watch this if you're tired of being broke

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Alex Hormozi
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Video Transcript:
this is a video I'm making for Avante the young man who was working two jobs with a one-year-old who's struggling and said he was sick and tired of being poor and didn't know how to get out I didn't have time to answer you when I was walking but I wanted to take this minute to give you a longer answer I'll read you the Tweet maybe we'll put it up on the screen to ivonte the young man who stopped me at the grocery store working two jobs with one-year-old who asked advice on how to get ahead
I gave you a short answer because I was in a rush and it ate at me so if you follow me here maybe you'll read this what you're going through is tough being so young and already having to support a child is not easy but you'll have the opportunity to become an amazing inspiration in a way I never could your success story will become your sermon that being said under the advice you're going to need to assume that luck isn't real or that it applies to everyone else but you because the only way you're going
to get out of your surroundings is by having something of value that other people want and right now the only thing you have is your time with low skills to trade which is a hard game to play you have to trade a lot of it only to get a little so your main objective is to have the time to learn a skill while providing for your family that means in the short term your family may have to suffer scratch that your family will suffer but better now when they're 2 young to remember than when they're
too old to forget again not forever but for now so these are the things you're going to have to do and this isn't dabble stuff this is wake the [ __ ] up because if you don't you're gonna blink and be 30 and in the same spot but worse number one cut all costs and I mean all costs you don't need out anymore for anything and if you're hungry you deal with it if it's not from a discount grocery store you don't buy it clothing ha what you've got is everything you need for the next
two years period no exceptions reuse trade or go to Goodwill you go to work you go home and home is ideally with your family and when I say family your folks and if you don't have folks who have got who've got room or a couch or a basement that you can say at the worst case is with another family also trying to make it and save so it's six of you eight of you 10 of you in one spot all splitting it all of you contributing and it's gonna be as cheap as you possibly can
number two increase your income you're working two jobs your free time I want you to spend applying to other jobs closer to what you want to do he said he didn't like either of the things that he was doing at that time so any at home phone sales job has starter roles that require zero experience to pay 40 000 a year or more or do that and work your other job in between if you can't drive Uber if you don't have a car save up until you do number three the easiest thing to sell is
someone else's stuff so start there then learn how to buy stuff for cheap and then flip it the bigger the thing the more you make you go from flipping cards to Furniture to home and the limit never really stops from there on Final note I could hear the stress in your voice when you were talking to me about your situation it sounded like you didn't know what to do sadness comes from a lack of options it's a feeling of hopelessness but whenever you feel that I want you to think this is ignorance not sadness it
means I don't know enough and that I can control you asked me to come work for free but I have no need for low-skilled labor but I do have a need for high skilled beasts it's why I make the books and the courses and the content everywhere for free so use those then get yourself a high paying job and every day apply for higher paying ones I recommend sales to start then once you get in there for the love of God work until your fingers bleed because you have no other option you have no luck
nothing is going to work out for you you're not going to catch a break you're going to have to make it happen you're going to have to force it you've got to become undeniable and the best news is is that you can do that in less than a year so that's my advice number one cut all your costs everything number two work more to make more and apply to better jobs and then learn to sell three start selling more expensive stuff and then eventually sell your own the game is Just trading up over and over
and over again you're just a few trades away from a very different financial situation so Avante I wanted to add on top of that you're in a tough spot and I think some of the words I probably just said to you might hopefully hit home somewhere but one of the hard things that you've got going on right now is like when I saw you you were wearing relatively nice clothes and I wasn't gonna like bash you on it when I saw you but I want to take the opportunity to say like you know better you
know what I mean like you know that like if you're struggling with money that's the last thing that you should spend money on right and um I think one of the difficulties especially when you're younger is you've got your friends you got your family and especially if they're all poor then they have terrible views around money they might not approve of all the stuff you're learning on the internet and trying to try these new things out and the real real is like you're gonna fail a lot and and they're going to see say she told
you so and the tough part is is they're going to be right most of the time except it's one of those things where it's 99 right but 100 wrong is that anybody who bets against you for this thing being the thing is usually going to be right it's just like a parent who says you're gonna break up with this person you're gonna break up with this person you're gonna break up with this person but they're right with every single person you ever date except for the person you marry and then they're 100 wrong and if
you have the perspective of listing to that it can be incredibly disheartening and so number one is I want you to go on a on a different information diet so you need to be able to ignore all the stuff that they're giving you because like the best way to stay poor is to listen to poor people about how to get rich you're already taking great steps by like washing content and doing stuff just keep doing more of that and I'm sure you're growing you know you have your baby with that's your world like anybody who
does it who's not trying to build Avante 2.0 with you doesn't deserve your time because like right now you have a wallet of money and you got a wallet of minutes and like every single person you're choosing to pay minutes to or pay dollars to has to earn their keep and earning their keep in this season of your life is them helping you get to where you want to go now I don't know what you're making in your job I'm just going to assume the extreme scenario if you're making a minimum wage at both jobs
