the Illuminati represents an allseeing eye for conspiracy theorists but what if their Everlasting Light was extinguished long ago welcome to watch Mojo's top five facts in this installment we're counting down the five most interesting facts we could dig up about the formation purpose and existence of the Illuminati that Illuminati and the grammatic symbol has been considered a myth for 400 years number five the Illuminati was founded just before for the Declaration of Independence America was founded by the Illuminati well no but the Illuminati was established on May 1st 1776 just two months before Ben Franklin
and Co signed the Declaration of Independence a German philosopher named Adam WIS hop founded the order of the Illuminati to advance such radical Enlightenment era ideas as Liberty constitutional democracy and the separation of church and state their name means the enlightened ones they were physicists and mathematicians astronomers they were concerned with the church's inaccurate teachings and they were dedicated to Scientific truth but the Vatican didn't like that responding to the political situation that existed in the German state of bavari at the time the order's stated purpose was to put an end to Injustice and abuses
of Power by influencing the people who had power but did they have anything to do with the founding of the USA well ideas and indeed people traveled a lot slower in the 18th century so it's highly unlikely that the founding fathers were members of this particular secret society number four the Illuminati was banned in 1784 the Illuminati they disappeared hundreds of years ago did they the original order of the Illuminati existed for less than a decade in 1784 the organization had 650 members but the secret society wasn't exactly secret as members were known to jibber
jabber all over Munich we don't uh know what you're talking about hubba and you can't join the stone cutus because it's too exclusive oh well that was a real nice secret organization we had once they should have made the first rule of the Illuminati not to talk about the Illuminati feeling threatened the Duke of Bavaria threw down the hammer and officially banned the Illuminati specifically so this secret society which once had boasted of its power ceased to exist before the end of the century however people were writing books alleging that the Illuminati persisted in actual
secrecy and had orchestrated the French Revolution number three the Illuminati is blamed for historical events driven not only by corporate greed but a darker objective the Takeover of America and then the world Itself by any means necessary however violent or cruel or efficient for an organization that dispersed in a time when Beethoven was still a teenager they've apparently been pretty active ever since as was said earlier according to the eminently reliable source of the internet the Illuminati sparked the French Revolution and as you probably learned in school the Illuminati assassinated JFK even though the kennedies
are supposedly one of the 13 Bloodlines descended from the Bavarian Illuminati it's just a btime story anyway it is a fact that people have passionate thoughts about the Illuminati and it's become commonplace to accuse celebrities of being secret members of the Illuminati as well you they both crazy dad was in the Illuminati we're looking at you Beyonce we got our eye on you too Jay-Z and we also have our eye on any celebrity that doesn't act how we want them to right let's be fair though even if they do often mix up the Illuminati with
the Freemasons you really can't knock the hustle of Illuminati conspiracy theorists can't knock the hustle number two the Freemasons and the Illuminati are not the same organization they formed a new Brotherhood called the Freemasons for the sake of Enlightenment can we all acknowledge that Freemasons are not the Illuminati the Freemasons date back to the 14th century and Masonic lodges are a very real thing I like to speak to you about the freeas if I'm might so oh yes in fact brother Spartacus as wise hop called himself originally wanted to join a masonic lodge but couldn't
scr up the dough for membership later on the Illuminati were actively recruiting members from the Freemason ranks the identity confusion apparently emerges through endless conspiracy theories as some have identified the Illuminati as a subgroup of the Freemasons or connected them to the formation of Freemasonry it's part of Freemason teachings it's just a matter of which conspiracy theory you believe the most but the Freemasons and the Illuminati do in fact have vastly different origin stories hey let's just be clear there is no conspiracy number one the Illuminati have nothing to do with the allseeing eye The
Unfinished pyramid the allseeing eye this freaky floating eye is famously found on the American $1 bill and often thought of as a right under your nose proof that the Illuminati run the country Mr Mackey I think you might want to entertain that this is some kind of conspiracy but in terms of historical facts the original Illuminati symbol wasn't the infamous eye but the owl of nerva which symbolizes knowledge the Bavarian Illuminati association with the allseeing eye is something that's been perpetuated by pop culture it's a myth a farce a [Music] conspiracy what you see on
the $1 bill is the Eye of Providence an old Christian symbol of the Holy Trinity but hey let's throw the conspiracy theorists a bone the eye is part of Freemason iconography and it's a documented fact that many of America's founding fathers were card Carri being being Freemasons you're welcome you guys are blind I can't believe that everyone here is just buying into with their tub by the media so where do you stand on the New World Order Illuminati Freemason conspiracy debate but you just had to keep digging for more allseeing top 10s and fictional owl
top fives be sure to subscribe to now let's all get drunk and play pingpong [Applause]