If This Video Doesn't Wake You Up, Then I Don't Know What Will.....

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Lion of Judah
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Video Transcript:
over 100,000 Souls pass into eternity Each Day stepping one by one into the unknown burdened by guilt and the weight of their sins they stand at the brink of facing the great white Throne judgment a moment that is as inevitable as it is final this reality often consumes my thoughts because when I look at people I realize that their souls are Eternal they will never cease to exist but sadly the vast majority of the world doesn't think about eternity not nearly enough people are caught up in the temporary the fleeting moments of this life distracted
by things that hold no Eternal value consider this this week we have the presidential debate between former president Donald Trump and vice president Cela Harris according to the rap approximately 67.1 million viewers tuned in now pause for a moment and reflect do you think 67 million people even prayed last night to God these debates while significant in the political realm are just a small Drop in the Ocean of Eternity yet people pour their time attention and energy into these events while neglecting the one thing that truly matters their relationship with God take for instance the
rise of podcasts it seems like a new podcast is launching every day and the medium is rapidly growing currently about 20% of daily audio listening time is dedicated to podcasts the number of podcast listeners in the US is expected to reach over 135 Million by the end of 2024 one of the largest podcasters Joe Rogan consistently attracts a massive audience with his show The Joe Rogan Experience boasting over 200 million downloads per month each episode averages around 16 million downloads then there are the countless TV shows films and the constant Scroll of social media all
vying for our attention we are constantly bombarded with information and entertainment much of which when viewed through the lens of Eternity holds no real significance it's like we're drowning in a sea of noise losing sight of what truly matters these things aren't inherently wrong but the issue arises when they distract us from our most crucial priority our relationship with God Jesus said in Matthew 16:26 for what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul this world offers endless distractions debates podcasts shows social media and more but
when we stand before God none of these things will matter our achievements our entertainment choices our political views none of these will hold weight in the Eternal perspective the only thing that will matter is whether we knew God and walked in his ways judgment is coming and it will be a sobering reality for many the Bible warns us repeatedly of this truth yet so few are prepared people are lulled into complacency by the Comforts and distractions of this life failing to to recognize that these are temporary the Bible tells us in Hebrews 9:27 and as
it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the Judgment there is no escaping this reality every soul will stand before God and give an account it is all too easy to become discouraged and disheartened by the rampant presence of evil and Injustice in our world today it leaves us wondering will anything ever be done to bring to Justice those who have perpetrated such wickedness will anything ever be done to reward those who are righteous the answer is yes we have this assurance because of what we read in Revelation 20 verses 11- 15
concerning the final judgment although Believers will not be judged in this final judgment it is important to consider that the lives people are living now will be the basis of that judgment most people however are either unaware of this or simply do not care they live their lives without regard to the Eternal consequences often indulging in behaviors that can only be described as hellish we are living in a time where moral and ethical boundaries are increasingly blurred the distinction between right and wrong is often overshadowed by subjective interpretations and personal Desires in such a climate
it is easy to lose sight of the fact that our actions have profound implications not just for our immediate circumstances but for our Eternal Destinies reflecting on the state of our world we cannot ignore the pervasive sense of Injustice corruption greed and cruelty seem to dominate headlines daily innocent lives are destroyed by senseless violence and the powerful often exploit the vulnerable with impunity this over whing sense of Injustice can lead to a deep sense of Despair making us question if Justice will ever Prevail yet Revelation 20: 11-15 offers a sobering reminder that there will be
a final Reckoning this passage describes the ultimate judgment where all Deeds both good and evil will be accounted for it is a powerful reminder that no Act of wickedness will go unnoticed and no Act of righteousness will go unrewarded this promise of divine Justice should prompt us to examine Our Lives closely are we living in a manner that aligns with our moral and spiritual values are we contributing to the problem or striving to be part of the solution these are questions we must ask ourselves daily it is also crucial to recognize the role of awareness
and accountability in our lives too many people live as if there are no con consequences to their actions as if the Here and Now is all that matters this shortsighted view leads to a life that lacks purpose and Direction one that is driven by immediate gratification rather than long-term fulfillment the life people are being judged on is happening right now and this is the title of my message the very life that people will be judged on is happening right now however Satan has deceived many into believing that judgment is not coming I think about this
often I watch people and my heart aches I know that one day they will have to give an account for their lives before the great white throne in heaven our human Minds cannot comprehend the magnitude and gravity of this day our imagination does not have the creativity or the power to Envision an event of this scale imagine every person who has ever lived every person on the earth now and every person yet to be born all gathered together in one place on one day every race every color every generation will be present those in the
depths of Hell will be brought up and every inhabitant of Hades will be brought forth what they see will shock them the great judge sitting on the throne and a rushing sound as the heavens and the Earth flee from him who sits on this Throne almighty God will be before them in all his glory there will be no repentance here no forgiveness of sin at this stage this is the final Reckoning and it is beyond anything we can imagine it is a moment of ultimate accountability where every action every word and every thought will be
laid bare this scene should Inspire deep reflection are we living in a way that prepares us for this inevitable day do we recognize the profound implications of our daily choices it is crucial to live with an awareness of this coming judgment to strive for righteousness and to seek forgiveness now while there is still time Revelation 20: 11-15 and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small small and great
stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is The Book of Life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works and the Sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and Hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works and death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast
into the Lake of Fire The Book of Life in this context is a record of the names of those who will live with God forever in heaven it is the role of those who are saved the great white Throne judgment described in Revelation is a judgment for unbelievers that passage makes it clear that no one at that judgment has their name in The Book of Life imagine a father watching his child being judged at the great white Throne unable to do any anything to help the truth is there will be regrets on that day a
son might ask his father why he didn't take church more seriously each day you live you need to remember the reality that if you profess Christ your life is a testimony for those around you it is a testimony of the goodness of God and the way you live your life could bring others to Christ your actions could influence your children your spouse your siblings to seek salvation yet some continue to live a casual Christian lifestyle while I am not the one to determine your salvation consider the impact of your example on those around you if
you attended every Friday prayer meeting your child might one day see your Devotion to God and wonder maybe there is something more to this Christian life and they might be saved your brother or sister might see your commitment and think maybe there is something more to this Christian life and they might be saved preach the gospel to those around you there is no lost hope pull them out of the fires of hell with the gospel keep planting the seed of the Gospel in their hearts keep praying for your loved ones who do not know Christ
do not give up on them and do not go to heaven alone your life can be a powerful witness every action every word can be a reflection of God's love and grace live with intentionality knowing that your faith fness can Inspire others to seek Christ let your life be a Beacon of Hope and a testament to the transformative power of God's love at the great white Throne those who were merely churchgoers those who had a form of godliness but denied its power and those who rejected salvation will all regret their actions here at the great
white Throne there are no good rewards and no one will be welcomed as a faithful servant have you imagined the fear of God that will pervade this day I believe that on this day we will see a side of God that we have never seen before Revelation chapter 20:1 States and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them consider this phrase from whose face the Earth and Heaven fled away that is the judge the
great Creator the Alpha and Omega El Shai Elohim Adonai ABA El Elon God Almighty the mighty Creator who is from Everlasting to Everlasting who knows no beginning and no end he will be the judge on this day I do not want to be judged at the great white Throne the Judgment seat of Christ is what we should look forward to I do not want to be filled with regrets I want to receive rewards from Jesus I want that beautiful crown that makes me a royal priesthood I want that Redemption I want that glorified body I
want the Crown of Life The Incorruptible Crown the crown of righteousness the Crown of Glory and the crown of rejoicing I want Jesus to say to me well done my good and faithful servant I want God to be proud of me I want King Jesus to say to me Come Ye blessed of my father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world I want my name to be called up in the Rapture I want to see the Saints who have died in Christ go up first and I want to know without
a shadow of a doubt that I am going up straight after them I want to be with my king for all eternity I want to worship my Lord Jesus Christ for all eternity I want to thank him for what he did for me on the cross I want God to say you are an obedient child I want to be judged at the Judgment seat of Christ this is what you should yearn for the great white Throne is not a place you should ever dream of appearing don't allow the devil to make you lose your way
and then regret it in the latter days imagine the scenes at the great white Throne judgment the Bible says both great and small will be there picture people from different regions of the world of various colors races and languages all appearing before this Throne filled with the fear of God because of his overwhelming presence you will see pastors self-proclaimed Apostles criminals adulterers Bishops regardless of their Earthly positions they will all be present at this Throne ready to be judged sharing a common fate many misund understand the purpose of this judgment thinking it determines who will
go to heaven or hell this this is not the case this judgment is not about salvation by works instead every deed done on Earth will be examined every sin will be scrutinized theoretically because this judgment occurs in eternity God could review each person's life in realtime detail God could take 24 hours to examine 24 hours or a week to examine a week of someone's life every second of their lives will be reviewed for all to see while it's hard to say if emotions like embarrassment will exist in this setting it is likely that people will
be profoundly shocked by who the judge is the very God they rejected this judgment underscores a critical truth Works cannot save if salvation were by works many might earn their way to heaven but works alone are insufficient only Jesus can save reflecting on these scenes should stir us deeply consider the gravity of standing before the almighty where the facade of Earthly titles and achievements is Stripped Away everyone regardless of their status will face the same Divine scrutiny the fear of God will be palpable not just because of his power but because of his Holiness and
Justice imagine the fear and awe in the faces of those gathered the pastor who preached without truly belie beleving the Apostle who sought Fame over faith the criminal who lived without remorse and the bishop who served more out of Duty than devotion all will be equal Before the Throne facing the righteous Judgment of God this scene highlights the ultimate truth our Earthly deeds will be laid bare but they cannot secure our Salvation the meticulous review of each Life by God is not to weigh good against bad but to Reve the truth that only through Jesus
Christ can we be saved this reality should drive us to live with a sense of urgency and sincerity in our faith knowing that our lives are a testimony to those around us we must recognize the importance of genuine faith and the transformative power of Jesus let us strive to live lives that reflect our commitment to Christ not just in words but in actions our day lives are a testimony to those around us influencing family friends and even strangers imagine standing Before the Throne knowing that every thought word and deed will be exposed The Superficial aspects
of Life titles achievements social status will hold no value here only the truth of one's relationship with Christ will matter
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