convince you that your time
has passed that you've made too many mistakes that you're too far gone but that is a Lie from the pit of Hell God's word says in Romans 11: 29 for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable what God has spoken over your life still stands his call on your life has not been rescinded it's time to reclaim it it's time to step into the fullness of what God has for you the journey will not always be easy but it will be worth it for what God has for you is greater than anything you could ever
imagine so rise up chosen one and Step Into Your Divine appointment God is waiting for you your destiny awaits let closed our eyes and pray the prayer of faith together as one family might God creator of Heaven and Earth we stand in awe of your power and Grace today we come before you with Open Hearts longing for your presence seeking your guidance and ready to receive your Divine appointment father I lift up every soul that is hearing this message those who feel lost broken forgotten or trapped by the weight of their burdens you see them
Lord you know every tear they've cried every doubt they've carried every fear that has gripped their hearts and right now I ask that you reach down from heaven and touch them with your healing hand Lord ignite a fire in their Spirits a fire that cannot be extinguished by the storms of life or the lies of the enemy set Ablaze their hearts with courage hope and A Renewed sense of purpose let them feel your divine presence surrounding them empowering them to rise up and claim the destiny you have prepared for them break every chain that has
held them back every spirit of fear every Whisper of Doubt every distraction of this world and replace it with your spirit of power love and a sound mind heavenly father I speak life into every person listening breathe your breath of purpose into them remind them that they are not forgotten that their time has not passed and that your calling is irrevocable father make this message a turning point in their lives a moment when they decide to step boldly into the fullness of what you have for them let them feel your hand guiding them pulling them
out of the shadows and into your Marvelous Light for those who will share this message Lord I pray a special blessing as they spread your word let their obedience open doors of favor in their own lives multiply their faith and let them see breakthroughs beyond what they could could ever ask or imagine bless those who will subscribe who will like and who will comment Amen in faith believing in the power of your promises honor their hearts Lord let their Act of Faith not only transform their own lives but also touch countless others who need to
hear this word Lord we declare that this message will be a chain breaker a stronghold Destroyer a soul healer use it to awaken the called to ignite The Chosen and to advance your kingdom in Mighty ways we thank you Father for what you are about to do we claim victory in the name of Jesus Christ in the powerful unmatched name of Jesus we pray amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below no gift is too small your
generosity even just aen can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important work [Music]
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