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Be That Guy.
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Be Invictus
Be That Guy | Best Motivational Speech Compilation | ft. David Goggins, Jon Jones, Kobe Bryant, Greg...
Video Transcript:
it's pushing the water and there's a jogger actually look at this cor I should stop this with your father I'm stopping this one now don't okay let me finish I got to prove it prove what I'm not a mistake it's the what if I can pull off a miracle what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that just me talking about that I have the hair going up on my arms cuz it makes me just like what if I can be that guy that people who call and this and that and now I'm speaking at Tom Fair's event pressure changes everything pressure some people you squeeze them they focus other this fo can you summon your talent and will can you deliver on a deadline can you sleep with night David gogins uh he wrote me be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of sacrificing some blood kill the boy John Snow kill the boy and let the man be out the 100 men that go on war 10 shouldn't even be there 80 of them are this targets 10 do most of or nine do most of fighting one is a warrior and it's a true quote to life I saw it going through train I saw it everywhere I went there's so many people who just show up to life they shouldn't even be around and there's few people do all the work I wanted to be part of that and I'm working towards being that one right now in life your family is looking for that one guy right now they're looking for that one guy who's strong who's that pillar for the family in hard times make sure they look around they look around and find you these are the times right now for you to step up be that guy that can take anything you see that look right there don't ever let a man see you like that cuz you give him the power over you if you got to take a l you take it with your head up chest out like a man DrCarter had a tear in his eye I could tell he felt for me then he said son I'm sorry to say you're not going to box again and I looked at him I said no DrK you're wrong I am going to box again see you don't understand what kind of man I am you're a man you are a man stand up and be a man make the hard decisions make the sacrifices make the unpopular decisions and become comfortable in your own skin and if you are not a person that you are comfortable being alone with that is the one person in this universe that you have full power full right and full responsibility to change if you had to create a human what would you put them through to make them tough it probably wouldn't be a really chill life what would you put them through to make them patient you probably wouldn't give them things immediately and so it's like we want these traits but each of the traits has a price tag attached to it and it's just like do you want to pay the price tag to get the thing and so I think if if people reframe the the period of life that they're going through as the price that they're paying out of their wallet but the wallet is their time is the seconds of life that they're trading for it then I think more people will be willing to make the trade because at least when I look at myself like when I'm 80 something years old and I'm looking back on my life I want to have these traits but in order to have those traits I know I have to go through these things and I think for me that's given me a lot of comfort in hard times everything counts everything that you do counts the biggest mistake that people make is they think that only what they want to count counts no when you read a book when you listen to an audio program when you go to a course when you go to bed early and get up early and you work it all counts and it's all going on the plus side of your Ledger it's the moments in life the decisions you make on a on on a moment to moment basis that add up to be the guy or not the guy tonight I did something you know that feel more of a guy for me who I am my guy partying is weakness for the soul my friends so I I try and avoid it you're up 20 what's the story are you not happy or you're only half happy or still to be happy about you're up too old job's not finished job finished I don't think so yeah so the goal was to be the first one at breakfast so I set my alarm I make sure I'm up by Sunrise I get out of bed I put on my gear and I head downstairs but when I get there Kobe's already there with ice packs on his knees drenched in sweat now it took me a minute to figure it out but this guy wasn't only awake before me he had already worked out he had just played in the finals days earlier meanwhile I'd been off for months and I was still exhausted what he had done that morning was incomprehensible to me that dedication he had only days after falling short of an NBA championship that taught me some I've never forgotten Legends aren't defined by their successes they're defined by how they bounce back from their failures and that's what I hope to communicate to anyone watching this I I he you know I heard a quote one time from Vincent Van go that really rang true he said he has dedicated his life to his art and he has lost his mind in the process when I sat and I thought about that it sounded very familiar I have given every single thing every ounce of my life to this craft to perfecting my craft and I continue to do so and in the process I have lost my mind but in in in a good way to regular Society to people who wake up at 900 a. m. Who clock out at 5:00 p.
