welcome to TRS Clips where you'll find happiness through your own curiosity I want to actually talk a little bit about testosterone also yes because if you truly focus on increasing your resting levels of testosterone I would assume that problems like this performance anxiet all won't arise as much uh because testosterone is linked to so many other positive functions of the body also I think it is a hormone that should be spoken about more and every man at least should be educated on how to increase his testosterone levels so I'm going to have a go at
it please add stuff to it and this is based on an episode of Dr huberman that I researched upon for the sake of a elaborate testosterone Hindi video that I've done it boils down to the basics clean food high protein intake lots of movement ideally a competitive sport that's been like a recent study uh all these things over time comp and generally your testosterone levels stay good up till the age of 50 and right now America for a lot of guys post 50 this has become a very common conversation that they do something called trt
which is under the guidance of someone like yourself testosterone replacement therapy um before I ask the doctor for his inputs I need to tell the audience that again all the doctors we've spoken to the lifestyle factors are effectively the same and you guys know all these lifestyle factors factors it's exercise clean food Etc the only added Factor here is a competitive sport if you're able to play a competitive game of football once a week basketball Cricket where you want to win for some reason that's shown an increase in testosterone anything else you'd like to add
so yes so testosterone is the food for the body so suppose you're not utilizing it body stops producing it so either use it or lose it and you use it by exercising yes so what does the body mean why why should you have a testosterone and a woman shouldn't have a testosterone what does testosterone do to you it gives you muscle broad shoulders strong bones what are they supposed to do you're supposed to exercise with them you're supposed to go fight you're supposed to go to war you're supposed to go to hunt swim so if
you don't do that but you're not using your testosterone so the body there is a as I said is a wonderful computer this guy doesn't need it man so take it off in terms of if you're lazy if you're just sitting at home all day watching TV your body will reduce your testosterone level if you're watching TV the testosterone reduces faster even if you're watching Pawn yes okay just just a thought experiment go on because because you are straining to produce to to recreate that if you are with a woman then that job is being
done by the woman here you're trying to recreate that thing onto yourself sure that is the problem with testosterone so testosterone has lot of functions as we just mentioned muscle B bone this that and if you don't use it you will lose it so how do you exercise so there is something called basil metabolic rate now you have a basil metabolic rate it is like the RPM the revolutions per minute of a motor car so you have an idling car it has an RPM of 800 to say a th000 RPM so that that engine will
run and it will consume a certain amount of fuel so now when you give a raise it goes to, 1500 so the fuel consumption increases so suppose you are getting up in the morning and you are exercising so you giving up your metabolic rate your RPM increases from 800 to 800 to 1,000 to maybe 2,000 if you are jogging in the morning or swimming in the morning and during the day since you are working you're not coming back to rest you're going to office or you're going to your work it stays the basil rate it
may go up to 200 RPM 2,000 RPM and then comes down to maybe 1,600 18800 1,400 which is much much more than 800 that you woke up with and then suppose you add on a physical activity you had to run after something or you had to rush or you had to cycle or you had to do something it again goes from 1,400 to 1,800 now imagine if you had not gone for a h exercise in the morning you woke up with 800 so you are lingering between 800 and, 800,000 and if I ask you to
put an effort you would be unwilling to put an effort and even if you put an effort your RPM is not going to go beyond say 1200 because your basil metabolic rate was 800 now we add another factor to this thing so we have a what is called a body clock which runs with sun so we have the pineal gland we have the hypothalamus and we have the melatonin and we have the ltin Circadian rhym the ltin ing hormone which is released from the pitutary goes to the testes and increases the testosterone so there is
a peak of leutinizing hormone releasing hormone from the hypothalamus which is controlled by the Circadian rhythm which is at 4:30 a.m. so sleep early in India in our uh history or in our mythology or whatever it is called Boral that is the are the the main time that you have the peak of lhr or leutinizing hormone releasing hormone from the hypothalamus it goes to the pitutary which is the leutinizing hormone which goes to the testes and kicks it to produce testosterone now imagine you are doing a exercise and an activity when the testosterone Peak is
there so you have an inflow of testosterone you're using it at that time so next day morning the hypothalamus knows this guy needs more testosterone so it pumps in more more wow now if you are not doing it the hypothalamus also thinks this guy is not going to use testosterone so let it be around 800 his RPM is 800 1,000 so why should I give him another fuel so there's no testosterone which Rises coming back to another thing I'm sorry it is not against people who exercise at night because they don't have an option if
you don't have an option you can still exercise but what is better morning or evening suppose at night you you come from office and you go for an exercise you go to the gym and you have revved up your RPM from say a th000 to 2,000 after 2 hours you're going to sleep so the advantage that you had during the day that you revved up your RPM to 2,000 and it stayed 2,000 because you were working you were running moving around in the office anywhere wherever you are working you are actually RPM is still high
against you raise it to 2,000 go off to sleep in 2 hours you that that whole effort is gone waste technically you're effectively giving very easy hacks to increase your testosterone yes and the hack is sleep early wake up early work out in the morning like Akay Kumar that's why his vo is like that the actually the way Akay Kumar lives eats goes about life he's a good representation of a high testosterone male yes I would I would argue yes right like just healthy living this is Healthy Living there's also a report I remember tiger
