O Poder do Autoquestionamento (The Work) - Byron Katie | IBC ONLINE

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José Roberto Marques - IBC Coaching
O Poder do Autoquestionamento (The Work) - Byron Katie | IBC ONLINE Olá, querida pessoa! Trago nest...
Video Transcript:
foreign [Music] how many of you are new to the work today have never done the work or experienced it oh that's just that is amazing so so um the work is a way to identify and question the judgments that cause all the suffering in the world another way of saying that all the suffering in your life ready so I invite you to to close your eyes and recall a situation where you were angry with someone or you were very hurt anxiety maybe you were at work maybe at home maybe on a cell phone maybe maybe
face to face with that person that hurt you or made you angry so the the work is meditation meditate on that moment in time and when you have centered in that moment in time raise your hand keep your eyes closed raise your hand and then lower it good so we're going to continue to meditate on that moment in time now begin to identify why you're angry with that person I'll continue to use the word anchor and you connect with the your own emotion that you were experiencing in that situation why were you angry were you
angry at that person or hurt upset what did they say what did they do why were you angry meditating on that situation that moment in time when you have identified why you're upset angry whatever that emotion is for you in that situation when you've identified why you're angry with your eyes closed raise your hand and then lower it wow good now see if you can name the emotion maybe it's not anger maybe it is and you don't have to do it exactly I just love that you get in touch with your emotions because it's very
important that you experience where in your body and in your own way is it hot is it cold is it in your chest and it's in your stomach shoulders neck you're just getting in touch with that okay so now I invite you to open your eyes open your folders locate the judge your neighbor worksheet if you don't have one raise your hands and we can bring them to you if you don't have a folder raise your hands now we just meditated on a moment in time so you're prepared to fill in statement one just simply
I was in the kitchen I saw myself clearly with Paul and it was about 35 years ago but mind doesn't care boom meditating on just that moment in time okay so I'm angry at Paul because he won't listen to me I mean that was a huge complex moment but why you know what was what was it simply when I meditate on that he wasn't listening to me and the whole thing was about his health he had had four heart attacks and he was smoking I caught him and he said no I wasn't I could smell
it I could watch him fatty it as I entered the room but why was I really angry he wasn't listening to me foreign so get very still closure look at statement one on the judge your neighbor worksheet and you're prepared to fill just that one in only statement one with what you saw as you meditated on that moment in time in your own situation any questions okay now watch how your egos don't like it not me I wasn't really angry you know as I as as I sit in that situation yeah I was angry yeah
I'm I'm good with it now but I'm talking about then I see it how many of you see an image of how angry I was in that kitchen would you raise your hand okay and how many of you have ever um foreign ever eaten a banana okay so where's your proof where's your proof do you believe everything you think you saw an image that was in the past right with an image of the past that's the only way you could raise your hand okay and where's your proof that you've eaten a banana you believe there's
a pest where you couldn't raise your hand honestly what is the past can you take it out and do something with it so it's not real right it's not real right so you're thinking about nothing foreign and we spend our lives this way in the movie in the movie in the movie and then the next time someone hands they say you want a banana I think when I say oh yeah I think I know what I'm talking about but what is my reference nothing zero less so most people raise their hands it looked like everyone
did from here but let's say everyone raised their hands so we can all image anyone anyone who thinks they're thinking can do this work so you go back in a moment of Time how many of you um how many of you ate breakfast this morning was your proof nothing okay so if you raised your hand those of you didn't saw images of you not eating breakfast or you would raise your hand if you heard the question and you thought you were being honest okay so the reason I'm sharing this with you is so you can
go back to that situation we started with and be comfortable in that situation so you could just like the banana just like breakfast you can meditate on anchor in that situation and even talking to you right now I can see I can see Paul he's he's so upset and I see this weird woman I called me coming at him and I can see it I couldn't see it then I just thought him as a liar I think of him then it's I mean when I think of him then now which is so soft with it
innocent man okay so you have everything you need to fill in statement one and again the reason I shared so much in this last in these last few moments with you it's so that you can go back and really see your situation clearly without guilt without spiritual what arrogance just Witness mindfully meditating on that situation and fill in statement one why was I angry why was I so Furious with Paul I was believing my thoughts about Paul what about me so it's it just makes sense that I go back to that moment in time meditate
