This Why You Need to STOP WORRYING and Trust God To Make A Way For You (Christian Motivation)

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Intimacy with God - Prayers
This Why You Need to STOP WORRYING and Trust God To Make A Way For You (Christian Motivation) Gree...
Video Transcript:
greetings and God bless you my dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ the Holy Spirit has led you to this video today because our loving heavenly father wants to speak directly to your heart about a matter that's been weighing on your mind as Believers we all face times when worries and fears seem to take over our thoughts we might be anxious about our finances our health or the well-being of our loved ones but the Lord wants to remind you today that he is in control and that that he has a perfect plan for your life in
this video we'll explore 10 powerful reasons why you can trust God to make a way for you no matter what challenges you're facing through the wisdom of his word and the comfort of his presence you'll discover that you don't have to carry the burden of worry any longer God's word tells us that he cares for us deeply and that he is always working behind the scenes on our behalf he is a good father who knows exactly what we need and he is faithful to provide for us in his perfect timing so if you're ready to
experience the Peace and Freedom that comes from trusting God completely then this video is for you open your heart to receive the encouragement and guidance that the Holy Spirit wants to impart to you today and please don't leave this message to yourself help us share this message with others by liking commenting and subscribing to our Channel share this video with those you know who may be struggling with an anxiety and fear together we can spread the hope and truth of God's love to a world that desperately needs it may the Lord bless you abundantly as
you put your trust in him remember he is always with you and he will never leave you or forsake you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and watch as he makes a way where there seems to be no way number one my friends in Psalm 103:19 we read the Lord has established his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules overall this means that no matter what challenges uncertainties or chaos we face in our lives we can rest assured that God is in complete control he is the king of kings and Lord of lords reigning Supreme
over every circumstance when life feels overwhelming and it seems like everything is spinning out of control remember that God is still on the throne he hasn't abandoned you or forgotten about you in fact he is actively working behind the scenes or orchestrating events according to his perfect plan and purpose for your life Romans 8:28 promises us that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose even the trials setbacks and detours that don't make sense to us are being woven together by God's Loving
Hands to ultimately bring about our good and His glory he is the master artist carefully crafting a beautiful tapestry out of all the messy and broken threads of our lives so what does it look like to live in light of God's sovereignty on a daily basis it means surrendering control laying down our own agendas and yielding Our Lives fully to him it's saying not my will but yours be done just as Jesus exemplified in The Garden of Gethsemane this doesn't mean being passive or failing to take responsibility God still calls us to make wise choices
to be diligent in pursuing his will and to walk in obedience to his word But ultimately having done all we can do we trust the outcome to him we release our grip on needing to understand or manipulate every situation resting in the assurance that he will perfect all that concerns Us in his way and his timing Proverbs 3 5 6 exhorts us trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight when we relinquish control to our
Sovereign God he promises to guide and direct our steps he will make a way where there seems to be no way he will open doors that no man can shut he will move mountains on our behalf to accomplish his plans and bring the greatest glory to his name so today if you find yourself wrestling with worry fear or an intense need to control your circumstances I encourage you to take a deep breath and remember who is really in control lift your eyes to the one who sits enthroned above it all working all things together for
your Eternal good and his eternal glory as you fix your Gaze on his sovereignty you will find the strength to surrender the faith to trust and the peace that surpasses all understanding you can face each day with confidence knowing that the God who holds the universe in the palm of his hand also holds you and will never let you go may you find rest hope and joy today in the unshakable reality of God's Sovereign Rule and Reign he is on the throne he is in control and he will make a way for you as you
trust in him number two throughout the pages of the Bible we witness countless examples of God's unwavering commitment to his promises he is a God who keeps his word no matter how impossible the circumstances may seem just as he parted the Red Sea for the Israelites in Exodus 14 making a way where there seemed to be no way he will come through for you in your times of need when the Israelites stood on the shores of the Red Sea with the Egyptian Army closing in behind them they were gripped by fear and doubt they cried
out to Moses questioning why he had brought them out of Egypt only to die in the wilderness but Moses full of Faith declared to the peopleo not be afraid stand firm and you will see the Deliverance the Lord will bring you today and what happened next was a stunning display of God's faithfulness he commanded Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea and all night long a strong East wind blew dividing the waters and turning the sea into dry land the Israelites marched through the midst of the sea on dry ground with walls of
