"This KEEPS 99% of People Single!" - FIX THIS TO FIND LOVE| Joe Dispenza

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Lewis Howes
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Video Transcript:
aren't we conditioned to kind of react dude i react every day i react every day but the fundamental question is it's not about the money it's not about the sex it's not about the weight it's not about the diet this is something else if you want love in your life in your future then you better take care of i think you gotta have a dream the school of greatness really yeah please welcome us is there a way to transform your energetic field and to transform your mindset to start attracting a romantic partner that's the right
fit for you yeah yeah so um well let's start at the top right i mean uh people always ask me like how do i create you know the person of my dreams that i want uh in my life and i always say take out a piece of paper write down everything you want in that person and then become it that's it because um so many people have so many interesting definitions about what they think love is right and so some people have it in terms of need some people have it in terms of sexuality some
people have it in terms of control and and dominance and success and so those are different experiences that really don't lead to this concept called love and so my theory in a relationship i was i was in australia for three weeks and i was doing this big book tour and i was on all these television shows and all these radio shows and you know i wanted to talk about you know the science of changing your mind you know neuroplasticity epigenetics and every television show they were asking me about soulmates how do you create i was
just so tired by the by the end of this tour i was at the establishment hotel in in sydney and i was sitting with the cnn reporter and attractive woman and she said how do how come i can't create the relationship that i want and i just i was so over it i just looked at her and i said let me ask you a question would you go out with you which is really the fundamental question so i have a couple theories about relationships that i think are really important and i i use the same
exact principles with my life first of all i will never work in a relationship and i don't think anybody should work in a relationship i think if you're working in a relationship something is not clicking something is not right but if you bring your best and the person that you're with brings their best and you celebrate your life together then there's there's constructive interference there's growth there's energy if you're not at your best and you show up more than likely you're going to pick someone or something apart and it's better that you remove yourself for
a period of time and get back into your heart and present yourself at your best and so if you're not there and you need a mirror or reflection then it's good to ask am i missing something am i not seeing myself in some way and then there's a healthy conversation when you invited but if you're not invited to contribute your opinion then it's better off that you don't right so people always say i want a loving relationship but what they really want is happiness really so we we do these meditations to create love in our
lives and and it could be love in uh familiar relationships with your siblings it could be with your parents it could be with your friends or it could be with a significant other and so if thoughts are the electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings are the magnetic charge in the quantum field and how you think and how you feel broadcast an electromagnetic signature that influences every single atom in your life the thought sends a signal out and the feeling is the magnetic field that draws the event back to you right so if you're
not in a place where you're in love with life or in love with yourself or practicing diminishing your emotional reactions to certain people or conditions in your life and you're living in anger or hostility or judgment or fear and you want a loving relationship there is no magnetic field for you to draw that to you and in fact if you say to me well it's that person or that circumstance that's caused me to feel this way and then i would say i mean that person or that circumstance is controlling the way you feel and the
way you think and anything that controls the way we feel in the way we think we are victims to right so most people are unconsciously responding to the conditions in their environment experiencing emotions that are derived from the hormones of stress those emotions cause us to feel separate from our dreams they heighten our senses so if we can't see them it doesn't exist the threat or the danger puts us in emergency mode and we can think positively about the relationship we want we could send the signal out into the field we could have pictures we
could have we could remind ourselves of what it is but if you're not drawing the experience back to you because your response to the environment is actually weakening your organism it's weakening your response is actually weakening the body then you will be as a victim more vulnerable to the conditions in your environment whatever large or small and i'm talking about microorganisms as well so if you wanted a true relationship where it was fundamentally based on this concept called love now let's talk about that because we practice this a lot in the work that we do
if you could truly begin to practice trading those survival emotions every day for elevated emotions and you practiced opening your heart it's it's a it's a skill that has to take place where you move out of survival so people say well i can't open my heart i don't i can't feel love and i say well what do you practice feeling because whatever you practice feeling you're feeling most of the time and that feeling could be guilt but you're so used to it you wouldn't even know it's guilt it just feels like you are most people
practicing a feeling are they just reacting to how they feel well they're they're they're reacting to their external environment what's happening or they're reacting to some straight thought in their mind and every thought produces a chemical so if they have an unhappy thought they feel unhappy if they have a judgmental thought it produces chemicals that makes you feel polarized right so how much does one thought change your chemical body oh that's an interesting question so let's just let's put this on hold here so so the stronger the emotions that we feel from the problems and
conditions in our life the more altered we feel inside of us the more we pay attention to what's causing it outside of us so if you have an event in your life an experience in your life that has a strong emotional charge to it and you don't feel like your normal self you feel this alarm system switch on you're going to narrow your focus on the cause and the brain is going to take a snapshot and that's called a long-term memory right so then what people don't know is that every time they think about that
event they're producing the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event was occurring at that moment in that moment so the highly charged event is actually producing the emotion and the body is so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the real experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that the person is fabricating by thought alone the body's believing it's so objective it's believing it's in the same environmental experience so the strong the highly charged emotional events you you some people think of their ex and the thought of that person
makes them sick makes them feel out of balance so and i one image one thought in their mind makes them feel out of balance all you need is an image and an emotion a thought and a feeling a stimulus and a response and you're conditioning your body emotionally into the past so now the memories and this just not in the brain now it's in the body okay so now that thought of that person is actually creating a response in the body that's consuming the body's energy for growth and repair consuming the body's energy to create
because in survival it's not a time to create in survival it's time to run fight and hide so the problem is is that it becomes a subconscious program it's no longer a conscious process it now is a subconscious process so now the body has been conditioned into resentment into unhappiness into fear anxiety whatever it is and so she's back to our concept of bringing love into your life so you say to that person okay you open your heart and they're gonna say are you kidding me i was injured i was hurt i'm not gonna do
that i'm gonna let me see your cards first right okay and once i see your card i then i'll pre then i'll open up a little bit so so we protect this right so now in in that state of survival the the research shows that the long-term effects of those stress hormones are pushing the genetic buttons that are creating disease the body can't live in emergency mode for that period of time so in a sense the person is making themselves sick by thought alone their thoughts are making them sick literally so the problem is is
now the body is conditioned into the past and it's the mind now once the the body body is the mind the body becomes the mind emotionally so now all of this energy is stored in the body and now the person now has to leave their unhappiness and step out into the unknown they have to get out of the familiar feelings that has has defined them so they'll say i can't really feel joy i can't really feel love and what they're really saying is i've i've been conditioning my body emotionally so much into the past that
i can't feel anything else other than what i know anger resentment pain suffering psychology calls those normal human states of consciousness those are altered states of consciousness so normal states of consciousness are these kind of negative feelings no i'm saying that those states of survival people say anger fear those are normal things no those are those are in survival those are altered states you're the survival chemicals are actually knocking your brain and body out of balance you're out of balance in that moment and if you keep doing that the imbalance is now the new balance
and now you're altered emotionally so back to the concept of love so the person can theoretically intellectually philosophically say i want this type of person she's got to be this way he's got to look this way he's got to be like this and they're basically saying i want something that represents all the things that i no longer want right and so they're creating with their brain and mind which is perfect the problem is is that if you can't feel the emotion of your future your manifestation of love before it's made manifest like people say well
well when my relationship hat when i find mr right then i'm going to feel love waiting for the outer environment to change to take away this feeling of anger resentment emptiness but they forgot that they create reality in other words when it finally appears that i'm going to feel love that's that's cause and effect we're waiting for something to happen if you're feeling the lack and the emptiness then you're keeping your relationship at arm's length because you don't have the magnetic field to draw to you so the emotions that come from these energy centers the
lower energy centers in our body do have frequencies there's chemistry involved but they have a different agenda so now we ask the person can you teach your body emotionally what the future will feel like before it's made manifest that means you can't wait for your relationship to feel love you have to reverse that battleship and understand feeling love now is going to be the magnet and if you can hold the vision of your future a clear intention with a coherent brain organize signals into the field and you could actually crack this thing open and practice
getting so present in the moment that you're not anticipating the next moment or trying to predict the future and you're no longer romancing the emotions of your past you can find that sweet spot of the generous present moment the familiar past is the known emotionally the predictable future is the habituation of autopilot being unconscious in programs those are both knowns there's only one place where the unknown exists that's the present moment so if you could work with your body to the point that it trusts you enough to feel so safe that you have conquered it
in a certain way that it could actually relax into the present moment and it's not worried about what's going to happen next or what's going on around around you or that you need to eat you need to pee you need to move you you got beyond all your drives and you're you're ready to create that moment where you're present if you could begin to work with your heart and start to breathe and start to practice feeling love in the beginning it would feel foolish or gratitude why would i feel love if it hasn't happened well
that's because you've been hypnotized into waiting for your world to change to feel feel the emotion from the experience but according to the quantum model your emotion ahead of the experience when you combine that clear intention with the elevated emotion and you feel love your body's so objective that it's actually believing it's living in that future in the present moment and your body now is beginning to change you are beginning to change your biology to reflect what you're about to experience in your future so the stronger the love you feel the more altered you feel
inside of you the more you're going to pay attention to that picture in your mind stimulus response memory emotion thought and feeling but now you're remembering your future instead of remembering your past and biologically it's actually the same how do we remembering your future as opposed to remembering your past right it's the same thing biologically the body experiences the same way by thinking and imagining something that hasn't happened yet but it will happen okay well and imagining something vividly from the past that happened sometimes our brains trick ourselves and thinking it happened a different way
doesn't it yeah but that's that's incidental it's none of your business how it happened in fact if i interpret it exactly it's your perception right so so then the stronger the emotion you feel from some outer experience in your life the more altered you feel the more the brain freezes the frame and takes a snapshot well now you're freezing a frame in the outer environment but if you're truly in the present moment and you know exactly what you want and you begin to teach your body emotion start practicing opening that heart it's amazing what happens
