Don't Waste Your Life.

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Life is short, and every day is a chance to make it amazing. In this video, we’ve put together some ...
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they say the true hell is when the person that you are meets the person you could have been being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity why would you be realistic so many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as [Music] practicality what we really want seems impossibly Out Of Reach and ridiculous to expect so we never dare to ask the universe for it how is it going to feel when your dreams become a reality go there you go there how's it going to feel in that moment if you can convince
yourself that feeling is so insanely good then you would be willing to pay the price that the man needed for your Big Dreams to become a reality I had to stop thinking normal I had to stop thinking normal I can no longer be a common man walking around doing common things I'm sick and tired of having to eek my way through life sick and tired of being a nobody be the hero of your own movie if your life was a movie and it started now forget about whatever financial disasters you've had personal failures relationship failures
what would the hero of your life's movie do right now do that everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it you can influence it you can mold it you have no idea how great you really are because you are using such minimal minimal of what you have so you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 Mi down the road but you can do anything you want you are bound by nothing what are
you passionate about why would you not go for it why would you not take a chance at one point in time you got to take a chance on you I don't know what dream you have but I can guarantee you that there's somebody in the hospital right now praying begging God to have the opportunity that you have right now don't blow it it is time to go from mediocre to meteoric it is time to go from being counted out to being counted on and depression is your body saying you I don't want to be this
character anymore I don't want to hold up this this Avatar that you've created in the world is too much for me 75 years that's how much time you get if you're lucky 75 years 75 Winters 75 spring times 75 Summers and 75 autums when you look at it like that there not a lot of time is it don't waste them get your head out of the Rat Race and forget about the superficial things that preoccupy Your Existence and get back to what's important now right now this very second if you believe it if you really
believe that you could be something if you have that little voice in your head saying Hey You Got Talent you could do this then follow that voice you were born to do something great with your life and when you were a little boy or a little girl there was probably one person who made you feel that way and you ought to give yourself the gifts right now of who is that person when you're a little girl were a little boy they made you feel special there's probably only one maybe two maybe it was your parents
or your grandmother or grandfather a coach a there's someone that was in your life and that you felt something about you because of the way they looked at you or spoke to you and the amazing thing about that is they were right what good does it do to be motivated to a dream if you don't see it for you if you don't see your own potential we've been selling ourselves short since we were children you see we Associated ourselves with our mistakes instead of successes most of us we live in a box and we don't
want to go outside that box at all ever outside that box is all these possibilities of Life what we do is we shackle our mind we are a prisoner in our own mind that this is all I can do this is all I'm good at what people understand that they live for themselves not knowing that you have the power within yourself to change millions of lives Yeah by facing Life by facing yourself if everybody who's like at the bottom and feels like they have nothing going for them reframe that as I have nothing going for
me which also means that I have nothing to lose by taking action it makes you a much more dangerous person as a child my parents always told me you could be whatever you want to be you could do whatever you want to do and you know that that office that position the highest office on the face of the Earth it was something I heard my parents saying it but I didn't totally believe it yet I went out in the world and I carried myself and I held my head high and I stood there and I
looked people in their eyes and I talk to people as if I was deservant of everything that this planet has to offer I just I really want to say to to children out there and to to people who are watching confucious said one time he who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right I'm proud of you you know that I hope you do I'm proud of you cuz I know how hard it is to take care of ourselves but we must keep moving we must keep going if you can't
fly run if you can't run walk if you can't walk C but by all means keep moving my personal goal is to squeeze every ounce of potential out of whatever I have and I think that if you feel like you have potential left over then it will eat you alive until you do something about it greatness is not meant for a few chosen people it's it's meant for those who persistently pursue their dreams every day and make that choice when they wake up so just a mentality really aspirations uh come from people that do amazing