on that situation and collect the thoughts I was thinking then because that those thoughts that was the cause of my anger not Paul and I invite you to test that today no human being has the power to make me angry I do that that's mine I take full responsibility what I'm thinking and believing about you is the cause of my anger so I'm not this is not a little thing we're doing here this afternoon we're not just meditating on a moment in time where we're going to question the thoughts we are we're capturing something that
was the cause of my anger that we're still believing today putting on other people and world so we collect some from them we identify we question them and we see a very different world we're all very different world so let's have fun let's let's continue to be in that situation fill a statement one short simple sentence how many of you have done that would you raise your hands you're good so now close your eyes back in that situation so I'm going back into the kitchen go back into your situation you're on your cell phone or
your texting or your in the kitchen now identify in that situation with that person what did you want what did you want from that person what did you want them to say or do meditate on that be in it it's not your spiritual self now it was you then and no one angry is sane that you want and when you identify that fill in statement too read statement to and fill it in short simple sentence or I want Paul to listen to me oh yeah I want Paul to stop smoking I want Paul to tell
the truth we're identifying the cause of our anger in any given situation and today it's the one that you are identifying on your on your worksheet how many of you need more time with statement two okay So Close Your Eyes being there now in that situation to get what you want what advice would you offer that person he should he shouldn't they should they shouldn't she should she should in your situation what advice would you offer that person to in order to get what you want so make sure the advice is clear make sure it's
possible like I'm not going to say I want Paul to Paul should turn cartwheels you know he he just had his fourth heart attack get what I want what advice would I offer him he should he shouldn't and fill in statement agree this is one of my favorites you feel that emotion and me it was anger to feel what yours was now what would it take you what do you need to be happy what could that person do give you be in that moment in time what you need from them to go from that emotion
you're feeling all the way to Happy boom just like that it was in your head I need him okay why do you need to be happy and fill in statement for some of you can be spontaneous with this some of you are meditators you can get very fear but whatever experience of mindfulness we have we can do this what were your thoughts about that person close your eyes then what in that situation what were your thoughts about that person Paul is a liar he doesn't tell the truth remember when you're angry you're not sane so
don't expect a lot of Civility here don't be shocked what your thoughts were just be fearlessly enough to as you identify them to put them on paper because those thoughts are still running in your life you believed them then still believing them really in statement five and then begin to identify in that situation what is it about that person or that situation you never wanted to experience again and fill in statement six so how you doing already waking up how many of you are a little surprised not much huh what did you notice as you
were filling it down if you stand we have microphones that we can take to you filling this worksheet what did you become aware of pretty much what you said that um my being focused on a tough moment and being truthful about how I felt at the time and then writing it down um was I feel was was a feeling that I gnored for some time just because it's not pretty yeah and um but it's true it actually happened in the past yeah and some you were thinking and leaving is um it's really revealing isn't it
it is yeah and very humbling for some of us thank you anyone else what did you yes if you stand the microns know where to bring the microphone thank you for that my question is what if you don't want anything to do with this person ever again going through this process so I it's on on statement six I would say what what do I never want to um experience again with that person I never want to see that person again right so ever ever earlier it says What would in order for you to be happy
well that statement uh five no I'm sorry that's that I'm not sorry at all that's statement four so if nothing she does whatever make me happy again and I'm not even open to it well it's well we're talking about in that situation that's not now that was what you were thinking and believing then okay you mean but now I still believe I want nothing whatsoever to do with this person and that's for statement six okay that's the thing you never want to experience again okay excellent okay okay thank you [Music] yes if he's down please
oh well no you don't have to that's what I love about life you never have to do anything uh does this process work if if this has if there's been a violation uh nothing for me yes and that's an interesting question for me to answer because before the work violated after the work whoops but that's what it's true like you know um I mean I don't really want to I mean like if would you use this in any circumstance I wouldn't hesitate and I haven't even in like the freedom is our Birthright yeah and he