the moment that heart begins to open we've measured this so many times lewis on a on a scan on a real-time brain scan when the heart moves into this kind of rhythm when you're feeling frustration when you're feeling impatient when you're feeling resentment you are stepping on the gas pedal and you're stepping on the brake at the same time and the heart is pumping against the closed system and it causes an erratic beat it becomes incoherent and energy literally leaves the heart now you no longer believe in your future you can't put your heart into
your future you can't trust the outcome because there's no energy there it's it's being used and consumed somewhere else so energy is leaving the brain as well but once energy starts to move into the heart we've seen this so many times and it starts to beat in this rhythm like banging a drum or dropping a pebble in water pebble after pebble the heart begins to create a wave of energy right to the brain like like taking a big sheet and going like that and then all of a sudden you see this wave and the brain
gets this rush of energy and that change in brain wave patterns that change that wave is carrying information and the person starts to get a very clear idea they see their future very clearly now now that energy is causing them to move into very coherent alpha brainwave patterns which is the state of creation this is when you no longer hear the voice in your head that's talking to you that you listen to and believe is the truth i'm not good enough yeah whatever that is that's called the default mode it suppresses the default mode network
and the next thing you know you start seeing in pictures and images you start dreaming and that's the imagination that's the creative state so now you start naturally imagining the heart is the creative center we've got to put our heart into our future it better be open and activated so now when you start falling in love with your future oxytocin is released in the brain and in the heart oxytocin signals nitric oxide nitric oxide signals another chemical called endothelial derived relaxing factor and just like when your sexual organs get filled with blood because you're aroused
the same thing happens here as it would happen somewhere else and literally the arteries in the heart and lungs engorge and now your heart feels full and it's thumping in order and you're in the present moment now once that happens and it's beating in rhythm the heart produces an external magnetic field up to three meters wide now you're in survival you're drawing from the field and turning into chemistry when you get energy in the heart it's causing a change in the brain and all of a sudden it's resetting the baseline for trauma and now here
you have a magnetic field now the heart is your magnet it is it is the center of creation and now that that energy is frequency and frequency carries information and you can lay the thought of your new relationship on that energy because it's consistent with it you cannot lay the thought of your new relationship in need that's a different energy what do you mean in need well if you're feeling needing someone yeah that's a different frequency that's a different energy what happens when you're in a need state as opposed to an attraction state well you're
in lack so now you're trying you're grasping you're controlling you're forcing you're trying to predict you're overthinking over analyzing and that's how people live their relationships so then if you are going to prepare your brain and body for a new relationship then you would have to become love completely every day and that signal then that you're sending out into the field can carry the thought of your health your wealth your relationship or whatever but here's the cool part when the heart is activated like that and you feel so whole so in love with life so
satisfied in the moment so exuberant that it's impossible to want now you're no longer in lack now you're so whole that you will magnetize wholeness in your life the person who's the person that fits the mold energetically that would be the same as you and yet complement you so that the two can become one right and then instead of in contrast in union you exchange information equal to that emotional state in other words people use each other to reaffirm their their dependence on certain emotions you have certain people you complain with about politics or whatever
they complain back about their lives and you use each other to reaffirm you know some type of belief or something belief about life emotionally you have emotional agreements on things well that that emotion is energy and energy is frequency and frequency areas information so you share the same energy you share the same information but that's what people do in their lives but now in a true loving relationship when you're truly in your heart then the question is what would love do in the relationship and when your heart is open it's no longer about you it's
about how i feel so amazing with you i feel even more amazing but without you i'm still whole and so now i'm no longer in need or lack and so now when we get together and our fields interfere when they start interfering now the amplitude gets white higher there's way more energy and now i mean i'm i'm all about all seven centers of the body lining up all of them and we're here in a body let's enjoy it all but come from love and so now your heart is so open that you can't do anything
else but give you feel so amazing you're so happy with yourself so happy with your life so happy with what you have you want other people to feel the same way and you say here take that and when you give now guess what happens you release more oxytocin more nitric oxide and more of those chemicals that cause the heart to swell even more then all of a sudden your immune system gets stronger and all of a sudden your body starts feeling better you start having more energy and now the constructive interference between two people that
are coming together in wholeness and no longer dependence or lack or separation or need is a different game so then what they do to protect to nurture to grow to evolve that love is one of the most important things that they have not because they're doing it out of obligation or because they're married or whatever it's just they can't not do it we see people we've had somebody scan the other day in our workshop in profoundly high amounts of gamma she can do it on command and there's an incredible arousal that takes place that goes
along with these high brain frequencies that you can only ex describe as ecstasy or bliss now you're getting that ecstasy in bliss not from anyone or anything out there no drug no person no no football game no shopping spree is doing that it's somehow inside it's coming from within like what is that connection that you have and so one of the scientists said to this woman how do you do that you know what she said i have difficulty not doing it i can't not do it when i'm interested it's too when i'm when i'm doing
this i it's too good so now that could be a constant feeling in your life so now what love independent of anyone or anything it's coming from within you okay so think about this whether you're in a relationship or single it doesn't matter you're whole your love is not wavering it's constant right so now imagine having this feeling and when oxytocin is released what most people don't know is that it seeps into the amygdala and there's certain survival emotions in the amygdala fear and anxiety aggression and anger pain and suffering and it literally shuts the
lights out in those circuits in the amygdala and there's only one thing left love and joy right so now this person is suppressing the survival centers resetting the baseline of the past how they perceive the past and now the research on oxytocin shows that when you have just a slight slight level of increase and ours our research shows our students are way outside of normal that it's impossible to hold a grudge you know why because the feeling feels so good why would you judge another person or why would you react to some condition and lose
that feeling you figure it out really fast so this birth of unconditional love really says i'm in love with myself my connection to some divine intelligence within me and because i'm so in love with life and with myself i'm looking at life through the lens of love which means i'm going to allow you to be whoever you want around me i don't really you i'm no longer not a reaction i'm not actually because i've overcome my fear i've overcome my anger and now i'm ready for love and now that relationship that you have if you
find that equal that's a needle in the haystack because now it's a vibrational match right and so as long as you're evolving as long as i'm evolving as long as we're sharing the same ideals as long as we're working together as long as we have our independence and as long as we come together and we bring our best and i say to you how was your day i mean what did you learn or let's start our day so how are you going to be today come on let's just support each other so what are the
programs you're going to stay away from are you going to rush you know what did you do yesterday that you want to improve today how can i support you how can i love you in that you want to text at noon what do you need and then how am i going to be okay tell me how you vocalize it articulate it so that now i understand your intention and i can support that's good and so then when the person can articulate it what are they doing they're cr they're rehearsing in their mind who they're going
to be and so now they're becoming conscious of that future and then they have to work on staying un staying conscious of their unconscious programs and by articulating that they're gonna let not let those thoughts slip by as well so then now you have two people in evolution it's no longer about all the other things it's not about the money it's not about the sex it's not about the weight it's not about the diet those are all things that are we already know this is something else this is a whole other level where when you
exchange and evolve on this level it's the most important thing because now you see that person as a mirror oh my god she did amazing i'm in love with her i admire her wow she's got it going on she she executed today she she got her behaviors to match her intentions and i want to celebrate her like like wow i'm in awe that to me you don't work on that you work on you everybody works on themselves and then they bring their best and if they're not at their best excuse yourself and get back to
your best and if you tell me it's that person or that circumstance we went back to the unconscious program of being a victim nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with reacting but the next question is how long are you going to stay in this mode right or do you want help getting out right right so so i think that that when you start feeling those elevated emotions and your energy is synchronized right and it's you got a wi-fi signal right you got sick connected you're 5g you're connected and you're connected and what are you connected
in in this sense of wholeness the sense of love the sense of joy this this this satisfaction with yourself in your life and when i i mean i watch this louis i mean people come to our events for all kinds of reasons some people come for help some people come for wealth some people come for relationships it's really funny and they show up angry people they're angry with themselves when they're angry with themselves they'll be impatient and angry with others people who are unhappy with themselves will punish other people so that they can feel their
unhappiness or is it to get their anger out or is it why no because that's who they are that's that's the emotion that's driving their behaviors people who are in love with themselves will find love in others people who are happy with themselves will find something that they can connect with they won't see all the flaws they'll see some part of them that they want to enjoy i mean so so so if you're in a relationship and you've scrubbed the cupboard and you've taken out all those skeletons and you've looked at them and you said
i don't want to bring this into my relationship i don't want my insecurity to be there i don't want my fear to be there i don't want my judgment to be there i don't want my emotions from other relationships to be there so let me finish this in other words if you want love in your life in your future then you better take care of your frustration because you can't bring that there you got to leave it so then you may say to me well it's because that person and this emotion from 15 years ago
my ex makes me feel frustrated let me tell you something the only reason that you're thinking about your ex is because you're still in frustration you overcome frustration you'll look back at your ex and you'll be like i wish them well i'm not connected to my past any longer so cleaning the cupboards and getting down to those thoughts that slip by people's awareness all the time their behaviors how they complain they make excuses they say it'll never happen what do they do and the emotions that keep them connected to their past they won't they won't
even see that person they'll walk right past their future relationship they'll never recognize that person because they're looking at their future through the neurology and the chemistry of their past and the brain only learns by only we only see reality based on pattern recognition i memorize your face now i know lewis and if the pattern matches i know but if you're creating a future and you're not clear on that future and you want all these things but you haven't addressed all those circuits and behaviors and emotions and chemicals of the past you won't recognize the
pattern you'll walk right past the relationship you'll never see it so so i think that there's the preparation for the relationship the overcoming and overcoming and overcoming and overcoming and overcoming and becoming all of a sudden now says i am worthy and the universe only gives us what we think we're worthy of receiving so when you're worthy to receive it's not going to be on match.com when you're looking at body parts and whatever else this is going to be like energy wow like that came out of nowhere because when you're in survival and you're in
separation and you're in lack and you're forcing and controlling and trying to predict outcomes your matter trying to change matter and of course it's going to take time for this to happen because you're creating a three-dimensional reality and everything in three-dimensional reality takes time but when you're creating from the heart with a coherent brain and a coherent heart and you've got that 5g wi-fi signal it's it's not like you go anywhere now they're the experiences are coming to you're drawing the event to you so so we spend a lot of time bonding with our future
