I'm going to start this YouTube video out today in a weird sort of way that youve probably never seen before I'm going to admit all the flaws the challenges and the problems with webinars from a Content perspective it's going to seem like the worst video that you've ever heard in your entire life you're going to be confused shock perhaps even concern for my sanity and that's okay because before you know it I'll I've set a net around you you're unaware of I call it a commitment net I will have captured you gotten a commitment from
you so that if you're the type of person who does want to get rich and also wants to enrich the world then by the end of this YouTube video you'll have no other choice but to buy in what I'm selling which is that you have within you a webinar that can completely change the world now I do need to set the record straight because these so-called other supposed webinar experts are just quite frankly they're pissing me off they're giving wrong advice they're given dangerous advice and that's either because they're too dumb to know better or
they're too greedy to care so I'm here today on this video to sell you hard on webinars and for that I have to make a confession webinars are hard so you have to teach you have to sell most people can't even walk and chew bubblegum at the same time so what are we going to do especially when we add the tech to that you got slice to design software to run web pages to create emails to send out maybe you get fancy with the SMS then you got this big decision do you do it live
or you gas public speak or do you try to automate it and feel weird and awkward pretending to talk to an audience that isn't there long gone are the days of easy webinar money where you could show up half drunk with a few slides and sell because you know nobody was doing webinars back then these days everybody's doing them plus you got Tik Tok you got reals you got YouTube shorts thus the attention span of the audiences are shorter than a goldfish so yeah on this video I got a uphill battle here today to climb
to sell you on webinars damn it I'm up for the challenge because if I can break through these limits then I can help you get the biggest breakthrough in your business that you've ever seen for the last 16 years I've been doing webinars I've been looking for something easier yet here I am 200 plus presentations later going at it is strong as ever and the question is why and you know the answer because nothing beats a webinar as long as you do it right now my company Rapid Crush we hold the record for biggest launch
in the online business bace we did 57.9 million in 226 days and guess what was at the center of that it was a webinar now if you have your own product your own service you'd like to sell more of it I think a webinar just plain makes the most sense but what if you don't have a product so check this out this is the record for the biggest affiliate commission during a launch in our space $9.8 million in 8 days this was not my product I was selling somebody else's product as an affiliate and what
do you think I used to promote this product and you know the answer I used a webinar now second place in this promotion was about 8 million dollars behind us and one of us used the webinar and one of us did not what about the biggest business event in 2024 which was the mastermind.com launch with Dean graio and Tony Robins and what was at the heart of their promotion it was in fact a webinar and I know this because they paid me $50,000 to help them with that webinar and the biggest business event in 2023
was Alex Hero's book launch where sold a whole bunch of books in like 45 minutes and he launched it with a webinar and I know that cuz he paid me $25,000 to help him with that webinar but that's the business space What About Outside the business space well I have a client his name is Jeremy he teaches trumpet players how to play the trumpet better and he sells this program for $5,000 and his calendar is booked full from a webinar when Taylor Swift's former manager came to me to help him grow his music business he
paid me $30,000 for a webinar whates speak of big corporations that I've advised like Zoom multi-billion doll companies who bring me in to train their users on how to do webinars my point is that all smart marketers know that when push comes to shove to really move the needle to Dent the universe to do something that changes the market and your life forever you come with a webinar but what if you're new should you pay your dues first earn your stripes get your reps in cut your teeth before you even attempt to try a webinar
well if you're brand new before the end of this video I'm going to give you the strategy to do that you can swing into any business plop a webinar on their lap and walk out with the money provided you follow exactly what I share with you to the te and resist the urge to get creative when dumb just plane works better first though let's zoom out from the webinar presentation and let's look at the webinar campaign as a whole there's a lot of moving Parts here and if you can't get a handle on it you
never end up launching a winning webinar to help get you winning with webinars and customers and bringing in the big money let's talk water I want you to imagine there's a small group of people you care about lost in the desert dying a Thirst question to you what's your main priority is it the container the water's in is it the label is it the logo is it The Branding nah anything that you can put water in will do now is it the quality water does it need to be Source from fresh Himalayan Springs nah it
could come out of the tap in your kitchen sink even if you live in Flint Michigan now if you tried to make the best brand with the best label and the best logo in the best water container with the very best water then by the time you get all that done that's if you get all that done you're going to be bringing water to dead people so if a group of people you care about are dying of thirst in the desert here's what you do you grab the first container you can that can hold water
you skip the logo you skip the label shove that container under the tap and you run like hell and hope you make it on time now here's what this has to do with webinars first notice I said small group of people that you care about unless you already have a following your first webinar should be small my first webinar had 17 people show up and it completely changed my life see with webinars it doesn't take much to make much because webinars are like a magnet that attract the best buyers in your Market essentially those that
are dying of thirst what I mean is that only a small percent of a market at any given time is going to go out of their way to hop on a webinar to try to solve their problem it just so happens to be the most responsive slice of the market mathematicians even have a name for it it's called The Law of the vital few and just like seven stocks account for about 80% of Warren Buffett's wealth just a few percent of customers spend most of the money and a webinar pulls those customers in better than
anything a webinar appeals to the best buyers in the market because they're the most serious solve their problem and they have the most urgency to solve their problem and it doesn't take much to make much if you can get 15 people on a webinar and only two of them buy your just $500 product on just a 60-minute webinar presentation well then guess what my friend you just made $1,000 in an hour you know who doesn't make a ,000 bucks an hour a freaking brain surgeon you might say though Jason yeah yeah that's $1,000 an hour
