Everything Is In God’s Hands So Put Him First | Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Say

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
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the Bible encourages us to devote ourselves to prayer to devote yourself to prayer is to commit yourself it's to give over to remain steadfast in prayer now inadvertently this means that you should stay away from everything that will affect your prayer life negatively I'd like to share an excerpt from a powerful article that I read on prayer this article was written for Decision magazine by Jonathan fwell it reads and I quote we give it lip service in our churches we talk about it often and even push people to be more mindful of it during our
sermons but rarely do we treat it for what it is Battle I'm talking about prayer that's right prayer is a battle prayer is one of the greatest benefits of the Christian Life and also one of the most neglected we have relegated prayer to perhaps a moment's pause before we enjoy our meals we've used it as a transition point during our worship services to move us from one element to another we've even given prayer nice nonthreatening names such as invocation or benediction to make it a more formal matter but in God's plan and in his word
prayer is a battle prayer is a battle to be fought by Believers during every moment of this journey called life it is where our victories are won our enemies are defeated and our hope is refreshed Ephesians 6:12 States for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places our battles in life are against Powers we are unable to conquer outside of the power and presence of prayer I'm afraid that in a culture of selfishness
and Pride evidenced by the extensive use and abuse of social media we have pushed prayer to the sidelines of our faith and our churches are suffering as a result we often find ourselves discouraged over published studies that indicate a move toward irrelevance or a lack of power within the church we lament that many have stopped regularly attending our churches in favor of other activities yet prayer our greatest opportunity for a course correction is sitting in the fringes of our schedules what if we really believed in the power of prayer what if we believed in the
promise found in John 14:13 that tells us and whatever you ask in my name that I will do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it if we truly believed that anything is possible through the power of prayer I believe it would radically change the condition of of our churches and the culture if we truly believed in the power of prayer it would no longer be an afterthought it would be the main event aw toer said to desire Revival and at the same time
to neglect prayer and devotion is to wish one way and walk another we must recognize the connection between a disciplined prayer life and the great move of God that we long to see churches must move beyond the cursory to prayer and return to the days of powerful yet arduous prayer meetings prayer the way God intends is hard work end quote dear friend we're called to pray persistently and I want you to understand that persistence when it comes to prayer is not just an option it's a commandment from God himself Jesus always instructs us to pray
and never to lose heart because prayer is the lifeline of a Believer and you have to understand the difference between praying persistently and praying for a long session when you are persistent in prayer you may not necessarily pray for a long time but you don't give up on God you do not stop believing and praying that's persistence it means not giving up it means you are consistent and Relentless now let me tell you that some days you just might feel like giving up some days The Joy might go your energy may be low the feelings
might fade away but never I repeat never give up always remember that it's the Lord's commandment to keep praying without ceasing and in due season you'll be rewarded it's important that you have a passion for prayer because as a Believer you're not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities seated in high places but we're protected by the Lord when we cover ourselves in prayer when you talk to God your relationship with him gets deeper day by day the Bible says in Psalm 37: 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good then you will live
safely in the land and prosper take Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the Lord trust him and he will help you he will make your innocence radiate like the Dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun the danger for every believer is that we can all easily fall into a web of complacency when it comes to the things of God we can so easily become come comfortable that we would rather say a quick prayer for the day than to go
and earnestly seek God daily we can so easily become busy people busy with the day-to-day life busy with our job then our families than our hobbies and very quickly we become too busy for God and a lot of us can justify our busyness there just aren't enough hours in the day oh I have too much on my plate too many responsibilities but people of God hear me we ought to never be so busy that we cannot devote quality time to seek daily personal fellowship with Jesus Christ and so I want to speak to the one
who's trying to improve their prayer life I'm talking to the one who has a desire to grow and build their personal relationship with Jesus Christ to begin with I want to draw your attention to Psalm 5:3 it says listen to my voice in the morning Lord each morning I bring my request to you and wait expectantly this verse puts a lot of things in perspective and we can almost deconstruct it so that it can help to form a structure for our own lives when it comes to prayer the psalmist Begins by saying listen to my