emotionally i have colleagues of mine who look at our our data on oxytocin and they're like uh listen oxytocin levels go up during uh you know when i'm in a relationship the honeymoon stage of relationship and monogamy is created because of those chemicals or a female mammal is bonding with our offspring that's exactly right i want our people our students to bond and fall in love with their future just like they do with somebody else and when you're bonded to your future no person no circumstance no thing is going to remove you from it so
then if you fall from grace during the day then the next question is what person what circumstance caused me to disconnect from my love in the future and let me rehearse in my mind if i have that same circumstance how i'm going to overcome it and now you're worthy of love it's no longer the person or the event it's just you're doing what it takes to stay in the emotion of your future your your body is aligned emotionally to that future so great doing it with the meditation that's easy but now the real game is
open your eyes but when your life happening is happening open your eyes and be in the initiation of life and stay in that place and just know that your future is going gonna happen so so being able to activate the heart and breathe in there and get the body out of survival and start working with it like it feels safe enough to create once energy makes it here you're going to get some really good ideas you're going to see things you never thought of seeing you're going to feel things you never thought you'd feel and
the the images that you're creating what are they doing the thoughts that you're creating they're making more of those chemicals and now you're feeling more of the the feeling of your future before it happens you're giving your body a sampling a taste of the future before it's happened keep doing that enough times and that feeling is going to become very familiar to you there's a lot i want to unpack there there's a great image so you asked i'm sorry yeah i want to keep on this topic for a while there's a great image on page
123 of your book becoming supernatural and we'll we'll put this in the the youtube video i will put it side by side here somewhere when we're editing this up but you have this image here which is the body versus as energy and the body as matter and what happens when you're in an energetic field when you're a magnet of the energy versus when you're i guess reacting in a place of fear anxiety and stress yeah because that's what this is yeah let's see if i can let me see if i can say this another way
um there was a a researcher uh out of yale university that in the 1940s that was studying electromagnetic fields around living organisms and in 1940s and at yale university nobody was doing this and he was a vitalist he wanted to understand the unseen fields around living organisms so he started studying eggs all kinds of eggs chicken eggs swallow eggs reptile eggs snake eggs salamander eggs all kinds of eggs and he was using a magnetometer and what he found was what a hundred percent of the time no matter what a he measured the positive charge was
always at the head and the negative charge was always at the tail well if you have positive charge on one end the negative charge on the other end you've got a external electromagnetic field called a magnetic field that's a magnet right what happens with human beings is every thought has a frequency every thought produces a chemical so if you keep obsessing about your lack your lack of finances your lack of time your lack of energy lack lack and those thoughts i don't have this i don't know what are the chemicals you're feeding your body you're
taking thought it's producing a frequency and that frequency in the form of chemistry is storing that thought emotionally right in your second center you feel guilty you feel unhappy the moment you feel unhappy then you generate more thoughts equal to that feeling which makes more chemicals and you keep taking energy from the brain and storing it in the body if you react to people in your life and you feel anger frustration whether it's traffic the news whatever it is parents parents whatever you're drawing from this field this electromagnetic field you're tapping that resource and you're
making chemistry out of it and the field shrinks so now by doing that and living in survival the body no longer is a magnet so now you have very little energy in the brain in fact five percent of the energy is in the brain and ninety-five percent is stored in the body now the body has been conditioned emotionally so a lot of energy in the body very little in the brain so in our work do we want energy to be in the brain we want to move energy back up to the brain so what does
that do when we move the energy from the body to the brain or the heart well this is a great thing because once it makes it here it's going up right so we do these different meditations and these different techniques to draw that energy right up to the top of the head now when this energy shakes loose and it starts to move the sympathetic nervous system switches on and instead of releasing energy out like you're being chased by a predator or you're you're having an orgasm that same energy is going up into the brain and
the brain switches on and it goes into these very high high frequencies called gamma brainwave patterns now the person has an arousal but the arousal isn't fear not an orgasm well in the brain an orgasm of the mind yeah exactly it's it's energy that's being released into the brain and you can only describe it as ecstasy or bliss so the energy of guilt that was stored from thinking and feeling the same way releases and it travels up to the brain and is going back and when it reaches the brain what happens you get more energy
in the brain and begins to produce that external field so you're you're beginning to create a field around your body imagine the future as opposed to staying in something from the past well once the energy is moved you're going to feel you're going to feel pretty blessed in that moment in fact so we can transfer guilt shame insecurities into bliss oh my god yeah we do it all the time momentarily oh my gosh yeah yeah we do it all the time and the the amazing thing is that that rush of energy that's moving into the
brain is changing the brain's physiology and producing that feel now you have energy to heal now the body is a magnet again and it's as the energy moves up the spinal cord and it starts passing through those spinal nerves and there's a lot of dynamics going on on the body that energy that was once stored in that one of those energy centers that's released is energy to heal energy to create a new future you're replenishing your field and now the body becomes more of a magnet instead of an inert piece of metal with no charge
right so the person then who's reacting to whatever person or circumstance in their life the stronger the emotion that they feel towards politics towards the traffic towards their girlfriend whatever the more they're paying attention to it but where you place your attention is where you place your energy so we also know that when it's hard to create from a place of putting attention towards negative energy well you're not creating what you're doing is you're tying up your vital life force you're giving your power away to that person or that circumstance that you could be using
to create a new life with so when a person's sitting in their meditation and i love doing this we just got an event in marco island i'm gonna take people further than where they normally go i know they're gonna go oh well i'm done with my meditation no you're not done we're gonna take you to that point where that feeling is so in your face and you can't turn on your cell phone you can't get up and walk away because a thousand people are not getting up and walking away and you're part of the community
you're sitting in the fire and you have one of two choices you can let that brain run on on programs and hardwired patterns and the arousal will drive your brain further out of balance or you'll practice the formula and as you lower the volume to that emotion you're going to take your attention off that person or problem guess what here comes energy back to you you're taking your power back and now you're building your field that way and when that happens energy starts to move up into the heart once it mixes the heart it's going
to the brain so we start seeing people there they their hearts naturally open up and all the things they thought they wanted when they came to the event they no longer want because they feel like they have it they don't need it anymore of course they feel like they've got the feeling before the experience so that they feel so whole that they no longer want and and they're not looking for their future anymore you only look for it when you feel lack when your body is conditioned emotionally into the future why would you look for
it when it feels like it's already happened now this is where it gets weird because now things start coming to you and you're no longer in need when it comes to you go oh here take it i don't want it i just thought i just wanted to know that i could create and people create a lot of wealth in our events yeah and the first thing a lot of people do is they say i'm buying a cruise for you i'm buying you your car oh mom i'm getting you that house why do they do that
because they're so excited they feel so amazing and they're thinking i could do this again why would a person in lack wouldn't give a person who's abundant would give because they know how to create so now the game changes it's no longer about the self and you you're doing it because that you know that you can create it so so then maintaining that state when you're in love yes and you're in love in love in your body you are no you're not looking for it you're not looking for it you would be in lack when
you're in love there's nothing to do you're in love you're you're you're the magnet you're you are it and so our love yes so the events that come into your life would not only be just a reflection of a relationship with someone that you wanted to be intimate with you would have meaningful loving relationships that would enhance that feeling and when it didn't you would say oh you know what i don't know i don't know if this is right for me you would you would trust that because you worked really hard to nurture this to
protect it to grow it to to trust it again to open up right it takes a lot to do this but we see men in our work i was on them this week i i never let up on those guys big macho guys you want to be you want to know what courage is let's go let's open that heart and when they start cracking open i mean we see people heal from from colon cancer and from angina just boom there it is there it's not that's what that's what's been stored all down here once they
open this up and it moves the body is transforming in that moment it's the the system is informing itself information is being restored back into the body so when you get to that point where you you when you're in lack and separation time gets really crazy because you want stuff to happen faster and it feels like it's taking forever that's because you're in separation when you're in love and you're unconnected you don't want the moment to end i mean i had four three guys over for dinner last night all these academics i cooked a meal
and a half for these guys took out great wine why i wanted them to be so caught up in the moment that they forgot that we made a new memory we made it we had a great experience and life then is about experiencing it in love like i'm not going to be guilty of what i'm when i'm eating or judge what i'm eating if i've cooked a great meal let's eat because the guilt is worse than whatever it is you think is bad for you so then when you're feeling those elevated emotions and you're locked
in love then then you see life through the lens of love and there's compassion like you could look at your greatest adversary the person that threw you under the bus and you've overcome yourself and you've done the work they've stolen from you they're trying to talk bad about you behind your back trashing on youth all that stuff you'll look at them and you'll see a part of yourself that you used to be that you no longer are and you have nothing but understanding and compassion like wow i just i feel for that person they're hurting
they're struggling i used to be like that but you're no longer that when you're that then they push your buttons when you're not reactive to that because you're equal but you're when you've overcome it why would you do that you would see them as somebody struggling just like you see a child who's throwing a tantrum just like other now here i mean i've got so many questions around this but one thing quickly how often do you find yourself in reaction mode when someone throws you under the bus whether it's someone honking at you in a
car and you say ah this how often do you get back to that place and like because we're aren't we conditioned to kind of react dude i react every day i react oh my god i react every day but the fundamental question is how long are you going to realize so shortening the refractory period of your emotional reactions is that kind of intelligence where we're keeping ourselves out of the past justified valid or not the only person that that's affecting is you and then you have to ask yourself is it loving to me well if
you can't control that emotional reaction then you're a junkie and you're on a bad trip and you're overdosing but if you know that you're overdosing you've got to get beyond your rational mind because you'll say why are you this way all right why are you doing that is it making more of these chemicals yeah why were you doing that to make you feel more like it's it's justified so then this takes well i excuse myself many times in one day because you'll be i'm in a reaction i'm like let me see i'm like are you
like i'll be like are you kidding me what who what did they do and then i'll be like oh we're not going to make a decision so give me a minute oh wow i go take a few breaths get out of that state remember my future where i'm going it's so much more important than the present moment i just got to condition my body into that future and now it takes sometimes a herculean effort i have to tell you you can ask my staff i'll be in my i'll be in there 15 20 30 minutes
sometimes i'll say i work it took me an hour but to get back to a people in the in the expanse of all eternity if i don't overcome that emotion then i'm in my past and that's karma because that emotion is gonna drive my behaviors and thoughts and i'm going to be predictable my past is going to look my future's going to look a lot like my past so if i'm soulfully on the journey then what matters the most is being able to learn the skill of self-regulation so in our in our events when we