m. they would look at me and say I've lost my mind but me I have found it almost I've got a good question for you why not you you've got the brains you can make decisions you can study the plan you can change your life you can grow immensely in the next few years you can make your dreams come true you can build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through you can become healthy you can become powerful why not you impossible is nothing to somebody that tries everything that someone said was impossible has happened yeah there's human beings that have different temperament and different minds and different mentality and a ruthless competitive drive that's almost terrifying to the the ordinary person let's do what if what if what what if you lose I don't even see I I can my Consciousness don't even Elevate that thought therefore if it happens you'd be distraught crazed what it's not my nature to allowed it to happen some times life can really hijack your mind when that happens to you you're all up your goals your Ambitions everything is out the window in life we all go through different things sometimes your girlfriend or boyfriend breaks up with you guess what get the over it they no longer want you maybe you fa a test in school you worked your off guess what you fail the test get over it move past it learn to not let life hijack your brain at work you've been working your ass off for that new promotion you don't get it someone else does maybe they kiss better than you do guess what get over it life will hijack your mind if you let it don't allow all these things to make you a lesser person you must own your mind don't let life own yours get after and stay hard you better make sure in the next season of your life that the person who walked away from you know what they're missing you better do something with your life did you look at me you better do something so strong and so big with your life that they have to sit on the couch and say that's the one that got by man I should have just stayed in there a little bit longer I should have I should have been a little more patient I should have prayed a little bit harder do something with your life that makes them regret turning you away and turning you over that means getting better and not bitter the thing I would say is when you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and you're your life is just to live your life inside the world try not to bash into the walls too much uh uh try to have a nice family life have fun save a little money um but life that's a very limited life life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it you can influence it you can you can build your own things that other people can use and George Foreman admits that he gave Muhammad Ali everything he had and Muhammad Ali grabbed him and pulled him to him old man hadn't fought in years hurt and Muhammad Ali pulled to him and said is that all you got and George Foreman said when he heard the words said all you got it penetrated his spirits and said I didn't gave my man everything I got I can't seem to knock him down and Muhammad Ali said when he said that to him he looked into the pupils of his eyes and he said at that point he knew George pman had lost you know basketball for me was the most important thing so everything I saw whether it was TV shows whether it was books I read people I talked to everything was done to try to learn how to become a better basketball player everything everything and so when you have that point of view then literally the world becomes your library to help you to become better at your craft the world becomes your library to help you improve your craft better your craft yes indeed so because you know what you want the world's giv you exactly the information you 100% at it because you know what you're looking for you on that winter Arc I go I'm on that 365 it's not an arc it's a circle it's a circle that keeps going around and round and round winner spring summer fall love yourself enough to stay motivated 365 Arc do a circle stay hard you know there comes a day man everyone's going to have this day there comes a day where being average being mediocre is just sickening to you it's just sickening it makes you want to throw up because you've seen people with far less Talent than you as you're growing up with them their childhood buddies whever else they didn't have what you had yet now they're going to become something that you haven't there comes that day it's either when you're young you know and and it strikes you on the baseball field CU you're sick of striking out or it's it's when you get fired from your fifth job you know and your wife and kids are on your ass cuz you don't know how to support them anymore there comes a day where push comes a shove where being mediocre being like average and just burns it so much you can't deal with it one more day and you get off your and you create something it's always been there it's always been inside of you trying to come out but you've never wanted to unwrap it because it's too much pain and commitment you were scared you're going to fail you're scared if you started you never finish it you didn't want to tell anyone about you knew it was there but you never wanted to embark on it until something hits you get fired or somebody else gets success remind you what you could have been and then the spark is born and no matter what happens I'm never going to be in this boat again and you get up and you go even gets knocked down you just keep going keep going you're a wild man and life has never been so sweet that can happen at an early age it can happen at a later age it's going to happen to somebody every you know no matter what it's going to happen to you and when it does happen to you thank you Lu these stars that finally you're alive it's time to unwrap the potential you can be superior man it's within you it's within everything single one of us and the people that have that have have risen to that level were no different than any one of us it say they believed it and they're willing to work their to get it it wasn't about the potential it wasn't about the genetics it was about the perseverance and it was about being the hardest worker in the room sometimes you have