I made after spending all this time and effort to create the webinar and let's say that's true and that I don't have a massive shortcut that I'm going to reveal shortly in this video well what about our resident brain surgeon who now only makes 500 bucks an hour after seven years of schooling in a quarter million dollar in student loans I think you would agree with me that you got to put in some time and money if you want to get freedom and wealth in return anyways 15 people ain't that much the line to drop
my kids off at school is about a hundred times longer than that in $500 is not that much it's on the low of what you should price your stuff on a webinar yet none of that matters if you aren't committed to taking a great solution and connecting it to people desperate and in need of help and willing to pay for that solution so my question to you is are you truly committed to creating a webinar that can help people and can make you more money than a brain searching by the way it's going to become
even easier when you learn what I call the Statue of Liberty clothes which I will share with you very shortly yeah what about that pesky webinar funnel with the regge page the thank you page the order form the emails the smss and all that here's my advice to you when starting out these things just don't matter that much it's kind of like the container and the label and the logo that holds the water see if somebody's dying of thirst they don't care about any of that stuff they just need the water so go default if
you're going to use zoom page should look like this it's straight from their built-in templates yeah it's ugly but it's done prefer to go old school goto webinar style cool page could look something like this it's uh a default template and it's ugly but it's done by the way I have a client his name is Jay Boyer he still to this day uses these default reg pages and has made Millions from his webinars if you like webinar Jam cool pick any one of these templates I think they're all ugly but guess what they're all done
because when you're starting out the look and the feel of the pages it don't matter that much you know what matters it's the presentation so when we did the $57 million launch this was what our regge page looked like at the start it was ugly and it was done when we did $9.8 million in sales of somebody else's product in8 days this is what the regge page looked like it was ugly but it was done and when we sold a $10,000 piece of software on a webinar and sold over $3 million of that from a
single webinar this was the registration page that kicked it off now there's a time and there's a place where you can level up these pages usually that's after the webinar itself has been proven to be a major winner however if you don't have a presentation done right now then here's some bad news for you nobody buys from an almost done webinar but the major problem is this just a webinar alone is way too much for most people so they toil away forever trying to create the supposed perfect webinar with the perfect slides and the perfect
script they lock themselves in a room they ignore the spouse the kids the dog they grind it for hours sweat bleed cry their way through it blacking out from exhaustion until finally a couple hundred maybe a thousand hours later it's done would you like to know a better way an easier way a more effective way it's called fork lifting so instead of building out every Slide by hand to create your 100% unique presentation what if there was a way you could take already done for you webinar parts and copy and paste them into your presentation
for example to start a webinar off with could you use the following could you say in our small amount of time together my goal is to make a big impact in the following ways to provide you confidence where there once was uncertainty to give you Clarity where there once was confusion to unlock within you the true potential you have to make the biggest dent in the universe yet if nothing else I'm here to then insert whatever the desired outcome is to the audience that you serve see I did the heavy lifting for you there you
just had to fill in one blank the blank at the very end that's it and it could look like this you could say yet if nothing else I'm here to help you raise kids who aren't and that would work in the parenting Niche or you could say I'm here to help you rewire your brain and your body for less stress and more resilience and that could work in the personal development Niche or you could say I'm here to help you make peace with your food and free yourself from chronic dieting forever and that would work
fantastic in the weight loss Niche see the way I instruct my clients to do webinars is like light switches so you don't have to know electricity and how that works if you have a light switch if you have a light switch you just flip it on and let there be light so the end result here isn't so much creating or writing webinars it's more of assembling a webinar it's kind of like Ikea furniture but at least for me it's a lot easier so for this to work you need structure you need the right structure so
you could snap in each piece along the way in your webinar would you like to know the very best structure the one that you can use no matter what you sell and no matter who you sell to are you ready for it I'm going to give it to you right here in this video and here it is hook pain excite position shift transition then close let's break down each piece starting with the hook see a webinar starts with the hook because the most important impression that you could ever make is the first if your webinar
starts off slow and boring then what does your audience think about you they think they you're slow and you're boring so how do you set the stage with your webinar to grab attention right away to come out swinging pulling the audience in by the eyeballs getting them hooked to your every single word well I already shared one way with you remember this or you could use another way what I call the fortune teller opener and it goes like this you say let's play a game I'm going to pretend to be a fortune teller you pretend
to be my client I'm going to read your future for the next 12 months when it comes to insert their problem here and you tell me how accurate I am with my prediction are you ready da da da and that's another good way to hook and open a webinar with don't you think that would hook somebody in everybody wants to know about their favorite subject which is theirselves so you do it in a fortune teller frame and that works fantastic now these are just a few of the hooks you can forklift into your next webinar
presentation the point is we want to make it easy as piie for you to go from a blank webinar slide deck to one that immediately grabs attention of your audience hooks them into the presentation and then once they're hooked what do you do next you go for the pain time and again I see webinars strike out because they're just frankly way too optimistic they forget that before you can sell the plan to Heaven you got to provide the path out of hell and this is why people go to therapy not for a Wonderful Life they