things but they're really Ordinary People just waking up every day doing it doing the little things that other people aren't doing so why you think you keep imagining opening a business why you keep imagining graduating getting a better job why do you keep imagining buying a house why do you keep imagining driving a really nice car why do you keep imagining getting rich one day why do you keep imagining that cuz God is talking to you he's showing you something that he has for you maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles
quit don't quit noodles don't noodles you are too concerned with what was and what will be this a saying yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why it is called the present and so and until you get to the point where you just hate what you're doing so much that it's worth trying or you have somebody crack open a door and just a little light comes in and you have this moment where you go well what if what if this is the time sobriety sticks what if I go
to therapy and I actually do change the way that I think what if I could recover from the narcissistic abuse that I've you know been kind of struggling with after that relationship or that marriage what if I could get out of debt if that person did it maybe I could do it and without either hope for that kind of rock bottom moment I don't think you're going to change there's a moment when every boy realizes no one's coming to save him and that's when he becomes a man and some boys never get there and stay
children forever there comes a day man everyone's going to have this day there comes a day where being average being mediocre is just sickening to you it's just sickening it makes you want to throw up because you've seen people with far less Talent than you as you're growing up with them their childhood buddies whatever else they didn't have what you had yet now there become something that you haven't there comes that day it's either when you're young you know and and it strikes you on the baseball field cuz you're sick of striking out or it's
it's when you get fired from your fifth job you know and your wife and kids are on your ass cuz they don't know how to support them anymore there comes a day where push comes to sh where being mediocre being like average and just burns that sucks so much you can't deal with it one more day and you get off youring ass and you create something it's always been there it's always been inside of you trying to come out but you've never wanted to unwrap it cuz it's too muching pain and commitment you were scared
you're going to fail you're scared if you started you never finish yet you didn't want to tell anyone about it you knew it was there but you never wanted to embark on it until something hits you get fired or somebody else gets success remind you what you could have been and then the spark is born and no matter what happens I'm never going to be in this boat again and you get up and you go even gets knocked down you just keep going keep going when you're a wild man and life has never been so
sweet that can happen at an early age it can happen at a later age it's going to happen to somebody every you know no matter what it's going to happen to you and when it does happen to you thank you lucky stars that finally you're alive it's time to unrack the potential you can be superior man it's within you it's within every single one of us and the people that have that have have risen to that level were no different than any one of us what it say they believe it and they're willing to work
their ass off to get it people go what's your biggest fear in life and my biggest fear honestly was let's say this let's say uh I don't care if you believe in God or not I don't care so this this just play game with me let's say let's say you're God and we have a big [ __ ] long line of people and I made to Heaven 75 years old I'm 300 pounds I made to Heaven I worked for eolab my entire life spraying for cockroaches that's what I did but I'm dead I'm in heaven
now and you are at you're you're judging us all now so we're in line we're all sitting there in line you have Adam Brown he has a big board up and you're talking to Adam Brown about his life and you rip it down and I'm next in line David gokin I see my name and I see all this [ __ ] God goes hey you say read this man and I'm reading this list and I'm seeing 182 lbs Navy SEAL Ranger school motivational speaker changing lives okay man pull up record all this [ __ ]
and I'm like that's not me man and God looks at me and says that's who you were supposed to be and my personal question to you is why not you Les Brown's a motivational speaker he made an analogy about this he says imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we we came to you because you could have
brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the Grave together so I ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes we all ask why we should work this hard why take that many classes why go to school that many years you know why take the notes why read the books why work that hard why put yourself through the push-ups and the disciplines why good question why best answer to why I think is the second question why not why not see how many
books you can read how many classes you can take how many skills you can develop why not see how valuable you can become to the marketplace and to your friends and to your family why not not see what you can make of yourself why not see how far you can go how much you can see how much you can earn how much you can share why not that's the Heritage all of us have to see what we can make out of our Lives now that we've been given this extraordinary opportunity and every morning you wake
