Paul McKenna on How to Power Manifest Money

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Get ready to attract wealth like never before with Paul McKenna's money power manifestation secrets!...
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there is no logic in the idea that success and heart attacks go together but the unconscious mind is not logical it's purposeful and its purpose is survival right so you can think with your conscious mind all you want I'm going to do this I'm going to do this your unconscious mind goes I don't think so and it stops [Applause] [Music] you what happens is back in the uh beginning last century a man called uh Andrew carnegi who's a famous self-made industrialist big entrepreneur he hires a guy called Napoleon Hill to go and talk to interview
and study his rich friends and he comes back with a system which he turns into a book called Think and Grow Rich and as I say to this day it's still the biggest selling self-help book you know unless you you know I suppose include the Bible or something like that but it's the biggest selling self-held book yeah and that had a couple thousand years Head Start right so you know that's a different thing so what's really interesting is Napoleon Hill dies bankrupt even though he sells millions millions of books he's a hugely Su successful author
he dies bankrupt and the reason is is because he didn't become rich on the inside right he didn't alter what I would call his wealth thermostat and so uh what's really interesting is 70% of people who come into money suddenly through Lottery wins or inheritance or things like that within a few years have gotten rid of all of it because again they haven't become rich on the inside and so our session today is about altering your financial thermostat yeah anybody here interested in manifesting yeah yeah yeah well today we're going to do power manifesting right
yeah yeah yeah yeah so right regular manifesting I love it it's great yeah I started doing it back in the 80s you know I have a vision board or write my goals down and I pretty much get what I want in life right and I assume that's just how it worked I didn't realize that that actually it's something that well fact if you talk to any successful person they might not use the word manifesting but they'll describe you know visualizing what they want and imagining it vividly and thinking what could stop them and how they
were going to head that off at the past all that sort of stuff yeah Power manifesting is different it ain't a vision board it ain't goals what you do is in your brain you take something that you know is going to happen right like next week and you put what you want to have happen in its place bam and what happens is all of your neuro coding all of your behavior all of your your energy all of your intention everything suddenly channels to make that happen right it's like a sort of superpower and it's something
I've been doing for for years and I just assumed everybody you know again I thought well everybody must do this everyone who's successful and they do they don't necessarily call it that but I found a way to hone it and I'm going to teach it to you today cuz as as a coach uh this is a a super powerful technology for you to have but also just as a human being it helps you organize your thinking your behavior all of your energy yeah because some people say well isn't this manifesting stuff isn't it a bit
woo woo a bit UGA Booga Well yeah if you like you could call it that but look what what we can say from a Quantum point of view is energy affects energy that's it no one's arguing with that yeah so your energy your behaviors your thoughts everything the sum total of all of that will will help you bring about what it is you want all close to it yeah so let's get back to to Napoleon Hill he writes this book uh he gets um you know tons of sales but he dies bankrupt because he hasn't
changed how he felt on the inside so about 20 years ago I thought to myself J know why don't I do this why don't I set out to write a book to study super rich people and find out how they think CU by the way I'm not interested in rich and poor people I'm interested in Rich and poor thinkers right now poor thinkers they're running from lack all the time they're they're they're terrified they're never going to have enough right so you can have somebody who's fabulously wealthy but they're still a poor thinker yeah they're
moving away from lack Rich thinkers see opportunity they uh they think in terms of possibility they're creative they're adaptive it's a different mindset and if you don't mind what I'm going to do cuz as I mentioned I'm a hypnotist I'm going to install that within you I'm not going to install my model of happiness in you what I'm going to do is I'm going to install my best version I'm going to elicit from you your best version I should say of how to think Rich right because you might have slightly different values to me you
know your your model of Happiness might be different to mine so rather than me in store in your head my model I'm going to elicit from you what is your richest life so on a scale of 1 to 10 right now just take a moment and think about these major areas of your life and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 one would be terrible 10 would be fantastic Health mental physical what's the number because we're going to see how much they've changed at the end of the session then relationships personal and professional
then career finances spirituality if that's important to you I'm assuming it is kind of community that we are here and then General levels of happiness one to 10 just make notes make them in your head boom then leave them aside because we're going to come back to them a little bit later so I decide I'm going to I'm going to write a book I'm going to I'm going to try and do an updated version of Think and Grow Rich because 80 years has passed and hell you know I'm I'm I'm I'm really into modeling uh
that is studying and codifying how it is that people think and act that makes them exceptional I also use it as a therapist to find out how people are dysfunctional so I can go change it for them yeah so literally a few days later as soon as I commit to this it's like the universe conspires against me turns in my favor right Richard Branson calls me hello Paul yeah oh hi Richard nice nice I don't know him you he says I'd like you to to do a job for me I went yeah sure uh and
he says well well what are you going to charge me I said I'm not going to charge you Penny cuz um I I'd like to ask something of you he goes what's that I said I'd like to model you that means I want to ask you question questions and study the way you think and act and and he said yeah it's okay I said and I'm writing a book about it if you like the book will you write the forward he says if I like it I will and he did right so next like couple
of days later I'm sitting at this dinner party I sit next to Anita rodic she's the founder of the body shop right she's this incredibly powerful Dynamic woman entrepreneur you know she's a real inspiration and I've always wanted to meet her I'm sitting up running right and I said an you know it's such a pleasure to meet you I've long admired you know what you've done I'm doing this she went yes I I didn't even finished the sentence right and she said yes I said but you don't know what is she says the the energy
the vibe of it I got was so was I have to do this thing I went wow right then and so I just start meeting billionaires and and you know self-made Entre you know successful entrepreneurs um I also met a whole lot of people who were had Lo money but they were miserable right and so I decided I didn't want to model that right but there was um there was another a guy who called me guy called Sir David Barkley sadly no longer with a self-made billionaire right and uh he was he's like a king
maker you know he owned the uh the Telegraph newspaper in in England and my agent says what David Barkley's on the phone I went yes he says look I'd like you do a job for me right it's for a family member I said okay and he said well and just bill me I said there's no Bill he said what do you mean I said no I've never charged anyone in all the years I've been working with people individually yeah whether they are rock stars movie stars whether they're a war veteran or you know somebody someone