made him says most damn fools are starving to death and life is a banquet anyone else what did you what did you experience yes so microphone here thank you so for for me it was very interesting when I started it was about the other person what I hated and what I didn't want them to do and then when I ended it was like how I should have not done something like I didn't want me to get angry and I didn't want me to get ever for me to ever get in that state again so it's
kind of bent from the other person to me in the end yes and we can all relate to that but look at the thoughts you were believing that's what you've written on the sheet when you considered the thought you were believing how could you not be angry not possible yes if you stand though yeah thank you um I was just going to say that what I feel it's the most after writing especially six or even five um step five is stupid like I feel well look at what you were thinking of believing and statement five
what were you believing that this person is just name calling them unreliable dumb flaky and that feels really immature to say yeah when we look back you know that's that's um just courageous of you to write it down but it's on it's like we're going back we're taking dictation of what we were thinking and believing and believing then now um what did you just read read it again unreliant Jordan is unreliable okay have you met anyone since Jordan that was also unreliable yes it's gonna continue that's the life of a believer no choice and if
you need someone that's is there anyone here that has never met someone that was not unreliable I said yeah so it's like a universal belief okay so look at the situation with that undesirable I mean that unreliable person okay so that person is unreliable what was the situation so she she lied to you she made a commitment to me and didn't keep it okay she made a commitment to you and didn't keep it okay have you ever made a commitment that you didn't keep yeah a lot we we all know you you're unreliable you know
what that leaves that leaves no reliable people in this world so she's unreliable but how do we anchor that we'd like to do the work okay so this gentleman I asked who and then this gentleman the first gentleman that stood up would you like to do the work let's do the work so I invite you to step into my parlor IDE so in in the meantime while he's on being miked up to come here on any questions I don't want to Mason got one moment I just my time with you I just value it so
deeply you're free and then these thoughts cross your head and you see images of past and future and you think that that's who you see and what you see and it's not it's it's well it is if you believe it is to the microphone right yeah can you go into more detail about like in the case of someone who's been raped like for number six you say you know I never want to and what if the person said I never want to be raped again and then at the end of the sheet you say go
through the work and say to yourself I look forward to as you're talking do you see images of someone being raped yeah stop that wait what I mean who brought up look what's going on in your head okay it's like I don't ever want to be raped again have you ever have you ever been fearful that you would be raped yeah okay so when you look at what you're thinking and believing you see an image when you have fear being raped you're watching that image of you being raped right yeah okay so you see that
image I haven't actually personally been raped so I don't well that wasn't the question we were answering you see that image of being of you being raped when you're fearful of being raped okay you see that yeah okay yeah that image is that you no good so now you know the difference between reality and fiction what's real and what's not but we watch it and it's so powerful we begin to fear it this this you know through our Mind's Eye it becomes so so vivid and we don't realize we're watching it and we put it
on someone oh I'm glad I've never been raped and oh that poor thing and I'm talking about right or wrong here I'm just going for the juggler because we don't have much time we have um we're going to work this all the way through and I don't want to lead you okay sweetheart so why don't you sit here and and do you have your worksheet um it's right there okay would you uh yeah we'll just get closer to that if it's not rape that's too close to people it's it's like this one of those like
taboos but let's say if someone so sweetheart sitting right there and I'll join you and if someone if someone slaps me as hard as they can why am I so happy it's over I'm not crazy anymore I'm grateful I'm not grateful that let's say he hit me I'm grateful it's over you know if I'm going oh did you see what oh okay so ah who what's happening in my head I'm keeping it alive that's not right or wrong it's just that I'm believing my thoughts I'm My Own victim and I'm calling it him how many
of you are okay with this so far oh good okay and if you don't agree with me this is a terrible person then you can't be my friend for sure you're unsympathetic I mean I only hang out with people who are sure it's a terrible it's a fearful world if it's a fearful world I Look to this the world is perfect it's what I'm thinking and believing about the world that could use a little work and I don't call this the work for nothing you lose your identity here every time you sit in yourself meditating
on these questions which we're about to sit in identity begins to Fall Away okay so sweetheart let's do the work so what is what did you read for statement number one and thank you for being so courageous um my state number one said I am angry with can I just call her her yes [Laughter] highly recommend it yeah because she abandoned me okay so audience listen to this as though he wrote it to you and so he wrote it not to you but on you how many of you have ever abandoned someone would you raise
