A Story Analysis of Lies of P

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Lies of P has quite a mysterious story and ending that we will try to uncover and dissect throughout...
Video Transcript:
lies of p is a Soul's leg with a very mysterious Story one that will be attempting to uncover throughout this video along with critiquing the quality of its story along the way very quickly before we begin thanks to Neo Wiz and round 8 studio for providing me a code early allowing me to play the game before release and as always spoiler warning ahead we're going to be talking about this game's story and endings in this video so please be sure to complete the game before you watch this if you like this kind of story analysis
content feel free to check out my other videos here on the channel I don't just have videos on the souls games and some Souls likes but other genres as well so feel free to stick around with that out of the way though let's get started the beginning of the game starts with a blue butterfly Reviving someone called Geppetto's puppet will then learn that not only is the butterfly being controlled by a girl named Sophia but that we also have a talking qriket companion inside of a lamp called Gemini the references are pretty on the nose
but it's to be expected as if he didn't catch it let me tell you now that Liza p is a reimaging of the original story of Pinocchio that's why the very beginning pays respects to Carlo carlotti as he was the one who created the 1880 fantasy novel The Adventures of Pinocchio the references here are just the tip of the iceberg however as many characters and bosses in this game reference their novel counterparts for example in the novel Pinocchio is followed by a talking qriket that advises and AIDS him just like Gemini does to us and
Sofia is related to the Blue Fairy from the novel who in the text was the one who granted Pinocchio's nose diabody to extend whenever he lied she was described as a young woman with turquoise hair which fits the bill of our Sofia not all the characters are direct references as others are just using the characters names like puccinella the butler of anini who in the novel shares the name of a marionette that's performing at a theater I will admit this idea is what drew me to Liza p in the first place Souls like tend to
be very samey after a while as most just have items with descriptions and then place them in a generic Fantasy World Under Siege from something it's not very Innovative especially nowadays what a Soul's like based on a children's fairy tale is certainly a nice change of pace and even when the game falls into those aforementioned fantasy elements and continues to stay in its Lane and keep things centered around the Avengers of Pinocchio say what you feel about lies of P it's distinctly unique and really separates itself from the rest of the genre with that being
said anytime a character appears with some amount of relevance to the novel I'll be sure to point them out returning to the story while we don't have a name as the game never provides us with one it's safe to assume the puppet's name is Pinocchio which is how I'll be referring to them from now on Pinocchio is instructed by Sofia to go to the nearby hotel to arm himself as the puppets along the way are dangerous to set the scene Liza P takes place in the city of crot this place used to be a small
fishing Village for the discovery of Ergo in-game ergoes what we collect upon defeating enemies in what we use to level up this substance threw crot into a golden age as it was able to enter into a technological Revolution the people responsible for most of the work behind cross new life is a group called The Alchemists their leader was one valentius who was able to understand and channel the energy of Ergo allowing him and his group to create completely new technology one such Tech was the creation of the puppets these autonomous beings are designed to do
whatever they were made to some of them were workers and maids and others were Butlers and policemen this gave Humanity the chance to take a hands-off approach to numerous parts of their life allowing the puppet City would for them the maker of these puppets was a Craftsman known as Geppetto who was one of the most well-known members of the workshop the mass production all this new technology was in Handle by laurenzini vanini and with his Newfound partnership crott was able to flourish that was until a puppet killed a human a puppet named arlochino who is
the same puppet who gives us all the riddles kill benini's parents just to see what would happen this would have caused a Monumental backlash for everyone involved so they decided to try and cover up the mystery by claiming that it was a mugging instead of a murder leading people to believe that it was a human and not a puppet this incident made Geppetto realize that commands needed to be hard-coded into the puppet so they could prevent more deaths as such each puppet has four basic principles imprinted into them called the Grand Covenant these are obey
the commands of the Creator never heard a human protect and serve crot and its people and never lie Geppetto with the help of anini was successful in creating a code of law that the puppets are forced to abide by however that didn't seem to last as the puppets have clearly gone Madden are attacking this city as such a group of Vigilantes known as stalkers have been dispatch in order to stop them while the stalkers are all the same the people they serve as with the difference lies the two groups are the bastards in the sweepers
the bastards aren't the Alchemists in the workshop while the sweepers Ally themselves the old families of cropped they don't get much mention in this game but the old families of crott are obviously the older families that used to own the city but due to the discovery of Ergo and the power it came with thanks to The Alchemist in the workshop they've been in close competition ever since this whole Fiasco regarding the puppets is also known in game as the puppet frenzy and it's our job to stop it but that's quite the Herculean task so we're