see people that can do brain and heart coherence they know the formula i look at their brain scans and i'm like louis great brain hey you got you can i see you can hold that heart coherence for 45 minutes great now let's put you on a pole at 55 feet in the air let's get a heart rate monitor on you and let's see what you're going to do up there do you want to be able to self-regulate there because if you can there it's not like i'm trying to give you an adrenaline rush actually i'm
trying to do the opposite i want you to settle your brain and body back down go against thousands of years of programming like fear and teach your body in that moment how to regulate i guarantee you if you go a little further than what you did and you stay conscious instead of throwing in a program and rushing through it and trying to get it over with you start breathing you start getting back in your heart you start getting centered you work against those chemicals i guarantee you when you walk into your life you're gonna the
moment you see something you're gonna catch on right away you're gonna catch yourself now that that saves you a lot of energy and a lot of time because if you're able to change it then instead of four hours later where you're just gone or you've already reacted yeah and and you've you've done things you said i you say i should have never done that i should have never said that that's what those emotions do because those emotions make us really primitive really primitive we're either going to be we're going to become antagonistic and angry and
aggressive we're going to run and fear and we're going to hide like that's really the option so how do i mean let's talk about a practical scenario where someone's in a relationship five ten twenty years married and not married and both parties have a pattern of defensiveness of passive aggressiveness of reacting when they don't like something and then one person starts to transform or they do your work or they do meditation work and they really start to connect with their heart and their mind and they start healing the trauma of the past and the other
person hasn't caught up yet how does someone either inspire the other person to come on this train with them and elevate their thoughts or if they are unwilling to is there a way to be in a happy relationship if your partner is still in reaction mode more than you wow um well uh again speaking from my present state of ignorance because i'm on a journey also i will tell you this that one of the things that happens and when people start to come across information and knowledge that's really valuable and they want to share it
with the person next to them or share it with their lover whatever but if they're in a relationship for 15 years and they have a lot of emotional agreements with people and things and they're in a lot of habits we we only accept believe and surrender to information that's equal to our emotional state so sometimes it bounces off the person and if the person's really enthusiastic then then they're really like whoa what is like you're changing in front of my i don't like you this way we had a thing going here we could pick apart
anybody or anything now you're not showing up equal to my memory you're unpredictable you're in the unknown yeah the unknown is unsafe right so a lot of times the enthusiasm is the first thing that starts creating disconnection but if the person goes that's amazing that's really cool say it again like they're ready to hear the information those people are going to evolve together right if the person just kind of looks and says oh my god my wife's on the kool-aid or whatever it is this person is you know they change their medication i don't know
what's happening with them then that person that is trying to explain it philosophically is just looking for someone to exchange information with that person may not be the person he may just like sunday sunday football games and monday night football and hanging out and drinking beer and they fell in love when they were the same right so now the next step is to find the person that you can exchange that information with because you want to understand it better so you can begin to use it now you have to stop preaching to that person that's
the first thing you have to do in other words show up happy show up transformed be the example and then one of two things will happen i tell my kids this all the time if you're happy then that person is going to want to get some of that and they're going to ask you all right so what what what the hell are you doing like all of a sudden you're like happy they're either going to go i want some of that and they're going to evolve together now if they're if they don't and then you
come down here and compromise yourself to meet them on that level they're going to take some of your energy and you're going to be like who am i resentful you didn't respond the way i wanted to now we're angry and we're back down here right but if you stay happy and they come up and they meet you there then you're still happy if you don't come down and you stay happy and they stay there and they move away guess what you stay happy you're still happy so so then people in relationships will compromise themselves out
of out of obligation out of necessity out of obedience out of programs and at the end of the relationship they don't even remember who they are because they compromised who or so many aspects of themselves that's why you hear in a lot of people when they go through a breakup they're like oh i lost myself in this relationship because i'm refining myself they were changing they were changing in a way that kept the relationship safe why do so many relationships do this in general because nobody wants to tell the truth if you sat down and
said let's get vulnerable let's sit down let's open our hearts i have a bottle of wine let's just let's get vulnerable hey i'm a i'm this how are you doing like what's really going on in there are you happy and then be an adult like you're unhappy i'm unhappy too you want to try to stick this out all right well if i were to say if i could get in my heart and i was looking at myself these are the things that make me unhappy that i want with me and then i want to change
it's not what you it's me what i want to change and the other person said listen i'm i'm i'm stuck i'm stuck too i don't know how to change i'm you know i'm doing this i'm drinking more or whatever i got to stop and and it's important enough for me this relationship is important enough for me i'm willing to make the change and let's figure out how to do it together that to me or i've done this hey or we i can't feel it anymore i can't feel that feeling anymore i think i think it's
time to move on i love you but it's turn i've changed and i still love you but i gotta go i mean it's just different we don't have the same interests anymore we've grown in different directions and and out of respect let's let's do that together right so so those relationships still stay fertile they're still wonderful they're still you keep them alive but they've transformed into something else it's the not telling the truth about how you really feel because it would make you vulnerable and that means someone one-ups you or you may get shocked or
you know rejected in some way i think the thing that the place in my life right now i'm 37 the thing in my life in the relationship i'm in now i'll tell my girlfriend often i'm like i'm so grateful that we're on this journey together and there's cultural differences you've been with a latin woman in the past there's cultural differences there's language differences there's understanding belief differences all these things the thing that i tell her is like listen i want to be with you for as long as we can be together that's our lives great
i'm committed to you but i'm also committed to myself and if we're not able to line up consistently over time and if it's we're both suffering and we're unable to make it work it's so it's okay we can break up it's okay and this is the first time i've been in a place where i'm okay with her and okay not with her yeah and she's healthy yeah and so we were able to talk about these things from a healthy space not needing it to work out right because we're not lacking right because of course because
you're you feel differently you you've you you're using love look look the truth is if you truly are love yes then you will be challenged always to a greater level of love and and i have had enough mystical experiences where i thought you just can't have any more love than this until i've had another experience and i'm like wow there's even more right so when in love in a loving relationship i i have three children and i only want the best for them that's it so if you truly love someone and you want the best
for them and they need to go you got to love them yeah just just as long as it's they got that kind of clear agreement with each other like i'm going to go i just got to go and yeah it's going to hurt but that's just that's if if there's truly love you would want that for that person their best right so then it's not something that we do that that is a recipe it's trial and error and i think the number one thing that i've learned over the years in any relationship it's about awareness
it's about who am i being this moment how conscious can i stay how am i speaking how am i acting what is the tone of my voice how much more can i give how can i forgive how can how if i'm having problems forgiving somebody i would think about something that i may have done in my life that i would want forgiveness for and i would think about how i want to be forgiven and i would forgive that person in the same way that i would be forgiving myself and in a sense i am forgiving
myself right so we have to see it as this illusion of separation this illusion of three-dimensional reality this is this is the plane where we demonstrate love i mean we came from source we came from singularity we came from pure love and down into density fooled by our senses into separation and the survival hormones create more separation they arouse us to put more attention on the illusion on the objects the hologram of three-dimensional reality and we move further away from love so so fear is not the opposite of love it's the separation from it anger
is not the opposite of love it's the separation from love pain suffering is not the opposite of love it's the separation from love so then as people heal into wholeness by by learning how to create coherence in their brain and heart the side effect of that a lot of times are dramatic changes in their health and more importantly from that place they could have been sexually abused emotionally abused physically abused they will look at their entire past from that place and not want to change anything in their past because it brought them to that moment
and they'll see the lessons and they'll have compassion and forgiveness because they're at a different consciousness only when you're unhappy with yourself unhappy with your life are you going to dig up the past and find the reason why you are that way and and and fifty percent of that story isn't even the truth you embellish the story to to make it sound so hard that nobody can change well i can't change this is it was way too hard and the research on memory is majority of time people are telling a story that isn't even the
truth to me they're reliving a miserable life they didn't even have only to reaffirm their emotional state so you catch yourself in the mid-stream you know you catch yourself talking and feeling that you catch yourself that's a victory to me that's a victory because you're going to be in reaction of course we're going to have feelings and emotions but you ask me so i react yeah every day but i get better at it and i always say okay if i was in that same circumstance with that same person i got the same or similar news
how would joe dispenza show up more evolved if i don't know the answer to that i'm going to find someone who had a similar experience i'm going to read what they did and i'm going to rehearse that i'm going to rehearse it in my mind so much so that i'm priming my brain for the experience now i want it to happen so that i can it's not about being right it's not about being any of those it's really about my evolution so then so then that victory to me creates more wholeness yeah and so that
more homeless means i'm less lacking separation if i'm less lacking separation then i'm relaxed in the present moment and that's the that's the beauty of being alive is that we want the moment to last we want to be so present it's so good we don't want to leave it so love people people want love but what's the sponsoring thought behind that they want joy that love brings them joy before we continue this video make sure to subscribe below and turn on the notification bell right now so you don't miss out on these great videos every
single day people want abundance but they don't really want abundance they want freedom that's what they really want they want to be able to do whatever they want they want to have freedom you know people want a mystical experience no they want to be blown away they want to feel awe they want to be in awe of life people want to be healed no they want to be whole they want to feel wholeness they want to feel whole again so if you're looking for the reason uh why you want certain things you want to for
an emotion the emotions the p is the payoff from the experience it's the payoff and then we get to experience it with our senses and it's greater than we imagined and i'm telling you when when when the reality starts organizing itself to reflect your energy and it starts showing up in your life what kind of feeling do you feel when you start seeing those synchronicities you feel excitement joy inspiration that's the energy you're going to use to create the next one and so yeah people in our work you know this is the thing that i'm
a professional synchronicities happen daily when you because your energy is synchronized your energy is synchronized to a future so the future that you're seeing in your mind before it happened and emotionally embracing so much so that your brain and body look like it's already happened well if it looks physically like it's already happened relax because it's gonna come to you so then people in this work do the work every day and that's the thing i'm the most proud of not because i want them to do it out of obligation or to please god or do
the right thing or whatever else whatever the programs have been for for thousands of years they don't want the magic to end they just like i don't know what this is but i'm having these incredible lucid moments i'm i can't believe i just got this opportunity and wow this is happening and there every synchronicity does what it creates the energy and the belief that there could be more but they're not trying to control it they're not trying to predict it in fact it's it's none of their business how it happens or when it happens that's
