The SECRET ANGEL of MONEY from Kabbalah Teachings

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Rabbi Abe Soul Coach
HOW to use the SECRET ANGEL of MONEY from Kabbalah Teachings In this video, Rabbi Abe reveals the s...
Video Transcript:
hello everyone welcome Rabbi Abe here today I have a very special topic which I know you are all waiting for how to effectively use the angel of sustenance for money and for blessings to bring more abundance into our life before we get into it I'd like to ask all of you the way you create more is to share share with others because when you share it must pass through you first so I'm asking you to kindly share this video with people who you feel will need it especially in the area of sustenance and money you
get more when you share okay that also means like the video all right so there's a few things that we need to understand first before we actually get into the angel itself uh how to use it because we know in cabala as my teacher always used to say Consciousness is everything what is consciousness well it is the deeper desires that we have that are going on that generally we don't even know about and also the consci the desires that we are as well aware of now in Genesis it says Adam new Eve Adam y Adam
knew Eve and she bore a child just by knowing why does it say he knew her because knowledge is the connection without knowing you cannot connect and so of course the Zohar uh the main source text of the cabala explains yes of course there was a physical act of inter course between Adam and Eve however the Consciousness must be involved Consciousness and intention are everything imagine for a moment just to illustrate this idea that someone says they love you but they have no intention or they might have a wrong intention right maybe they want something
from you or they're just you know you know ill intention so we don't want that that we don't want that if someone's going to use those three very beautiful words we certainly want them to mean it we want it to be true and the same is true for everything that we do intention is 99% of the game and then the words and actions that we use are merely expressing the Consciousness which is in our mind the intention which is in our mind that's why I understand understanding this before we actually get uh to the angel
itself how to use it and what's the best way what is the best time to use it it's important that we have the proper intention and Consciousness so there are several things that we first need to understand if we are to benefit the maximum and and make no mistake this is a very very powerful idea the Angel is very powerful and sustenance will come if all the other factors are in place so let's go over and review some of those ideas first off we have to understand the basis of what the ancient cabalist explained about
God or the god Force so we have to keep in mind that God or what we call God God is probably very misunderstood among most of us it's merely God is a reference according to the cabalist for a force that we don't understand that we cannot comprehend in the cabalistic text this is called the ano the endless or the endless light or ins actually ins and or ins are not exactly the same the light of the aoft the light of the Endless is part of the discussion and there's more components there which I won't get
into now you can take some of my classes you'll understand more but the endless is the source of where everything comes from came from and will continue to come from it is an endless Source or emanation of light what is light is it the kind of lights that are shining on my face right now obviously not this light physical light even though it's really not physical I can't hold the light it's Illuminating though is merely a a metaphor for the spiritual light of the Creator the spiritual light of the Creator contains everything everything and as
the cabalist explain it contains the reality of the ultimate perfected state of anything and everything everyone that means whatever we can conceive of in our mind is already there it is in the endless and we can only think about it because it exists in the endless now this is a Sublime concept I'm not going to get too much into that idea but what we need to know is that all of our sustenance is also in the endless now already all of our betterment is in the endless all of our Perfection the perfected us is also
in the in in the same endless that endless reality exists side by side by us because the spiritual world has no time space motion distance change exchange none of those exist heaven or God or this endless is not up there somewhere there is no such thing as up there in spiritual terms I mean let's let's be honest and let's understand it in a reality way the spiritual world is right here all the time within us around us everywhere but we're not always connected to it the other reality or reality or the let's call it maybe
the illusion of reality is us our World our world you know it's it's a little bit like the Shadow and the hand when you see a shadow on the wall that you're making with your hand which is the real part meaning what can you affect over here you can't affect the shadow but the shadow is what we see and if we want to affect any change at any level if it's sustenance if it's anything else we have to somehow affect the hand The Source the cause and then we can make a change in the shadow