I just feel like I can help yeah I've never charged a penny right because life has been real good to me it's my kind of way of of giving something back yeah and he said well um I must do something for you I went will you allow me to model you he went what does that involve I said just ask you some questions to to find out how you think now what was interesting was he said to me on this journey that you're going Paul you're going to meet a whole lot of people who are
wealthy but they're not rich and I said can you tell me what you mean by that he said they constantly running from poverty right they've grown up poor they never want to be poor and and so they they literally can't get enough they're they're in this sort of um uh this endless Mouse on a wheel like um Jour just have more and more and more and more yeah and so um I said that's really interesting he said so that is not what being rich is about right sure it's about having money but it's about all
these other things in fact there's a great saying by Bob Marley which is some people are so poor all they have is money right so I'm not interested in creating more miserable millionaires here right and when when I finished this book by the way uh which became was great was become an international bestseller I I did the process on 12 people right and every single one of them made a load more money one person went from being a I wouldn't say his earnings but it was pretty pretty modest to being a millionaire in just over
a year right so he had all these resources that he didn't know he had when he started thinking Rich right he went well I could charge that and I could do this and I could but bam more than a million bugs later right so don't be too surprised at what happens to you do you know I I did one of the process I'm going to do with you a minute I I did at dinner the other night on a friend of mine right and uh he rang me up about 3 days later he said godamn
he says I just made 100 Grand she said do you think it could be anything to do with possibly yeah so so I want you to just do our first thought experiment ladies and gentlemen I'd like you to close your eyes for a moment and I'd like you to imagine what it's going to be like to live truly Rich so if you were living absolutely rich what would it be like there we go take a moment yeah that's good just take a moment to think about what it's like and if you're living truly Rich what's
the quality of of your relationships like what's the quality of your health like that's mental and physical by if you're living truly Rich what's your career like if you're living Rich what's your finances like if you're living Rich what's your spiritual life like if that's important to you and if you're living Rich what's your levels of happiness like and fulfillment and then open your eyes and come on back out right so we just took a snapshot there and then right I'm already priming your unconscious mind right or rather you're doing it you're allowing me to
do it yeah priming it to go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah get a sense of it right and this is really important because the golden rule is in modern psychology you get more of what you focus on in life right some people are continually thinking about what it is they don't have yeah they're going I don't I I wish I wasn't overweight I wish I wasn't shy I wish I wasn't single they're reinforcing it right when we think about sure you got to think about what it is you don't want so you can move away
from it but when you think about what it is you do want you're telling you're instructing your unconscious mind right so again poor thinkers all the time are in lack they're thinking God how am I going to pet SP how yeah they're not thinking in terms of opportunity now um a billionaire can afford a better bed than you and I but when you see the way I look at it is when I have a great night's sleep I'm sleeping Rich yeah right I mean I remember years ago I was I was walking in it was
in it was in Edinburgh one of most beautiful cities and and walking with a friend of mine just after I've written this book and I'm walking down the street in the sun shining which is a rarity in Scotland but you know it was anyway was shining and I'm walking along and I think this day is so beautiful I'm so blessed my life is great and I said to my friend I'm having a rich moment and he said uh what you thought of a new business or something I went no no this this it's here all
the time wow you see I'm I I'm uh I'm very much a fan of you know kind of consumer society and free market economy but it's sort of set up to show you what you don't have continually Edward Beres he was Freud's nephew I think uh he's sort of the modern father of public relations and back in the 19th century you know people buy a pair of trousers or jacket and they just wear into wore out and he went to corporations he went no no no no no you've got to tell people they Define themselves
by their watch by their clothes by their car by their this and that and that way you will be able to sell more stuff right so that's sort of the basis of consumerism but what it also does is it can make some people think about what they don't have right so they they look at particularly now with social media it's a sort of new form of wealth isn't it instead of parking your brand new car on the driveway you know it's important to let everyone know what you're having for dinner isn't it on Facebook right
or you know if you meet someone you have sell look it is nice I'm I'm you know I'm I'm fan of it but in the same way that some people can reinforce their lack they can look at these people living these extraordinary lives on television or on social media and go I don't have that and they can make themselves feel upset yeah so what we're going to do is again my objective here is to get you thinking differently yeah so that you have a new set of perceptual filters so as I mentioned when you have
a great night's sleep as far as I'm concerned you're sleeping Rich who here if they had all the money in the world would change their job show we right now let me just throw a caveat in on this right because it some people go well I'd still do the same job but I just wouldn't work as hard right so to my mind you're you're you're doing the right job so you're you're working rich as it were but you're just working too hard right who here would change what they eat you had all the money in
the world yeah people go yeah I have chef but if you say no no no I I I would never reach Italian or Chinese or Indian ever again that's a different thing but you're probably going well I'd still eat those things yeah but I would probably eat at Fanci at restaurants or something like that so a lot of the time you're eating Rich right who here would change where they live yeah yeah okay so would you change the country or the location would you have a bigger house or whatever yep who here would change their
friends you can do that for free by the way no every now and again it is a good idea to just look through your look through your phone look through your phone and go who takes my energy up who takes it down you know yeah I mean just one of those things to do right so I'm getting you to think about anything you answered no to right you're already Living Rich anything you went well I I would change it a bit or something you're sort of half in half out I I just want to draw
your attention you see to how rich you already are because as I mentioned you get more of what you focus on right this is why gratitude list is a great idea you know I do one most days I go walk my dog in the park I experience the positive overwhelm of nature all the beautiful colors and the shapes and I and I feel so good I feel connected to the universe and I think to myself I think I think what am I grateful for and I think my my my health my friends my family all
the people I love and they love me that first cup of tea I have in the morning breathing clean air uh having a per purpose in life purpose is the Cornerstone of good mental health as Victor Franco a legendary psychiatrist said so what we going to do in just a moment ladies and gentlemen we're going to do another process right CU already you're beginning to go oh yes I she I I do live rich I do live rich but the brainwashing from the consumerism gets you to think about what you don't have and you'll be