go to get out of depression that's where we have to meet our audience at most people who attend webinars have a specific pain that they can't get rid of no matter how they try so you have to meet them in the pain before you take them to the gain I have a client in the real estate space she is bubbly as the day is long and when the real estate market is good she's a killer she does over a million dollars a month with webinar techniques that I teach my clients yet when the market goes
south which it tends to do from time to time the message can't be here's how to sell more homes it needs to be here's how you and your family don't starve this is why we start with pain after you hook someone and you go straight after the pain like I did actually at the very beginning uh of this video I said I'm here today to sell you hard on webinars and to do that I must make a confession webinars are hard you have to teach and sell and most people can't even walk and chew bubblegum
at the same time and then I went on and brought up a whole host of other painful issues that it has associated with it when it comes to using webinars to make money see the most money that you'll ever make actually is if you can help people understand that it's too painful to stay the same and then they will automatically want to change and they'll be very open to your specific recommendation of how to change and that's when you excite and the excitement is in the why why this time with you will be different why
their previous limitations now hold the key to the Breakthrough that is needed why the weakness can become the strength why the limit can become unlimited why the excuse that once stopped you is no longer there when you reach for it there are so many ways to excite my favorite though is to use what I call the miracle formula this is where you get the audience to commit to you their why why they are willing to change and the problem with most webinars is they focus too much on the how and the what they focus too
little on the why and the question is why are you willing to do the work why are you willing to put the time to get the outcome that you desire if you can put somebody in touch with that why why the change why the desire if you can have them tap into that it is the single greatest motivator to ever exist so let's use the miracle formula are you ready here's how it goes looks like this before we get into the how and the what it's important to start with the why specifically your why why
are you willing to put the time and effort in to get what you want and deserve why are you willing to risk your comfort zone to get the result that you desire deepest in your heart the question isn't rhetorical I want to know the answer right now and I want you to put it in the chat and the more specific you can be the better and the more senses you can use the better what will your face look like when you succeed who will be cheering you on and supporting you what will it feel like
in your head and your heart and your stomach who else beside you will be better off when you finally reach that goal your powerful why with my what and how that I'll share today that's how we create Miracles my friend so then the real question is this are you ready to create a miracle today not a bad way to get somebody excited on a webinar is it pretty powerful isn't it and you didn't have to figure it out on your own I wrote it for you uh I don't even think you have to change a
single word of that you could just copy and paste it in this is how we create webinars see we first hook the audience to create a favorable impression bring the pain in so they know the cost of staying the same then you show them the excitement of the possibility of a better tomorrow and your audience now knows the penalty for Action they now know the reward for action and that's when we position this may be the most misunderstood Marketing Concept to exist which is crazy because positioning when done right allows me to take my clients
have them jump into brand new markets and immediately make an impact and win big profits also they leave their competition scratching their head confused looking around saying what the heck just happened see positioning is every thing see every killer webinar needs to take two positions the first one is you how you're uniquely qualified to solve the problem that your customers face they can't solve this particular problem from anyone else they can only solve it through you that's the position you need to take they either remain hopeless forever doomed for the remainder of their life on
Earth or they follow you that's the first position position number two is the opportunity why it's hot why it's needed to be done right now why others who try to do it the normal way will fall short and why your specific way and your approach of the opportunity is the difference between them winning and losing those are the two positions so how do you position yourself then well ideally with results big results small results medium results overall results recent results your results your client's results quality and quantity your webinar should be tripping with proof If
I had to choose to promote between two different webinars webinar one had two gigantic results webinar number two had 100 small results I would take the one with 100 small results quantity matters in the webinar game and it matters a lot so when I write for clients the easiest money that I ever make is I take an already existing webinar and just add more results to it I had a client once who had a testimonial from the freaking former prime minister of the UK yet she didn't use it in a webinar I don't know why
but she didn't so I just put it in there genius huh now you might say Jason I don't have kind of those big results yet what about me and my answer is you know what's more effective than talking about yourself it's talking about somebody else and if you're just starting out this should get you super excited because you can sell someone else more effectively than you can sell yourself and it's the most effective position actually that you can take so I have a webinar selling an Amazon product and it's responsible for over a billion dollars
in revenue for under a thousand customers these are not my customers I did not show them how to get a billion dollars in results I didn't produce that the clients that I do this webinar for they are the ones that achieve that what do I do I just write and deliver the webinar to sell their program and I've sold millions of dollars of this product and I get big fat royalty checks as a result of that for a product I didn't create one I don't have to support one I don't have to update I don't
even have to drive traffic to the thing my client does all that I just sell the thing on a webinar once or twice a year kick back cash some nice royalty checks That's The Power of webinars Now I get it I get the big clients because I got the big reputation as someone who can crush it on webinars well what about you if you don't have that rep yet then here is what you do as long as you can have a little bit of hustle in your bones I think you're going to be doing very
well with what I call the Statue of Liberty clothes goes like this if you visit the Statue of Liberty there's an inscription on it it says something along the following lines give me you're cold you're poor you're hungry you're sick you're tired give me your huddled masses and I will sell them I added that last part you can go to anyone with any audience who isn't using webinars yet and say hey you've done everything you can to try to sell your amazing product to your audience and for one reason or another some of them who