gonna start small and figure out where Geppetto is and then hopefully rescue him before any danger comes his way this is where the gameplay comes in and starts to flex its wings a bit I won't talk too much about the gameplay but I do at least want to go over the basics for those of you who haven't played it basically it's a Souls game I can't even say that as a joke either as just about everything in the souls games is here too bonfires Estes flasks backstab stagger bar the fact that jump is only able
to be used while sprinting it's pretty much all here and honestly borders on the line of plagiarism at times especially since Pinocchio's Legion arms are basically Wolf's prosthetic arms both in design and functionality the game does attempt to try and introduce new mechanics to separate itself but most of the combat is pretty much one to one if you've played a Souls game which may or may not be a good thing depending on how you feel about them circling back to where we left off while we explore the train station we learned from a couple of
notes the city is bracing for Resurgence of the petrification disease it's unclear where this came from and how it started but the disease petrifies those it affects by hardening their skin and is something that's going to keep popping up every now and again throughout the game but for now let's focus on the frenzy as we can see the town is already in shambles with the deadline in the streets while the puppets aimlessly wait for their next Target due to the nature of the frenzy it's natural to call into question Pinocchio and why he wasn't affected
well it seems to stem from Geppetto he made Pinocchio for a very specific reason one which we'll get to later but you can tell that he's different as he has the ability to lie a common predicament the player will have in this game is whether to lie about a certain event to an NPC such as this woman who wants us to find her baby when we go to the instructed location we find no survivors but we do find a doll and seeing as the old woman is losing her sight due to the petrification we can
tell her that the doll is her daughter and she would be none the wiser most of the choices are like this but with various different circumstances I did initially like the concept but the choices felt a bit undercooked as these choices don't really matter lying or telling the truth in this game only result in a change of dialogue is you still get the same rewards the primary reason is that it's not what the lies are that matters but whether or not you decided to lie in the first place lying and telling the truth enough times
will decide the ending and while that's fine I think the occasional consequence could have been interesting either way once you have managed to make through the first set of Puppets including the boss of the area the parade Master you'll make it to the hotel where we're introduced to our base of operations and the title screen as introductions go Liza P starts off quite well there's enough mystery surround in the world that it makes you want to uncover its Dark Secrets although at least for me a lot of that came from the Intrigue of Pinocchio's history
it'd be quite foolish to make a story about Pinocchio and at least not take into consideration what makes that character so special and as I said Liza P does excel at keeping that idea in Mind by letting you deal with certain moral quandaries and seeing how these conversations shape our boy quite literally in some ways for a new release that really has to focus on Exposition and details that the audience can be caught up to speed while also giving the player enough time to get a feel for the gameplay I think lizapi does a great
job bringing the player into the world of crot inside the hotel is a group of guests who are taking Refuge from the destruction the one with the most importance is Sophia or as I like to call her lady Ronnie which now that I think about it is rather funny given Ronnie was a puppet in that game either way lunar princess Ronnie here tells us that while we do likely have questions about what's going on what's more important is finding Geppetto as he'll be able to answer any of the questions we have so we head off
to Elysian Boulevard to find him along the way we'll also run into a stalker called The Mad donkey he is seen right outside Geppetto's Carriage attempting to get in because he wants to find out why all of his friends were killed by the puppets so naturally he goes to Geppetto for some answers we managed to stop him before he goes too far though but we can see if this whole disaster is really taking a toll on everyone we'll end up seeing a few more examples like this throughout the game and I really think it's one
of the game's strongest aspects it's one thing to say that there's a disaster but another two actually show it and while the game does do that through its excellent environmental storytelling having NPCs do the job instead allows for more emotion to come through really Hammer home how badly this whole thing has become unfortunately Geppetto isn't in the mood to talk because of course he isn't so we have to do one more thing before we can get some answers and that's getting rid of the puppets at City Hall the boss of this new location is the
scrapped Watchman a giant puppet policeman from the relevant item descriptions we learned that this specific puppet was a mascot of sorts many people came to enjoy the puppet's company and thanked it for keeping the city safe its life would be cut short however as it was equipped with an overcharged storage battery that exceeded its capacity causing a chain explosion that damaged most of its body and internal systems as a result it was going to be disposed of but benini wanted to test some experiments on it to see how far they could push their technology for
some odd reason though it was still able to perform some of its mascot roles and is still very popular with the children in fact its boss Soul item description says the Walla was contorted and broken from the adult's desires he never forgot the children who considered him a friend it's a very heartwarming story for a horrific of a game as this is but not only does it show how much the puppets have affected the people of Croft as they started seeing some of them as mascots but more importantly how some of the puppets are starting
