They Taught You “3 Phrases” To Make Sure You NEVER Manifest

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The collective consciousness is keeping you from manifesting your desired reality. It’s difficult t...
Video Transcript:
Would you believe me if I told you that three phrases destroy your reality in ways that you can't even imagine? And the worst part is you use them so often; we all do, that's the thing—without even realizing it. In society, we all submit to a particular entity known as the collective hive mind.
That collective hive mind is going to do its best to maintain you in your current state of reality as opposed to you shifting into your desired state of reality. There are a whole bunch of reasons for that, but in this video, I'm not only going to give you the three phrases that are destroying you every day without you even realizing it, I'm also going to give you the counterpart phrases that will actually push you closer to your desired reality more than you've ever been. But I'm also going to have to explain a bunch of other things, such as the collective hive mind, different concepts, and what I call energetic equilibrium, so on and so forth.
So you're going to get some insights. I've been receiving non-stop DMs, non-stop comments, people messaging me saying that there are people imitating me, copying my videos, doing all of this. Guys, they can imitate me, but they can't imitate a frequency.
You get me? Like, it's all love nonetheless. I don't own this information; I don't own a damn thing.
But imitation is the highest form of flattery. I appreciate it; I really do. But you—give them hell!
Just 50 comments under one guy's post—it's just straight violations. It's peak. But anyways, first things first, like I said before I get into the three phrases, there's something that I have to explain, so just stay with me.
These are quite complicated esoteric concepts. So in society, we have what is known, on the spiritual plane, as a collective entity. Conceptualize it like this: one person has the ability to alter their reality.
You have the ability to alter your reality based upon your particular vibratory signature, which then eventually compounds and becomes a frequency, which then corresponds with a particular reality. That's one person. If one person has the ability to alter reality, let's imagine two, three, four, and so on and so forth—imagine a multitude of people, let's say thousands of people, all in direct unity and synchronicity with their frequency.
You send out frequency by yourself; imagine a thousand people with you sending the exact same frequency. What that essentially is going to do is lead to a powerful creation, more powerful than you by yourself. That powerful creation then becomes what we call an entity.
An entity is simply a spiritual organism without a physical body that has an intention. That entity is now created for a particular purpose. Whatever the purpose it was created for, that is the purpose that it seeks to be alive for.
I need you to understand that very, very, very deeply: it's purpose-driven, but it's a form of blind intelligence. It's a blind intelligence that doesn't necessarily hate you. It's not necessarily aware of what it's doing; it's just simply doing what it was created for.
I'll give you an example: these entities in the occult or the esoteric are also known as "egregores," and they're created from a combination of your particular thought energy and emotional energy in combination, which then equates to a particular frequency. Think about it like dropping stones. If you drop 100,000 stones, or a thousand, or 100 stones every single day in the same place, as time goes on, those stones turn into mountains.
That is essentially what happens in the spiritual plane. Now the thing about reality is that before reality is physical, it is first spiritual. Before anything can exist physically, it first exists vibrationally, and vibrationally is directly intertwined with your aspect spiritually because remember: three planes of existence—physical, mental, and spiritual.
Now here's the thing: these "egregores" are created for a particular purpose, directly based upon the individual who is giving birth to this entity. I'll give you an example. Let's say one person says every day, "Ah, I'm so unlucky; it never goes right for me!
" And while they're doing this, they're, of course, expressing mental energy and emotional energy. That combination of those two particular energies then eventually repeats and builds and compounds into this literal entity now called "I'm unlucky; things never go right for me. " So now as you're walking, behind you, it's like Death Note.
You got a Shinigami behind you, wherever you go, basically saying, "I'm unlucky; things never go right for me. " And as you're walking through your reality, whether it's at work, with people, friends, or in various conditions, circumstances, or events, you now have this entity following you called "I'm unlucky. " And guess what the one thing it wants to do is?
Continue living. How does it continue living? It continues living through one thing in particular: your emotional energy.
