Never Convince Them to Be With You! Do This Instead

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Powerful Stoic Habits
In this video, you'll discover why trying to convince someone to stay with you is a mistake. Instead...
Video Transcript:
hey everyone welcome back to powerful stoic habits today's topic might just knock your socks off you might be thinking wait what if I don't keep them close or constantly try to get their attention won't they just Drift Away what if someone else catches their eye well folks that's where the stoic magic comes in stick with me closely because this is the video that's going to flip the script on your relationship life let's dive right into it whether you're trying to spark something new dealing with a partner who's giving you the cold shoulder or navigating a
friendship that's feeling distant trying to convince someone to stay feels like grabbing onto Sand it just slips through your fingers no matter how hard you try to hold on it never works the way you want that's what happens when you try too hard to keep someone's attention take two situations maybe you're trying to attract someone new and you're doing everything to impress them like a magician trying to wow an audience sure it works for a moment but when the tricks stop so does their attention or maybe the spark in your relationship has dimmed and you're
trying to rekindle it the more you push the more forced it feels and the more distant they become so forget about chasing or conv vincing think of yourself as a stoic magnet instead of running after someone build your own strength and calmness when you're steady and confident in yourself people will naturally be drawn to you you won't need to work for their attention they'll feel your energy and come closer because they want to not because you're trying to convince them now before we dive deeper let's affirm our commitment to this this change as our stoic
friend once said what you think you become repeat after me I am a stoic magnet declare it loud my friends go ahead and drop it in the comments and let them find out that you are no longer dancing to their Tunes you are a stoic a stoic magnet and now they will be the ones drawn toward you let's go [Music] so folks I'm about to give you an eight-step stoic recipe to completely flip the script on your relationship life trust me you just need these eight steps to become that stoic magnet the kind of person
who draws others in effortlessly without chasing or convincing but before we dive into these strategies we need to understand the basic principle that ties all of of this together controlling your thoughts yes my friends this is the core of stoicism you see when you don't have control over your thoughts and actions you become desperate desperate for their attention their validation you start chasing after them like a dog chasing its tail running in circles but never getting anywhere this is where we make the biggest mistakes in relationships we think that if we keep pushing keep convincing
they'll finally turn around and see our worth but the truth the harder you chase the faster they run as epic tetus once said freedom is the only worthy goal in life it is one by disregarding things that lie beyond our control your thoughts are your true power when you let them run wild fixated on getting someone's approval you lose control of yourself you stop living your life for you and start living it for someone else's attention that's not being a stoic magnet that's being a puppet on strings so here's what we need to do stop
giving them the control over how you feel what you think and how you act the moment you shift that Focus back to yourself you start to Glow differently you start walking through life with a sense of peace and purpose and guess guess what that's when people start noticing they become drawn to you not because you're trying to pull them in but because your confidence and calm are irresistible that's what being a stoic magnet is all about think about it when you're calm centered and in control of your thoughts you become like a rock in a
river the water flows around you but you remain steady unshaken you're not chasing attention you're simply being and others naturally gravitate toward that energy this is the mindset that will carry you through every relationship whether it's sparking something new reigniting a fading Flame or navigating tough times with a friend so before we get into the eight strategies that will turn you into a stoic magnet I need your full Focus here this is the foundation the key to everything master your thoughts and you'll master your relationships stop letting their reactions control you control yourself and everything
else will fall into place stay with me now because we're about to dive into the steps that will change everything and if you still haven't declared that affirmation in the comments Now's the Time to do it as our wise stoic friend epic tetus once said first say to yourself what you would be and then do what you have to do so go ahead and quickly say it out in the comments I am a stoic magnet let this guide you toward the confidence calm and strength we've been talking about well with that level of confidence let's
Dive In Step One let go of fear so folks the first and most powerful ingredient of our stoic recipe to craft a stoic magnet is letting go of fear this one is huge and once you add it into your personality everything changes when fear controls you you're no longer in charge of your actions you become desperate chasing after people seeking their approval and doing whatever it takes to keep them in your life but let me tell you fear is the exact thing that makes them Drift Away imagine this you're trying to attract someone new you
start feeling anxious worried that they might not like you back so you start overthinking every move texting them more constantly trying to impress bending over backward to make them stay interested at this point you're not showing them your true self you're showing them the version of you that's controlled by fear and guess what people can sense that desperation a mile away it's like trying to hold on to a bar of soap the tighter you grip the faster it slips out of your hands but what happens when you let go of that fear when you stop