so our physical life is like that and that physical life is really kind of the shadow of the real reality which is happening not in this realm it's in the spiritual realm which is unseen so what does an angel do an angel assists us to connect with that place because it's very difficult to do it on our own and Angel are helping us constantly assisting us there are good Angels there are bad Angels I've gotten into that I have a course online at Rabbi if you'd like to take that course again or I mean
if you didn't take it uh All About Angels and how that whole system functions but having said that um and uh you know the the angels that I'm speaking about are also of available for download on my website free of charge okay on the website just that you know that ahead of time uh again we must have the foundation to effectively use this because you can you can simply scan uh the angels we don't say it with our mouth but we scan the names of those angels and they may not be having an effect necessarily
or minimal effect no we want a maximum effect from those angels we want them to work for us and what is the secret how how do they operate so the way we need to be thinking first off and I'll explain is we have to have our mind tuned in the proper way which means our overall understanding of what sustenance is and where it comes from that must be in place before I can effectively use the name of the Angel and what that means is we all do something let's say for a living I mean I'm
not you're not you're not going to sit in your living room watching video games uh maybe and use names of angels and it's going to bring you sustenance it will not happen Okay so the 99% which is the spiritual part yes we need that but we also must have the 1% which is the physical part that means what we do effort investment energy sharing is is uh um absolutely necessary I probably don't need to say that but you need to be doing something and you need to be making your maximum effort in what you do
that means your work your business your job the ingredients for SU successful work is it's important to have a passion and a real desire for what you do and that probably would mean that you need to be doing something that you believe in number one number two it should serve Humanity big or small your community you know in some positive way I you know I won't go into details of that but not every job or vocation is helping people okay big or small yeah I mean you can be uh uh at the cash cash register
at the cafe no problem you are serving people it's serving and it's helping people there are some professions which are harmful to people you don't want to be a conduit for harmful substances and you know I won't go into the details but you know there are there are jobs like that okay that's not the best because you may make a lot of money they may pay a lot of money but the blessing won't be there the blessing within the money which is also necessary and we'll explain that won't be there blessing means I have the
good from what I receive the good will be revealed it will also lead me to other things better things it will be revealed in a way of light light extends it illuminates not only in one area it illuminates everything so that is necessary and so I must be doing something I must have desire and passion for what I'm doing at least desire okay and I cannot be an idol worshipper in what I do what do I mean and this is very very important with the meditations of sustenance it's absolutely necessary and I'll read to you
what it says from the actual text of the cabalist it says if you don't understand this verse and where it comes from because this is quoting uh a verse from the Psalms that the Creator opens his hands and satisfies the need of every living thing now what does that mean now that's not the name of the angels and how to use it that's a a verse that we will say to activate the names of the Angel while we meditate on the names of the Angel itself and we will use this we will use this twice
a day twice a day morning afternoon or evening but it says according to to the calist if we don't understand the significance of this idea we need to go back until we get it right what's the significance that it is the creator force of the creator that the sustenance is coming from oh like this we thought our job our our boss pays us wrong oh we thought the clients walking into our business pay us wrong oh we thought the government pays us wrong wrong nobody pays us sustenance comes from one place the Creator force that
means abundance abundance will come through a physical channel the 1% but the 99% meaning the spiritual essence of where your sustenance comes from comes from from the force of the Endless period what does that mean practically that means yes I need I need to do my job I need to work my business the best that I possibly can with my maximum effort but never make the mistake that your sustenance is coming from your clients that your sustenance that the money is coming from your boss that your boss is paying you because if that's what you
think you will limit your sustenance this Angel won't help you because that is called idol worship you are an idol worshipper you are making the mistake that the source of your sustenance is coming from a person it's coming from a clients it's coming from a business no it's com coming from the Creator but you make it flow through your business your effort and your work and your energy is using that as a vehicle and what if it wouldn't be that one well it'll be another one you know I speak to a lot of people in