water on either side when the Egyptians pursued them God threw the Army into confusion and swept them into the sea so that not one of them remained this incredible Miracle teaches us that no matter how dire our circumstances may seem no matter how trapped or helpless we may feel God has the power to make a way where there seems to be no way he is the god of the impossible the one who specializes in turning our darkest moments into our greatest victories and just as he did for the Israelites he will do for you when
you place your trust in his faithfulness you can have confidence that he will come through for you no matter what trials or challenges you may face he will make a way where there seems to be no way and he will lead you to a place of Victory and blessing but trusting in God's faithfulness isn't always easy especially when we're in the midst of difficult circumstances it's natural to feel afraid anxious or overwhelmed when we're facing challenges that seem insurmountable but that's when we need to cling to the truth of God's character and his promises the
Bible tells us that God is faithful even when we are faithless he is a God who never changes whose love and mercy endure forever and he has promised to never leave us or forsake us to be with us always even to the end of the age when we choose to trust in God's faithfulness even in the face of our fears and doubts we open the door for him to work miracles in our lives we invite him to be our strength when we are weak our comfort when we are hurting and our guide when we are
lost and as we lean on him we discover a piece that surpasses all understanding a peace that guards our hearts and Minds in Christ Jesus so today I encourage you to take hold of the truth of God's faithfulness no matter what you're facing no matter how impossible your situation may seem know that God is with you and for you he will make a way where there seems to be no way just as he did for the Israelites at the Red Sea trust in his promises lean on his strength and watch as he works wonders in
your life remember you are never alone and you are never without hope God's faithfulness is your anchor your rock and your Refuge so stop worrying and start trusting in the one who will never let you down he will come through for you just as he always has and just as he always will number three my dear friends in the gospel of Matthew Jesus teaches us a powerful lesson about trusting in God's provision he says look at the birds of the air they do not sew or reap or store away in Barns and yet your heavenly
father feeds them are you not much more valuable than they he goes on to say and why do you worry about clothes see how the flowers of the field grow they do not labor or spin yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his Splendor was dressed like one of these if that is how God clothes the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire will he not much more clothe you you of little faith these words are a beautiful reminder of God's faithfulness and his unwavering
commitment to providing for his children when we look at the natural world around us we see evidence of God's care and provision everywhere the birds of the air don't worry about where their next meal will come from because they trust that God will provide for them the lies of the field don't Str about what they will wear because God has clothed them in splendor greater than even the richest of kings and if God car so deeply for the birds and the flowers how much more does he care for us his beloved children we are infinitely
more valuable to him than any creature or plant and he has promised to supply all our needs according to his riches in glory trusting in God's provision means being content with what we have knowing that God will always give us exactly what we need it means being generous with the resources he has blessed us with knowing that he will never let us go without it means letting go of worry and anxiety about the future because we know that our heavenly father holds Us in the palm of his hand and will never let us go when
we truly trust in God's provision we experience a peace and joy that surpasses all understanding we no longer feel the need to strive and struggle to make ends meet because we know that God is our ultimate provider we can rest in the knowledge that he has a perfect plan for our lives and so if you find yourself worrying about your finances your job your relationships or any other area of your life take a moment to remember the words of Jesus look at the birds of the air and the lies of the field and let their
trust in God's provision inspire you to do the same cast all your cares on him because he cares for you remember God is not a distant caring deity who leaves us to fend for ourselves he is a loving attentive father who Delights in blessing his children with good things he is The God Who parted the Red Sea Who provided Mana in the wilderness who sent his only son to die for our sins he is the same yesterday today and forever and his love for us never fails so take heart dear friend trust in God's provision
and watch as he works wonders in your life he has a plan and a purpose for you and and he will never leave you or forsake you rest in his love and let his peace guard your heart and mind as you journey through this life for With God all things are possible and his provision is a promise you can always count on number four my brothers and sisters in the Book of Proverbs we find a powerful promise from God trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all
your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight this verse reminds us that when we put our trust in God and seek his guidance he will direct our steps and lead us on the right path throughout the Bible we see countless examples of how God guided his people one of the most striking is the story of the Israelites Exodus from Egypt as they fled from Pharaoh's Army God LED them by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of Fire by night this visible manifestation of God's presence was a constant reminder
that he was with them guiding them every step of the way in the same way God promises to guide and direct us as we journey through life he may not always lead us with a physical pillar of cloud or fire but he will always provide the wisdom strength and direction we need to navigate the challenges we Face seeking God's guidance means acknowledging that we don't have all the answers and that we need his wisdom to make the right decisions it means surrender in our own plans and desires to him trusting that his way is always