should own your product don't yet and I noticed that with the great marketing done you haven't done a webinar yet and if you're not closed off to the idea then I'd like to propose to you that I do the webinar for you I do all the work we invite only the people who have reached the end of the line and haven't yet bought from all your other previous marketing attempts and then of those who do buy you just give me a piece of the additional new found profits that I produced for you that you otherwise
wouldn't have gained that's the pitch and here's the best part once they say yes you puzzle piece the webinar together using the structure that I'm showing you in this video because the material is already there from their other marketing so you have all the raw ingredients the reality is there's thousands of really great products out there but there's only a few great pitches and if you analyze my top 32 best performing webinars of all time here's some interesting data for you nine of them were me writing a webin sell my own product cool eight of
them were Partnerships working with someone else where they created the product and I did the webinar seven of them were affiliate webinars meaning I wrote a webinar to promote somebody else's product for a cut of the sales four of them were me writing the webinar and somebody else delivering them and four of them were were I was the spokesperson the client did everything else except the webinar however you do it your webinar must take the position that what you're showing is the only option if somebody wants to solve the problem they solve it through you
or they live with the problem forever and now that the stage is set now that you've hooked pained excited positioned guess what we do next it's time for the shift the shift is the number one thing I do that separates my webinars from my competitors the shift is what allows my clients to get better results than anyone else see you can hook Pain and Gain and position in many different media and you can do pretty well with it but what makes the web we inar different is it allows you to uniquely perform the shift now
what is the shift to understand it you must know this prospects are promiscuous they're on 158 dog training email lists they listen to 73 different dog training podcasts they're subscribed to 47 different dog training YouTube channels and they're looking for more every single day during this product launch that we did here that set the record almost 10 million in 8 days we were competing against other marketers thousand plus other very smart and capable businesses and I knew the audience I was reaching was the same audience that they were reaching better results would come from saying
something different to this audience that they weren't hearing from anyone else and that's when I discovered the multi-million dollar question that changed my life forever would you like to know the question here it is what isn't this audience hearing that if they did hear would cause them to buy see my thinking was simple that they keep opening and reading the emails keep watching the videos keep going to the free training clearly they are looking for a reason to buy they just haven't found it yet so the question I ask myself is what aren't they hearing
that if they did hear it would cause them to buy interestingly enough my competition was actually doing me a favor to understand this let's talk football American football game works like this you play on a field it's 100 yards long opposing team kick the ball off your goal is to take that ball and move it from your side of the field to their end zone now if you do that you get paid if you don't do that you don't get paid so in this case you get paid with points if you get in there you
score some points everybody gets happy they cheer and they scream yay we made some points the point then is you try to run plays with the hopes that each Play Moves you closer and closer to the end zone yeah what happens if you get the ball all the way down to the one yard line and then you run out a time do you get like most of the points you get at least some of the points or you get like one of the points come on you got to get at least one point right no
the answer is unfortunately you get exactly none of the points and it's like that in business a deal that's 99% closed is still worth Z and what your competitors do is they pretty much use all the same techniques they say the same things slightly different words but same thing same angle same Rapport same all that and they get some of the sales they get what I call the 10% the 10% in a market who will buy simply because you reach them first aka the lowest of lwh hanging fruit unfortunately you can't build a life around
lwh hanging fruit what about the rest of the market the 80% who would buy under the right circumstances here's what your competition does it moves them closer to a yes like bringing the ball down the field but they don't close the deal so when you reach these customers they're already 80 or 90 or even 95% sold you just got to push them over the edge and even though you only did 5% of the work guess what you get 100% of the profits you cool with that I would be pretty cool with that now here's the
thing the one thing that stops someone from buying more than anything else is the limit they Place upon themselves if someone sees themselves as a failure until you remove that limit you will never sell them on being a success the reality is they can achieve the result that the product will show them how to get yet until they believe they can achieve it it doesn't matter how good the offer is they won't buy so if they've had a problem and they've tried 99 times to solve it and failed it makes sense that they have this
limit because their only experience is failure you have to help them understand how this time is going to be different you have to shatter the limiting belief that they have so thoroughly that they would feel stupid to even attempt to use their old excuse so you know what they do instead they buy from you now of the many shifts that I could share with you I have one I think to best illustrate the power of the shift and I call it smaller results sooner over larger results later our best webinar campaign ever in the finance
space wasn't how to make a million dollars by next year it was how to make a few dollars starting tomorrow see your average person in the market they got no concept of what a million dollars is you might as well be speaking a foreign language yet everyone has experienced tens of dollars good old Alexander Hamilton's and people know that hey if it's going to take a long time to get a result then that's a long time that I can screw it up and there are many opportunities for me to screw it up the longer it
takes to get it so you know what we do we reduce the time frame to the result and then guess what happens you remove the excuse that they'll give up before they can see the result because it's so short they even they can't give up right and we remove this false belief that I can't get a big result because we've shifted it to something that they can believe that they can get a small yet meaningful result a little bit of movement a little bit of momentum they believe they can hang in there for a short