to show emotion puppets realistically are just machine games they don't have any complex thoughts and feelings like humans do but this publicly cared about the kids he even kept a doll that they made of him on his person at all times it's this idea of Puppets displaying more human-like emotions that continues to be brought up throughout the game but for now it's just used as an introduction in an interesting showcase foreshadowing the events to come with that over though we can now talk to Geppetto who was elated to see his son but also understands that
work still needs to be done Sue sends us off on another mission which is to liberate a few places and crowd from public control these are vanini works the same for Angelico Cathedral the malam district and Rosa Isabelle Street sadly the game does not really offer as much Freedom as it sounds as while we do get to visit all these locations over time the map is pretty linear so we're forced to go through a set order starting with venini and his Workshop vanity Works mass-produces puppets so as long as the puppets have control of the
facility they have access to unlimited reinforcements which is more than enough reason to put it out of business the workshop is another good look at the horrors of this world thanks to this area's boss admittedly it's not super important but it is a scary sign of how Obsessed the people of krot were with the puppets some of the puppets who fight throughout this game are massive one slight malfunction and these things could kill someone but this thing is absurd obviously the puppets were not designed to kill people but it really starts to put things into
perspective when you realize that they most definitely can kill people they're just being held back by a code of law a code that is also not currently working it's a classic tale of humanity being overly greedy with technology and then paying the price for it but this puppet is where I really started to appreciate the design of these enemies as yeah the variety isn't super impressive but the designs of them are each of them is incredibly distinct and you could tell immediately what they were made to do just by their designs and we're never told
what this thing's purpose is but given its size in the two giant balls for hands this puppet was likely a replacement for Wrecking Ball construction vehicles on the topic of that lizapee rarely delves into the impact of having this many puppets and how this could affect the workers as from what I can tell most people are actually pretty happy with them despite the fact that numerous puppets are realistically designed to take people's jobs it's kind of an unfortunate mishap as I don't recall ever meeting anyone in this game who's annoyed at the puppet's existence that
being said it does end up working out well narratively but in a different way as while the people of crot don't Harbor negative feelings towards these inventions they do sensationalize them everyone in the city loves these things and it's causing lots of the public opinion to be centered around them which is why there's such demand for these things that's also why the new design designs have to be bigger and better like the giant puppet we just talked about or this thing that looks like a smaller version of an armored Cormac it's almost like the inventors
are saying a robot with two giant drills and saws for hands [ __ ] it let's send it to the assembly team and it's this greedy attitude that would be the city's downfall as their greatest asset has become their greatest nightmare but of course while some would see This Disaster and develop some humility from it the greedy CEO himself anini isn't too concerned he's scared for his life sure but the way he talks almost pisses me off at times like how he calls krot his City or how he never wastes a moment to gloat about
what he's accomplished and what he's done to deserve his spot in life what makes it worse is that he's not the only person who's focused on themselves here although this other lot's reasoning makes a lot more sense nearby is a Duo of stalkers named red fox and black cat they were originally hired by venini to take care of the puppet at the base of the factory but backed out once they realized the job was way above their pay grade these Schmucks are probably one of the most annoying people in the game as they always Force
us to do all the work such as later when we're going to take down the black rabbit my brotherhood and the two offered to join but after going about 30 feet the cat goes oh sorry mate I gotta take a breather uh go on ahead won't you and then they leave forcing us to take them down ourselves while both of them are borderline and competent at times it mirrors their original roles in the novel as it's mentioned that a cat and a fox would constantly harass Pinocchio by stealing or tricking him every time they meet
the duo we've been tried to hang him at one time but he's a puppet so oxygen isn't really a necessity for him the game also carries over the blindness bit from the story as the two animals lie about being disabled in order to con Pinocchio into giving them money but by the end of the story they actually become the things they lied about and Liza P the black hat actually seems to be going blind already and asks us for fruits that he can ease the pain speaking of which quite a few NPCs and bosses in
this game end up suffering Fates that they wished upon other people instead of it being about the city and its greedy attitude towards Evolution through technology the characters usually suffer in different kinds of greed whether it be the literal desire of wealth or wanting something that's not yours and once again it's another example of this game's impressive Message In theme foreign anyway this puppet that the duel refuses to kill is Fuoco who is also a reference to the novel although azana's directors are two stalkers Fuoco is Mangia furoko from the novel who in this story
got pissed to Pinocchio for ruining his puppet show and his payment decided to use him as firewood for his dinner as you can see that's not anything like our puppet furnace here but the usage of fires with the connection lies as for Fuoco the puppet he's in charge of the Furnace down here and Benin wants us to defeat him and also check to make sure his Butler puccinella is safe something interesting about this boss though is that multiple pieces of lore refer to some kind of king of Puppets that fuelco worships you can even see