voice in the morning Lord from this we can understand that David is seeking and searching for God early before he starts his day he's already saying Lord hear me as I pray can this be said of you does the Lord hear your voice in the morning now the second line in Psalm 5:3 in the Amplified translation says in the morning I will prepare a prayer and a sacrifice for you and watch and wait for you to speak to my heart this is the key part for us I believe that this sacrifice that's mentioned it's not
in the literal sense for us but rather it's symbolic you're sacrificing your own Pleasures you're sacrificing your own wants so that God can have the very start of your day your sacrifices your will your time so that God can have the first fruits of your day you're sacrificing your body's desire to get up and go make breakfast and get on with the day because by waking up to pray you're saying Lord you are undeniably first in my life so I encourage you indeed I challenge you make prayer your passion make it your lifestyle make it
your daily practice so let's go to God In Prayer right now father God you are worthy to be honored and praised your word in Matthew 26:41 says watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak teach us to pray holy spirit so that we will not fall into temptation even though our flesh is weak strengthen us Empower us to fight and to pray put Within Me hunger and thirst to seek after God's presence give me the right attitude Lord put a fire within my soul
to be persistent in prayer as I seek the presence of the Lord God we desire your presence we're praying and seeking your presence I pray that the Holy Spirit would teach us the importance of prayer I pray that the Holy Spirit would teach us to be diligent in prayer Psalm 16:11 says you make no know to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more I want to experience the fullness of joy that's in your presence King Jesus the psalmist said at your right
hand are Pleasures forever more that's what I desire not the fleeting pleasures of this world but only what you have in store for me I understand that to be a joyful Christian is to know God's presence may your presence be so heavy on me and around me and in me that even unbelievers will be able to see the supernatural Joy which is upon my life all because of you I seek your presence father because there safety Psalm 31:20 says you shall hide them in the secret place of your presence from the plots of man you
shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from The Strife of tongues Lord Jesus Keep Us hidden in the secret place of your presence Master Your Presence protects us from every evil plot it Shields us from all negative words that may be spoken against us there is power in your presence almighty God and we desire that power to be upon our lives so my prayer today is that you would hide me in the secret place of your presence hide me where no evil can approach but I'm blessed to be in fellowship with you create in me
a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit Within Me Lord I thank you now for your cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ it purifies me from all sin and from all unrighteousness thank you that through him I have access to your wonderful presence you alone Are Holy and worthy to be praised thank you Lord that through the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I can now approach your throne with boldness and confidence I bless your holy name and I'm grateful that through the Holy Ghost you make your presence available
to me at any time and anywhere may your name be lifted High father may you be glorified forever I thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that I pray amen if you have ever been on the receiving end of some ill-spoken words or hateful and evil words I would like to pray with you today if anyone has ever spoken evil upon you or said some things that were aimed to hurt you and discourage you I would like to pray with you today and hear me when I say this
God's word has ultimate power and ultimate authority to over come and dismiss every evil and negative word spoken against you and so I want you to rewrite your mind through God's word begin to find out what the Lord says about you in the Bible because as you search for your identity in Christ you will find that the word of God says that you are a friend of Christ just read John 15:1 15 the Bible says I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master's business instead I have called you friends
for everything that I learned from my father I have made known to you for everyone who has ever called you weak I want you to know that the word of God in Philippians 4 verse 13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me for everyone who has ever said that you will never accomplish anything I want you to know that God's word in Romans 8:37 yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for everyone who has ever spoken negatively to you well I want you
to know that God's word in Psalm 23:6 says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now we all know that words have power and unfortunately some people use their words for evil but today as children of God I believe we need to educate ourselves about what the word of God says when it comes to the power of words over our lives now I would like to begin with a verse that we are all familiar with Isaiah 54:1 17 no
weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which Rises against you in judgment you shall condemn this is the heritage of the Servants of the Lord and their righteousness is from me says the Lord this verse is a powerful Declaration of God's protection and care for his people it's a promise that carries deep meaning and reassurance no weapon formed against you shall prosper the is a statement of God's unwavering protection over his people it means that any plan attack or harm that others might try to bring upon you will not succeed and by harm
this is not only physical or from the devil but words can be spoken towards a person with the intention to harm but you see God assures that he will guard you from the harm that these weapons could calls now the verse goes on to say and every tongue which Rises against you in judgment you shall [Music] condemn this is the part the part that I want us to pay attention to the Bible doesn't just say no weapon formed against you shall prosper but it goes on to say and every tongue which Rises against you in
judgment you shall condemn the Bible is without error and it's no coincidence that the tongue has been brought up right after we're told that no weapon aimed at us will prosper dear listener what we're being told here is that God will help you overcome false accusations or harmful words that people might say against you we can even go as far as saying God will help us protect us and defend us from every evil word Every curse or hex spoken against us those words will not Prosper these accusations won't harm us or hold power over us
why because God's word says so furthermore the Bible goes on further further to say this is the heritage of the Servants of the Lord Heritage here means the special inheritance or privilege that belongs to those who serve and follow the lord This Promise of protection and victory is a part of what God provides to those who are devoted to him and the final part of the verse says and their right ousness is from me says the Lord God is saying that the goodness and righteousness of his people come from him it's not about our own
strength or our own abilities but it's about the goodness and righteousness that God provides I would like to share one more verse with you Revelation 12:1 says and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death this verse is a powerful description of how Believers triumph over challenges and adversities presented by the enemy the verse says and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb the hym mentioned here refers to the devil the blood of the Lamb symbolizes
the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ this phrase reminds us that our victory over spiritual battles and challenges come through Jesus Christ and because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross by his blood we can overcome the Enemy by his blood we are empowered to conquer now the verse says and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony when you share your story of faith in Christ you are overcoming the enemy when you share how God made a way for you when there was no way you are
overcoming the devil when you share about how people spoke against you and spoke negatively about you and to you but God used what they meant for evil and turned it into good when you testify about God's goodness you are overcoming the enemy your testimony is your public acknowledgment of how God has the final say over your life sharing our faith not only encourages others but also strengthens our own conviction in and trust in God the final part of the verse says and they did not love their lives to the death this part speaks to the
willingness of Believers to endure even in the face of persecution or danger it means that they value their relationship with God and their testimony more than their own lives they were ready to stand firm for their faith even if it meant facing challenges hardships or even death today if you're feeling worn down from all the negative words people have spoken against you over the years I want you to know that you are love you are value you are treasured in the eyes of God and I'd like to take a moment to pray with you right
now father God I pray for your peace over the heart of anyone listening today maybe they still carry around shame and guilt caused by someone's words long ago maybe they still Harbor bitterness and anger over an unjust accusation or a personal attack Lord we ask for healing mend every wound every negative word that has been spoken against us may they be ineffective and rendered useless in jesus' name the Bible says in Proverbs 18: 21 the tongue can bring death or life those who love to talk will reap the consequence we speak life into our homes
we speak and declare your word right now Lord and say surely the goodness and mercy of God will follow us all the Days of Our Lives we speak and declare your word right now and say we will see the goodness of God while we live Lord for anyone listening right now remind them of your faithfulness remind them of your goodness help them to know that every negative word spoken against them is cancelled out by your word Every curse laid upon them has been broken by the precious blood of Christ we live in a merciless world
where people tear each other down to get to the top not caring who gets hurt in De PR process but Jesus you have shown us a love that overcomes every ounce of pain A Love That Will Never reject us or let us down a love that lifts us up and allows us to rejoice in who we are therefore no weapon against us as your children can stand and by your spirit we can rise above all the hate and the negativity father help each of us to know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made they were