So what it's going to do is create circumstances, events, and conditions that get you to emotionally react—not only to emotionally react but to give your attention to it in an emotional manner—so it can follow you around. And it'll be the most random thing. You'll be walking around, and then something happens that makes you go, "What the hell?
" And you'll think, "See, it never goes right for me. " You try to run for the bus, but the bus driver leaves you. You try.
. . Do some [ __ ].
It just doesn't work. You try to chat to her, Ting; she just airs you. It's long, and for the mere fact that, not necessarily because anything you've said is particularly true, but the only truth in reality—and I say this all the time—is that there's no truth in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as true.
The moment that you begin to accept a particular truth, based upon your mental and emotional energy, you give birth to a spiritual entity, which then follows you around, orchestrating your reality to perpetuate its existence based upon the belief that you gave it to begin with, and that's what it feeds off. This exists on a collective level, of course. I just explained this to you on an individualistic level, but on a collective level this happens time and time again.
The masses are used to create entities. How are the masses used to create entities? I'll give you an example.
So, of course, on a physical plane, let's take the concept of a recession. On a physical plane, we understand this is nothing more than essentially what happens due to hyperinflation, the devaluing of particular currencies, and a bunch of other economic factors. Yes, we could go with that, but remember, before anything can exist physically, it first must exist mentally and spiritually.
We need to shift away from the reality, because the third-dimensional realm—what you call reality—is nothing more than an effect. So the cause must be something that exists on a higher level, which is nothing more than the mental and spiritual aspect. So, let's take the concept of recession.
Before recession actually takes place, synchronistically, the media across the world will align their particular ideology, delivering it to the masses in order for them to think a particular way. What they want to do is align two things: your thought energy and your emotions, because the combination of thoughts and emotions is exactly what leads to creation. Thoughts alone don't lead to any form of creation; it's thoughts and emotions.
Due to the fact that emotion is the language of God, the energetic vibration behind an emotion alters the vibration of a thought, leading to its materialization in our reality to be much easier. So, in this instance, the collective entity is what we call a recession. So what they'll do is, way before a recession actually takes place, the media will say people are going to lose their jobs; there are forecasts for people losing their jobs, there's a forecast for unemployment, and there's a forecast for emotional instability.
Then what do we do? We're like, [ __ ], [ __ ], recession's coming! [ __ ], like, "Yo, get your money up, not your funny!
" And we do this, right? We internalize it. Not only do we internalize it, we then begin to think about it.
Not only do we think about it, but we also begin to feel the emotions based around it. This happens on an individualistic level. So then one person may end up experiencing recession—not because they're actually going to experience it, but because their subconscious mind accepted recession as a truth and everything that a particular recession embodies.
But that's one person. On a collective level, we're all in synchronicity with each other, in unity, creating towards this one hive spirit. The way that I'll illustrate it is to say, see all these people?
Let's say that there's an entity right here, and the more people that there are, the bigger it gets. The bigger it gets, the more powerful it is, and the more powerful it is, the more it has the ability to shape reality—shape the world. On a collective level, this is very, very esoteric deep concepts, and I have to explain this to you before I go into the three phrases.
What I need you to understand is that society has a collective entity, and this collective entity has one purpose. The one purpose of this collective entity is to keep you in the collective. This is very important because, as you saw in the title, the three everyday phrases that destroy your reality—because they're so normal, because they're so common, because they're so everyday, because they're so collective—that's exactly what destroys you.
So the reason I'm getting you to stop using these phrases is to first detach yourself from the collective entity of society, because it's not until you can detach yourself from the collective entity of society that you'll actually be able to get results in your reality beyond the actual collective, which is the whole point of why you're watching this video to begin with. Relax; you're going to get some. Walking down the LLY high, asking God to please forgive me.
Do you know that song, AJ? I don't know; you don't know? He sings, "It feels like I out ofen I throw my life away.