time frame they don't believe they can hang in there for a long time frame and here's the coolest thing of all they believe that if they can get a small result and repeat it consistently then eventually they'll get the large result anyway so we get the best of both worlds so we shift it from Big result tomorrow to small result today from a long time to get it with a long amount of effort to a short time to get it with a short amount of effort and I've used this one over and over and over
again for example my product eClass webinar which has now ran over 15 years straight teaches you how to create $4 ebooks that are seven pages long I know come on just short ebooks that you sell for next to nothing and guess what the last time we launched that webinar because we updated the product pretty much the same webinar 30% conversion on a $500 price point not bad now you can get Advan with these different techniques like small results sooner like this shift here you can say well this has produced insane results over here with these
people showing you what's possible here's what I want you to do I want you to focus on smaller results instead that are more within your reach and you know what happens part of your Market says screw you I'm going big and they buy while disagreeing with you hm most people don't even know that's possible and the other part of Market says okay that makes sense I can see myself doing that and they buy because they're in agreement with you which is how most people think sells work yet guess what disagree or agree the end result
is still the same they all buy and that's how you really hit the next level with webinars now at the core of all my shifts here's my emphasis here's my thinking here's what I obsess over I don't want to change the person I want to change the circumstances that surround them I want to think of it like poker so you can try to make more money in poker by studying the game learning how to Bluff knowing the odds etc etc or you can just find tables with really bad poker players that bet large amounts of
money and they don't care if they lose so getting better is changing the person that's very hard to do finding tables is changing the circumstances that is easier to do so all my best webinars aim for this how do we require the least amount of change on the audience as possible in order for them to solve their problems you do this and you'll get more buyers than you ever thought possible you up for that if so keep following along so far we've talked about hooking people to create favorable Impressions to set the tone for the
webinar then going into pain because the audience is in pain so you must meet them there then you take them through excitement showing them the contrast between keeping the pain and putting in the effort to solve the problem next extra position to eliminate all options so the audience only looks to you for the answer and then you perform the shift so they have to do the least effort on their part to solve the problem and this is where we shatter the limiting belief that previously stop them we replace it with a new belief so they
can move forward to solve the problem and now we've set it up perfectly to start the transition into the offer we're going to make on the webinar question to you if you were a comedian what do you think's more important a setup or the punchline now the punch line gets all the credit it's the part people quote I'm Rick James you know but the punch line don't punch without the setup so if you're selling anything the state of mind you get someone directly in before you make them an offer that's even more important than the
offer that you make what if people were grateful that you're making them an offer what if they were happy and excited that you were giving them a choice to invest in themselves and now what if they were looking forward to what you're about to sell them do you think that that would make kind of a little bit of a gigantic difference you can and you could just forklift it with a transition that I'll show you in a minute maybe the most used webinar technique out of everything that I've taught in my life is the forklift
I'm about to show you with the transition first though I have a confession when I get started with webinars was very uncomfortable selling on webinars because people didn't expect to be sold when they attended a webinar way back in 2008 people are like a GE golly gosh I can't believe you would just show me all this stuff for free without a catch uh but there was always a catch then the catch was a pitch so I was very uncomfortable with this so the first hook that I ever created was what I called the two agendas
hook and it went like this I say I have two agendas today my first agenda is to give you the very best solution for free that you've ever seen when it comes to XYZ my second is to sell you something however if I don't make good on my first promise then please do not buy what I offer at the end of the webinar if by some small miracle however I'm able to actually give you the best solution for free that you've ever seen in your life when it comes to XYZ then promise me you'll at
least give serious consideration to this incredible special offer that I will make to you at the end of our webinar together today do we have a deal that was the first hook I ever did so I just told him up front if I do X then will you consider my offer simple as that which is awesome because then when it came time to transition to the offer it was really easy here's what I would say I would say at the beginning of the webinar I told you I had two agendas today my first was to
give you the very best solution for XYZ did I make good on that promise yes great now my second agenda was to present to you an offer that I think if you're the right person for it would be the very best thing in the world that you could invest in do I have your permission to make you such an offer right now and they would say yes and that was a really powerful setup considering I created that whole thing way back in 2009 now over the years I kept improving upon it I would try all
sorts of different stuff and this then allowed me to create what I now call the two Choice transition that's been used in webinars that collectively have generated over a billion dollars in sales to prove to you that all this stuff can be forklifted I'm going to show you how two students of mine who are in very different fields very different from each other both made this work the first is Bob Proctor and if you don't know Bob he's the all-time greatest trainer in personal development history he since moved on to Heaven yet while he was
on Earth he spent 53 plus years teaching over a million people The Art of Living one of his programs he sold through an automated webinar and it did pretty good and then it really started crushing it when he forklifted in one of my strategies like this one here he says I am certain just with the information we've covered on this webinar today left on your own with your own resources time and effort you can sit and reach some very interesting goals and if that were your only option it would be a worthy ideal to pursue
but what if there was another option an option that allowed us to go at this together a chance to go deeper than we can in one short hour on one fast moving webinar connecting together just one time what if I played an active role in your results took responsibility in your success and had an obligation to your outcome how would that make things different do you think in that situation I could Empower you with any and all sorts of resources at my disposal to stack the deck in your favor to make success all but inevitable