him talk about it in this garbled speech that you can sorta make out both of these are connected though so we'll talk about this later but once again this is another strange example of the puppets not doing it they were designed to do we have a police officer who's growing feelings for humans and other crowning Kings none of it makes sense in the slightest but reinforces what I talked about earlier how Liza p is really good at piling on the Intrigue and slowly but surely feeding you a breadcrumb trail of info past the factory is
Moonlight town a rundown place that used to be the start of the people's pilgrimages when they were heading to the cathedral Moonlight also collaborated with the current Archbishop of the cathedral Andreas as both locations became colleagues over time so Andreas would help the people of moonlight in any way he could and in turn the town would spread the word of his Good Deeds as you would expect though the town is vacant thanks to the puppets running wild and killing everyone but once you reached the cable car that takes us to the cathedral we're greeted by
a horrifying creature with blue blood all over its body as we'll soon see the entire Cathedral is overrun by these things and size and symptoms seem to vary constantly as if the monster is going to get any more terrifying we find one of the biggest so far who is our next boss Archbishop Andreas himself gross would be putting it mildly the man is hideous but given his related appearance to the other monsters we can assume the same thing happened to him according to the legend same for Angelico met with a One-Winged Angel and founded a
church with his name on it it's unclear how long ago that meeting was but eventually same Frangelico would pass away and someone be appointed as the head of the church in the modern day that person is Archbishop Andreas he was such a kind and good-hearted person that many people believed he was Frangelico himself but that's just what the public sees as underneath all that is a greedy Archbishop who is unable to acknowledge how corrupt he was becoming so he made up a lie so that he was chosen by a One-Winged Angel too well as a
way of karmic Justice Andreas became the thing he made up he became a One-Winged Angel at least appearance wise anyway judging by his death dialogue though he seems to have regretted this and wished that he could just return to the old hymn before the greed came this is likely referring to a diary of his which talks about his meeting with the Alchemists Andreas claimed that the Alchemists were ruining crotch and that they should have been Cast Away when they arrived all those years ago further saying that This Disaster was divine punishment and that crowded City
blessed by God and one that Andreas will do his best to save this couple with the monsters we saw in the church is really starting to point to The Alchemist being the core of the problems here in krot at this point though all we know is that the Alchemists are trying to figure out how to stop the puppet frenzy but seeing as we haven't seen any of them all game this is likely a lie moving on though once Andreas is defeated we see a quick cutscene that is obviously of our main villain before going behind
the cathedral to the path of the pilgrim which leads right to the malum District sadly there isn't much to say about the malam district except the fact that it's a fairly poor and run down District within krot given its close proximity to the church Andreas likely tried to help them as much as he could but he can only do so much both puppets and monsters now stalk the streets of these places but the main antagonist of the area are the black rabbit Brotherhood we saw them earlier in the game but this is our first official
meeting with the group we also get to meet with the stalkers again we saw back of anini's workshop and it's here where they have that conversation about us joining forces and then bailing almost immediately it would have actually been nice if they helped too as the group gangs up on you throughout the fight they also don't drop a boss Soul this time as the fight only ends when the big brother dies but from what we can gather they're also a group of stalkers but not like the bastards of the sweepers the only answers themselves it's
a bit light on the details at least when it comes to other bosses that we've already discussed but that's mainly because they'll return a bit later for a second round having said that we can see from their various journals that they are and talks with the Alchemists as they have a ledger that details some of their recent business transactions one of the notes talks about a gold coin tree which is this giant tree behind their base it said that the trees fruit is able to cure any kind of disease possible we'll actually be able to
use this tree to help alleviate some of the pain lady Antonia is going through due to the petrification any new MPC giongio also wants us to help him find the tree the door behind the tree also leads right back into the hotel which makes me wonder why no one mentioned this and why they didn't just open the door from the hotel side but sure inside the Brotherhood base though is also a painting of Pinocchio which is strange if we take it back to Geppetto he thanks us for the painting but he doesn't mention that Pinocchio
is on it he just says that this is a memory of his from a happier time you would think the two would talk about this but he just brushes it aside which is a little odd but something I will come back around later after their talk Geppetto tells us that lady Antonia has the key to Rosa Isabelle Street which is what we'll need to get to the king of puppets and hope we stop this frenzy once for all Rosa Isabelle is a well-known Entertainment District within krot its most famous resident is Adelina corday the singer
in the red dress we can actually meet Adelina along with her sister Patricia Patricia had always wanted to sing with her sister as her dream was to one day be on the same Grand stage together Adelina on the other hand may have not shared that same dream she says that she wanted her sister's voice and would do anything to get it well one day she had her drink poison which ruined her Golden Voice allowing Adelina to take Center Stage for the rest of her career it's a really sad tale as the sisters exchange lockets with