" Those were the days when boy bands, like B2K, Diddy, you know, and also Boyz II Men, "End of the Road. " You don't know that song? See, hold on to the end.
There's a part in the song where the guy's just tweaking. He's like, "Baby, I know about those other guys when you was out doing me dirty; I just didn't care. " [Music] How do I hire you as your life coach?
I'm not a life coach; don't debase me. [Music] Please, to the end, end of the song, they would sing their hearts out. But anyways, focus.
So as I said earlier, society has a collective particular entity. So if we call it the collective entity, the way that you can conceptualize this entity, its purpose is that it wants to keep you in the collective. The whole reason why it wants to keep you in the collective is because this particular form of entity, an entity, wants to continue.
It wants to continue a couple of things: it wants to continue existing and it wants to continue growing. Because it knows you, not only psychologically but spiritually and mentally, it knows exactly the games to play with you. Hence why I've got a video called "Outm the Old Version of You.
" You should check that out because it goes into the psychology of these particular entities and how they maintain themselves in your life to keep you trapped at a particular level. If you're at a point in your life where you feel like you're just trying to do better, but you just can't for whatever reason, and you keep falling back into the same cycles, patterns, and conditions, and it's so almost inescapable, it's for the mere fact that you are losing the game that this entity plays. Now, as I said, two purposes: existing and growing.
It also wants to keep you in the collective, and the way that it does this is by, in a sense, recruiting people. It recruits people into particular belief systems and adopting particular beliefs for the mere fact that it wants to exist; it wants to get bigger. Now, because it doesn't want you to leave—because it doesn't want to let you go—like that fabulous song, "Baby girl, you know my situation, sometimes can't let you go.
" It can't let you go for the fact of what I call energetic equilibrium. So the way that I conceptualize energetic equilibrium—and you won't hear about this anywhere else because it's literally something that I conceptualized myself—is simply a way of saying the universe likes balance. Not only the universe, but these entities because these entities and the universe like balance.
When you're no longer in the collective, so if I draw a particular box like this, let's say that this is the collective and you're in there, when you try to go out of that, the universe then kind of has an alert, like a red light that says, “Hold on, hold on, where the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] going? Let's hammer his ass back in. ” So then it would do its best to slap you back into the collective so you never end up leaving because it wants to keep you in the collective so it can drain you of all your energy.
It wants to drain you of all your energy so it can continue existing and it can continue growing. Now I mentioned earlier, it's not until you have the potentiality to disconnect from these particular collective beliefs that your results in your reality will be outside of the confinements of what's possible. Because you want to manifest your desired reality, but chances are it's not realistic and it's not something that the collective average person experiences.
And here's the thing: I need you to be okay with not being average. But at the same time, it's not just that. I need you to be okay with being independent in the things that you think.
Because the thoughts that we are going to detach from are things that you're so used to using and so used to saying that when we shift you out of them, it's almost going to feel a bit weird. But I need you to step into that uncomfortability because that uncomfortability isn't yours. Lock into what I'm about to say: that uncomfortability is from your old frequency projecting its uncomfortability as it feels you pulling away, and it wants you to internalize that as your own so you don't even move forward because you think you feel uncomfortable.
Now, the three phrases—you're going to get some three phrases. Yeah, that's good. And you know, to the point earlier, about people imitating me, so on and so forth, some credit would be cool, but I don’t really mind.
Because, me, I give all my spiritual teachers the credit that they deserve. For example, I've said this time and time again: Junior from "My Wife and Kids," insane! He's taught me more than everything in the universe I could ever know.
Junior from "My Wife and Kids. " And if you don't know who that is, then I don't know. The next person that's best in line is maybe Joffrey Baratheon from "Game of Thrones.
" Other than that, yeah man, I think my favorite—or Michael from "The Office. " No, you know who it is? Who?
Light! Light! AJ has been watching anime, guys!
As we got him, how—what do you think about "Death Note"? "Death Note" is all right! Still, it’s an 8 out of 10.