a better person if you've gotten bigger car bigger house nicer watch something like that yeah yeah and I just want to pull you out of that for a moment and your mind go oh snapshot my life yeah the friend of mine Jason veale does this thing where he he goes um you just landed like literally you just landed on planet Earth this is your partner this is your house this is your car this is your job these are your clothes these and you you do it from a sort of I just landed on planet and
look take a moment to do it just think I just landed on planet Earth I got all these friends I got purpose I got Health I've got opportunities I've got things to look forward to wow it's a great big wow right so what we're going to do next is um we to process where I'm going to try and pull some unconscious beliefs that might be holding you back right because I've noticed and and this again this I'm not there's no pointy fingers with this right that some people have beliefs around money right that hold them
back you know people people say to me things like it says in the Bible that um money is the root of all evil no it doesn't it says says the Love of Money treating money like a commodity yeah uh is the root of all evil actually money is great you know what money does money is the the oil in the machine that allows us to exchange goods and services that allows technology and creativity allows art and and Science and all the wonderful things that go on in the world is facilitated by money money is wonderful
right but I hear terms like Filthy Rich fat cat right you know I know somebody he was trying to tell me the other day that nobody should be allowed to be a billionaire and I said what the is wrong with you he went well he said you know I mean it's just they've got too much haven't they went them having a billion does not take a single scent away from you my friend it's money's not finite we just we just keep printing more and more of it yeah yeah more and more and more and more
that's right you know literally if you and I sat here and we passed a dollar back and forth between us we could spend a million bucks yeah yeah that's it right so I need to uh I need you to to pull any unconscious beliefs that you've got around money okay so we're going to do something called the meaning of money the slides going to come up here now what I want you to do is literally the first thing that comes into your head right so literally when you see people with money are first thing first
thought and write it done money makes people first thought um and it's important to the first thought because I want it from your unconscious I'd have more money if my parents always thought that money would add what you think there money causes and I'm afraid that if I had more money I would money is in order to have more money I would need to I think money blah blah blah blah blah if I were really rich I'd then at it and finally my biggest fear about money is bum now what I'm looking for in this
particular um exercise is beliefs that are sort of negative or prejudicial you know they're you know they're things that are you know like you know people with money are selfish or something like that yeah see the thing is if you hate rich people how you going to become one of them right your unconscious mind is going to stop you or if you got a belief like well PE you know rich people they're they're all Crooks really aren't they then a part of you will think that you have to become a crook to get rich and
that's just just not true right hello sir what's your name Luke Luke okay so could you read out your sentences one one at a time so number one I put people with money are selfish you said um number five I put money causes War money causes War right yeah number six I'm afraid that if I had more money I would lose it right number nine I think money is hard to come by okay number 11 my biggest fear about money is losing my life right okay now here you go so you got some proper negative
beliefs in the unconscious there now here we what we're going to do is through a process of Revelation we're going to change our mindset about it see money is a tool that's all it is right it allows the exchange of goods and services yeah and just like a shovel a shovel is a tool so Luke what I'd like you to do is replace the word money with the word shovel so people with shovels are so just wherever you see money I want you to say read out the word shovel instead so people with shovels are
selfish are selfish right people Everyone Knows those people with shovels are selfish AR they what's the next one shovels cause War shovels cause War yeah godamn shovels yeah okay what else my biggest fear about shovels is losing my current life thank you well Luke let's give lukee a big round of applause and everyone a big round of applause okay all right so what I would like you to do ladies and gentlemen is I'd like you to just go back through your list now and just change the word money for the word shovels and just read
it back to yourself try and keep a straight face but if you can't I will you forgiven yeah just read that back to yourself now and see if you're able to pull any of the negative beliefs you know like I mean I remember somebody once said people with money are or something like that right literally and it was money makes people greedy you know every every single thing was a negative right and so he you know of course he was having trouble getting wealthy because he thought he was going to have to turn into some
kind of git in order to get rich right what we're doing is we're using humor and insight in order to get a shift in our perception right now I tell you why this is so important right that's because your unconscious mind is in charge thank God right you learn to do something consciously like tie your shoelaces and then you store the program in the unconscious mind but as I said a lot of our programs or habits or beliefs are formed in the first seven years of our life by the um key experiences the emotion emotional
intensity experiences and also by things that are said to us repeatedly by authority figures now years ago when I started out as a hypnotherapist back in the 80s I I'm this guy comes see me right and he said um every time I start to get successful I screw it up and I sabotaged myself and I said what do you mean go I know I know I'm doing it I know I'm I'm about to do this deal and I and I go in and I screw it up and now I wouldn't do it like this nowadays
but I was an old school hypnotherapist back in the 80s right so I bunged him into a trance and I said go to the moment this this this pattern happened right and what had happened is as a kid he' said to his mother when I grow up I want to be successful and his his mother who is a lovely housewife from the north England went oh so you don't want to be successful those successful people they have art attacks right now the thing is there is no logic there is no logic in the idea that
success and heart attacks go together but the unconscious mind is not logical it's purposeful and its purpose is survival right so you can think with your conscious mind all you I'm I'm going to do this I'm going to do this your unconscious mind goes I don't think so and it stops you yeah so the unconscious mind was was intervening because there was no logical connection but there was a purposeful one formed an authority figure told him something of emotional intensity at an impressionable age it went bam into his unconscious mind and it was sabotaging him
since now great thing is as I mentioned you're in a room with a hypnotist who knows how to undo unconscious programming that's either uh holding you back anybody here self-sabotage at all yes anybody here get um you know that kind of um I'm going to get found out you know that sort of that that fear of yes yes impostor syndrome that's that's what yeah or anybody just here think they're capable of of of more yeah yeah okay see the thing I found is that I ask people who's living up to 100% of their true potential
and only one person in all the 25 years I've been asking that has said yes and that was Tyler winlos said at this moment I am at 100% of my true potential and he just invented Facebook so I think he was right but apart from that nobody says yes and it's because unconscious self-sabotage not feeling worthy not feeling good enough and or not thinking rich and big enough so what we're going to do is see with the guy who had the belief that if he started to get successful he'd have arack yeah what I did