if you can predict how it's going to happen that's the known yeah the unknown is like i'm so happy i would never try to control i'm not going to leave the present moment and that's when you're the vortex you know to experience this and so that's the difference between creating as source or praying as source or creating or praying to source separation is begging now you are you are connected you feel divine you feel you are the source you are connected to source and so this place is the bridge to that once is here then
there are there are there are emotions and energies and frequencies that are just inevitable that you you can't you can't describe how much love that is or the feeling that you feel do emotions create thoughts or do thoughts create emotions both so think about this some people wake up in the morning your brain is a record of the past the first thing they do is they think about their problems those problems are memories that are etched in the brain that are connected to certain people certain objects certain things at a certain time and place the
moment they wake up in the morning and they think about their problems they're thinking in the past if you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny well you're already in your past every one of those problems since we've experienced it has an emotion associated with it so then all of a sudden they start feeling unhappy the moment they feel unhappy now the body's in the past because thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings of the language of the body so now that once they go oh say it one more
time thoughts of the language of the brain feelings of the language of the body so the moment they start feeling those feelings now their body's in the past so now they they get back and they they started off with a clean slate and they didn't feel anything and they're like i'm back to feeling unhappy okay i'm back to myself again ah so because they rather feel unhappy then feel not feel anything so naturally the void of that emotion is influencing the body's influencing the mind the brain to think so it produces the chemicals for it
to feel some people just wake up in the morning and they don't feel anything and then all of a sudden they just look for that feeling they just some people need a thought to do it some people can just bring up the feeling right so then they cling to that emotion because at least it's the known so some people have emotions that influence thoughts some people are more analytical they have thoughts that influence feelings but it's a loop right it's that cycle of thinking and feeling what's the formula to get out of that quickly keep
mentioning the formula like there's a formula if if that's happening and i know we've had thousands of people that go through your books and your audio meditations i think you have some new ones coming out here soon and they've been to your workshops which i think go to the workshop because it's going to be a game changer i can't wait till i can go but i keep inviting you guess what i know you can't come anymore you're not allowed to come i'm coming no you can't come now but maybe this will get them to come
exactly down there what is a formula like a one to two minute formula when someone notices oh i'm feeling something and then my thoughts are uh supporting that feeling and i'm just staying in this loop what's the one or two minute formula they could just implement in the morning at night whenever yeah to help them well i'm going to give you two examples okay because there's not just one way to do this of course um so if you're if you're truly in the business of change or creating your life that's a big responsibility yeah right
i mean like we we ran our event i said to the audience okay nobody nobody forced you to come here right you came here on your own you took the risk in coming here by coming here you also agree that you create your reality that you're responsible for yourself and your life so if something happens to you you can't blame anybody because of that it's your responsibility to take care of you right so then the fundamental question is and i ask myself this all the time at what point do i stop believing that i create
my life at what point when things go bad then all of a sudden i didn't create that that person is doing it to me right so if we can if we can wire that in our brains right that our reaction in response to an environmental condition is causing us to go back to the past that's what the emotion is the familiar emotion is the past and i'm on the journey and i catch myself doing that if i'm truly in the practice every day and i can cultivate a feeling not not not on the spot then
that you you're not prepared your meditation is the preparation of mind and body for this so i don't get up from my meditation until i'm in love with life i don't i don't create anything that's going to be unlimited until i feel unlimited am i in that space and if i'm practicing feeling unlimited every day i'll practice connecting to the emotions of my future i'm i'm out of the bleachers and i'm on the field if you're in the bleachers and you're trying to not react to people in circumstances you don't have the practice or the
skill set on how to create that emotion because you haven't been practicing creating it and why do we close our eyes and do it because the environment is so seductive why do we sit still and not move because you're going to want to get up and pee and eat and have a cup of coffee and feel so so now you're telling your body hey stay i'm going to feed you yeah you're going to take a shower you're going to get coffee you can play with your cell phone you can text you can talk trash you
do anything you want but right now you're not the mind i'm the mind and you're going to sit and stay till i'm done and when i condition you to the emotions of the future and i get a very clear image of who i'm going to be this day and i'm not going to get up until i feel that way i guarantee you you're going to come up against all those unconscious thoughts they're going to come up right there i want people i want them to see it i want them to become so familiar with it
so conscious if they wouldn't go unconscious they wouldn't let that thought i can't ever slip by their awareness unchecked they've done the work in the beginning of the day they suppress those circuits in the brain and nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together you're you're breaking down the old personality and so you say your body wants to get up i gotta pee i want to have a couple i'm gonna check my and you you watch your body wanna get up and you go hey hey hey hey hey get over here you
you get back into this present moment and you every time you do that it's a victory you're executing a will that's greater than an unconscious program and most people lose their free will to a program because they do the same thing today as they did yesterday their bodies on autopilot and it's dragging them into the same future habitually based on what they did in the past so now you're sitting there and it's just a little uncomfortable and you want to quit in your body and you go no you get over here and you bring it
back now some people say i can't meditate but really they're actually doing it right that's a victory too and then you do that and you start watching how you're training your body back into the present moment then it's your body says well you know louis it's uh it's it's 8 30 in the morning this is usually when you watch the news and throw a tirade and get angry right right and i'm good and you're sitting here with your eyes closed and you're off schedule so why don't we just get agitated about anything so the body
starts trying to create images in your mind so you remember your ex you remember your problems so you could feel that agitation what if you watched your body do that and you said no no no no i'm not going to give my power away to the past or that person or that circumstance in my life you get that body back in the present moment you lower the volume to that emotion that's a victory you're telling the body it's no longer the mind you're the mind now that kind of work is tedious in the beginning but
i watch people because when i have them do that it starts stretching their boundaries the known self that little box starts to move into the unknown and they survive and all of a sudden they're more relaxed in the present moment the unknown and they start feeling more satisfied so now they're more ready to create so the preparation for the day is to remind yourself of who you no longer want to be to know thyself to become so familiar with the word meditation means to become familiar with so conscious of your unconscious programs you're not going
to go unconscious why because you did you did battle today with that personality that's creating the same personal reality and if your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel and you want to create new personal reality then you got to change your personality and that's going to mean then you're going to become so conscious of those unconscious programs that you're no longer the program you're the consciousness observing the program disentangling from that is not easy that's why most people won't do it that's why they get on their
cell phone and say let me just create a dopamine by just seeing if i got a text from somebody i like you know your phone's over there and you're no longer regulating with something outside of you this is this is game time so then if you said what thoughts do i want to fire and wire in my brain with my attention and my intention i'm gonna make that the loudest voice in my head and if you keep firing and wiring that hardware is gonna become a software program and it's gonna be a new voice right
it's gonna you installed it no magic there and if you said hey listen i sucked yesterday with my staff meeting i was off i want another shot at it how would greatness show up um school of greatness how would greatness show up for the staff me i got another shot i got 10 fingers 10 toes i'm alive my heart's beating i didn't fail i got another shot today all right what what do i know about myself that i can do the act of closing your eyes and rehearsing who you're going to be is installing more
hardware the brain's going to look like you already did it now it's no longer in the past it's primed for the future keep doing it and it's going to become a software program and you're going to start looking pretty great people are going to go like feeling great you're going to demonstrate greatness but there's no magic there because you're going to think what is greatness okay i like what this person said i like what that person said i like what i read here i love my experience of when i've demonstrated and the frontal lobe is
going to create a beautiful beautiful understanding of what how to evolve your experience and when you just no different than learning how to dance learning a sport learning lines if you're an actor an actress a musician you rehearse all the time and the rehearsal is actually priming the brain for the experience so now your brain is ready for the day it's different than just going oh i'm not going to react to my boss well well you haven't done the work to come up with how to how to overcome that and then what did you install
so you have circuit you have raw materials to to use now here's the hardest part can you teach your body emotionally what it would feel like if you if you arrived at your future and and can you say i'm not going to get up until i feel that way now this is this is good work here because you'll have to come up with that emotion and get beyond the shame the guilt the unworthiness the pain the suffering and this is battle this is battle because your brain is going to keep going to something that's going
to want to make you feel the way then the analytical mind's going to say you can't do this it's too hard why don't you quit and that's where everybody stops but right on the other side of that is love right on the other side of that is gratitude right on the other side of that is freedom right so that if the person's willing to go a little further and practice a way to do that and they could get in touch with that emotion and they can feel it and when i feel it i always say
and usually when it's really good i say remember this feeling memorize this feeling memorize i want to make a snapshot of that fear i want to i want to know i want to be able to bring this feeling up on command so i'll let it go and then i'll go back and say let me see if i can do it again why am i trying to do it again to remember remembering is creating the circuitry to be able to produce it again it's going to become a skill now i have something to walk into my
condition in my life where i'm reacting and now i have a plan i've primed my brain and body to the future instead of the past i've suppressed the past so now i have i'm closing my eyes disconnecting from the environment overcoming my body not thinking about the predictable future familiar passing time i'm in the present moment i'm ready to create why because i want to present myself to the world as an evolved version of yesterday real quick before you go to next i hear a lot of therapists will mention we should not suppress emotions i'm
hearing you mention just there suppressing the past no i would never say suppress i would say at what point are you done feeling that emotion gotcha you want to keep feeling really if you're not doing anything wrong you're just taking too long i mean like i'm not going to tell you to not feel emotion i feel emotions but again i'm just going to move through them i'm super passionate person and if i'm going in i'm going all in i'm not going halfway but when i feel and i can catch myself that's pretty cool gotcha because
now i can change it nobody no one knows nothing is doing that to me i'll feel it i'm not sitting there going i'm not doing that there's no tool set there i'm just i'm i'm i'm i'm steeping in the emotion that's not it i'm saying okay i'm angry in the in this moment in eternity joe dispenza what do you got what do you got this is the moment you're going to remember because people who heal people who have transcendental moments people who break through people who have the wealth the freedom when they look back at
their life and they see all the days they chose themselves to show up for their meditation when they look back at those past moments they're not looking back at the easy meditations they're not falling in love with the person who had the good they're they're falling in love with the person who sat in the fire they're they're they remember those moments where they were like he didn't give up on me i believed in myself i believe there was something on the other side of this feeling i stuck with it and all of a sudden it