if I had such shortcuts and support systems and additional insights that go even deeper and more throw into getting you the results you want desire and deserve if I had such an option for you would you love to hear more about it and what it could do for you that's why it's with great pleasure that I introduce to you and then insert product name here in his case the secret science of getting rich and this was a almost word for word transition from something that I taught all the way back in 2012 Bob took it
forklifted it in changed a couple words and it allowed that webinar just to kill it so that's the first student of mine who used this two choices transition here's the second one this is Alex Heros you probably heard of him uh Once Upon a Time he bought a webinar training program that I did and he called it the single best course I've seen to date on offer Creation in Persuasion and some advice that I gave him he says it changed his life now I bring this up because when he did the biggest book launch in
the history of internet marketing and he used a webinar he paid me 25k for a day of Consulting and most of that time was actually spent on the shift we didn't have to spend it on the transition because he just forklifted my transition into his presentation it looks like this you see before doing this presentation today I was faced with one of two choices the first option is part ways with you and then hope that you on your own can figure it out or my second option I could take a more active role and responsibility
for your success to create a winwin situation I chose the second option and when I did you're going to be glad yada yada Yad same exact structure CU I took the two choices I've taught it in a variety of different ways but each way was copy and pastable and the transition just shows hey you can do it on your own and a cold dark miserable existence or we can do it together and I can Empower you and stack the deck in your favor best transition that you can put into any webinar now you might say
hey both of those are kind of money related does does this only work in the money Niche well here's another client of mine the trumpet playing Niche that Jeremy's in uh people pay him 5K to learn how to be better trumpet players and his coaching program is booked and this is the transition that he uses now he books phone calls and closes them on the phone but it don't matter because game is still game here's what this looks like now I have total confidence that you could take everything we covered and apply it to your
Trumper playing on your own today with the information we covered in this webinar along with your own resources I'm sure you could go out into the real world of music and accomplish what most wouldn't be able to do and if that were your only option you'd still be off to a great start but what if there was another option and now you know how the rest of it plays out here's my point the transition gets the audience in the most receptive state to hear the offer which then puts you in the most comfortable state to
make the offer so now it's time to close I'm going to make a statement and when I say it your response initially is going to be like yeah duh Jason of course right yet it's only obvious after I pointed out and it's easy easy to forget when it comes time to make your offer so you're going to want to write this one down okay you got the pen you got the paper you ready Let's go people make really dumb decisions for really stupid reasons frequently these are your buyers these are my buyers this is me
when I'm buying this is you when you're buying see a person won't drive across town to save $100 on a new million dooll Ferrari but that same person will drive across town to save $100 on $110 parach shoes and if you ask them why they'll say well the shoes were over 90% off and that sounds like a lot doesn't it but if you think about it the net result is exactly the same in both instances they saved just $100 so if they do it for the shoes they should do it for the Ferrari but they
don't that's because customers are insane and they're irrational so fight them with logic and reason and lose the sale or figure out how to present your offer within a customer's weird decision-making process and then get stupid Rich if you have an offer that includes training and software and templates Community coaching and you sell it for $1,497 that's a pretty good offer that can work now if instead though you did it like this training is $497 and when you sign up you also get this software for free and these templates for free and access to this
community for free and all this coaching over here for free that actually works so much better it would blow your mind when when you go and do it even though it's the exact same deliverables even though it's done at the exact same price the way it's presented matters more than what is being presented and by the way speaking of price your audience only knows if it's a good price based on what they can compare it to so if you go to buy a suit and they take you to the first one it's $5,000 then when
they show you the next one it's only $11,000 it's not that it cost 1,000 bucks anymore it's that it's $4,000 cheaper than the first first one that they saw yet if you come in and the first suit they showed you some piece of crap $100 suit and then they showed you the ,000 suit you're not thinking it cost $1,000 you're thinking it cost $900 more than the first thing that I saw so same suit same price yet it's either a deal or it's a ripoff based on what came directly before it it gets better turns
out it doesn't even have to be dollars to Dollars any number will do psychologist once did a test where they asked Americans hey what's the last two digits of your Social Security number and then they asked them hey what do you think the value is of this specific house and what they discovered is the higher the Social Security digits the higher people guessed at the value of the house and that's when I developed this price close that you can forklift into your next webinar goes like this the sun's 93 million miles from Earth yet it
gives 8 billion people all the nourishment we need and I'm only asking you to put down 1997 today with insert product name here we started with a million we went to a billion then we dropped to a th we did big number big number tiny number in comparison now does this really work though yeah on its own it can actually help yet webinars are kind of like Avalanches it's the buildup of every part from Hook to pain to excitement to shift to transition to close that's what makes the millions anything taken in isolation and used
on its own certainly can help yet it's when you connect them all together that's where the miracles happen that's where the money gets made and that's where the lives get changed one major problem with how people sell though is they overemphasize the results yet they do little to decrease the risk people might buy when the result is big enough but people will buy if the risk is completely removed now you can never really truly fully remove risk but the closer you can come to it the more money you're going to make now I've looked at
thousands of webinars on the market I've created hundreds myself and yet I've only seen a handful of webinars outside of my own that use the greatest risk reversal strategy to ever exists so are you ready to discover one of my best secrets to webinar success a secret I use that less than 0.1% of webinars use here it is it's called a better than money back guarantee I want you to imagine a scenario where the customer carries 100% of the risk and the person making the offer carries 0% of the risk so the customer risks everything