to go beyond what you're feeling you know okay this hurts that hurts we can just sit down and do nothing or we can see how far we can push the human body the highest level winners do what your mind has to be stronger than your feelings your mind has to be stronger than your feelings think about every single one of them think about it your feelings keep you in bed your mind tells you get up every single day your mind is one that tells you get up and your feelings like an extra 30 minutes just roll don't worry about it what's the the central part of your training is it running is it sparring or central part is dodging the nightclubs and the parties and the girls you know the truth and being in the bed by yourself at 9:00 at night and if you can get by that you'll make it that's the truth I tell you the truth man if I want to be good I got to I got to wake up in the morning I got to do the extra work and I got to show up when other guys aren't and I've got to learn I've got to continue to be open to learning the message I try to deliver to people is play to win don't play to avoid loss because the things you fear the things that's going to happen to you set that Target on something positive work for it expect it get serious you've really got to get serious you don't have to be Grim but you must be serious to go from average to Fortune you must get serious designing the next five the next 10 years is so vitally important what do you want to do economically where do you want to go what do you want to be what would you like to have what would you like to share how much would you like to earn how far would you like to go those are some major questions to ask personal development is striving hard to become the kind of person that you want to be and to become the kind of person you want to be you've got to work at it 10 years from now you will surely become someone the big question is who what are you becoming and if you go to work on it now sure enough in a very short period of time you can take on a new direction to become the kind of person you want to be the end of every day you look yourself in a mirror and you ask yourself did I get better today if the answer is yes and you do that for 5 years 10 years 15 years how much better are you going to be are you getting better every single day that's the question and it's just taking small steps you don't try try to get it all done in one day in one week in one year it's the process of getting better every day and doing that for a period of years that then create the Masterpiece is there any limit to your ambition no or any limit to what you think you can achieve no cuz I think right now if I was to quit rapping and I said I want to go to the NBA I would be in the NBA no you wouldn't yes no you wouldn't yes I would no you would yes I would why would you think you could make it to the NBA cuz I think I can do anything let me leave you with some words from Muhammad Ali impossible it's just the big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in a world that they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it impossible is not a fact it's an opinion impossible is not a declaration it's a dare two forms of pain pain that breaks you and a pain that changes you that's the pain of the change right there that's the pain of progress the pain that destroys you isn't this it's later in life knowing you could have been more and all it's left is you and the miror and tears of a possibility left that you allow to die own your life guys you have every opportunity there's no excuse not to be the hardest worker in the room in all your endeavors school work the gym your career your relationship your needs attached to it it's got to mean more than anything yeah I go to sleep I wake up I work go to sleep wake up work do that 7 days a week yeah I don't quit you know I may not make it the first time but I'll come back I got to get my head back in the game I got to I got to figure this out it doesn't mean you leave it means you study it more it means you study it more and and whenever I feel at something people always say man how do you handle failure man I don't look at failure as failure I look at failure as your first second third fourth fifth attempt I look at them as attempts I don't look at anything as failure not trying is failure I will never quit because if you quit you're done you may still be alive walking around on this Earth you're done I will never quit I will persevere and I will thrive on adversity my team expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than our opponents I hold myself to that standard people don't see that people will never understand understand that to be success you know all they think about well he bet at 202 you know and he struck out certain number of times yeah okay you know but the effort was there and the learning curve and the passion was there that has transcended not just to me but to other people who are afraid to do things because they're worried about the perception that may come from other places to me that's more gratifying than anything you know um so that's the things that my father and my mother instilled in me take a negative and turn it into a positive don't be afraid to fail the unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives it is it is it and it could have been the story of mine and I tell a lot of people people go what's your biggest fear in life and my biggest fear honestly was that's not me man and God looks at me and says that's who you were supposed to be I was going to work that hard every single day so that when I do retire I have no regrets and that was the most important thing for me is to leave no stone unturned get better every single day and if I live that way then over time you know I'd have something that was beautiful but that was my philosophy it seems like a pretty simple one but you know if you live your life to just get better every single day you do that for 20 years I mean what do you have my personal goal is to squeeze every ounce of potential out of whatever I have and I think that if you feel like you have potential left over then it will eat you alive until you do something about it almost every successful person that I have ever encountered has