was I just pulled it we're going to do an even quicker thing right now so I want you to place your hands out in front of you like this right woo first bit of real magic coming up right now close your eyes and in one of your hands I would like you to put the part of you that wants you to have a richer life now that can either be financially or it can be in that's say every sense healthier greater relationships better career finances spirituality and of course happiness put that part of you that
wants to have an even richer life okay and then in the other hand I'd like you to put any part of you that stops you limits you or you know overprotect you CU that's really what it's it's intention is positive it's just overdoing it job part of you that sabotages part of you that doesn't think you're worthy part of you that that just isn't sure that you could handle it or whatever it is any part that's Stopping You Now bring your hands together so one is over the top of the other that's it right and
just sit with this for a moment because this is this is what we're going to do we're going to ask the unconscious mind to find ways for both parts to fulfill their positive intent see both have a positive intent one part of you wants to have a rich of Life another part of you might be worried that it'll change and be too much for you to handle or you don't deserve it or something like that and so it's got a positive intent the positive intent is protection essentially let those two hands sit together now when
it feels like it's possible that they could work together in theory it's possible bring your hands towards your chest Now integrate this new super part now I want you to imagine what your life will be like as it becomes richer in every sense yeah healthier greater relationships greater career opportunities more money yeah spirituality and happiness what will you see what will you hear and what will you feel and when you've done that I'd like you to open your eyes relax your hands come on back out who feels good doing that by the way show me
yeah do know I've seen this one technique right it's created by my friend Richard bandler and he's the co-creator of NRP right and he he's a proper real life genius right and I I've seen this one technique literally bam totally change someone's Destiny I I mean I I remember years ago doing it with a lady on the stage and she was dressed like a and she you know she was smart enough lady but she she didn't have any direction in life she couldn't hold a real relationship down she got ideas for business but you know
it was all over the place anyway I had to do this and you could see that something had happened and I met her about 6 months later and she was dressed smart she was in a suit and she walked up to me all like confident hey and I oh it's you and yet she was in a functional relationship she started a business that was booming I I've seen there been a game changer people just can't be that easy yes it is these days and it used to take us 6 months to cure phobia now most
phobias are done in about 60 Minutes do you remember do you remember years ago in the ' 80s there was cell phones were like a brick that you put it to your ear right and all you could do was make phone calls on it nowadays a cell phone is a super computer you have access to all the information in the world right you can have your music your office your life on this thing yeah now in the same way psych tech if you like psychological technology has made this extraordinary leap in the last sort of
20 years and there are now all kinds of really great new therapies or psychological um uh devices or technologies that we can use to improve our lives so what we're going to do next is a bit of the old Power manifesting now I'm going to describe to you how it works first and then I'm going to demonstrate it on somebody and then we're all going to do this and this is possibly the most important if not one of the most important things you're going to learn today and that is you see we all have a
mechanism for letting us know how much money we have and how money comes to us right so I'll just tell you how mine works I don't want to disclose any numbers or anything like that so I see the motion is a bank transfer comes in and and I see and it's like a block for me and I see what what the block says yeah and I've also got another one here which is a tax account because sometimes when I do this people they go this is just all too much money yeah by the way you
you'll find when we're doing this process some of you go oh it's almost too much the the author Brandon Baye does this experiment where she says to people I want you to imagine you're going for this job interview and this is the salary then just before you go in for the final interview you got it down to the last five people you realize there's an extra zero on the end so it's not 60,000 a year it's 600,000 a year how do you feel and it's really weird the majority of people go oh it's too much
uncomfortable yeah so they've limited their thermostat is set to low yeah so what this process does is it undo years of conditioning beliefs all these sorts of things uh so what I do is I imagine a thing coming in and I increase it by about 10% and I see the number increaseing some people see just a number that's all they see yeah other people see it like like friend of mine he sees it like a Fetti this blun the other day he saw it as as as coming from lots of sources a green color energy
and it was and it was coming to him and it was filling up uh beside him yeah so I want you to stop for a moment now and think to yourself first of all how how do you know how much you have so is it a number is it a block or is it represented in some other form and how do you know money is coming to you payments are coming in right so it might be your salary comes in or you've got multiple income sources from your various businesses or whatever it is yeah just
notice how you you do this and you do this specifically because this is the neuro coding right what we're going to do is we're going to take something that we know is going to happen and we're going to make something that we want to have happen in the same coding so it says to the brain it says to all your energy it says to the universe make this happen right so let me just choose something for this next experiment What's Your Name by the way farz farz lovely and where are you from Sir Norway from
Norway beautiful part of the World by the way if you haven't been and so um when you see do you see a process take place when money comes in when you know that you're getting receiving more money it's a feeling of expansion a feeling of expansion yeah so where does the feeling start and where does it move to from start here from the stomach and up to the chest up to the chest yeah and how do you now don't tell me any numbers but you you know how much you have in the bank more or
less right yes yeah now do you visualize that number in front of you to the left or the right just point to where you visualize it don't there so when you feel this feeling of expansion coming in here does the number change there it does brilliant come and join us okay let's give him a nice big round of applause hello is it fasia that's right I've been dancing all week right on stage now we're going to do something different yeah you definitely are going to do something very different in fact something life changing okay so
forz you said that you feel when you know money's coming in you get you get a visceral experience you get a feeling right does it have a color by the way Purple Rain baby like Purple Rain yeah and then you know how much you have because there's a number did you point to it here that's correct it's it's here yeah and and what sort of size is it can you just give me the gist of it oh right right so it's about this size here and so right here's the magic right so what I'd like