the seller risks nothing hm now you come along strapping young lad that you are and you yourself you don't like Risk either because nobody does so you only shift a tiny little bit of the risk from the customer to yourself like we're talking like 1% of the risk that you shoulder and what do you think happens when you're the only one that's willing to take on any risk on behalf of your customer the gesture itself will close the Cale and what if you could shift a real risk off their shoulders onto your shoulders and make
it not a risk to you at all how powerful would that be we call this risk Arbitrage we take a real risk to them that's not a risk to us we look like a hero we make the sell would you like an example of what this looks like so you can forklift this into your next webinar all right here we go listen if you try this out and for some strange reason it doesn't work for you even if I give you your money back you're still out your time you're still out your effort so is
there a way I could pay you for your time if by some weird chance you try this out and it doesn't work out for you turns out I can see the difference between those who win with this immediately and those who take a little longer is one word it's called consistency winners consistently make a plan in the morning and follow it in the afternoon and that's all I ask of you here's what I want you to do simply create a Google doc and share it with support aty yourdomain.com and then for the next 60 days
write the specific action you'll take that day in a paragraph in the morning and then in the evening document what you actually did do that for 60-day straights and if you don't insert specific result here I'll give you double your money back simple as that now if you use a better than money back guarantee like this guess what you're going to discover if you get customers to be consistent they get results and if they get results then they don't even need the guarantee anymore and only the most unluckiest customers the ones who go outside and
somehow a bird flies by and poops on their head these are the one in a thousand or 10,000 or 100,000 customers who end up ever qualifying for the guarantee so would you increase your cost a tiny little bit if it increased your profits by a whole bunch now every damn marketer I know will risk more money on Facebook and Google ads they're willing to continue to spend more and more and more to acquire customer so they'll give billion- dooll corporations money but they won't risk one Thin Penny on the customers themselves which is insane because
if they did they could cut their ad bill in half because they would double their conversion rates so even if you're not ready to do the better the money back guarantee on your first webinar I get it that's a big step for some of you then at the very least promise you will use the next technique that I'm about to show you which is so damn easy even a child can do it and by the way that's where I learned it from a child here's what it looks like study show it takes people being asked
to buy about 26 times on average before they say yes most marketing campaigns ask for the order on average just four times that's freaking insane the point is the more you ask the more money you make provided you can do it in a way that isn't annoying and I will show you how to do so in a few slides now the problem with almost all webinars is this they present to you the offer every part of it big and small they talk about the bonuses if they have them and maybe they throw in a money
back guarantee if they have that and if they're smart they sprinkle in some scarcity on the top and they take the time to explain it all and after this very long long time spent going through all this then and only then do they do their first call action if you do it the way I show by the time all these other presenters have made their first call to action you've already made at least your 10th now here's something most people won't realize when you make the first call to action yeah you'll pick up the immediate
chunk of first buyers those that are dying of thirst they're going to buy right away cool you'll make a little bit of money that way so if you had 100 people on when you make the offer and you get four of them to immediately say yes to your first ask for a $1,000 product you just made $4,000 that's pretty damn good that's the equivalent of the pay of eight brain surgeons yet four out of 100 is just only four small percentages the reality is this any offer no matter how good it is no matter how
well it is presented will be met with an immediate no by a majority of your audience the first time that they hear it it's not you it's them the word no is the easiest word to say no means no sign up no money spent no effort put in no no change see in the short term doing nothing is always going to be the most attractive choice there's little consequence to it and there's no action needed it's over the longterm that doing nothing costs you and the pain of regret hurts more than the pain of action
that's why you have to be persistent to help your audience help themselves one way to help them make a yes decision is Empower them to feel in control the saying goes people don't want to be sold but they do want to buy so if they say no when you ask and then you know they think it over for a minute and they decide on their own terms to say yes somehow in their mind that's different so they have to say no to you so they can say yes to you later so get the no out
of the way so you can get to the yes sooner doesn't that make sense makes total sense doesn't it now what most presenters believe though is that when you ask for the order people will say no immediately and then run for the hills instant permanent rejection and the reality is most people who say no say no and then stay on the webinar and this is where all the real money is made the trick to Big webinar profits then goes like this here's my offer here's why it's a bargain go to example.com yes to sign up
and most people don't and only a couple do then you say I also have this bonus here's what it's about now go to example.com yes and one or two or three will say yes and most of them will still say no and then you say oh I also have this other bonus over here and here's what it's all about here's why it's awesome now go to example.com and get signed up and maybe you pick pick up another buyer or two and then you say Hey listen this special deal it's limited and expires soon here's why
it's limited here's when it expires now go to example.com yes and sign up before it expires and you might pick up another one or two along the way and you say hey here's another reason why you should consider buying and if that makes sense to you now go to example.com yes to sign up and you might pick up another one you might pick up another two and you say oh here's a different reason from a different perspective and if that makes sense to you now go to example.com and sign up and might pick up another
one or you might pick up another two and they say oh here's yet another reason and now if that makes sense to you go to example.com yes and sign up and you might pick up another one and you might pick up another one and you will double or triple or quadruple your sales by continually asking with just a little bit of technique you can make a lot of money now at the heart of it is a concept that I figured out many years ago and I say it like this new insight new decision so if
