5 signs of emotionally MANIPULATIVE people #toxicrelationships #manipulation #relationship
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Kati Morton
Video Transcript:
here are five signs you're in a relationship with an emotionally manipulative person number one guilt tripping they can try to make you feel guilty or responsible for their emotions or actions even when you've done nothing wrong number two playing the victim emotionally manipulative individuals often portray themselves as victims to deflect responsibility and Garner sympathy number three gaslighting this is a manipulation tactic where someone distorts reality makes you doubt your own perceptions and experiences the manipulator intentionally seeks to sew seeds of doubt in the victim's perceptions memories and reality number four emotional blackmail this is a
form of manipulation in which they use threats guilt or other forms of coercion to control the behavior of another person number five love bombing early on in a relationship or when they want something from us they will shower us with a lot of attention love gifts you name it all to manipulate us and control our emotions