8 out of 10, solid first 26 episodes. That’s pretty good! 8 out of 10 is serious, guys, really.
[Music] Good, the [ __ ]! The nigga's high IQ in it! Light Yagami—high IQ, guys!
I think we've got him, ladies and gentlemen! We've got it. But also—and all that is hilarious.
Why the copy? And N? I'm glad, I'm glad, bro!
Now we just need to get you to watch other things. No, that's the only anime! That's not the only anime!
So you're only going to watch one? Yeah, I don't—I think you should wait to finish it and then we'll talk again. Just give yourself time, don't rush into it!
Don't rush into it, bro! Alright, cool. Phrase number one.
Phrase number one: this is something that you say so often, and I hear people say it so often. I wish they could understand the actual detriment that this particular phrase causes, but like I said, I'm not only going to give you all the phrases; I'm going to give you their counterparts. So, with each and every single one, you alchemize all the [ __ ] [ __ ] that you've been doing to begin with.
I know you're welcome. Now, the first thing is—and we're so used to saying this—we're so used to saying, “I hope. ” I hope so.
I hope so. We're so used to saying, “I hope,” but “I hope” is one of the phrases that is destroying your reality every day for something within that particular word in and of itself, which is extremely dangerous. And it's the word "hope.
" Hope is almost characterized as a good thing in our particular society. It's almost like, "have hope," you know what I'm saying? It's almost interchangeable with faith, in a sense.
But hope is very, very dangerous because in order for you to hope for something, that means there exists the potentiality for it to go right or wrong. And what we characterize as right or wrong is either your desired reality or an unwanted condition of reality. But the thing about hope is that the fact that you are—and the fact that you're submitting or adhering to the potentiality of right or wrong really and truly means it's doubt.
When you say, "I hope so," don't lie to me. [ __ ] I see [ __ ] in church pray for things every single day. "I hope it’s going to.
. . " I hope you don't believe it.
We don't believe it, and that's why we say hope, because we’re uncertain. And that's what hope is really iterating: it's a level of uncertainty. But here's the thing about uncertainty: the universe picks up on uncertainty because uncertainty is the opposite of the most important word in any manifestation.
And please remember this. I say this to somebody who's not only hired by entrepreneurs, but someone who studied this for eight years and someone who's read hundreds of books. By the way, the book recommendation video—relax, you're going to get some, I promise!
I know, I know I mentioned books and videos and [ __ ] like, "N, I read that book. It was a game changer. " I've got you; just just relax, just relax.
The most important word in the entirety of manifestation: one word—confidence. Confidence is the elixir of manifestation. Confidence is—there is no manifestation without confidence.
And here’s the thing: you've had your confidence destroyed by those around you and the world to a point that it’s diminished your ability to manifest. You don't have a problem manifesting; you have a problem with confidence. And here's the thing about uncertainty: uncertainty is the opposite of confidence, and uncertainty emits a particular weak frequency in the universe.
And that weak frequency isn’t really registered by the universe; the universe sees it come in, and it’s like, "It’s not strong enough, so no, that thing is not going to manifest. " And that’s why hope is dangerous. But here's the thing: when you have hope, hope should be used.
It’s useful, but you should never make hope a crutch. You should use hope as an energy boost because hope has been able to get us through a lot of things, especially as black people. [ __ ] [ __ ] would not be here if it wasn't for hope.
But hope isn’t enough to lean on. If you attempt to lean on hope, you’re going to ultimately fall. How you should use hope is as an energy boost to take you from hope to confidence and certainty.
That’s the only thing hope should be. And don’t worry, I’ll explain how. Now the what hope needs to be turned into—so this is one of the incorrect phrases you should use: hope should always be turned into this: “I know.
” Now, here’s the thing: I want you to just relax for a moment. I want you to just scan your head for these particular situations that you’ve been through. Have you ever had a day where you’re going out and you’re like, “I know I’m going to see someone.