each other and you can tell that Patricia really loved her sister but has no idea that love wasn't reciprocated back as she doesn't even know about her sister poisoning her this is also why we fight Patricia as she decided to become a stalker due to her singing career basically being over so in a roundabout way her death is on adelina's hands not ours the main reason we're here though is not for the prima donna but for the king of Puppets himself but once we arrive at the theater we see a play being performed by some
of the puppets which shows Geppetto taking out Pinocchio's heart and putting it into another puppet this most certainly will not be relevant later afterwards the king of Puppets arrives to do battle but after killing him we see another being inside challenges called Romeo once Romeo dies though we're then given a necklace as a reward that says to Romeo from your friend C to spoil it ahead of time C is referring to Carlo or more specifically our Pinocchio here that boy in the painting is Carlo but we aren't technically Carlo we're a puppet that looks like
him Carlo is the real son of Geppetto that's why Geppetto cares so much about Pinocchio as he's a spitting image of his son who passed away but if Romeo is the king then why did he start the puppet frenzy well he may not have his boss Soul says that one day he woke up on a throne that wasn't his implying he was just forced into this King position furthermore at some point in the game vanity gives us an ergo wave decoder which is what we use to figure out how the frenzy started and we learned
that Romeo was communicating through Ergo waves or for a lack of a better word Bluetooth to communicate with the other puppets across the city he did this because he discovered what the Alchemists were up to and wants to stop them before they achieve their goal unfortunately we didn't learn about the Alchemists in their plan until later after Romeo has already died he also used this to communicate with us as Romeo actually wanted us to join him and had sent Messengers to recruit us which were all the puppet bosses we just defeated do you remember those
garbled subtitles that appeared during these fights while they also appear here and if you look closely enough you could pick out some of the words to summarize they basically talk about Romeo or how Romeo wants Pinocchio to join them if it's too hard to read though on New Game Plus the text is actually clear which is a nice touch that's why the king extends his hand to us Romeo has no intention of fighting he only did that as a last resort Romeo doesn't just see Pinocchio as another puppet but also a dear friend which is
another now to the novel since Romeo and Pinocchio were also friends there too both versions of the character also have the nickname lamwick as well but that still doesn't explain who started the frenzy well he clears that up too within the Ergo waves was a message for us that says that Geppetto was the cause of the frenzy that's because Geppetto created a fifth law called law zero that says the Creator's name is Geppetto meaning that while the puppets will obey their creators and Masters Geppetto's command specifically overrules them unfortunately we can't speak to him about
this as this conversation happens way later in the game after Geppetto is kidnapped on the hotel but I figured I should bring this up now since we're talking about Romeo even without that conversation though Geppetto and his motivations haven't exactly been clear so it's always been useful to watch her back around him this is just further confirmation to keep doing just that turning back the clock to when we defeated the king of Puppets once we walk outside the theater we find Geppetto who's out back waiting for us with the puppet King dead the remaining puppets
will have no way to operate as tactically as before which means the only thing left to do is to figure out how to cure the petrification disease and for that Geppetto wants us to go to the Grand exhibition and meet with the Alchemists as they're supposedly developing a cure for it along the way we'll find some of the puppets mourning over the loss of their King further showing that these puppets aren't just robotic pieces of wood and metal that said it just seems to be this location as the other areas both before and after this
have the puppets behave just like before to be fair I can forgive this as it would make the puppet-controlled areas a breeze to complete thus ruining the point of the challenging gameplay once we make it to the Grand exhibition we can see that this place was used to Showcase all the new technology that was being developed for crot there are various different types of robots and puppets including that puppet of the Future boss we fought earlier as well some other designs for the other Industries within krot what's odd though is that some of the designs
say volunteers wanted and most of the equipment here is gurneys along with dozens of humanoid beings that look mangled this one in particular has numerous bandages in cloth wrapped around it like they were just being detained everything here points to human experimentation by the way of The Alchemist and this is all but confirmed by the area's boss Victor the champion he used to be a circus performer who was seen as the Pinnacle of Humanity's abilities he was loved by many within crot until he was stricken with an incurable illness however thanks to The Alchemist he
was able to live again and beat his Peak indefinitely so it's clear that the Alchemists have been conducting experiments on humans and if you were still somehow skeptical about it the leader of the Alchemist Simon Monas straight up tells us that yeah that's exactly what he was doing he claims that the petrification disease can actually strengthen humanity and by overcoming it the human body can grow stronger and gain a mind free of Lies this is all possible thanks to Ergo as Ergo is basically the essence of a person's life force and memory but trapped in
a crystallized form thanks to the petrification disease hardening the body Ergo was also put into the core of all the puppets which is why some of them started Awakening their egos polandina for example despite being a puppet is in love with Lady Antonia we could also find a note that talks about a woman named Camille who was likely the first ever puppet to awaken her ego despite her initial design being quite basic she was able to quickly save a child from falling out of a crib which shocked some of the Alchemists according to their notes