starts to change and for some people it takes a little longer than others but they're on it and so then when they look back at their past and they see all those times it was hard and they they went a little further they're going to fall in love with that person and now their future self who's already transformed is drawing their past self to them in love there's that's how that's how reality is so our our future self in the future or no no there's a future you right that's already exists you just got to
get there right and he's he's in love with you and the only way you're going to get there is by you being in love with you in the past yeah but so then what is love then so then people think they confuse love with pleasure like a manicure or shopping spree that's not love that's pleasure and the more whole we are the less need for pleasure we have you sit in the fire i watched 1025 people last week transformed themselves in the beginning i was trying to find the door out there they were i was
bouncing off and i just wouldn't quit and then they started doing the work they came up against themselves they got frustrated they got impatient i kept reminding them their brains going into high beta their arousal is driving them further out of balance and they started tempering the animal and they started i took them a little further and they sat through the fire and all of a sudden it wasn't about the mystical experience it wasn't about the wealth it was about learning the formula it wasn't about what they wanted it was about overcoming themselves they're learning
the formula on how in that moment if they could just relax and keep practicing that little box begins to expand and now there's more more more room for them to relax in the unknown i've stretched them outside of the known and they survived and they keep stretching them and all of a sudden they're more present and so they wanted they wanted to come to the edge in the next meditation and go a little further it was no longer me saying you gotta go they were they wanted the edge they wanted to see what was standing
in the way between them and their new relationship with them and their healing what what was that thing that i want to remove i'm gonna if not now when right so they wanted to take it on because they forgot about their cell phones we did it during the week of election so nobody would care about us they didn't care about the election they didn't care about any disease they were immersed and they retreated from their lives now back to your question i guarantee you those people when they face circumstances in their life now they're ready
for their environment in fact they've lowered the volume to so many of those emotions when people slash out at them or do you think they're going to go oh come here are you hurting get over here i'll give you a hug not like oh you know they're not going to do that they're going to be like come here i love you get over here are you okay it's just they're not there's not that anymore they they kind of they're kind of ready so so the formula then to answer your question is brain and heart coherence
and when you're in stress and you're in survival when you're in danger the arousal of the stress hormones creates a heightened heightening of our senses and we become materialists and we now are our focus on the material world and that's reality now and when we start trying to control reality and predict it and we have the perception that things are getting worse all of a sudden we're shifting our attention to one person to another person to another problem to another thing to another text and every one of those things there's a neurological network in the
brain so the arousal of stress hormones causes the brain to start firing incoherently and now there's no energy in the brain because the incoherence is diminishing energy it's waves that are canceling each other out the brain goes into like this quiescence of no activity but very little very little performance so then we said okay let's teach people how to take their attention off of everything known in this memory bank of the known self the autobiographical self the artifact of the past let's teach them how to go from a narrow object focus on anything material that's
known in this three-dimensional reality to broadening their focus to putting their attention on energy nothing space and going from a convergent focus to a divergent focus and opening their focus we started noticing that the brain started to synchronize the different compartments started to unify and the brain started functioning in a more holistic state and the person started feeling more chilled more poised more clear and what sinks in the brain links in the brain so you start seeing this kind of integration we can call people on the stage now and i can say would you show
the audience on a brain scan how to go in the gamma give me one second boom they go right in the game can you show them how to go into alpha coherent brain wave patterns i can give me a minute it's alpha uh like negative state or alpha is like that creative state when the brain starts slowing down analytical you know processing is what it's like super consciousness that's like that's the that's the big stuff yeah that's the highest level that your brain can go into yeah it's a kind of a very fast frequency but
our gamma frequencies that we record in our work is so coherent like let me see how i could say this when you're in beta right we're in beta right now your brain is busy integrating all this information what i'm saying what you're feeling the temperatures in the room the lights your back you know everything else your brain's going to figure all this out it's got to create meaning between what's going on out there and what's going on in here if i said you lewis i forgot to tell you you're going to take a test today
you would perk up a little bit more right the light bulb will get a little brighter it's mid-range beta but when you're in high beta that's when you're really really out of balance when you're angry when you're frustrated when you're impatient when you're vigilant you know that's the brain is in very very heights heightened state and that's high beta high beta that's when you're in a negative state yeah exactly you're in survival and people don't think they can control that so they start analyzing in that state and they make their brain worse they get overly
focused overly analytical and now you got to get beyond that analytical mind to get into the operating system to change those unwanted habits and behaviors so when you disconnect from your environment and you close your eyes and there's less stimulation coming in we play music in the background you're not eating you're not smelling you're not tasting you're not feeling there's less sensory information naturally this mechanism starts to slow down and so there's less information and you go into alpha and you cross the analytical mind and what separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is
the analytical mind so now you're suppressing the the the analytical mind that's saying you can't it's too hard the voice goes away and in alpha now we're not looking for any kind of alpha we're looking for coherent alpha so as they open their focus and they sense space the act of sensing and feeling causes them to stop thinking and analyzing so you start seeing energy leave the neocortex right if they do it really well the body starts to fall asleep or it feels so comfortable that it can rest in the present moment and let it
almost fall asleep and you're still conscious and awake now you're in theta now that's a hypnotic state your body's like vibrating almost the door between the conscious mind the subconscious mind is wide open it's very programmable very programmable what should we be saying or thinking you're not doing anything you're gonna be thinking now the formula is when you sense you'll watch you we do this naturally when we go to bed at night yes but now we're just taking you down the steps so you know the terrain how to get there in theta when you're in
that state you can reprogram you can rewrite the program it's easier because you're out of this this thinking brain so we shouldn't be thinking to reprogram or just you won't be thinking you'll be rehearsing rehearsing you'll see yourself doing something what should we rehearse whatever you want what do you want you want you want to be an excellent handball player you want to be the type you got to rehearse so you visualize what you want to create you imagine but but you it's better to do it when your body is very relaxed or better yet
you forgot about your body that's a better way to say it yeah so then when that theta happens people are usually sitting like this looking at the television just before they go to bed at night they're half awake and they're half asleep and they're telling them you need a flu shot it's in you know you need this drug you have this problem keep this food yeah it's going in the analytical facilities are in the back seat they're they're getting programmed to make that choice they're getting programmed in some way so they're suggestible to information so
now you could be suggestible to your own auto suggestions or information that you would want to rewrite as a program so if you said in alpha or theta just i'm not happy with how i did with my kids today i i i need another shot at it and and you're relaxed and you're present and you start reviewing how you're going to be with them i guarantee you you start installing hardware there right you start rewriting the program and you're so present that you can go through it then you go through it the next time it's
a little easier yeah you go through it the next time it's a little easier go through the next time your mind starts to wander you you catch yourself you come back you do it again well what are you doing you're you're rewriting the program and installing it firing and wiring right so you can't do that in beta because you're too distracted right it's the daily practice of mental rehearsal in that state which allows you to manifest and attract exactly ex exactly so whether that's a relationship whether that's the career you want the how about how
about the art of life yeah i mean relationships job whatever it is like people always go to the things that are easy like in our work we pick for the ones that you don't want to look at we're gonna go for that first because we take care of that the rest gets easy right so so then when there's an integration and people are in theta and they know how to regulate then something crazy happens so then when that door opens and their eyes are closed and they're not getting information from the environment not from the
tv and you teach them how to tune into frequency and energy and frequency carries information and they're in theta and the brain starts to process in latent systems that energy and that frequency and transduces it into a mystical profound experience in imagery the arousal that takes place in the brain is gamma they're having a very full-on sensory experience but not with their senses in other words whatever's going on it's more real than you and i sitting here right so imagine if your senses were heightened right now by 50 everything you're seeing hearing smelling your awareness
of the environment would be heightened right awareness is consciousness so now we see these coherent alpha patterns lead to these coherent theta patterns and these waves are so orderly that that wave of theta is a carrier wave and then here comes gamma that energy just bursts up into the brain from the body the gates open up and the arousal is not fear the arousal is not pain the arousal is not aggression and anger the arousal is asked to see it and but here's the deal this is alpha if we had 100 people in the room
and we were doing this pretty easy to clap like this right that's coherence we're rhythm and that's good then if we went in to theta it would be a lot slower right there's very little neocortical activity so it's easy to create coherence there but when you go to gamma it's like this now try to imagine everybody 100 people doing that this is how orderly the neurons in your brain are they're clapping so fast and they're all in rhythm so how would you describe that kind of orderliness except bliss how would you describe wholeness what is
it i don't know love what whatever that is that arousal is that is so out outside of normal it's not a little bit of gamma it's not a lot of gamma it's not a lot a lot of gamma it's a supernatural amount of gamma it's way outside of normal now that person is touching the divine that person is touching that unified field their consciousness is merging with the consciousness of the unified field there's no separation they are connected and the arousal the interaction with that energy they're taking something with them and sometimes there's a biological
upgrade there's the eczema it's gone there's the parkinson's it's gone there's the blindness that's gone there's the deafness that's gone there's the stage four cancers kind of it's a immediate wow biological upgrade now the energy now to finish this is not in the neocortex lights are out here you're gone lewis is gone there's no longer an identity called lewis the inner world is profoundly real and the autonomic nervous system the midbrain the limbic brain that's controlling all your automatic functions when you're in stress that autonomic nervous system is dysregulated it's out of balance now you're
getting so much order so much rhythm that autonomic nervous system is touching every single cell in your body every tissue every organ every system and it's jiggling the cells and the cells are getting new information coherently and so you see the person get a biological upgrade now you can only talk around this you have to have the experience but people who have the experience will will have the biggest smile on their face because they'll realize it was always available to them so the fundamental question is is it worth it that's the real question because if
you're willing to make those changes every day before you start your day and you have this kind of arousal coming from within you i guarantee you you won't be looking in your outer environment to find those feelings you'll be you'll be looking within you and so yeah and so in stress and in survival most of your attention is out there when you leave a week-long event something amazing happens you're paying more attention in here you're paying as much attention in here as you are out here you're not so seduced right so then as you begin