shov spoke about this he said that he doesn't drink because it shakes up your testosterone levels even one session of drinking yes so anything that that puts your RPM to downwards like alcohol you can't even balance yourself that is the state of your muscles so you're your RPM may be falling below 800 so obviously the testosterone consumption is not there the body computer says oh this guy doesn't need a testosteron so stop producing it and there is another issue to it suppose you have been a football player so I see lot of them so there's
this guy I'll give you a story it's an interesting story so there were two people who got married because they used to be playing tennis together now they were playing tennis together they were between 25 and 305 years courtship then they say okay we get married they get married they have a good sex appetite they have a good uh testost on both of them and now this guy is a banker and at 35 he wants to become the vice president of the company so he's working very hard so he's putting in 14 hours on the
chair he stops going to play tennis his wife however continues to play tennis at 35 two of them come to me together with erectile dysfunction so what have you found so you look at him and you see oh my God he's got as chubby as what I am you know so this guy's become chubby he has not been playing tennis the girl is Slim like you know any tennis player you can imagine at 35 since she is a tennis player she has a high testosterone she has a high appetite which this guy can't match so
he has an impact with psychological thing also because he's not able to match the epti so he goes into two things both a combination of psychogenic erectile dysfunction and an organic erectile dysfunction because when I check his testosterone his testosterone is low why is his testosterone low two things one his computer says he's not using it so it reduces the second is the stress stress is huge so this guy is stressed he's looking at his his you know counterpart colleague who may become a vice president and he wants to reach there and he doesn't want
him to reach there so Round the Clock that stress is there 14 hours in office 10 hours at home 24 hours a day he's only thinking about one thing how to prevent him from being a vice president so that I become a vice president just to put your point uh across even more I want to remind the listeners of how they felt during exam season in school you felt a higher level of stress what was biologically happening was that your cortisol levels in your body had increased cortisol is your stress hormone I'm assuming that it's
related to your testosterone of course that if you have a higher Baseline cortisol in your bloodstream it will affect your testosterone certainly certainly anything you'd like to add to this cortisol angle so two things so if you look at two things one is of course when there is stress there are stress hormones like cortisol apart from that direct effect of cortisol there is an indirect effect on psyche you stop thinking about sex because you're thinking about failure yes even if your partner is trying to approach you for sex you stop thinking about it because either
you're tired or you're scared of non-performance because last time you couldn't perform because while you were performing you suddenly realized that you even sent a mail which the other guy must have sent so doing that that means that he's he's distracted so he stops performing so he's staying away from sexual activity his testosterone is coming down again if you look at people who unfortunately need corticosteroids say for kidney disease or lung disease or something else rheumatoid arthritis they are given steroids they become plum so they gain lot of fat so fat has an enzyme called
aromatase now what that does is it converts testosterone into estrogen so whatever testosterone is being produced is being converted into estrogen rapidly in that fat in the subcutaneous fat and the structure of the body becomes more feminine air shaped so if you remember there was a movie called kabi Kushi kabigam and there was this Rik ran and there was a child Rik ran do you remember that golu people person who is plump what what is wrong with that fellow and how he became Rik Russian so there is a biology transition between that boy and that
honestly this this story that you're giving us of Rik from childhood to actually being muscular reic russan I have seen so many guys my age younger than me go through that the same story arc of not taking care of their health when they were younger and then eventually in life realizing pretty early on that either they got what's pre-diabetes called like yeah that's right so they become this this basically pre-diabetes only latent diabetes and that manifests like for me again same thing I was a judo player very fat but judo player so I was strong
uh but unhealthy on the inside I had gall stones at 16 and I had a gallbladder removal surgery at age 16 so that surgeon very politely told me that you'll die at 25 if you eat this way and then that just got me very deep into fitness like at age 16 17 I started running at age 18 I started weight training you know and I've I've really taken care of myself a lot in my 20s uh best decision of my life because it changes your personality also thing is that personality change that you go through
then applies to your career it applies to your ability to lead Etc but biologically speaking what's truly Happening Here is that your testosterone is high because you're taking care of your body you're sleeping on time you're eating right you're exercising uh and that high level of testosterone genuinely helps your career I truly feel that because it's sort of also called a hormone that's a latent motivator you just feel like going out and achieving more things in the world uh I'd like you to begin this next phase of the podcast wherever you like do you want
to begin at the Ric russan part do you want to begin at the personality aspect of test testosterone you go for it so I'll touch all of them sure first of all let us uh beg pardon from hian because you're using his name it is not that it is the character in the movie called uh ladu ladu that's right so consider ladu so he is a he's a Gulu kind of a person and he eats whatever he wants to eat dietary IND discretion and he's very moody and and he doesn't want to focus into anything
