when I was about 8 years old I remember that I took a train one time with my older sister she would have been 15 I think and we were going to visit our grandparents it was just us two and we were just going for the weekend our grandparents lived a few hours away but there was a train route that went from our city to theirs my sister and I liked trains so we wanted to take the train there and our parents agreed I remember that we first got to the train station in our city and
it was pretty busy there soon we boarded the train and got into our seats the ride was pretty smooth and we sat by the windows and watched things go by I would say that the train was almost completely full with passengers when we arrived in our grandparents City we got off the train along with most of the other people some of them were staying to go to the next stop though so my sister and I walked into the train station and and I guess our grandparents were not there yet to pick us up as we
waited my sister said that she was going to use the restroom I didn't have to go so my sister walked off and I kept standing there I looked around the station and it was very busy with lots of other people around after about 2 minutes or so I remembered that this woman approached me I didn't know who she was but she pointed out to the train and said that my sister was boarding it I figured that we had to go back on the train and this wasn't our stop so I started to to walk over
the woman then went with me to the train and we both started to get back on now to this point I had just kind of been following my sister I was young and I didn't know exactly which stop was ours or which city we were even in I just figured that I hadn't seen my sister after she' come out of the bathroom so I actually got back onto the train and then went back to my seat but I didn't see my sister there I was confused so at that point I started looking around the train
thinking maybe she switched seats the woman who was with me was sitting in the next row over I didn't ask her where exactly my sister had gone or anything instead I was just silently looking around after about a minute I actually saw my sister she was walking just outside of the station and seemed to be looking around probably for me I got up and started to walk for the doors of the train when I stood the woman also stood up and asked me where I was going I told her that my sister was not on
the train and I started walking away the woman did not say anything back to me she also didn't go after me or anything I left the train and then walked over to my sister I was very confused at this point but when I reached my sister she asked me what on Earth I was doing back on the train I told her how the lady told me she had been on and I figured that we had to take the train to another city my sister told me that we were in the city that our grandparents lived
in and she didn't know what that lady was talking about I realized at that point that I may have avoided something bad the train left a very short time after after that and we got picked up by my grandparents looking back at that I'm really glad that I saw my sister and got off the train when I did I live in a very large city and I take the subway to and from work every day it's part of my routine and usually it goes just fine over the years I've seen some pretty interesting people people
on the subway there's also some sketchy people from time to time as well so one night when I was taking the subway back after work I didn't bat an eye after seeing a guy wearing a ski mask it was later and the train was not packed but there were several other people riding it this guy was sitting across from me and a little ways down he wore all black clothing from his shoes to his sweatshirt and he even wore gloves the strangest part was that the ski mask was completely covering his face along with sunglasses
I couldn't tell you anything about what the guy looked like underneath he seemed to be slightly tall and have a slightly muscular build but overall I didn't really give him much thought I was pretty much on my phone mostly just looking around on various apps like I usually did after riding the subway for a while it was soon time for my stop I must have been a little bit distracted though because I almost missed it I remember the car stopping and I figured that it was the stop before mine so I didn't even bother to
look up but then I realized that I might be mistaken and I did look up to see that it was in fact my stop I quickly stood up and then headed for the doors before they closed and the car would take off again luckily I was able to make it but as I was walking to the door I remember noticing the masked man getting up as well like right after me this was a little bit suspicious in the moment though I was too focused on making it out of the doors after I left the subway
car the man left shortly after me I started walking through the station to then go upstairs the there were a few people outside walking but really not that many I soon walked up the stairs and then went out of the subway station now I was on the side walks of the city at night and there were less people around but within a short time I noticed that the masked man was walking a little ways behind me I was now pretty concerned that he was following me for some reason I didn't know why he would be
but it sure seemed a lot like he was so I kept going and I turned where I usually did when the guy behind me also turned I I knew that I had to do something I was about 5 minutes of a walk from my apartment and I knew this part of the city like the back of my hand I got to another straight part in the sidewalk and the guy was still behind me he was trailing me by roughly 40 ft or so so he was not right behind me or anything there was a shop