my soul coaching and very often they're in a situation which it's not maybe going well they have issues at work or issues in the business and so on and they're thinking they maybe want to change what they're doing they want to change jobs but there's a fear why is there here I'm afraid to let go because I'm afraid now you know I'm secure here and what'll happen if I move on and try to find something else I will answer your question the answer is nothing will happen because the sustenance isn't coming from them the sustenance
is coming from above from the Creator Force this vehicle that vehicle makes no difference the difference is if you can put your effort and energy and your desire in something else that's where you should be Don't Think Twice leave go because you must have certainty in the understanding now if you are again in this idol worship meaning this is your source of energy that's it you made it your God okay and that we call that idol worship I think my sustenance comes from here wrong but if you're under that imp ression you're going to be
very very limited and you know that the actually you know I I don't want to say the punishment but we create our punishment right if I truly believe that my sustenance was coming from my boss and if I will be someplace else I won't get that sustenance maybe I won't find something well guess what you won't you won't because you believe that it was coming from there and now you're not there so what now now you're stuck right because you have doubts we have to know that our sustenance comes from the Creator Force the endless
God whatever name you want to give it it comes from the spiritual world not a boss if you put in the same effort energy and passion you will get it from wherever it comes it it will come to you this is this decided in fact we're coming up to the rashash Shana event all these things are decided three things our sustenance our life health and all of our relationships are determined in the rashash Shana it's all planned in it's put into the computer in that time so we're only causing it to flow because we cause
blockages no question about that we definitely cause blockages in the flow okay so we have to have that as a foundation we have to understand the proper Consciousness we have to have the certainty that our money our sustenance doesn't come from him her them no it comes from the Creator this is a vehicle I need to do my best because I need to put my energy in that relates to another spiritual concept I must create the place and I create the place through my effort energy giving sharing whatever I do in my work in my
life and ideally we should have desire for it you can't be effective and you can't create a lot of sustenance if you hate what you're doing you need to find what you do like to do okay and what you truly enjoy doing that you can put yourself into it and put your energy into it so if we understand that we have a good basis we have a good foundation for using the names of the Angel okay and so I'm going to put it up on the screen here and there's two levels two tiers of meditations
on the same thing on the same thing so this uh and I've discussed it in other places this verse we say we say it this way and we open hands means you open your hands that doesn't mean us it means the Creator you open your hands and you feed you satisfy every living thing okay the meditation is in two points in between this verse so okay let's do it you close your eyes or if you need to read it that's fine now scan the name of the Angel you can say it in your heart okay
I always have questions about this yes you can say it internally but it's better not to say it uh loudly out of your mouth because this is too much we don't want to direct connection people always ask why why can't I say it I'm telling you it's be it's like putting your finger directly in the socket no we don't want to do that we want to receive through resistance we create the resistance and then this case the resistance is we don't say it physically we say it internally again the name of the Angel and the
name below then we say the word now we meditate again same thing on the name of the Angel say it internally only and again this name helps to manifest it's another level of angel which has in it removal of negativity and also the cutting of our portion cutting of our portion each one of us has a portion of sustenance we want the full portion and that angel will give us the full portion if our Consciousness is in the right place and we must also awaken joy and happiness when we do this so think of something
you know think of Love think of sharing with others think of sharing with others because of course tithing giving one tenth of our earnings not the place to discuss this necessarily but one10 is also necessary to create a flow of energy think of sharing think of Happiness think of Joy smile again again we meditate again we meditate and we complete the verse and think to share with all those in need this is this is how we do the meditation of sustenance it is recommended to do this in the morning and in the afternoon or evening
better the afternoon if you can simple this verse together with the meditations couple it with everything we said before and you will see sustenance begin to happen opportunities should begin to come your way if you're open for that it will come and it will give you the opportunity to earn that sustenance both on a physical level and on a spiritual level cuz spiritual sustenance is is also a form of sustenance okay and I would like the feedback please you know comment if you've already experience feedback from these meditations if you have questions please feel free
to put it in the comment section on YouTube be blessed and I'll see you very soon on the next video all the best everyone all the best don't forget to share
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