anyone makes it this far in your webinar you know they're the right fit they should buy yet they haven't bought yet because they haven't heard the right reason to buy and here's the good news Zoom doesn't charge you by the minute PowerPoint doesn't charge you by the slide audience just need that one right reason to buy and once they hear it then they will say yes now his right reason might be different than hers and this person might need to hear more than one reason before they say Yes And since you lose Nothing by giving
additional reasons the only thing stopping you from doing this is because you don't know enough different reasons to get give them so forklift them I have a client whose webinar is now over eight figures but there's one problem the webinar is 4 hours long now only a about an hour of that is an actual presentation and the other three hours of it is different reasons his attend should buy and every reason is one he got from me he has written each one out word for word and just reads them out one after the next are
you telling me Jason that you have three hours on specific word for Lord closes no I'm not I have more than 3 hours a lot more but you know 3 hours it's a good warm-up uh you could for example use one of these closes in your next webinar I call it the old habits close goes like this wouldn't you agree that habits are hard to change that's why you're struggling to get insert result here and if we ended the webinar right now in part of ways it's highly doubtful you would immediately change your habits and
behavior to achieve insert specific result here in fact you are already aware of how easy it is for you to fall back into your old habits the ones that prevent you from insert result here and damn it I ain't going to let that happen if you want true lasting change so you can finally achieve insert result here then you're going to need repeated exposure with the right resources and you're also going to need accountability lucky for you I have both the right Resources with the right exposure combined with the right accountability at example.com yes and
when you go there and sign up today you get the rest of it right that's the old habits close and it only works in about every single webinar that has existed you could also use this next close it's called the nothing uh nothing special close close and it sounds like this you say listen what I've been able to do is nothing special when you consider the facts the facts are I've spent the last several years of my life using trial and a methods to discover the secrets that I can give you today for one easy
investment of insert money here at example.com yes now I'm of average intelligence I have average skill the only major advantage I have going for me is I'm willing to work hard fell often and never give up you can do the same you can go out there and spend countless hours dealing with all the stress and headaches and making all the same mistakes that I did but my question to you is why why would you do that when you can shave thousands of hours of headache and heartache off by simply exchanging a small amount of money
today to get insert result here now you can Breeze past the pitfalls as I give you the essence of my thousands of hours experience so you can shortcut your path to success to a matter of hours or days instead of months or years when you look at it like that I think you'll agree with me that you're getting the deal of the century when you sign up today at exam le.com yes and of course you could use that close however you want to uh you can be direct you can use the results or excuse clo
it goes as follows you say people are good at one of two things they're good at getting a result or they're good at making excuses these are mutually exclusive you can't be good at both so my suggestion to you is pick one now your excuses might not cost you money but they will cost you dignity growth and eventually they will cost you your soul and the longer you sit with your excuse the better you get at making them you can make excuses or you could pick results and if you only got half as good at
action required to get result as you are with your excuses then you'll accomplish far more in the next few months than you ever possibly dreamed in your life your excuses or example.com yes which will be your future and you could close like that uh you could even get spiritual with it and use the footprints clothes goes like this you say when you sign up at example.com yes you get the best solution for insert result here and you also get something else you get me you ever heard of the poem called Footprints a man had a
dream he was walking on the beach with God and as he walked many moments from his life shown in the sky each moment had Footprints attached to it sometimes there was two sets sometimes there was one set and the man noticed all of his hardest times in his life there was only one single set of footprints and this upset the man and the man asked God why God why was I left in my darkest moments to walk alone and God replied son the times when you see only one set of footprints those were the times
that I carried you and when you sign up at example.com yes you get both the best solution for insert result here plus you get me and with me if things ever get hard and you need carried I will carry you I will support you I will be there for you I believe in you more than you believe in you when it comes to this so help me help you by going to example.com yes and signing up right now okay now all these closes no matter how you feel about them or the difference in the words
they all designed to do one single thing and that's breaking a loop your best customers who should say yes don't because they get stuck in what's called an indecision Loop so keep giving them new information and sooner or later you'll help them break out of the loop of indecision and then if it makes sense so many of them will decide yes I want to invest with you listen when someone's considering a solution how big is their desire to watch listen and consume as much as possible to help them make a really good decision and the
answer is a lot your competition is ignorant to this and this is why they quit early you just have to quit later and you'll capture all the money that they left on the table does that sound like something that you're up for now a 4-Hour webinar beats a three-hour webinar which beats a 2-hour webinar which beats a 1-hour webinar because most time we spend on the webinar is on objections address an objection ask for the order address another objection ask for the order I have a very serious question for you right now do you care
about the audience you want to serve seriously like do you care and if so how much is it a little bit or is it a lot of bit now anybody can say they care if you actually show it though if you're willing to hang on your webinars just a bit longer than everyone else you will show your audience that you care more than anyone else and when you care more than anyone else you make more money than anyone else when you show you'll hang in there longer than everyone else you get to sell and if
you'd like more personal help with this or anything that we discussed on this YouTube video today then comment below and we'll see what we can do for you subscribe like share I'll see you on the next video