to become you you know how to get beyond your body your environment and time the formula is the moment you dissociate from everything known the moment you dissociate from everything material the moment you can relax into the present moment and the brain starts to synchronize is the moment you become pure consciousness and you are in the present moment you're in the door to the quantum field and the brain gets highly organized okay so now we have a coherent brain and the coherence in the brain starts to resonate with different frequencies in the field and when
there's an octave when there's a harmonic the brain starts processing information right but they're suggestible not from out there but from the field that's frequency but the brain has to be coherent to pick up the rhythm the frequency if it's not if it's if you're incoherent you got static in other words you got no you got no wi-fi signal you're a piece of matter with no field right so then that sends the signal out coherent brain and but what's going to draw the experience back our heart right so then we practice that every day cultivating
the emotions and being able to sustain hard coherence now you combine those two and we have beautiful beautiful brain scans and heart scans to show the dance between the two and now you got this kind of your heart is speaking to you i don't know how else to say it it's you're not getting information from the news which is you're not getting information from your facebook you're not getting information from your cell phone that information is just equal to what you're willing to believe but when your heart speaks to you because there's a resonance between
the two it's going to tell you exactly what's right for lewis and it's not going to be what anybody else tells you you're going to know so that means then when you're in certain situations and something doesn't feel right because your heart is tuned you know the brain thinks but the heart knows and so when you start getting in this compass when you start navigating here when you start practicing this and you start feeling you are going to see the world through another lens so then back to your question if by chance i'm knocked out
of balance i will know right away right away oh i lost the feeling so then in the beginning it may take longer but as you get as you start evolving your experience every day you want to get better at being able to might a great day for me is that when i am locked in and no person no circumstance no condition in my life is moving from me from the emotions of my future and it could be challenging and hard and i'm willing to go the distance because the next day there's always a little magic
like i've earned the right for for the experience now i've been initiated and i overcame some of those things and i will see them as having less control over me so that means then when the synchronicities happen when the serendipities happen when the opportunities show up i'm no longer believing that i'm the victim of my life all of a sudden i become more aware that i'm the creator of my life right and so then i respond less to the environmental circumstances and if i respond less then the environment no longer weakens me and if i'm
no longer weakened by my environment then i would be immune to my environment and you could create a lot better from a place of a powerful immune system a powerful environment powerful thoughts you can create from that space better than a weakened environment exactly but here's the weird thing the weird thing is that people are no longer creating material things this is weird they don't want this you think that you want them right but when you start doing this work and you start you're just happy imagine being so happy with you that you don't want
to be anybody else and you don't need anything to make people don't want to be you don't need anything you're just really cool with everything right i mean that's a good place to be and when you no longer want you're no longer trying to control your life or predict it wow the game changes a little bit you know what's interesting i live in this you know kind of really fancy condo building nearby here and i got it because it's really convenient it's close to this office space it's got great views of the mountains the golf
course all this stuff but i'm probably the least fancy person in this building i mean it's every type of exclusive car you can think of and every day i i literally smile getting up and going out of the building because i have a 200 scooter that i take to work that i scoot past these ferraris and lamborghinis and mclarens whatever these cars are i'm scooting past all these owners of these cars and i'm smiling of course it's not even electric it's a push scooter yeah and i'm just like i'm just happy with this moment i
don't need not that it's you know if you want to have cool cars and fancy do that for a while do it for a while yeah it's fun too and it's like nothing against it and i want to have nice things but i don't need it to feel happy right so that's that's a really important thing because people build an identity by you know becoming some type of body having some type of body knowing someone or being someone owning some things living somewhere at some time and the identity then is identifying with everything material in
the three-dimensional world and all their attention is out there but you want to hide the divine anywhere in a human being the best place to hide is within them they'll look everywhere else for it so then you start moving closer towards it and you start feeling more whole then the scooter is just a signature of what you love about life your freedom so the porsche and you know all those things become an identity and and when you become possessed by your possessions and you can't get beyond them to create because your identity is so steeped
in the three-dimensional world it's going to take crisis it's going to take trauma it's going to take disease it's going to take diagnosis it's going to take longer from that right now it's going to be for a person to finally go what's more yeah what's more what's more important right so when you feel so off you feel so altered that no sports car no shopping spree no meal is going to make the feeling go away now this is when the soul's going hey wake up because now nothing out there is going to make this feeling
go away what are you left with for the first time you're no longer responding to your texts right you're no longer checking all your emails you're no longer posting you're no longer going out to dinner with the same people listening to the same stories you're like you're breaking all those agreements right and now you're looking at yourself because you feel so altered that you can finally see yourself like someone else sees you you're observing now that's when you begin to objectify the subjective self that's when that's the moment you're disentangling from the program my message
is why would you wait for that why not marry a clear intention with an elevated emotion every day instead of going to your lowest denominator to see yourself go to an elevated state and from an elevated state look at the old self and be so conscious like okay now i'm up here so you practice the meditation as a rehearsal for game time and then you open your eyes and now it's game time it's not like i did my meditation you're on the freeway and you're you know flipping people off or judging your co-worker now you
gotta show up you gotta show up and you gotta demonstrate it now you primed your brain and body to demonstrate it now the game changes now now it's instrumental right so then when you when you have that kind of understanding and you you can get in touch with what that is you'll know the moment you lose it that it's not something is not right so from an elevated state now you could look at the old self and the moment you start going down you're like i lost it but you're not you don't have to reach
that low place why not do it every day so that when you start noticing your energy dropping you'll get better at it and this is not positive thinking this is creation because if you can maintain that modified state of mind and body your entire day get ready because weird stuff is going to happen all around you're going to be like and this happens all the time people say i'm not doing anything oh my god of course you're not you don't have to do anything you are the vortex you're allowing you're it's coming to you yes
you're coming it's coming too so so then when that person overcomes themselves and they're sitting in the fire it's not no longer pleasure it's no longer you know the need for what gratification they're just in love with themselves they're satisfied with themselves now when they're in love with themselves and they can allow others to be however they want then the side effect of that is called joy joy is the absence of the torment of those emotions that keeps the body unhappy so allowing others to be what reactive or angrier or happier you're just you're just
you've over you're just not that anymore you're happy right so a scooter would bring you just as much joy as a as a sports car because you don't need either one of them to be happy it's just you want the experience of just being free and driving your little vespa whatever it is right to me i'm the same way like i'm not i've had all those things and none of that means anything to me i'm i'm about we take memories with us you know i want to experience experiences i want to have moments that i'll
never forget my entire life and i don't care if it's the most amazing meal with great friends and great wine and great toasting and great moments and a lot of gratitude or it's a mystical moment that's so profound and so transformative those are the ones that you take with you and so overcoming the past and the emotions that are connected to the past and lowering the volumes of those emotions is called wisdom now wisdom is what we take with us and that's when we're done and now we're ready for the next experience so so then
that that teaching people how to find that place of love for themselves means that they have to come up against everything that stands in the way between them and that and and that's what it is it's it's the survival emotions it's hardwired programs it's their past it's the story that they tell about their past i just want them to tell the story of their future more than they're telling the story of their past how much is healing the inner child how important is that is that everything in terms of healing the past memories that are
stored in the body in the brain i'm not certain that we need to heal an inner child inasmuch as we need to overcome an emotion like i never tell a person to go back to their childhood and remember the events the story isn't probably not even accurate right just overcome the emotion forget the story overcome the emotion and you belong to the future instead of the past right so so will that heal the inner child yes have i had profound moments where i saw things as a child and how i framed them absolutely but that
was a moment where i was i was enlightened that i didn't need to do that anymore but it was inwardly that i did that so healing the inner child is healing the same person you're only the child when you feel the emotion that's taking in the moment in a moment you're going back to being seven and trying to figure out why your things are happening the way they are that's never gonna be resolved but if you don't have the emotion the child is healed the child is free right i mean so we just work on
the emotions that's that's the key and so when you when you overcome the emotion that's charged that keeps you connected to the past and you no longer have an emotion connected to the past then that's wisdom then you know and then you're free freedom what's the opposite of love because you're mentioning the opposite of love is not fear it's not anger there is no opposite the love is love is wholeness i mean it's the union of polarity it's the union of duality it's opposites coming together that it's the center of the magnet there's no there's
no polarity in love there's no opposite there we are we came from pure love and we came that we came from unity source singularity zero point universal mind whatever you call it yes we we descended into density from oneness the answer to the question is there more there is more and you are you have you when we came there's how do we say this there's there's one god but in that god there are many so all of us have a spark of oneness of the divine in us and we've come down to such a degree
of separation that we no longer are connected to anyone or anything that you have the free will now you are so autonomous that the spark of the divine is in you as oneness that you get to create reality on your want to answer the question is there more and you get thousands of opportunities to do it yeah it's interesting uh kai and i grew up in a specific religion called christian science which i've told you about before and my dad i don't know if your your parents do this guy but my dad whenever there was
a commercial on tv you mentioned this when we're going to sleep we see commercials that are feeding us medicine or foods or whatever things we need or whatever he would always turn the commercials off when there was a medicine because he didn't want us to program our minds of course from watching this oh when you get sick you need this you need this to feel better something outside of you to change your internal style yeah he would always change that off and say no we're going to have one mind and focus on a capital one
mind and get to the place of truth of knowing who we are and it's interesting that with social media today especially with the lockdown for so many people we're just programming our minds to be in reaction to something we need when we feel like we're lacking it and it makes us i feel like so you can choose so you can choose to become dependent on more dependent on that exactly and so imagine if you're not if you've overcome your emotions really every day i guarantee you that you'll pay less attention to that they only capture
your attention with an emotion they'll tell you you know louis as you age your immune system's getting weaker and weaker and weaker and then you see a picture of some guy in his 50s and he looks really good and you don't he looks better than you and you're like uh oh god he looks really good and john here you know has had something that you could get if you had chickenpox uh oh i had chickenpox one out of three people get this uh oh i'm not such a lucky guy and then they show you a
picture of somebody with shingles and it looks like a fourth degree burner the whole entire what are you going to do the the effect of that image is going to capture your attention because it shocked you now you're going to lean in and pay more attention to it now they got you and anything they say after that is going to start the programming process so you capture people's attention with their emotions remember that and if you want to divide a community choose fear or choose anger and you'll polarize everybody really of course and then you