up you hold yourself accountable make up your own mission statement what do you want to be in life and once you do that now you can work with somebody to get better you can work with with yourself to get better but until you know what you want to stand for you'll always just be sitting down you'll never stand for anything we can be average at what we do I mean we can be good at what we do or we can be excellent or we can be elite all right and everybody has a choice as to
what they want to do and how they want to do that but if you're going to be excellent or Elite all right you got to do special things you have to have special intensity you have to have special Focus you have to have uh a special commitment and drive and passion I to do things at a high level and a high standard all the time I and it doesn't matter what god-given ability that you have um that probably can make you good but without the rest of it I'm not sure you ever get excellent or
Elite you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got see procrastination is caused by the fear of success you know if you did it you'd win and you'd be better so I didn't do it so I could be my comfortable self and it worked out right I painted the fence and walked the dog next thing I knew the opportunity passed it felt so good just to be me again you were born to do something great with your life in big ways
and small ways just like that person who helped my dad they thought that was a small thing it may not be on Instagram it may not get 20 million likes or views but you were born to do something great I'm going to say that to you again you you were born to do something great with your life you are not average in ordin so you was placed on this Earth for a reason you weren meant to be average You Were Meant to excel you got understand that this grind is meant to make you who you're
supposed to be a dog a little grind ain't never hurt nobody stop being soft let's embrace it if you go through that fire you going to come out real cold that's what we want if it's in your gut if it's in your Soul there's nothing there's no worldly possessions that should come between you and your expression we Define ourselves far too often by our past failures we look at our past and we say well that's me that's not you you are this person right now you're the person who's learned from those failures and you can
choose to be the hero of your own movie right now write down your goals write down things you want to improve write down things you won't tolerate from yourself write down things you've done in the past that you never want to see yourself do again and go forth from here as the hero of your own movie what most people do is they back away from adversity but if you want to see if you're a brave person wait when things go completely to Pieces when things are the worst when your very best deal falls apart and
your rent is late and you're tired and you're sick and everybody is mad at you and your car doesn't work then it's the person that picks thems up and says nothing nothing is going to stop me it's the what if I can pull off a miracle what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be it's all in your mind whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life if you continue to believe as you have always believed you will continue to act as you have always acted you
will continue to get what you have always gotten if you want different results in your life or your work all you have to do is change your mind mentality is the only thing that gets us through life I was an underdog we are all underdogs in life even the baddest person in the world should think that way so she should always have I've never arrived mentality itn't matter where you come from the sewer or wherever you think you're from nothing should be able to hurt you if you believe that it starts to become true so
many of us come from these small places in our mind that we're not willing to think outside only what we've seen our mind works in such a small compartment and one thing I was able to do was to dream and until you're able to really put yourself into that dream but don't make dreams your master that's where you truly become what you're destined to become like I want to see I want to see what you do when you're tired let me see how you push yourself come on man get up get up against tomorrow get
up again tomorrow get up again tomorrow the next day get up get up get up get up keep going how long can you maintain a positive attitude every day when you get out of bed life standing right there to kick you in the face man life is going to throw all kinds of crazy sh you and you have to be ready for it and you got toing deal with it can't curl up into a ball you can't run away from it you can't hide you have to take all this head on great things happen and
really bad things happen and you got to take it all in stride and you got to pick yourself up the next day strap your shoes back on and get out there and go toing War again what I found is that winning doesn't happen on show day it happens in those early mornings painful workouts long cardio sessions and hungry nights happens in those moments of fear we all have when face with a difficult goal and then more so in what you make of that fear it happens in every second of every day before you win if
you can take every opportunity have to bring yourself closer to your goal when every one of those opportunities all while becoming more resilient in the process how can you lose that is an exciting opportunity maybe you want to be nobody maybe you're happy exactly where you are in life maybe you don't have the determination to be somebody better than who you are this is real dude this is real you have to Envision something that is more powerful than you something in you has to wake up and usually the only person that can wake it up