you to do is I'd like you to see 10% more money coming in and that number go up by 10% feels good right okay I'd like you do another 10% please that's it that's it good there you're instructing your unconscious mind all your thinking all your wisdom all your behavior you're instructing all your energy yeah and then put it up by another 10% that's good and then that's it have that color richer and brighter and Bolder see that number go up even more another 10% woo then take it up 100% woooo that's good yeah we
want to we alter this thermostat yeah take it up but I'm 100% woo that's even more coming in yeah that's it that's it it's go over another 100% another 100% another 100% 100% more 100% more 100% more yes that's right you are going to be richer than you ever thought possible before that's righto another 100% another 100% another 100% another 100% another 100% just keep it going keep it going man F how do you feel there's a party on this side it's a party on this side do you see a new number there now I
do you do yeah okay now the thing to do is this every day right so when I started doing this every day my earnings 10x right within a year yeah PR thank you so much just give a nice B Round of Applause thank you great stuff great stuff okay [Music] okay so we're all gonna do it right so what I'd like you to do is get yourself comfortable notice where the transactions so what lets you know that money is coming in now some people just see a number go up yeah and other people they actually
see a process you know they they see some sort of um you know movement of color or energy or you know they actually see a a physical bank statement like a I I I see a movement happening so it's coming from and it for me it's like this other people it's like confetti or it's blocks of money I see what happens is comes in and that gets bigger some people just see a bank statement and they see in that right so what I want you to do is notice how you represent money coming in this
is your unique neuro coding there is no right or wrong way to do this then what I'd like you to do is increase it by 10% please there you go see 10% more coming in and then increase it by another 10% please I see more coming in and just see the block getting bigger or the number getting bigger and then increase it by another 10% please and another 10% please and another 10% and another 10% and another 10% that's it get it really flowing in there that's it there you go that's see and then Notch
it up 100% that's right and then 100% more and 100% more woo that's 100% more 100% more just keep Mo keep doing it until it's literally too much that's it and then push it even more more 100% more 100% more 100% more 100% more that's right 100% more 100% more woo 100% more 100% more 100% more 100% more woo that's it that's it build bigger accounts tax accounts that's it offshore accounts if you want have as many as you want have more com in that's it keep increasing it 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% that's good
100% And then stop right who's got more money in the bank now than they started with show me fantastic right what you're doing is you're saying to your unconscious mind move me out of the limitations what I think I deserve right right Etc because of my conditioning the way I grew up or my expectations and take me to a place with greater abundance greater wealth right yep because there has to be more and more more more money in the world because there's more and more people and there's more and more goods and services that need
to be exchanged right it's the oil in the machine yeah so by doing this every day right what you do is you save your unconscious mind make it happen right also if you want to get a little bit you know Quantum energy affects energy right yeah so what you're doing is you're using your energy you're using your creativity see remember you you get paid for adding value or perceived value right now the way reason I use the word perceived is because super models are paid more than doctors because they are perceived to be rarer right
and more important by some people yeah but um when you say you work in a company if you add value you know you come up with ideas or ways of doing things better or you generally just bring great energy and great service to the people that you work with that you know you're adding value yeah if you're an entrepreneur uh we got any entrepreneurs in here today yeah okay loads right great so in your businesses you know think to yourself how can I add more value right what what one of the things I do is
I always try and give more than I'm paid for yeah it's just and it feels good by the way right yeah I mean obviously if you giving too much uh to an extent where it makes you feel like you know you're not appreciated that that's not the same thing I'm saying you just you give more value than you're paid for it firstly it feels good you'll get valued and respected you get paid more it's the way the world works right so what we're doing is we're unconsciously conditioning that genius bioom computer of your mind and
we're get getting it to already think about having more money do it again do the process again now while we're here see the money coming in that's it more more of it see coming in even faster even more of it more of it more of it yes more of it more of it that's right yeah woo and then open your eyes to come on back out you see this isn't a lecture right this is a coaching session right I'm sure you know the difference between coaching and therapy so with coaching you will listen the resources
of the person to help them you know have a richer better life and with therapy you kind of do it to them yeah so I would rather that you learn to do this for yourself and for your clients because they will thank you they certainly will and before we finished we're going to do some hypnosis and create a compelling future for you right create an amazing future and so that you can do that with your uh with your clients as well because um uh one of the things I love about my job is firstly I
like helping people right and it's solving problems um any right-minded person should do yeah right there there's a there's a difference between like a normal right thinking person and say a sociopath who couldn't give a about anyone it's another word for sort of super selfishness and a Psychopaths who are they're real bad people they get often hurting other people so you know we need to find them and lock them up right but a normal right thinking person when you do some act of kindness it feels good you know there's an old Chinese saying which is
if you want to feel happy for an hour take a nap want to be happy for a week take a vacation if you want to be happy for a year go win the lottery you want to be happy for the rest of your life help other people so I think it's a very Noble profession you've chosen right and yeah I I I do I do really do right because years ago you were kind of either a shrink right you are you know uh psychiatrist psychologist something like that um and the or or you weren't you
know there wasn't a thing called a coach and I was so happy when this category got invented CU I thought this is great so people that don't necessarily want to study medicine or you know study sort of bollocks like Freud and that they they but they just want to help people right there's a category now and being a coach is a phenomenal job and I remember so I I hired my friend Michael Neil I'm sure any of you know Michael yeah he's the just the greatest coach in the world right there's um somebody once said
about him if Superman needed a coach he'd hire Michael Neil which I thought was great anyway I hired Michael and my life got immeasurably better because he just sit and talk with me ask me questions intelligent questions guide my mind in particular directions and wow it got better right and now he's um a very very successful coach and I can't afford him anymore uh but joking Michael um and he's he really is he's fantastic so thing is being a coach is a great job and of course it pays well right you know the average hypnotherapist
earns 100,000 bucks a year that's the average one right I mean you know most of the hypnotherapists I know like four or five times that right because they're real good right and it's the same with coaching the better at it you get right what will happen is the the word of mouth for a start and also your clients will want to sign up to get more and more of it right I'm just planting these seeds inside your unconscious mind so let's get a little bit sort of metaphysical but I can explain it scientifically this um