best it means being willing to walk by faith even when the path ahead is unclear or uncertain when we seek God's guidance we can have confidence that he will never lead us astray he is a good and loving father who always has our best interests at heart he knows the end from the beginning and he has a perfect plan for our lives that is far better than anything we could imagine on our own of course seeking God's guidance doesn't mean that life will always be easy or that we will never face challenges or obstacles in
fact Jesus warned us that in this world we would have trouble but he also promised that he has overcome the world and that we can find peace and strength in him when we Face difficult decisions or uncertain circumstances we can trust that God is with us and that he will guide us through we can seek his wisdom through prayer through reading his word and through the counsel of Godly mentors and friends we can ask him to give us Clarity and discernment and to help us make choices that honor him and align with his will as
we walk in obedience to God's guidance we will find that he is faithful to lead us on a path of righteousness and blessing we may not always understand his ways or see the full picture of what he is doing but we can trust that he is working all things together for our good and His glory so if you find yourself at a Crossroads or facing a difficult decision don't lean on your own understanding instead seek God's guidance and Trust in his perfect plan for your life remember the words of the psalmist your word is a
lamp for my feet a light on my path let God's word be your guide and let his Spirit lead you every step of the way as you follow God's guidance you will find that he is a faithful and trustworthy companion on the Journey of life he will never leave you or forsake you and he will always lead you in the way you should go so take heart dear friend and Trust In The God Who promises to guide your steps and make your paths straight for with him leading the way you can face the future with
confidence knowing that he has great plans in store for you number five God's presence is an unwavering source of comfort and strength for all who trust in him when life's challenges seem overwhelming and worry threatens to consume us we can find solace in the promise that God will never leave us nor forsake us this assurance is not just a mere platitude but a powerful truth that has been demonstrated throughout the Bible and in the lives of countless Believers consider the story of Daniel a man of unwavering Faith who found himself in a seemingly hopeless situation
despite being thrown into a Den of Lions for his Devotion to God Daniel remained steadfast in his trust he knew that God's presence was with him even in the midst of this terrifying ordeal and indeed God did not abandon Daniel he sent his Angel to shut the Lion's mouths protecting Daniel from harm this miraculous Deliverance serves as a testament to the power and faithfulness of God who stands with his children in their Darkest Hours just as God was with Daniel he is with you in your struggles no matter what challenges you face whether it be
financial hardship health issues relationship troubles or any other trial God's presence remains constant he is not a distant uncaring deity but a loving father who is intimately involved in the lives of his children when you trust in him you can have confidence that he is working behind the scenes orchestrating events for your ultimate good and His glory in times of fear and uncertainty it is easy to feel alone and overwhelmed however we must remember that God's presence brings both comfort and courage when we focus on his nearness our worries begin to fade replaced by a
deep sense of peace that surpasses all understanding this peace is not dependent on our circumstances but on the unchanging character of God who is faithful loving and all powerful moreover trusting in God's presence empowers us to face our fears with courage when we know that the cre creator of the universe is on our side we can confront any obstacle with confidence like David who faced the Giant Goliath with faith in God's power we too can step out in boldness knowing that God is with us every step of the way his presence gives us the strength
to persevere even when the odds seem stacked against us so dear friend if you find yourself consumed by worry and fear take heart God has not abandoned you he is with you in this very moment ready to guide comfort and strengthen you as you trust in his presence you will find the peace and courage you need to face whatever lies ahead remember God is not just a fair weather friend but a constant companion who sticks closer than a brother in the words of the psalmist even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear
no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me let this truth sink deep deep into your heart and allow it to transform your perspective when you trust in God's presence you can face each day with renewed hope and confidence knowing that he is with you now and forever more so dear friend cast your worries aside and Trust in the God who loves you more than you can imagine lean into his presence and watch as he makes a way for you even in the midst of life's most challenging circumstances for
with God by your side not nothing is impossible number six when we find ourselves in seasons of waiting uncertainty or even despair we must remember that God's timing is always perfect even when it differs from our own expectations and desires the story of Abraham and Sarah is a powerful example of trusting in God's timing God had promised them a son but as the years went by their hope began to waver they waited for 25 long years watching their youth fade and their bodies grow old it seemed impossible that they would ever hold a child of
their own yet in the midst of their doubts and fears God remained faithful he had not forgotten his promise and he was working behind the scenes to bring it to fruition at the appointed time when Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 God fulfilled his word and Isaac was born this incredible story teaches us that God's timing is not bound by human limitations or understanding he sees the bigger picture and knows the perfect moment to intervene in our lives even when we cannot see the way forward God is working all things together for
