getting straight A's is easy, actually

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Collin The Chad
This is a full guide on how get straight As in school easily. Follow the study tips in this video an...
Video Transcript:
[Music] ladies and gentlemen if you clicked on this video because you want to learn how to get straight Ace effortlessly you're in the right spot throughout my life I've always had pretty good grades in primary school I was a valoran in high school I go to 4.0 GPA while studying Max 2 hours a day and now I'm a student at Yale University studying computer science and music getting perfect grades doesn't have to be so complicated that's why in this video I'm going to give you a no BS guide on how to study efficiently coming from
an IV leak student so the first thing you want to do is rewire your mindset I often hear a lot of people say stuff like I studied 10 hours in a day or I studied until 2: a.m. yesterday and they think it's a flex look I don't think it's a flex for me I would much rather study 2 hours a day and get the same results if not even better than the student who studied like 10 hours a day because let's be honest if you want to become that student you also want to do other
things like build cool things create meaningful relationships with people and have fun hobbies how are you going to do that if you're studying all day that's why you need to realize that the time you spend studying does not equal knowledge gain guys the smartest people that I personally know at Yale know how to study efficiently they know how to study 2 hours a day and yet still Ace all their classes so you might be thinking how do I do that the first law that you need to learn is called Parkinson's law and this law is
about setting goals and deadlines for yourself so let me give you an example if you want to study for a math exam don't give yourself the entire Saturday to study just give yourself Max 2 hours to study in that that Saturday because if you give yourself too long or too broad of a time span to study you're just going to end up wasting so much time so what you want to do is schedule in shorter study sessions and what you'll find out is that you just study 10 times faster give it a try give yourself
less time than you think you need because worst case scenario if you're not done studying you can always just add more time but you cannot take back time that you wasted you cannot take back time that you studied inefficiently also one thing to note is to make your deadlines tight but not overly unrealistic like don't tell yourself I'm going to finish an entire math syllabus in 30 minutes unless you're the fastest reader or something but still give yourself a little bit of a challenge and I promise you that by the end of that study session
you'll feel so happy and proud of yourself now the second important part of this video is learning how to study now one of the biggest mistakes you can make is passive studying and what this looks like is studying by just reading the textbook rewriting notes and trying to make it look aesthetic and pretty and then at the end of the day you say something like wow that was really productive I have 10 pages of notes look let's be real you're really just procrastinating by trying to create aesthetic notes it may seem like you're doing a
lot of stuff but in reality you're not doing much and I was once guilty of this too now it's not to say that writing notes is bad or reading the textbook is bad but if that's your main study strategy then you're doing something wrong so by far the best study technique in my personal opinion is active recall and what this looks like is doing P paper questions what this looks like is going through all the P paper exams you can find for your subject guys this is perhaps the most effective way to study because our
brain learns best by answering questions when we get a question wrong and we learn the correct answer afterwards our brain is more likely to remember it also there's a very high chance that your teacher or your professor is just going to repeat those questions in the test maybe it's going to be worded differently but the basic concepts are going to be the same now what if you don't have any practice exams there are two things you can do the first thing you can do is create as many questions as you can from your study guide
or class notes so you want to give yourself some multiple choice questions as well as some open-ended ones now the second way you can do this is by leveraging AI just simply paste all your class notes into Chacha BT and ask it to create questions for you guys this is something that nobody talks about but it's super powerful you can even give Chacha BT slideshows and PDFs it's super simple and effective now another thing you need to start doing is gamify your studying you need to make studying fun because if it's fun it's effortless so
the way I like to do this is by creating a Quizlet and I treat it almost like a game I'm trying to answer as many questions as I can as fast as possible and my objective is to get 100% in all the questions without even needing to look at the choices so you can simply copy paste the questions that you made earlier into a Quizlet personally I really like doing my quizlets before I sleep when I'm about to go to the gym or whenever I just have like 5 minutes of free time in between classes
guys by making your studying fun you will feel good every time you study and also become much more productive now you also want to learn how to focus because studying without Focus will bring you nowhere like nowadays we have so many distractions your phone that Netflix show and social media in my opinion you don't have to go like complete monk mode and delete all apps and isolate yourself like that but you want to turn your distractions into rewards so for example what you can do is tell yourself okay once I'm done with this math practice
paper then I can go and watch this YouTube video or I can go and watch that Netflix show and this is very good because you're delaying your gratification you're training your brain to do hard things and get rewarded for your hard work also you want to create an environment where it's easy to focus so for me I like to put my phone on airplane mode or do not disturb every time I'm about to study another thing I find super useful is having a clean desk and room guys when your desk looks clean you create a
more calming soothing environment where your brain can relax and actually Focus one more thing try to make your room smell as good as possible so for example I have a diffuser in my Yale dorm room and it always smells good because I'm putting in lavender and peppermint essential oils but that's pretty much it I have full confidence that if you fall all the steps in this video you will become an academic weapon so I hope you guys got lots of value from this video if you did share it and help a friend out as always
God bless the hustle we're all going to win one day and I'll see you in the next one
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