that I knew was still open and when I reached it I went inside it was a deli and they had a door in the back that not everybody knew about but I had gone there quite a few times I walked straight for the back and as I was was rounding the corner towards the door I looked behind me and saw the guy entering I quickly went out of his sight found the back door and went out of it into an alley when I got into the alley I literally ran for the street and was able
to make it I walked the rest of the way back home without seeing the guy I'm fairly certain that he was following me I'm not sure why but I'm glad that I didn't have to find out since then I haven't seen him and I haven't had any more creepy things happen to me on the subway this happened when I was younger I was probably about 12 or 13 when this event took place we lived a little bit out in the country there was a nice and quiet neighborhood that my family lived in and I enjoyed
it there was a group of neighborhood kids who I would hang out with especially in the summertime we would all hang out and play sports and stuff in this one field near our houses the field was next to the road leading into our neighborhood and I have no clue who actually owned the land there were no houses that close to it and it was pretty open running alongside the field were these old train tracks that curved away at the end of the field and also at the end of it was a large Woods on the
other side of that Woods were more houses the train tracks and Road were both typically very quiet so one evening a group of us kids were out there playing kickball it started with probably seven or eight of us us but as it got later and dark out it went down to four of us still out there we continued to play outside and it was soon completely dark I figured that I should head back home pretty soon but we were having a fun time that's when we heard a train approaching the tracks were pretty far from
where we were so we were not in any kind of danger or anything it was very unusual for a train to come through though it would only seem to happen once every couple of months if I remember correctly so the train started going by pretty slow and all of us stopped and watched it it went right past the field and then it started to go around the corner through the woods there were quite a few train cars on it and it continued to go but it got slower I remember that we finally saw the end
but on one of the last train cars we saw something else this was not a train with passengers but the kind that probably just had materials or whatever on it but one of the last cars had a door on it that was open and we saw this guy standing there looking out of it he looked at us as it went past and I just stared at him surprised at the sight but the train kept going slower and slower when the Caboose almost got into the woods and the man was just barely in our sight still
the train stopped completely we were still just watching it after it stopped for like 10 seconds the man hopped off the train he was really far away but we all saw him the guy was kind of heading towards the woods I remember thinking that I wanted to go home at that point we decided to wrap up our game of kickball instead of just leaving though we decided to all get one more kick each so I was the first one to kick and the other guys were out in the field after I kicked I went out
into the field when the last friend was kicking before we left he kicked it really far over all our heads I was the farthest back and I went running after it the ball did not make it to the woods but maybe within 20 ft of it I remember that as I was grabbing the ball I heard some leaves rustling in the woods I picked up the ball and then just sprinted back over to my friends when I got back I turned around to look I saw the man emerging from the woods he was walking through
the field now in our Direction the guy had long hair and a beard none of us recognized him but we all just took off running we went out of the field down the road and back into our neighborhood then we scattered each going to our separate houses we were all able to make it back safely I don't think the guy even chased after us but that was a terrifying moment I don't know why the guy was on the train or why he jumped off of it I also don't know why he came out of the
woods towards us I tried not to stay out after dark after that though this is a crazy experience that I had while I was visiting New York a few years ago I went to New York City and this was my second time being there obviously there's a lot of things to do and see there I didn't have a car with me so I would be either walking or taking the subway to travel places and I was traveling by myself which I really didn't mind but one night I was going home after lots of sightseeing in
one part of the city I was taking the subway back to my hotel so I got on and sat down and after a few stops I remember this one guy got on and sat next to me he was a sort of big guy probably in his 40s with light brown hair the subway was pretty crowded so it wasn't weird or anything of him to sit next to me I remember that he started a convers ation with me and he seemed like a pretty friendly guy he was talking about the city and said that he lived
and worked there he asked me a few things about myself as well so we talked on and off for probably 10 or 15 minutes then it was my stop and I said bye to the man and got up and left the subway I walked out and up to the sidewalk and then was just a couple of blocks from my hotel but after getting onto the sidewalk I remember realizing that I didn't have my wallet I always kept my wallet in my right pocket pocket and I realized that there was nothing there I felt around all