I know today I know this person is going to call me. I know this person is going to message me. I know this is going to happen.
I know”—anytime that you step into knowing, what knowing confirms is certainty. Certainty is a variation of confidence; confidence is the most important word in the realm of manifestation. When you say, “I know,” so everything that you might say, “I hope this is going to work out,” uh-uh; “I know this is going to work out.
” I want you to think about this: when you flick your light switch, are you hoping for the light to turn on? Unless there's no electricity in the house? And I’ve been there.
It’s one of them ones. But all jokes aside, when you flip the switch, you’re not hoping for the light to turn on. In fact, you know it’s going to turn on.
That certain level of certainty—no pun intended—is the exact amount of certainty that needs to be applied when it comes to your manifestation. But here’s the thing: the reason you say you hope is because you use hope as almost like a defense mechanism against being disappointed, because you don’t want to say, “I know this is going to happen” and then it goes wrong. But your avoidance of disappointment is actually an avoidance of the potentiality of you manifesting in your desired reality.
That’s so bar; write that down. Because here’s the thing: I need you to put yourself out there on a limb to be disappointed again, because you're so afraid of being disappointed that you cling on to a word, hope. You cling on to a weak frequency, which will never produce your desired reality.
I need you to step into knowing and even be willing. When you say you know that it's not going to happen, sorry, I need you to be willing to say that you know something's going to happen even if it doesn't happen, because what you're training is your spiritual muscles. In the Bible, they talk about faith.
Faith, esoterically, comes from the Latin theological origins of the word "fides. " "Fides" meant confidence. So, all that [__] they're talking about in the Bible, when they're talking about the power of faith and so forth, it can move mountains.
In fact, faith was so powerful, there was a story in the Bible—well, I'll choose two stories. There was a story in the Bible where there was this woman; she had a particular blood illness, and Jesus was walking through town. She's like [__], "I got to touch him.
" Not like that, but you know, "I have to put my hands on him because he's going to heal me, 'cause he's the master. " So, you know, Jesus is walking through wherever, and there's a crowd, and then she's just like, "I'm so ill," she puts her hands on him, and then instantly she's healed. Then Jesus turns around and says, "Who touched me?
Who touched me? " And she's like, "I did," and she said, "I was ill, but you healed me. " And he said, "I didn't heal you; faith has healed you.
" And then it even goes further to say that Jesus then went to foreign lands where he couldn't perform miracles because the people did not believe. It's not necessarily about Jesus—well, of course, esoterically we understand that to be the Christ Consciousness and how that dwells within you and how [__] are waiting for a savior, but the true savior is within. What I'm talking about in that sense is that faith is the activation.
Confidence that you know this is going to work is the activator for something to actually work. So, I need you to stop saying "I hope. " Every time you catch yourself saying "I hope," scratch that [__] out, and you say, "I know.
" It's going to be something that you train, but eventually it will serve you better because hope is destroying you. Make sense? Make sense?
AJ, by Lando, by Lando. I saw Haitians in Florida; it was crazy! Like, with the hair—like, I think you guys called them Wicks.
When I was in my Wicks, I said, "Yeah, they're not dreads, bro. " They call them Wicks. Is it true that my [__]?
What the hell got into you, Project Baby? Y'all was skipping in the hallway? I was skipping school, all my p's and q's, all them jig, call me jig, concrete.
Bet you [__] won. He had a run. Even Scr, have you heard?
In the club, Bing with my [__]? That oh Rock, he ain't talking money out and [Music]. Then he had to run, and then there he go.
Every time you see me, I'm surrounded by the snipers. You didn't like "There He Go," all right? And then, what's up, do?
Roll in peace. You even believe in Jesus? Why you got a Jesus piece?
Yeah, you got to run, he had to run, he had to run. All right, cool guys. So, the next phrase that you need to stop saying that is destroying you is technically two words in particular, but you understand when I write it.