can then you can decide what the solution is because now people will be susceptible to information they'll believe whatever it is equal to that emotion you captivate based on fear or anger can you captivate on love yeah of course but that's not the program right and that's the truth nobody wants to hear the truth they want to hear something that's really going to rock them emotionally and you're going to you're going to give a lot of your attention to that and that's where the danger comes in i have pages of questions that i didn't get
to around money mindset and other things that i want to go into but i want to save it for another time so if you want to hear on topics around money mindset rich mindset how to overcome the poor mindset and other topics with dr joe dispenza then let me know in the comments on social media post if you're on youtube leave a comment below let us know and hopefully we can get you back in the next six to 12 months and do another just two hours flew by for me so was it that long it's
i think it's almost two hours but i want to go another hour but i know you have things to do when we are when we are in the you're in the flow every time we're together and that's what i love about our conversation you're a great interviewer i mean i just asked one question and that's it it just let you go but uh i just feel like there's so much that we need to be reminded you know we we've done other interviews in the past that i want we'll link up here in the show notes
and i want people to go watch there's things that we all need to be reminded that you need to be reminded every morning when you wake up hey i need to be better what is it what is it so what is mind mind is the brain in action that's what it is according to neuroscience so then it's important for us to remind ourselves reproduce the same level of mind every day fire and wire the circuits install them and then emotionally embrace the future so the body's conditioned more to the future instead of the past that's
reminding the brain and body right and what happens if we don't remind ourselves of that future that we want to create every day hey listen if if you're not waking up being defined by a vision of the future i can guarantee you you'll be predictable because you'll be in the memories of your past period it's the way it is and and i just i want people to believe in their future more than they believe in their past i want them to be more in love with their future than they are with their past i want
them to romance a new future more than they romance their past and it's so much easier to forget our vision than to remember it and that's why we have to remind ourselves every day it's easier to forget it than to remember it of course in the beginning there's no circuitry there that's why it's a daily practice schedule it in make it the first thing you do the last thing you do at night think about it you know how many people stop me and say you're not going to believe this i actually took two weeks just
to see if this worked i can't tell you in two weeks all the crazy things that happened to me like like they have to convince me like i'm not interested in convincing anybody any longer that this is this works i'm just never i want you to just learn how to do it so that it's like you you eat something really great at a dinner table the first thing you want to do is share it with somebody like taste yeah like that's how i am i'm going to stick it in your mouth right it's great so
you have that experience you want other people to experience it why because imagine a community of people the living organism of human beings caring for one another loving one another informing one another honoring one another respecting one another healing one another shining for one another to so others can shine i mean that's that's who we are when we're not living in fear and anger and in survival that's that we are innately wired to care for one another to to respect one another to to be in to to be a collective a new consciousness another way
and in and if you practice it just feeling a little love every day a little gratitude a little gratitude every day i can prove to you i have the research your immune system is going to be so strong it's going to be immune to any foreign agent with gratitude just 10 minutes 20 minutes of gratitude a day what do you got not just to think about the things that you're grateful for but to embrace them emotionally why because you want to practice feeling that what's the what's the emotional signature of gratitude when you're receiving something
favorable you just received something favorable something amazing is happening to you or something amazing just happened to you that surprised you what do you say you feel grateful right so the emotional signature of gratitude means something amazing just happened to you you've just something just happened or something is literally happening to you gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership yeah so if you finish your meditation in gratitude before the event occurs your body is the unconscious mind is believing it's already happened to you and you're in the state of receiving so and what do you
got to lose accept your immune system the worst thing that could happen to you is you'll heal that's the worst thing that could happen to you yes so if you don't practice it though you practice watching the news and getting angry and frustrated you're practicing that and then the information that you're receiving is equal to your emotional state and i'm just questioning information now more than ever i wouldn't trust it anymore i trust my heart over the information that i'm getting if people want to get started with more uh if this is your first exposure
to dr joe you can check out his book i highly recommend the book becoming supernatural he's got many other books at his website we'll have it linked up uh below check out the other interviews we've done if you're on apple podcast or spotify right now we'll have those linked up in the description if you're on youtube we'll have other videos linked up as well you also have some new audios i heard that are just coming out one of the things we do is we teach people how to create from the field yes instead of from
matter when you create matter and matter it's just going to take time because you've got to move your body through space and it takes time and energy and so you can get the house and get the car it's just going to take you a couple years and you've got to save for it and you've got to work more and you've got to fight for it and that's in a matter of well you got to get to the field so learning the formula and how to get to the field as pure consciousness and you create from
the field instead of from matter if you're connected to source then you are you are creating a source so then now you no longer go anywhere to get it you learn how to draw to you so we have these meditations that we've been doing with our advanced group called synchronizing your energy to synchronicities in your life so we have them for abundance we have it for health we have it for love we have it for the mystical and we have it for a new life and so it's a great way we just did a live
stream we had um i think 25 000 people on that live stream when we were in in marco island florida doing our event and it's just really a way for people to learn how to synchronize their energy create brain and heart coherence and then begin to create experiences so in for example abundance as i said people really want freedom so they'll tune into the frequency of abundance draw the experience to them then to freedom and then the last one is opportunity people want health they want wholeness and an opportunity love they want joy and an
opportunity the mystical they want on an opportunity a new life they want to be inspired in an opportunity so we teach them how to create from the field so those are the synchronizing meditations where can we get these meditations these audios are they on your website they they'll be on my art they'll be released on the website and the main website is dr joethespenz.com okay so if you go there opt in for the newsletter there'll be information on the top of where you can get these audios meditations books and the main thing is to go
to the live events if you can so show up to a live event get a ticket as fast you can all that's announced on your website as well yeah yeah i mean with with with the the current situation we're just starting to do events again of course we're we're following the guidelines and doing everything we're supposed to but um yeah we hope that we can start doing our week-long events and then you know again that's just you're with a community of people and it's you're not on your cell phone or checking your whatsapp or facebook
i got you and it's we're not going anywhere you're you're going from your old self to your new self in one week and we have some really compelling data where we we did some research in um in indian wells in february with our research team is this the new research you're telling me about yeah yeah yeah so so we we had um 32 people that we were measuring there we did a random selection of 32 people we measured their brains before the event we measured their brains after the event and we had them wearing heart
rate monitors to measure heart rate variability but we partnered with a research team at the university of california san diego and we started measuring these things called exosomes with cellular vesicles that release genetic material that tell you if the cell is healthy or this or the body ourselves in a state of breakdown and so um we did the studies uh we we drew a lot of blood uh and we subjected the blood to a whole different variations of different things anyway kovit happened and the lab closed and but just before the lab closed the senior
researcher called me up and said we have some really compelling data and we saw just a couple people one in particular who came in really sick i mean his the amount of imbalance and the cellular level that he had in his body was dramatic but then he went from very very sick in one week to like an unbelievable change and they just never seen anything like that and these the scientists that's partnering with us is the man who was responsible for studying the epigenetic changes and identical twins one on the earth for a year the
other one in outer space for a year and measuring how the environment influences the genes so he's a smart guy and he said we've just never seen anything like this and so we started looking at this guy's data and he had just tremendous heart measurements like not only was his heart coherent louis but the amplitude of energy in his heart was profoundly high in other words wasn't a little love he was feeling it was a lot of love so we asked them we found them we asked them and he had a very profound profound last
three days of his event we looked at his brain his brain was beautiful all just beautiful alpha patterns by the end of the event anyway um we got this crazy idea because we were writing a grant for the to the nih in the last couple weeks for some for some other research we got this crazy idea what if we took his blood because it was so so dramatic and we subjected his blood before the week long to covet to sars kovi ii which is the virus and then let's subject his blood to covet after the
week-long since he had so many traumatic changes so the covid is you put code in both blood samples yeah both blood samples we had frozen so we thought him and when we put the covet in his blood before the week long of course all the plasma all the cells in the plasma absorbed the covid and on the right on the on the microscopic field it shows up as bright red because the radioactive dye is absorbed by the cells and the microscopic field shows that there's an infection in all the blood all the blood so but
when we subjected his blood to the covet after the weak law there was hardly any infection at all in this blood very very very very minimal viral load they would consider it none so this is really compelling data because this guy had so much love from his week-long event that he could not react and respond to his environment the same way and his body was making these particular immune factors that made him resistant to the virus crazy so we're now that we had him come to the event in last week and we drew a lot
of blood and at the end of the event he had a very profound experience so we're looking for those harvestable factors in the treatment and prevention of viruses so our our feelings and thoughts of being in love with ourselves will transform our blood of course what do you think you think your those feelings of love don't have an effect on your body you feel more wholeness right so imagine feeling so much love that it's impossible for you to react or respond to your environment that would cause a weakening of the organism so if you keep
saying i hate the traffic i hate the news i hate the politician i hate the i hate the cove whatever you're reacting to everything your response to the environment is actually weakening you to become more vulnerable to the environment if you're in a great place of love and you're not reacting to the environment you're less susceptible to the environment okay this is happening around me and i'm still in love it's it still can happen around you exactly so so we we're just looking at some of the data now this is amazing again if you guys
want more uh put a put the a comment below on the youtube with the hashtag greatness if you want more from dr joe to come back on soon and we can dive into more of this stuff you're the man i'm always grateful for your time here you you share so much wisdom and you break it down for people to to overcome a lot of pain a lot of suffering because the world is in pain a lot of people are and they don't have the tools they don't have the inspiration and they aren't reminded of this
enough like we need to be reminded daily to be able to transform our lives so i'm just very grateful for you your time always uh i hope we can hang more and do more of this i'm coming to an event soon i promise i'm making the commitment it will happen i want this i want this this portion of the video i want this portion of it just send it to me so i can send it to you i can play this back to him in three months exactly exactly we'll make it happen but uh i
appreciate you man thanks for everything and as always it's a pleasure pleasure to be here with you if you're looking for more greatness in your life make sure to check out this video right here and also check out our free pdf the three secrets to unlock the power of your mind to help you change your life download it right here they end up very isolated and depressed and they go through this whole cycle of trying to find themselves and you need to balance
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