he may be not listening to anybody he would eat whatever he wants to eat and not what he should be eating now when somebody has that kind of a habit it is perpetuated why is it perpetuated because what you're eating sugars they go straight into your gut and then they go there and change the microbiome of your gut in such a manner that you are only feeding the wrong kind of bacteria in your gut and if you see what the story about the bariatric surgery it is not only about making the gut small the stomach
small capacity when you do something there the local hormones change and they reduce the fat they reduce the fat absorption they cause some kind of change in the local hormone meu that the fattening effect of diet reduces so it is not only the direct amount of calories that you're drink taking but it is something else which is happening there and that is related to the the jum the gut microbe the jum is the small bubble just next to the the upper small bubble or you can say upper small intestin is jum and that is a
seat of all these hormones the Dum and the jum so coming back to the diet so when you're having a dietary discretion like that a lot of sugars they are immediately absorbed from the small bowel and the small bowel actually thrives with bacteria which are which just need sugar so they keep multiplying and you don't have the healthy bacteria in your gut so suppose you were to take a lot of fibers so if you were to take lot of fibers they do two things one they mechanically displace the colony of these bacteria two they line
up the intestinal level in such a manner that what even if you take sugar after that that sugar is not going to give rise to or potentiate the growth of negative bacterias so this is what is the story behind what happens so when something like this is happening a lot of fat is getting accumulated when the fat is getting accumulated as I said it has what is called peripheral aromatase aromatase is an enzyme which converts the testosterone into estrogen and if you see these boys they will have breasts they will look like feminist breast and
uh they will have small external genitalia the hair growth around the genitalia which is the pubic here is of the feminine type Which is less no the hair growth in feminine type is an inverted triangle in a male type it is the upright triangle that's the pubic hair so that is how the pubic hair is supposed to be you're basically biologically turning your body more feminine that's right by giving into your craving to eat sugar as much as you do so anyone who is overweight and this I've seen with anyone struggling with weight issues across
there are two major culprits in India one is anything sweet I mostly when you're talking about cold drinks it's a lot of cold drink drinking why do you need that iced tea why do you need that juice with your food just have water the second issue that I have noticed in India is chakna you know salty snacks tea time snacks it's these two issues mainly in India with anyone even trying to lose weight but people need to understand the biology of not losing weight to get scared because I personally woke up when my body scared
me that hey you know this is the kind of physical pain you'll go through you don't take care of yourself but I feel this kind of pain is even worse it's psychological pain that's right so these people get withdrawn they don't go to play because they cannot run so everybody and especially the boys as you say if they compare their fallace with each other they would find that then they'll make fun of him so this guy becomes more and more introvert and when he's introvert and he's getting depressed he eats more the sugar craing in
creases the chocolates the easiest ones to have or whatever snacks you lay hand at so this is a vious cycle the testosterone which is being produced so he becomes stunted the height becomes small the weight increases the insulin requirement increases insulin increases the diabetes and other things they come into play the fatty liver happens the injury to the liver happens because there's inflammation and the root cause is accumulation of fuel called uh sugar and suppression of testosterone so if you need to reverse this process the first step is of course you cut down on sugar
sugar is the first thing to go and the second is exercise and as I said these people will not be able to get up in the morning to start exercising but you tell them to at least start walking and they would today in the era of bariatric surgery a lot of people will be subjected to batric surgery and many of them will stay slim many of them will come back if they are not motivated enough because sugar is sugar so they start sipping it if they can't eat it so the issue is testosterone with sugar
metabolism is totally linked fat and sugar metabolism is linked with testosterone it's not many people understand so suppose you do a testosterone level on this boy who is a plump uh maybe in his teenage you'll find the testosterone to be low it is low for two reasons one the lhr is a lutenizing hormone releasing hormone also is not effective to push the testosterone testes become remain small and some people will call it as delayed puberty also but the idea is that whatever be the cause that needs to be reversed and the best way is the
diet high fiber diet and exercise these are the two things that happen the third is the dial variation the cardian Rhythm if they don't follow cardian Rhythm like sleep early wake up only so I will tell you why I keep talking about that so there is a term in Hindi nishar which means the Nocturnals those who live at night suppose we have bats were supposed to live at night open their eyes at night and you capture a bat and put him on sunlight then you are torturing him humans are not Nocturnals humans are not supposed
to be waking up at sunset they supposed to go off to sleep so if your body is waking up during this night you are awake during the night your body is crying for help like a bat is crying for help during the day which we all ignore because we have flashlights we have LEDs we have everything we create light but our hypothalamus cannot be fooled and we get into troubles the body is under stress even if we think we are enjoying a party or disco or maybe a game of cards or bards or whatever so
simply staying away at awake at night means your body is under tremendous stress and stress reduces testosterone okay so if you don't uh follow cardian Rhythm your testosterone is going to fall anywhere I think this is also an infinite topic if you open up all the lifestyle factors and we've covered it you know on the show hey if you enjoyed today's clip make you check out all the other Clips we've uploaded on this channel you'll find a clip related to almost every single topic as long as you're willing to search for [Music]