my pockets and it definitely was not in any of them I started looking around the sidewalks but I didn't see anything I realized that I must have left it on the subway I never took it out of my pocket but possibly it had fallen out or else the guy that was sitting next to me could have stole it from me and he was sitting just to my right and pretty close to me I wanted to go back on the subway but it was long gone now I was really angry because I had all my credit
cards and stuff in there plus I had over $100 in cash I figured I had better put a freeze on my cards so I walked up to my hotel and went in my room then I went online and turned off all my credit cards which luckily hadn't been used yet I was trying to figure out what I was going to do because I had to go back in 2 days and I didn't have my license or anything now after doing research online and talking to a few friends for probably almost an hour there was suddenly
a knock at my hotel room door I got up and walked over to the door I looked through the peephole but nobody was there so I opened it up and looked around I still saw no one but then I looked down and saw my wallet right there on the floor in front of my door I couldn't believe my eyes I picked it up and took it in the room my license as well as all my credit cards were still there however all the cash was gone which did not really surprise me I was mostly just
happy to get it back I didn't know how anybody would know to give it to me though I figured fig maybe it was the guy that I sat next to so I left my room and went down to the front desk I asked them if they had brought my wallet up to me but they said no this shocked me I was sure that somebody who worked at the hotel had brought it up because how else would they know where my room was the only other explanation that I could think of was if the man that
was sitting next to me brought it up himself but how would he know which room was mine I talked to several Hotel staff and they all denied knowing about my wallet or bringing it to my room it's still a mystery to me to this day I think maybe the guy followed me but I'm not sure I found out later that night that somebody had tried to use my credit card at an ATM around the corner shortly before it was at my door but it declined I'm glad that I disabled my cards when I did I
used to live in a major city and would ride the subway all the time I didn't really mind it too much but I have a car now and live outside the city and I like it much better but back to when I would ride the subway I had this one really strange experience so one night I was riding back rather late it was probably close to midnight and I was tired and on my way home there were a few people on the subway as well including somebody sitting a little to my left and someone across
from me there was another guy sort of across from me but a ways down to my right I remember that sometime on the ride the guy across from me and a little ways to the right took out this camera he started seemingly taking pictures of me at first I did not think that he was taking pictures of me but maybe the guy sitting next to me but as I looked over at him and he kept going it sure seemed like he was directly pointing the camera at me specifically I had no idea why he would
be doing this it seemed pretty strange I didn't confront him though and instead just ignored it I looked down and went on my phone however a couple a couple more times during the ride I looked up and he was still taking pictures of me soon though it was my stop I was glad to get off the subway and away from this guy but when I left the subway he did too I had a bad feeling when I saw him leaving still holding the camera as I walked away I glanced back and saw him still pointing
the camera at me to take another picture this was kind of annoying to me now I walked out of the subway and left and was now going down the street I thought for a moment that the guy had gone in another Direction but I was wrong I looked around and soon saw him still taking pictures of me after walking a little ways down with the man still there I stopped and decided to confront him when I turned around he was still pointing the camera at me I took a couple of steps toward him and started
to ask him what he was doing when I did though he just turned around and bolted he ran extremely fast off in the other direction and I saw him go completely out of my sight it was really strange but I was glad that he was gone so at that point I just walked the rest of the way back home to my apartment I got back and went inside well I remember that maybe an hour after getting home I randomly looked out of my window I had a window that looked out to the street and there
was a sidewalk below me I would look outside all the time because it was a cool view of the city like that I was on the third floor and I saw the guy with the camera he was standing out on the sidewalk looking up at me he still had his camera and then pointed it at me when I saw him as soon as I noticed him though I went away from the window and then covered it with the shades I couldn't believe how he had somehow found me he had gone so far away from me
that I didn't think he'd have time to catch up or know my route and I hadn't noticed him following me but it made me worried that he already knew where I lived or had followed me before or something I looked out a while later and he was gone and after that I never saw him again I still don't know how he found me though it was the craziest thing for