caring about whether or not they're into you suddenly you become relaxed confident and in control you stop chasing and as a result people start being naturally drawn to you letting go of fear turns you into a stoic magnet you know longer rely on anyone else to make you feel complete you're complete on your own and that energy is incredibly attractive now I know what you might be thinking easier said than done right of course fear is a tough thing to shake but here's the truth fear lives in your mind and like all thoughts you can
control it epicus once said men are not disturbed by things but by the views they take of them in other words it's not the situation that causes fear but how you perceive it so how do you actually let go of fear it starts with recognizing when fear Creeps in the next time you catch yourself feeling anxious about losing someone or trying to convince someone to stay in your life pause ask yourself what am I so afraid of most most of the time it's the fear of rejection fear of being alone or fear of not being
enough but remember these fears are imagined they exist only in your mind and they don't have to control you let's look at a relationship example suppose you're in a situation where your partner seems distant your first instinct might be to Double Down try harder convince them to stay shower them with with attention but all of that comes from Fear What If instead you let go of the fear of losing them what if you decided to focus on your own growth and well-being rather than obsessing over their approval suddenly you're not chasing anymore you're showing them
that you're confident and secure in yourself and that my friends is magnetic fear creates neediness letting go of fear creates confidence think of it like walking into a room the person who walks in with their head held high calm and at ease draws attention the one who fidgets nervously scanning the room for approval doesn't people are naturally drawn to those who exude confidence and that confidence only comes when you've let go of the fear of rejection or failure now let's add a bit of humor here imagine you're at a party and someone's frantically running around
trying to make everyone like them they're cracking jokes refilling drinks making sure everyone's happy it's exhausting just watching them right now think about the person sitting comfortably laughing having a good time without any effort that's the person everyone gravitates toward not because they're trying to win anyone over but because they don't need to that's the key to letting go of fear you stop needing their validation you stop needing their approval and guess what when you don't need them that's when they start wanting to be around you it's ironic but the less you need someone the
more attractive you become now how do you incorporate this into your life start small the next time you feel yourself over thinking worrying about someone's opinion pause remind yourself that their approval does not define your worth it's just a thought you don't have to act on it take a deep breath and let it go if it feels difficult that's okay growth isn't supposed to be easy every time you catch yourself slipping into fear and decide to let it go you're building your mental muscle it's like working out each rep makes you stronger over time letting
go of fear becomes second nature and you'll start to notice how much lighter and more confident you feel in the end as the stoics say we suffer more in imagination than in reality most of the things you fear won't even happen the worst case scenarios you play out in your head rarely come true so why waste your energy worrying about them letting go of fear is the most powerful thing you can do to become a stoic magnet it frees you from the need to convince anyone of your worth instead you simply live your life confidently
knowing that those who truly value you will be drawn to you so my friends let's wrap this up with a powerful affirmation close your eyes and repeat after me I am a stoic Magnet say it with conviction let go of the fear that's been holding you back and declare it to the universe I am a stoic magnet you don't chase you attract the right people will come into your life because they see your strength confidence and calm let the universe know that you've let go of fear and now it's time for the world to come
to you and if up to this point you have any questions or maybe a different perspective feel free to drop them in the comments let's discuss it together and if everything is crystal clear and this video has brought value to you go ahead and Crush that like button let me know that you really appreciate this content ready to dive deeper let's go my stoic magnets as the real Jam of our stoic recipe is about to begin step two visualize success all right my stoic magnets it's time to dive into the second powerful ingredient in our
recipe visualize success now I know what you might be thinking visualizing success that sounds a bit too easy right but trust me this step is absolutely crucial if you want to become a stoic magnet so why is visualizing success such a big deal let's break it down imagine for a second that you're going into a situation where you want to attract someone's attention maybe it's a first date maybe it's a casual chat with someone you're interested in or maybe it's even reconnecting with a partner who's become distant now what's the first thing that often happens
doubt you start thinking what if this doesn't go well what if they're not into me what if I say the wrong thing before you even step into the situation you're already playing out the worst case scenario in your mind here's the thing what you think you become that's not just motivational talk it's rooted in stoic philosophy epic tetus said we are what we repeatedly think if you keep visualizing failure or rejection guess what you're setting yourself up to act out of fear and insecurity and that energy pushes people away but what if we flip the
script What If instead of imagining all the ways things could go wrong you start visualizing everything going right you imagine yourself walking into that room or that conversation with confidence speaking clearly and being your best self you see them smiling engaging and enjoying your company visualizing success isn't just about feeling good it sets the tone for how you enact your mind and body follow the path your thoughts set imagine this you're about to meet someone new instead of focusing on what might go wrong close your eyes and picture everything going perfectly you walk in with