our good and His glory trusting in God's timing requires patience faith and surrender it means letting go of our own plans and timelines and allowing God to direct our steps it means believing that he has a purpose for every season of Our Lives even the difficult and painful ones when we trust in God's timing we can find peace in the midst of the waiting we can rest in the knowledge that he is in control and that his plans for us are good we can lean on his strength when our own fails knowing that he will
never leave us or forsake us moreover trusting in God's timing allows us to grow in character and Faith as we wait upon the Lord we develop patience perseverance and a deeper Reliance on him we learn to find joy in the journey knowing that every step is leading us closer to his perfect plan for our lives so if you find yourself in a season of waiting take heart remember the story of Abraham and Sarah and the faithfulness of our God trust that his timing is perfect and that he will come through for you even when the
answers seem delayed hold fast to his promises for they are true and unchanging as you surrender your timeline to God you you will find a newfound sense of peace and purpose you will discover that the waiting is not wasted but rather a Sacred Space where God is shaping you and preparing you for the incredible future he has in store trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct your paths rest in the assurance that God's timing is always perfect and
he will make a way for you according to his good and perfect will number seven my brothers and sisters God's love is the foundation of our faith and the source of our hope when we truly grasp the depth and magnitude of his love for us it has the power to transform our lives and free us from the burden of worry and fear the Bible tells us in 1 John 48 that God is love this simple yet profound statement encapsulates the very essence of who God is love is not not merely an attribute of God it
is his very nature everything he does flows from his love for us his children the greatest demonstration of God's love is found in the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ Romans 58 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think about that for a moment we were not deserving of God's love we were Sinners separated from him by our own choices and actions yet in his infinite love and mercy God sent Jesus to die on the cross taking the punishment we deserved upon himself
he paid the ultimate price so that we could be reconciled to him and experience the fullness of his love this love is not based on our performance or worthiness it is unconditional and unchanging no matter what we have done or will do God's love for us remains constant in Jeremiah 31:3 God declares I have loved you with an everlasting love I have drawn you with unfailing kindness his love is not fickle or dependent on our actions it is steadfast and enduring anchoring Us in the midst of Life storms when we truly grasp the reality of
God's love it has the power to cast out fear and worry 1 John 4:18 says there is no fear in love but perfect love drives out fear when we are secure in God's love we can trust him completely we can rest in the knowledge that he is always working for our good even when we don't understand our circumstances God's love gives us the assurance that he will never leave us or forsake us he is with us in every moment guiding us protecting us and providing for our needs we can bring our worries and fears to
him in prayer knowing that he hears us and cares for us as we cast our burdens upon him he promises to sustain us and give us peace moreover God's love gives us hope for the Future No Matter What challenges we Face we can trust that God has a plan and purpose for our lives Romans 8:28 assures us that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose even in the darkest of times we can cling to the promise that God is working behind the
scenes orchestrating events for our ultimate good and His glory so dear friends let us embrace the truth of God 's love today let us allow it to permeate every aspect of Our Lives driving out worry and fear when we fix our eyes on the cross and the love demonstrated there we can face each day with confidence knowing that we are held securely in the palm of his hand as we trust in his unfailing love we can experience the peace joy and freedom that he desires for us remember you are loved by the creator of the
universe with an everlasting unconditional love rest in that truth today allow it to be the foundation upon which you build your life and as you go through each day May the love of God be your strength your comfort and your Guiding Light trust him for he is faithful and his love knows no bounds number eight dear friends let me share with you a powerful truth that can transform your life and fill you with unshakable hope God's peace is available to all who trust in him in in the Gospel of John 14: 27 Jesus made a
remarkable promise he said Peace I leave with you my peace I give you I do not give to you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid think about that for a moment the Prince of Peace himself is offering us his very own peace a peace that surpasses all understanding this is not a fleeting temporary peace that the world offers which is so easily Shattered by life's trial and tribulations no this is a deep abiding peace that can sustain us through even the darkest of storms it's a
peace that guards our hearts and Minds shielding us from worry fear and anxiety we see a beautiful example of this in the life of the Apostle Paul here was a man who faced unimaginable hardships for the sake of the Gospel he was beaten stoned Shipwrecked and imprisoned yet even in the midst of his suffering Paul discovered the secret to unshakable peace in his letter to the Philippians written from a dark and dingy prison cell Paul declared and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus isn't