it seems like a puppet's ego has a possibility of Awakening faster if the human the Ergo belongs to is in a similar role Camille for example was a maid puppet meaning she was likely a maid before dying which is why her maidly instincts kicked in during that moment from Camille the Alchemists discovered that Ergo isn't just a simple Crystal but something that can open the door to eternal life Simon in The Alchemist goal from then on was to achieve immortality and they believe the Ergo is the way to do it after this Simon bids us
farewell as he welcomes us to his Island so we can see what the true Evolution will look like to get there though we need to go to the baron Swan there's venini says that a rare piece of golden Ergo we needed to make it to the island the baron swamp is well a swamp because of course a game like this has to have one but it's also a Dumping Ground for other discarded puppets that the city doesn't use anymore as you can imagine that is a lot of unused Ergo and thanks to that one of
The Alchemist experimental Creations was able to Feast on this Ergo and grow in size and strength the green monster of the swamp is that creation and like Andreas is quite hideous the green monster is likely reference to the green fisherman who in the tail was going to cook Pinocchio thinking he was some kind of rare fish before being saved by a Mastiff known as alidoro and here aledor does the complete opposite and has a speed beige while he fetches an item the monster took a long time ago which actually fits in line without alidoral ax
around this time the player will likely encounter an earthquake which from large spikes of blue crystals that have completely overtaken the city of crot along with the monsters thanks to what's killing Romeo the puppets that were initially holding back the monsters weren't able to causing more of them to flood into the streets nearby is also the workshop Tower with a boss inside called The Waker of Illusions there's a lore document nearby that mentions Victor implying that all this happened recently saying that Victor was incomplete and that this person will be the owner of the complete
Elixir which is what Simon is trying to perfect so that he can evolve Humanity after its defeat Sofia contacts us and says the hotel is under attack and upon arriving we see that Geppetto has been kidnapped by the black Brotherhood our stalker Duo and alidoro I know I kind of brushed past him a second ago but elidoro is someone we come across when exploring the cathedral he claims to be a treasure hunter and a stalker but through some conversations with other people we learned that this person was actually just a friend of alidoros who end
up getting into an argument with him and killed them as a result this friend then took his costume imposes the famous aledora the one who saved all the people in the workshop thankfully though everyone is alive including the hotel cat who is arguably the most important member of the hotel from here we are told to play a certain chord on the piano in order to gain access to a secret entrance it leads to the relic of Tres Magistas as it's the only way to get inside the Isle of the Alchemists so once again lady Antonia
has a key but doesn't tell us look I know you're likely senile already but help me help you you know at the bottom of this level are the black rabbit Brotherhood who want to challenge us again it's pretty similar to the previous fight and as such there isn't much to talk about except that halfway through the fight the older brother comes back but looks a lot more like Victor from the grand exhibition The Alchemist seemed to found a way to revive the eldest brother which is kind of horrifying if you think about it behind them
is where alidoro is stationed and where he confesses to killing alidor and then impersonating him the reason he participated in the kidnapping at the hotel was because the Alchemist promised to get him out of the city if they succeeded in fact all the stalkers were given the same promise however we end up meeting with all of them throughout this section so we'll never know if the Alchemists were actually going to make good on their promise with the Brotherhood finally dead Nothing is Stopping Us from getting to the island except Pinocchio's driving as he beaches the
entire submarine instead of just resurface using it waiting for us on the beach is Sofia here is where she reveals to us that her real body is not the one at the hotel as her real body is actually at the top of the Alchemist Tower earlier she told us that the reason she woke us up was to save krot which is a fairly reasonable thing to do but she lied as she only revived us to save her Sofia is the daughter of valentius the original leader of the Alchemist Simon Monas was valentius's right-hand man but
when Simon took over things started to change around this time Sofia was also able to awaken her ergo Powers which is described as manipulating time she ended up becoming so well versed with these powers that Simon kept her here as his tool due to this she wants us to kill her once we find her she suffered enough and just wants peace now to get to where she's at though we need to cross the beach which he says is filled with memories thanks to the Ergo flowing through the area these memories we see are of Carlo
and Romeo before they died and were replaced with puppets the two of them grew up together in the monad charity house Sophia likely knows of the boys too as Sophia's last name is monad and there was a flyer with her name written on it for the charity house the two of them would then meet with a legendary stock and asked if they could train with her she says no one tells Gemini to tell them off this either means that Gemini was also a stalker or at the very least human which might explain the bloodstain surrounding
him when we first meet or Germany was always a cricket but worked with the stalker unfortunately lots of the details are unknown as we don't hear anything else about Gemini and we also don't know how Carlo died but we obviously know that he dies because Pinocchio was made to look like him upon arriving at the tower we now begin the slow descend up which almost feels like padding at this point given how long it takes to climb plus I was already 30 hours into the playthrough at this point to make matters worse there are also