your hands yeah so he did so she abandoned you and what is the situation moment that moment in time that you're meditating on I give her a call and she tells me let's wait to so we can FaceTime so when you get off the bike get home give me a call want to check in say okay I obviously felt something was there but I like the word check-in I get home uh give her a call and it was simply put saying look I'm not paying the connection I think we should break up and she was
on a road trip across the the US oh okay and she's saying what she did to you and then you had the thought she abandoned me yes okay so in that situation are you you're on the phone the cell phone are you sitting Are you standing I'm sitting on my bed okay so you're in the bedroom on the bed sitting everyone see him in the bedroom okay so if there are 2500 people here there are 2 500 different hymns 2500 different bedrooms this is going on all the time I mean when you hear someone talk
it's just a sleepness so let's wake up okay so in that situation you're sitting on your bed and we can all join him there as though it you know get as close as you can to it she abandoned you um is it true now there are only four questions we're dealing with and the first two are simple they're they're one syllable it's either yes or no and you don't have to guess you're meditating on a moment in time and it will show you the answer so in the bedroom on the bed on the phone she
abandoned you is it true yes so one syllable that's good she abandoned you the first two questions used to be it used to be three questions but I thought I'd give people another shot at it so I spread the first one out to two it's it's like can you really know that it's true that she abandoned you now you consider the same thing you're on the bed you hear her words so it could still be yes but listen and don't go into oh no like the answer is supposed to be no it's not going to
work for you let it show you she abandoned you can you really know that it's true can you absolutely know that it's true she abandoned you yes now notice on the phone when you believe that thought how you react when you believe the thought she abandoned you at the time how I reacted and I'm talking about emotionally [Music] um I felt that coming where did you feel it coming oh my God in your gut okay so you felt in your gut and I when I heard it was like instinct was right and so the in
a sentence the situation was we had been together but then I traveled for a month and then when I came back she traveled for a few couple of two weeks and it was perfect before but then in between that month and two weeks there was one day where we met and then when she went over the two over those two weeks she just chose to cut it off because there was nothing going into it you're doing everything but answering the question could you repeat the question yeah [Laughter] but thank goodness only four let's see how
do you react what happened how do you react when you had the thought she abandoned so I Don't Close Your Eyes get in touch with yourselves and just notice any any reactions in your gut I was looking for a reconsideration so I told her there are three things you could do one we could talk about it so you begin to bargain yes I bargained yeah and you continue to have the thought no matter what you say or do she abandoned me yeah okay so ultimately ultimately she did okay so in that situation when ultimately she
did how did you react when you believe the thought she abandoned me [Music] I was calm I said okay bye and I closed the hung up and I just was crippled inside a little bit so you faked it I faked it you faked it probably we'll go back and see this isn't my work so I I didn't tell her hey you're abandoning me I was like that's that's your choice oh you didn't say it no you were very cool yeah and then and then it uh kicked in and then it kicked in yes yeah okay
so she abandoned you now close your eyes look at you on the bed you see the walls any pictures on the walls is there a window uh on my left is a window painting in front of me okay so just just draw she abandoned me drop your story look at you without the story are you okay is everything good other than what you're thinking and believing look at that guy uh no it's not okay other than what you were thinking and believing I see a man sitting on the bed yeah I mean besides that I
was everything else was good outside of the new missing piece in your a new reality so in reality you were so so you're doing really well wherever you are okay let's turn around she abandoned me so what's an opposite she would was the opposite of abandon me of abandon is uh stayed with you work out yeah she stayed with you that's the opposite for my word was um look to fix look to Thai things versus okay so let's let's play with I hear that it was because I had more experience here okay she abandoned me
she stayed with me and where I went with that from my own experience is how long ago did this happen three weeks ago okay and for three weeks she's been in your head he's staying with you yes she did yeah she just stays there and she stays there and she stays there and you remain in your bedroom and remain in your bedroom and on the phone call anyway she stays with you for many reasons okay let's look at statement two I want her to be considerate about me and look for ways to fix the relationship
okay and let's see how much time we have I don't know what that means we'll keep going what honey oh good okay so I want her to be considerate about me and look for ways to fix the relationship okay is it true look on your folders you know those people you want to come back to you really hahaha it's like I want her to be considered about me and look for ways to fix the relationship is it true that's I'd love you to just just take that question with you in your life is it true