bought with a price known and loved by you before the foundation of the Earth for that reason Lord May their identity rest in you and you alone remind them that it doesn't matter what the world says about them because you have called them your child and what you have spoken cannot be undone Lord I Thank you that you are a just and holy God your word says that one day every person will have to give an account for every careless word they have spoken each person will be paid back according to his deeds you will
not allow evil to Reign Forever on this Earth so Lord help The Listener to wait patiently upon you instead of seeking retribution give them the courage to take the high road to turn the other cheek to not retaliate in anger but to Simply let the negativity bounce right off of them help them to react gracefully when hurtful words are thrown at them when lies are said about them when people try to tear them down may they stand firm in the truth of who you are and who you have created them to be may they have
the courage to flee from toxic influences and negative environments and may they run instead to your holy word which affirms the worth and dignity of every human being made in your image thank you for listening to this prayer Master amen the holy spirit is our helper John 16:7 says but I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper comforter advocate intercessor counselor strengthener standby will not come to you but if I go I will send him the Holy Spirit to you to
be in close fellowship with you listen when you are feeling powerless the holy spirit will help you when you are low and feeling tired the holy spirit will help you when you feel too weak to pray the Holy Spirit will help you you when you have the Holy Spirit in your life you will find him to be a helper just as the Bible says now it doesn't mean that life will be easy and it certainly doesn't mean that your Christian life will be easy but it does mean that in those difficult and tough moments you
have Divine help you have help from above you have the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 1:3 the Bible tells us one of the most extraordinary things and I believe this is something that we all need to know and cherish the Bible says and you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth The Gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit when we heard the message of Truth the message of Truth being the Gospel of Jesus Christ The Gospel that tells us that
Jesus Christ died on a cross cross for our sins and then rose again from the dead when we heard this message of Truth The Gospel of Salvation and then when we believed this message we were marked in Christ with a seal and that seal is the Holy Spirit and I find it incredible that the Bible tells us this when you believe in Jesus Christ the lord can identify you as his own by the seal that is upon your life the Holy Spirit and so for anyone who struggles with knowing their identity let me tell you
that your identity is in Jesus Christ because he has branded you he has marked you and sealed you with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit authenticates The Believer from the unbeliever this is why the Bible tells us that your body is the temple of theol Holy Spirit I want to focus on one short passage of scripture Romans 8 verse 26- 27 because it offers a powerful insight into the role of the holy spirit in our prayer life from this passage we can understand that the holy spirit's ability to communicate is beyond human language this passage
encourages Believers to rely on the holy spirit's intercession knowing that God understands and responds to our deepest needs now the Bible in Romans 8: 26 says and the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness for an example we don't know what God wants us to pray for but the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words this verse acknowledges the holy spirit's role as our helper especially when we Face moments of weakness or uncertainty sometimes we might struggle to articulate our prayers or even discern what to pray for the Holy
Spirit Come comes alongside Us in these moments interceding on our behalf with deep groanings that surpass human language the holy spirit's role in our lives is multifaceted here Paul highlights how the spirit specifically AIDS us in our prayer life he draws attention to our human limitations moments when we don't have all the answers or words to express our thoughts and needs accurately it's during these times that the Holy Spirit steps in Bridging the Gap between our inadequacy and God's perfect understanding the groanings that cannot be expressed in words symbolize the spirit's ability to understand and
communicate the depths of our hearts s even when we can't articulate them ourselves do you see the importance of the Holy Spirit when it comes to your prayer life he's the one who helps us in our weakness and believe me a lot of the time we are all too weak to pray and at times we don't know what to pray not outside of the usual request that we have but you see it's the Holy Ghost who empowers us and he intercedes for us Matthew 6:7 says and when you pray do not Heap up empty phrases
as the Gentiles do for they think that they will be heard for their many words you see one of the biggest mistakes we can make is to pray without the guidance leadership or influence of the holy spirit because on our own our prayers will be empty they will just be vain repetition but when we yield to the Holy Spirit and pray he's the one who intercedes for us according to the will of God the holy spirit is the perfect Helper because he's the one who makes our prayers effective verse 27 and the father who knows