three more boss fights or one if you play your cards right the red fox and the black cat are here at the tower and tells us that Simon promised them a way out of the city if they cooperated she doesn't care about Simon's promise though as she just wants to be with her brother if we give both of them gold coin fruit this prevents us from fighting them if we refuse then we have to battle according to their equipment though it seems like the black cat was an orphan and I convinced the red fox that
he was her brother over time though he felt really bad about lying her and a part of him actually wished that it was true because she really cared for him the red fox belonged to a family of high society if the clothing didn't give it away but she seems to have left and distance herself from then due to her brother who as we know isn't actually her brother for annoying as these two can be they do really have a touching story attached to them and honestly I couldn't really see myself fighting them mainly because of
the aforementioned problem of me being 30 hours in and just wanting to hit credits but honestly they weren't really bad people unlike alidoro they presumably haven't murdered anyone and anything they did they could have been malicious was probably just to save the other speaking of devoting your life to protecting someone the one boss we can't skip is lacksasia Simon's guard like seija is completely covered in metallic armor and easily wins best boss design in the game according to her boss so Alexis you used to be a woman called Adriana but after being baptized by The
Elixir she became the first whole being the only thing that was different about her was that her feelings for Simon can never be erased so she decided to become the guard in metal armor sworn to protect Simon until her death behind her is Sophia's room and yeah I can kind of see what she wanted us to kill her still we are given the option to keep her alive if we're that sadistic if we do kill her we get gray hair which is an interesting reward but this is the only time this happens if you lie
enough times throughout the game Sofia will speak to you and then all of a sudden you have long hair gameplay wise is just a neat cosmetic but narratively it's meant to show the Pinocchio is changing into a human as puppet hair doesn't grow just like all the decisions though what you do doesn't really matter if she ends up dying shortly after anyway it's a real shame honestly because that same thing happens with Lady Antonia as regardless of whether or not you chose the Cure she still dies the only difference that she gives you a letter
thanking you for making her final moments happier I'm not saying it has to affect the main story but just something anything would have been nice the other person who's been captured in the tower is Geppetto who we can tell off for being a bad father but all that changes is a line of dialogue at the very top is none other than Simon Manas who is starting to look like Solomon Grundy Simon's history is fascinating his motivation is less so Simon's writing seemed to imply that his father was a God as he wrote a confession before
taking the Elixir that says that the being that created him was no normal human given his father would make sense that Simon was a God too especially since his boss Soul says that the boy was among those who were made to live an immortal life however he was deemed a failure and abandoned this god-like being also gave him the ability to read minds and by now we've heard this mentioned a few times back at the train station is the secret door that has a letter from Simon addressed to us where he says that he's able
to read minds and thanks us for being able to find The Relic that he lost one of the test subjects who managed to hide from the monsters also says that he was forced to consume Ergo in order to read minds it's so bad that he can't even think or dream about things it's just constant thoughts of other people's dreams the problem came when Simon's father betrayed him and cast him out of wherever he came from he felt hurt by this and vowed to create a world where no one can lie and he thinks that summoning
God can achieve this lots of notes in this game seem to point to Simon being more of a major player than previously thought as the group's version of a Bible is called so said pistress and Simon's full name is Simon pistries Manus now I'm definitely willing to believe that Simon is that egotistical to name the group's text after himself but I do wonder if the One-Winged Angel San Frangelico saw was Simon a one-waned angel symbolized an angel cast out of heaven and Simon was cast out by his father where it starts to get a little
rocky though is that item he carries with him called the arm of God it's implied that this name is no figure of speech but the literal arm of a God who came to Earth and shed his bodies that Humanity could be immortal part of me wants to believe that this was Simon's arm who somehow managed to then infiltrate a group that was worshiping him but I'm not too confident in that theory either way Simon's main goal is to become immortal and prevent the spread of Lies it's just a bit corny I guess immortality has been
an end goal that's been used hundreds of times across all media so it's not anything unique where the difference lies is the reasoning behind the immortality usually it just ends up with the main villain going I want to be immortal so I can rule the world which is exactly what Simon wants and that's pretty bland I do like the part where he talks about proving his father long but the rest is quite boring the lying part is also disappointing as it feels tacked on for the sake of the fairy tale Pinocchio and lying are synonymous
but none of that involves Simon I get the idea of preventing lies because his father lied and then betrayed him but it feels shoehorned in at times because you can't have a Pinocchio story without a heavy emphasis on lying outside of that though Simon himself is absent for about 90 of the story I mean think about how much time we've actually spent talking about him we've barely interacted with him or his group the only three Alchemists we meet are the door guardian laxasia and Simon and all that happens in the last three hours of the