consider so you could meditate on is it true I want her to um look for ways to fix the relationship you might just meditate on that just throughout an entire day and notice how you react what happens when you think that thought what happens when you think that thought but I'd want her to fix things doesn't it take you back to the phone call it does yeah so it puts you back in time yes it does and then the emotions and you see you there and you experience the hurt again it does yes yeah so
who would you be if you never had that thought again I want her to be considered about me and look for ways to fix the relationship imagine your life without that thought I'd be Freer yeah that works for me yeah yeah I mean that could be better than a girlfriend just Freer and when you're holding that and and you meet another girl well she doesn't measure up to her um you know so comparison you know every woman is perfect if you don't compare isn't that fabulous I'd love you all to know that if you did
not like how many of you find occasionally find flaws with your body would you raise your hand okay if you did not compare without comparison do you have the perfect body I mean really no fooling around so everyone has the perfect body other than what you're thinking comparison basically so um I want her to come to be considerate about me and look for ways to fix the relationship I want her to look for ways to fix the relationship turn that portion around I don't want I don't want her I don't want her to fix the
relationship yes I don't want her to find ways to fix the relationship now when you turn your your um judgments around you find opposites and it's like trying on a new pair of shoes you know does it fit and you just open your minds and explore it so so knowing her on that one day the way you do why is it what is it about that experience that you don't that would make you not want to her to fix the relationship the fact that the surprise of not knowing when this might happen again makes me
not even want to get into it at all yeah but with her specifically well I guess you would fall would fall into that category huh because she's done it yeah look to leave when there was no re no argument not nothing concrete outside of young fleeting discomfort or something and then just okay so you explore it so um so here's a here's a turnaround try this one on I want me to be considerate about me and look for ways not to fix that relationship with her in my head that's true so that's you're easy to
deal with than someone that doesn't won't speak to you I'm easy to deal with this you're easier to deal with than someone that won't speak to you yeah yeah so now we're into some possibles and you're handy dandy you're there with you you wake up with you you go to sleep with you take you to a movie give you a little lunch true company other than what you're thinking and believing that's true yeah but we wake up in the morning with she loves me you know not great company yeah who would you be what would
you be you know thoughts aren't necessary I could say more about that but I got to keep this simple let's look at statement three she should be compassionate and consider the great times we had so on the phone with her is that true that she should be compassionate and consider the great times you had is that true she wasn't I well let's look at it is it is it true that she should can be should be compassionate and considered the great times I I think it's true yes and did she no so who needs God
when you have your opinion I'm sorry we need to go then I have my opinion yeah it's like she doesn't want to want to but I like her that does that doesn't matter to me what can you hear that it's like I don't care what she wants I want her to be compassionate yes I could care less if she doesn't want to be with me she should consider the great times we had yes foreign it's hard to convince someone you really like them when that's what's going on okay so um who would you be on
the phone without her uh without that thought about her that she should be compassionate and consider the great times you had so who would you be without the thought just sitting on the bed without the thought her on the phone again Freer yeah and hearing her voice and so we were the last sound you'd ever hear of her and it was I mean when you really care about someone you don't want to miss it but we're busy she should be you know she should be compassionate and considered great so we're not really listening to what
could be yes really important it's a beautiful thing really beautiful thing that I'm not listening to listen it is but you were busy believing this she should be compassionate because of the great times we've had so so it overrides reality that's all I'm saying yeah so um I should be let's try the opposite in that situation I should be and read what you wrote I should be compassionate compassionate and consider the great times we had yeah yeah I just want more and more and more from someone that's not going there we wonder why relationships don't
work we wonder why we're hurt you know let's say no one can hurt me that's my job if I'm hurt I Look to me I've done that it's what I'm thinking and believing it cannot be another human being yeah yeah okay good so [Music] um let's look at the next one I need her to say that we haven't been who we can be and want to be or that we should take a step back and try again so you need her to say that phone she's telling you her truth you hear her yes and then