that incredible in the most trying of circumstances God's Supernatural peace sustained Paul and enabled him to Rejoice friends that same peace is available to you and me today when The Daily Grind of life threatens to overwhelm us when worries and cares weigh heavily on our hearts we have a choice we can either carry those burdens ourselves or we can bring them to the feet of Jesus in prayer as we pour out our hearts to God as we cast our cares upon Him Something miraculous happens the Bible tells us that God's peace will guard our hearts
and Minds Like A Mighty Fortress his peace will surround us shielding us from the assaults of worry and fear but but here's the key this peace is only available to those who trust in him we must choose to place our faith in Christ to believe in his goodness his wisdom and his power when we do we open the floodgates of Heaven allowing God's peace to flow freely into our lives so today if you find yourself burdened by worry or anxiety I encourage you to bring those cares to God In Prayer trust in his faithfulness lean
on his Everlasting Arms and allow his super natural peace to guard your heart and mind for in Christ we have a peace that the world cannot give and a hope that will never fade away number nine God has a purpose for your life and that he is working all things together for your good even when it seems like everything is falling apart the Bible tells us in Romans 8:28 and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose this verse is
a promise from God himself assuring us that no matter what challenges we face no matter how dark the night may seem he is at work behind the scenes weaving together the threads of Our Lives into a beautiful tapestry that will bring him glory and bring us joy think about the story of Joseph in the Old Testament here was a young man who had been betrayed by his own brothers sold into slavery falsely accused of a crime he didn't commit and thrown into prison it would have been easy for Joseph to give up hope to believe
that his life was over and that God had abandoned him but Joseph held on to his faith trusting that even in the darkest of times God had a plan and a purpose for his life and indeed God did have a plan through a series of miraculous events Joseph was lifted out of prison and placed in a position of great Authority in Egypt he was able to save not only his own family but the entire nation from a devastating famine and when he was finally reunited with his brothers Joseph was able to say to them you
intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done the saving of many lives friends the same God who redeemed the evil done to Joseph is at work in your life today no matter what you are facing no matter how hopeless your situation may seem God has a purpose and a plan for you he is not surprised by your struggles and he is not not powerless to intervene in fact he is using even the most painful and difficult circumstances to shape you into the person he created you to
be and to bring about his good purposes in your life and in the world around you so today I want to encourage you to stop worrying and start trusting trust that God is in control even when life feels out of control trust that he loves you with an everlasting love and that he is working all things together for your your good and His glory trust that the same God who redeemed Joseph's pain will redeem yours as well and that he will bring Beauty out of the ashes of your Broken Dreams it may not be easy
and it may not happen overnight but as you choose to put your faith in God and Trust in his purpose for your life you will find a peace that surpasses all understanding a joy that no circumstance can take away and a hope that will anchor your soul in the storms of life so hold on to God's promise today and know that he is at work in your life even when you can't see it trust in his purpose lean on his strength and watch as he makes a way where there seems to be no way for
With God all things are possible and he is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine may you find Comfort strength and hope in his love today and always number 10 my brothers and sisters God power is truly incredible and beyond our comprehension the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is alive and at work within every believer this is not a mere metaphor or symbolic language but a profound spiritual truth that should fill us with awe wonder and unshakable confidence in God's ability to work in and through our lives
consider the magnitude of what God accomplished through the resurrection of Jesus Christ had been brutally crucified his his body laid lifeless in a sealed tomb yet on the third day the power of God surged through that tomb bringing Jesus back to life in a glorious victory over sin and death this is the very same power that now resides within each and every person who has put their faith in Christ this resurrection power is not just a one-time event from the past but a continuous present reality for believers it is the power that enables us to
live transformed form Med lives to overcome temptation to persevere through trials and to accomplish God's purposes for us just as the resurrection power brought Christ out of the Grave it can bring us out of our own tombs of fear despair addiction and Brokenness we see a stunning example of this power at work in the life of the Apostle Peter in Matthew 14 we read the account of Jesus walking on the stormy waters of the Sea of Galilee when Peter recognized Jesus he boldly stepped out of the boat and began walking on the water himself as
long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus he was able to do the impossible it was only when he shifted his Focus to the wind and waves that he began to sink this story illustrates a profound Truth for us today when we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and Trust in his resurrection power we too can do the impossible we can step out in faith even in the midst of life's storms knowing that God's power will sustain us it is not our own strength or ability that enables us to walk on water but rather our