I need you to now, anytime that you step into the particular ideology of needing something, you inherently indicate something to the universe that you're unaware of, which is that you are unimportant. Do you understand? Anytime that you need something, you indicate to the universe that you are inherently unimportant because the universe says, "What the [__] do you need?
You are the All. You are the physical expression of God. How could you ever need anything?
" But the particular belief that you have that you need something is an indication to the universe that you are misaligned and misidentified. Why should the universe register somebody who doesn't even know who they are? How can it?
And here's the thing about needing. We only need things when we're admitting an inherent level of importance. And the thing about importance is that the universe interprets importance as a form of energetic space, and that energetic space in the universe is essentially the gap between you and your desired reality.
So, here's the thing: if you feel like your desired reality is just within your reach but you can't seem to touch it, it's more often than not due to a particular state of importance, which the universe is interpreting as energetic space. The space right here must be collapsed, and it's not until the space can be collapsed that this gap between you and your desired reality collapses, and you become merged into your desired reality. And the thing about that is that you don't realize the true game of it all.
The true game of it all is that you can't find anything in the world until you find it within yourself. You'll never see anything out there unless you see it in here. You'll never feel anything out there unless you feel it in here.
And this is the game. It's truly about entering the particular state of consciousness through getting to a point— as I always say, the true definition of manifestation is shifting internally to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change. With the clients that I've worked with, T.
Laura, for example, she went from 326k to 486k. She's a 120 in farm owner in New York. I'll probably plug her farm; if you're out there, go get her meat, so on and so forth.
And here's the thing: she had to get. . .
To a particular state where she was good without seeing her reality change, and she was good with seeing it change, good with good without it, that's internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing it change. Anytime that you need something, this is an inherent confession of emotional dependence. When you're emotionally dependent upon reality, you're indicating to reality that there's a void within you that needs to be filled by something outside of you.
And reality says, "Why the [ __ ] would that be the case? You're God; you have everything that you need. " This person's unimportant; [ __ ] it, I'm not going to give them their desired reality.
That's how it thinks deep in there. I'm not saying you're unimportant; you're saying you're unimportant to the universe. Anyways, by the way, if you're an entrepreneur who's stuck at a revenue ceiling in your business and you're looking to break out and 2 to 5 extra revenue in the next 7 weeks, then click the link in the description.
Now here's the thing—this particular. . .
let me change this. This has to be changed to this: every need must be shifted to a have. I repeat: every need must be shifted to a have.
Every need must be shifted to a have. Here's the thing, when—let me say it like this—there's something that I call the annoying law of the universe. The annoying law of the universe is you can only have what you already have.
If you need something, you only need it because you don't have it. And if you don't have it, you can only have what you already have. If you don't have it, then you don't have it.
Hopefully, that wasn't too trippy. But here's the thing: the moment that you enter a particular state of having something, the universe, being annoying, will say, "Hmm, this person can only have what they already have. Do they have it?
If they do, let's give it to them again, because clearly that's what they have. " And here's the thing: having is essentially a realization. As such, it is a realization that what you truly want—and you can extrapolate this to anything in life—you don't want the amount of money because you want that amount of money.
You don't want that girl because you want that girl. You don't want that guy because you want that guy. You don't want that particular job or that particular accomplishment or status.
You don't want those things for the things; anything that you're ever going to want in life is simply due to the fact that you want to feel differently than how you feel now. Everything. If you aren't going to feel different, you wouldn't want to.
You wouldn't want to if you didn't think that getting to that financial level would make you feel a different way. You wouldn't want to. If you didn't think getting that girl and [ __ ] that girl would make you feel a particular way, then you wouldn't want to.
If you don't think that the love of a particular relationship would make you feel differently than how you feel now, then you wouldn't want it. Darling, that's just the truth. But here's the thing: because what you truly do want is to feel differently than how you feel now, then you can cut out the middleman of the desire because your desire is nothing more than a middleman to what you truly want.
I'm going to draw a trophy. That's a trophy. .
. come—(that's the handles to the trophy. ) The base.