game most of his villainy comes from his actions rather than his presence and I will admit it does work at times like with Victor or the victims of the cathedral but I feel like you need to be more present in the script with Simon dead though the Alchemists have been defeated and crot is saved but when we go down below the arena we're greeted by Geppetto he congratulates us on defeating Simon as is it with the arm of God we can become human again all we need to do is give him our heart and we'll
become a real boy when he says we though he's not talking about us he's talking about who we look like Carlo if you obey then you're given the bad ending where Geppetto rips out our heart and place it in the body of another puppet he and the new Carlo then returned to the hotel before packing their things and leaving but as we go we see the dead bodies of Eugenie venini and puccinella and when we gain back control we see that our friends have now become puppets if we however refuse then we have to fight
the puppet that's in the Box it's another two-phase fight where the puppet starts using blood related attacks that I swear I've seen before according to the achievement this nameless puppet was the first puppet Geppetto ever made to possibly meaning that Carlo's death and his plan to revive him was what got him into making puppets in the first place but during the scuffle Jupiter were revealed to us that Pinocchio was never a part of the grand Covenant like the other puppets because we still have Carlos memories inside of us one thing I'm still puzzled about though
is that puppet frenzy as I don't recall the game ever bringing this up again after the fight with Romeo which makes me question why Gepetto did it to begin with Romeo has no reason to lie to us and if he's telling the truth why would Geppetto start the frenzy and then ask us to stop Romeo at the end of it all all he wants to do is revive his son but how does the puppet frenzy accomplish that Geppetto apparently needed a vast amount of Ergo as well as the arm of God in order to achieve
this he never states where that source of Ergo is coming from though as the tower is not only filled with it thanks to us defeating the bosses but we also have a ton of it inside of us due to leveling up plus he didn't even know Pinocchio was alive until we found him since Sofia was the one who revived us not him he also doesn't seem to want Croc destroyed either as after this ending he talks about dealing with the rest of the puppets in the petrification disease Romeo once again could be lying to us
but I really can't imagine he would as he has no reason to genuinely do let me know if I missed something here because I don't recall this ever being elaborated on again but I could be wrong in a way though I do kind of respect his motives as at its core it's really just a father who wants his son back but seeing his Pinocchio was essentially made to be an organ donor for the real Carlo We're not gonna let him do that it also showcases a flaw in Geppetto's thinking as he could have had his
son the whole time had he just treated Pinocchio like one instead of seeing him as the puppet who would have saved his son's life this idea of Pinocchio being a real boy is also what decides our ending all throughout the game we're given the choice to lie or tell the truth telling the truth gives us the good ending where right at the end of the fight the puppet goes for the killing blow before being stopped by Geppetto as the puppet started having a mind of its own and realized that it was going to destroy Pinocchio's
heart which would have ruined Geppetto's plan in the good ending Pinocchio then holds Geppetto in his final moments as he curses him for just being another puppet if you've been lying throughout the whole game though then you get the true ending where Geppetto realizes that he was wrong and that Pinocchio was always the son he wanted as he sees a single tear fall from his cheek showing that he is now officially a real boy he then goes back up the tower and somehow magically makes a puppet with blue hair and ergos I didn't give Sophia
a at life I know I called her Ronnie as a joke earlier but this is starting to become a bit uncanny it seems like Pinocchio dies here but when we go back to the hotel we get a letter from Sophia Thanking us for Reviving her what I assume happened is he just collapsed from exhaustion due to his body now becoming human and catching up with all the stress that he put on it throughout the game but I could be wrong regardless of what ending you get though and after credit cutscene shows giangio talking with someone
he claims that the crotch disaster was an experiment and that a new brother was born into eternal life likely referring to us giangio also seems to be an alchemist as when we talk to Paul and Dean about getting a cure to save lady Antonia he says that a well-known Alchemist might be able to help her but the person who gives us the Cure is giangio possibly implying that he's a part of their organization also his other name according to the cutscene is paracelsus who is an actual Alchemist in real life the last line has one
of the more interesting implications though as giangio claims that his next Target is a girl named Dorothy before showing a scene of a girl with red heels walking on a rooftop and crot I assume this is the Dorothy he's talking about and if so the only Dorothy I know of with red shoes is the one from The Wizard of Oz if that's true this means that couple with Pinocchio gianjo and his companions are hunting down main characters from other fairy tales I don't want to say this is fact but there are way too many coincidences
for that not to be either way this thing with Dorothy is likely setting up a future DLC for the game but at the moment we have no news on if or when that will be released with that though we have now come to the end of lies of p a fairy tale Souls like that has quite a mysterious story let me know what you think about the game in the video in the comments down below also let me know what ending you got if you played the game as always like the view if you do
enjoy and subscribe if you're new check out my other star related content on the channel if this video interests you thinking about returning viewers coming back to another video and take care everyone goodbye
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