complete dependence on the one who has conquered death itself in our own lives we will face countless situations that seem insurmountable Financial struggles Health crises relationship conflicts spiritual battles in these moments it is easy to feel weak inadequate and overwhelmed yet it is precisely in these times that we need to remember the resurrection power that is at work within us the same power that raised Jesus from the dead the same power that enabled Peter to walk on water is more than sufficient to carry us through whatever challenges we Face we can trust that God's Limitless
power is greater than our limitations greater than our fears greater than our past failures and greater than any obstacle in our path as we learn to rely on this divine power we will find strength in our weakness courage in our fear and victory in our struggles we will discover that we are never alone never without hope and never beyond the reach of God's Mighty hand so let us choose to fix our eyes on Jesus to trust in his resurrection power and to step out in faith even when the waters seem deep and the winds seem
strong let us embrace the truth that the same power that conquered the grave now lives within us enabling us to live triumphant overcoming life lives for the glory of God as we do we will experience the Abundant Life that Christ has promised and we will be a Living testament to the watching world of the incredible transforming power of the Risen Savior dear heavenly father we come before you today with hearts heavy with worry and Minds consumed by the challenges we face in these moments of uncertainty and fear we turn to you our refuge and strength
our everpresent help in times of trouble your word reminds us do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God Philippians 4:6 Lord we lay our burdens at your feet trusting in your infinite wisdom and boundless love we confess that we often allow worry to Cloud our judgment and steal our peace we focus on our problems instead of fixing our eyes on you the source of all hope and comfort forgive us for doubting your goodness and faithfulness and help us to trust in your plans
for our lives you have promised for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope in a future father we cling to This Promise knowing that you are working all things together for our good even when we cannot see the way forward grant us the courage to release our worries into your capable hands Trust that you will make a way where there seems to be no way you are the god of the impossible the one who Parts the Seas and
moves mountains no situation is too complex or too overwhelming for you help us to walk by faith and not by sight to trust in your timing and your provision when worry threatens to overwhelm us remind us of your faithfulness in the past and your promises for the future you have never failed us and you never will as we navigate the challenges of this life may we find rest in your presence and peace in your promises may we be filled with the assurance that you are in control and that you are working on our behalf even
when we cannot see it Lord we thank you for your steadfast love and your unwavering commitment to our well-being we praise you for being a God who hears our prayers and responds with compassion and Grace in the name of Jesus we pray that you would replace our worries with trust our fears with faith and our anxiety with the peace that surpasses all understanding may we live each day in the confidence that you are guiding our steps and directing our paths leading us toward a future filled with hope and purpose thank you Father for your faithfulness
and your love we trust in you knowing that you will make a way for us no matter what challenges we Face May Our Lives be a testament to your goodness and a reflection of your grace in Jesus's precious name we pray pray amen dear friends as we come to the end of this video I want to leave you with some final encouragement remember worrying does not add a single moment to your life in fact it can rob you of the peace and joy that God wants you to experience when you find yourself worrying take a
step back and remind yourself of who God is and what he is promised you God is faithful and he will never leave you nor forsake you he has a plan and a purpose for your life and he is working all things together for your good even when it may not feel like it trust that he is in control and that he knows what is best for you when you face challenges or obstacles don't try to figure everything out on your own instead bring your worries and concerns To God In Prayer cast your cares upon Him
for he cares for you let him be your strength your wisdom and your guide remember God is not limited by your circumstances he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think he can make a way where there seems to be no way he can open doors that seem to be closed he can provide for your needs in ways you never imagined so choose to trust God today choose to believe in his goodness his faithfulness and his love for you choose to walk by faith and not by sight and watch
as he works in your life in amazing ways thank you for joining me in this video may you be filled with the peace that surpasses all understanding as you trust in God to make a way for you remember he is always with you always for you and always working on your behalf keep believing keep trusting and keep holding on to his promises for they are true and trustworthy
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A Powerful Prayer to Start the Day with Psalm 27 and Lewis
A Powerful Prayer to Start the Day with Ps...
Soulful Devotions
Those Who Worry All The Time, Listen To This Story | Christian Story On Worry | How To Stop Worrying
Those Who Worry All The Time, Listen To Th...
Words of Faith
Don't Give Up | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say
Don't Give Up | God Says | God Message Tod...
God's Message Now
Good Morning God | Positive Morning Affirmations | Blessings, Miracles, Health, Wealth, Happiness
Good Morning God | Positive Morning Affirm...
Bosque Neuroscience
If You See These Signs, God Has Visited You! (Christian Motivation)
If You See These Signs, God Has Visited Yo...
Intimacy with God
7 SIGNS THAT YOU ARE MARKED BY GOD (This May Surprise You) | Christian Motivation
Journey To God
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