all Hearts knows what the spirit is saying for the spirit pleads for us Believers in harmony with God's Own will this verse underscores that God the Father Who ultimately knows our thoughts and intentions comprehends the message conveyed by the holy spirit's intercession the spirit's plea on our behalf aligns with God's will the phrase Spirit pleads for us Believers in harmony with God's Own will underscores the holy spirit's perfect alignment with God's intentions the spirit's intercession is not random or disconnected rather it harmonizes with God's plan and purpose for our lives this assures us that even
when we don't know how to pray or are unsure of our circumstances the Holy Spirit Bridges the communication gap interceding on our behalf in perfect accordance with God's Will and so once again if I was to explain this to a young Christian I would tell them to think about their mother and father they know you really well right they can tell how you're feeling even when you don't say anything well God is like that too but he knows us at a much much deeper level he knows everything in our hearts and Minds God knows exactly
what we need even if we don't say it in words the Holy Spirit Works to help us and make sure that we are aligned to what God wants for us when we pray so so remember when you want to talk to God and you're not sure what to say invite the Holy Spirit ask him to help you pray and talk to God on your behalf now let us pray dear Holy Spirit we seek to experience a fruitful fellowship and relationship with you we pray holy spirit that that you would rejuvenate our prayer Lives May you
stir us up enable us to overcome any besetting sin that is in our lives Holy Spirit enable us to overcome all that is holding us back seal us holy spirit so that the enemy has no sight of us because we are truly covered and above all else may you create an appetite within us to chase God more sincerely more fervently and more consistently we pray that we would be people who are led by the Holy Spirit I pray that the Holy Spirit would lead us in all of our actions and deeds Holy Spirit lead us
when it comes to the company we keep lead us to make wise decisions when it comes to our Inner Circle and those who are in our circle of influence lead us to be surrounded by Godly men and women who will help me in my faith Holy Spirit help us not to walk in the counsel of the wicked nor to stand in the path of Sinners help me not to sit down and rest in the seat of scers Lord Jesus I thank you for sending the helper the Holy Spirit whenever we are feeling powerless I pray
that the Holy Spirit would help us whenever we are feeling low and feeling tired I pray that the Holy Spirit would help us father whenever we are feeling too weak to pray May the Holy Spirit strengthen us to fight on our knees be praised and honored Lord Jesus Christ [Music] amen but I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper comforter Advocate intercessor counselor strengthener standby will not come to you but if I go I will send him the Holy Spirit to
you to be in close fellowship with you and you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth The Gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit there are two life lessons that I've learned over the years and I'd like to share these with you to begin with let me tell you that time is precious how you spend your time matters what you spend your time doing matters who you spend your time with matters and the thing is I never realized just
how much the Bible talks about the importance of time or the use of our time Psalm 90 verse two says teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom when you appreciate time and have the understanding that each of our days are numbered that is when you develop wisdom in your heart if you read Romans chapter 133 from verse 9 and 11 the Bible tells you not to leave any debt outstanding not to commit adultery not to steal not to covet but instead to love your neighbor as you love yourself
and it sums all of this up in verse 11 as it says besides this you know the time that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep for salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believe there should be an urgency about time in our lives as Believers we only have so much time to get our lives together the second lesson that life has taught me from personal experience and also from watching others is that not every storm not every crisis not every challenge or problem is bad for you what I
mean is that some situations we encounter will be difficult they will be painful but in the long run that storm will be for your good that crisis will work out for your good that challenge will make you stronger someone will get sick but recover in such a way that they can only acknowledge the hand of God the miracle working power of the blood of Jesus someone's plans will get disrupted only to find out that that disruption LED them to an even better destination someone's plans will get delayed LA but that's perhaps God's way of saying
not yet I have something better in store I have a better time in mind every crisis in life is not bad for you sometimes God uses adversity God places you in tough situations only for you to grow for you to develop stronger faith for you to mature so the next time a problem presents itself the next time you face a crisis stop for a moment and just ask God what do you want me to learn from this what do you want to develop within me and so now let us pray Lord be praised and honored
thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god Lord Jesus I pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on Earth lead me to be wise about how I spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time with on this Earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship ship with you Jesus what matters is building and storing up Treasures in Heaven what matters is to testify about goodness and to tell as many living Souls
as I can about the Gospel of Jesus Christ help me not to chaste after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the whole world but lose our soul it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls Romans 13:14 says but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with Robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of God Lord give us the
strength to make no provision for the flesh help us King Jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the Flesh and its improper desires instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in in your presence father I praise you for all that you have brought me through I praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis
I pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem May I become a more mature believer Philippians 3:12 to 14 says not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect but I press on to make it my own because Christ Jesus has made me his own Brothers I do not consider that I have made it my own but one thing I do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus Lord
as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of Faith give us Grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean they are denied give us the grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at
times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how un comfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you to believe in you and to have faith in you your word in James 1 verse 2-4 says count it all joy my brothers when you meet Trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete
lacking in nothing father work in me help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me I bless your name amen teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom besides this you know the time that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep for salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believe but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its [Music] desires not that I have already uptain
this or am already perfect but I press on to make it my own because Christ Jesus has made me his own Brothers I do not consider that I have made it my own but one thing I do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus we should all have the Des desire to encounter the presence of God in our lives at some point an encounter that will revive and refresh us acts 2:1 17 says and
in the last days it shall be declares God that I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams God has promised to pour out his Spirit on All Flesh in the last days now my prayer to the Lord is that I would not be left out of this outpouring promised in the Bible my heart's cry is Lord pour out your spirit upon me so I encourage you to make sure your heart is not hardened
to the call of Jesus Christ make make sure your schedule is not so busy that you will miss your Divine appointment with God in your prayer closet blind Bemus refused to let Jesus pass him by in Mark 10:47 the Bible says and when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out loud and say Jesus Son of David have mercy on me we too must have that same attitude we need to be crying out to the Lord Don't Pass Me By without pouring out your spirit over my life over my home
over my family do not pass me by oh gentle savior we should be yearning for Jesus Christ of Nazareth to have mercy on us if there is one thing that you should know and expect it's that the reality of Life can sometimes be Earth shattering and harsh and perhaps you may not be able to turn your situation around immediately but I pray that my words today will plant seeds of faith in your spirit don't be discouraged by what you see don't be discouraged by what you hear your life is is in God's hands and that's
something you should actually tell yourself every once in a while my life is in God's hands your health may not be where you want it to be but I encourage you to do all that you can and then ask God to meet you halfway your dream may seem like it's no longer possible but I encourage you to continue pursuing God whether or not you become a doctor whether or not you become an attorney or a pilot don't remove God from his throne in your life all because you're disappointed God Is Bigger Than That which comes
against you and if the fight intensifies and your own thoughts become negative and they start telling you that this situation is permanent that this result is permanent don't be discouraged even though it looks hopeless the word of God says joy comes in the morning it says to everything there is a season so this too shall pass don't be moved by what you see with your natural eye but rely on the word of God that you know the the word says that God is good he's a stronghold in the day of trouble focus on that instead
of what's disappointing you the word says you are my Hiding Place and my shield it says I will look to the Lord I will wait for the god of my salvation and my God will hear me your life is in God's hands your future is in God's hands if life hits you hard and you fall wouldn't it be better to fall into the Loving Arms of Jesus Christ than anywhere else so don't be defined by a diagnosis don't be defined by the numbers in your bank account I've had to talk to myself and remind myself