this stage right me you the lights screen everything is all made of atoms and molecules vibrating at a density and a frequency it's just the stage is a different density and frequency to me that's why it's a stage anomy yeah and so in a sense the whole universe is energy it's all atoms and molecules vibrating at a density and frequency and inside the at molecules are quarks and inside the quarks it's not a thing right but we could go off on a big tangent there but if I say to you everything is made of energy
you could explain the entire universe in math right it's all energy and your energy affects other people's energy have you noticed by the way oh here we go there's there's a scientific principle for this it's called The Law of sympathetic resonance right if you have two pianos in the same room and you hit a c chord on one the SE chord on the other vibrates in in resonance in harmony yeah have you noticed how all of the sort of rich and happy people manag to find each other yeah and all the miserable bastards all find
each other as well don't they misery loves come literally they do all the losers all F each other right and you this is this is a true thing right it's a friend of mine own's a casino and I I'd heard this story that if somebody's winning they're doing really well right they go and stand somebody next to him called a cooler and this is an unlucky right this is somebody just nothing works in their life right and they stand next to them and literally their luck changes and I asked because a friend of mine owns
a casino I said is this is true is he says no it's absolutely true we have to do it sometimes because they're just winning too much right some people are disproportionately luckier than others right and it's all to do with their beliefs about luck etc etc now as I mentioned we're atoms and molecules vibrating at a density and frequency yeah and what we're going to do in just a moment is a process to alter somebody's frequency so when you're angry you're on a different frequency than when you're happy right is there anyone who's really scared
about losing it all there like a big fear for them they just terrified of and let me just come out to the audience let me just who who should we have let's so somebody who's terrified of losing everything they they they've got fear of poverty sir you yeah yep um come and join us let's give him a nice big round of applause please step into my office sir that's it good let give a nice big round of applause hello hi what's um what's your name sir art art great where are you from art from tenifa
from where tenifa Spain tener in Spain oh right yeah fantastic beautiful beautiful okay now uh and you have a fear of losing it all right yes yeah yeah all right we're going to deal with that in a sec so what happens is when you go through a trauma of any kind what happens is 100 HZ wave travels from the phas and it phosphates What's called the Amper receptors right um you don't really need to know anything so I'm just I'm just laying it out you know just like you don't need to be a mechanic to
drive a car but what happens is when you touch here like this so if you do this Ladi young this feels this feels comforting doesn't it feels nice cuz when you were a baby your mother held you in her arms and she rocked you and so you what happens when you do this when you touch here here here and here what happens is you release a Delta wave massive amount of Delta and it def phospholes the Amper receptors so we use this technique if I can I turn you art can I turn you just slightly
to the side like that perfect that's perfect so what I'd like you to do is place your hands like that there you go so I'm going to touch the side of your arms and hands now I'd like you to go inside and I'd like you to get in touch with the fear of losing it all imagine you've lost it all you're destitute and on a scale of 1 to 10 tell me how strong you can get that fear eight eight right get it even higher imagine you've lost it all nothing on the streets it's really
it's bad news right see if you can get it higher tell me tell me get higher fear so so immense yeah that's it yeah what number is that fear at now nine nine and clear your mind clear your mind and we're walking together on a beautiful beach and with each footstep that you take in the sand I'd like you to count out loud please from 1 to 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 that's great now I'd like you to remember a
time that you felt really good a time you felt really happy and on top of the world and just return to that time right now maybe you're laughing or smiling or having fun and just tell me about that time what can you see what can you hear and how good do you feel art just tell me about it it's is when I'm around 7 years old I'm with my cousin I'm having this incredible happy birthday day oh wow um I won a lot of chocolate coins golden coins and we were betting the coins with like
stickers and I win all the stickers and we were playing a beautiful game and and we went to watch a film Star Wars with pizza it was the perfect perfect day it was God it sound brilliant I I want to go okay now what I'd like you to do art is notice where you feel the Good Feeling strongest in your body and give it a color what color is it it's kind of golden golden that's great I use gold too put that gold feeling and I want you to imagine the gold feeling moving up through
your neck into your head around your face down through your shoulders into your arms and hands and fingers down through your chest into your legs to the very tips of your toes and then double the brightness and double it again and double it again oh until you're glowing with this gold feeling it's absolutely fantastic and then open your eyes and come on back out now try and get that feeling of um losing it all the fear of losing it all back on a scale of 1 to 10 how strong can you get it three three
wow hold on that now thing is we we use this technique it's called the havening technique by the way for those of you interested in it I suggest every coach learns it particularly event havening you know you you pick something that's very upsetting or the thought of it happening and we use this in PTSD there's a whole set of uh other techniques that the part of havening was created by my dear friend Dr Ronald Ruden he's um he's just retired he's a he's a medical doctor but he's also a Harvard PhD in neuropharmacology and he
was fascinated by the tapping technique you see which was using a Chinese medicine model yeah this is he's a neuropharmacologist um Harvard PhD by the way he's he's a smart smart guy right and he he found that the touch of certain parts of the body created this amazing release of of Delta and that def phospholes the Amper receptors so yeah it's just something you might want to check out havening do org is is is how you find out more about it now what we've done there is we've taken away we've taken away your your overwhelming
fear of losing it all right now what we also want to affect is any feelings of avarice or greed right and look you wouldn't be human if at some point in your life you didn't feel a little bit greedy or a little bit you know some people literally want to they they want that avarest thing money money money now I'm not saying that to you but we want to try and create that because what we're going to do is we what this does is this depotentiates the feeling so the fear of the of losing everything
has has now gone it's it's hardly there yeah it's a shadow of what it was right and it won't come back by the way now you want to have a mechanism that lets you know say a bill comes in you want to go oh yeah I need to pay that right you don't want to be Reckless around money but if you're continually worried about losing it you'll treat money differently and it will treat you differently right so what we're going to do is we've knocked the edge off the fear of losing it now we're going
to go after avarice and greed like love and lust of money remember it said in the Bible the love of money is the root of all evil so what I need you do is close your eyes and I need you to imagine you've got so much money you got those you one of those leaf blowers blowing 100 EUR notes all around your living room and said you've got a bath where you bathe in money you got stacks of it you've got it in your fridge you've got in your cupboards you just got it you got