gone through not a month or a year but many years of doing work without reward where they have to do things that other people find boring and they have to sacrifice things that everyone finds interesting that most people want to do during that entire season of their life and they basically sacrifice a season of other things that they would prefer to do to do stuff that they would not prefer to do because of the one thing they want most why we all ask why we should work this hard why take that many classes why go to school that many years you know why take the notes why read the books why work that hard why put yourself through the push-ups and the disciplines why good question why best answer to why I think is the second question why not why not see how many books you can read how many classes you can take how many skills you can develop why not see how valuable you can become to the marketplace and to your friends and to your family why not see what you can make of yourself why not see how far you can go how much you can see how much you can earn how much you can share why not that's the Heritage all of us have in America especially is to see what we can make out of our Lives now that we've been given this extraordinary opportunity just be the best version of yourself in anything that you do you don't have to live anybody else's story um sometimes people make it seem like you have to have certain prerequisites or or crazy life story in order to be successful in this world um but the truth is you you really don't it doesn't matter where you come from what you have or don't have what you lack what you have too much of but all you need to have is is faith in God an undying passion for what you do or what you choose to do in this life and a Relentless drive and the will to do whatever it takes to be successful and whatever you put your mind to make sure you live in the moment and work your every single day everybody's asleep man or it's getting home after a long night you know going other party it's Friday night it's ose 3 in the morning right now you know the thing is man it's always going to be a party there always going to be a time to celebrate and a time to join friends and or a day I mean the bars are always open always open no matter how old you are they're always open you know what's not always open is the opportunity to to check the box in life you know achieve your dreams and that's not always open mind live your life like there's a documentary crew following you around and you are analyzing your own behavior do what you would want to do so that your kids one day would look back at it and and and see that documentary and look on it with pride like wow my dad was a bad he really did what he had to do i' love a success story but even more than a success story I like a dude who his life up and then gets it back together again story whoever's listening to this if you wrote a book right now about your life and you gave give to someone would it change their life for the better if not you get to work if you go visit the darkness that you've been running from you'll have the opportunity to leave a better person you'll have a better understanding of yourself you'll have a better understanding of your purpose but if you don't take that trip and the darkness comes visit you It's a guest that will never leave bad days create the story that I'm one day going to tell myself about what I got through you know what I mean yeah without the bad days the story would be way more lame there would be no glory in overcoming anything cuz what did you overcome it happens like this you work you work you work you work nothing happens you work you work you work you watch some people fall off nothing happens it's hard difficult and lonely you work you work you work still nothing happens and then for the people that persist and last the test of time that overcome the adversity that continue to do the personal development work and continue to put pressure and March forward under any and all circumstances it happens like this it's hockey stick growth you just take off I'm not good enough smart enough I'm not talented enough some people are some people going start at 1 some people know how to start it off if you lack Talent you can't sit back and say I start in half an hour I can't do that I got to start now and after I get back from starting I got to start again and when I get done with that run or that study session if it wasn't good enough I got to go back again so you can honestly outwork anything I never looked at things as problems I look at them as opportunities maybe look maybe that's something I can say you know so ah but she did this and I well what an opportunity you have yeah yeah yeah well the world you know because they said this and sin and said that yeah well well what an opportunity you have to make a difference anything in life that you put your mind to you can do the world the world is your oyster only thing promis is death so basically life is like a game so you had to play the game the way you want to play it rest at the end not in the middle and that's something I always live by you know I'm not going to rest I'm going to keep on pushing now there a lot of answers that I don't have even questions that I don't have but I'm just going to keep going the mindset of a winner which is a winner does more than expected every single time no matter how they feel no matter the circumstances a winner shows up 10x times more than the average person a winner has these unreasonable expectations of himself a winner knows that he's destined for greatness and no matter how many people around him tell him to slow down be careful watch out that's too risky you don't have the genetics the DNA the money the mind the brain power for that a winner locks on to their goals and keeps going this is yours you're the captain you're the master you're the foreman you're the general you're the head don't give control of this to no body I dare you to stoping around and dedicate the next 6 months of your life exclusively to your goals and your goals only don't announce it to anyone don't tell people on Instagram about it don't tell anybody just disappear do the work and reemerge in 6 months a different person it's 1:00 a. m.