and you're working 80 hours doing that I get it and I respect the hustle which is why I'm making this video you need to get more for your time and right now the extra time on top of that 80 is you sleeping and probably spending time with your kid and what I'm going to say people in your surroundings will say like that guy's extreme or that guy he's he's not balanced and the answer is yes I am extreme and I am unbalanced for the season that you're in I think you should be too because the
thing is it's like if you don't take action on this five years is going to go by and nothing's going to change because you're not going to get ahead like you need to get your head firmly above water because you probably barely feel like you can keep your head above surface right that's where all that stress is coming from and you don't know what to do so to get the water lower you've got to lower your time budget and your money budget and I want to go really extreme with you and I'm not telling you
to do anything I didn't do all right I owned my car in cash which I think was a five or six thousand dollar car and I slept in a room with another dude in a house that had six other people in it and we all split it so I wasn't in a terrible neighborhood I just paid 400 a month in a nice neighborhood because I didn't have my own place and so I had to split my kitchen and I had to deal with the fact that three of them had dogs and would [ __ ]
and piss everywhere all the time it sucked but you know it would have sucked more not being able to have the money to buy the courses and the seminars and the workshops that I was able to attend with the extra that I saved so I could learn my next skills and so right now food and shelter is the only thing you spend money on and you're gonna drop everything else and you're gonna drop those expenses to the greatest degree possible and either your girl is working if she's working then you can have child care if
she's not working to take care of the kid then you need to say listen sweetie like I got to do this for us right now and so like you're putting your sacrifice in which is you're sacrifice in your career so we can you can be with the kid I need to sacrifice the kid right now so I can have the career so that together as a family we're balanced rather than the individual so there's two levels of balance I want you to think about one is the macro which is like you can be bounced over
your lifespan when you're retired you'll have more time you can go to Europe you can do whatever the other stuff is right and also you can be balanced in a family unit your wife might spend more time with the kid than she does in her career but you're gonna spend more time anything to do with the kit for now cut out the people who are taking your time easy way to see this is like if the people in your life don't have bigger dreams for you than you do ignore all of their advice let's just
ignore them entirely and I know that that's simple to say and hard to do but you're in a hard situation and I think the question is whether you can be harder than your circumstances right there and you have to be to get out of this luck has already dealt you a [ __ ] hand let's assume he's never going to give you the right hand you're never going to get lucky but you still need to win and so now it's like how do I do that if you have a car you can have more flexible
hours if you drive through there that's something that I recommend for a lot of people if you don't have a car you need to save up as fast as you can to get one buy one in cash negotiate try and get yourself five to ten thousand dollar car in cash you don't have payments you just have the insurance which because it's a cheap car will be less the remainder of your time and you got to tell your lady this it's like I'm gonna be spending four hours a day every day watching these videos and this
isn't me Doom scrolling on YouTube I need you to pick one skill that you want to have and only consume stuff about that this is my one thing I'll let you buy it's a timer you can buy for five bucks not your phone and you set the timer set it for those four hours a day and every time you look away you stop the timer you do four hours of real work of studying the skill after you've done enough of that work and you're like what's enough 20 hours like you're like oh I could do
that soon yeah I know so I'm telling you you can get out of this fast you can switch those four hours of you learning the basics of that skill just spending the rest of your time being the most amazing applicant to new jobs that exists in the world I didn't say go apply to jobs I said be the best candidate that has ever applied and you're like I don't have experience and you can address that like what I don't have an experience I will make up for and hustle and you prove that by messaging multiple
people at every company with a snippet personalized to each of them you know what other people do like they take a half step they copy and paste the same thing to all four people and you know what the poor people do yeah yeah he copy and pasted the same message to me don't do that be personal look at the HR recruiter look at the head of talent look at director of whatever and message each of them on LinkedIn if you don't have a LinkedIn go get one it's free and when you submit your resume put
a personalized cover letter on it after reading from the website what that business is about when you read the job description good job description say what they want the person to do and say like I will be able to help do this thing because of these things right and especially a lower level role your resume is not going to matter as much don't let anybody around you say that or fool you into that what will matter especially for low-level roles is hustle so every employer wants to see if somebody's going to go out of their
way to go above and beyond and so you demonstrate that you're gonna go above and beyond and guess what's gonna happen you're going to do this for five different places you're gonna write a custom thing it's gonna take you four hours to do the research write the custom thing message 20 people because it's going to be four people at all five places you know what's gonna happen nothing because you're not lucky so what are you gonna have to do gotta be undeniable do you think if you applied to a thousand places like that over the
next six months you wouldn't get a job I think you would you think if like after you got off your shift and you drove over and you said hey I just want to let you know not in a creepy way and say hey just let you know I applied to put my resume I messaged a couple you guys I just want to let you know I'm really excited about the opportunity don't want to be overbearing but if you guys would give me a shot I promise I'll wear part of any other candidate here and I'd
like to show you that I'm demonstrating that by these things you're like I have proof that I'm saying I'm not just making this up proof that I will work harder and you know what will happen one of them say I'll give you a shot and then when they give you that shot shove it in everyone's face how hard you work not by what you say but by what you do be silent and just kill look at what the top guy does and do twice as much as that guy does be Kobe for whatever the job