is you but if you don't have a little flame you know just that just barely you're done I can't I can't light it for you you need to put yourself in uncomfortable situations and uncomfortable scenarios okay if you do easy things you will have a hard life if you do hard things you will have a easy life let me say it again if you do easy things you will have a hard life if you do hard things you will have a easy life as a man you have to understand that we as men we do
better in environments where we are uncomfortable okay you put pressure on a rock it turns into a diamond the comfort zone is dangerous when you're comfortable you are at most danger y the comfort zone is somewhere you need to you should never feel comfortable you should be happy and dis satisfy anybody ever tell you hey hey look you know what just be satisfied with what you got don't believe him get him away from you you should never be satisfied with what you got because the the attempt to get more makes you into something better don't
let anybody tell you hey man you know you should just be happy with uh no if you're struggling if you're frustrated with yourself if you're at that point where you're so sick of yourself and your excuses I've been there Steven's been there this is a normal part of the human experience and at some point either the pain is going to get big enough or you're going to bump into somebody's story somewhere on this planet who has been in the position that you're in right now facing the stuff that you're facing right now and there is
something about their story at this exact moment in time that will ignite something in you that is missing and what is missing in you right now is Hope because when you're stuck and when you are on a downroad spiral whether it's just in your own head or it's in self-destructive Behavior the thing that's missing in your life is hope you don't believe right now that anything is going to make a difference expand yourself take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble put some more air in your bubble if you stay in
your comfort zone that's where you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfortable procedure it is a very uncomfortable thing to attempt so you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you ever want to be successful look I love to sugar coat this thing for you I love to tell you look you can go out here and get rich do a couple of things D ain't happening you got to get real doish you got to get downright funky if you want to make it now like I was telling you
before if you want to be ordinary you ain't even got to listen to me just go about your business if you think ordinary is cool ain't no problem it's some really really wonderful Ordinary People but if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations then you going to have to do extra if you can teach people to stand up in the face of the things they're afraid of they get stronger and you don't know what the upper limits to that are because you might ask yourself like if for 10 years if you
didn't avoid doing what you knew you needed to do by the by your own definitions right within the value structure that you've created to the degree that you've done that what would you be like well you know there are remarkable people who come into the world from time to time and there are people who do find out over decades long periods what they could be like if they were who they were if they said if they spoke their being forward and they get stronger and stronger and stronger and we don't know the limits to that
we do not know the limits to that and so you could say well in part perhaps the reason that you're suffering unbearably can be left at your feet because you're not everything you could be and you know it my life used to be consumed by anxiety and fear and now it is not and if you think that change happened in one day you'd be kidding yourself matter of fact there was never a day over all these years where I felt like anything changed at all so if you're in a bad place in your life any
entitlement to a quick fix needs to disappear right now expect to work with no reward if you're overweight you need to exercise and eat healthy consistently all while looking exactly the same for a while and if you're depressed you need to treat yourself like absolute gold while you still feel empty inside that said Don't bit on one but I promise you every bit of the work you put in will pay off more than you can understand mhm so at those times where you're questioning if you have anything left no a day from then a week
from them a month from them a year from them you will never remember discomfort of the pain you will always remember the pry of the accomplishment that lives on that's why pain is temporary pride is forever guys you give it your all you get it all tfold right now you guys are sitting there and to make that first step towards greatness is the hardest step but there is one thing harder than that my friends it's later in life as you look back on your life the windows of opportunity has closed your ability is no longer
present and you think back you could have been great right now you had the ability to never have that debate inside your head that's the debate you can never win everything you do you may have some support you may not but it's on you you have to make the decision whether you want to be a badass or whether you want just want to be mediocre and everything's okay but being a badass hurts there's no losing only learning there's no failure only opportunities and there's no problems only solutions so to me what failure is failure is
the mother of all success if it wasn't for Michael Jordan getting cut from his ninth grade basketball team he wouldn't have became Michael Jordan
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