it all and you love spending out buying things like boats and planes and cars and jewelry and everything you got so much money you don't want to do with it oo feel the greed feel the average tell me when you can feel it and then clear mind and imagine that we're walking together on a beach with each footstep that you're take in the and count out loud from 1 to 20 please 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and 20 and then you go
back to your seventh birthday all those lovely gold coin things the chocolate coins that's right the Star Wars movie the whole lot that is great is it and then move that gold feeling up through your neck into your head down through your shoulders into your arms hands fingers down through your chest into your legs and the tips of your toes double the brightness and double it again and open your eyes and come all back out now when you think about money now what's the difference well how do you feel different it feels the right thing
it feels good it feels good right so there isn't fear of of it all no but there isn't got to have it you're what I I would call you are right now in the money Zone your energy you're oscillating vibrating on a frequency that is not feeling massive attached move away or move towards you're like a sort of zen master when it comes to money thank you so much that was great great song Thank you a nice round of applause right we're all going to do that right so what I'd like you to do ladies
and gentlemen is put your pads and things down and I need you to stroke the side of your arms like this and I need you to close your eyes please and I want you to imagine losing it all I want you to get in in touch with the fear of not having enough money or any money or whatever the fear of losing it all the fear of losing all right and get it as strong as you can imagine you've lost it all and it's terrifying you're around the street you got no money it's all gone
ooh get the F strong as you can and then clear your mind completely clear your mind and imagine we're walking together on a beach and I'd like you to count out loud from 1 to 20 with each keep stroking the side of your arms with each footstep that you take as you walk on the beach with me one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 now keep stroking the side of your arms and I would like you to remember happy time any happy
time and return to it like you're back there again now maybe it was a time you were laughing with friends or you'd fallen in love or maybe you'd achieved something but just a happy happy time and return to it like you're back there again now see what you saw hear what you heard and feel how good you felt then what I'd like you to do is I would like you to notice where you feel the good feeling in your body strongest of all and I would like you to give them a color and then move
that color up through your neck in to your head so your whole head is surrounded by this color then move it down through your shoulders into your arms and hands and fingers and then move it down through your chest move that color into your stomach into your legs into the very tips of your toes and double the brightness and double it again and double it again and double it again and double it again so you're glowing with this lovely feeling that's right there we go and that's right and then stop and then notice where the
feeling of losing all the money where the fear is now fear should be dramatically reduced now next let's go after avarice or greed got to have it money yeah any feelings you have like that lustful sort of feelings yeah for money close your eyes and get in touch and try and get as much lust for money as you can right because we want to negate both ends so you sit in the money Zone get that lust going that greed o imagine Lo yes you've got a big room stack with money you got money St loads
it o feels so good doesn't it rolling around in it then what I want you to do is clear your mind and once again we're walking on a beach count out loud from 1 to 20 with me please one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 and then once again put that go back to that memory that happy memory and see what you saw and hear what you heard and feel how good you felt and find where the good the feelings are strongest and
give them a color move the color up through the top of your neck into your head all the way down through your shoulders into your arms and hands hands and fingers down through your body to the tipss of your toes until you're glowing with this color and then are you ready open your eyes and come on back out who feels good woo yeah so remember what we're doing with this you see is we're we're taking away the fear of losing it all so so you know these people are constantly like a mouse on a wheel
trying I got have more got have more because they're coming from lack yeah and we're taking away greed got have and we're sitting in this beautiful place where great if we have money yeah but we don't feel bad if we don't and we don't feel literally as though the more I have the better I'm going to feel yeah because see when you treat it like that it becomes like a drug right and as you know with a drug the more you have the more you need right so by doing this it puts you in what
I call the money zone right you're oscillating on a different frequency you can feel that you feel different right so what we're going to do next ladies and gentlemen I promise I was going to hypnotize you so we're going to do a little um hypnosis and yeah just let me get this I'm going to sit down for this actually because what we're going to do before we do anything is we want to again you know I mentioned power manifesting is where you take something that you know is going to happen and you put something that
you want to have happen in its place spatially in terms of size color everything so that is the neuro coding right now when I think about tomorrow there there if I think about next week it's further away uh Christmas is over there next year is over there so the past for me is behind me the future extends out in front some people have it go from Left Right the past is on the left the present is here and the future is off to the right some people have it go from down to up some people
have it go around them like that so just think about some things that you know are going to happen and think about say next week point to where next week is for me just show me when next month uh 6 months from now one year from now day go okay great right so this is what we we refer to in NLP speak as your timeline so you know that these things are going to happen that's where the future is yeah what we're going to do is we're going to go and create an amazingly compelling future
and we're going to stick it in your timeline and then we're going to back engineer it yeah we're going to we're going to say what happened before before what happened before what happened before see this is why a lot of people fail at their news resolutions right for the simple reason that they're not really resolutions they're wishes right if all you had to do was wish for anything we'd all be living in mansion houses you know with fabulous lovers and you know big cars and Yachts you know that's all you had to do right it
would all be the perfect weight we all be you know able to do exactly what we wanted wishing is nice but that's all it is wishing yeah um I like to um this is when I do goals right and um I'm pretty good at this actually I used to be relentless goal Setter these days I have more of a direction in my life right because I like to live my values yeah so you know I I to get done right but this is how I do it right I go off into the future and I
imagine what it's going to been like to have achieved my goal what will I see what will I hear how will I feel then what I do is an ecology check right ecology is the study of consequences right so I go now hang on to get here did it cost me did did did did my my health suffer or or did I fall out with people or did I have to you know do you what I mean is there something is there a negative consequence to this goal and if it is I go right I'll