is if you don't know the whole story about Kobe he did three practices a day while everyone else did one or two because he wanted to get ahead and in the beginning he was worse than them and then he got as good as them and then he became better than them and he kept doing three practices a day until eventually no one could catch up because if they were doing three practices a day they would just keep up with his rate of progress but he got ahead and so the guy who's number one at whatever
that business is probably works better than you and he works longer than you and so you can't just match him to get ahead because he'll always be ahead you gotta match his current effort and then do your I'm gonna get ahead of you effort like when he clocks out is when your work clocks in that's when Avante 2.0 clocks in and the thing is it's like if you can adopt this like if you can really internalize this you're gonna Crush you're going to win you can make luck not a factor when I had Jacob my
19 year old my son son I'm kidding when I was talking to him I think he was 16 actually 6 15 or 16 when I started talking about this imagine he's even less reason to get a job than you all right less experience I gave him three words and he said he still remembers him this day I said volume negates luck if you need to put it put on the back of your phones as a reminder to yourself because in the beginning the volume you're gonna do is the timer of you watching the videos and
taking the notes and watching the videos learning the lingo learning the language so that when you get into an interview you know what to say and then reps is going to be watching mock interviews on YouTube watching people who are hiring experts talk about the best ways to present watch some of Layla's videos about how to interview correctly you do that stuff you'll put yourself ahead of other people volume okay cool now you're like okay but I'm not getting interviews volume negates up crank the timer start doing the Reps one a day two a day
three a day four day five a day six a day 10 a day every single day you're like wait that's 40 messages that are personalized and 10 cover letters yeah that'll probably take about four hours and then what do you do tomorrow set the timer you do it again next day set the timer you do it again what do you do the next day set the timer you do it a [ __ ] game and you keep doing yeah and on the ones that you really really like you drive over there after you get off
your shift you stop by and you say hey I'm Avante I'm really excited about the opportunity I think I could help I applied you got a couple message from me I promise I'm not a weirdo I just did it because I wanted to stick out for the rest of the pile because I know you guys I'm sure for an opportunity as good as this you probably got a lot of people who are interested I just promise you that I just want a shot you say that they will give you the interview and if they don't
someone will and once you do get that job and you work harder than everyone else you turn the dial and you don't do it for a week you don't work harder than everyone else for a week you don't work hard at them for a month you don't work harder than for six months you work harder than the top guy for a year for two years you're like well [ __ ] dude I'm already like two or three years from now yeah I said it was a season but on the other side of this season is
everything else that you want and so if I said Devonte in 36 months are you willing to give me 36 months to get yourself out of the feeling that you have right now you're like I'm sick and tired of being poor I'm sick of not being able to buy the stuff for my girl that I want I'm sick and I'll be able to provide for my kid I want him to be in a good zip code I want to be able to have good school I want them to be able to have these things there's
a price tag on them the question is just whether or not you're willing to pay it if you're willing to pay it crank the dial and volume will negate locked but you can't rely on lock you can rely on volume because that I promise you independent of race color socioeconomic background really wait some racist socioeconomic backgrounds are how someone appears uh gives them an advantage short but if you do it a million times just give an advantage because you only need one yes if there's like a lesson I can like have you like etch into
your brain is that there's a significant amount of money and opportunity that sits on the other side of being willing to be rejected by a stranger if you get rejected a thousand times you are no worse off than you are right now in fact you're better why because you have a thousand times experience and so you either learn or you win which means in both cases by doing you win by default I'll give you a little analogy so let's say you and your buddy are thinking about asking a girl to prom it'll make sense in
a second and your buddy's like ah man I want to ask Nicole and you're like all right man why don't you go ask her it's like what if she says no he's like well then you're in the exact same position you are now which is you have no prom date you will also have no prom date but you'll have experience of asking one wrong what happens when you talk to the next Road you'll probably be a little less nervous and you probably realize that you'll survive you you will live if you hear a no and
if you ask 100 girls do you think one of them will say yes to your prom date probably and in that situation what are you now better off than you were before you asked the moral of the story there is that you lose nothing from no you only stand something to gain from yeses and one yes can change your entire life and so if you're willing to be rejected and see the rejections as you learning meaning you win and see the yeses as you also winning then you can't move and everybody else around you who's
poor is going to convince you otherwise they're going to be like why are you still doing this man stop bothering those people man you're never going to get the job and you need to readjust your expectations set your goals slower hey that stuff's not for us right they're going to tell you those things because the thing is is that you have something that I do not have and that many people won't have is that you have a hard [ __ ] beginning you have a harder and bigger monster to slay but the bigger the monster
the more epic the hero and so these are the stories that you're going to someday tell and these are gonna be the sermons that you're going to be able to give to other Avantes in the future if you can't even muster the willingness to fail for yourself be willing to fail for your kid for the story that you're to tell them and be willing to fail for the hundred other a thousand other Avantes that you'll be able to someday tell your story to so they can get out of their situation so I didn't have time
to say that but hopefully I'll give you a couple more minutes to give you a little more context I think I can speak confidently for all imagination we're all rude for you
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