your head held high you're relaxed you're at ease and you're your authentic self you see the conversation flowing naturally both of you laughing and connecting the atmosphere is light fun and enjoyable you walk away feeling great knowing that you showed up as the best version of yourself now I know this might sound too good to be true but visualizing success prepares your mind for that reality you're more likely to act confidently more likely to handle the situation with ease and less likely to be shaken by minor setbacks it's like you've already lived it in your
head so when the real thing happens you're ready for it but let's keep it real it's not always easy right sometimes visualizing success can feel like you're lying to yourself especially if you're used to thinking negatively or doubting yourself that's totally normal so how do you get past that how do you make visualization work for you when it feels difficult here's the trick start small if you're not ready to visualize the entire situation going perfectly focus on just one small part maybe it's how you'll feel when you walk into the room with confidence or maybe
it's Imagining the sound of laughter when the conversation is going well visualize those tiny victories first and build from there the more you practice the more natural it becomes you're training your brain to expect success rather than failure and here's where things get really cool the universe responds to the energy you put out when you visualize success you start to emit confidence you stop chasing approval stop trying too hard to impress and instead you start pulling people in with your calm and confident energy that's exactly what being a stoic magnet is all about think about
the last time you met someone who was confident but not arrogant just calm cool and collected they didn't need to boast or overdo it and yet everyone wanted to be around them that's what happens when you visualize success and embody it you're no longer seeking validation from others because you've already validated yourself in your mind you've seen it you've felt it and now you're living it let me give you a fun example picture a sports team before a big game they don't sit around imagining themselves losing right no they visualize making the winning play scoring
the goal lifting the trophy why because by visualizing success they Prime themselves to act in ways that make that success happen the same principle applies to your relationships when you see yourself succeeding in your mind you're more likely to act in ways that lead to success in real life now let's get a bit stoic with this as Marcus Aurelius said the happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts visualizing success is about elevating the quality of your thoughts so that your actions follow suit when you keep your mind focused on positive outcomes
your emotions stabilize and you stop reacting from a place of fear or desperation instead you act from a place of calm confidence and that's magnetic so how do you incorporate this into your daily life make visualization part of your routine before a big meeting a date or even just a casual conversation with someone you care about take a few minutes to close your eyes and see it going well picture every detail feel the emotions you want to experience and breathe into that confidence if it feels difficult at first don't stress just like with anything practice
makes progress start small maybe visualizing how you'll feel calm and collected and over time you'll get better at seeing the whole picture of success the more you do it the more you train your brain to expect success and the more natural it becomes finally let's end with an affirmation that will lock in this mindset repeat after me I am a stoic Magnet say it with confidence visualize yourself as that calm magnetic force that draws people in effortlessly declare it loud and let the universe know that you're no longer doubting yourself you see your success you
feel it and you're ready to live it now go ahead and drop that affirmation in the comments if you have not already I am a stoic magnet let's make it real let's make it happen and let's dive deeper into the next steps of our journey as the next steps are even more empowering and you really need those ingredients in your stoic recipe step three do your best and let go so my stoic friends now that we've let go of fear and started walking the path of a stoic magnet it's time for another key ingredient in
our recipe do your best and let go this is where you stop stressing over things beyond your control and start embracing what you can do with full effort without getting hung up on the outcome imagine you're in a relationship or maybe you're trying to attract someone new you're doing everything you can to impress them showing your best self being thoughtful giving it your all but here's the problem once you start obsessing over whether they'll like you back you enter dangerous territory it's like baking a cake and sitting there watching it in the oven constantly opening
the door afraid it won't rise you're doing everything you can but you can't control the cake once it's in the oven and guess what all that worry ruins the process that's why the key is to do your best and then let go senica once said the greatest obstacle to living is expectation which depends on tomorrow and wastes today you've put in the work you've shown up and you've done everything in your power now you have to release your grip on the outcome the outcome is out of your control no amount of worrying or convincing will
change it you've already done your best the moment you let go of needing a specific result you create space for things to naturally happen this is where the real power of being a stoic magnet comes in imagine you're trying to reignite a fading spark in your relationship you've planned a special date your making an effort to connect again but here's the catch the more you try to force it the less natural it feels the more you're invested in making sure it goes perfectly the more pressure there is and it ends up pushing them further away