. . you interrupted me—that's the trophy.
And the trophy is to feel, and you over here are desireless. You're [ __ ] less or with your desire. Your desire is nothing more than a middleman to what you truly want.
Once you understand what you truly do want—and what we always want in reality is to feel differently—then it's just a matter of you giving yourself permission to feel the way that you feel now. But here's the thing: you don't want to give yourself permission because the truth of the matter is you probably don't think you deserve it. So then it's just about a game of experiencing internally to such an intensity that your mind believes you have already received it, so then you no longer desire it in reality.
You can watch my other videos on that, but that's just a simplistic overview. And bro, this is. .
. this is a trophy that's hard. I don't think anyone's going to agree that's a trophy.
We'll see what they say. We'll see what you love saying. Someone said, "I thought you had a million followers; you deserve millions!
" How sweet! How lovely! Thank you very much.
Someone said, "N, where are you, my G? I'm missing you. " I was in America, man!
I was in the States. I want to go back there, man. That place—America—is different.
It's really that good. I wouldn't say it's really that good, but it's just different. The people are different; the culture is different.
It's just so nice—it's nice to experience something else. But I just don't know where I'm going to go next. I scratched off Miami off the list.
I never even went to a strip club. . .
you didn't want to? True. But see, there are the two polarities in me.
Part of me is like, "I don't want to be in the strip club," and then the [ n-word ] in me is like, "I always said I'll be curious. " Don't be too curious; [ __ ] don't be too curious. You end up at a party.
. . end up at a Diddy party, bro.
You don't want to be too curious. Now, all right, cool guys, the final one. This is something that's commonly said.
You know, I used to hear people say this all the time in church; family members say it, friends say it. It's one of those things that's very, very common, and there are two versions of it. So, I'm going to write them both because they're really interchangeable with each other, and it's important that you understand this.
Because, like I said, these are phrases that you use every single day, whether mentally or verbally, or people around you use it. Consciousness is contagious, so you kind of need to set up this defense wall. C.
U. manifestation is a game of offense and defense, and a lot of people worry about the offense, but they don't worry enough about your de pause. No, somebody was like, “Yo, you make too many jokes in your videos; it's ruining it.
” [__] Leave! Like, what? They want me to just straight give knowledge and just even watch?
That’s too boring! I would have watched that! You got to stop trying to tell me what to do; it's not going to work!
I'm not an influencer! I keep telling you guys this. You can't—like, I'm not going to be like, “Okay, okay, I'm going to read the comments.
Okay, they said don't do this. Okay, why? Don't wear a d.
Okay, don't say this. ” And then what? You think I want to come and [__]?
Come on, man, come on, man! Cool, these are variations of each other in a sense, but they're both the same thing. So people either say, “If God wills it,” or “If it's meant to be.
” These are the two variations of the same thing. Essentially, what it's coming down to is the—how do I say it? —it's the myth of one word in particular, which is destiny.
That your life has already been mapped out, or another way of saying destiny is fate. I prefer fate. The particular state or condition of your reality—your desired reality—lies in the hands of something external to you.
Now, for a numerous amount of reasons, due to the fact that, esoterically, the true blasphemy is actually the externalization of the divinity and the infinite potential of your mind, you may attribute it to other things. You may attribute it to fate; you may attribute it to God, “if God wills. ” You may attribute it to, I don't know, a [__] person.
It's the same thing! They're all externalizations of the infinite potential that is within you. This is what, esoterically, God said: “Don't worship false gods.
” Fate is a false god! I bet you never thought that! You [__] are just thinking, “Is it Diddy?
Is it Jay-Z? ” No! Understand that the false gods are the particular representations of anything that takes you away from the recognition of your internal potentiality to alter your reality.
That’s what B—write that down! This poverty is a false god; suffering is a false god; fate is a false god. The idea that God has willed your life to be a particular way is another one.