you believe that so you need her to say that the two of you haven't been the best you can be together that you want to be and should take a a step a step back and try again that's what I would have wished to hear yeah so you to be happy you need that is it to be happy I need that no because there's a bigger world out there but within that One Moment One reality if the scope of everything was down to that one relationship then yes but and it wasn't she's having no peace
of it on that conversation no okay so so how do you react when you on the phone when you believe the thought she takes take a step back and try again and she's ending it yes how do you react how did I react I felt uh disappointed yeah disappointed there's a better word okay so again who would you be without the thought she should take a step back and try again who would you be yeah So Close Your Eyes see you see you there yeah she's saying goodbye would you be without the thought we should
take a step back and try again cold-hearted well what about good listener I mean that was your last conversation with her and you say you care about her yeah this is just all about you and what you wanted and you're not listening to this woman that's true so turn it around I should take a step back and try again as opposed to we should take a step back and try again I should take a step back and try again listening to her conversation ends which was how I felt after it like at that moment try
again what well what about what about right now take a step back and try again to see it her way if you care about her that would be different foreign if you run into again and and she said oh how are you I'm so happy you can thank you for that you let her go yeah and rather than losing something like it's taken from you you you're giving the life of a listener in other words connected connected you know a man put a gun in my stomach one night and and um I was walking and
the on a full moon in the night alone and and I guess I frightened him or something and I didn't know anyone was for miles but anyway he put this gun in my stomach and was a full moon it was so amazingly beautiful and the clouds and it was still and there was a river running and and he pulled the hammer back and he said I'm going to kill you he wasn't that polite he had other words with it too and I looked into his eyes and I you see it's like that phone call it
may be the last human being I ever see who wants to miss a moment of it and I could see him he looked very frightened to me and I could see the clouds and the moon and it was it was it was an amazing night it was beautiful you know every moment is the last moment of our life and who wants to miss it when we're not connected we're missing it when we're connected we're connected and you know I had no idea whether he would pull the trigger or not because that's not something I could
do anything about in that situation who knows you know I love love that question is it true and I had it with me it's user friendly so he said I'm going to kill you and maybe he does maybe he doesn't but I'm not going to miss those that last connection just like the sound of her voice and he didn't pull the trigger but um um I don't want to miss my life that's the bottom line he was a beautiful man writing now no one would harm another human being if they weren't confused just like she
was anyway let's look at the next one let's look at statement five she is a coward she ran away the first chance she got okay so she's a coward is that true no okay you feel that it's a nice just to sit in and allow that no to expand you to show you to educate you you know this is personal work so she's a coward how does it feel inside of you when you think that thought and how do you react on the phone when you believe that thought she's a coward at the time 10
minutes ago or just right now [Laughter] okay in that situation I am I'm I'm a coward yeah so give me an example where were you a coward in that situation I didn't take the time to deeply understand what it is that was that had pushed her away or led her to that phone call no sir great conversations have that conversation with me you be you be her breaking up and I'll be you you'll be you say what she said to me and we'll have that conversation you be her breaking up with me so I'm going
to reenact the scenario okay give me a moment we're about to hear from the cruel coward so I'd like to check in on our relationship I feel that we communicate differently like different things and and that we just are not connected and I think it's better if you part ways well you know that shocks me I feel so connected with you I want this relationship to go on and on and on so tell me what is it about me that that um that is there anything about me that um I should know I don't want
to pass this on any further I can't explain it it's what is it about me that you don't like I just feel that after being together for um four months that I'd expect to be more connected but I don't well you know that makes sense I feel more connected you feel less is there anything I can do to change that not that I could but I am interested I don't know I think we are we communicate fundamentally differently you know what I appreciate about you you're you're so straightforward and honest I really respect that and
I love that you tell me sooner rather than later I really respect that so I look forward to us being friends for a long time and you have my phone number and um and you know what a great relationship we have this is exactly how the conversation went but here I am three but three weeks later the difference is you didn't mean it okay that's true one of us was honest yeah you know it's it's like as human beings that's the best the best we've got going for us sometimes is we pretend and we hide