change the goal the other thing I ask myself is what might stop me what might get in the way right and so I can head those off at the pass right then what I do is I go all right imagine I've achieved it I step back on my timeline and then I step back on my timeline and I step back on my timeline and then I come all the way back to now so I've then got a series of images that show me the direction my life is going to take over the next year or
five years or 10 years yeah and what it's doing is it's using all of my energy all of my thinking all of my behavior all of it to make that come about now I do like achieving certain things but these days uh as well as goals I like to live my values because you know if all you have are goals then you're just on to the next on to the next on to the next and that my life was very much like that you know I lived in the the these literally the the the lurs
of overachievers uh Los Angeles for 10 years right and it was great but you know there I am with all these other overachievers and you know someone else has got a bigger house or more cars or whatever and there's no end to it yeah right and so these days I live my values uh much more than just goal set and by values I mean those things that are most important to you just take a moment right right my personal values right are things like Health do I feel mentally and physically healthy if so I can
tick that box it's good I'm winning next up is something like uh do I feel loved do I love those people my family my friends my dog yeah love do I feel love in my life yeah then I'll do things like Freedom do I get to decide most days what it is I want to do yeah it's great isn't it um you know because I have this great career and I meet fun people and I love my job and yeah it's great did I laugh right I a lot of laughter I I enjoy laughter very
much um I think you know sometimes at the absurdity of life and stuff like that but I just love laughing it's the orgasm of the mind yeah so and if I can tick those boxes every day my life's in good shape so just take a moment now before we design your compelling future and ask yourself what's most most important to me ask yourself that what's most important to me and you'll have a list of words you know there'll be things like Freedom or family or you know success and of course they all mean different things
don't they yeah see for me rich is more than just money it's definitely about money but it's all those other things I mentioned it's Health it's it's it's relationships it's all that sort of stuff yeah just take a moment to get in touch with your values cuz we're going to go and design a hell of a future for you then what I'd like you to do is take a deep breath in and put your pens and papers down and relax because it is time to go into a hypnotic trance so we're going to put some
relaxing music on and I'm going to ask you to just close your eyes and relax the little muscles at the side of your eyes and side of your mouth and relax the little muscles around your face and in your neck comfortably aware of your shoulders relaxing and relaxing down through your chest into your stomach and relaxing your legs and feet and my voice will go with you as you relax now because you've been listening to me now speaking and you've been doing processes with me and you're aware of certain Sensations that are a part of
this experience and this is the only trance that's happening for you now because we're going to go on a little journey I'd like you to imagine floating up and out of your body and floating down your timeline one year year from now and float into the timeline and I'd like you to imagine that you've had one of the best years of your life it's been amazing it's been absolutely fantastic if that's true what must have occurred in regard to your health both physical and [Music] mental if you've had one of the best years of your
life what must have occurred in regard to your relationships personal and [Music] professional if you've had one of the best years of your [Music] life what must have happened in regard to your career if you've had one of the best years of your life what must have happened in regard to your [Music] finances if you've had one of the best years of your your life what must have happened in regard to your spiritual life if you've had one of the best years of your life what must have happened to your general levels of happiness and
I'd like you now to imagine you're living this most amazing year you're there in your timeline what do you see hear and feel that lets you know that all is well you're living the richest life you've ever lived and what I'd like you to do is to float back out of the picture and Float back 3 months down the timeline and then make that picture of you one year from now really huge like a cinema screen and ask yourself what happened 3 months before all that great stuff [Music] I just get a sense of it
and then float back another 3 months down the timeline and ask yourself what happened 3 months before that and then Flo back another 3 months you'll ask yourself what happened 3 months before that and then float all the way back to now so I'd like you to look at your timeline and see a succession of images the further away they are the bigger they become and in each one of those pictures I'd like you to see yourself healthy happy and [Music] successful and then brighten all those pictures up and make them solid and float into
that picture 3 months from now and float into the picture 6 months from now and float into the picture 9 months from now and float into that amazing picture of your life one year from now healthy happy and successful and then take all of those good feelings with you and Float all the way back to now and look at your timeline look at your rich rich life see it extending out and and then put pictures 2 years 5 years 10 years 20 years 30 years way up into the future of you healthy happy and [Music]
successful then I'd like you to do this every day look at your timeline live your values because your life is going to become richer money will flow to you easily if there was any part of you that was stopping that happening I'd like you to find new ways to achieve all the positive things that it does for you and so money can flow to you more easily you can imagine it flowing to you the way we did earlier you notice how rich your life is you literally say to yourself all the time my life is
Rich I am rich I'm so happy I'm so fulfilled I'm so blessed you feel grateful every day doing a gratitude list because you love and approve of yourself you are always good enough and you deserve to be happier and live an even richer life your life will be richer than you had ever dreamed possible before cuz we have programmed it into your unconscious [Music] mind you are going to live a richer life and become a happier person for the rest of your [Music] life and you don't have to necessarily know right now how it is
you're going to do that your unconscious mind will figure it out ways to experience the richness in each moment ways to make more money but ways to feel rich because of all the good things in your life your friends your opportunities things you enjoy your hobbies your interests your passions and every delicious moment that life offers you you will become a richer person for the rest of your life soon you'll be time to awaken from this experience feeling refreshed relaxed and alert calm and confident with a renewed sense of optimism and deep inner Joy coming
back now as I count back from 10 to 1 reinforcing every positive thought you've ever had about yourself 10 9 8 that's right really back now seven 6 5 woo and you might want to stretch and yawn as you awaken Four 3 2 1 Wide Awake wiky wiy oh who feels good if you're interested in learning the sort of things that I do uh as a coach to maybe help your clients remember we do a certified and accredited uh hypnotherapy course that runs regularly and it's I have so much fun anybody done that course by
the way oh right well there you go yeah I mean it's it's a lot a lot of fun it really is but it's also great to be here in the same room with you guys meet you and have fun thank you for for being so engaged thank you to everyone who volunteered by the way and came on the stage have yourself a very rich life I will see you soon be lucky be happy be blessed woo [Music]
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