I remember used to see people literally pray, crying tears in church, praying for a job after they just lost their job. They wouldn't get that job and then say, “I guess God doesn't want me to have it. ” No!
You just didn't have the particular frequency that was strong enough to actually materialize that job because you had a whole bunch of negative beliefs that were working against you. And the underlying foundation of that particular belief was that you weren't going to get it anyways because you don't believe that you deserved it. And this is on a metaphysical level, and you can extrapolate this to multiple things.
How many times, and Carl Jung said this beautifully, he said, “Until the subconscious mind is made conscious, every misfortune will be labeled as fate. ” Which is an amazing quote because that's the truth! How many of us in the collective entity will desire things, and then it doesn't work out?
Or we desire things, and we're like, “I mean, if God wants me to get it”? It's nothing to do with it! God is not a creator in your particular reality; God is an observer.
God is the infinite potentiality which is within you. As it says in Acts 10:34, “God is no respecter of persons. ” It's not something that is sitting in the sky dictating the particular course of human events.
God can do no more for you than through you. Damn! Write that down!
And through you is through your activation and your awareness of that particular principle. The Israelites went free until Moses was taught the “I am” principle—the recognition of the divinity of the potentiality for these Israelites to alter their reality, or their circumstance, or their oppression and their suffering. In the same way that God made Aaron a god in Exodus.
. . I'll get a to put up on the screen for the Bible bangers to start thinking that I don't know what I'm talking about, so on and so forth.
Now, this belief is dangerous! Even, you know, it's not even just religious people. People say, “It'll work out if it's meant to be.
” Who the [__] decides if it's meant to be except you? Hello? Nobody decides if it's meant to be except you!
And that all comes down to the level of certainty that you have behind what it is that you're attempting to materialize into your reality. It's not about if it's meant to be; it’s meant to be! There is no meaning behind life.
And I don't mean that life is useless, I mean that within. . .
This particular third-dimensional realm, we have something called polarity: the low polarity, or duality, separation; good, bad, negative, positive. But as we transcend outside of this third-dimensional realm, everything is a state of oneness. The labels that we give to reality are actually what perpetuates that particular experience to be materialized in our existence.
So, when you look at a situation, the situation has no mask except the mask that you give it, based upon your state of consciousness at that particular time. So, if something is about to take place and you say, "If it's meant to be, it will work out," essentially what you're saying to the universe is, "I don't want to take full power for what is inherently a birthright of mine," which is your ability to create reality, your ability to alter reality. So reality says, "[__] cool if this [__] doesn't want to take responsibility, then we might as well just see what the [__] we want to do.
" And it ends up just being this complete random thing, as opposed to what it could have been if only you had had the certainty behind it. So here's the variation for it: I, nothing more, nothing less. God has willed it; it is meant to be.
Any particular belief, perception, condition—sorry, any particular belief, opinion, ideology, view that doesn't serve you is only there to control you. In what way does it serve you [__] to say, "If God has willed it, if it's meant to be"? This is what serves you with your particular desired reality.
You must decide if you're going to play into the concept that there are larger forces that are dictating the course of your reality. Then let those particular external forces dictate your desired reality with the level of certainty that it's going to happen. That's what you need to step into—that it is already meant to be.
And think about how many times people say, "If it's meant to be. " No, it is meant to be. Think about how many times they say, "Oh, if God wants to give it to me.
" God can't give you anything unless you give it to yourself. God can't bless you until you bless yourself. There's a reason why God helps those who help themselves [__], and it's because God is within you, waiting for you to use it.
And I say that as the highest level of consciousness, the substance of reality that lays dormant so long as you lay dormant of its awareness within you. But when you awaken to that particular truth and you say, "I am so on and so forth," of course that's one particular case, but you get the point that I'm trying to make. So, these are the three phrases: Don't ever say "I hope" again.
Don't ever say "I need" again. Don't ever say "If it's meant to be" again. First of all, I know.
Second of all, I have. Third, God has willed it; it is meant to be.
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