that I have a Creator who has a plan and God's plan will still Prevail God's will will still be done he has ordered my steps and so I am not alone my beginning and my end is known by him my highs and my lows are known by him and I walk by faith and not by sight believing that the Lord has numbered my good days to exceed my bad days so get to the point where you are content and at peace to say Lord my life is in your hands you have said be anxious for
nothing you've said that you know the number of hairs on my head and so I Surrender and yield to your will so remember acts 2:1 17 and make sure that you are a part of this outpouring from the Lord and in the last days it shall be God declares that I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and so now let us pray King Jesus the Alpha and Omega you have saved me in
every way possible you have made me complete in your love and in your mercy you have indeed made me whole there is no one comparable to you oh God and for this reason I bow and submit to you I bow down and confess that you are Lord and I need you in my life pass me not my savior I Need Just One Touch from you for my entire situation to turn around just a touch of the hym of your garment and my entire family can be restored my health can be restored my faith can be
restored because you are a Wonder working God I am grateful for your protection throughout the day I than thank you in advance for keeping me safe and protecting me through the night I thank you in advance King Jesus for defending me from the evil in the night father I ask that you forgive me for every wrong that I have done both knowingly and unknowingly have mercy on me and my family I thank you for being a God who has been faithful throughout the ages I ask that you put my mind at ease with everything that
I am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation that I face steud my emotions father where I am anxious give me peace Lord where I am troubled I give you my burdens and father when I am worried I cast my burdens on you you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and Fortress when I am tired and weary I will wait on you to renew my strength your word is a lamp into my feet that guides me so that I may not stumble and fall I pray
that your strength renews us may your presence be felt continuously in our hearts I will forever be confident that you you are a faithful God and you will be my light in the toughest of times father it is your pure and holy light that eradicates the darkness and destroys the traps set by my enemy May the joy of the Lord shine through me the joy spoken of in Philippians 4:4 rejoice in the lord always again I will say rejoice and so I will rejoice I will rejoice in all of your goodness and all of your
faithfulness I will rejoice in you Lord because your word says in Philippians 4: 6-7 be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus I pray that your peace will guard my heart and my mind Lord even though I don't know every step of your plan I do know and trust that whatever your plans may be it will be for my good I thank you for the promise
in your word that when I call on you you will listen thank you for your promise that when I seek you with all of my heart I will find you I pray that you will keep me safe from danger and harm from the enemy help me Jesus and give me the grace to be able to have Fearless Faith a faith that is constant so that regardless of what the situation is I can remain rooted and firm in my belief in you should the test be a storm Lord give me the faith to believe that you
can calm the seas in my life should my test be a mountain give me the faith to believe that you my king can level that mountain should my test even be a Goliath Lord give me the faith to believe that your power will defeat every giant your word says in Deuteronomy 10:12 and now Israel what does the Lord your God require of you but to fear the lord your God to walk in all his ways to love him to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul father help me
so that I may not have any fear in this world but rather may I only fear you my God I pray that I may walk in your ways help me to not walk in the counsil of the Wicked nor to stand in the way of Sinners nor to sit in the seat of the scornful strengthen my faith Lord renew my faith re-energize my faith in this moment I pray for strong faith so that I may stand up for Jesus Christ and testify how he turned my mourning into dancing give me strong faith Lord so so
that I may stand on your word in a world that is lost in a world that aims to discourage and drain hope be with me Holy Spirit as I seek to stand up in faith and lift the Royal Banner of the sooncoming king Lord Jesus may your will be done you are Mighty and Sovereign you control all things and so I reach out my hand to you so that you can hold me and guide me may your love surround me may your glorious presence be wrapped around me may your precious powerful blood cover me in
Jesus mighty name I pray amen and in the last days it shall be declares God that I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out loud and say Jesus Son of David have mercy on me be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God
which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and Minds through Christ [Music] Jesus what does the Lord your God require of you but to fear the lord your God to walk in all his ways to love loving to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
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