instead focus on doing your best plan the date be present show up as the best version of yourself but once you've done that let go of trying to control their reaction you can't control how they feel but you can control how you handle yourself this doesn't mean you stop caring or that you slack off on the contrary stoicism is about showing up and giving your full effort in everything you do you do your best because that's what you can control but then instead of stressing about the outcome you trust the process and let go of
the need for everything to go your way think about it like planting a seed you can water it give it sunlight and take care of it but you can't force it to grow it will grow in its own time at its own pace the same applies to relationships friendships or any area of Life do everything you can to nurture it but then step back and let it be when you start embracing this mindset you'll notice a shift people will sense that you're calm confident and not trying to control everything you're no longer grasping at straws
hoping for things to work out instead you're at peace knowing that you've done your best and that kind of energy it's magnetic people are drawn to those who aren't desperately trying to control every detail of their lives you become more attractive simply because you're not stressing about what happens next now now how do you incorporate this into your life start by reminding yourself daily I can control my actions but not the outcome when you catch yourself worrying about whether someone will text you back whether the date will go well or whether they'll like you pause
and say I've done my best and I'm Letting Go focus on the process not the result it might feel difficult at first because we're wired to care about the outcomes but here's the beauty of stoicism when you master The Art of Letting Go after doing your best you find peace you realize that stressing over the outcome won't change it it only robs you of the present moment as Marcus Aurelius wisely said you have power over your mind not outside events realize this and you will find strength your strength comes from knowing that your best is
in enough and you don't need to control what happens after let go of needing things to turn out perfectly and you'll discover a new kind of Freedom let's end with our affirmation repeat after me I do my best and I let go say it with confidence declare it loud drop it in the comments if you can let the world know that you're no longer a slave to outcomes you're a stoic magnet doing your best and trusting that everything will fall into place exactly as it should now let's move forward with this mindset ready to conquer
whatever comes our way step four value your time now folks the fourth powerful ingredient in our stoic magnet recipe is simple but incredibly important value your time if you don't value your time why should anyone else your time is the most precious resource you have and once it's spent you can never get it back so why waste it on people who don't see your worth imagine this you're constantly texting someone waiting on their reply rearranging your schedule just to be available for them or even worse sitting around hoping they'll notice you that's not valuing your
time that's giving your time away to someone who isn't respecting it what if instead you spent that time on yourself on your growth your passions you become a stoic magnet by showing people that your time is precious and you won't waste it chasing anyone here's a fun example think of your time like a VIP ticket to an exclusive show you wouldn't just hand that out to anyone right only the people who truly deserve it get in when you start treating your time like it's VIP others will start seeing it that way too Marcus Aurelius said
it is not death that a man should fear but he should fear never beginning to live don't spend your life waiting on someone else live now invest your time wisely and people will notice the shift when you're not constantly available people start to realize that they need to work to be part of your life so how do you value your time set boundaries don't drop everything for someone who only gives you half their attention focus on activities that bring you Joy growth and fulfillment if someone truly wants to be in your life they'll respect your
time and make an effort to earn it if it feels difficult to set those boundaries at first first remember this is about respecting yourself you can't be a stoic magnet if you're always available at the snap of a finger people are drawn to those who value their own time and aren't afraid to say no when necessary so let's affirm this I value my time say it with me my stoic magnets I value my time and as you go forward watch how the world starts respecting that time too step five Embrace Detachment all right folks the
next key ingredient in our stoic magnet recipe is a GameChanger Embrace Detachment now this doesn't mean you stop caring about people or situations it means you stop depending on them for your happiness the moment you detach from outcomes and let go of needing things to go a certain way you become incredibly powerful think about it when you're obsessed with someone's attention or outcome you're tied to it emotionally you feel stressed anxious and desperate to make things happen imagine constantly checking your phone for their message waiting for that validation exhausting right that's not attractive that's chasing
now what if instead of stressing about their response you detached you're not cold or indifferent you're just not dependent on their reaction for your peace of mind here's an easy example imagine you're planting a seed you give it water sunlight and care but after that you have to let nature take its course you can't sit there stressing every moment about whether it'll grow you trust the process and you let it be that's Detachment you've done your part and now you let go of the outcome epicus said make the best use of what is in your
power and take the rest as it happens when you Embrace Detachment you stop trying to control everything and suddenly you free yourself from the emotional roller coaster people are naturally drawn to those who don't need constant validation you become a stoic magnet because your sense of peace and confidence isn't tied to anyone or anything outside of yourself how do you start embracing Detachment focus on the process not the outcome do your best in every situation and then let go if they like you great if they don't you're still awesome it's that simple so let's affirm