our feelings and what I love about inquiry is we collect these thoughts and judgments from our past and then when we're speaking out of it we're coming out of something that's authentic it's real and I I love that for you let's look at the last one well you know she she's a coward she ran away the first chance she got let's turn it around I am I am a I'm a coward I'm a coward I run away the first chance I got at the first chance I got yeah she said something you didn't like and
you um ran away from that relationship in your heart in your head yeah yeah that's true yeah I have another expression it's on no one can leave me they don't that that just can't happen because they live here and the heart is a symbol for that no one conveys me well the whole world here do you love it yet that's the only question I do yeah let's look at the next one really I don't ever want to be surprised by an abandonment okay I'm willing to I'm willing to be surprised I'm willing to be surprised
by an abandonment I look forward to yeah I can say it but well it's it's it's like I don't ever want to be surprised by abandonment yes okay so if no if people never abandon you again which she did not she told you clearly but if you ever feel abandoned again it gives you the opportunity to do another worksheet it's not done until it's done if the whole world says we don't like you where all that's left of the world and your unacceptable are you happy that's all you need to know are you lonely are
you alone but we are who you believe is to be and if you're lonely look to yourself okay so I uh I'm I look forward to I look forward to be surprised by an abandonment yes exciting isn't it it's very exciting yeah so you just walk through the world because if it doesn't happen and what you see is the world it happens here yeah thank you [Music] who's written something that they would like to work through quickly just from your chair yes so if you're standing bring you the microphone I'm frustrated with her because she
won't pay her bills and avoid late fees yes she won't pay the bills can you absolutely know that it's true following the questions on your voters no okay so how do you react notice what happens when you think the thought she won't pay the bills now that's that's really this really meditate on this for a while like you think that thought right now she won't pay the bills it's alive in you okay you see images of the past you see those where she's not paying the bills everyone see that okay you see those images now
is that her not paying the bills or is that Pure Imagination it's a total story it's story yes but is that her you see that image of her not paying the bills is that her or imagination it's imagination I've never seen okay and then you see you you see a future where you're going to get a late fee or late fees yes okay now in your head is that her or is it your Pure Imagination I mean in your head in that moment you're in the past where she hasn't paid the bills you're in the
future you see the late fees images she's actually not there in the future I mean I'm there with my frustration so you're there in the future okay you see that image of you paying the late fees is that you yes that's you are too big to fit in here right it's imagination Pure Imagination all of you you know that is how you I that's how the ego keeps you identified as a physical body that can never be I mean your mind's it's either remembering or anticipating so who Do You Think You Are you believed you
in not that so you see that image of you paying late fees that's not you okay now here's the question as you witness this dream with dreamed world notice how you react who's upsetting you who's frustrating you is it her or is it you honestly I'm getting a little vertigo because I'm realizing that all of my finances are in my imagination laughs Pure Imagination and what I'd suggest is is it's like if you want your bills paid on time pay them on time or hire someone responsible and then they will or they won't pay them
on time but if you pay them on time the worse it can happy is what you're thinking and believing if you don't pay them on time the worst that can happen is what you're thinking and believing but if you ever want to be like never impoverished again get free that's it said you know um it's like something pays my bills or not and I do my best you see it don't you yeah it's total all and I I would say that's all there is or ever will be and it's not nothing and it is and
it's not you know it's impossible to meditate on a moment in time because you're out of time the past is not here the future is not here so anyway play with it my heart thank you thank you so any questions yes um so my question is I have had the same thought for years so so example um so my stuff sure so my thought is I'm frustrated with myself because I haven't succeeded quickly enough you haven't succeeded quickly enough is that true that's such a huge one we love that one yes so I do the
work I've done the work on it I actually saved the work on it so I could go back to it not answering the question and you haven't succeeded quickly enough is it true no excellent thank you you know the last of you you think you're fooling people there's one people you can't fool it's you you know when you drop into these four questions you know it's it is and you get still with them you're shown you don't have to fake it here it comes get still witness watch and free yourselves or not yes oh zero
zero I know what that means it's a myth but it's so thank you for your patience and if it's moved a little too quickly the work the work is always free at the work.com and thank you for your focus today and thank you wisdom and Sauron and everyone that makes this event possible thank you thank you
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