this together I embrace Detachment say it loud my stoic magnets and let the universe know you're not not chasing you're attracting I embrace Detachment watch how people come closer when you let go of needing them step six practice gratitude all right folks the sixth ingredient in our stoic magnet recipe is one that's often overlooked but holds incredible power practice gratitude you might be wondering how does gratitude make me more attractive well let me tell you gratitude is a GameChanger when you focus on what you have instead of what you lack you radiate positivity and that
kind of energy pulls people in like a magnet think about it nobody wants to be around someone who's always complaining about what's missing in their life it's like sitting next to someone at a party who only talks about how bad the music is but when you practice gratitude you're like the person who's enjoying the moment appreciating the company the vibe and making others feel good that energy is infectious imagine this you're trying to attract someone but instead of focusing on whether they're paying attention to you you start appreciating the people already in your life the
moments of Joy you've experienced and the opportunities you have suddenly you're not seeking validation from them because you're already filled with gratitude for the good things around you and that's when they notice you as the stoic philosopher senica said true happiness is to enjoy the present without anxious dependence upon the future when you live in gratitude you're content in the present you stop worrying about what might happen or who might leave you live with abundance mindset and that abundance is magnetic how do you incorporate gratitude into your life start small each day take a moment
to reflect on three things you're grateful for no matter how simple they are over time you'll notice how much your mindset shifts you'll feel more content more at peace and More in tune with the positive energy around you if it feels tough at first don't worry gratitude is like a muscle the more you practice the stronger it gets now let's affirm this together I live in gratitude say it loud my stoic magnets I live in gratitude and as you do watch how life and the people around you start to gravitate toward that positive energy step
seven keep your emotions in check all right folks now we're diving into a crucial ingredient of our stoic magnet recipe keep your emotions in check this one's a GameChanger if you let your emotions run wild you lose control and people can sense that instability but when you keep your emotions balanced you project strength calm and confidence qualities that draw people toward you like a magnet let's be real relationships can trigger all all kinds of emotions jealousy frustration anxiety maybe you've sent a message and haven't gotten a reply and suddenly you're spiraling imagining all the worst
case scenarios or you feel angry because someone isn't giving you the attention you think you deserve these emotional reactions while normal don't help you in fact they push people away now imagine this instead of reacting you pause you feel the emotions Rising but instead of letting them control you you take a breath acknowledge the feeling and then let it pass that's the stoic way you become the calm in the storm and people are drawn to that emotional stability as senica said he who is brave is free when you have The Bravery to keep your emotions
in check you gain freedom freedom from being tossed around by every little thing that happens you become a rock unshaken by life's ups and downs how do you incorporate this in real life practice mindfulness the next time you feel that emotional wave building pause before you react ask yourself is this emotion worth my peace most of the time the answer is no over time this habit of pausing and reflecting helps you gain control over your emotional responses if it feels difficult that's okay emotional control takes practice but the more you do it the stronger you
become remember people are attracted to those who can handle their emotions with Grace let's affirm this together I control my emotions say it loud my stoic magnets I control my emotions when you Master this you're not just attracting people you're commanding respect final step let it all sink in all right my stoic magnets we've gone through all the powerful steps and now we reach the final step let it all sink in this is where everything we've talked about comes together where the real magic happens you've got the tools the strategies and the mindset now it's
time to own it imagine you've been cooking up a recipe all day adding each ingredient carefully you don't rush to serve it before it's ready right you let it sit let the flavors develop this is the same becoming a stoic magnet isn't an overnight transformation it takes time but trust me when you let everything sink in that's when people will start to notice you stop chasing you stop convincing and people are naturally drawn to your calm confident energy as epicus said no great thing is created suddenly just like a beautiful tree takes time to grow
so does your journey to becoming a stoic magnet you've done the work letting go of fear valuing your time mastering your thoughts now let it settle into your daily life you might be thinking what if I slip up what if I find myself self going back to old habits that's okay we're human the key is to recognize when you're slipping then gently bring yourself back to the principles you've learned each time you do you're reinforcing those stoic habits so how do you let it all sink in be patient with yourself you've planted the seeds of
confidence self-worth and emotional control now allow them to grow every day remind yourself of the steps you've taken and Trust the process with time you'll notice a shift not only in how others respond to you but in how you feel about yourself let's finish with a final affirmation I am a stoic Magnet say it with confidence declare it loud let it sink in and let the universe respond you've done the work now enjoy the results keep shining my stoic magnets so this was our video for today a powerful recipe to transform yourself into a stoic
magnet if this lesson resonated with you please like this video and drop a keep it up in the comments to let me know you made it to the end and that I wasn't just talking to the wind thanks for being here and I'll see you in the next one
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